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Diese Seite soll über den Salafismus/Islamismus/Terrorismus informieren.
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Wir wollen in Europa mit allen Menschen friedlich zusammen leben,
egal welche Herkunft, Nationalität und Religion.

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(Achtung: Youtube ist überschwemmt mit Videos, die salafistischen/islamistischen Einfluss besitzen.
Deshalb: Schaut euch die Accounts genau an!)

[DOKU] Wie Salafisten zum Terror verleiten - 2013

Pulverfass Deutschland - Doku über Probleme zwischen Salafisten und Rechtsradikalen

Salafisten, ein finsterer Verein (heute-show)

Deutsche Salafisten drangsalieren weltliche Hilfsorganisationen in Syrien | REPORT MAINZ


Best of 2013 Peter Scholl Latour EZP Salafisten wird durch Saudisches Geld verbreitet!!!

Frauen im Islam

Gülen Bewegung
Gefahr für Deutschland - Gülen Bewegung versucht die Unterwanderung

Islamisten oder Demokraten - Die Islamische Milli Görüs

Die türkischen Graue Wölfe (Rechtsextremismus/Islamismus)

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Sonntag, 24. November 2013

Your 2 hourly digest for Salafisten & Salafismus in Facebook ; Islam Koran Moschee

Salafisten & Salafismus in Facebook ; Islam Koran Moschee
Hier werden Nachrichten über den radikalen Salafismus veröffentlicht. Was sind Salafisten? (Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr) Diese Seite richtet sich nicht gegen Muslime und den Islam.Diese Seite soll über den Salafismus/Islamismus/Terrorismus informieren. Es ist wichtig über Fanatiker aufzuklären, um den Frieden und die Freiheit zu sichern. Wir wollen in Europa mit allen Menschen friedlich zusammen leben, egal welche Herkunft, Nationalität und Religion. 
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Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 25 Themen
Nov 25th 2013, 03:24, by Nahsaka Lasbhan


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 11:06PM  

    tauhid - Social Mention
    Awas Bahaya !! Banyak hadits palsu dan lemah dalam Kitab Ihya' Ulumiddin (Karya Imam Al Ghazali) Kitabnya kaum Shufi. Alergi memang kalau mendengar nama Imam Al Ghazali bahkan ada yang muntah-muntah tapi tetaplah kita jangan membenci, Kiranya tidak berlebihan kalau kita mengatakan bahwa kitab Ihya' Ulumiddin adalah termasuk kitab berbahasa Arab yang paling populer di kalangan kaum muslimin di Indonesia yang sering dibawa dalam khutbah jum'at, bahkan di seluruh dunia. Kitab ini dianggap sebagai rujukan utama, sehingga seorang yang telah menamatkan pelajaran kitab ini dianggap telah mencapai kedudukan yang tinggi dalam pemahaman agama Islam. Padahal, kiranya juga tidak berlebihan kalau kita katakan bahwa kitab ini termasuk kitab yang paling keras diperingatkan oleh para ulama untuk dijauhi, bahkan di antara mereka ada yang merekomendasikan agar kitab ini dimusnahkan! (Lihat kitab Siyaru A'laamin Nubala', 19/327 dan 19/495-496). Betapa tidak, kitab ini berisi banyak penyimpangan dan kesesatan besar, sehingga orang yang membacanya apalagi mendalaminya tidak akan aman dari kemungkinan terpengaruh dengan kesesatan tersebut, terlebih lagi kesesatan-kesesatan tersebut dibungkus dengan label agama. Di antara kesesatan besar yang dikandung buku ini adalah pembenaran ideologi (keyakinan) wihdatul wujud (bersatunya wujud Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala dengan wujud makhluk), yaitu keyakinan bahwa semua yang ada pada hakikatnya adalah satu dan segala sesuatu yang kita lihat di alam semesta ini tidak lain merupakan perwujudan/ penampakan Zat Ilahi (Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala) – Mahasuci Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala dari segala keyakinan rusak ini –. Keyakinan sangat menyimpang bahkan kafir ini dibenarkan secara terang-terangan oleh penulis kitab ini di beberapa tempat dalam kitab ini, misalnya pada jilid ke-4 halaman 86 dan halaman 245-246 (cet. Darul Ma'rifah, Beirut). Cukuplah pernyataan Syaikhul Islam Ibnu Taimiyah berikut ini menggambarkan besarnya penyimpangan dan kesesatan yang terdapat dalam kitab ini, "Kitab ini berisi pembahasan-pembahasan yang tercela, (yaitu) pembahasan yang rusak (menyimpang dari Islam) dari para ahli filsafat yang berkaitan dengan tauhid (pengesaaan Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala), kenabian dan hari kebangkitan. Maka, ketika penulisnya menyebutkan pemahaman orang-orang ahli Tasawwuf (yang sesat) keadaannya seperti seorang yang mengundang seorang musuh bagi kaum muslimin tetapi (disamarkan dengan) memakaikan padanya pakaian kaum muslimin (untuk merusak agama mereka secara terselubung). Sungguh para imam (ulama besar) Islam telah mengingkari (kesesatan dan penyimpangan) yang ditulis oleh Abu Hamid al-Gazali dalam kitab-kitabnya" (Kitab Majmu'ul Fataawa, 10/551-552). Oleh karena itu, Imam Adz-Dzahabi menukil ucapan Imam Muhammad bin al-Walid Ath-Thurthuusyi yang mengatakan bahwa kitab Ihya' Ulumiddin (artinya: menghidupkan ilmu-ilmu agama) lebih tepat jika dinamakan Imaatatu 'uluumid diin (mematikan/merusak ilmu-ilmu agama). Di samping itu, kitab ini juga memuat banyak hadits lemah bahkan palsu, yang tentu saja tidak boleh dinisbatkan kepada Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam, bahkan banyak di antaranya yang sangat bertentangan dengan prinsip dasar agama Islam. Hal ini tidaklah mengherankan, karena sang penulis adalah seorang yang kurang pengetahuannya terhadap hadits Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam, khususnya dalam membedakan hadits yang shahih dan hadits yang lemah, sebagaimana pernyataan sang penulis sendiri, "Aku memiliki barang dagangan (pengetahuan) yang sedikit tentang hadits (Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam)" (Dinukil oleh Imam Ibnu Katsir dalam kitab Al-Bidaayah wan Nihaayah, 12/174). Dalam tulisan ini saya tidak akan membahas semua kesesatan tersebut, tetapi saya akan membahas dan menilai keabsahan hadits-hadits yang dimuat dalam kitab ini, berdasarkan keterangan para ulama ahlus sunnah yang terlebih dahulu meneliti dan mengkritisi kitab ini. Kritikan para ulama Ahlus Sunnah terhadap hadits-hadits dalam kitab ini 1- Imam Abul Faraj Ibnul Jauzi berkata (dalam kitab beliau Minhaajul Qaashidiin, sebagaimana yang dinukil dalam Majalah Al-Bayaan, edisi 48 hal. 81), "Ketahuilah, bahwa kitab Ihya' Ulumiddin di dalamnya terdapat banyak kerusakan (penyimpangan) yang tidak diketahui kecuali oleh para ulama. Penyimpangannya yang paling ringan (dibandingkan penyimpangan-penyimpangan besar lainnya) adalah hadits-hadits palsu dan batil (yang termaktub di dalamnya), juga hadits-hadits mauquf (ucapan shahabat atau tabi'in) yang dijadikan sebagai hadits marfu' (ucapan Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam). Semua itu dinukil oleh penulisnya dari referensinya, meskipun bukan dia yang memalsukannya. Dan (sama sekali) tidak dibenarkan mendekatkan diri (kepada Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala) dengan hadits yang palsu, serta tidak boleh tertipu dengan ucapan yang didustakan (atas nama Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam)." 2- Imam Abu Bakr Muhammad bin Al-Walid Ath-Thurthuusyi berkata, "…Kemudian al-Ghazali memenuhi kitab ini dengan kedustaan atas (nama) Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam, bahkan aku tidak mengetahui sebuah kitab di atas permukaan hamparan bumi ini yang lebih banyak (berisi) kedustaan atas (nama) Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam melebihi kitab ini." (Dinukil oleh Imam Adz-Dzahabi dalam kitab Siyaru A'laamin Nubala', 19/495). 3- Syaikhul Islam Ibnu Taimiyah berkata, "Dalam kitab ini terdapat hadits-hadits dan riwayat-riwayat yang lemah bahkan banyak hadits yang palsu. Juga terdapat banyak kebatilan dan kebohongan orang-orang ahli Tasawwuf." (Kitab Majmu'ul Fataawa, 10/552). 4- Imam Adz-Dzahabi berkata, "Adapun kitab Ihya' Ulumiddin, maka di dalamnya terdapat sejumlah (besar) hadits-hadits yang batil (palsu)." (Kitab Siyaru A'laamin Nubala', 19/339). 5- Imam Ibnu Katsir berkata, "…Akan tetapi di dalam kitab ini banyak terdapat hadits-hadits yang asing, mungkar dan palsu." (Kitab Al-Bidaayah wan Nihaayah, 12/174). 6- Syaikh Muhammad Nashiruddin Al-Albani berkata, "Betapa banyak kitab Ihya' Ulumiddin memuat hadits-hadits (palsu) yang oleh penulisnya dipastikan penisbatannya kepada Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam, padahal Imam Al-Iraqi dan para ulama lainnya menegaskan bahwa hadits-hadits tersebut tidak ada asalnya (hadist palsu)." (Kitab Silsilatul Ahaadiitsidh Sha'iifah wal Maudhuu'ah, 1/60). 7- Bahkan, Imam As-Subki mengumpulkan hadits-hadits dalam kitab Ihya' Ulumiddin yang tidak ada asalnya (palsu), dan setelah dihitung semuanya berjumlah 923 hadits (lihat kitab Thabaqaatusy Syaafi'iyyatil Kubra, 6/287). Beberapa contoh hadits palsu dan lemah yang dimuat dalam kitab ini 1. Hadits, "Percakapan dalam masjid akan memakan/ menghapus (pahala) kebaikan seperti binatang ternak yang memakan rumput." (Kitab Ihya' 'Ulumiddin, 1/152, cet. Darul Ma'rifah, Beirut). Hadits ini dihukumi oleh Imam Al-'Iraqi, As-Subki dan Syaikh al-Albani sebagai hadits palsu yang tidak ada asalnya dalam kitab-kitab hadits (lihat kitab Silsilatul Ahaadiitsidh Dha'iifah wal Maudhuu'ah, 1/60). 2. Hadits, "Taufik yang sedikit lebih baik dari ilmu yang banyak." (Kitab Ihya' 'Ulumiddin, 1/31). Hadits ini juga dihukumi oleh para ulama di atas sebagai sebagai hadits palsu yang tidak ada asalnya (lihat kitab Thabaqaatusy Syaafi'iyyatil Kubra, 6/287 dan Difaa'un 'anil Hadiitsin Nabawi, halaman 46). 3. Hadits, "Agama Islam dibangun di atas kebersihan." (Kitab Ihya' 'Ulumiddin, 1/49). Hadits ini adalah hadits yang palsu, karena dalam sanadnya ada perawi yang bernama 'Umar bin Shubh al-Khurasani, Ibnu Hajar berkata tentangnya (dalam kitab Taqriibut Tahdziib, halaman 414), "Dia adalah perawi yang matruk (ditinggalkan riwayatnya karena sangat lemah), bahkan (Imam Ishak) bin Rahuyah mendustakannya." (Lihat kitab Silsilatul Ahaadiitsidh Dha'iifah wal Maudhuu'ah, no. 3264). 4. Hadits, "Sesungguhnya orang yang berilmu akan disiksa (dalam neraka) dengan siksaan yang akan membuat sempit (susah) penduduk nereka." (Kitab Ihya' 'Ulumiddin, 1/60). Hadits ini dihukumi oleh Imam As-Subki sebagai hadits yang tidak ada asalnya (lihat kitab Thabaqaatusy Syaafi'iyyatil Kubra, 6/287). 5. Hadits, "Seburuk-buruk ulama adalah yang selalu mendatangi para penguasa/ pemerintah dan sebaik-sebaik penguasa adalah yang selalu mendatangi para ulama." (Kitab Ihya' 'Ulumiddin, 1/68). Hadits ini juga dihukumi oleh Imam As-Subki sebagai hadits yang tidak ada asalnya (lihat kitab Thabaqaatusy Syaafi'iyyatil Kubra, 6/288). 6. Hadits, "Barangsiapa yang berkata, 'Aku adalah seorang mukmin', maka dia kafir, dan barangsiapa yang berkata, 'Aku adalah orang yang berilmu', maka dia adalah orang yang jahil (bodoh)." (Kitab Ihya' 'Ulumiddin, 1/125). Hadits ini juga dihukumi oleh Imam As-Subki sebagai hadits yang tidak ada asalnya (lihat kitab Thabaqaatusy Syaafi'iyyatil Kubra, 6/289) dan dinyatakan lemah oleh Imam As-Sakhawi (lihat kitab Al-Maqaashidul Hasanah, halaman 663). 7. Hadits, "Seorang hamba tidak akan mendapatkan (keutamaan) dari shalatnya, kecuali apa yang dipahaminya dari shalatnya." (Kitab Ihya' 'Ulumiddin, 1/159). Hadits ini juga dihukumi oleh Imam As-Subki sebagai hadits yang tidak ada asalnya (lihat kitab Thabaqaatusy Syaafi'iyyatil Kubra, 6/289). 8. Hadits, "Sesuatu yang pertama kali Allah ciptakan adalah akal…" (Kitab Ihya' 'Ulumiddin, 1/83 dan 3/4). Hadits ini dihukumi oleh Imam Adz-Dzahabi dan Syaikh al-Albani sebagai hadits yang batil dan palsu (lihat kitab Lisaanul Miizaan, 4/314 dan Takhriiju Ahaadiitsil Misykaah, no. 5064). 9. Hadits, "Barangsiapa yang mengamalkan ilmu yang telah diketahuinya, maka Allah akan mewariskan kepadanya ilmu yang belum diketahuinya." (Kitab IIhya' 'Ulumiddin, 1/71, 3/13 dan 3/23). Hadits ini dihukumi oleh Syaikh Al-Albani sebagai hadits yang palsu (kitab Silsilatul Ahaadiitsidh Dha'iifah wal Maudhuu'ah, no. 422). 10. Hadits, "Wahai manusia, pahamilah (dengan akal) dari Rabb-mu dan saling berwasiatlah dengan akal." (Kitab Ihya' 'Ulumiddin, 1/202). Hadits ini adalah hadits palsu, diriwayatkan oleh Dawud bin al-Muhabbar dalam kitab Al-Aql, yang dikatatakan oleh Ibnu Hajar, "Dia adalah perawi yang matruk (ditinggalkan riwayatnya karena sangat lemah) dan kitab Al-Aql yang ditulisnya mayoritas berisi hadits-hadits yang palsu." (Dalam kitab Taqriibut Tahdziib, halaman 200). 11. Hadits tentang shalat ar-Ragaaib di bulan Rajab (Kitab Ihya' 'Ulumiddin, 1/83). Hadits ini dihukumi sebagai hadits palsu oleh Imam Al-'Iraqi (lihat takhrij beliau di catatan kaki kitab tersebut, 2/366, cet. Dar Asy-Syi'ab, Kairo). Penutup Dengan uraian ringkas tentang kitab Ihya' 'Ulumiddin di atas, jelaslah bagi kita kandungan buruk dan penyimpangan yang terdapat di dalamnya. Maka, seorang muslim yang menginginkan kebaikan dan keselamatan dalam agama dan imannya, hendaknya menjauhkan diri dari membaca buku-buku yang mengajarkan kesesatan seperti ini. Renungkanlah nasihat emas dari Imam Adz-Dzahabi ketika beliau mengkritik kitab Ihya' 'Ulumiddin dan kitab-kitab lain semisalnya yang memuat kesesatan dan penyimpangan, karena tidak mencukupkan diri dengan petunjuk Alquran dan hadits-hadits shahih dari Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam dengan pemahaman yang benar. Imam Adz-Dzahabi berkata, "Kitab Ihya' 'Ulumiddin di dalamnya terdapat sejumlah (besar) hadits-hadits yang batil (palsu) dan banyak kebaikannya kalau saja kitab itu tidak memuat adab, ritual dan kezuhudan (model) orang-orang (yang mengaku) ahli hikmah dan ahli Tasawwuf yang menyimpang, kita memohon kepada Allah (dianugerahkan) ilmu yang bermanfaat. Tahukah kamu apakah ilmu yang bermanfaat itu? Yaitu ilmu bersumber dari Alquran dan dijabarkan oleh Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam dalam ucapan dan perbuatan (beliau shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam), serta tidak ada larangan dari beliau shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam tentangnya. Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam bersabda, "Barangsiapa yang tidak menyukai sunnah/ petunjukku, maka dia bukan termasuk golonganku." (HR. Al-Bukhari (no. 5063) dan Muslim (1401). Maka, wajib bagimu wahai saudaraku untuk men-tadabbur-i (mempelajari dan merenungkan) Alquran, serta membaca dengan seksama (hadits-hadits Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam) dalam Ash-Shahiihain (Shahih Al-Bukhari dan Shahih Muslim), Sunan An-Nasa'i, Riyadhus Shalihin dan Al-Azkar tulisan Imam An-Nawawi, (maka dengan itu) kamu akan beruntung dan sukses (meraih ilmu yang bermanfaat). Dan jauhilah pemikiran orang-orang Tasawwuf dan filsafat, ritual-ritual ahli riyadhah (ibadah-ibadah khusus ahli Tasawwuf), dan kelaparan (yang dipaksakan) oleh para pendeta, serta igauan tokoh-tokoh ahli khalwat (menyepi/ bersemedi yang mereka anggap sebagai ibadah). Maka, semua kebaikan adalah dengan mengikuti agama (Islam) yang hanif (lurus/ cenderung kepada tauhid) dan mudah (agama yang dibawa dan dicontohkan oleh Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam). Maka, kepada Allah-lah kita memohon pertolongan, ya Allah, tunjukkanlah kepada kami jalan-Mu yang lurus." (Kitab Siyaru A'laamin Nubala', 19/339-340). Penulis: Ustadz Abdullah bin Taslim al-Buthoni, M.A. (manisnyaiman)
    Nov 24th 2013, 23:01
    Ada Yang Salah.... Underground Tauhid – Doeloe… orang tua kita berangkat bekerja setelah matahari terbit dan sudah kembali ke rumah sebelum matahari terbenam. Walaupun memiliki anak yang banyak…..rumah dan halaman pun tetap luas, bahkan tidak sedikit ada yang memiliki kebun…dan semua anak-anaknya bersekolah…. Sekarang….banyak yang berangkat kerja subuh dan sampai rumah setelah isya, tapi rumah dan tanah yang dimiliki tidak seluas rumah orang tua kita, dan bahkan banyak yang takut memiliki anak banyak karena takut kekurangan…. "Dan sungguh akan اَللّهُ berikan cobaan kepada manusia dengan sedikit ketakutan, kelaparan, kekurangan harta…." (Al Baqoroh (2) AYAT 155) Ada yang salah dengan cara hidup orang modern…. Orangtua kita hidup tanpa banyak alat bantu….tapi tenang menjalani hidupnya… Sementara kita yang dilengkapi dengan pampers, mesin cuci, kompor gas, HP, kendaraan, TV, email, FB, Twitter, , ipad, ruangan ber AC dll..harusnya mempermudah hidup ini….tapi ternyata tidak, sampai2 tidak sempat kita menikmati hidup karena semuanya dilakukan terburu-buru… …berangkat kerja, TERBURU-BURU…. …..pulang kerja, juga TERBURU-BURU…. ……..makan siang, TERBURU-BURU…. ……..dilampu merah, TERBURU-BURU…. ………..berdo'a pun, TERBURU-BURU…. ……bahkan sholatpun, TERBURU-BURU…. sifat diatas bukti dari Al-Qur'an surat Al Isra' (17) ayat 11 " Dan adalah manusia bersifat tergesa-gesa" Hanya mati……..yang tidak seorangpun mau TERBURU-BURU…. Saking takutnya akan kurangnya harta untuk keluarga sampai-sampai kita HITUNGAN dalam BERSEDEKAH, sementara اَللّهُ tidak pernah hitungan dalam memberi rizki kepada kita. "Setan menakut-nakuti kamu dengan kemiskinan dan menyuruh berbuat kikir…." (Al Baqoroh (2) AYAT 268) Bahkan saking lebih takutnya kita kehilangan pekerjaan hingga berani melewatkan sholat subuh, sholat maghrib dan sholat" yg lain … Sampai dimanakah hidup kita pada hari ini…..? Oleh Ahmad Zaki – Pembina Punk Muslim
    Nov 24th 2013, 23:01
    Underground Tauhid - Doeloe... orang tua kita berangkat bekerja setelah matahari terbit dan sudah kembali ke rumah sebelum matahari terbenam. Walaupun memiliki anak yang banyak.....rumah dan halama...
    sudahkan anda beramaliah dan bemuamalah hari ini jangan lupakan tetangga anda jangan lupakan saudara muslim anda mana tau ada diantara mereka


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 11:04PM  

    kalifat - Social Mention
    Sie sagen es selber, das der kalifat Inshallah inshallah inshallah schnell kommen wird ALLAHOAKBAR ALLAHOAKBAR ALLAHOAKBAR
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:53
    مؤرخ بريطاني الخلافة الاسلامية ستقوم سنة 2020 . الخليج الثورة التجميل الفقر السكن المعيشة مصر تونس ليبيا الأمة العربية الإسلامية الجزيرة العربية الإعلام العا...
    der Gesandte Allahs(Segen und Friede auf ihm)sagte: "Das Prophetentum wird unter euch weilen, solange Allah will, dass es weilt. Dann wird Allah es aufheben, wenn Er es aufheben will. Sodann wird ein Kalifat gemäß dem Plan des Prophetentums entstehen. Es wird weilen, solange Allah will, dass es weilt, dann wird Allah es aufheben, wenn Er es aufheben will. Sodann wird eine bevorrechtete Herrschaft folgen. Sie wird weilen, solange Allah sie weilen lässt, dann wird Allah sie aufheben, wenn Er sie aufheben will. Sodann wird eine Gewaltherrschaft folgen. Sie wird weilen, solange Allah sie weilen lässt, dann wird Allah sie aufheben, wenn er sie aufheben will. Sodann folgt ein Kalifat gemäß dem Plan des Prophetentums." Dann schwieg er. (von Ahmad überliefert)
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:31
    Ägypten erklärt den türkischen Botschafter zur "unerwünschten Person".
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:15
    Durch dick und dünn ins Aus: Mit seiner anhaltenden Unterstützung für den gestürzten Präsidenten Morsi erbost der türkische Premier Erdogan Ägyptens Regierung. Sie wies den Botschafter aus.
    Ja ich weiß, jedes Mal reden wir davon: "Wir brauchen ein Kalifat. Die Ummah leidet! Schaut euch Syrien an! Der Westen ist böse." Einige fühlen sich gelangweilt davon. Sie wollen lieber Themen hören, wo es darum geht, dass Schwestern geheiratet haben und ihr Mann sie nur ausgenutzt hat. Da steckt nämlich mehr Spannung dahinter. Aber begreift ihr nicht, dass auch diese Probleme abhängig sind vom Nichtdasein eines Kalifats?
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:15
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 11:00PM  

    Knowing Allahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Knowing Allahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Our Lord rewards you when you are pricked by a thorn and when worries overwhelm...
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:34
    Our Lord rewards you when you are pricked by a thorn and when worries overwhelm you. He multiplies a single good deed to 700 and more and He is happy when His servant repents. Only those who are doomed will be deprived of His mercy. If you can help it, don't be one of the doomed!
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 10:59PM  

    Al-Ansar.des Facebook-Pinnwand
    Al-Ansar.des Facebook-Pinnwand
    Du bist daran interessiert die islamische Familie kennenzulernen?
    Dazu gehöre...
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:18
    Du bist daran interessiert die islamische Familie kennenzulernen?

    Dazu gehören ca. eine halbe Millionen somalischer Flüchtlinge in Kenia.

    Diese Menschen teilen das Schicksal, dass sie keine Heimat mehr, keine Sicherheit und keine geregelte Versorgung haben. Es ist an der Zeit die Umma zu unterstützen!

    Wir bieten zu diesem Anlass ein würdiges Projekt: Es geht darum Familien in Dadaab, Kenia, dem größten Flüchtlingslager der Welt, zu helfen. Ursprünglich galt es für ca. 90 000 Menschen, die vor dem Bürgerkrieg flohen. Seit dem Jahr 2011 ist es die Behausung von ca. 500 000 Menschen. Es ist eine spärliche Unterkunft für die Hilfesuchenden.

    Wir haben errechnet, was eine etwa sechsköpfige Familie (5 Kinder und 1 Erwachsener) für einen Tag bedarf:

    1 Kilogramm Zucker für 0,95 €
    1 Kilogramm Reis für 0,90 €
    250 Gramm Fleisch für 1,10 €
    1 Kilogramm Gemüse für 1,10 €
    1,5 Liter Milch für 0,75 €
    300 Milliliter Speiseöl für 0,30 €
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 10:59PM  

    abu z project - Social Mention
    Okay, so a few folks mentioned they would like to see some Jim'll Paint It Christmas cards... Please consider this the thread to submit any ideas which you reckon would make a top alternative Christmas card. I think in this case simplicity will work best for maximum yuletide impact. I'll be doing my best to get the best suggestion painted and out in time for Christmas and if its yours you'll get a pack for your troubles.
    Nov 22nd 2013, 15:45
    WE Sing on Hindi karaoke share , comment Hear KalaNidhi Kalakar Dr Amisha, Deepmala & Rajesh Singh - Hum Toh Aisey on Hindi karaoke system LIKE this Page also visit like ,share comment on or - E-mail Stanley Lobo (Stanley Lobo) Mumbai, Maharashtra, India From Mumbai, Maharashtra, India · Lives in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India Likes Cycling Weekly, VeloNews and 440 others Listens to Scott Henderson, The Roaming Guitar School and Allan Holdsworth 39 followers FollowMessageSearchPhotosFriendsInterests Aabid Shaikh (Aabu shaikh) Works at Student From Azamgarh · Lives in Vapi Likes Cycling Weekly, Only an Engineering Student can understand the value of study on Last Night and 5,427 others Went to Z h saha sarvajnik high school vapi '00 Single · Male MessageSearchPhotosFriendsInterests Ivan Moiraghi Milan, Italy From Milano, India · Lives in Milan, Italy Likes Cycling Weekly, Picchiatelli D'Italia and 648 others Listens to Bob Marley, Jimi Hendrix and Pink Floyd 4 followers FollowMessageSearchPhotosFriendsInterests Indus Prakash smvhss trivandrum From Trivandrum, India · Lives in Trivandrum, India Likes Cycling Weekly, Sarang Cultural Exchange Center and 684 others Likes Football 151 followers FollowMessageSearchPhotosFriendsInterests Raja Chandraguptan thiyagarajar college From Madurai, India · Lives in Madurai, India Likes Cycling Weekly, Che Guevara and 521 others Former Civil Works at Private Married to Sujatha Gupthan since May 27, 2001 MessageSearchPhotosFriendsInterests Vikas Gupta Proprietor at Pedalup Studio From New Delhi, India · Lives in Gurgaon, Haryana Likes Cycling Weekly, R D Mathur Photography and 259 others Studied at Pune University 9 followers FollowMessageSearchPhotosFriendsInterests Cyc Firoza St Mary's School, Mulund From Mumbai, Maharashtra, India · Lives in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India Likes Cycling Weekly, NS Dance Academy and 839 others Worked at Pagepoint Services (I) Pvt. Ltd Married · Female MessageSearchPhotosFriendsInterests Manuel Ak Sr. SSA at EPFO From Chennai, Tamil Nadu · Lives in Chennai, Tamil Nadu Likes Cycling Weekly, Jan Ullrich and 26 others MessageSearchPhotosFriendsInterests Pallavi Jain Asst. Professor at Dhempe College of Arts and Science From Roorkee · Lives in Panjim, Goa, India Likes Cycling Weekly, CyclingTips Blog and 33 others Studied at Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee Married to Akshay Jain since March 24 MessageSearchPhotosFriendsInterests Rafiudeen Shaikh Works at Colnago INDIA From Mumbai, Maharashtra, India · Lives in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India Likes Cycling Weekly, "Al-Zohaib Textile" and 764 others Likes Running, Cricket and Squash Watches FRIENDS (TV Show), He-Man and the Masters of the Universe and FIRE BALL MessageSearchPhotosFriendsInterests Aashish Joshi Director at Axis Paradigm Spaces (I) Pvt. Ltd. From Thane · Lives in Pune, Maharashtra Likes Cycling Weekly, Pandit Javdekar and 524 others Studied Engineering at University of Pune Read Lucky Luke, Da Vinci Code and Wings of Fire MessageSearchPhotosFriendsInterests Sailee Yadav dahanukar college From Mumbai, Maharashtra, India · Lives in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India Likes Cycling Weekly, Mountain biking and 387 others Worked at House Wife /Mommy
    Nov 22nd 2013, 11:57
    My next exciting journey from Ahmedabad to Leh and back with Bicycle by meeting ,exploring , capturing life in just 45 days.
    BRUTAL MURDER: Teenage Girl Killed By Her Muslim Lover After She Exposed Their Relationship To His Family. A 17-year-old girl was stabbed to death by her lover for outing their relationship. Read More Here >>>
    Nov 21st 2013, 13:21
    Can't wait for you to see the commercial for #THEKEY - on The X Factor- tune in TONIGHT at 8pm EST #unlockthedream
    Nov 20th 2013, 23:35
    Arrogant government hasn't come clean on oil so we should support #oilfreeseas protest
    Nov 19th 2013, 23:02
    On one level the government's enthusiasm for the economic bounty from deep sea oil is understandable; on two others it's unacceptable. Any economic windfal
    Please do say where you live in tweets or Facebook messages. That would be great. Thanks. Eddie x
    Nov 19th 2013, 20:11
    Abuz de undercover-GoodKilla.
    Aug 2nd 2013, 12:16
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 10:59PM  

    MardelliDawas Facebook-Pinnwand
    MardelliDawas Facebook-Pinnwand
    Allahs Gesandter (s) hat gesagt: "Hütet euch vor (falschen) Verdächtigungen, den...
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:30
    Allahs Gesandter (s) hat gesagt: "Hütet euch vor (falschen) Verdächtigungen, denn die (falschen) Verdächtigungen sind die lügnerischsten Aussagen. Sucht nicht des anderen (Schwäche). Spioniert einander nicht nach. Stecht einander nicht (gegenseitig) aus. Haßt einander nicht und kehrt einander nicht den Rücken. Seid Allahs Diener und Brüder." (Abu Huraira; Buchari, Muslim)
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 10:59PM  

    MardelliDawas Facebook-Pinnwand
    MardelliDawas Facebook-Pinnwand
    Was sucht ein "Sunnite" auf einer Pro Baschar Al Kalb Demo?
    Unwissenheit eher n...
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:54
    Was sucht ein "Sunnite" auf einer Pro Baschar Al Kalb Demo?
    Unwissenheit eher nicht, da dieser Typ ja auch "Unterrichtet"...
    Möge Allah uns vor dieser Fitna schützen. Echt krass das einige "Sunniten" diesen Tyrannen aus Damaskus immernoch unterstützen. Ich Persönlich (Admin1) habe selbst gehört wie Ahbash diesen Hund, Namens Baschar verteidigen. Möge Allah Sie Rechtleiten und ihr Herz für den Islam öffnen...
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 10:58PM  

    Abu Adam - Social Mention
    عطر الغروب احلا كلمات اغنية راب بسمعهم في كتير ناس بتستاهل تنشهر بس ما في حدا بيدعمها ئولو رأيكم بصراحة هاد رابط ام بي تري
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:52
    للاستماع mp3 : بالإشتراك مع عُدي (اللازمة) تصميم الغلاف: أمين ابو قاسم صفحة الفيس بوك:
    Sesungguhnya amalan yang pertama kali dihisab dari seorang hamba ialah shalatnya. Apabila baik, maka ia telah beruntung dan selamat; dan bila rusak, maka ia telah rugi dan menyesal. Apabila kurang sedikit dari shalat wajibnya , maka Rabb Azza wa Jalla berfirman, "Lihatlah, apakah hamba-Ku memiliki shalat tathawwu' (shalat Sunnah)," lalu disempurnakanlah dengannya yang kurang dari shalat wajibnya tersebut, kemudian seluruh amalannya diberlakukan demikian. [HR at-Tirmidzi]. SHALAT DHUHA Hukumnya sunnah mutlak, dan disunnahkan melakukannya setiap hari. Mencukupkan sedekah sebanyak persendian manusia, yaitu 360 persendian, sebagaimana dijelaskan dalam hadits: Dari Abu Dzar, dari Nabi Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam bahwa beliau telah bersabda: "Di setiap pagi, ada kewajiban sedekah atas setiap persendian dari salah seorang kalian. Setiap tasbiih adalah sedekah, setiap tahmiid adalah sedekah, setiap tahliil adalah sedekah, setiap takbiir adalah sedekah, amar makruf nahi mungkar adalah sedekah. Dan dapat memadai untuk semua itu, dua rakaat yang dilakukan pada waktu Dhuha". HR Muslim, kitab Shalât al-Musâfirîn wa Qashruha, Bab: Istihbâb Shalat ad-Dhuha, hadits No. 720. Juga sabda beliau Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam : "Dalam diri manusia ada 360 persendian, lalu diwajibkan sedekah dari setiap sendinya," mereka bertanya,"Siapa yang mampu demikian, wahai Nabi Allah?" Beliau menjawab,"Memendam riak yang ada di masjid dan menghilangkan sesuatu (gangguan) dari jalanan. Apabila tidak mendapatkannya, maka dua raka'at shalat Dhuha mencukupkanmu." HR Abu Dawud no. 5242 dan dishahihkan oleh ; Syaikh al-Albâni dalam kitab Irwâa`ul-Ghaliil, 2/213 dan at-Ta'liq ar-Raghib, 1/235. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'alamenjaga orang yang shalat Dhuha empat rakaat pada hari tersebut, sebagaimana dijelaskan dalam hadits: Dari Abu Dardaa' atau Abu Dzar, dari Rasulullah Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam , dari Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'alabahwa Allah berfirman: "Wahai Bani Adam, shalatlah untuk-Ku pada awal siang hari empat rakaat, niscaya Aku menjagamu sisa hari tersebut". [HR at-Tirmidzi, kitab Shalât, Bab: Mâ Jâ`a fi Shalât ad-Dhuha, no. 475. Abu 'Isa berkata: "Hadits hasan gharib". Hadits ini dishahîhkan Ahmad Syakir dalam tahqiq beliau atas kitab at-Tirmidzi. Juga dishahihkan Syaikh al-Albâni dalam Shahîh Sunan at-Tirmidzi, 1/147.] JUMLAH RAKA'AT DAN TATA CARA SHALAT DHUHA Seorang muslim disyariatkan melakukan shalat Dhuha dua rakaat, atau empat, atau enam, atau delapan, atau lebih tanpa ada batasan tertentu. Inilah yang dirajihkan Syaikh Ibnu 'Utsaimîn rahimahullah sebagaimana beliau telah menyatakan, bahwa pendapat yang benar, tidak ada batasan maksimalnya, karena 'Aisyah berkata: (Dahulu, Rasulullah Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam melakukan shalat Dhuha empat rakaat, dan menambahnya sangat banyak). [ HR Muslim, kitab Shalat al-Musafirin wa Qashruha, Bab: Istihbâb Shalat ad-Dhuha, no. 719.] Seandainya seseorang mengerjakannya sejak matahari terbit seukuran tombak sampai menjelang matahari tergelincir, misalnya 40 rakaat, maka semua ini termasuk dalam shalat Dhuha. Adapun pelaksanaannya, semua dilakukan dengan dua rakaat dua rakaat berdasarkan keumuman sabda Rasulullah Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam : "Shalat malam dan siang adalah dua rakaat dua rakaat" HR an-Nasâ`i, dalam kitab Qiyâmul-Lail wa Tathawu' an-Nahar, Bab: Kaifa Shalatul-Lail, semoga bermanfaat.
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:46
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:36
    الرجاء تقيم المقطع والاشتراك في القناة
    Tdk trbit fjar dn dtg pd mnusia kcuali ia mxeru, hwai putra/i Adam, q wkt, q cpta,an bru, yg mnjd sksi usha mu esok hr, mka gnakn q tuk kbaikn dn q kn brsaksi tuk mu, ts kbaiknmu esok hr klak, krn ssungguhx jk q tlh brlalu, km tdk kn mnjumpai q lg tuk slma2x (H.R. Abu Nu,aim).
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:34
    aime svp ma pagee ==> شي بروبليم اعشيري
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:33
    ittle Johnny Came Down For Breakfast One Morning And Asked His Grandma. Little Johnny: "Where's Mom And Dad?" Grandma Replied: "They're Up In Bed" So The Little Johnny Started To Giggle And Ate His Breakfast And Went Out To Play. Then He Came Back In For Lunch And Asked His Grandma. Little Johnny: "Where's Mom And Dad?" Grandma Replied: "They're Still Up In Bed" And The Little Johnny Started To Giggle And He Ate His Lunch And Went Out To Play. Then The Little Johnny Came In For Dinner And Once Again He Asked His Grandma. Little Johnny: "Where's Mom And Dad?" Grandma Replied: "They're Still Up In Bed" And The Little Johnny Started To Laugh And His Grandmother Asked. Grandmother: "What Give's? Every Time I Tell You They're Still Up In Bed You Start To Laugh! What Is Going On Here? " The Little Johnny Replied: "Well Last Night Daddy Came Into My Bedroom And Asked Me For The Vaseline And I Gave Him Super Glue Instead" Like them for more hilarious jokes > Adult Jokes 18+
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:30
    ^~*Ujian , Musibah&Tantangan Masalah Hidup Di Dunia^~* Sebagai orang yang beriman, tentu kita semua ingin masuk surga. Betul nggak???. Ya iyalah…Nah, akan tetapi masuk surga itu tidak mudah temanku. Harus punya tiket istilahnya. Allah Swt berfimran, "Apakah kamu mengira bahwa kamu akan masuk surga, padahal belum datang padamu (cobaan) sebagaimana halnya orang-orang terdahulu sebelum kamu? Mereka ditimpa malapetaka dan kesengsaraan, serta diguncangkan (dengan bermacam-macam cobaan) sehingga berkatalah Rasul dan orang-orang yang beriman bersamanya, "Kapankah datangnya pertolongan Allah?" Ingatlah, sesungguhnya pertolongan Allah itu amat dekat." (QS. Al-Baqarah: 214) Okey, orang yang mengaku beriman dan ingin masuk surga tentunya, mesti akan merasakan ujian, musibah, dan tantangan terlebih dahulu. Dengan ujian ini, maka akan terlihat dengan jelas mana imannya yang benar dan mana yang dusta. Seperti besi, semakin digosok makin mengkilap. Begitulah manusia, semakin ia tahan dengan ujian, maka ia pun akan semakin dekat dengan kesempurnaan iman. Pada hakikatnya, ujian itu merupakan bukti bahwa Allah memperhatikan kita bukan malah sebaliknya. Namun demikian, sedikit sekali manusia yang menyadarinya bahkan tidak sedikit dari mereka yang mencerca akan kehendak Rabbnya. Wal'iya'dzubillah. Setiap orang pasti mempunyai masalah. Datangnya ujian dan musibah pun menjadi masalah bagi setiap orang. Tidak ada orang yang hidup di dunia ini yang tidak punya masalah. Tak pandang bulu, entah pedagang, pak presiden, bahkan pak ustad pun mesti punya masalah. Tapi ada satu yang membedakan! Bagaimana cara mereka mengolah masalah itu. Mengapa??? Karena dari sinilah "TKP" dan asal muasalnya orang jadi gila sebab duitnya amblas dibabat penjahat, orang jadi bunuh diri hanya karena diputus pacarnya, sampai bahkan seorang kakek tega menggauli cucunya….UEDJAN tenan ra ki…Namun demikian tak sedikit dari mereka yang pandai mengolah masalahnya agar tak jadi masalah. Apa donk tipsnya klo gitu??? Ni dia… gua kasih tahu dah…perhatikan; 1. Siap Siap Grakkk!!!! Itulah langkah pertama yang harus dimiliki semua orang ketika menghadapi sebuah ujian dan musibah yang menyapanya. Ketika seseorang telah siap dan yakin akan sebuah ujian yang tak tentu kapan datangnya, Insya Allah badai pasti berlalu dengan lugu. Siap dan yakinlah bahwa suatu saat engkau akan didatangi oleh sebuah kerugian, kemlaratan, kebangkrutan, dan semua hal-hal yang tidak ingin ia hadir dalam hidupmu. Karena hakikat dari sebuah masalah adalah suatu keadaan yang bertolak belakang dengan apa yang engkau harapkan. Dan jangan lupa bahwa semua itu adalah datang dari Allah Swt. Akan ia datang semata ujian dari Allah kepadamu ataukah ia datang sebagai akibat dari perbuatanmu, Siaplah untuk menghadapinya. 2. Semua Itu Datangnya dari Allah Setiap masalah yang ada datangnya dari Allah Swt. Seperti yang saya katakan di atas, akan ia datang semata ujian dari Allah kepadamu ataukah ia datang sebagai akibat dari perbuatanmu. Maka dari itu, kembalikanlah semua itu kepada-Nya dan beristighfarlah agar hatimu menjadi tenang. 3. Tidak Mendramatisir Sebuah Masalah Sebenernya setiap masalah yang kita hadapi mempunyai simpul intinya. Hanya saja, seringkali kita sendiri lah yang membuat ruwet dan semawrut simpul masalah tadi. Hanya karena sebatang rokok nyawa pun meradang. Sepele banget kan…So, berdiamlah sejenak dan berpikir mencari simpul dan cara bagaimana menguraikannya secara dingin. 4. Evalusi Diri Ungkapan populer yang pernah diucapkan oleh seorang Umar bin Khatab ra. Evaluasilah diri kalian sebelum kalian akan dihisab nantinya. Hebat! Melihat dan mengaca diri sendiri. Udah manis belum ya hatiku, udah cakep belum ya cara berpikirku, udah mecing belum ya pakaian tingkah lakuku. Benar, bercermin diri merupakan langkah jitu untuk menguraikan yang terjadi pada diri kita. Bisa jadi masalah yang ada adalah akibat ulah kita sendiri. Gajah di pelupuk mata tak tampak semut di seberang laut tampak seperti gajah, bisa ya…seperti itulah yang sering kita alami. Yang jelas, pake kaca yang besar agar seluruh tubuh kita terlihat oleh kita sendiri. 5. Tawakal Kepada Allah Yang terakhir adalah bertawakal kepada Allah. Serahkan saja semua pada Dzat yang Maha Kuasa. Dia lah Sang Raja dari semua masalah. Mintalah ampunan-Nya dan jalan keluar dari-Nya. Jangan putus asa dan jangan mudah menyerah, karena setiap kesusahan pasti ada kemudahan dan setiap engkau temui terjalnya jalan, yakinlah bahwa engkau akan merasakan curamnya turunan. Demi masa. Sesungguhnya manusia itu benar-benar dalam kerugian, kecuali orang-orang yang beriman dan mengerjakan amal saleh dan nasehat menasehati supaya mentaati kebenaran dan nasehat menasehati supaya menetapi kesabaran." (QS.Al-Ashr: 1 – 3) "Serulah (manusia) kepada jalan Tuhanmu dengan HIKMAH dan PELAJARAN yang BAIK dan BANTAHLAH mereka dengan CARA yang TERBAIK. Sesungguhnya Tuhanmu Dialah yang lebih mengetahui tentang siapa yang tersesat dari jalan-Nya dan Dialah yang lebih mengetahui orang-orang yang mendapat petunjuk." (QS An-Nahl ayat 125) "Tidak ada kepada kebanyakan bisikan-bisikan mereka, kecuali bisikan-bisikan dari orang yang menyuruh (manusia) memberi sedekah, atau berbuat ma'ruf, atau mengadakan perdamaian diantara manusia. Dan barang siapa yang berbuat demikian karena mencari keridhaan Allah, maka kelak Kami memberi kepadanya pahala yang besar."(QS An-Nisa' [14] : 114) "Dan jika kamu menuruti kebanyakan orang-orang di muka bumi ini, nescaya mereka akan menyesatkanmu dari jalan Allah. Mereka tidak lain hanyalah mengikuti prasangka belaka, dan mereka tidak lain hanyalah berdusta (terhadap Allah)."(QS. Al-An'am : 116) "Ingatlah, sesungguhnya wali-wali ALLAH itu, tidak ada kekhawatiran terhadap mereka dan tidak (pula) mereka bersedih hati. (Yaitu) orang-orang yang beriman dan mereka selalu bertaqwa. Bagi mereka berita gembira di dalam kehidupan di dunia dan (dalam kehidupan) di Akhirat. Tidak ada perubahan bagi Kalimat-Kalimat (Janji-Janji) ALLAH. Yang demikian itu adalah kemenangan yang besar." (QS. Yunus : 62 - 64) "….Katakanlah: "Adakah sama orang-orang yang mengetahui dengan orang-orang yang tidak mengetahui?" Sesungguhnya orang yang berakallah yang dapat menerima pelajaran." (QS az-zumar (39) ayat : 9) "….Allah akan meninggikan orang-orang yang beriman di antaramu dan orang-orang yang diberi ilmu pengetahuan beberapa derajat. dan Allah Maha mengetahui apa yang kamu kerjakan." (QS al-mujadillah (58) ayat 11) "….Sesungguhnya yang takut kepada Allah di antara hamba-hamba-Nya, hanyalah orang-orang yang berilmu (ulama)…"(QS fathir (35) : 28) "Barangsiapa yang Allah menghendaki akan memberikan kepadanya petunjuk, niscaya Dia melapangkan dadanya untuk (memeluk agama) Islam. dan barangsiapa yang dikehendaki Allah kesesatannya niscaya Allah menjadikan dadanya sesak lagi sempit, seolah-olah ia sedang mendaki langit. Begitulah Allah menimpakan siksa kepada orang-orang yang tidak beriman. " (QS. Al-An'am : 125) "Karena sesungguhnya sesudah kesulitan itu ada kemudahan, sesungguhnya sesudah kesulitan itu ada kemudahan." (QS. Alam Nasyrah: 5-6) "Sesungguhnya Allah mencintai orang-orang yang berbuat ihsan." (QS. 3 : 134) "Dan apabila kamu melihat orang2 yang memperolok-olokan ayat2 Kami, maka tinggalkanlah mereka sehingga mereka membicarakan pembicaraan yang lain. Dan jika setan menjadikan kamu lupa (akan larangan ini), maka janganlah kamu duduk bersama orang2 yang zhalim itu sesudah teringat (akan larangan itu)." (QS. Al-An'am : 68) "Dan jika kamu menghitung nikmat Allah SWT., tidaklah dapat kamu menghitungnya." (QS. Ibrahim, 14 : 34) "Ikutilah apa yang diturunkan kepadamu dari Rabbmu dan janganlah kamu mengikuti pemimpin-pemimpin selain-Nya. Amat sedikitlah kamu mengambil pelajaran (daripadanya)." (QS. Al A'raaf: 3) "Dan janganlah kamu megikuti apa yang kamu tidak mempunyai pengetahuan tentangnya. Sesungguhnya pendengaran, penglihatan, dan hati, semuanya itu akan diminta pertanggung jawabnya". (QS. Al-Isra : 36) "Hai orang-orang yang beriman, mengapa kamu mengatakan apa yang tidak kamu perbuat? Amat besar kebencian di sisi Allah bahwa kamu mengatakan apa yang tiada kamu perbuat." (QS. Ash-Shaff : 2-3) "Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, jagalah diri kalian dan keluarga kalian dari api neraka yang bahan bakarnya adalah manusia dan batu, penjaganya malaikat-malaikat yang kasar, yang keras, yang tidak mendurhakai Allah terhadap apa yang diperintahkan-Nya kepada mereka dan selalu mengerjakan apa yang diperintahkan." (QS. At-Tahrim: 6) "Dan ikutilah apa yang diwahyukan kepadamu, dan bersabarlah hingga Allah memberi keputusan dan Dia adalah Hakim yang sebaik- baiknya."(QS. Yunus :158) "Maka pernahkah kamu melihat orang yang menjadikan hawa nafsunya sebagai tuhannya dan Allah membiarkannya sesat berdasarkan ilmu-Nya dan Allah telah mengunci mati pendengaran dan hatinya dan meletakkan tutupan atas penglihatannya? Maka siapakah yang akan memberikannya petunjuk sesudah Allah (membiarkannya sesat). Maka mengapa kamu tidak mengambil pelajaran."(QS. Al-Jaatsiyah: 23) "Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang beriman itu hanyalah orang-orang yang apabila disebutkan nama Allah maka bergetar/takutlah hati mereka, dan apabila dibacakan kepada mereka ayat-ayat-Nya maka semakin bertambahlah keimanan mereka. Dan mereka hanya bertawakal kepada Rabbnya." (QS. al-Anfaal: 2) "Tidak seorangpun di langit dan di bumi yang mengetahui perkara ghaib kecuali Allah dan mereka tidak mengetahui bila mereka akan dibangkitkan." (QS. An-Naml : 65) "Allah menghendaki kemudahan bagimu, dan tidak menghendaki kesukaran


 bushido - Social Mention: Ich steh auf leg mich auf dem Boden,denn ich weiß Leute werden mir drohen.Mein leben ist vorbei und mein Tod so gut wie da,scheiße ich glaub mein Alptraum wird war. Bushido und sein clan wollen mich tod sehen,scheiße ich glaub ich werde allein in den Grab gehen.Denn wie ich weiß machen sie kurzen Prozess,scheiße mein Kopf dreht sich ich hab scheiß Stress.Mache überall auf cool sodass alle denken ich hab Eier,doch in Wahrheit hab ich schiss wie vor Jäger der Geier.Jeden Tag bette ich bei Gott denn ich brauche sein Segen,sonst wie früher oder später nicht mehr leben.Ihr denkt wirklich das hier ist alles Hass,doch ihr wisst nicht ich und Bushido haben richtig Hass.Er will mich Tod sehen und wegen mir über leichen gehen, bitte bushido wenn du das liest ich werde für dich sogar deinen rasen mähen.Alles egal was lass mich nur am leben,ich werde dein Sklave und an deinen Arsch kleben.Ich scheiß aufs Rappen denn es nützt mir nicht,denn bald hab ich deswegen ein totes Gesicht.Deshalb bitte bushido wir waren mal Freunde,wir hatten Spaß ich bereitete dir viele Freude.Jetzt hör auf dein Herz und sei korrekt,weist du nicht ich habe dir doch damals die Eier geleckt !!! Prince KAY ONE !!! Was man im internet so findet hahahahahahahahahahahahhahahaha Entweder ist das ein Fake oder Kay hat wirklich schiss hahahahahahahahahhahahaahahahahahhahahahahahahahaahhahahahaha
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 10:58PM  

    bushido - Social Mention
    Ich steh auf leg mich auf dem Boden,denn ich weiß Leute werden mir drohen.Mein leben ist vorbei und mein Tod so gut wie da,scheiße ich glaub mein Alptraum wird war. Bushido und sein clan wollen mich tod sehen,scheiße ich glaub ich werde allein in den Grab gehen.Denn wie ich weiß machen sie kurzen Prozess,scheiße mein Kopf dreht sich ich hab scheiß Stress.Mache überall auf cool sodass alle denken ich hab Eier,doch in Wahrheit hab ich schiss wie vor Jäger der Geier.Jeden Tag bette ich bei Gott denn ich brauche sein Segen,sonst wie früher oder später nicht mehr leben.Ihr denkt wirklich das hier ist alles Hass,doch ihr wisst nicht ich und Bushido haben richtig Hass.Er will mich Tod sehen und wegen mir über leichen gehen, bitte bushido wenn du das liest ich werde für dich sogar deinen rasen mähen.Alles egal was lass mich nur am leben,ich werde dein Sklave und an deinen Arsch kleben.Ich scheiß aufs Rappen denn es nützt mir nicht,denn bald hab ich deswegen ein totes Gesicht.Deshalb bitte bushido wir waren mal Freunde,wir hatten Spaß ich bereitete dir viele Freude.Jetzt hör auf dein Herz und sei korrekt,weist du nicht ich habe dir doch damals die Eier geleckt !!! Prince KAY ONE !!! Was man im internet so findet hahahahahahahahahahahahhahahaha Entweder ist das ein Fake oder Kay hat wirklich schiss hahahahahahahahahhahahaahahahahahhahahahahahahahaahhahahahaha
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:31
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Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 24 Themen
Nov 25th 2013, 03:09, by Nahsaka Lasbhan


 bushido - Social Mention: Plädoyer gegen die Kulturförderung "Ludwig von Mises hatte in seinem Buch "Die Wurzeln des Antikapitalismus" dargelegt, dass viele Künstler gegen den freien Markt sind, weil sie in ihm keinen Erfolg haben und dafür den Konsumenten die Schuld geben, die keine Ahnung von Kultur hätten. Nicht die Wünsche der Konsumenten sollen also im Mittelpunkt stehen, sondern die Förderung ihrer als überlegen empfundenen Kulturproduktionen. Es ist also die Verachtung für den kleinen Mann, gepaart mit dem Neid auf die erfolgreichen Künstler, der viele Künstler nach dem Staat rufen lässt. Wie üblich heißt es dann, Kulturförderung sei "im Interesse der Gesellschaft", es wird irrwitzigerweise ein "(Menschen-)Recht auf kulturelle Teilhabe" proklamiert, obwohl sich natürlich selten ein Proletarier in eine Oper verirrt, auch wenn der Eintritt kostenlos ist. ... Damit will ich natürlich nicht sagen, dass Bushido, Mario Barth und Paris Hilton großartige Künstler oder scheußliche Filme wie Twilight Meisterwerke sind. Der Geschmack der Menschen ist subjektiv und fehlbar, viele Filme, die im Kino gefloppt sind, finde ich klasse. Ich will lediglich sagen, dass niemand das Recht hat, den Konsumenten vorzuschreiben, womit er sich unterhalten soll."
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 10:58PM  

    bushido - Social Mention
    Plädoyer gegen die Kulturförderung "Ludwig von Mises hatte in seinem Buch "Die Wurzeln des Antikapitalismus" dargelegt, dass viele Künstler gegen den freien Markt sind, weil sie in ihm keinen Erfolg haben und dafür den Konsumenten die Schuld geben, die keine Ahnung von Kultur hätten. Nicht die Wünsche der Konsumenten sollen also im Mittelpunkt stehen, sondern die Förderung ihrer als überlegen empfundenen Kulturproduktionen. Es ist also die Verachtung für den kleinen Mann, gepaart mit dem Neid auf die erfolgreichen Künstler, der viele Künstler nach dem Staat rufen lässt. Wie üblich heißt es dann, Kulturförderung sei "im Interesse der Gesellschaft", es wird irrwitzigerweise ein "(Menschen-)Recht auf kulturelle Teilhabe" proklamiert, obwohl sich natürlich selten ein Proletarier in eine Oper verirrt, auch wenn der Eintritt kostenlos ist. ... Damit will ich natürlich nicht sagen, dass Bushido, Mario Barth und Paris Hilton großartige Künstler oder scheußliche Filme wie Twilight Meisterwerke sind. Der Geschmack der Menschen ist subjektiv und fehlbar, viele Filme, die im Kino gefloppt sind, finde ich klasse. Ich will lediglich sagen, dass niemand das Recht hat, den Konsumenten vorzuschreiben, womit er sich unterhalten soll."
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:28
    Wolfgang Röhl nimmt sich in der Achse den vom Spiegel als "erfolgreichen Regisseur" bezeichneten Christian Petzold vor, der zu den größten Profiteuren der deutschen Filmförderung zählt. Jedes Jahr ...
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 10:58PM  

    bushido - Social Mention
    so leute nach langer zeit habe ich wieder facebook dieses video weil bushido gay one einfach zerstört hat und zur info yes heute war es geil rapid salzburg block west und die dosen zerstört 2:1 ich bleibe jezt einfach so wie ich bin ich dachte es ist gut ich wollte mich für einige leute anders geben als ich bin mir reicht es ich mag rap ich bin fussball rapid wien ultra und mir ist so egal jezt was diese szene denkt das ist mein leben und ich lebe nicht für eine szene auch wen es aber schön war am samstag naja das ende war scheisse aber egal.
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:49
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 10:57PM  

    khilafah - Social Mention
    #KampanyeRemajaAntiGaulBebas 1# Selamatkan Remaja dari Bahaya Pergaulan Bebas dengan Syariah dan Khilafah Karena pacaran itu penyaluran cinta yang illegal maka sebagai sebuah bentuk pelanggaran perintah dan larangan, apalagi ini perintah dan larangan dari Allah berupa jangan mendekati zina (QS. Al Isra 32), maka pantas jika itu mengandung sebuah kerusakan "Telah nampak kerusakan di darat dan di laut disebabkan karena perbuatan tangan manusia, supaya Allah merasakan kepada mereka sebahagian dari (akibat) perbuatan mereka, agar mereka kembali (ke jalan yang benar)." (QS. Ar Ruum 41) Lajnah Dakwah Sekolah - DPP Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia #KampanyeRemajaAntiGaulBebas 1#
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:57
    Mutiaraku... Smoga , smua cape , smua pikiran, smua waktu , dan materi, yg tlah kalian korbankan bwt dakwah. smoga dganti olh Allah, dgn keberkahan yg brlifat ganda, buat: Mba alifa adnida, Mas aufaku All: bidadari saung umi All: suara Rumaisha All: Pejuang Syariah & Khilafah Barakallah,,aamiin Remaja berdakwah? Why not !! Allahuakbar .:-)
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:50
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:49
    Oleh : KH. M. Shiddiq Al Jawi Hukum Suap Suap (Arab: ar risywah, boleh dibaca ar rasywah atau ar rusywah) adalah harta yang diberikan kepada setiap pemilik kewenangan (shahibus shalahiyah) untuk mewujudkan suatu kepentingan (mashlahah) yang semestinya wajib diwujudkan tanpa pemberian harta dari pihak yang berkepentingan. (Taqiyuddin An Nabhani, Al Syakhshiyyah Al Islamiyyah, 2/334; Abdul Qadim Zallum, AI Amwal fi Daulah Al Khilafah, him. 118; Rawwas Qal'ah Jie, Mujam Lughah Al Fuqoha, him. 171; Al Mausu'ah AI Fiqhiyyah, 22/219). Semua jenis suap haram hukumnya, baik sedikit maupun banyak, baik untuk memperoleh manfaat maupun menolak mudharat, baik untuk memperoleh yang hak maupun yang batil, baik untuk menghilangkan kezaliman maupun untuk melakukan kezaliman. Semua jenis suap haram hukumnya, berdasarkan keumuman hadits-hadits yang mengharamkan suap. Dari Abdullah bin 'Amr RA, bahwa Rasulullah SAW bersabda, "Laknat Allah atas setiap orang yang memberi suap dan yang menerima suap." (HR Ahmad, Abu Dawud, Tirmidzi, dan Ibnu Majah). Dari Tsauban RA, bahwa Rasulullah SAW telah melaknat setiap orang yang memberi suap, yang menerima suap, dan yang menjadi perantara di antara keduanya. (HR Ahmad). (Taqiyuddin An Nabhani, Al Syakhshiyyah Al Islamiyyah, 2/334; Abdul Qadim Zallum, Al Amwal fi Daulah Al Khilafah, him.118). Maka dari itu, haram hukumnya pegawai menerima suap dalam bentuk apapun demi suatu kepentingan yang semestinya terlaksana tanpa pembayaran dari pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan. Misalnya, suap kepada polisi lalu lintas yang diberikan oleh pelanggar lalu lintas agar tidak didenda/ditilang. Suap yang diberikan orang tua murid kepada kepala sekolah agar anaknya yang tidak naik kelas bisa naik kelas. Suap yang diberikan oleh perusahaan kepada pejabat yang akan menentukan pemenang tender. Suap yang diberikan kepada pegawai/pejabat untuk memperlancar urusannya, seperti pengurusan SIM, KTP, surat-surat perizinan, padahal pegawai/pejabat itu sudah digaji untuk melaksanakan urusan tersebut, dan sebagainya. Semua contoh ini adalah suap dan setiap suap hukumnya adalah haram dan merupakan dosa besar (al kaba`ir). Na'uzhu billah min zhalik.   Hukum Hadiah Hadiah di sini mirip dengan suap yang dijelaskan di atas. Hanya saja ada sedikit perbedaan. Suap biasanya diberikan sebelum suatu kepentingan terwujud. Sedangkan hadiah, diberikan manakala suatu kepentingan telah terwujud, dengan harapan agar terwujud hubungan baik demi kepentingan lain di masa yang akan datang. Syariah Islam menegaskan, haram hukumnya seseorang pegawai menerima hadiah yang mempunyai kaitan dengan tugas atau jabatannya. Jabatan di sini maksudnya adalah kewenangan (otoritas) yang dimiliki seorang pegawai/pejabat untuk menentukan sesuatu kepentingan umum tertentu. (Taqiuddin An-Nabhani, Al-Syakhsiyah Al-Islamiyah, Juz II/334; Abdul Qadim Zallum, Al-Amwal fi Daulah al-Khilafah, hal. 119). Banyak dalil-dalil syariah yang menegaskan haramnya pegawai menerima hadiah. Diriwayatkan daripada Jabir bin Abdullah RA bahwa Nabi SAW bersabda,"Hadiah-hadiah yang diberikan kepada para pemimpin adalah harta khianat (hadaya al-umara` ghulul)." (HR Thabrani dalam Al-Awsath no 5126. Dalam Majma' Az-Zawaid Juz IV/151 Imam Al-Haitsami berkata,"Sanad hadis ini hasan"). Diriwayatkan daripada Buraidah RA bahwa Nabi SAW bersabda,"Barangsiapa yang telah kami angkat untuk melakukan sesuatu tugas, lalu dia telah kami beri gaji, maka apa saja yang diambilnya selain daripada gaji adalah harta khianat (ghulul)." (HR Abu Dawud no 2554. Hadis sahih, lihat Nasiruddin Al-Albani, Sahih At-Targhib wa At-Tarhib, Juz I/191). Diriwayatkan dari Abu Hamid As-Sa'idi RA bahwa Nabi SAW pernah mengutuskan Ibnu Lutbiyah untuk mengumpulkan zakat dari Bani Sulaim. Setelah menyelesaikan tugasnya, Ibnu Lutbiyah berkata kepada Nabi SAW,"Ini zakat yang saya kumpulkan, saya serahkan kepada Anda. Sedangkan ini adalah hadiah yang diberikan orang kepada saya." Maka Nabi SAW bersabda,"Mengapa kamu tidak duduk-duduk saja di rumah ayahmu atau ibumu hingga hadiah itu datang kepadamu jika kamu memang benar?" (HR Bukhari no 6464). Imam Taqiuddin An-Nabhani menjelaskan,"Ketiga hadis di atas dengan jelas menunjukkan bahwa hadiah yang diberikan kepada pegawai yang melaksanakan tugas umum adalah haram, baik yang diberikan sebelum dia menetapkan kebijakan tertentu ataupun sesudahnya, atau diberikan karena dia adalah pemegang kebijakan dalam urusan tertentu, atau diberikan karena dia adalah orang yang berpengaruh terhadap penguasa. Semuanya adalah haram." (Al-Syakhsiyah Al-Islamiyah, Juz II/338). Yang dikecualikan dari keharaman ini adalah  hadiah kepada pegawai yang diberikan bukan karena tugas atau jabatannya. Contohnya karena hubungan pribadi antara seseorang dengan pegawai sejak sebelum dia menjadi pegawai, sehingga telah terbiasa memberi hadiah. Hadiah seperti ini boleh (mubah) hukumnya. Dalilnya sabda Nabi SAW di atas, "Mengapa kamu tidak duduk-duduk saja di rumah ayahmu atau ibumu hingga hadiah itu datang kepadamu jika kamu memang benar?" (HR Bukhari). Dari hadis ini, dapat ditarik pemahaman yang sebaliknya yang tersirat (mafhum mukhalafah), yakni kalau hadiah itu datang kepada seseorang sedangkan ia duduk-duduk saja di rumah ayahnya atau ibunya, maka hadiah itu dibolehkan. Artinya, jika hadiah itu diberikan tidak mempunyai kaitan dengan tugas atau jabatan, tetapi karena adanya hubungan pribadi sebelumnya, hukumnya boleh (mubah), tidak haram. Maka dari itu, jika kita sudah terbiasa memberi hadiah kepada seseorang sebelum dia menjadi pegawai, maka jika suatu hari dia menjadi pegawai, kita tetap dibolehkan untuk memberinya hadiah. (Taqiuddin An-Nabhani, Al-Syakhsiyah Al-Islamiyah, Juz II/338). Wallahu a'lam.[]
    Dakwah Islam, Syariah dan Khilafah terus berkembang. Perjuangan ini tak bisa dibendung dan janji Allah segera terwujud.
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:45

    #HizbutTahrir Australia mengecam tindakan #penyadapan yang dilakukan #Australia. Melalui media representative #HTAustralia, Ustman Badar, HT Australia mengatakan penyadapan merupakan tindakan tindakan permusuhan. --------------------------------------------------------------------- DUKUNG SYARIAH & KHILAFAH LIKE, TAG, SHARE: Syabab.Com
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:45
    Syabab.Com, membuka cakrawala dunia - dipersembahkan untuk ummah yang mencita-citakan kebangkitan Islam
    Jihad di bumi Syam akan menyingkap satu demi satu tabir misteri yg selama ini tertutup rapat, dengan izin Allah.
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:44
    Salah satu upaya kaum kafir memecah-belah kesatuan dan persatuan umat Islam adalah mengadu domba kaum Muslim melalui isu perbedaan mazhab, aliran kalam, kelompok dan golongan.Melalui agen-agennya, kaum kafir terus menanamkan fanatisme dan sentimen mazhab, kelompok dan golongan agar kaum Muslim sibuk...
    Kebijakan anti-kaum Muslim di #Moskow masih berlanjut. Buktinya, Moskow mengumumkan untuk menghentikan pembangunan sejumlah #masjid, yang bertujuan untuk melemahkan komunitas umat #Islam yang terus bertambah. --------------------------------------------------------------------- DUKUNG SYARIAH & KHILAFAH LIKE, TAG, SHARE: Syabab.Com
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:42
    Syabab.Com, membuka cakrawala dunia - dipersembahkan untuk ummah yang mencita-citakan kebangkitan Islam
    Bukti sejarah perjuangan umat Islam di Indonesia dlm mendukung Khilafah.
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:40
    Menanggapi pidato Presiden #SBY tentang Gerakan #EkonomiSyariah pada Ahad lalu di Silang Monas, pengamat ekonomi syariah Arim Nasim tuding orang nomor satu di Indonesia tersebut sebagai seorang kapitalis tulen yang pura-pura pro #syariah. "Jadi pernyataan dia hanya bualan atau pencitraan untuk menipu rakyat! Seolah-olah pro syariah padahal dia #kapitalis tulen!" hardiknya kepada, Kamis (21/11) melalui surat elektronik. --------------------------------------------------------------------- DUKUNG SYARIAH & KHILAFAH LIKE, TAG, SHARE: Syabab.Com
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:38
    Syabab.Com, membuka cakrawala dunia - dipersembahkan untuk ummah yang mencita-citakan kebangkitan Islam
    Assalamualikum wr. wb. UNDANGAN - Terbuka Untuk Mahasiswa IKHWAN WA AKHWAT Fillah, HADIRILAH Halqoh Intelektual [HI] edisi ke-2,dengan Tema "Khilafah Merekonstruksi Peran intelektual muda", Senin 25/11/13 @Masjid Ihya Ulumuddin UNIKOM, Pukul 16.00 - selesai, bersama Dhani Kusumawardana (LKM HTI Bandung Raya) dan M. Yanyan Herdiansyah (BKLDK Bandung Raya). Contact Person : [Ikhwan]085707920001 [Akhwat]085724676764
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:37
    1, khilafah bagi muslimin tidak boleh vakum, buktinya jenazah Rosulullah SAW baru dikuburkan setelah terangkatnya khalifah abu bakar ra. 2. sebagaimana jenazah harus segera di kuburkan dan menjadi fardlu kifayah bagi muslimin jika tidak ada yang mengurus jenazah hingga selesai penguburan berdosalah seluruh muslimin. 3. khilafah 'alaa minhajin nubuwwah adalah kepemimpinan khas islam, bukan kepartaian ataupun negara/nasionalisme. 4. sesuai hadits bahwa wujud kesatuan muslimin hanya ada kalimat jama'ah muslimin dan imamnya, oleh karena itu, istilah jama'ah muslimin digunakan bkn krna jmlh yang mayoritas.
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:37
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:37
    Halqoh Intelektual Edisi November "Lingkar Diskusi Ideologis Intelektual Muda " Demokrasi Kapitalisme telah membajak potensi pemuda sehingga peran pemuda sebagai Agent of Change menjadi hal yang langka ditemui saat ini. Pun ketika pemuda bergerak, mereka saat ini kehilangan arah yang tepat dalam upaya membangkitkan masyarakat. Demokrasi masih dijadikan alternatif, padahal demokrasi adalah sumber kerusakan yang membuat bangsa ini tidak pernah bisa keluar dari permasalahan. Oleh karena itu, Hizbut Tahrir telah menyeru para pemuda melalui Kampanye Kebangkitan Pemuda 2013 September dan Oktober lalu untuk melakukan transformasi dalam peegerakannnya menuju perubahan yang hakiki, yaitu mewujudkan peradaban gemilang Khilafah. Lalu, bagaimana Khilafah mampu melejitkan potensi para pemuda khususnya kalangan intelektual untuk ikut membangun masyarakat dalam Khilafah nanti? Nantikan dan ikuti: Halqoh Intelektual "KHILAFAH Merekonstruksi Peran Strategis Intelektual Muda " Jumat, 29 November 2013, pukul 15.30-17.30 @ Sunken Court ITB. Natikan pula halqoh Intelektual di kampus-kampus lainnya, di UPI, UNIKOM, UIN, Piksi Ganesha dan Universitas Telkom.
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:33
    "Usir Diplomat #Australia, Tutup #Kedubes Australia," seru ratusan massa Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) yang menggelar aksi di depan Kedutaan Besar Australia, Jumat (22/11) Rasuna Said, Jakarta. Ketua DPD Hizbut Tahrir #Jakarta, Tisna menuturkan Australia yang dianggap musuh haruslah diperlakukan sebagai musuh bukan kawan. --------------------------------------------------------------------- DUKUNG SYARIAH & KHILAFAH LIKE, TAG, SHARE: Syabab.Com
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:31
    Syabab.Com, membuka cakrawala dunia - dipersembahkan untuk ummah yang mencita-citakan kebangkitan Islam
    SEJARAH PEMIKIRAN EKONOMI ISLAM PADA MASA ABU BAKAR ASSIDDIQ DAN UMAR IBN. KHATTAB Disusun oleh : 1. Irawati ( ) 2. Ipin Saripin ( ) 1. Pendahuluan Islam adalah agama yang syamil dan mutakamil artinya agama lengkap dan menyeluruh, mencakup masalah ibadah, muamalah, munakahah, dan jinayah. Khusus bidang muamalah al-Qur'an memberikan perhatian yang tinggi dan positif secara hukum terhadap bidang tersebut. Hal ini berkaitan dengan kemaslahatan manusia di dunia dan akhirat. Islam, sebagai agama yang berorientasi kepada perwujudan kemaslahatan manusia dan menginginkan mereka hidup berbahagia di dunia dan akhirat, sudah barang tentu tidak mencela dan membenci aktifitas ekonomi. Sebaliknya, Islam menyuruh ummatnya agar giat bekerja dalam rangka mencari nafkah, rezeki atau harta ( aktifitas ekonomi ) sebagaimana Allah berfirman dalam al-Qur'an yang berbunyi : Maka apabila engkau telah menyelesaikan suatu urusan, maka selesaikanlah urusan yang lain. Pemikiran tentang ekonomi islam telah ada sejak Nabi Muhammad SAW. Setelah masa tersebut ternyata kaum muslimin mempunyai kontribusi yang sangat besar terhadap kelangsungan dan perkembangan pemikiran ekonomi pada khususnya dan peradaban dunia pada umumnya. Setelah Wafatnya Nabi Muhammad SAW, para sahabat dihadapkan pada berbagai kenyataan hidup dan kondisi sosial masyarakat yang berbeda. Sehingga para sahabat dituntut untuk melakukan ijtihad dan musyawarah. Hal ini, bisa sependapat dan bersepakat, akan tetapi tidak menutup kemungkinan para sahabat berbeda pendapat dalam menyelesaikan suatu masalah, khususnya dalam masalah muamalah. Demikian pula terjadi pada masa pemerintahan Abu Bakar Assiddiq dan Umar ibn Khattab. Kondisi sosial masyarakat dan realitas hidup pada masa pemerintahan Abu Bakar Assiddiq Dan Umar ibn Khattab berbeda dengan masa Nabi Muhammad SAW. Adanya sekelompok orang yang murtad dan tidak mau membayar zakat pada masa pemerintahan Abu Bakar Assiddiq, mengurangi pemasukan bagi pemerintahannya. Perluasan daerah kekuasaan Negara Islam pada pemerintahan Umar secara besar-besaran, sehingga ada pemasukan Negara yang didapat dari peperangan. Umar mengatur segala aspek pemasukan Negara yang di pimpinnya. Pemberlakuan kebijakan ekonomi tersebut bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Kondisi tersebut menuntut Umar untuk melakukan ijtihad dan meminta pendapat dari


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 10:57PM  

    We, the Revolutionaries of this Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    We, the Revolutionaries of this Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Yesterdays serious is todays harsh. Youth are so used to joking around and being...
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:38
    Yesterdays serious is todays harsh. Youth are so used to joking around and being lax that if one speaks in a clear tone, making straightforward points with no allusions it comes across like a telling off. The gradation between serious and joking has shifted in the wrong direction, partly because we say things and hear things, argue for and against issues that have no consequence to our comforts, our homes and stomachs...first world problems. Whereas in other countries there are direct consequences to ones words and actions. I would advise that we all cut down on tv and amusements and joint too much with brothers in he name of "its mubah bruv'" because it dulls he mind, weakens the heart takes away seriousness. From the book 'Tafkeer' Sheikh Taqiuddin An-Nabahani: "For you may start the path, but you might fail to realise the objective because of what you endure of hardship or because of losing patience. You might also start the struggle, but without seriousness. Thus you continue in the march, but you will not realise any objective, though you did not get tired nor did you lose patience, but only that you are not serious in the march. The realisation of the long-term objectives needs - first and foremost - seriousness, then patience and pursuance. " "The thinker, whether he is shallow, deep or enlightened, must be serious in his thinking. It is true that with the shallow thinker, his shallow thinking does not help him in being serious. However, by avoiding amusement and his habits he can be serious. Seriousness does not need depth, though depth encourages it."

    -Moinul Abu Hamza
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 10:56PM  

    sharia - Social Mention
    How do you know who[s a radical? They kill someone (like a daughter who was raped), they beat someone up for breaking Sharia law, they do some other destructive action that is not legal in the state in which they chose to live.
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:55
    We recently ran an article on a letter that Russian President Vladamir Putin wrote to…
    Winning essay by student.. The title? "Sharia Law has no place in Europe!" Love it!
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:54
    No place in America either, but it continues to creep in. via One Law For All UK One Law For All and the Lawyers' Secular Society are pleased to announce the winner of our student research competit...
    America continues to pour billions of dollars into "nation building". Meanwhile Islam is marching across the West. So what is the point? #Islam #Muslims #NAI #Sharia
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:52
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    Nov 24th 2013, 22:46
    Our StatementsКупить перезаправляемые картриджиjoomla Please click the link bellow to download the PDF Statemetn:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8ткани для вышивания
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:44
    I know that I have many liberal/democrat FB "friends". And, I know that some of what I post causes them to not only disagree with me but actually CALL me to bitch and complain about my "politics" and tell me I'm such a "radical" for posting what I post here on my home page. hahahaha...yeah, that's probably right, actually. So, here's something else for my liberal/progressive Obama-supporting buds to hate me for: I think Russians know something we don't. Since mid-2013, I personally believe that Vladimir Putin alone is smarter than most American politicians and I know he is smarter than Barack Obama. From a very good FB friend siting a quote from Vladimir Putin, prez of Russia: "In Russia we live like Russians. Any minority, from anywhere, if it wants to live in Russia, to work and eat in Russia, should speak Russian, and should respect the Russian laws. f they prefer Sharia Law, and live the life of Muslim's then we advise them to go to those places where that's the state law. Russia does not need Muslim minorities. Minorities need Russia, and we will not grant them special privileges, or try to change our laws to fit their desires, no matter how loud they yell 'discrimination'. We will not tolerate disrespect of our Russian culture . We better learn from the suicides of America, England, Holland and France, if we are to survive as a nation. The Muslims are taking over those countries and they will not take over Russia. The Russian customs and traditions are not compatible with the lack of culture or the primitive ways Sharia Law and Muslims. When this honorable legislative body thinks of creating new laws, it should have in mind the Russian national interest first, observing that Muslims Minorities are not Russians. The politicians in the Duma gave Putin a five minute standing ovation. If you keep this to yourself, you are part of the problem! It is a sad day when a Communist makes such good sense." From me: The big difference is that the Russians weren't trying to get Muslims to be just one more "voting block". Big differentiation between what Putin was and what Obama is. Obama will kowtow to Muslims, illegal Mexican immigrants...just about anyone and everyone that he can coerce into voting for the socialist agenda and the liberal/progressive politicians that support it.
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:43
    WTF? Why the need? Has their legislature passed Sharia law? And if they did would it not violate peoples rights and be invalid? Just another diversion and manufactured enemy to make you forget that it is government that is your enemy....
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:38
    North Carolina has become the seventh state to prohibit state judges to consider Islamic law in family cases, joining what critics say is a national anti-Muslim campaign.
    Subject: MEDIA RELEASE - Morgan Poll Finds Majority of Australians Concerned About Islam 24 November 2013, Melbourne – According to a recent Morgan poll conducted on behalf of Q Society of Australia Inc., the majority of Australians are clearly concerned about Islam and 70% believe Australia is not a better place because of Islam. The survey, completed in late October, found a majority (53 per cent) of Australians want full face coverings banned from public spaces and 50.2 per cent want Islamic sharia law banned all together. Australians over 65 are most concerned with 59 per cent in this age group stating that a growing Islamic population and Islamic immigration would be bad for Australia. Mature Australians and Liberal/National voters have a significantly negative view of Islam. Notably only 15 per cent of Australians think Islam and terrorism are not related. Multicultural advocates seeking to cancel Christmas, Easter or ANZAC Day celebrations in their quest to not offend other cultures should take note that 96.5 per cent of the population disagree. The omnibus poll conducted by Roy Morgan Research Ltd has an error margin of 4 per cent. Q Society spokesman Mr Andrew Horwood said the poll results validate the need for new strategies and policies. While followers of most religions seem to get along well, Australian politicians must acknowledge Islam is not just another religion and the growing concern is not a fringe issue. Q Society offers a proposed Charter of Muslim Understanding, written by former Muslim scholar and sharia expert Sam Solomon as a starting point for developing strategies and policies. The president of Q Society, Mrs Debbie Robinson, invites political leaders to address the problem with an open mind and consult with non-Muslim experts on Islam and secular ex-Muslims for guidance. Mrs Robinson points out that it is dishonest and counterproductive to discredit concerned Australians as 'racists' or 'islamophobic'. Australians are not alone as millions of Europeans are faced with similar problems. Muslim mass immigration and multiculturalism began in Europe two decades before the Whitlam government started the multicultural experiment in Australia. Polls in the Netherlands indicate the openly Islam-critical PVV will be the strongest party in the next elections to the parliament in Den Hague with PVV's parliamentary leader Geert Wilders MP most likely the next Prime Minister. Mr Wilders visited Australia in February 2013 following an invitation from Q Society. He spoke in Melbourne and Sydney at sold-out events.
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:38
    Winning student essay, "Sharia Law: No Place in Europe"
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:37
    Written by a female with bigger balls than most males
    the stupid d@mn hypocrites don't have a problem with sharia law's treatment of women either.
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:35
    Muslims in Norway now demand a separate state, Britain will become the next
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:34
    Muslims of Norway are now demanding a separate Islamic state and threaten terrorist actions if their demands are not met. Norway has already completed phase 3 of Islamization. [&#8230;]
    Maybe it was Sharia Law he was teaching.
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:31
    In these decisive moments, these times of the divine trial of the people of Earth, most of those who claimed to be Islamic or representatives of Islam, in one way or another, have fallen. Unfortunately, the first to fall were the inactive scholars who kept repeating the demonic saying (the supremacy of people) that has always been reiterated by the enemies of the Prophets, Messengers and Imams (AS[2]). Only this time, the Great Satan[3] brought it up, so they liked its glamour and fell for it. He named it (Democracy), liberty, free elections or any other of the designations that they could not reject. They succumbed to it and to its adherents for those inactive scholars and their followers have nothing more than insignificant and superficial knowledge of the religion. For them, religion is merely a reiteration and something empty to talk about. That is how those inactive scholars took Great Satan[4]'s bayonet and planted it in the heart of Ali, the Commander of the Faithful (AS) and reopening the old wound caused by the Shura and the Saqifat Bani Saeda[5] gathering that alienated Allah's successor from his true right and approved the people's supremacy which is not acceptable to Allah, His Prophet (pbuh[6]) and Imams (AS). Thus, those inactive scholars approved the alienation of prophets, messengers and imams (AS), and oppressors approved the murder of Hussein Bin Ali (AS). What hurts me the most is that I do not find anybody who stands up for the supremacy of Allah over His land. Even those who recognize this righteous supremacy have given up defending it because they found that in doing so, they are fighting against the violent and unmerciful current. The worst is that everyone recognizes the supremacy of people, and it is even approved by Muslims, unfortunately, except for the few who stayed true to Allah, even though they read the Quran (Say, 'O Allah, Lord of sovereignty, Thou givest sovereignty to whomsoever Thou pleasest[7]). Hence, these inactive scholars revoked the fundamental pillar of the divine religion, which is the supremacy of Allah and the succession of Allah's Regent. Consequently, the household[8] (AS) (Ahl Al-Bayt), the successors of Allah on earth, and the last of their descendants the Imam Al-Mahdi (AS), would not exist according to the elections or the democracy adopted by those inactive scholars. In fact, those scholars revoked the Holy Quran completely for Allah stated in it: (I am about to place a vicegerent in the earth) (Al-Baqarah[9]:30). And whereas He revealed the constitution and the Law in the Quran, those inactive scholars say that the ruler or the successor of Allah is to be appointed by the people through elections, and so is the constitution to be drawn up by them. Thus, not only did those inactive scholars oppose Allah's religion but they have refuted Allah Himself and stood by the devil's side (may Allah curse him). This is why I thought I should write these words in order to keep any objector from finding excuses and to shed the light on the subject for all to see, even though the truth is clear and free from any ambiguity. Moreover, I ask Allah to make these words one of His arguments on the Day of Resurrection against these inactive scholars, their imitators, those who followed them and fought Allah and the family of Muhammad (AS), approved their followers, the idols and the devil, and approved the alienation of Regent Ali Bin Abi Taleb (AS) and the Imams of His descendants (AS). In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Praise to Allah, Lord of the Worlds (And he who submits himself completely to Allah, and is a doer of good, he has surely grasped a strong handle. And with Allah rests the end of all affairs.) (Luqman[10]: 22). What is democracy? Democracy is the government of the


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Nov 25th 2013, 02:54, by Nahsaka Lasbhan


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 10:55PM  

    mujahid - Social Mention
    khane ke bad smoking karna buht buri bat hay mujahid sandhoo shab goor kro q k ap ki roti hazam nhi hoti
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:54
    بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ Subhanallah, beginilah seharusnya akhlaq para mujahid terhadap orang yang berbeda pendapat, أيها المجاهدون: إياكم أن تعدوا كل من خالفكم الرأي خصمًا، ولا كل من وافقكم خلًّا، فقد يكون المخالف من أكثرهم لكم ودًا "Wahai para mujahid, berhati-hatilah dari menganggap setiap orang yang menyelisihi pendapat kalian sebagai lawan, dan jangan pula kalian anggap setiap orang yang sependapat denganmu sebagai kawan, karena terkadang orang yang berbeda pendapat denganmu justru yang lebih mencintaimu" (Asy Syahid insyaa Allah Syaikh Al Mujahid Abu Umar Al Baghdadi rahimahullah)
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:47
    Barangsiapa bersusah payah mencari nafkah untuk keluarganya maka ia serupa dengan seorang mujahid di jalan Allah (HR. Ahmad)
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:45
    Subhanallah, beginilah seharusnya akhlaq para mujahid terhadap orang yang berbeda pendapat dengannya, sebagaimana yang diungkapkan oleh Amirul Mu'minin Daulah Islamiyah Iraq -sekarang Daulah Islamiyah Iraq dan Syam (ISIS): أيها المجاهدون: إياكم أن تعدوا كل من خالفكم الرأي خصمًا، ولا كل من وافقكم خلًّا، فقد يكون المخالف من أكثرهم لكم ودًا "Wahai para mujahid, berhati-hatilah dari menganggap setiap orang yang menyelisihi pendapat kalian sebagai lawan, dan jangan pula kalian anggap setiap orang yang sependapat denganmu sebagai kawan, karena terkadang orang yang berbeda pendapat denganmu justru yang lebih mencintaimu" (Asy Syahid insyaa Allah Syaikh Al Mujahid Abu Umar Al Baghdadi rahimahullah)
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:41
    Apa hukum bertepuk tangan dalam Masjid? Sepintas permasalahan tepuk tangan ini adalah masalah sepele yang tak perlu dibahas, tapi jika terjadi di dalam rumah ibadah apakah dibenarkan? Ternyata bertepuk tangan di Gereja saja dipermasalahkan, hal ini sebagaimana yang disebutkan Willard Paul dalam salah satu tulisan di blognya yang berjudul " Clap Your Hands, All You People! " mengenai tepuk tangan di gereja. Katanya, "Kita pura-pura datang ke gereja untuk menyembah Tuhan. Lalu ketika seseorang bermain musik atau bernyanyi, kita tepuk tangan untuknya. Ini bukan hal yang seharusnya dilakukan." Orang seperti Willard Paul saja mengerti bahwa tepuk tangan di gereja tidak tepat. Apalagi di dalam masjid? Pikirkanlah!!!… Lalu bagaimana jika kita lihat dari kaca mata syari'at Islam? Allah berfirman; ﻭَﻣَﺎ ﻛَﺎﻥَ ﺻَﻼَﺗُﻬُﻢْ ﻋِﻨْﺪَ ﺍﻟْﺒَﻴْﺖِ ﺇِﻻَّ ﻣُﻜَﺎﺀً ﻭَﺗَﺼْﺪِﻳَﺔً … " Shalat mereka di sekitar Baitullah itu, tidak lain hanyalah siulan dan tepukan tangan… " (Al-Anfal: 35) Ada riwayat yang menyatakan bahwa Kaum Quraisy mengganggu Nabi SAW yang sedang tawaf dengan bertepuk tangan dan bersiul, maka turunlah ayat ini sebagai ancaman. Ibnu Abbas berkata: "Dahulu orang- orang Quraisy bertawaf di sekeliling Ka'bah dalam keadaan telanjang sambil brsiul dan bertepuk tangan". Hal ini juga diriwayatkan dari Ibnu Umar, Mujahid, Muhammad bin Ka'ab, Abu Salamah bin Abdurrahman, ad- dhahhak, Qatadah, 'Athiyyah, al- Aufi, Hajar bin Anbas dan Ibnu Abza'. (lihat tafsir Ibnu Katsir). Para ulama berkata: ﺍﻟْـﻤُﻜَﺎﺀُ adalah siulan sedangkan ﺍﻟﺘَّﺼْﺪِﻳَﺔُ adalah tepuk tangan . Dan yang sunnah bagi seorang mukmin ketika melihat atau mendengar sesuatu yang mengagumkan atau yang dia ingkari adalah mengucapkan Subhanallah (Maha Suci Allah) atau Allahu Akbar (Allah Maha Besar), sebagaimana hal ini shahih dari Nabi Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam dalam banyak hadits. Pendapat yang paling ringan menyatakan hukumnya makruh . Dan yang lebih nyata dari dalil-dalil yang ada adalah bahwa hal itu haram, karena kaum muslimin dilarang menyerupai orang-orang kafir. Oleh karena itu gantilah tepuk tangan dengan ucapan Subhanallah, Allahu akbar atau lainnya yang tidak bertentangan dengan syari'at Islam.Wallahu a'lam.
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:34
    Assalamualaikum.... Bismillah... kebiasaan setiap pagi habis subuhan gowes muter" solo :) sekarang waktunya sarapan, kopi susu, roti sumbu, pisang goreng sambil mantengin @khazanah 7 (papua rahmat alloh untuk indonesia) semoga alloh ta'ala membebaskan bumi papua dari penjajah modern dan juga semoga alloh ta'ala melindungi sodara muslim dan mujahid kami di suriah, mesir, palestine, irak, somalia, rohingya, cina dan berbagai belahan dunia, # alhamdulillah
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:32
    Mujahid Fletcher: "MashaAllah Sheikh Isa Garcia and Br. Wuaykako Jesiat travel to Sierra Nevada, Colombia with a group of Colombian Muslims to represent Islam amongst the Indigenous people. Make duah for the benefit and success of this amazing effort."
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:31
     انطَلِقُواْ إِلَى مَا كُنتُمْ بِهِ تُكَذِّبُونَ - انطَلِقُواْ إِلَى ظِلٍّ ذِى ثَلَـثِ شُعَبٍ - لاَّ ظَلِيلٍ وَلاَ يُغْنِى مِنَ اللَّهَبِ - إِنَّهَا تَرْمِى بِشَرَرٍ كَالْقَصْرِ - كَأَنَّهُ جِمَـلَةٌ صُفْرٌ وَيْلٌ يَوْمَئِذٍ لِّلْمُكَذِّبِينَ هَـذَا يَوْمُ لاَ يَنطِقُونَ وَلاَ يُؤْذَنُ لَهُمْ فَيَعْتَذِرُونَ وَيْلٌ يَوْمَئِذٍ لِّلْمُكَذِّبِينَ هَـذَا يَوْمُ الْفَصْلِ جَمَعْنَـكُمْ وَالاٌّوَّلِينَ فَإِن كَانَ لَكمُ كَيْدٌ فَكِيدُونِ وَيْلٌ يَوْمَئِذٍ لِّلْمُكَذِّبِينَ (29. (It will be said to the disbelievers) "Depart you to that which you used to deny!'') (30. "Depart you to a shadow in three columns,'') (31. "Neither shady nor of any use against the fierce flame of the Fire.'') (32. Verily, it (Hell) throws sparks (huge) as Al-Qasr,) (33. As if they were Sufr camels.) (34. Woe that Day to the deniers (of the Day of Resurrection)!) (35. That will be a Day when they shall not speak (during some part of it),) (36. And they will not be permitted to put forth any excuse.) (37. Woe that Day to the deniers (of the Day of Resurrection)!) (38. That will be a Day of Decision! We have brought you and the men of old together!) (39. So, if you have a plot, use it against Me (Allah)!) (40. Woe that Day to the deniers (of the Day of Resurrection)!) The driving of the Criminals to their Final Abode in Hell and how it will be done Allah informs about the disbelievers who deny the final abode, the recompense, Paradise, and the Hellfire. On the Day of Judgement it will be said to them انطَلِقُواْ إِلَى مَا كُنتُمْ بِهِ تُكَذِّبُونَ - انطَلِقُواْ إِلَى ظِلٍّ ذِى ثَلَـثِ شُعَبٍ (Depart you to that which you used to deny! Depart you to a shadow in three columns,) meaning, a flame of fire when it rises and ascends with smoke. So due to its severity and strength, it will have three columns. لاَّ ظَلِيلٍ وَلاَ يُغْنِى مِنَ اللَّهَبِ (Neither shady nor of any use against the fierce flame of the Fire.) meaning, shade of the smoke that comes from the flame -- which itself will not have a shade, nor will it benefit against the flame. This means it will not protect them from the heat of the flame. Allah said, إِنَّهَا تَرْمِى بِشَرَرٍ كَالْقَصْرِ (Verily, it throws sparks as Al-Qasr,) meaning, its sparks will shoot out from its flame like huge castles. Ibn Mas`ud said, "Like forts.'' Ibn `Abbas, Mujahid, Qatadah and Malik who reported from Zayd bin Aslam and others said, "This means the trunk of trees.'' كَأَنَّهُ جِمَـلَةٌ صُفْرٌ (As if they were Sufr camels.) means, black camels. This is the view of Mujahid, Al-Hasan, Qatadah, and Ad-Dahhak, and Ibn Jarir favored this view. Ibn `Abbas Mujahid, and Sa`id bin Jubayr said about, جِمَـلَةٌ صُفْرٌ (Sufr camels.) "Meaning ropes of ships.'' إِنَّهَا تَرْمِى بِشَرَرٍ كَالْقَصْرِ (Verily, it (Hell) throws sparks as Al-Qasr.) Imam Al-Bukhari recorded from Ibn `Abbas that he said "We were directed to the timber a length of three cubits or more in order to use it for construction of buildings. We used to call it Al-Qasr. كَأَنَّهُ جِمَـلَةٌ صُفْرٌ (As if they were Sufr camels.) These (Jimalat) are ropes of ships that are bundled until they resemble the intestines of men.'' وَيْلٌ يَوْمَئِذٍ لِّلْمُكَذِّبِينَ (Woe that Day to the deniers!) The Inability of the Criminals to speak, make Excuses, or step forward on the Day of Judgement Then Allah says, هَـذَا يَوْمُ لاَ يَنطِقُونَ (That will be a Day when they shall not speak,) meaning, they will not speak. وَلاَ يُؤْذَنُ لَهُمْ فَيَعْتَذِرُونَ (And they will not be permitted to put forth any excuse.) meaning, they will not be able to speak, nor will they be granted permission to speak so that they can make excuses. Rather, the proof will be established against them, and they will be called upon to speak about the wrong that they did, but they will not be able to say anything. The courts of the Day of Judgement will occur in stages. Sometimes the Lord informs of this stage and sometimes He informs of that stage. This is to show the terrors and calamities of that Day. Thus, after all the details of this discussion, He says وَيْلٌ يَوْمَئِذٍ لِّلْمُكَذِّبِينَ (Woe that Day to the deniers!) Then Allah says, هَـذَا يَوْمُ الْفَصْلِ جَمَعْنَـكُمْ وَالاٌّوَّلِينَ - فَإِن كَانَ لَكمُ كَيْدٌ فَكِيدُونِ (That will be a Day of Decision! We have brought you and the men of old together! So if you have a plot, use it against Me!) This is an address from the Creator to His servants. He says to them, هَـذَا يَوْمُ الْفَصْلِ جَمَعْنَـكُمْ وَالاٌّوَّلِينَ (That will be a Day of Decision! We have brought you and the men of old together!) meaning, He will gather all of them by His power on one common plane, He will make them hear the caller and He will cause them to see. Then He says, فَإِن كَانَ لَكمُ كَيْدٌ فَكِيدُونِ (So, if you have a plot, use it against Me!) This is a serious threat and a harsh warning. It means, `if you are able to save yourselves from being seized by Me, and rescue yourselves from My ruling, then do so. But you are certainly not able to do so.' This is as Allah says, يمَعْشَرَ الْجِنِّ وَالإِنسِ إِنِ اسْتَطَعْتُمْ أَن تَنفُذُواْ مِنْ أَقْطَـرِ السَّمَـوَتِ وَالاٌّرْضِ فَانفُذُواْ لاَ تَنفُذُونَ إِلاَّ بِسُلْطَـنٍ (O assembly of Jinn and men! If you have power to pass beyond the zones of the heavens and the earth, then pass beyond (them)! But you will never be able to pass them, except with authority (from Allah)!) (5533) Allah also says, وَلاَ تَضُرُّونَهُ شَيْئًا (And you will not harm Him in the least.) (1157) It is narrated in a Hadith (that Allah said), يَا عِبَادِي، إِنَّكُمْ لَنْ تَبْلُغُوا نَفْعِي فَتَنْفَعُونِي، وَلَنْ تَبْلُغُوا ضَرِّي فَتَضُرُّونِي ("O My servants! You all can never attain My benefit and thereby benefit Me, and you all can never attain My harm and thereby harm Me.'')
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:31
    kemenag nyuruh lagi workshop FKGPAI di hotel grand ussu puncak 3 hari, asa cape geuning jadi mujahid teh
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:30
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:29
    ^~*Ujian , Musibah&Tantangan Masalah Hidup Di Dunia^~* Sebagai orang yang beriman, tentu kita semua ingin masuk surga. Betul nggak???. Ya iyalah…Nah, akan tetapi masuk surga itu tidak mudah temanku. Harus punya tiket istilahnya. Allah Swt berfimran, "Apakah kamu mengira bahwa kamu akan masuk surga, padahal belum datang padamu (cobaan) sebagaimana halnya orang-orang terdahulu sebelum kamu? Mereka ditimpa malapetaka dan kesengsaraan, serta diguncangkan (dengan bermacam-macam cobaan) sehingga berkatalah Rasul dan orang-orang yang beriman bersamanya, "Kapankah datangnya pertolongan Allah?" Ingatlah, sesungguhnya pertolongan Allah itu amat dekat." (QS. Al-Baqarah: 214) Okey, orang yang mengaku beriman dan ingin masuk surga tentunya, mesti akan merasakan ujian, musibah, dan tantangan terlebih dahulu. Dengan ujian ini, maka akan terlihat dengan jelas mana imannya yang benar dan mana yang dusta. Seperti besi, semakin digosok makin mengkilap. Begitulah manusia, semakin ia tahan dengan ujian, maka ia pun akan semakin dekat dengan kesempurnaan iman. Pada hakikatnya, ujian itu merupakan bukti bahwa Allah memperhatikan kita bukan malah sebaliknya. Namun demikian, sedikit sekali manusia yang menyadarinya bahkan tidak sedikit dari mereka yang mencerca akan kehendak Rabbnya. Wal'iya'dzubillah. Setiap orang pasti mempunyai masalah. Datangnya ujian dan musibah pun menjadi masalah bagi setiap orang. Tidak ada orang yang hidup di dunia ini yang tidak punya masalah. Tak pandang bulu, entah pedagang, pak presiden, bahkan pak ustad pun mesti punya masalah. Tapi ada satu yang membedakan! Bagaimana cara mereka mengolah masalah itu. Mengapa??? Karena dari sinilah "TKP" dan asal muasalnya orang jadi gila sebab duitnya amblas dibabat penjahat, orang jadi bunuh diri hanya karena diputus pacarnya, sampai bahkan seorang kakek tega menggauli cucunya….UEDJAN tenan ra ki…Namun demikian tak sedikit dari mereka yang pandai mengolah masalahnya agar tak jadi masalah. Apa donk tipsnya klo gitu??? Ni dia… gua kasih tahu dah…perhatikan; 1. Siap Siap Grakkk!!!! Itulah langkah pertama yang harus dimiliki semua orang ketika menghadapi sebuah ujian dan musibah yang menyapanya. Ketika seseorang telah siap dan yakin akan sebuah ujian yang tak tentu kapan datangnya, Insya Allah badai pasti berlalu dengan lugu. Siap dan yakinlah bahwa suatu saat engkau akan didatangi oleh sebuah kerugian, kemlaratan, kebangkrutan, dan semua hal-hal yang tidak ingin ia hadir dalam hidupmu. Karena hakikat dari sebuah masalah adalah suatu keadaan yang bertolak belakang dengan apa yang engkau harapkan. Dan jangan lupa bahwa semua itu adalah datang dari Allah Swt. Akan ia datang semata ujian


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 10:54PM  

    salafisten - Social Mention
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:24
    Hintergründe und ausgewählte Beiträge Menschenfreund auf Twitter: Menschenfreund auf Facebook:
    Ungläubige abzocken schreibt der Koran doch als völlig normal vor.
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:19
    Er verteilte den Koran und prophezeit Christen die Hölle. Weltlichem ist der Salafist Ibrahim Abou Nagie wohl dennoch nicht abgeneigt: Um seinen Mercedes zu bezahlen, soll er Spenden veruntreut und Hartz-IV-Betrug betrieben haben.
    伊斯兰,人类文明世界的魔鬼。作者: 宋小雨 8点45分,荷兰,上班路上的导演梵·高,被一个摩洛哥穆斯林移民穆罕默德·布耶里用枪击中,他倒地不起,爬到一家洗衣机零售店前失去了力气。穆斯林跟上去,接着向他开火,在他身体里总共留下8颗子弹。47岁的梵·高恳求:"别!别!发发慈悲!发发慈悲!"一个带着孩子的妇女也尖叫着恳求他停下。但他却拿出一把长尖刀,割断了梵·高的喉咙,几乎将他的头整个割下。梵·高的被害,使整个欧洲陷入了震惊、愤怒、痛苦、反省、争吵中,荷兰曾自豪的认为成功实现了文化、民族的多元性,到头来被一枪打醒了! Sheik Taj Din al-Hilali是澳大利亚最高级别的伊斯兰宗教领袖。他近日将没有穿戴穆斯林服饰的女性比喻为"没有遮挡覆盖的裸露肉"、"这块肉在街道上游荡,被猫吃掉。" 在前不久悉尼清真寺的开斋节仪式上,他发表评论说最近一批因为轮奸妇女而被判处监禁的穆斯林男性并不值得谴责。"那些女人穿着裸露放荡的衣服,浓妆艳抹,给人暗示。当你看到她,完全不会有任何同情怜悯之情他最后肯定地说:"问题当然出在这块裸露的肉上。""如果她们戴上面纱和头巾,(强奸)这些问题就不会存在了。"。 伊斯兰教的莫卧儿帝国在奥朗则布时期达到鼎盛,这时他觉得有足够的实力来处置"卡菲尔"的问题了。1669年他下令摧毁印度教寺庙和学校,并在原址上修建清真寺;1679年重征印度教徒人头税;1695年禁止印度教徒骑马、乘象等;1675年处死锡克教领袖得格·巴哈都尔,并恢复所有非伊斯兰教教徒人头税,并在其他的税收里,印度教教徒所交的税是穆斯林的两倍。在这些粗暴政策的推行下,印度迅速伊斯兰化,直到巴基斯坦和孟加拉国分裂出去,印度仍然不得安宁。目前,占印度人口11%的穆斯林平均每年制造数百起暴力冲突。 据卡塔尔半岛电视台报道:沙特国王科技大学教授杜来比(Duraibi)19日在其博客中提出阿拉伯人需要重新考虑无神论的现实存在。他在博客中说,无神论和基督教、佛教、伊斯兰教一样,也是属于宗教的一种,不需要刻意的排斥。阿拉伯人应该接受无神论的存在。 在他发布这一言论以后,他已经接到伊斯兰极端分子的追杀威胁。 伊斯兰教的奥斯曼帝国统治巴尔干时期,以武力、税收等方式迫使当地斯拉夫人(如塞尔维亚人、克罗地亚人)改信伊斯兰教。并规定,非穆斯林不可进入上层社会;农民如果不改信伊斯兰教,必须交某些捐税。这一政策使许多塞族人和克族人改信伊斯兰教,而坚持信仰基督教的塞族人、克族人被称为"赖雅"(即土耳其语畜牲的意思)。改信伊斯兰教的塞族人和克族人只认同自己是穆斯林,不再认同其他塞族人、克族人是自己的同胞。就这样造成了民族分裂,为后来的波黑战争埋下了祸端。 据英国《每日邮报》5月22日报道,随巴基斯坦父母生活在英国柴郡沃林顿市的17岁女孩Shafilea,因为染上了西方的生活方式,被父母认为是一种羞辱,从而在2003年被父母杀害肢解。每年有2000多女性因为荣誉处决死在父亲和兄弟手中。 印尼屠华,国内一些穆斯林认为华人该杀,出发点就是印尼人和他们都是穆斯林兄弟,而华人是卡菲勒,嘴上的理由则是华人的经济问题。还有很多穆斯林也知道这事儿办的确实丧良心,也知道这事儿丢人,但他们却不是勇于承担,谴责施暴的印尼穆斯林,而是指着这些屠华照片说:这不是穆斯林干的,你有什么证据说他们是穆斯林?他们的装束不是穆斯林的装束来开脱。极少数勉强说一句这是少数人行为(也不说这是恶行),还是为了证明我有错,说我侮辱了整个宗教、民族。而主动承认错误,谴责施暴者的穆斯林我就没见过一个。 我不怕得罪人,我说实话,相信有不少人亲眼见过穆斯林们对犹太人的反感。光在人人网上我就看到过不止一次,也不是极端分子,就是普通正常的穆斯林。且不说战争中的表现,看看 这个视频中以色列人为人类贡献了什么?光看完滴灌、电动义肢等造福人类的伟大发明之后,我就已经激动得难以附加。再看看穆斯林为世界贡献了什么?呵呵,呵呵,呵呵呵呵…… 穆斯林为女人戴头巾穿长袍辩解说:女人不这样穿,露出身体的一部分,会导致女性勾引别的男人,还会促使陌生男人侵犯女人。但是,从世界各国非穆斯林看来,并没有这种现象发生。而穆斯林依然要这么做,只能说明穆斯林女的都是骚货,不穿长袍头巾就会去勾引别人,穆斯林男的都是色鬼,看见人家女性露出一点肌肤就想去侵犯人家。 最早贩卖黑奴的确实是阿拉伯人,但是阿拉伯人贩卖黑奴主要是用作宫廷侍从,并没有基督徒黑奴的血泪史,两者存在本质上的区别---我们学校一个穆斯林学生说的 阿拉伯和犹太虽然都是闪米特人,基因无异而智商成就高下立判。何也?信仰异也 土耳其国父凯末尔阿塔蒂尔克论伊斯兰:这就是伊斯兰 一个来自堕落的贝都因人的荒谬神学, 像腐烂尸体一样毒害着我们的生命。凯末尔的世俗化一手缔造了土耳其的复兴,成为数十个伊斯兰为主要信仰地区仅有的两个发达国家之一。 有这样一些人,他们长着和你我一样的黄皮肤、黑头发、黑眼睛,说着和我们一样的语言。但你却不知道当他们戴上小帽挥起马刀捧起经书时的凶残,你是否知道他们差点掘了黄帝的陵寝,屠光了炎黄的子孙,建立了他们的斯坦;他们爱国吗?我不知道。但一个中东的小国可以牵动他们的喜怒哀乐;他们文明吗?我不知道,但我知道他们中的青年在大学的广场上礼拜;他们宽容吗?我不知道,但我知道他们为了一本书可以对作家进行全球追杀;他们守法吗?我不知道,但我知道他们一边贩毒一边禁酒,因为酒是万恶之源,毒品不是。 穆罕默德死后,四哈里发继任。阿拉伯人攻占埃及,阿拉伯将领问哈里发:亚历山大图书馆的藏书怎么办?哈里发回答:如果书上所写的和古兰经一样,那就没必要保留,看古兰经就可以了。如果和古兰经所说的不一样,那就是异端邪说,更没有必要保留。于是,阿拉伯人放火焚烧亚历山大图书馆,大火烧了6个月,人类历史上最宏大的图书馆,最丰富的知识宝库被阿拉伯人烧毁,被阿拉伯人的古兰经取代。亚历山大图书馆藏书丰富,包罗万象,甚至有5000年前埃及法老王的纸草文书,图书馆被毁,人类很多历史文化的传承就此中断。 按照伊斯兰教法,娶表妹和堂妹都是合法的。圣门大贤阿里,是穆圣的堂弟弟,娶的妻子法图麦,还是他的堂侄女呢。哈桑、侯赛因两位伊玛目,既是穆圣的外孙,也是他的堂侄子,所以他们的后裔都姓"哈希姆"或者"谢里夫",都是圣裔。因为穆罕默德就强取了自己养子宰德的老婆宰乃卜(扒灰乱抡) 犹太人比其他任何民族都更爱惜生命',巴勒斯坦人终于找到了以色列的软弱之处,所以自杀炸弹是对付以色列人最理想的武器,可以炸得犹太人抱头鼠窜。——巴勒斯坦恐怖组织哈玛斯领导人Ismail Haniya在《华盛顿邮报》 二十一世纪谁还明文规定可以多妻 只有伊斯兰 谁明文规定妻子是丈夫的附属品 只有伊斯兰 谁明文规定女性的证词只有男性证词法律效力的1/4 只有伊斯兰 谁明文规定被强奸女性如果找不到四个男性证人 就以通奸罪论处坐牢挨鞭子还可能被石头砸死. 只有伊斯兰 谁公开提倡在家打老婆 只有伊斯兰. 关于贩卖黑奴的一个普遍误解:英美是从葡萄牙手中买的黑奴.而葡萄牙和西班牙也很少直接捕杀黑奴.黑奴是谁普抓的?阿拉伯人和黑人自己.特别是阿拉伯人和黑人MSL.把强奸和捕杀其他种族作为削弱其他种族的手段.葡萄牙只是中间贩卖者,美国是客户。 而且阿拉伯人贩卖黑奴的历史可以追溯到一千多年前,至今未绝 荷山: 我骂佛祖,有人来劝我;我骂基督,有人来责我;我骂腊肉,有人来抓我;我骂真主,有人来杀我。 穆斯林在韩国可以自由传播伊斯兰教,甚至传播到韩国军队里,韩国人对伊斯兰教的传播很宽容。但韩国人跑到伊斯兰国家传播基督教得到的待遇是:绑架+砍头+炸弹袭击,国内的穆斯林还大骂韩国人活该。中国维和部队在黎巴嫩时,当地穆斯林居然公开向中国军人传教,千方百计拉拢中国军人入教。加入中国军人向当地穆斯林宣传马列主义的话,可以肯定,当地穆斯林会向中国军营投炸弹,暴力示威就更多了 每一次我们批判伊斯兰,总有一些不知深浅的东西跑出来跟我们讲基督教一样坏。我已经不胜其烦。我今天要严肃正告你们这些虚伪透顶的货色,基督教就是比伊斯兰和平宽容善良。不信的话,我去梵蒂冈烧圣经,你去沙特烧古兰经。看谁能活着回来,有这个胆量吗?有穆斯林跑到梵蒂冈圣彼得大教堂播放古兰经,基督徒们一笑了之。有个韩国神父在中东做慈善,顺便讲了一下圣经,脑袋就被穆斯林割掉了。文明与野蛮高下立判。 又是伊斯兰。锯头视频。车臣伊斯兰战士把俄军的脑袋活生生的割了下来,慢慢的割,血在飙,嘴在动,人未死。不信伊斯兰的卡菲乐们,颤抖吧,这就是你们的下场。 穆罕默德推行多妻制 使得穆斯林群体中青春期少女很早就被有权有势的人霸占 青年男子性欲无法满足 而手淫是重罪 性压抑的年轻人要么成群结伙去抢夺非穆斯林女子 要么就参加吉哈德 去天堂享受72处女 穆罕默德就是这样来确保伊斯兰的破坏力 可惜战五渣永远是战五渣 伊斯兰教是禁酒的,可看记载,很多哈里发、苏丹、埃米尔都是酒鬼 网易新闻《危险的信仰》 1972年11月6日,一伙穆斯林极端分子纵火烧毁了开罗市郊汗卡地区的被科普特人作为祈祷场所的圣经协会,触怒了教会和科普特人。11日,百余名教:亡奉新任教皇舍努戴三世之命,率领近300名信徒,冲破警方的阻拦,排列成行,唱着圣歌,步行到现场,在废墟上举行祈祷和弥撒,以示抗议。当晚,一群偏激的穆斯林青年聚集在清真寺,在阿匍的带领下,气势汹汹地责问警方和阿拉伯社会主义联盟,认为这一事件是对他们宗教感情的挑衅,并沿途烧毁了几家科普特人的住宅和店铺。有人混水摸鱼,洗劫了他们的财物。埃及基督徒只占总人口6%-8%,但在埃及80%的药剂师和 30%至40%的医生是基督徒,当然,100%的恐怖分子是穆斯林 信了伊斯兰变脑残:1 埃及基督徒自诩为"古代埃及种族的直接后裔"引起穆斯林的忌恨,尽管古埃及文化非常伟大,埃及人都有古埃及人血统,但埃及穆斯林就是死活不承认。 2 古代波斯也是当时世界上数一数二的大国,也是第一个横跨欧亚的帝国,但信了伊斯兰之后,波斯人就几乎彻底遗忘了祖先,知道20世纪才勉强搞清楚,伊朗巴列维国王大力宣传古代波斯的伟大,结果却导致宗教势力极度不满 ,结果用暴力赶走了国王,将教主霍梅尼推上台,这个邪教头就是日后对一个作家发全球追杀令,号召老人儿童踩地雷为军队开路,强奸幼女的伊斯兰圣人。 中国的回民大部分是汉人血统,其次是突厥和波斯,但他们都认废柴的阿拉伯人当祖先,以汉人血统为耻。伊斯兰会让正常的细胞癌变 卢小云: 今天看到一个女穆斯林给我讲了个穆罕默德为什么娶那么多的妻子的原因,就是因为那个时期很多人因为信佛开始杀女人,甚至活埋她们,穆罕默德不得已才娶了其中几位,来提升女性地位。 澳大利亚穆斯林虽然现占人口总数还不多,但是悉尼一半以上的强奸、轮奸案件都是穆斯林所为。多起穆斯林轮奸当地白人少女的案件极大地震惊了澳大利亚,使人们极度反感有着中东面孔的人士。斯林人不断要求身边的当地人尊重穆斯林的习俗。比如,在沙滩上许多白人少女遭到不少穆斯林无赖的纠缠,威胁她们不得再穿比基尼泳衣,否则当心遭到轮奸;教堂多次遭到穆斯林的围攻,理由五花八门,包括教堂建筑高于清真寺冒犯了穆斯林的尊严;教堂的祈祷的声音干扰了穆斯林——而这些教堂在穆斯林来这里前已经存在了。少数穆斯林移民澳大利亚后竟完全忽略了"主"与"客"、"多"与"少"的关系,理直气壮地要求澳洲政府修改宪法,理由竟是澳州宪法不符合伊斯兰教义。 德国宪法护卫法庭开始在全国范围内大肆搜捕穆斯林极端组织萨拉维斯。穆斯林极端组织萨拉维斯Salafisten近年来在德国迅速扩张,一直受到德国宪法护卫法庭的监视。德国宪警说,萨拉维斯成员到处在街道上散发可兰经并拉人入会,并且散布对其他宗教派别极端的宗教仇恨和进行攻击性演讲,还带有暴力行为。该组织的结构和其行为已经明显违反德国宪法中规定的多元民主和言论自由原则。 伊斯兰的症结就在于违背教义的东西不仅规定了在后世的惩罚,还要在现世进行肉体毁伤,宗教干涉现世,甚至进行肉体消灭,这就不是宗教的范畴了。古兰经对暴力干涉现世有支持和鼓励,导致伊斯兰必然是人类文明的敌人。 赵盈: 在翻完了《古兰经》和六大《圣训集》后,心中更坚定了一个信念——丢掉幻想,准备斗争。 穆罕默德非常关于用天堂的欢乐来引诱他的信众:每一个最平凡的信徒都会有72 个年轻貌美的处女供他享用,片刻的欢乐将会延长到1000


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 10:53PM  

    media crash news - Social Mention
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    Nov 24th 2013, 21:03
    The Fifties Ended on November 22, 1963
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    Great Bend Tribune - Found 1 hour agoThe 1929 Wall Street crash would not be fully ... exactly where I was when I heard the news. ... myth created by Jackie and by an adoring ...
    Who should stay?
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    CHURCH WITH A PURPOSE DATE: November 24, 2013 TITLE: "WHERE ARE THE NINE?" MAIN SCRIPTURE: Luke 17:11-19 "Now it happened as He went to Jerusalem that He passed through the midst of Samaria and Galilee. Then as He entered a certain village, there met Him ten men who were lepers, who stood afar off. And they lifted up their voices and said, 'Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!' So when He saw them, He said to them, 'Go, show yourselves to the priests.' And so it was that as they went, they were cleansed. And one of them, when he saw that he was healed, returned, and with a loud voice glorified God, and fell down on his face at His feet, giving Him thanks. And he was a Samaritan. So Jesus answered and said, 'Were there not ten cleansed? But where are the nine? Were there not any found who returned to give glory to God except this foreigner?' And He said to him, 'Arise, go your way. Your faith has made you well." NKJV Thanksgiving is drawing near again—and the inevitable battle of "Do we decorate for Christmas before or after Thanksgiving?" Even as we take a minute to count our blessings on Facebook so that all will know that we are in a thankful frame of mind, the other part of our mind is churning about a thousand miles an hour over schedules, shopping lists, parties, family get-togethers, and yes, decorating as red, green and tinsel push our autumn tinted décor aside. And speaking of pushing aside, we've got whole game plans going on for Black Friday that require strategy, nerves of steel, and a crash helmet. The truth is that these days, Thanksgiving has become almost as commercial as Christmas. In fact, many do not even call it Thanksgiving now, but Turkey Day. In 1863, President Lincoln made a Thanksgiving proclamation, explaining that the purpose of this day that we set aside is a day not for turkeys, not even for family gatherings, though that occurred naturally as a part of the day. Even at a time of civil war, President Lincoln reminded Americans that they were blessed and had much to be thankful for. And even now in these chaotic times where the picture the media presents might suggest there is little to be thankful for, we are still blessed in all those things that we take for granted every day, forgetting Who has given them to us. What will we do this Thursday? Say a quick prayer around the table with family before digging into the turkey, gravy, potatoes, collards (okay, so that's my personal favorite) and pumpkin pie and then collapse in front of the big-screen TV to watch football? Will we take the time to truly stop and give thanks to the Lord for all He has done in our lives the past year? The Scripture tells the story of ten men who had a great personal need and sought Jesus' mercy and help. He healed these men, and then, though all were no doubt grateful in their hearts, only one man, a Samaritan, acted on that gratefulness and returned to give thanks openly to the One Who healed him. This is a wonderful story of indescribable love and amazing grace, and yet it could be our story, for who has not cried out to God in a time of great need, pleading for His mercy? We're not ashamed to speak up and ask Him for what we need, but how about when it is time to give Him the praise for these things? We so crave the boundaries of normality that we get very quiet once our prayers are answered. Grateful, yes, but a quiet, private gratefulness in the heart because we want to blend, not offend. This is the world's advice to Christians. "Just blend in with the rest of us. Don't speak up and testify because you might offend someone. " Rather than being the one out of ten who steps out of the box to praise God, we are part of the nine who hide very quietly at the bottom of the box—we may peek out and say a quick, "Thank You, God," but then we are anxious to move on with our lives. Let's take a look at these ten men. I. THEY HAD A REQUEST A. They had a need. Leprosy was and is a horrible disease. People who had it were often called the "living dead." What might begin as small specks quickly accelerated to large sores, and often the extremities or other body parts would rot and fall off. These people could not live in the cities and towns. They lived in camps outside the borders of town and could not interact with family for fear of infecting those they loved. They were required to call out "Unclean! Unclean! "if anyone happened to be passing near. They celebrated (if we could even call it such) birthdays or special days away from all that they loved. If anyone back then was in a desperate way, these men qualified. B. They came to Christ. The news of the miraculous things that Jesus did had spread even to the lepers' camp. Notice that the Scripture says that they came to Him. It adds "afar off" for in their condition they were required to stop a distance away, but they came as close as they could to Him and cried out at the top of their lungs for help. Why did they come to Him? Every great blessing in Scripture is preceded by someone coming to the Lord. C. They recognized Christ. They addressed Him as Jesus and then added another title: "Master." This word in the Greek implies "commander of." They called on the Commander of their disease and of all that had happened in their lives. D. They knew what they wanted. Often the most sincere prayer consists of two desperate words: "Help me." In fact, when we cannot even utter those two words, the Spirit intercedes for us (Rom. 8:26). They had no greater desire than to be healed, and they pleaded for mercy from the One they knew could heal them. II. THE ANSWER COMES A. "Go and show yourselves to the priests." Notice that they were healed as they acted in obedience to Jesus' command! B. Jesus came; HE healed. Their healing came from one Source alone! C. God answers prayer. We know this in theory, and by experience. God may not always give us the answer we want, but He answers. In this case, Jesus responded immediately to the men's pleas. We serve an "on time" God! It has been said that He is seldom early but never late. Does our praise match our petition? D. He gave new life. For those men whose flesh had been eaten away by the terrible leprosy, Jesus gave new life. They would no longer have to huddle in misery outside of town but could return to their families. They would no longer be called the "living dead." Our souls were eaten away by sin, and, though we may have been physically alive, we were spiritually dead until we accepted Jesus Christ as our Savior. He gave us new life—eternal life! The things we have on earth here are temporary but of all things to be thankful for to the Lord, we can praise Him most for saving us! III. ONLY ONE RETURNED A. Are thanksgiving and gratitude really important? This may sound like a "duh" question but based on how seldom we show it, we could use the reminder that YES, it is important! God loved us in our sinful state. Our attempts at righteousness were as filthy rags and yet He is good. His love endures forever! His love is everlasting! When we fall, He loves us enough to pick us up. We fail every day. We fail the people we love, and people also fail us. But one thing we can always count on is God's faithfulness. As one song expressed it, "When we are faithless, He remains faithful." B. Where are the nine? A book for young children that tells this story expresses it this way: "Jesus was pleased. But He was sad too. 'Didn't I make ten men well? Did only one man come back to say thank you?'" Simple as that is, we can imagine the sadness in Jesus' voice as He asked that question, even as He smiled upon the thankful one. These men were no doubt grateful to be healed. But getting what they prayed for seemed to them to be the climax, the most important part. Now they were ready to move on. And lest we judge them too harshly, we might think back on times the Lord answered a prayer for us, and we said a quick thank you, maybe posted it on Facebook in a moment of praise, but all too soon moved on with our lives and onto the next prayer need. All too often we flood the altar with prayer, only to have the flood die down to a trickle when the crisis is over. And yet, we know, don't we, how much it means to us to hear a "thank you"? How much more does it mean to the Lord? Let's step out of that box of our needs and desires and thank the Lord with all our hearts. Let's be the ones who replace pouts with praise and whines with worship. Let's be the ones who say "Thank You" instead of the nine. "Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless His holy name! Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits: Who forgives all your iniquities, Who heals all your diseases, Who redeems your life from destruction, Who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies, Who satisfies your mouth with good things, so that your youth is renewed like the eagles." Psalm 103:1-5
    Nov 24th 2013, 20:51
    Old East Knoxville motel to be turned into school
    Nov 24th 2013, 20:48
    Community members in East Knox County are transforming this old motel off Asheville Hwy. into a school.
    BREAKING NEWS: A woman has been killed in crash on Oswego Road in Liverpool. Three children and an adult have been hospitalized.
    Nov 24th 2013, 20:33
    The Onondaga County Sheriff's Office says a woman was killed in a Sunday afternoon crash on Oswego Road.
    maybe this whole thing about the boy who killed another public it school with his bare hands will teach some people a lesson!! people need to realise that you can kill somebody with one punch, so instead a trying to be big men and fighting with each other why not think to yourself 'if i killed him would it be worth it?' violence is absolutely disgusting and isn't worth potentially ruining your and their entire life over. i get that he obviously didnt mean to kill him but the matter of the fact is HE DID and he should have been put straight into prison for manslaughter to teach him that he canny just lash out at people and expect to be left away with something like that! also find people sticking up for him saying its no his fault are infuriating me!
    Nov 24th 2013, 20:29
    Today will be my last newscast as the weekend anchor at LEX18. Next week, I will be moving to Washington, DC to continue my career in journalism and be with my fiance. I want you all to know, I am not leaving LEX 18 or Lexington because I am not happy here. I have absolutely LOVED calling the Bluegrass state my home. Each day I am reminded of how wonderful the people here are...and I thank you so much for making this Tennessee girl feel at home. I hope we can all still stay in touch! I'll still keep this page and continue to post updates.
    Nov 24th 2013, 20:22
    Nov 24th 2013, 19:52
    DECLARATION & PUBLIC MOTION TO TORONTO COUNCILLORS Part 4 Updated Nov. 24,2013   Winfrey's Mutual FuneralHome, Inc. 390 Glenhaven Ave.,Athens, GA   (706) 548-4246 Jones-Wynn Funeral Home DouglasChapel 2189 Midway Rd,Douglasville, GA   (770) 942-2311 Winns Funeral Home,240 Azalea St.,Arlington, GA   (229) 725-4619   Margaret "Peggy" Ebarb Prescott, 52, of Vinton, Louisiana,d. Nov. 3, 2013, Nibletts Bluff Park in Vinton, Louisiana with Mr. AnthonyGrant officiating. Claybar Funeral Home in Orange.Born in Sulphur, Louisiana on September 4, 1961, daughter of Glyndell W.and Margaret (Townsend) Ebarb. parents, Glyndell and Margaret Ebarb;sons, Thaddeus "Tad" Prescott, Jace Prescott and Dak Prescott;granddaughter, Kennedy; brothers and sisters, Melissa Slusherand husband, Bruce, Phillip Ebarb and wife, Stacey and Valrie Gilbeauxand husband, Troy; ex-husband,Nathaniel Prescott; (Q?s: Michael Leshner – Troy Ford – John F. Kennedy /Jason Kenny – Glynis – Presscott & Russell to Gary O'Neill?)   Fred MortimerRichards--Riverton Plant Supervisor d. June 28. one of the Most beloved Members ofthe Organization. plant of the Empire District Electric Company since 1916,director of the company and one of the most widely known members of theorganization died June 28 at Freeman hospital following an illness ofsix months. at 56 Freeman hospital ten days. about 2 months ago from the MayoClinic in Rochester Minn. underwent an operation. 11 years with the company,born in Wyocena, Wis. Dec. 12, 1870. school atKilbourn City, Wis. fulfilled a boyhood ambition to be a locomotive engineer,  training at the Portage, Wis. plant and wasadvanced to the position of Chief Engineer. associated with the Madison Gasand Electric Co. in 1900 that he became personally acquainted with Mr. HenryL. Doherty, General Superintendent of the Northern Colorado Power and WaterCo. at Boulder, Colorado, and Trinidad, Colo. Railway and Power Company.Riverton Plant built by Mr. Doherty. largest steam plant in Kansas and thelargest operated by the Empire District Electric Co., member of the BlueLodge of


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 10:51PM  

    „Verkündet von mir, auch wenn es nur ein Vers ist." Saheeh Al Bukharis Facebook-Pinnwand
    „Verkündet von mir, auch wenn es nur ein Vers ist." Saheeh Al Bukharis Facebook-Pinnwand
    `Â'ischa (r) berichtete: "Der Gesandte Allâhs (s) pflegte, wenn er Schmerzen ver...
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:09
    `Â'ischa (r) berichtete: "Der Gesandte Allâhs (s) pflegte, wenn er Schmerzen verspürte, die Schutzsuren* zu lesen und dann in seine Hand zu pusten und über die schmerzende Stelle zu streichen." * die Suren Falaq und Nâs (Nr. 113 und 114) (Bukhârî und Muslim)
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 10:51PM  

    „Verkündet von mir, auch wenn es nur ein Vers ist." Saheeh Al Bukharis Facebook-Pinnwand
    „Verkündet von mir, auch wenn es nur ein Vers ist." Saheeh Al Bukharis Facebook-Pinnwand
    Anas Ibn Mâlik (r) berichtete:
    >> Der Gesandte Allâhs (r) (s) sagte:
    "Als mein H...
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:08
    Anas Ibn Mâlik (r) berichtete:
    >> Der Gesandte Allâhs (r) (s) sagte:
    "Als mein Herr mich zu Sich emporhob, kam ich an Leuten vorbei, deren Fingernägel aus Kupfer waren und die sich Gesicht und Brust zerkratzten.
    Ich fragte:
    "Wer sind diese Leute, oh Gabriel?"
    Er antwortete:
    "Diese sind diejenigen, die das Fleisch von Menschen aßen* und ihre Würde antasteten."

    * methaphorische Umschreibung der üblen Nachrede

    (Abû Dâwûd)
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 10:51PM  

    „Verkündet von mir, auch wenn es nur ein Vers ist." Saheeh Al Bukharis Facebook-Pinnwand
    „Verkündet von mir, auch wenn es nur ein Vers ist." Saheeh Al Bukharis Facebook-Pinnwand
    Anas (r) berichtete: >> Der Gesandte Allâhs (s) hat gesagt: "Das Bittgebet zwisc...
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:10
    Anas (r) berichtete: >> Der Gesandte Allâhs (s) hat gesagt: "Das Bittgebet zwischen Gebetsruf (Adhân) und Gebetsbeginn (Iqâma) wird nicht zurückgewiesen." << (Abû Dâwûd, Tirmîdhî*) *ein guter Hadîth.
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 10:51PM  

    Gegen den Militärputsch in Ägyptens Facebook-Pinnwand
    Gegen den Militärputsch in Ägyptens Facebook-Pinnwand
    Professoren/innen und Studierende demonstrieren gegen den Putsch und für die Fre...
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:57
    Professoren/innen und Studierende demonstrieren gegen den Putsch und für die Freilassung inhaftierter Studierender und Professoren.
    Kairo Universität, 24.11.2013
    Professoren/innen und Studierende demonstrieren gegen den Putsch und für die Freilassung inhaftierter Studierender und Professoren.
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 10:45PM  

    The Second Khilafahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    The Second Khilafahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Sie können Hunderte von uns töten, das ist nicht so schlimm als wenn wir ihre We...
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:42
    Sie können Hunderte von uns töten, das ist nicht so schlimm als wenn wir ihre Werte und Maßstäbe annehmen, dadurch lassen wir es nämlich erst soweit kommen. Lasst es nicht soweit kommen, ihr seid Muslime al Hamdulilah!

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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 10:42PM  

    Islam in Österreich, Deutschland & Schweiz Facebook-Pinnwand
    Islam in Österreich, Deutschland & Schweiz Facebook-Pinnwand
    Präsident Mursi im Mekka
    Möge Allah s. ihm Freiheit und Gewinn geben!
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:25
    Präsident Mursi im Mekka
    Möge Allah s. ihm Freiheit und Gewinn geben!
    ‫مقطع نادر للرئيس محمد مرسي يبكي وهو يصلي في الحرم‬
    ‫raid bach 101 مقطع نادر للرئيس المصري محمد مرسي يبكي وهو يصلي في الحرم عند سماع وسكنتم في مساكن الذين ظلموا أنفسهم وتبين لكم كيف فعلنا بهم وضربنا لكم الأمثال‬
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Nov 25th 2013, 02:42, by Nahsaka Lasbhan


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 10:33PM  

    Legst du dich mit Türken an , Simdiden Allah rahmet eylesin.s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Legst du dich mit Türken an , Simdiden Allah rahmet eylesin.s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Meine Freundin meint ich sei zu neugierig. -.-
    Zumindest steht das in ihrem Tag...
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:02
    Meine Freundin meint ich sei zu neugierig. -.-

    Zumindest steht das in ihrem Tagebuch :D


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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 10:31PM  

    Islam Quran Sunnes Facebook-Pinnwand
    Islam Quran Sunnes Facebook-Pinnwand
    Dünyaye olan sevgi cowur damarlarda gezir,
    Axiret sevgisi bir xeyli kenarlarda g...
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:57
    Dünyaye olan sevgi cowur damarlarda gezir,
    Axiret sevgisi bir xeyli kenarlarda gezir.

    Qulunu Özüne qulluq üçün yaratmiw Yaradan,
    Veribdi xidmetine baxça,bag ve mal-qaradan,
    Yene doymur gözü Adem övladinin paradan,
    Mali-mülk yigmaq üçün özge diyarlarda gezir.

    Axiret tarlasidir dünya,onu ekib-suvar,
    Kafirin cennetidir,mömin üçünse dört divar,
    Nur ile xelq olunan ali melek toplumu var,
    Allahi zikr eliyen ehli yuxarlarda gezir.

    Allahin halallarina haram qatir insanlar,
    Axiret yurdunu dünyaye satir insanlar,
    Cahiliyyat bataqliginda batir insanlar,
    Kömek axtarmaq üçün pirde,mezarlarda gezir.

    Ölüm her bir kesi bir gün salacaqdir yade,
    Insansa bade verir ömrü fani dünyade,
    Zenn edir ölmeyecek,wövqle gezir azade,
    Nece bülbül çemeni fesli baharlarda gezir.

    Ne zaman ki,qayidar dinine millet,düzeler,
    O zaman belke bu milletde veziyyet düzeler,
    Biz ümid eyliyirik ki,beweriyyet düzeler,
    Görerik haqq sözü dillerde,wüarlarda gezir.
    Muellif : AbdulHayy

    ... Musab
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 10:30PM  

    Abdul Adhim Kamouss Facebook-Pinnwand
    Abdul Adhim Kamouss Facebook-Pinnwand
    Es wurde überliefert, dass ein Wüstenaraber zu ihm (dem Propheten) kam, ihn um e...
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:06
    Es wurde überliefert, dass ein Wüstenaraber zu ihm (dem Propheten) kam, ihn um etwas bittend. Daraufhin gab er ihm und fragte ihn: Habe ich dir Gutes getan? Der Wüstenaraber sagte: Nein, ich habe nichts schönes von dir erhalten. Da erzürnten die Muslime und bauten sich vor ihm auf. Da wies er (der Prophet) sie an, von ihm abzulassen. Daraufhin stand er auf, ging in sein Haus, schickte nach ihm (dem Wüstenaraber) und gab ihm noch mehr. Dann sagte er: Habe ich dir (jetzt) Gutes getan? Dieser erwiderte: Ja, möge Allah es dir in deiner Familie und deinem Stamm mit Gutem vergelten. Da riet ihm der Prophet, Frieden und Segen seien auf ihm: Du sagtest vorhin (grobe) Worte, und in den Herzen meiner Gefährten ist etwas (Gram darüber) geblieben. Wenn du möchtest, dann sag vor ihnen, was du (eben) vor mir gesagt hast, auf dass verschwindet, was gegen dich in ihren Brüsten ist. Er erklärte sich einverstanden. Am Nachmittag oder am folgenden Tag kam er (wieder zu der Gruppe) und der Prophet, Frieden und Segen seien auf ihm, sagte: Nachdem dieser Wüstenaraber seine Worte (der Unzufriedenheit) sprach, da gaben wir ihm mehr, und nun ist er zufrieden. Ist es so? Er bestätigte: Ja, möge Allah es dir in deiner Familie und deinem Stamm mit Gutem vergelten. Da sprach der Prophet, Frieden und Segen seien auf ihm: Mein Gleichnis mit diesem Mann ist wie das eines Kamelbesitzers, dessen Stute ihm ausgebrochen ist. So folgten ihr die Menschen und erreichten lediglich, dass sie noch weiter entfloh. Da rief der Besitzer zu ihnen: Lasst mich und meine Kamelstute, denn ich bin gütiger zu ihr und wissender als ihr. So ging er zu ihr, nahm etwas (Lockmittel) aus der Erde für sie und brachte sie auf diese Weise dazu, umzukehren, bis sie (zu ihm) kam. Daraufhin setzte sie sich hin, er band ihr das Zaumzeug um und stieg auf. Wenn ich euch mit dem Mann gelassen hätte, als er seine (unhöflichen) Worte äußerte, und ihr hättet ihn getötet, so wäre er ins Feuer eingegangen.

    aus: Asch-Schifa bi-Ta3rifi bi-Huquqi al-Mustafa von Imam Al-Qaadi 3iyad
    übersetzt von: Abdul Adhim
    bitte nur mit diesen Angaben kopieren -

    ... jetzt seid ihr gefragt: Welche Lehren können wir aus dieser Überlieferung ziehen? ...
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 10:29PM  

    Islam Sprüches Facebook-Pinnwand
    Islam Sprüches Facebook-Pinnwand
    Sohn: "Vater warum betest du nicht?"
    Vater: "Der Glaube ist im Herzen mein Jung...
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:14
    Sohn: "Vater warum betest du nicht?"

    Vater: "Der Glaube ist im Herzen mein Junge, Und Allah ist der Allbarmherzige der Allerbarmer und Er wird mir vergeben!"

    Sohn: "Aha - verstehe, dann brauche ich nicht zu lernen und keine Prüfungen zu schreiben, denn das Wissen befindet sich im Geist und nicht auf Papier und mein Lehrer wird mir sicherlich vergeben - 'nicht wahr, Vater?"󾌵

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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 10:28PM  

    Islam - Die wahre Religions Facebook-Pinnwand
    Islam - Die wahre Religions Facebook-Pinnwand
    Allah liebt es wenn du ihm um etwas bittest, so mach Dua ( Bittgebete) wenn du z...
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:56
    Allah liebt es wenn du ihm um etwas bittest, so mach Dua ( Bittgebete) wenn du zu den erfolgreichen gehören willst ♥
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Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 20 Themen
Nov 25th 2013, 02:38, by Nahsaka Lasbhan


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 10:24PM  

    Al Qadr Medias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Al Qadr Medias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Invite your friends to LIKE and SHARE this page in shaa Allah, remember dawah ca...
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:44
    Invite your friends to LIKE and SHARE this page in shaa Allah, remember dawah can also be done with Muslims!
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 10:22PM  

    Way to Allahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Way to Allahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Euer Team von Way to Allâh wünscht euch und uns, dass wir den Propheten MuHammad...
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:45
    Euer Team von Way to Allâh wünscht euch und uns, dass wir den Propheten MuHammad
    jedes Mal wenn wir einschlafen - in seiner wahren Gestalt -
    im Traum sehen, und uns daran erinnern, wenn wir aufwachen.

    Möge Allâh uns das bescheren.

    Allâhumma 'âmîn yâ Rabb!
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 10:21PM  

    Muslim-Outdoors Facebook-Pinnwand
    Muslim-Outdoors Facebook-Pinnwand
    Assalamu alikoum Liebe Geschwister!
    Erst ei...
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:17

    Assalamu alikoum Liebe Geschwister!

    Erst einmal etschuldigen wir uns, für die lange Wartezeit...
    aber es hat sich gelohnt, denn wir waren fleissig am Arbeiten und haben neue designs für euch kreiert :D

    Seid gespannt und Liked und teilt es weiter an eure Freunde, Familie, Verwandte usw...

    Lass die Dawa auf eure Kleidung Sprechen...
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 10:21PM  

    ‎ثورة شباب تحرير سوريا‎s Facebook-Pinnwand
    ‎ثورة شباب تحرير سوريا‎s Facebook-Pinnwand
    التلفزيون(الاٍسرائيلي)مشاركة جنودهم في القتال بجانب #نظام_الممانعة!!
    آدمن #دمشق...
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:10
    ‫التلفزيون(الاٍسرائيلي)مشاركة جنودهم في القتال بجانب #نظام_الممانعة!!
    آدمن #دمشق
    #ثورة #شباب #تحرير #سوريا #سوريه #سورية‬
    ‫التلفزيون(الاٍسرائيلي)مشاركة جنودهم في القتال بجانب نظام الممانعة‬
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 10:20PM  

    Belebe eine vergessene Sunnāhs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Belebe eine vergessene Sunnāhs Facebook-Pinnwand
    1) Wer ist der Schöpfer?
    „Allah ist es, Der die Erde für euch als festen Grund...
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:31
    1) Wer ist der Schöpfer?

    „Allah ist es, Der die Erde für euch als festen Grund und den Himmel als Bau geschaffen hat und Der euch Gestalt gegeben und eure Gestalten schön gemacht hat und euch mit guten Dingen versorgt hat. Das ist Allah, euer Herr. Segenreich ist darum Allah, der Herr der Welten."[40:64]

    „Er schuf euch aus einem einzigen Wesen, dann machte Er aus diesem seine Gattin, und Er erschuf für euch acht Haustiere in Paaren. Er erschafft euch in den Schößen eurer Mütter, Schöpfung nach Schöpfung, in drei Finsternissen. Das ist Allah, euer Herr. Sein ist das Reich. Es ist kein Gott außer Ihm. Wie lasset ihr euch da (von Ihm) abwenden?"[39:6]

    „Seht, euer Herr ist Allah, Der die Himmel und die Erde in sechs Tagen erschuf, (und) Sich alsdann über Seinen Thron erhob: Er lässt die Nacht den Tag verhüllen, der ihr eilends folgt. Und (Er erschuf) die Sonne und den Mond und die Sterne, Seinem Befehl dienstbar. Wahrlich, Sein ist die Schöpfung und der Befehl! Segensreich ist Allah, der Herr der Welten."[7:54]
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 10:20PM  

    Belebe eine vergessene Sunnāhs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Belebe eine vergessene Sunnāhs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Was für ein wahrer Hadith...
    Der Gesandte Allahs, salal Allahu ahleihi wassalam...
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:36
    Was für ein wahrer Hadith...

    Der Gesandte Allahs, salal Allahu ahleihi wassalam, sagte:

    "Bevor die Stunde (Tag des Jüngsten Gerichts) einbricht, wird es zu Aufruhr kommen." Die Gefährten fragten: "O Gesandter Allaahs, was ist der Aufruhr?"

    Er sagte: "Das Töten."

    Einige der Muslime sagten: "O Gesandter Allaahs, in der Tat, haben wir in einem Jahr so und so viele Götzendiener bekämpft."

    Er sagte: "Es ist nicht so, dass ihr die Götzendiener bekämpft, sondern ihr euch gegenseitig bekämpfen werdet, bis ein Mann seinen Nachbarn, und der Sohn seine Mutter und seine nahen Verwandten tötet."

    Einige der Leute fragten ihn: "O Gesandter Allaahs, werden wir an diesem Tag vernünftig sein?"

    Er sagte: "Nein, die Vernunft wird von den meisten der Menschen in dieser Zeit genommen werden, und die übrigen Menschen sind nicht mehr fähig vernünftig zu sein."

    [Sunan Ibn Majah, Nummer 3959, Sahih]
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 10:19PM  

    ‎الرحمة Al-Rahma‎s Facebook-Pinnwand
    ‎الرحمة Al-Rahma‎s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Al-Rahma sagt : Herr Ban Ki Moon die Menschen in Syrien und in Burma haben auch...
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:55
    Al-Rahma sagt : Herr Ban Ki Moon die Menschen in Syrien und in Burma haben auch rechte , bitte gehen sie ihre pflichten nach.

    UNO-Generalsekretär Ban Ki-moon sagte in New York am 27. Januar 2007 vor den Vereinten Nationen.

    Der Internationale Tag des Gedenkens an die Opfer des Holocaust ist somit ein Tag, an dem wir unser Engagement für die Menschenrechte erneut zur Geltung bringen müssen.

    Diese wurden durch Auschwitz und durch andere die Völkermorde und Gräueltaten brutal geschändet. Wir müssen auch über das reine Gedenken hinaus gehen und sicher stellen, dass neue Generationen die Geschichte kennen.

    Wir müssen die Lehren aus dem Holocaust an die heutige Welt weitergeben. Und wir müssen unser Äußerstes tun, damit alle Völker den Schutz und die Rechte genießen, für die die Vereinten Nationen stehen. An diesem Internationalen Tag bekräftige ich meine feste Verpflichtung gegenüber diesem Auftrag und rufe alle auf, sich an unserem gemeinsamen Streben nach Menschenwürde zu beteiligen.

    UNO-Generalsekretär Ban Ki-moon: „Wir müssen die Lehren aus dem Holocaust an die heutige Welt...
    Das Regionale Informationszentrum der Vereinten Nationen (UNRIC) in Brüssel und Bonn ist für Westeuropa zuständig, stellt Informationen und Dokumente zur Verfügung und arbeitet direkt mit wichtigen Partnern, wie Regierungen, Medien, Nichtregierungsorganisationen, Bildungseinrichtungen sowie lokalen…
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 10:19PM  

    Uploads by iLovUAllah™ | Productions
    Salah Is Everything! ᴴᴰ | Inspiring Reminder
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:06
    Salah Is Everything! ᴴᴰ | Inspiring Reminder
    Salah is everything, an inspiring reminder from our brother Omar Esa that talks about the importance of Salah and also a little about brother Omar Esa's pers...
    iLovUAllah™ | Productions

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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 10:18PM  

    Uploads by Islamnfocus .
    Believers Aspire For The Highest ᴴᴰ ┇ Powerful Speech ┇ by Sheikh Zahir Mahmood
    Nov 24th 2013, 17:43
    Believers Aspire For The Highest ᴴᴰ ┇ Powerful Speech ┇ by Sheikh Zahir Mahmood
    Video Created by The Islamic Revival YouTube Channel Islamic Revival YouTube Channel : Donate Now to produce HD Islamic Videos: Here's t...
    Islamnfocus .

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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 10:18PM  

    SABRs Facebook-Pinnwand
    SABRs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Paul Wolfowitz:
    "..wir werden sie so lange jagen bis ihre Töchter ihre Kopftüch...
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:02
    Paul Wolfowitz:

    "..wir werden sie so lange jagen bis ihre Töchter ihre Kopftücher abnehmen und nackt auf amerikanischen Tischen tanzen!"

    Präsident der Weltbank, Vize-Verteidigungsminister und politischer Berater von George Bush
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 10:18PM  

    SABRs Facebook-Pinnwand
    SABRs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Paul Wolfowitz:
    "..wir werden sie so lange jagen bis ihre Töchter ihre Kopftüch...
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:02
    Paul Wolfowitz:

    "..wir werden sie so lange jagen bis ihre Töchter ihre Kopftücher abnehmen und nackt auf amerikanischen Tischen tanzen!"

    Präsident der Weltbank, Vize-Verteidigungsminister und politischer Berater von George Bush
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 10:17PM  

    Islam & Liebe - für die Ewigkeits Facebook-Pinnwand
    Islam & Liebe - für die Ewigkeits Facebook-Pinnwand
    Montags pflegte unser Prophet Muhammed (sas) zu fasten, also lasst uns morgen au...
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:55
    Montags pflegte unser Prophet Muhammed (sas) zu fasten, also lasst uns morgen auch fasten in sha Allah. Die Tage sind sowieso nur kurz...

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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 10:15PM  

    La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand
    La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand
    Begreift ihr nicht, dass unsere Ummah immer mehr kaputt gehen wird, wenn wir auf...
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:30
    Begreift ihr nicht, dass unsere Ummah immer mehr kaputt gehen wird, wenn wir auf dem Trip sind: "Der hat keine Salafi-Aqida, dem höre ich erst gar nicht zu..."

    Jeder Muslim hat die selbe Aqida, egal wie viele kaputte Verständnisse und Ideen er über den Islam hat, solange (!!!) sie keinen Austritt aus dem Islam bedeuten.

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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 10:15PM  

    La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand
    La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand
    Begreift ihr nicht, dass unsere Ummah immer mehr kaputt gehen wird, wenn wir auf...
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:30
    Begreift ihr nicht, dass unsere Ummah immer mehr kaputt gehen wird, wenn wir auf dem Trip sind: "Der hat keine Salafi-Aqida, dem höre ich erst gar nicht zu..."

    Jeder Muslim hat die selbe Aqida, egal wie viele kaputte Verständnisse und Ideen er über den Islam hat, solange (!!!) sie keinen Austritt aus dem Islam bedeuten.

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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 10:15PM  

    La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand
    La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand
    Möge Allah(t) unsere Ummah, die ja eigentlich die beste Ummah der Welt ist verei...
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:45
    Möge Allah(t) unsere Ummah, die ja eigentlich die beste Ummah der Welt ist vereinigen und uns nicht aufgrund banaler Kleinigkeiten auseinander gehen lassen!

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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 10:15PM  

    La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand
    La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand
    Möge Allah(t) unsere Ummah, die ja eigentlich die beste Ummah der Welt ist verei...
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:45
    Möge Allah(t) unsere Ummah, die ja eigentlich die beste Ummah der Welt ist vereinigen und uns nicht aufgrund banaler Kleinigkeiten auseinander gehen lassen!

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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 10:15PM  

    La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand
    La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand
    Der Prophet (sas) sagte: "Bald werden Nationen andere einladen. Sie werden über...
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:22
    Der Prophet (sas) sagte: "Bald werden Nationen andere einladen. Sie werden über euch herfallen und euch zerstören, wie bei Leuten, die andere einladen und über eine Speise herfallen." Die Sahaba fragten: "Ya RasuluAllah! Wird dies geschehen, weil wir zu jener Zeit gering an der Zahl sein werden?" Er antwortete: "Nein! Eure Anzahl wird groß sein, jedoch werdet ihr wie der Schaum auf dem Meer und schwach wie Stöcke und Strohhalme sein! Allah wird die Furcht und die Angst der Feinde gegenüber euch aus ihren Herzen entfernen, und Er wird eure Herzen mit Wahn füllen." Die Sahaba fragten: "Was ist Wahn?" Er antwortete: "Die Liebe für die Welt (Dunya) und die Abscheu vor dem Tod!" (Abu Dawud)


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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 10:15PM  

    La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand
    La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand
    Der Prophet (sas) sagte: "Bald werden Nationen andere einladen. Sie werden über...
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:22
    Der Prophet (sas) sagte: "Bald werden Nationen andere einladen. Sie werden über euch herfallen und euch zerstören, wie bei Leuten, die andere einladen und über eine Speise herfallen." Die Sahaba fragten: "Ya RasuluAllah! Wird dies geschehen, weil wir zu jener Zeit gering an der Zahl sein werden?" Er antwortete: "Nein! Eure Anzahl wird groß sein, jedoch werdet ihr wie der Schaum auf dem Meer und schwach wie Stöcke und Strohhalme sein! Allah wird die Furcht und die Angst der Feinde gegenüber euch aus ihren Herzen entfernen, und Er wird eure Herzen mit Wahn füllen." Die Sahaba fragten: "Was ist Wahn?" Er antwortete: "Die Liebe für die Welt (Dunya) und die Abscheu vor dem Tod!" (Abu Dawud)


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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 10:15PM  

    La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand
    La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand
    Frage immer nach geliebten Menschen wie es ihnen geht den oft trügt der äußere A...
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:15
    Frage immer nach geliebten Menschen wie es ihnen geht den oft trügt der äußere Anschein und lenkt oft vom tatsächlichen Zustand einer Person ab.

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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 10:15PM  

    La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand
    La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand
    Frage immer nach geliebten Menschen wie es ihnen geht den oft trügt der äußere A...
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:15
    Frage immer nach geliebten Menschen wie es ihnen geht den oft trügt der äußere Anschein und lenkt oft vom tatsächlichen Zustand einer Person ab.

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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 10:11PM  

    Jung&Muslim - Elhamdulillahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Jung&Muslim - Elhamdulillahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    "Wenn du im Duâ bestätigt bist, dann soll die Verspätung am Abend kein Grund zur...
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:25
    "Wenn du im Duâ bestätigt bist, dann soll die Verspätung am Abend kein Grund zur Hoffnungslosigkeit sein.
    Denn Er hat die Möglichkeit, dein Duâ zu beantworten, indem Er dir was auswählt und nicht, indem du es willst.
    Und zu der Zeit, zu der Er will und nicht, zu der du willst."

    Macht immer schön Duâs meine lieben Geschwister. :)
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 10:11PM  

    Mein Herz Für Allahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Mein Herz Für Allahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    °•.♥Wallah he is mine♥.•°
    °•.♥Wallah she is mine♥.•°
    Mashaa allah, wie süss...
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:18
    °•.♥Wallah he is mine♥.•°
    °•.♥Wallah she is mine♥.•°

    Mashaa allah, wie süss diese Pullover sind..!!

    Allah ta'ala sagt :
    „Und Allâh hat euch aus euch selbst Gattinnen gemacht und von euren Gattinnen Söhne und Enkel gemacht und euch von den guten Dingen versorgt […]."
    (Sûra 16:72)
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 10:07PM  

    khalifa - Social Mention
    "We should always make sure that our differences, our personal egos and party interests are set aside for the greater good and rather we must prioritise national progress. When we think and act in this way our differences will not be a means of impairment but will actually play a positive role in our nation's future well-being and development." On 23 November 2013, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat celebrated the 50th Anniversary of the Independence of Algeria, Burundi, Malawi, Rwanda and Uganda with an event organised by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community's Pan-African Association. Dignitaries and guests representing a number of African countries attended the function at Baitul Futuh Mosque in South West London. Africa 50 The highlight of the event was the keynote address given by the Khalifa and World Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad. During his address, His Holiness appealed for the true independence of all nations and called for all people to be granted self-determination. His Holiness spoke of Africa's rich potential and said it could only be realised if its people became united and put aside all personal interests. His Holiness also warned against the further spread of terrorism in the region. The Khalifa began his address by explaining that Islam was against all forms of slavery and oppression. Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said: "True Muslims and Muslim Governments should always promote independence and help others gain freedom – whether it is personal independence or whether it is national independence." Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad continued: "Based upon Islam's true teachings, we (Ahmadi Muslims) strive and work towards the achievement of universal independence and self-determination, with the ambition that every single person in the world is able to live autonomously. All people should have fundamental freedoms, such as religious, political, national and civil freedom." Africa 50 The Khalifa said that even in the modern world slavery continued as powerful nations preyed on the weaknesses of the less powerful. Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said: "The powerful nations take advantage of the weaker nations and dictate their own preferred policies and so in this way they have practically enslaved the developing countries. Sadly, the major powers take benefit and advantage of the natural resources of the poorer nations and do not give what is the due right of the weaker nations in return." The Khalifa spoke of the importance of national unity and placing national interests ahead of any personal interest. He gave the example of the recent financial crisis in the United States, where despite strong disagreements the Republican and Democrat Parties were able to reach a last minute budget deal for the sake of the country. Africa 50 Continuing, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said: "We should always make sure that our differences, our personal egos and party interests are set aside for the greater good and rather we must prioritise national progress. When we think and act in this way our differences will not be a means of impairment but will actually play a positive role in our nation's future well-being and development." Later, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad spoke of his concerns over the spread of terrorism and extremism in Africa. He said that if extremist elements were able to "spread their networks of hatred" it would cause for all progress and development to cease. Turning to Africa's future, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad spoke with hope and expectation. Africa 50 His Holiness said: "Africa, with the Grace of Allah, has the ability to lead and guide the world. But you need to work hard and stay united to realise this potential, so that instead of succumbing to enslavement, you are those who stand at the forefront of the world." Concluding, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said: "It is my prayer that may Allah enable all African countries – their people and their governments – to understand the true benefits of living together in peace, harmony and unity. It is my prayer that they all realise that prioritising their national interests above their personal interests are the golden keys that unlock the gates to permanent freedom and success." Africa 50 Earlier in the evening, His Holiness held a meeting with dignitaries including the Uganda High Commissioner, Her Excellency Prof Joyce Kakuramatsi Kikafunda and Ghana's Leader of the Opposition, Hon Nana Akufo-Addo.
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:06
    Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad delivers the keynote address at ?Africa at 50? event Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad delivers the keynote address at ?Africa at 50? event On 24 November 2013, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat celebrated the 50th Anniversary of the Independence of Algeria, Burundi, Malawi, Rwanda and...
    Rollin weed! Got mah wiz khalifa paperz!
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:05
    I like the song wiz khalifa get your shit !! Dope shit!,
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:05
    Só os que adoram safadeza vai curtir :3 EU GOSTO E DAI ?
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:05
    Wiz Khalifa
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:04
    demain resté branché sur le net,le tout dernier album de booba sortira en intégralité et exclusivité avec un feat avec kaaris,wiz khalifa et maitre gim's
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:04
    Wiz Khalifa
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:04
    Somebody give me a song!
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:03
    Rick Ross always barking. Tyga got a sore throat. Gucci got the flu, Lil Wayne's lighter is broke, & Wiz Khalifa thinks everything is funny (Comic Ass Rappers)
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:03
    Back to reality 󾌹󾌡󾌹󾌡 No more holiday post, no more check ins, no more living out of our suit cases lol arrived back home mid night last night now back at work 󾌣 miss everyone sooo much had an awesome holiday love seeing our family, sooo hapy i got to see my grl Prathna Odiar been 4years since our last catch up. Good to be back missed our bed missed our Khalifa miss the short drives to the beach lol now cant wait to finish work just blob out and sleep day tmrw, prbli wont unpack til nxd week haha
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:03
 Jovens, selvagens e livres E daí se ficamos bêbados? E daí se fumamos maconha? Estamos apenas nos divertindo Não importa quem veja E daí se saímos? É assim que deve ser Viver jovens, selvagens e livres Uh, Uh huh E daí que eu guardo uns baseados Ando com a calça arriada, não importa o que aparece Fico na boa com meus manos Sou o jogados com as putas Pareço limpo pra você, não pareço? Lavei no outro dia, vejo como você se inclina Me dê umas calças jeans 501 E enrola uns baseados maiores que um dedo do King Kong E fumo essa porra até o talo Você é o palhaço da classe e se eu pular um dia Vou estar com você fumando um classe A Quer saber? É como eu tivesse 17 anos outra vez Só uns pelinhos no rosto Olhando o caso Tentando encontrar um belo gosto Oh Meu Deus, eu estou na perseguição Chevy, está ficando pesado, relevante, vendendo Deslizando, o tempo continua fugindo Tranque no cofre, implorando pelo pagamento Viajando como se estivesse pingando de tinta 4 baseados bem na frente tipo Khalifa, enrola essa maconha" E daí se ficamos bêbados? E daí se fumamos maconha? Estamos apenas nos divertindo Não importa quem veja E daí se saímos? É assim que deve ser Viver jovens, selvagens e livres E agora eu nem ligo Porque se eu e a minha turma estamos aqui então vai ter fumaça de maconha no ar Fala pra eles, Mac Soprando pra tudo quanto é lugar agora você vai ficar sabendo se eu chegar Vou pegar meu isqueiro pra acender É assim que deveria ser feito Quando achar que caiu Descubra como dar meia volta, nada parece promissor Do chão pra cima, toca aí, é a gangue do Taylor Aumente meu som, volte aqui e faça comigo Estou relaxando, acabei de sair da aula Como se estivesse sozinho, posso comprar um prédio Não tenho emprego e nem filhos Tinha o trabalho de Ciências Eu e o Mac destruímos THC MAC DEV HD3 Oi, sou eu Somos nós, vamos causar Vamos brigar, vamos enrolar Viver a nossa vida E daí se ficamos bêbados? E daí se fumamos maconha? Estamos apenas nos divertindo Não importa quem veja E daí se saímos? É assim que deve ser Viver jovens, selvagens e livres É, enrola um, fuma um Quando você vive assim, você deve curtir Enrola um, fuma um, vamos nos divertir A gente só enrola um, fuma um Quando você vive assim, você deve curtir Enrola um, fuma um, vamos nos divertir E daí se ficamos bêbados? E daí se fumamos maconha? Estamos apenas nos divertindo Não importa quem veja E daí se saímos? É assim que deve ser Viver jovens, selvagens e livres Letra enviada por Guilherme Sambüc Link:
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:02
    Watch the best videos on YouTube from Wiz Khalifa here: Wiz Khalifa's new album O.N.I...
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:01
    Ha! I just imagined Wiz Khalifa as a bee keeper singing "Black and Yellow."
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:01
    Life isn't short. Its actually pretty long. YOLO is stupid. Skinny girls/guys you're not fat. Every 'decent guy' most of you girls are looking for, are in the friend zone. Guys, if you sleep around, you will end up with a slut. No, Lil Wayne, Drake and Wiz Khalifa are not philosophers, that's a quote on a picture. Anyone who says stop acting black wen u type lyke dis #SWAG, you're racist, black people don't talk like that. Guys have some respect, drunk or sober, girls are still human. Girls if you put pictures like that on Facebook you WILL attract creepy guys, it's your own damn fault. You do drugs? Cool. So does 90% of teenagers, so stop telling everyone how awesome you are because you got sooooo messed up last night and can't remember what you did. Honestly nobody cares but you. If everyone would just stop and realize you're acting like an imaginary bunch of 'Reality' tv stars, maybe we wouldn't be such a messed up generation. *found this on a picture.
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:00
    • OPEN BAR • OPEN BAR • OPEN BAR • OPEN BAR • OPEN BAR • OPEN BAR • #! SÓ PRAS MULHERES, INGRESSO DUPLO! COMPRE UM, GANHE OUTRO! !# #! SÓ PRAS MULHERES, INGRESSO DUPLO! COMPRE UM, GANHE OUTRO! !# JOGO DAS PULSEIRAS ◌ Pulseira verde - Vem cá meter sua boca na minha ◌ Pulseira amarela - 5 minutinhos de solteiro ◌ Pulseira vermelha - Vai ficar querendo CADEIRA GAME OVER Um representante da Inside vai escolher alguém na plateia para subir ao palco, o escolhido irá se sentar em uma cadeira, direcionar os braços para atrás, e levantar a cabeça, então começa. O representante vai virar uma garrafa de "Big Apple" na boca do escolhido, com o apoio da galera agitando intensamente até ele chegar no game over ou pedir pra parar, quando parar o representante irá sacudir a cabeça do escolhido intensamente, iremos ver o resultado. Se o escolhido for do sexo masculino, será uma representante do sexo feminino que fará a brincadeira, se o escolhido for do sexo feminino, será um representante do sexo masculino. Lembrando que no momento em que o escolhido pedir pra parar, a brincadeira para, é sacudida a cabeça e será escolhida outra pessoa // BEIJO CEGO // #NEW Ao começar a brincadeira, será escolhido uma menina, ela subirá ao palco e terá seus olhos vendados, igual a brincadeira "cabra cega" todos poderão ver a escolhida no palco, porém ela não saberá quem irá beija-la, iremos escolher um menino (vai ser bunitinho rs) ele subirá ao palco e terá os olhos vendados, então os dois irão se beijar, e depois se virão (coragem). A brincadeira começa com uma menina subindo ao palco, depois um menino, e vice versa.. Não vale dar tapa na cara, apenas beijo, vai que forme um casal a partir dai.
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:00
    Nov 24th 2013, 22:00
    Have you ever had the experience of having braces? fortunately, no!  Your last text is from? Bubar What are you most excited for? Summer!!  What was the last song you listened to? Back For You by 1D Are you one of those lucky people with 20/20 vision? If only!  Do you share your birthday with a celebrity? Pink & Wiz Khalifa that I know of  Have you ever made a complete fool of yourself in public? I'm sure I have  Have you ever been stereotyped? Everyone has  What type of cell phone do you have? IPhone 4s  Do you have your driver's license yet? No, ha.  What school do you currently attend? Fort Fairfield  Is there a book you're currently reading? Noo  Describe your current outfit: Just a shirt and jeans!  Are you currently pleased or annoyed with your hair? Ehh, annoyeeddd Are you at all good at drawing? I can draww actually  When you were young, did you get in trouble a lot? Not really  What color is your hairbrush? pinkish/ purple  If you were to move out right now, do you think you would be successful? not without help haha  Have you seen the movie Dear John? Yes!  Are you overwhelmed with the thought of the future? Little bit, but I believe God has a plan, so I try to not over think it!  Has someone ever told you that you were insane, and meant it? doubtful but I suppose maybe haha  Are you a fan of Lady GaGa? Not really, her new albums not too bad tho  How long have you been with your significant other? I don't have a significant other!  What are you doing this weekend? ITS VACATION :) So who knowss Do you have feelings for anyone? I do!  Where are you located right now? my room!  What's between you and the last person you texted? she's a good friend :)  Have you ever liked someone that was in a relationship? Yes!  Would you prefer to date someone taller, shorter or the same height as you? Taller!  When you're getting ready for something, do you listen to music? Its what I do!  Day been rough? Not at all :)  Someone says "all guys are players" You say? Untrue! What's your middle name? Shea  Kissed someone with a name beginning with a T?   Yes Where is your phone? right next to me!  How often do you talk on the phone? About once a


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 10:06PM  

    Wenn Allâh alles ist, was du noch hast, hast du alles, was du brauchst ಌs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Wenn Allâh alles ist, was du noch hast, hast du alles, was du brauchst ಌs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Wenn wir anderen etwas gebieten, aber dies selbst nicht einhalten sind wir wie e...
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:09
    Wenn wir anderen etwas gebieten, aber dies selbst nicht einhalten sind wir wie eine Kerze, die zwar den Raum erhellt, innerlich aber verbrennt.
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Nov 25th 2013, 02:07, by Nahsaka Lasbhan


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 10:05PM  

    nasheed - Social Mention
    Ab ke tajdeed-e-wafa ka nahi imkaan janaan Yaad kya tuje ko dilaein tera peman janaan Younhi mosam ki ada dekh ke yaad aya hai Kis kadar jald badal jaate hein insaan janaan Zindagi teri aata thi so tere naam ki hai Hum ne jaise bhi basar ki tera ehsaan janaan Dil yeh kehta hai ke shaid ho fasurda too bhi Dil ki kya baat karein dil to hai nadaan janaan Awal Awal ki muhabaat ke nashe yaad to ker Be piye bhi tera chehra tha gulistaan janaan Aakhir Aakhir too yeh aalam hai ab hosh nahi Rag-e-Meena sulag uthi ke rag-e-Jan janaan Mudatoon se yahi aalam na tawaqa na umeed Dil pukare hi chala jata hai janaan janaan Hum bhi kya saada the hum ne bhi samajh rakha tha Gam-e-Doraan se juda hai gham-e-janan janaan Ab ke kuch aise saji mefil-e-yaraan janaan Sar be zanwan hai koi sir bigrebaan janaan Har koi apni hi awaaz se kaanp uthta hai Har koi apne hi saai se harasaan janaan Jis ko dekho wohi zanjeer bapaa lagta hai Shaher ka Shaher huwa dakhil-e-Zandaan janaan Ab tera ziker bhi shaid hi ghazal mein aai Aur se aur Huwe dard ke anwaan janaan Hum ke roothi hoi rut ko bhi mana lete thay Hum ne dekha hi na tha mosam-e-hijraan janaan Hosh aaya to sabhi khawab the reza reza Jaise urte huwe aoraaq-e-preshan janaan ~>MZ KHAN
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:54
    ﺗﺎ ﺑﻪ ﺣﺎﻝ ﺷﺪﻩ ﺩﻭﺳﺖ ﺩﺍﺷﺘﻨﺖ ﺭﺍ ﻗﻮﺭﺕ ﺑﺪﻫـﯽ ؟ ﻟﺒﺨﻨﺪ ﺑﺰﻧﯽ ﺑﯽ ﺗﻔﺎﻭﺕ ﺑﺎﺷﯽ ؟ ﺷﺪﻩ ﺩﻟﺘﻨﮕﯽ ﺑﭙﯿﭽﺪ ﺑﻪ ﺩﻟﺖ ، ﺭﺍﻩ ﻧﻔﺴﺖ ﺭﺍﺑﺒﻨﺪﺩ ، ﺧﻔﻪ ﺍﺕ ﮐﻨﺪ ﻫﯽ ﺩﺳﺘﺖ ﺑﺮﻭﺩ ﺳﻤﺖ ﮔﻮﺷﯽ ﺑﺮﺵ ﺩﺍﺭﯼ ﻧﮕﺎﻫﺶ ﮐﻨﯽ ﭘﺮﺗﺶ ﮐﻨﯽ ﺷﺪﻩ ﯾﮏ ﺁﻫﻨﮓ ﺑﺮﺍﯾﺖ ﺷﻮﺩ ﺭﻭﺡِ ﯾﮏ ﻟﺤﻈﻪ ﺑﺸﻮﺩ ﺧﺎﻃﺮﻩ ﻭ ﻫﺮ ﭼﻪ ﺗﮑﺮﺍﺭ ﺷﻮﺩ ﺩﯾﻮﺍﻧﻪ ﺗﺮﺕ ﮐﻨﺪ ؟ ﺷﺪﻩ ﻗﺴﻢ ﺑﺨﻮﺭﯼ ﺩﯾﮕﺮ ﮐﺎﺭﯼ ﺑﻪ ﮐﺎﺭﺵ ﻧﺪﺍﺭﯼ … ﺍﻣﺎ ﯾﮑﻬﻮ ﺩﺭ ﯾﮏ ﻟﺤﻈﻪ ﮔﻮﺷﯽ ﻣﻮﺑﺎﯾﻞ ﺭﺍ ﺑﺮﺩﺍﺭﯼ ، ﭘﯿﻐﺎﻣﯽ ﺗﺎﯾﭗ ﮐﻨﯽ ﺍﻧﮕﺸﺘﺖ ﺑﺮﻭﺩ ﺳﻤﺖ ﮐﻠﻤﻪ send ﻣﻨﻄﻘﺖ ﺑﻤﯿﺮﺩ، ﻗﻠﺒﺖ ﺗﻨﺪ ﺗﻨﺪ ﺑﺰﻧﺪ ﻭ send ﮐﻨﯽ ؟ ﺷﺪﻩ ﺗﻤﺎﻡ ﺭﻭﺯ ﺭﺍ ﺩﺭ ﺍﻧﺘﻈﺎﺭ ﯾﮏ ﺟﻮﺍﺏ ، ﺑﯿﻘﺮﺍﺭ ﺑﺎﺷﯽ ﻧﺮﺳﺪ ﺍﯾﻦ ﺟﻮﺍﺏ ﺁﺧﺮ ﮔﻮﺷﯽ ﺭﺍ ﺑﺮﺩﺍﺭﯼ ﻭ ﺍﯾﻨﻄﻮﺭ ﺑﻨﻮﯾﺴﯽ " ﺍﺷﮑﺎﻟﯽ ﻧﺪﺍﺭﻩ ، ﺍﮔﻪ ﻧﻤﯿﺨﻮﺍﯼ ﺟﻮﺍﺏ ﺑﺪﯼ ، ﻧﺪﻩ ﻓﻘﻂ ﻣﯿﺨﻮﺍﺳﺘﻢ ﺑﺪﻭﻧﻢ ﺧﻮﺑﯽ ﻫﻤﯿﻦ ﻣﻮﺍﻇﺐ ﺧﻮﺩﺕ ﺑﺎﺵ "\ ﺷﺪﻩ ﺑﺎﺯ ﺟﻮﺍﺑﯽ ﻧﯿﺎﯾﺪ ؟ ﺑﺎﺯ ﺑﺸﮑﻨﯽ ﻫﺰﺍﺭ ﺑﺎﺭ ﺩﯾﮕﺮ ﻫﻢ ﺑﺸﮑﻨﯽ ﺍﻣﺎ ﺑﺎﺯ ﺑﺎ ﺩﺳﺖ ﻭ ﺩﻝِ ﺷﮑﺴﺘﻪ ، ﺩﻭﺳﺘﺶ ﺩﺍﺷﺘﻪ ﺑﺎﺷﯽ ؟ ﺷﺪﻩ ﺍﯾﻦ ﻫﻤﻪ ﻋﺎﺷﻖ ﺑﺎﺷﯽ ؟
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:53
    به بعضــــــــــــــیا باید گفت: اگه واسه همه قاطـــــــــی پاتـــــــــــــی میکنی واسه ما هنو داری تـــــــــــــــــاتی تاتـــــــــــــی میکنی... والااااااا !!!
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:52
    گُل من گلايه كم كن ابر غصه موندنی نيست بذار آسمون بباره گریه هم چیز بدی نیست
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:49
    Thank God that "I am Single". Ni chahiey koi....bhaad me jaaye....Agar yaad aa gayi toh nashe me doob jaunga.... aur tuhje bhoolne ki kosish karunga... jo samajh gaye jisko jo thokna hai thoko warna POGO dekho..
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:48
    سلام به همه عزيزان امروز فهمیدم راز تنهایی من در جذّابیت بیش از حدّ من است چون هر کَس من را می بیندپیش خودش فکر می کند که به من به او پا نمی دهم..!جان هر كى دوست داريد كمكم كنيد از تنهايى در بيايم
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:45
    Is spending the rest of the day with my extended family lol, with Holly Nashe Yates, Katie , Daniel and Tyler, getting ready to have deer chilli tonight, loving my life
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:44
    عذاب وجدان نگیر، من حلالت کردم برو و دستاشو بگیر، من حلالت کردم تو خیانت کردی، من حلالت کردم بهش عادت کردی، من حلالت کردم دستات تو دستای اونه خدا می‌دونه دارم می‌شم دیوونه از دست این زمونه دلم خونه قلم شکسته خدا چرا عشقم شد از من جدا دارم می‌میرم من بی‌صدا عذاب وجدان نگیر، من حلالت کردم
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:39
    IDAN KAINE LIKITA YAZAKAYI ??? wani fulanine yazo wani asaibiti yana riqe da goran lacsera yana zuwa kawai saiyace ina likita sai aka kira masa likita, likita yana zuwa sai fulani yace masa sha kaji shi likita sai yayi dariya ya amshi goran lacsera saboda atunaninshi wata qauyancine fulani yazo dashi, aiko sai likita yadaga gora yatasha yana gama sha. Yana gama sha sai fulani yace ma likita kaji sugar ciki sai likita yace aaa ba sugar salaf salaf naji sai fulani yace yawwa likita yau kam munsan bamuda ciwon sugar. ashe fulani fitsari ya duro ah gora yakawao likita yasha wai anmai testin ciwon sugar haba likita kawai sai yafara kuka yana sonyin amai idan kaine likita yazakayi kenan ?????????????? .
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:34
    Nashe Ruskie patzani :)
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:33
    ALLAH SARKI TSUFA KENAN Wata Tsohuwace Yar Shekara 130 a Wani Kauye acikin gari xaria Ta Kamu Da Rashin Lafiya Sai Aka Kaita Asibiti, Koda Likita Ya Aunata Sai Yace Ta Kamu Da Hawan Jini, Sai Likitan Ya Tambayeta Menene Ya Jefaki Cikin Wannan Matsalar Ta Hawan Jini???' Sai Ta Gayawa Likita Cewa:"Yaro Na Guda Daya Tal Shi Kadai Na Haifa, Kuma Yana Can Kasar Nasara Amurka Bai Taba Aiko Mini Da Ko Kwandala Ba, Kuma Abinda Yafi Bani Haushi Ma Shine: Duk Wata Sai Ya Aiko Mini Da Wasu Hotunan Turawan Banza Kuma Na Gaji Da Ajiyewa Domin Suna Nan Buhu-Buhu". Bayan Ta Gama Goge Hawaye Da Yake Kwarara a Fuskarta Sai Likita Yace Mata Gobe Idan Zaki Zo Ki Taho Da Hotunan Turawan Da Yake Aikowa. Washegari Da Tazo Sai Tasa Aka 'Debo Buhu- Buhun Hotunan Koda Likita Yasa Hannu Cikin Buhun Sai Ya Zare Ido Yana Cewa:" Ashe Ashe Wanna Buhun Hunan Duka Sai Yayi Shiru Yana Tunanin Yadda Zai Gaya Mata Wane Irin Hotunane Domin Yaga Ashe Duk Dalolin Amerika Ne a Cikin Buhu-Buhu Take ta Ajiya tofa likita me likita yakamata yay????
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:33
    Yaron mujhe maaf karo main nashe mein hoon.........ek paitala aur pila do is party mein aag laga do..#####
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:29
    IDAN KAINE LIKITA YAZAKAYI ??? wani fulanine yazo wani asaibiti yana riqe da goran lacsera yana zuwa kawai saiyace ina likita sai aka kira masa likita, likita yana zuwa sai fulani yace masa sha kaji shi likita sai yayi dariya ya amshi goran lacsera saboda atunaninshi wata qauyancine fulani yazo dashi, aiko sai likita yadaga gora yatasha yana gama sha. Yana gama sha sai fulani yace ma likita kaji sugar ciki sai likita yace aaa ba sugar salaf salaf naji sai fulani yace yawwa likita yau kam munsan bamuda ciwon sugar. ashe fulani fitsari ya duro ah gora yakawao likita yasha wai anmai testin ciwon sugar haba likita kawai sai yafara kuka yana sonyin amai idan kaine likita yazakayi kenan ??????????????
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:28
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:25
    Country: Serbia Artist: Деца Апокалипсе (Deca Apokalipse) Album: Ера Папирних Гробова (Era Papirnih Grobova) Year: 2013 Genre: Alternative Rock / Rap / Nu-Me...
    yek nafar hast ashegh ye mard mishe ama doste dokhtare az pesare badesh miyad kheyili mitarsam ke in hame be eshgh taghil nashe :'(
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:25
    سلام به همه دوستان گرامی پسری هستم 26 ساله اهل مشهد فرزند ارشد خانواده و تک پسر من در خانواده ای زندگی میکنم که از وضع مالی نسبتا خوبی برخورداره،پدرم کارخونه داره و مالک چند منزل،چند هکتار زمین ،چندین هزار متر باغ ،ماشین آلات و...... اما من بعنوان فرزند ارشد و تک پسر از امکانات چندانی برخوردار نیستم(لااقل به زعم خودم)،بعنوان مثال ماشین من 206 اس دی است،که اگر پدرم اراده کنه میتونه جدید ترین مدل هیوندایی رو برام بخره،اصولا پدرم معتقده نباید امکانات و پول زیادی در اختیار من بزاره چون پول ها رو به باد میدم و همه رو خرج دوست دخترهام میکنم،در حالی که من با نظرش کاملا مخالفم.البته ناگفته نماند من تو شرکت پدرم کار میکنم ،و واقعا کار میکنم از 8 صبح تا 6 بعد از ظهر اما بخاطر تفکرات پدرم که پیش تر توضیح دادم حقوق چندانی عایدم نمیشه،و از اونجایی که غرور دارم و نمیخوام با پدرم سر گرفتن پول بیشتر بحث کنم هر کاری که از دستم بر میاد انجام میدم،از تدریس خصوصی زبان گرفته تا خرید و فروش در بازار . از اونجایی که انتظاراتم از زندگی بالاست ،راضی به این زندگی نیستم،از طرفی خانواده همیشه تاکید میکنن هر وقت ازدواج کردی ،امکانات بیشتری در اختیارت میزاریم. به نظر شما اگر من برای رسیدن به زندگی مرفه و امکانات بیشتر ازدواج کنم،با توجه به اینکه از حمایت های خانواده برخوردار خواهم بود،میتونم به زندگی مشترک موفق امیدوار باشم(در ضمن خانواده ی من سنتی هستند و زیر بار ازدواج با دوست دختر نمیرن) امیدوارم در بین شوخی هاتون پاسخ منطقی و مفیدی دریافت کنم یا حق
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:20
    همه چی دروغه جز شاعری که نیومد / همه چی دروغه جز شعری که کسی نسرود *** همه چی دروغه جز پاکت سیگارم / نتی که گمشده روی گیتارم *** همه جی دروغه جز فصل سرد فروغ / همه چی دروغه حتی دروغه این دروغ!
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:17
    نپرس چرا سیگار میکشی، بپرس چی میکشی که اینقدر سیگار میکشی :'( :'(
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:14
    Dezanim te as devim bes nashe beji
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:14
    پسرا.... دو انتخاب بیشتر ندارین یکی اینکه ازدواج کنین و بدبخت بشین دوم اینکه مجرد بمونین و منقرض بشین ...
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:11
    SunO sb ;) Dedicate a Song to the person who commented Above you ;)
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:10
    Da khaista khkuale zwane me pa bal cha kala pirzo daAziz ma na juda nashe ma pata kare pukhto daWraka khamoshe sha da gelo na bagher na kegeNan warla warzma da wartlo na bagher na kegeaman............
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:10
    آدم هـا عجیب نیستند شـگفت انگـیزند! اول عاشقت میـکنند بعد که تصاحـبت کردند میـروند انگــار نـه انگـار که اینجـا قلـبی غــروری شکــستـه. . .
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:06
    سلام من یه پسره 24 ساله ام از یه خانواده ضعیف (از نظر مالی). کلا خانواده داغونه ، از وقتی چشم باز کردم پدر مادرم هر روز دعوا و قهر و فحش و بد و بیراه داشتن. من رسما عقده ای و افسرده شدم ، هم سن هام رو که میبینم خیلی غصه میخورم. از همه بدتر هیچ دختری هم باهام دوس نمیشه ، خدا رو شکر نه قیافم نه وضع مالیم خوب نیست ! حالا همه میگن تو بره چی ناراحتی ؟ تو زندگی رو سخت میگیری و ... بنظر شما من حق ندارم ناراحت باشم ؟ اینم شانسه ما داریم آخه ؟
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:05
    مــــــهــــــم نـــــيــــســــــت کـه ديـــگـــر بــاشـــــــي یا نــــه مــــــهــــــم نـــــيــــســــــت کـه ديـــگر دوســـم داشـــتــه بـاشـــــي يا نــــه مــــــهــــــم نـــــيــــســــــت کـه ديـــگر مــــرا بـه خـاطـــــــر مــيـاوري يــا نــــه مــــــهــــــم نـــــيــــســــــت کـه ديـــگر تــو را بــا ديــگـــــري مــيــبــيــنــم يا نـــه مــــــهــــــم اينست که زمـــانــــــي کــه تــــنــــهــــا مــيــشـــــــــوي . زماني که دلت گرفت چگونه و با چه رويي سر به آسمان بلند ميکني و ميگويي : خدايا من که


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 10:02PM  

    Independent Journalists Facebook-Pinnwand
    Independent Journalists Facebook-Pinnwand
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:38
    British Nationals Fight with al Qaeda in Syria
    VICE NEWS exclusive footage and interviews with British nationals fighting with al Qaeda in Syria. Yesterday, MI5 Director-General Andrew Parker announced th...
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 10:01PM  

    kufar - Social Mention
    Well Taliban pls assist muslimeen to kickout kufar rafzi from Pakistan and ban on horse and shunt out from all posts and gurdwara I.e imamwari must be abolish in each city baloch Shea must accept Islam and ashabe rasool ullah never worship to horse they only use horse for jang. With kufar like these muloneen Pakistan zindabad rafzi murdabad (note Pls do not take any interview on TV because musljmeen dislike these kufar thanks for cooperation) baloch federation of Islam in Pakistan. p take action asap
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:57
    ہا ہا طالبان بھی میچ دیکھتے ہیں اور مصباح الحق بھی ان کو پسند ہے ہا ہا ہا اس ویڈیو کو صرف انجوءے کرنے کے لیے دیکھیں
    U wear t-shirts that have kufar name u watch all there game u love them u don't now any thing out the sahaba u don't like to read about them u don't what became like them or ur prophet s.c.w u don't follow his sunnah haw will u resurrect with hem u never act like hem or do what he told u to do
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:52
    Pyetje: Çfarë gjykimi ka dhënia e selamit duke përshëndetur me dorë? Përgjigje: "Nuk lejohet që të japësh selam duke përshëndetur me dorë. Selami jepet vetëm me fjalë kur fillon dhe kur e kthen atë. Kurse që të japësh selam duke bërë gjeste, atëherë kjo nuk lejohet, sepse i përngjason disa kufarëve dhe kundërshton atë që ka ligjëruar Allahu. Por nëse i bën me shenjë Muslimanit me dorë duke dashur që t'i tregosh atij se po i jep selam – pasi ai ishte larg – dhe ti ia dhe selamin, atëherë nuk ka problem tek kjo sepse ka ardhur argument për këtë. Poashtu, nëse Muslimani është në namaz, atëherë ai duhet t'i përgjigjet (selamit) duke bërë shenjë me dorë ashtu siç është vërtetuar në Sunetin e Pejgamberit (sal-lAllahu 'alejhi ue sel-lem)." El-Imam 'Abdul-'Azijz Ibn 'Abdullah Ibn Baz rahimehullah
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:27
    Nov 24th 2013, 20:59
    Nov 24th 2013, 20:49
    Kufar kai shaihar main partay hain bai fiqar namaz Shukar hai abhi waqat lagaiy ga iss shaihar ko musalma honaiy main
    Nov 24th 2013, 20:22
    الدنيا هو الجنة الكفار و هذا الدنيا هو السجن المؤمنين السجن المسلمين Al dunya huwa aljannahtul kufar wa hadhaa aldunya huwal siyjin almu'mineen al siyjinul muslimeen.. So dunya na nyaba so surga nu mga kafr endo nyaba dunya na namba so bilangguwan no mga mu'mineen no mga muslimeen Ngen antu ka nadtalu a SURGA nu mga kafr so dunya? Kagina so kafr siya kanu dunya na daludaya silan pinggulan bilan tanan e kalinian nilan kanu ginawa nilan dala haram salkanilan ka tanan din pinggulan dala katawan nilan a haram sa langun kanu kadudunyay dala gelek nilan ko allah tembu nadtalu sa surga nilab so dunya ka nyanilan bu pagetungin na tempo siya sa dunya kadudunyay bu e lekanilan pangangayadan silan.. Ngen menem antu ka naupaman sa mana bilangguan nu mga muslim so dunya dkina NARAKA ah ka dala malabit e dunya a naraka nu mga muslim ka nyabu nalabit na siyjin ngen e siyjin?bilangguwan ngentu ka bilangguwan nu muslim e naupaman ko dunya?kagina so tidtu tidtu a muslim na dala kakwa a kyug nin ngentu languna inisapal kanu muslim langun na haram kanu muslim dala makabpalyugat kanu muslim e maya endo manan ka dusa a masla siksa a malipedes e mauma nin ko mauli a gay kauma nu yawmul qiyyamah so muslim na adin salkanin so gelek pan ko kapatay adin pan salkanin e makapamikir kanu kapatay ko qiyamah so muslim na dkina pamon pindayudaya ko kadudunyay dkina nin pamon tanan pamikirin so kadudunyay ka adin panon salkanin so gelek ko allah taallah.. Bali nya e o tidtu tidtu ka a daka malangkom kanu mga kafr entu pamagilay ilay ka kun e ginawa nengka endaw ka samana nakalusod? Oh kalangan nengka ko ginawa nengka e dala ka atawka dili ka papilusod ko surga nu mga kafr na bai datu babo kaka tuwa ina ama bapa soled pagali pagetung ka sa masasaw ngen e masasaw a pagetungen?nya masasaw na so kaumbal ko ginawa kadtawbat ka saben sabenal nin na so allahu a malimo a mangampon kanu ulipen nin dli tanu.kasigulo saguna namag namisendaw ngen a gay ngen a oras ka matay tanu panun din e manggula tanu? Upaman nu kafr endu so muslim a salih So muslim a salih ka minatay sekanin guna din sekanin matay.ka guna din kaliguwi so minatay a salih na namasad limigu na pinutos sa maputi nyalun kinapasad klna sinapwat nu madakil ka pidsambayang din so minatay.guna din pananggita nu madakil so muslim a salih na nya madtalo nu minatay na Qaddimooni Qaddimooni Qaddimooni Ngen entuba nyanin antu pidtalun na (upaman dala problema salaki anggit ako nu lusa lebeng ya ayyuhan naas)dli malido e ginawa nin sabap kanu sekanin a salih Sa guna din.ibetad lu kanu ubay nu kuboor nin na panawagin ni lebengan din sa saki su walay nengka a sa didalem ba lupa saki so walay nengka a dala tagapda nengka saki so walay nengka a midtagapda sa papan saki so walay.nengka a dalem nin so mga uled saki so walay nengka a lupa. Guna so mawa din so mga tao a lebeng kanu salih a tao na nakauma din so MALAIKATAYN duwakataw a malaikat mana si munkar endu si nakir sa pipyanan nilan so minatay ka bangunin nilan sa enggan nilan sa INTIHAN exam pangingidsan nilan so salih na o salih na maya e kasumpat nin kanu idsa nu munkar wa nakir MAN RABBUK? mama a salih semumpat RABBI ALLAH MIN HADHA RAJUL HUWA YASF ILAYKOM? sumpat nu salih HUWA RASULULLAH MAN IMAMOK? sumpat nu salih IMAAMUL QUR'AN KHAYFA TAARIF HADHAA QUR'AN HUWAL IMAMOK? simumpat so salih LAA ANNA QARA'TU WA FAHAMTU WA AMALTAHO MA YAKUL nakapas so salih napya ginawa nin ka nakapas kanu exam nabukatan so surga salkanin guba nin mauma so kapya pya na surga sa dala idsan nin na adin nakauma a mama salkanin a salih bun nyanin pidtalu HADHAA KHALAQ HASANAT YA AYYUHAL RAJUL MAN YA'MAL AMAL ALLAH IFTAHU BAAB UL JANNAH so kafr a minatay guna din matay so kafr (atawka so dala paginugot) Guna din pangingidsay nu malaikatayn na MAN RABBUK? Sumpat nin LAA LAA LAA ADRIY binitayn menem nu malaikat so tao a dkina salih Indsan menem saluman MIN HADHA RAJUL HUWA YASF ILAYKOM? sumpatin (huuh huuh huuh laa laa laa adriy) Nabitayn menem a putaw a sangat so kaslanin so kafr Inidsan saluman MAN IMAMOK? Sumpatin laa laa laa adriy Dala makapas so kafr binitayn ka binitay sa putaw a masla a sangat so kasla a malo mabebenaning pan ka pakaunot sa apoy binitay nu malaikatayn taman sa nakalesek ka nakalesek taman din sa nakadidalem ko lupa sa pidsalupitan nu lupa taman sa bitayn ka bitayn bun taman sa pidtukan na uled a sangat so kasla nin a uled ka tegen endu so malaikat namab so kinasupak nengka kinapandalbut endu langun din dala nengka palityayan..taman din sa nakauma din sa pigkalaw kalaw a apoy a apoy sa naraka (so allah taallah a sangat a malimo kanu ulipen nin a sangat a mangampon ko ulipen nin a mangini sa ampon endu tawbat salkanin a allah so allah na maulad a gay ininggay nin para ko kambago tanu paidu bu a benal e panginin salkitanu a sangat a ditanu pamon magaga na para bun salkitanu tanan endu knu kakalimo nin salkitanu.. Ya allah Ya allah Ya allah Ampon kami nengka kanu mga dusa nami kanu mga lukes ko ali ko kaka ko babo ko bapa ko pakat ko langkom din so tanan tanan sa dunya a mga muslimaynnn ya allah itangka kami nengka kanu siksa a malipedes ipapalayun nengka salkami su simba salka sa o dili nami manggula atawka taman sa dli kami nakasimba sa umab waqtu a wagib nengka salkami ba dli kami mamakadigka ikabuneg nami ya allah di kanggula ko wagib nengka salkami ya allah ampin kami nengka endu palalayun ka kano pamusungan nami so gelek salka palalayun ka salkami so simba salka endu so langun langun din a nakabpalyugat salkami a mga ulipen nengka ASTAGHFIRULLAH3* WALLAHU A'LAMEEN. repost update by nasia admin_hamd
    Nov 24th 2013, 20:20
    Usman Ansari ny mujhy text kiaya hay jise may in ka kahna hy kay may munkir sahba or kafir hon ap kiaya kahin gay is baray may friends
    Nov 24th 2013, 20:13
    Nov 24th 2013, 17:49
    اللہ تعالی نے پاکستان نہیں دیا بلکہ گھوڑے نے دیا۔۔ دیکھیئے حیرت انگیز انکشافات۔ جب کے دوسری طرف پاکستانی کہتے ہیں پاکستان کا مطلب کیا لاالہ الااللہ۔ جہالت کا کوئی مذہب نہیں ہوتا۔ ایسے جاہل لوگوں کو پتا نہیں کون فالو کرتا ہے۔ لازمی شئیر کرکے ایسے لوگوں کی اصلیت دکھائیں۔ صرف ایمان والے ہی ایسی ویڈیو کو شئیر کرتے ہیں۔ —
    ایک عالی شان پلازہ کے سامنے شیطان کھڑا زار و قطار رو رہا تھا اور کہہ رہا تھا کہ انسان بہت احسان فراموش مخلوق ہے۔ ایک راہ گیر نے شیطان کو آہ و زاری کرتے اور انسان کو برا بھلا کہتے دیکھا تو وہ رک گیا اور اس نے شیطان سے اس کی وجہ پوچھی۔ شیطان نے کہا، "کروڑوں روپے مالیت کا یہ پلازہ دیکھ رہے ہو؟ حاجی خدا بخش نے یہ پلازہ میرے مشوروں پر عمل کے نتیجے میں حاصل شدہ سرمائے سے تعمیر کیا مگر جب یہ پلازہ مکمل ہوگیا تو میرا شکر ادا کرنے کی بجائے اس کی پیشانی پر موٹے لفظوں میں " ھذا من فضل ربی" لکھوا دیا."
    Nov 24th 2013, 17:36
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 10:01PM  

    People Army 4 Lifes Facebook-Pinnwand
    People Army 4 Lifes Facebook-Pinnwand
    Terroristen haben eine 150 Jahre alte Eiche in Syrien gefällt, weil sie „verehrt...
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:48
    Terroristen haben eine 150 Jahre alte Eiche in Syrien gefällt, weil sie „verehrt" wurde

    Terroristen in Syrien haben erklärt, sie hätten eine 150 Jahre alte Eiche in Atme, an der syrisch-türkischen Grenze, gefällt, nachdem sie die Einheimischen beschuldigt hatten, den Baum zu verehren. „Dank sei Gott dem Allmächtigen, der Baum … wurde im Alter von mehr als 150 Jahren entfernt, da die Leute ihn statt Gott verehrt haben.", so eine Quelle bei Twitter mit der Bezeichnung „unser Ruf ist unser Jihad". Er veröffentlichte auch Fotos eines Mannes mit einer schwarzen Maske und einer elektronischen Säge um den Baum zu fällen. Eine schwarze Flagge im al-Qaida-Stil mit dem islamischen Glaubensbekenntnis war in der Spitze des Baumes befestigt. Der Terrorist nutzte das Hashtag (die Zeichenkette), die von Unterstützern des ISIS (islamischer Staat in Irak und Syrien) verwendet wird. Rami Abdel Rahman von der syrischen Beobachtungsstelle für Menschenrechte bestätigte, dass der Baum gefällt wurde und fügte hinzu, dass er neben einem alten Shrein in Atme stand. Als die Terroristen den Schrein übernahmen, haben sie die Menschen daran gehindert, dort beten zu gehen. Als die Einheimischen daraufhin begannen, in der Nähe des Baumes zu beten, fällten die Jihadisten ihn mit der Behauptung, die Menschen würden ihn anbeten.
    Terrorists Chop Down 150-year-old Oak Tree in Syria for being "Worshiped"

    Terrorists in Syria said they have cut down a 150-year-old oak tree in Atme, on Syria&#039;s border with Turkey, after they accused locals of worshipping it ..

    &quot;Thank God almighty, the tree... aged more than 150 years has been removed, after people were worshipping it instead of God,&quot; said the source on Thursday via his Twitter account named &quot;our call is our jihad&quot;.

    He also posted pictures of a man in a black mask using an electric saw to cut down the tree. A black Al-Qaeda-style flag bearing the "Islamic profession of faith" had been planted on top of the tree.

    The Terrorist used the hashtag used by supporters of the jihadist Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham (ISIS).

    Rami Abdel Rahman of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights confirmed the tree had been cut down, adding that it stood next to an ancient shrine in Atme.

    When Terrorists took over the shrine, they prevented people from going to pray there, when that happened the locals started praying next to the tree, so the jihadists chopped it down claiming the people were worshipping the tree.

    Sources: Websites, Al-Manar
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 09:59PM  

    We, the Revolutionaries of this Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    We, the Revolutionaries of this Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    'Abd-Allāh Ibn Mas'ūd radhiy Allāhu anhū said:
    "There isn't any true relaxation...
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:06
    'Abd-Allāh Ibn Mas'ūd radhiy Allāhu anhū said:

    "There isn't any true relaxation for the believers besides the meeting of Allāh." [Al-Zuhd of Ahmad, p. 194]
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 09:59PM  

    We, the Revolutionaries of this Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    We, the Revolutionaries of this Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    The West tries to portray that there is nothing other than democracy or dictator...
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:13
    The West tries to portray that there is nothing other than democracy or dictatorial rule, whereas the rule of Allah is real justice between the rule of man and tyrannical rule.
    Shaikh Abdul Aziz Al-Tarefe
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 09:59PM  

    We, the Revolutionaries of this Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    We, the Revolutionaries of this Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Gaza underwater.......
    This isn't a natural disaster like the Philippines, this...
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:25
    Gaza underwater.......

    This isn't a natural disaster like the Philippines, this is man made by Israel.

    Israel's siege of Gaza, enforced with the cooperation of Egypt, has deprived Gaza of the fuel to power their water pumps so they're flooded in raw sewage.
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 09:59PM  

    We, the Revolutionaries of this Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    We, the Revolutionaries of this Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    The son of a popular Shaikh in Saudi, Dr. Mohammed Al-Khudairi, was martyred tod...
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:53
    The son of a popular Shaikh in Saudi, Dr. Mohammed Al-Khudairi, was martyred today in Syria, subhannaAllah. His father tweeted this:

    "O Lord, accept him as a Martyr and gather us with him in Firdaws and let us attain his intercession. O Allah, be pleased with him and Please him as I am pleased with him."

    May Allah keep his father patient
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 09:58PM  

    Tarek X (Offiziell)s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Tarek X (Offiziell)s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Auch wenn du dich in einer Umgebung der Falschheit befindest, kümmere dich nur u...
    Nov 24th 2013, 20:18
    Auch wenn du dich in einer Umgebung der Falschheit befindest, kümmere dich nur um die Wahrhaftigkeit. Passe dich nicht der Falschheit an, versuche auch nicht in ihr was Wahres zu erbauen. Gieße keine Blume aus Asphalt, nein kümmere dich getrennt vom Schlechten um das natürliche Gute. Es wird seinen Weg finden, Allah ist allmächtig und mit den Geduldigen.
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Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 24 Themen
Nov 25th 2013, 01:53, by Nahsaka Lasbhan


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 09:58PM  

    bushido - Social Mention
    Seit ihr alle eig doof erinnert ihr euch noch daran das Bushido und.sido sich auch immer öffentlich gedisst haben?! Früher? Das ist reines marketing die bleiben immer im.Gespräch wenn.der eine.wieder den.anderen.gedisst hat und genau das gleiche läuft jetzt zwischen (kay) gay one und (bushido )muschido! Die gut ihre musik und kriegen.immer mehr fans und ihr checkt das alles nicht und steigert euch voll rein wie damals hahahahhshahaha so lächerlich die beiden sind sowieso ne schande sowas dürfte man nicht als rapper betitteln sorry Was ist das bushido: airmax Nikotin haar wax bl bla bla Und kay One: ich breche die Herzen.aller mädchen haha shit das ist kein hip hop das ist Dreck!
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:49
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 09:58PM  

    bushido - Social Mention
    Ein Spielchen, das mir mal wieder gefällt ^^ also wer auch will einfach liken :D 18 also ... Beziehungsstatus: Damals: hatte ne 4 Monate lange Beziehung ^^ Heute: single,aber das passt so ^^ Berufswunsch: Damals : modedesignerin Heute: lerne Frisörin,was mir sehr gut gefällt Beruf: Damals: Schülerin-modeschule Heute: Frisörin Musik: Damals: puhh eig alles bis auf Volksmusik und bushido ^^ Heute: metal,punk-rock,emo Musik ^^und gothic Wohnsituation: Damals:daheim Heute: daheim(Lehrling kann man sich keine eigen e Wohnung leisten)
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:48
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 09:58PM  

    bushido - Social Mention
    xDDDDDDDD Gay One die Thainutte tut vor der Kamera voll cool mit seiner eiskalten Art und schreibt auf seine facebook page , dass ihm der Bushido Diss-Track nichts ausmacht, und innerlich ist er so zerfressen und psychisch am Ende, das Gewissen beladen mit Schuldgefühlen wie offensichtlich das telefonatgespräch am 23.11 Telefonat mit einem angeblichen freund zeigt. Das wars wohl mit der Musikkarriere für diesen Huenbock. Rip du Bastard und lass dich nie wieder in Köln und Wuppertal blicken.
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:56
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Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 23 Themen
Nov 25th 2013, 01:46, by Nahsaka Lasbhan


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 09:56PM  

    al-ansar - Social Mention
    Dato' Ustaz Shamsuri - [1/2]Tafsir Al-Hijr.
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:55

    Juventus superó 2-0 al Livorno con goles de Llorente y Tevez [VIDEO]
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:50
    El "equipo italiano": se coloca como líder momentáneo de la "Serie A": a la espera de lo que mañana haga la Roma ante el Cagliari Fuente: El comercio
    Ansars from Al-Huda Youth put their baking skills to a test as they made hundreds of delicious sweets for Ansar Night! May Allah (swt) reward you for your efforts!
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:46
    Our baking skills were put to the test, but thank you to all the volunteers that showed up and helped out. Without your hard work, sweat, tears, and mess, we couldn't have made the Ansar Day Bake a success. Special thanks to MK Gifts & Favours for all the support and help! It was a long night at Al Huda Muslim Society, but it is definitely worth the cause. InshAllah the baked goodies will put a smile on the less fortunate faces, and will make a difference.
    The Story of Muhammad (PBUH, Part-4:5) Holy Prophet travels to Madina (Hijra) "Narrated 'Urwa Ibn Az-Zubair: "Allah's Messenger met Az Zubair in a caravan of Muslim merchants who were returning from Sham. Az -Zubair provided Allah's Messenger and Abu Bakr with white clothes to wear. When the Muslims of Medina heard the new of the departure of Allah's Messenger from Mecca (towards Medina), they started going to the Harra every morning,. They would wait for him till the heat of the noon forced them to return. One day, after waiting for a long while, they returned home, and when they went into their houses, a Jew climbed up to the roof of one of the forts of his people to look for something, and he saw Allah's Messenger and his companions, dressed in white clothes, emerging out of the desert mirage. "The Jew could not help shouting at the top of his voice: 'O you Arabs! Here is your great man whom you have been waiting for!' So all the Muslims rushed to their arms and received Allah's Messenger on the summit of Harra. The Prophet turned with them to the right and alighted at the quarters of Bani Amr Ibn Auf, and this was on Monday in the month of Rabi ul Awal. Abu Bakr stood up, receiving the people, while Allah's Messenger sat down and kept silent. Some of the Ansar who came and had not seen Allah's Messenger before began greeting Abu Bakr, but when the sunshine fell on Allah's Messenger and Abu Bakr came forward and shaded him with his sheet, only then the people came to know Allah's Messenger. Allah's Messenger stayed with Bani Amr Ibn Auf for ten nights and established the mosque (Mosque of Quba) which was founded on piety. Allah's Messenger prayed in it and then mounted his she-camel and proceeded on, accompanied by the people till his she-camel knelt down at the place of the Mosque of Allah's Messenger at Medina. Some Muslims used to pray there in those days, and that place was a yard for drying dates belonging to Suhail and Sahl, the orphan boys who were under the guardianship of Asad In Zurara. When his she-camel knelt down, Allah's Messenger said: 'This place, Allah willing, will be our abiding place.' Allah's Messenger then called the two boys and told them to suggest a price for that yard so that he might take it as a mosque. The two boys said: 'No, but we will give it as a gift, O Allah's Messenger!' Allah's Messenger then built a mosque there. The Prophet himself started carrying unburned bricks for its building and while doing so, he was saying: 'This load is better than the load of Khaibar, for it is more pious in the Sight of Allah and purer and better rewardable.' He was also saying: 'O Allah! The actual reward is the reward in the Hereafter, so bestow Your Mercy on the Ansar and the Emigrants.' Thus the Prophet recited (by way of proverb) the poem of some Muslim poet whose name is unknown to me." (Ibn Shibab said, 'In the hadiths, it does not occur that Allah's Messenger recited a complete poetic verse other than this one.') (Sahih Al-Bukhari) Hijra - Islamic Calendar marks this date Thus was accomplished the hijrah, or the flight of Muhammad as called in European annals, from which the Islamic calendar dates. Yathrib renamed Al-Madina, Al-Munawara - "The Illuminated City" When the Prophet Muhammad and his companions settled at Yathrib, this city changed its name, and henceforth was called, Al-Medina, Al-Munawara, the Illuminated City, or more shortly, Medina, the City. It is situated about eleven-day's journey to the north of Mecca. At that time it was ruled by two Kahtanite tribes, Aws and Khazraj. These two tribes, however, were constantly quarreling among themselves. It was only about that time when the Prophet announced his mission at Mecca that these tribes, after long years of continuous warfare, entered on a period of comparative peace. When the Prophet settled at Medina, the tribes of Aws and Khazraj forgot entirely their old feuds and were united together in the bond of Islam. Their old divisions were soon effaced and the Ansar", the Helpers of the Prophet, became the common designation of all Medinites who had helped the Prophet in his cause. Those who emigrated with him from Mecca received the title of "Muhajereen" or the Emigrants. The Prophet, in order to unite both classes in closer bonds, established between them a brotherhood, which linked them together as children of the same parents, with the Prophet as their guardian. Allah's Apostle Settles in Madina The first step the Prophet took, after his settlement at Medina, was to built a mosque for the worship of Allah according to principles of Islam. Also, houses for the accommodation of the emigrants were soon erected. Muhammad's Charter - Jews and Muslims unite to defend against enemies Medina and its suburb were at this time inhabited by three distinct parties, the Emigrants, the Helpers, and the Jews. In order to weld them together into an orderly federation, the Prophet granted a charter to the people, clearly defining their rights and obligations. This charter represented the framework of the first commonwealth organized by the Prophet. It started thus: 'In the name of he Most Merciful and Compassionate Lord, this charter is given by Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah to all believers, whether of Quraish or Medina, and all individuals of whatever origin who have made common cause with them, who shall all constitute one nation." The following are some extracts from the charter: The state of peace and war shall be common to all Muslims; no one among them shall have the right of concluding peace with, or declaring war against, the enemies of his co-religionists. The Jews who attach themselves to our commonwealth shall be protected from all insults and vexations; they shall have an equal right with our people to our assistance and good offices. The Jews of the various branches and all others doiciled in Medina shall form with the Muslims one composite nation; they shall practice their religion as freely as the Muslims. The allies of the Jews shall enjoy the same security and freedom. The guilty shall be pursued and punished. The Jews shall join the Muslims in defending Medina all enemies. The interior of Medina shall be a sacred place for all who accept this charter. All true Muslims shall hold in abhorrence every man guilty of crime, injustice or disorder; no one shall uphold the culpable, though he be his nearest kin. After dealing with the interior management of the State, the charter concluded as follows: "All future disputes arising among those who accept this charter shall be referred, under Allah to the Prophet." Thus this charter put an end to the state of anarchy that prevailed among the Arabs. It constituted the Prophet Muhammad as chief magistrate of the nation. Charter faces Mutiny (Inside enemies) - The Hypocrites and unsatisfied Jews The party of the Ansars, or Helpers, included some lukewarm converts who retained an ill-concealed predilection for idolatry. These were headed by Abdullah Ibn Ubai, a man with some claims to distinction. They ostensibly joined Islam, but in secret were disaffected. They often were a source of considerable danger to the newborn commonwealth and required unceasing watchfulness on the part of the Prophet. Towards them he always showed the greatest patience and forbearance, hoping in the end to win them over to the faith, which expectations were fully justified by the result. While the death of Abdullah Ibn Ubai, his party which were known as the party of the "Munafiqeen" (the Hypocrites) disappeared. The Jews who constituted the third party of the Medinites were, however, the most serious element of danger. No kindness or generous treatment on the part of the Prophet would seem to satisfy them. They soon broke off and ranged themselves with the enemies of the new faith. They did not hesitate to declare openly that they preferred idolatry, with its attendant evils, to the faith of Islam. Thus, the Prophet had to keep an eye on his enemies outside Medina, on the one hand, and those within the city on the other. The Meccans who had sworn Muhammad's death were well acquainted, thanks to the party of the Hypocrites and of the Jews at Medina, with the real forces of the Muslims. They also knew that the Jews had accepted Muhammad's alliance only from motives of temporary expedience and that they would break away from him to join the idolaters as soon as the latter showed themselves in the vicinity of Medina. The safety of the state required the proscription of the traitors who were secretly giving information to the common enemy. About six men were executed for high treason of this nature. Madina under Sabotage style attacks on Food, Cattle etc... Towards the second year of the hijrah, the idolaters of Mecca began a series of hostile acts against the Muslims of Medina. They sent men in parties to commit depredations on the fruit trees of the Muslims of Medina and to carry away their flocks. Now came the moment of severest trial to Islam. It became the duty of the Prophet to take serious measures to guard against any plot rising from within or a sudden attack from without. Battle of Badr - Makkan Troop formations approaching Madina Allah's Prophet put Medina in a state of military discipline. He had to send frequent reconnoitering parties to guard against any sudden onslaught. No sooner did the Prophet organize hi state than a large well-equipped army of the Meccans was afield. A force constituting of one thousand men marched under Abu Jahl, a great enemy of Islam, towards Medina to attack the city. The Muslims received timely notice of their enemies' intention. A body of three hundred adherents, of whom two thirds were citizens of Medina, was gathered to forestall the idolaters by occupying the valley of Badr, situated near the sea between Mecca and Medina. When the Prophet saw the army of the infidels approaching the valley, he prayed that the little band of Muslims might not be destroyed. Victory - Battle Badr is Won The army of the Meccans advanced into the open space which separated the Muslims from the idolaters. According to Arab usage, the battle was began by simple combats. The engagement that became general. The result of the battle was that the Meccans were driven back with great loss. Several of their chiefs were slain, including Abu Jahl. Allah's Apostle set rules for treatment of POWs A large number of idolaters remained prisoners in the hands of the Muslims. They were, contrary to all usage and traditions of the Arabs, treated with the greatest humanity. The Prophet gave strict orders that sympathy should be shown to them in their misfortune and that they should be treated with kindness. These instructions were faithfully obeyed by the Muslims to whose care the prisoners were confided. Dealing with this event, Sir William Muir, in his book Life of Muhammad, quotes one of the prisoners saying: "Blessing be on the men of Medina; they made us ride, while they themselves walked; they gave us wheaten bread to eat, when there was little of it, contenting themselves with dates." Almighty Allah said: "And Allah has already made you victorious at Badr, when you were a weak little force. So fear Allah much (abstain from all kinds of sins and evil deeds which He has forbidden and love Allah much, perform all kinds of good deeds which He has ordained) that you may be grateful. (Remember) when you (Muhammad) said to the believers, "is it not enough for you that your Lord (Allah) should help you with three thousand angels; sent down? Yes, if you hold on to patience and piety, and the enemy comes rushing at you; your Lord will help you with five thousand angels having marks of distinction. Allah made it not but as a message of good news for you and as an assurance to your hearts. And there is no victory except from Allah the All Mighty, the All Wise. That He might cut off a part of those who disbelieve, or expose them to infamy, so that they retire frustrated." (Ch 3:123-127 Quran). The remarkable circumstances, which led to the victory of Badr, and results, which followed from it, made a deep impression on the minds of the Muslims; the angels of the heaven had battled on their side against their enemies. The division of the spoils created some dissension between the Muslim warriors. For the moment, the Prophet divided it equally among all. Subsequently, a Qur'an revelation laid down a rule for future division of the spoils. According to this rule, a fifth was reserved for the public treasury for the support of the poor and indigent, while the distribution of the remaining four fifths was left to the discretion of the Chief of the State. (part-5:5)...............Makkan Avenge Loss in Badr - Battle of Uhud The next battle between the Quraish and the Muslims was the battle of Uhud, a hill about four miles to the north of Medina. The idolaters, to revenge their loss at Badr, made tremendous preparations for a new attack upon the Muslims. They collected an army of three thousand strong men, of whom seven hundred were armed with coats of mail, and two hundred horses. These forces advanced under the conduct of Abu Sufyan and encamped at a village six miles from Medina, where they gave themselves up to spoiling the fields and flocks of the Medinites. The Prophet, being much inferior to his enemies in number, at first determined to keep himself within the town and to receive them there; but afterwards, the advice of some of his companions prevailing he marched out against them at the head of one thousand men, of whom one hundred were armed with coats of mail; but he had no more than one horse, besides his own, in his whole army. With these forces he halted at Mount Uhud. He was soon abandoned by Abdullah Ibn Ubai, the leader of the Hypocrites, with three hundred of his followers. Thus, the small force of the Prophet was reduced to seven hundred. At Mount Uhud the Muslim troops passed the night, and in the morning, after offering their prayers, they advanced into the plain. The Prophet contrived to have the hill at his back, and, the better to secure his men from being surrounded, he placed fifty archers on the height in the rear, behind the troops, and gave them strict orders not to leave their posts whatever might happen. When they came to engage, the Prophet had superiority at first. But afterward, his archers left their position for the sake of plunder, thus allowing the enemy to attack the Muslims in the fear and surround them. The Prophet lost the day and very


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 09:56PM  

    Islam Der Wahre Weg zum Paradies Facebook-Pinnwand
    Islam Der Wahre Weg zum Paradies Facebook-Pinnwand
    Ibn Al-Qayyim rahimahullah sagte:
    "Derjenige ist ein Mann, der den Tod seines H...
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:26
    Ibn Al-Qayyim rahimahullah sagte:

    "Derjenige ist ein Mann, der den Tod seines Herzens fürchtet – nicht den seines Körpers"

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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 09:56PM  

    Islam ist die Lösungs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Islam ist die Lösungs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:54
    Er hat den beiden Gewässern, die einander begegnen, freien Lauf gelassen. Zwischen ihnen steht eine Grenze, so dass sie nicht ineinander übergreifen." (Qur'an, 55:19-20) "Und er ist es, der den beiden Gewässern freien Lauf gelassen hat zu fließen - das eine (ist) wohlschmeckend, süß, und das andere salzig, bitter; und zwischen ihnen hat Er eine Scheidewand und eine sichere Schranke gemacht." (Qur'an, 25:53)
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 09:56PM  

    Islam ist die Lösungs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Islam ist die Lösungs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:50

    Islam, der wahre Weg
    Eine kurze Geschichte zum Nachdenken... Der einzigste Überlebende eines Schiffsbruch strandete auf eine unbewohnte Insel. Er bat ALLAH ta'ala ihn zu retten und schaute jeden Tag zum Horizont nach Hilfe...doch nichts!. Danach fing er an sich eine Hütte zu bauen, wo er seine wenigen Besitztümer verstauen konnte. Doch eines Tages kam er vom Essen suchen zurück und sah, dass seine Hütte brannte....Riesen Feuer und Rauch!! Das schlimmste was passieren könnte!! Jetzt war alles verloren. Er stand unter Schock und war Böse und er sagte heulend zu ALLAH ta'ala: ''...Wie kannst du mir sowas antun?." {Viele leute reagieren so wenn sie wütend sind über einige Vorkommnisse in ihrem Leben} Am nächsten Morgen wachte der Mann schreckend auf, denn er hörte ein Boot und es kam stets näher. Er sagte das ist meine Chance.... Der Mann noch überrascht & geschockt vom vortag fragte den Kapitän: "Woher wissen sie das ich hier bin??" Er antwortete: "Ich sah ihre Rauchsignale.....!!!!" Allah ta'ala sagt im Quran Al-Karim "…Aber vielleicht ist euch etwas zuwider, während es gut für euch ist, und vielleicht ist euch etwas lieb, während es schlecht für euch ist. ALLAH weiß, ihr aber wißt nicht." [Sure 2:216] Vertrauen wir auf ALLAH ta'ala, selbst wenn dich die ganze Welt enttäuscht, hintergeht, vernachlässigt etc…!! ALLAH ta'ala tut es niemals. ALLAH ta'ala ist immer dein Helfer. Wir sind diejenigen die ALLAH ta'ala vernachlässigen und Enttäuschen...!! Unsere Ungehorsamkeit & Undankbarkeit gegenüber ALLAH ta'ala ist die größte Respektlosigkeit die wir ALLAH ta'ala erweisen. Wir sollten uns schämen. "Und unter den Menschen gibt es manchen, der ALLAH nur am Rande dient. Wenn ihn etwas Gutes trifft ist er damit beruhigt, doch wenn ihn eine Versuchung/Prüfung trifft, macht er eine Kehrtwende. Er verliert das Diesseits und das Jenseits. Das ist der deutliche Verlust." [Sure 22:11]. Bitte teilen damit es viele von uns erreicht & vielleicht zum Nachdenken bringt....Barakah llah u feekum
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 09:56PM  

    ummah - Social Mention
    Paroles du Prophete sur AhlulBayt O 'Alî! L'Islam est (un corps) nu dont le vêtement est la pudeur, dont l'ornement est la fidélité, dont l'esprit chevaleresque est la bienfaisance, dont les piliers sont la piété. A toute chose une fondation, celle de l'Islam est (l'obligation de) notre amour, nous les Ahl-ul-Bayt.(552) Selon al-Tabarânî, dans "Al-Awsat", Ibn Hajar a dit: La dernière chose que le Prophète a dite est ceci: «Trouvez, dans les Gens de ma Famille, ma Succession».(553) Selon Jâbir ibn 'Abdullâh, cité par al-Tabarânî, dans "Al-Awsat": J'ai entendu le Messager d'Allah (P) dire, dans un discours: «Celui qui nous déteste, nous Ahl-ul-Bayt, Allah le traitera en Juif le Jour du Jugement».(554) Selon Zayd ibn al-Arqam, cité par Muslim, al-Tirmithî et al-Nasâ'î, le Prophète (P) a dit: «Je vous rappelle Allah par les Gens de ma Famille».(555) Selon l'Imam 'Alî (p), cité par al-Khatîb dans son "Ta'rîkh", le Prophète (P) dit: «Mon intercession en faveur de ma Ummah dépend de l'amour (qu'elle éprouve) envers les Gens de ma Maison».(556) Personne ne peut se mesurer à nous, Ahl-ul-Bayt.(557)
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:54
    Another reason to NOT attend GPU. Ohh this guy... Really annoys and upsets me!!! So many ummah follow him. Ya Allah please guide them. Ameen
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:54
    11. Surah Hud (Prophet Hood) 1. Alif-Lam-Ra. [These letters are one of the miracles of the Qur'an and none but Allah (Alone) knows their meanings]. (This is) a Book, the Verses whereof are perfected (in every sphere of knowledge, etc.), and then explained in detail from One (Allah), Who is All-Wise and Well-Acquainted (with all things). 2. (Saying) worship none but Allah. Verily, I (Muhammad ) am unto you from Him a warner and a bringer of glad tidings. 3. And (commanding you): "Seek the forgiveness of your Lord, and turn to Him in repentance, that He may grant you good enjoyment, for a term appointed, and bestow His abounding Grace to every owner of grace (i.e. the one who helps and serves needy and deserving, physically and with his wealth, and even with good words). But if you turn away, then I fear for you the torment of a Great Day (i.e. the Day of Resurrection). 4. To Allah is your return, and He is Able to do all things." 5. No doubt! They did fold up their breasts, that they may hide from Him. Surely, even when they cover themselves with their garments, He knows what they conceal and what they reveal. Verily, He is the All-Knower of the (innermost secrets) of the breasts. 6. And no (moving) living creature is there on earth but its provision is due from Allah. And He knows its dwelling place and its deposit (in the uterous, grave, etc.). all is in a Clear Book (Al-Lauh Al-Mahfuz - the Book of Decrees with Allah). 7. And He it is Who has created the heavens and the earth in six Days and His Throne was on the water, that He might try you, which of you is the best in deeds. But if you were to say to them: "You shall indeed be raised up after death," those who disbelieve would be sure to say, "This is nothing but obvious magic. " 8. And if We delay the torment for them till a determined term, they are sure to say, "What keeps it back?" Verily, on the day it reaches them, nothing will turn it away from them, and they will be surrounded by (fall in) that at which they used to mock! 9. And if We give man a taste of Mercy from Us, and then withdraw it from him, verily! He is despairing, ungrateful. 10. But if We let him taste good (favour) after evil (poverty and harm) has touched him, he is sure to say: "Ills have departed from me." Surely, he is exultant, and boastful (ungrateful to Allah). 11. Except those who show patience and do righteous good deeds, those: theirs will be forgiveness and a great reward (Paradise). 12. So perchance you (Muhammad ) may give up a part of what is revealed unto you, and that your breast feels straitened for it because they say, "Why has not a treasure been sent down unto him, or an angel has come with him?" But you are only a warner. And Allah is a Wakil (Disposer of affairs, Trustee, Guardian, etc.) over all things. 13. Or they say, "He (Prophet Muhammad ) forged it (the Qur'an)." Say: "Bring you then ten forged Surah (chapters) like unto it, and call whomsoever you can, other than Allah (to your help), if you speak the truth!" 14. If then they answer you not, know then that the Revelation (this Qur'an) is sent down with the Knowledge of Allah and that La ilaha illa Huwa: (none has the right to be worshipped but He)! Will you then be Muslims (those who submit to Islam)? 15. Whosoever desires the life of the world and its glitter; to them We shall pay in full (the wages of) their deeds therein, and they will have no diminution therein. 16. They are those for whom there is nothing in the Hereafter but Fire; and vain are the deeds they did therein. And of no effect is that which they used to do. 17. Can they (Muslims) who rely on a clear proof (the Qur'an) from their Lord, and whom a witness [Prophet Muhammad through Jibrael (Gabriel)] from Him follows it (can they be equal with the disbelievers); and before it, came the Book of Musa (Moses), a guidance and a mercy, they believe therein, but those of the sects (Jews, Christians and all the other non-Muslim nations) that reject it (the Qur'an), the Fire will be their promised meeting-place. So be not in doubt about it (i.e. those who denied Prophet Muhammad and also denied all that which he brought from Allah, surely, they will enter Hell). Verily, it is the truth from your Lord, but most of the mankind believe not . 18. And who does more wrong than he who invents a lie against Allah. Such will be brought before their Lord, and the witnesses will say, "These are the ones who lied against their Lord!" No doubt! the curse of Allah is on the Zalimun (polytheists, wrong-doers, oppressors, etc.) . 19. Those who hinder (others) from the Path of Allah (Islamic Monotheism), and seek a crookedness therein, while they are disbelievers in the Hereafter. 20. By no means will they escape (from Allah's Torment) on earth, nor have they protectors besides Allah! Their torment will be doubled! They could not bear to hear (the preachers of the truth) and they used not to see (the truth because of their severe aversin, inspite of the fact that they had the sense of hearing and sight). 21. They are those who have lost their ownselves, and their invented false deities will vanish from them. 22. Certainly, they are those who will be the greatest losers in the Hereafter. 23. Verily, those who believe (in the Oneness of Allah - Islamic Monotheism) and do righteous good deeds, and humble themselves (in repentance and obedience) before their Lord, - they will be dwellers of Paradise to dwell therein forever. 24. The likeness of the two parties is as the blind and the deaf and the seer and the hearer. Are they equal when compared? Will you not then take heed? 25. And indeed We sent Nuh (Noah) to his people (and he said): "I have come to you as a plain warner." 26. "That you worship none but Allah, surely, I fear for you the torment of a painful Day." 27. The chiefs of the disbelievers among his people said: "We see you but a man like ourselves, nor do we see any follow you but the meanest among us and they (too) followed you without thinking. And we do not see in you any merit above us, in fact we think you are liars." 28. He said: "O my people! Tell me, if I have a clear proof from my Lord, and a Mercy (Prophethood, etc.) has come to me from Him, but that (Mercy) has been obscured from your sight. Shall we compel you to accept it (Islamic Monotheism) when you have a strong hatred for it? 29. "And O my people! I ask of you no wealth for it, my reward is from none but Allah. I am not going to drive away those who have believed. Surely, they are going to meet their Lord, but I see that you are a people that are ignorant. 30. "And O my people! Who will help me against Allah, if I drove them away? Will you not then give a thought? 31. "And I do not say to you that with me are the Treasures of Allah, "Nor that I know the Ghaib (unseen); "nor do I say I am an angel, and I do not say of those whom your eyes look down upon that Allah will not bestow any good on them. Allah knows what is in their inner-selves (as regards belief, etc.). In that case, I should, indeed be one of the Zalimun (wrong-doers, oppressors, etc.)." 32. They said: "O Nuh (Noah)! You have disputed with us and much have you prolonged the dispute with us, now bring upon us what you threaten us with, if you are of the truthful." 33. He said: "Only Allah will bring it (the punishment) on you, if He will, and then you will escape not. 34. "And my advice will not profit you, even if I wish to give you good counsel, if Allah's Will is to keep you astray. He is your Lord! and to Him you shall return." 35. Or they (the pagans of Makkah) say: "He (Muhammad ) has fabricated it (the Qur'an)." Say: "If I have fabricated it, upon me be my crimes, but I am innocent of (all) those crimes which you commit." 36. And it was inspired to Nuh (Noah): "None of your people will believe except those who have believed already. So be not sad because of what they used to do. 37. "And construct the ship under Our Eyes and with Our Inspiration, and address Me not on behalf of those who did wrong; they are surely to be drowned." 38. And as he was constructing the ship, whenever the chiefs of his people passed by him, they made a mockery of him. He said: "If you mock at us, so do we mock at you likewise for your mocking. 39. "And you will know who it is on whom will come a torment that will cover him with disgrace and on whom will fall a lasting torment." 40. (So it was) till then there came Our Command and the oven gushed forth (water like fountains from the earth). We said: "Embark therein, of each kind two (male and female), and your family, except him against whom the Word has already gone forth, and those who believe. And none believed with him, except a few." 41. And he [Nuh (Noah)] said: "Embark therein, in the Name of Allah will be its moving course and its resting anchorage. Surely, my Lord is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful." (Tafsir At-Tabari, Vol. 12, Page 43) 42. So it (the ship) sailed with them amidst the waves like mountains, and Nuh (Noah) called out to his son, who had separated himself (apart), "O my son! Embark with us and be not with the disbelievers." 43. The son replied: "I will betake myself to a mountain, it will save me from the water." Nuh (Noah) said: "This day there is no saviour from the Decree of Allah except him on whom He has mercy." And a wave came in between them, so he (the son) was among the drowned. 44. And it was said: "O earth! Swallow up your water, and O sky! Withhold (your rain)." And the water was diminished (made to subside) and the Decree (of Allah) was fulfilled (i.e. the destruction of the people of Nuh (Noah). And it (the ship) rested on Mount Judi, and it was said: "Away with the people who are Zalimun (polytheists and wrong-doing)!" 45. And Nuh (Noah) called upon his Lord and said, "O my Lord! Verily, my son is of my family! And certainly, Your Promise is true, and You are the Most Just of the judges." 46. He said: "O Nuh (Noah)! Surely, he is not of your family; verily, his work is unrighteous, so ask not of Me that of which you have no knowledge! I admonish you, lest you be one of the ignorants." 47. Nuh (Noah) said: "O my Lord! I seek refuge with You from asking You that of which I have no knowledge. And unless You forgive me and have Mercy on me, I would indeed be one of the losers." 48. It was said: "O Nuh (Noah)! Come down (from the ship) with peace from Us and blessings on you and on the people who are with you (and on some of their off spring), but (there will be other) people to whom We shall grant their pleasures (for a time), but in the end a painful torment will reach them from Us." 49. This is of the news of the unseen which We reveal unto you (O Muhammad ), neither you nor your people knew them before this. So be patient. Surely, the (good) end is for the Muttaqun (pious - see V.2:2) 50. And to 'Ad (people We sent) their brother Hud. He said, "O my people! Worship Allah! You have no other Ilah (God) but Him. Certainly, you do nothing but invent (lies)! 51. "O my people I ask of you no reward for it (the Message). My reward is only from Him, Who created me. Will you not then understand? 52. "And O my people! Ask forgiveness of your Lord and then repent to Him, He will send you (from the sky) abundant rain, and add strength to your strength, so do not turn away as Mujrimun (criminals, disbelievers in the Oneness of Allah)." 53. They said: "O Hud! No evidence have you brought us, and we shall not leave our gods for your (mere) saying! And we are not believers in you. 54. "All that we say is that some of our gods (false deities) have seized you with evil (madness)." He said: "I call Allah to witness and bear you witness that I am free from that which you ascribe as partners in worship, - 55. With Him (Allah). So plot against me, all of you, and give me no respite. 56. "I put my trust in Allah, my Lord and your Lord! There is not a moving (living) creature but He has grasp of its forelock. Verily, my Lord is on the Straight Path (the truth). 57. "So if you turn away, still I have conveyed the Message with which I was sent to you. My Lord will make another people succeed you, and you will not harm Him in the least. Surely, my Lord is Guardian over all things." 58. And when Our Commandment came, We saved Hud and those who believed with him by a Mercy from Us, and We saved them from a severe torment. 59. Such were 'Ad (people). They rejected the Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) of their Lord and disobeyed His Messengers, and followed the command of every proud obstinate (oppressor of the truth, from their leaders). 60. And they were pursued by a curse in this world and (so they will be) on the Day of Resurrection. No doubt! Verily, 'Ad disbelieved in their Lord. So away with 'Ad, the people of Hud. 61. And to Thamud (people, We sent) their brother Salih (Saleh). He said: "O my people! Worship Allah, you have no other Ilah (God) but Him. He brought you forth from the earth and settled you therein, then ask forgiveness of Him and turn to Him in repentance. Certainly, my Lord is Near (to all by His Knowledge), Responsive." 62. They said: "O Salih (Saleh)! You have been among us as a figure of good hope (and we wished for you to be our chief), till this [new thing which you have brought; that we leave our gods and worship your God (Allah) Alone]! Do you (now) forbid us the worship of what our fathers have worshipped? But we are really in grave doubt as to that which you invite us to (monotheism)." 63. He said: "O my people! Tell me, if I have a clear proof from my Lord, and there has come to me a Mercy (Prophethood, etc.) from Him, who then can help me against Allah, if I were to disobey Him? Then you increase me not but in loss. 64. "And O my people! This she-camel of Allah is a sign to you, leave her to feed on Allah's earth, and touch her not with evil, lest a near torment will seize you." 65. But they killed her. So he said: "Enjoy yourselves in your homes for three days. This is a promise (i.e. a threat) that will not be belied." 66. So when Our Commandment came, We saved Salih (Saleh) and those who believed with him by a Mercy from Us, and from the disgrace of that Day. Verily, your Lord, He is the All-Strong, the All-Mighty. 67. And As-Saihah (torment - awful cry, etc.) overtook the wrong-doers, so they lay (dead), prostrate in their homes, - 68. As if they had never lived there.


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 09:56PM  

    dawa - Social Mention
    Hajar jakham liye baitha hai Ashake khuni piye baitha hai Rahe ulfat main luta ke wafa Kaja se sadme liye baitha hai Dal ke kafan ruswa jindgi pe Hasrato se tauba kiye baitha hai Ho na saki darde ki dawa Khud jakhmo ko siye baitha hai
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:55
    Azercelle Yawa, Bawin Deysin Dawa. Arvadini Bowa, Daha Rahat Yawa! :))))
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:54
    Dziękuję bardzo zespołowi, który pomagał mi przy projekcie oraz dawał cenne uwagi odnośnie zagrożeń, nisz i rozwiązań. Krzysztof, Szymon i Mikołaj. Dziękuję Wam!
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:53
    Är du intresserad att gå ut att göra dawa kalla till islam? Tveka inte kontakta oss. Vi erbjuder dig utbildning och allt du behöver. Vi kommer att vara ganska aktiva nu till jul så kontakta oss. Allah säger i koranen [41:33] Vem talar ett skönare språk än den som kallar [människorna] till tron på Gud, som lever ett rättskaffens liv och som säger: "Jag hör till dem som har underkastat sig Guds vilja?"
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:53
    4 czerwca / Warszawa. Zapraszamy ..................................................................................................... TANGERINE DREAM Podróż do krainy wyobraźni. Niezwykle trudno jednoznacznie określić to co proponuje Tangerine Dream. Muzyka elektroniczna to zbyt prostackie określenie. Muzyka medytacyjna to również za mało. Przez pryzmat ostatnich czterdziestu lat, to jest od czasu odkąd ich słucham, odważyłbym się na określenie ich twórczości w kontekście amerykańskich Grateful Dead. Wydawać by się mogło, że to niedorzeczne, bo przecież te dwa zespoły nie łączy dosłownie nic. Kompletnie inne instrumentarium i inne korzenie, a jednak, jak powiedział kiedyś Peter Baumann, potwierdzając w pewnym sensie moje skojarzenie „… jesteśmy europejskimi Grateful Dead; korzystamy oczywiście z innego instrumentarium, ale myśl przewodnia obowiązuje nas ta sama. Poprowadzić słuchacza w nieznane." Chodzi o unikalny przekaz. O nieprzewidywalne wielogodzinne happeningi. Muzyczna mistyka obecna jest w twórczości Tangerine Dream od 1967 roku po dzień dzisiejszy. Malarz, kontestator, grafik, poeta i muzyk Edgar Froese, nazwę Tangerine Dream wyłowił z beatlesowskiej Lucy In The Sky Of Diamond. Roszady jakie następowały w zespole są niemożliwe do ogarnięcia. Myślę, że cztery postacie wywarły największy wpływ na twórczość i karierę Tangerine Dream: Edgar Froese, Chris Franke, Peter Baumann i Richard Branson, założyciel firmy Virgin, która właśnie świętowała sukcesy po wydaniu Tubular Bells Mika Oldfielda. Branson jako pierwszy dostrzegł ogromny potencjał drzemiący w muzykach z Berlina. To właśnie w czasie kontraktu z Virgin narodził się unikalny, surrealistyczny styl Tangerine Dream. Z luźnych , pozbawionych rytmu i melodii muzycznych wizualizacji powstawać zaczęły legendarne dziś dzieła Tangerine Dream: Atem, Phaedra, Stratosfear, Rubycon czy Ricochet. Niezwykle klimatyczne, progresywne obrazy wykreowane głównie za pomocą elektronicznego instrumentarium. To niesłychane, ale Tangerine Dream, jak wielu wtedy mówiło, z bezdusznej cyfrowej techniki, potrafili wykrzesać wszystkie możliwe emocje. Elektroniczne nowinki oraz instrumenty tworzone przez samego Edgara Froese, dawały w końcu nieograniczone możliwości. Wrażliwa osobowość i artystyczny zmysł Edgara pozwoliły zebrać całość tych surrealistycznych dźwięków w odpowiednie, stylistyczne ramy. Skończyła się era muzycznego chaosu, który Froese wyniósł ze szkoły Salvadora Dali, a nastał czas wizjonerskich pejzaży. Z całą pewnością Tangerine Dream są prekursorami tzw. krautrocka. Przed wielu laty Klaus Schulze opowiadał „…mandarynkowy sen to intelektualna wędrówka w głąb siebie. Wydaje mi się, że jesteśmy bardzo wysublimowaną odpowiedzią na cały ten zgiełk zwany flower-power…" W owym czasie niemiecka muzyka była mocno lekceważona przez dominujące wówczas europejskie, głównie brytyjskie media. Tangerine Dream, Ash Ra Tempel, Kin Ping Meh, Jane, Amon Dull, Grobschnitt czy Epitaph stanowili bowiem poważne zagrożenie w popularności, pożerających ogromne pieniądze Pink Floyd. Anglikom brakowało alternatywy. To chyba stąd brały się nieuzasadnione, ciągłe porównania niemieckiego krautrocka do stylistyki Pink Floyd. Manuel Göttsching lider genialnych Ash Ra Tempel już w 1970 roku mówił, że cały kontestujący ruch muzyczny w Niemczech narodził się wraz z pierwszym albumem Tangerine Dream – Electronic Meditation w 1967 roku. O Dark Side Of The Moon nikt nawet wtedy nie marzył. Jeśli już mowa o inspiracji to bliżej im było do tego co proponowali King Crimson czy Van Der Graaf Generator Petera Hammilla. Tangerine Dream tak jak Led Zeppelin czy właśnie King Crimson wytyczyli nowy szlak dla wielu następnych pokoleń. Podsumowaniem tamtego najbardziej malowniczego, choć nie pozbawionego nerwowej, niespokojnej pulsacji okresu , był fantastyczny, zarejestrowany w Stanach Zjednoczonych podwójny koncertowy album Encore. Stanowi definicję tego, co pozwala do dziś stawiać Tangerine Dream w jednym szeregu z najbardziej wpływowymi zespołami świata. Setki godzin muzyki ilustracyjnej i filmowej dopełniają całości. Tangerine Dream wyróżniało coś jeszcze pośród innych przedstawicieli tak zwanego rocka psychodelicznego czy elektronicznego. Muzycy zespołu korzystali również z „żywych" instrumentów. Gitara, flet, wiolonczela czy obój , znakomicie wypełniały transową ścianę dźwięków Tangerine Dream . Pojawiały się również wokalizy i recytacje wierszy. Ich muzyka to forma nigdy nie zamknięta w żadne ramy. Właściwie to oni pokazali światu jak wspaniale można wykorzystać najnowsze wynalazki klawiszowego instrumentarium, bo przecież w głównej mierze to właśnie jest podstawą ich twórczości. Dziś filarem składu Tangerine Dream jest niestrudzony Edgar Froese oraz Thorstern Quaeschning. Podczas występów na żywo Tangerine Dream wraca do swego złotego okresu zwanego Virgin Years. Skład uzupełniają flecistka i pianistka Linda Spa, perkusista Iris Camaa, gitarzysta Bernhard Beibl i wiolonczelistka Hoshiko Yamane. Pięknie podsumował muzykę Tangerine Dream sławny dziś, dawny muzyk japońskich Far East Family Band – Kitaro: gdyby nie Tangerine Dream nie bardzo wiedzielibyśmy co począć z całym tym elektronicznym zestawem. To nie jest zabawa w odtwarzanie szumu morza czy śpiewu ptaków. To najprawdziwsza medytacja uwolniona w przestrzeni i czasie przez muzyków, a nie komputery. Za sprawą Agencji Koncertowej Tangerine zobaczycie i usłyszycie ten legendarny zespół w przyszłym roku, w czerwcu w Warszawie. Dla Agencji Tangerine Paweł Freebird Michaliszyn ................................................................................................................................. Wszelkie prawa do powyższego tekstu należą do Tangerine Music. wszystkie zmiany , skróty , ingerencje w tekst zabronione
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:53
    Hoti Hai Lakh Ghumo Ki Dawa Neend B Magar, Hote Hain Aise Ghum Bhi Jo Sone Nahi Dete !
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:53
    Tum b tanha the hum b tanha the mil k rone lage aik jese the dono k gham dawa hone lage tujhme mukurate hn tujhme gungunate hn khud ko tere pas hi chor ate hn tere hi khayalo me dobe dobe jate hn khud ko tere pas hi chor ate hn....
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:49
    ne kozako kai san smjeco me som bestlo dre holandja firo amsterdam delnica balme zuit amsterdamsestraatweg 10 ale daf tuke miro laf kai na jawesa rom te wel ale phen mange kai san me jawaw i tre mama buje dawa i tuke te mij dawa
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:49
    Girl STATUS- thnkng of commtiing suicide........ ­. comnt1- wat are u talking,, aisa mat karo plz.. :( cmnt 2- dekho ye zndagi bahutkhoobsoorat hai,, sukd dukh to laga rehta hai cmnt3- give me ur no....mujhse baat karlo,,tumhe acha lagega cmnt4- tum aisa kuch h=nahi karogi,,tumhe meri kasam :'( cmnt5- baby kya hua...tum maar khaaogi ab mujhse,, :( cmnt 110-agar tumne aisa kuch kia, to mai bhi nee jee paaunga :'( :( BOY'S STATUS- saala tang aa gaya kar rha hai suicide kar lu cmnt 1- man bana hi chuka hai to fir kya bolein :p cmnt 2- abe ja mar..bhag yahaa se.. : cmnt 3- saale jeeke bhi kya ukhaad rha tha..murdey :p cmnt4- faansi lagaane se pehle,chooha maar dawa kha lena or hath ki nas bhi kaat lena,,par saale bachna mat :D cmnt5- jaldi kar :) cmnt6- bhaai pehli bar kuch acha karnejaa rahe wishes with u..go ahead ;) cmnt7- abe tumhari neeli wali jacket mai lelu tumahre marne ke baad. :D :p cmnt 8- BEST1- BHAAI MAN KO MAT MAAR :p
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:48
    #NOWPLAYING #FREESTYLE Sisdee : un nouvel EP cet automne et juste après c'est DRAGON & FRIENDS pour foutre le dawa jusqu'à minuit. En direct sur le FM sur F.P.P 106.3 en Ile de France !!
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:47
    Girl STATUS- thnkng of commtiing suicide........ ­. comnt1- wat are u talking,, aisa mat karo plz.. :( cmnt 2- dekho ye zndagi bahutkhoobsoorat hai,, sukd dukh to laga rehta hai cmnt3- give me ur no....mujhse baat karlo,,tumhe acha lagega cmnt4- tum aisa kuch h=nahi karogi,,tumhe meri kasam :'( cmnt5- baby kya hua...tum maar khaaogi ab mujhse,, :( cmnt 110-agar tumne aisa kuch kia, to mai bhi nee jee paaunga :'( :( BOY'S STATUS- saala tang aa gaya kar rha hai suicide kar lu cmnt 1- man bana hi chuka hai to fir kya bolein :p cmnt 2- abe ja mar..bhag yahaa se.. : cmnt 3- saale jeeke bhi kya ukhaad rha tha..murdey :p cmnt4- faansi lagaane se pehle,chooha maar dawa kha lena or hath ki nas bhi kaat lena,,par saale bachna mat :D cmnt5- jaldi kar :) cmnt6- bhaai pehli bar kuch acha karnejaa rahe wishes with u..go ahead ;) cmnt7- abe tumhari neeli wali jacket mai lelu tumahre marne ke baad. :D :p cmnt 8- BEST1- BHAAI MAN KO MAT MAAR :p #MJ
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:47
    Girl STATUS- thnkng of commtiing suicide........ ­. comnt1- wat are u talking,, aisa mat karo plz.. :( cmnt 2- dekho ye zndagi bahutkhoobsoorat hai,, sukd dukh to laga rehta hai cmnt3- give me ur no....mujhse baat karlo,,tumhe acha lagega cmnt4- tum aisa kuch h=nahi karogi,,tumhe meri kasam :'( cmnt5- baby kya hua...tum maar khaaogi ab mujhse,, :( cmnt 110-agar tumne aisa kuch kia, to mai bhi nee jee paaunga :'( :( BOY'S STATUS- saala tang aa gaya kar rha hai suicide kar lu cmnt 1- man bana hi chuka hai to fir kya bolein :p cmnt 2- abe ja mar..bhag yahaa se.. : cmnt 3- saale jeeke bhi kya ukhaad rha tha..murdey :p cmnt4- faansi lagaane se pehle,chooha maar dawa kha lena or hath ki nas bhi kaat lena,,par saale bachna mat :D cmnt5- jaldi kar :) cmnt6- bhaai pehli bar kuch acha karnejaa rahe wishes with u..go ahead ;) cmnt7- abe tumhari neeli wali jacket mai lelu tumahre marne ke baad. :D :p cmnt 8- BEST1- BHAAI MAN KO MAT MAAR :p #MJ
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:47
    Al Hamdulilah haben die Schwestern von Masjid al Iman neue Schwestern aus Russland und Tschetschenien kennengelernt. Möge ALLAH swt die Dawa im russischen Bereich mehren. Möge ALLAH swt die Muwahidat und Muwahidun mehren und vereinen. Amin.
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:47
    Mareez-e-Ishq Hai To Dawa-e-Dil Samjh Dilbar Ko, Phir Marz Jane, Dawa jane, Shifa Jane, KHUDA Jane...
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:47
    Want to drink kunun dawa and nono, seriously! Missing proper Fulbe nono, not the substandard concoction that goes by that honorable name that is so common in Lagos!
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:45
    الأم المغربية لما تلبس ابنها في الصباح . . . . . . . . وقف جلس شدّ تشااااحححح {ضرباتو بطرشة} مد يدك عَالِّي رجلك لاخور وقف تشااااحححح {ضرباتو بطرشة} يالله جلس وفي الأخير كتبوسو وتقولو الله يرضي علىك كتسمع الهضرة د ماما ♥♥ تحية لكل أمهاتنا
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:45
    Gąski! Gąski! Krzyczcie Trybson! :DD Kto będzie oglądał?:D
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:44
    duwa bhi kam nah aaye dawa bhi kam nah lage mere kuda kisi ko pyarr ki hawa nah lage... :D
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:43
,52926ba1b5e98 dawać ahahahah >.
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:42
    Test dla znajomych. Sprawdź jak dobrze Cię znają!
    mapenzi hayana dawa zaidi ya hz zifuatazo ,uaminifu,,kujishuxha unapokosea,kufumba macho kwa vicheche wa barabarani,kujari,kutokupanic kijinga,wivu,kumuheshimu unayempenda ...ukikikoxa kimoja wapo hapo lazima utaumia tuu ata ukikaza moyoni utaumia tu xababu mapenzi hayana ninja...mwixho wa xku huwa mnatakiwa kusameheana tuuuuuuh........ xababu hakuna mkamilifu,,,,gud9t ma pipooooooo
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:42
    jeju no...Dawać jej domek natychmiast!!
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:42
    Krasnoludki, skrzaty, elfy..Jednym słowem maluchy z jednej ze schroniskowych klatek czekające na nowe domki! Niektóre przybyły do schroniska wraz z mamą, inne z rodzeństwem. Jeszcze inne samotnie zauważone na ulicy, pozostawione same sobie. Dzikawe, wystraszone, miziaste, bure, rude, czarne..Głównym celem jest oczywiście znalezienie im domku: odpowiedzialnego, kochającego i cierpliwego. Oprócz tego naszym zadaniem jest pokazać podrostkom, że człowiek nie tylko krzywdzi ale też może być prawdziwym przyjacielem. Tyle ile ludzi tyle charakterów - podobnie jest z kotami. Jeden od razu mruczy wyciągając łapki przez klatkę, inny potrzebuje więcej czasu - jest nieufny i syczący. Większość maluchów jest zaszczepiona, kuwetkowa, samodzielna i kontaktowa. W przypadku adopcji maluchów potencjalny domek otrzymuje talon na bezpłatny zabieg sterylizacji bądź kastracji.
    Ostrożni w podróży? Policjantka dawała się okraść, współpasażerowie nie reagowali
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:42
    Pilnujmy siebie nawzajem i w podróży zwracajmy


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 09:50PM  

    Wir Türken sind überall ツs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Wir Türken sind überall ツs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Deutscher Vater vs. Türkischer Vater HAHAHA :D
    Markiert Freunde die es unbeding...
    Nov 24th 2013, 20:54
    Deutscher Vater vs. Türkischer Vater HAHAHA :D

    Markiert Freunde die es unbedingt sehen müssen !

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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 09:48PM  

    Muslimball Z Facebook-Pinnwand
    Muslimball Z Facebook-Pinnwand
    Nov 24th 2013, 20:51
    Du bist nicht Allein............ VIDEO TEILEN !
    Nimm dir die Minute und teile es mit deinen Freunden ┌─────────────┐ │ ••► Bilal Lewis ◄•• └─────────────┘
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 09:46PM  

    I Love Afghans Facebook-Pinnwand
    I Love Afghans Facebook-Pinnwand
    Beitrag eines Users:
    Hallo meine frage lautet würdet ihr hier in Deutschland in...
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:10
    Beitrag eines Users:

    Hallo meine frage lautet würdet ihr hier in Deutschland in jede afghanische Familie einheiraten wenn ihr den Jungen liebt und mit ihm zufrieden seid oder würdet ihr auch darauf schauen aus welcher Stadt die Familie kommt und welchen Status sie hat so.
    Mein Vater besitzt eine Hotelkette und wenn ein Typ Khasgari kommt dem sein Vater arbeitslos ist und von Sozialhilfe lebt da würde ich schon eher skeptisch sein und ihn abweisen.
    Denkt ihr auch so wie ich oder ist das euch egal Hauptsache Afghane?!
    Seid bitte ehrlich weil bei meiner Schwester ist es so der Junge ist in Ordnung aber die kommen aus einem Dorf in der Nähe von Kabul und der Vater arbeitet nicht. Er studiert aber die Familie ändert sich nicht.

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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 09:46PM  

    I Love Afghans Facebook-Pinnwand
    I Love Afghans Facebook-Pinnwand
    Beitrag eines Users!
    Hallo liebe Landsleute mein Hobby ist es zu singen ich sin...
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:17
    Beitrag eines Users!

    Hallo liebe Landsleute mein Hobby ist es zu singen ich singe aus Leidenschaft und ich habe aus diesem Grund ein Lied für euch aufgenommen ich hoffe es gefällt euch. Ihr könnt gerne Kritik ausüben aber bitte nicht beleidigend werden :)

    Danke euch liebe Afghanen
    Viel spaß beim hören =)

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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 09:44PM  

    DAWA-NEWS - Islam News - islamische Nachrichten
    Eure Stimme gegen die Medien-Lüge, gegen die Hetze, gegen den Terror an den Muslimen!
    Kölner Frauenärztin mit Hidschab – Dr. Samar Hababa
    Nov 24th 2013, 13:40
    Hier mal ein positives und erfreuliches Beispiel (aus einer praktizierenden Muslima, die als niedergelassene Frauenärztin in Köln ihre eigene Praxis betreibt: Dr. Samar Hababa (53) ist niedergelassene Frauenärztin in Köln. Sie lebt ihren muslimischen Glauben und trägt im Alltag eine traditionelle Kopfbedeckung – das Hidschab. Wir haben sie in ihrer Praxis besucht. KÖLN. Freitagmittag, […]
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 09:42PM  

    DAWA-NEWS - Islam News - islamische Nachrichten
    Eure Stimme gegen die Medien-Lüge, gegen die Hetze, gegen den Terror an den Muslimen!
    Kölner Frauenärztin mit Hidschab – Dr. Samar Hababa
    Nov 24th 2013, 13:40
    Hier mal ein positives und erfreuliches Beispiel (aus einer praktizierenden Muslima, die als niedergelassene Frauenärztin in Köln ihre eigene Praxis betreibt: Dr. Samar Hababa (53) ist niedergelassene Frauenärztin in Köln. Sie lebt ihren muslimischen Glauben und trägt im Alltag eine traditionelle Kopfbedeckung – das Hidschab. Wir haben sie in ihrer Praxis besucht. KÖLN. Freitagmittag, […]
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 09:40PM  

    Muslim 4 Lifes Facebook-Pinnwand
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    Nimm dir die Minute und teile es mit deinen Freunden
    Nov 24th 2013, 20:51
    Nimm dir die Minute und teile es mit deinen Freunden
    Du bist nicht Allein............ VIDEO TEILEN !
    Nimm dir die Minute und teile es mit deinen Freunden ┌─────────────┐ │ ••► Bilal Lewis ◄•• └─────────────┘
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Nov 25th 2013, 01:37, by Nahsaka Lasbhan


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 09:38PM  

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    Portali i dijes dhe Informacionit Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    Dhikri – shkak që të arrijmë dashurinë e Allahut
    Ata të cilët e përmendin Alla...
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:04
    Dhikri – shkak që të arrijmë dashurinë e Allahut

    Ata të cilët e përmendin Allahun, te Allahu janë të përmendur me lavdërim, autoritet dhe prirje të posaçme. Atyre u është premtuar falje dhe shpërblime të mëdha. Allahu i Madhërishëm na ka urdhëruar që të bëjmë sa më shumë dhikër duke thënë: "O ju që besuat, përkujtoni Allahun sa më shpesh. Dhe madhërojeni Atë mëngjes e mbrëmje". (El-Ahzab: 41-42)

    Për vlerën e të kujtuarit të Allahut na tregojnë ajetet dhe hadithet e mëposhtme:
    Ai që e kujton Allahun meriton që Allahu ta kujtojë atë, siç thuhet në Fjalët e Allahut të Lartësuar: "Më përkujtoni mua (me adhurim) Unë ju Përkujtoj juve (me shpërblim), më falënderoni dhe mos më mohoni." (El-Bekare: 152).
    "Shumëpërmendësit e Allahut dhe shumëpërmendeset e Allahut, Allahu për ta ka përgatitur falje (mëkatesh)dhe shpërblim të madh." (El-Ahzabë: 35)
    Dhe në hadithin kudsij: "Nëse më kujtoni në vete, edhe Unë do t'ju kujtoj në vete, ndërsa nëse më përmend në ndonjë shoqëri, edhe Unë do ta përmend atë në shoqëri më të mirë se ai."

    Pejgamberi alejhi selam ka thënë: "Shembulli i atij i cili e bën dhikër Zotin e tij dhe i atij i cili nuk bën dhikër Zotin e tij, është sikurse shembulli i të gjallit dhe i të vdekurit."
    Poashtu, Pejgamberi alejhi selam ka thënë: "Allahu thotë: "Unë jam pranë robit tim ashtu sikur që më mendon: nëse më përmend në vete, do ta përmend në veten Time, nëse më përmend në grup, do ta përmend në një grup më të mirë se ai, e nëse më afrohet një pëllëmbë, do t'i afrohem një krah, nëse më afrohet një krah, do t'i afrohem një pashë, e nëse më vjen duke ecur, do t'i shkoj duke vrapuar." (Transmeton Buhariu dhe Muslimi)
    I Dërguari i Allahut alejhi selam gjithashtu ka thënë: "Ata njerëz të cilët ngrihen nga një tubim ku nuk përmendin Allahun (subhanehu ve teala), s'janë ngritur ndryshe vetëm sikur të ishin një trup i ngordhur i gomarit dhe kështu kanë dështuar." (Transmeton Ebu Davudi)

    Të kujtuarit e Allahut dëbon, dhe largon shejtanin dhe shkakton kënaqësinë e Mëshirëplotit. Kjo largon brengat, vuajtjet dhe pikëllimin, ndërsa në zemër fut gëzim, lumturi dhe hare.
    Të kujtuarit e Allahut forcon zemrën dhe trupin. Kjo ndriçon zemrën dhe fytyrën me dritë të besimit dhe sjell furnizimin.
    Të kujtuarit e Allahut pakëson dhe shlyen mëkatet, andaj si i tillë është një nga veprat më të mëdha të mira, ndërsa veprat e mira mënjanojnë ndryshkun.
    Pejgamberi alejhi selam ka thënë: "Kush deklaron brenda një nate dhe dite: SubhanAllahi ve bi hamdihi (Allahu qoftë madhëruar dhe lëvduar) njëqind herë, do t'i falen mëkatet madje edhe nëse janë shumë sa shkuma e detit.

    Me të kujtuarit e Allahut ëmbëlsohen frytet e Xhenetit. Në hadithin të cilin e transmeton Xhabiri thuhet se Pejgamberi alejhi selam ka thënë: "Kush deklaron: Subhanallahil adhim ve bihamdihi (Qoftë madhëruar dhe lavdëruar Allahu i Madhëruar) për të do të mbillet një palmë në Xhenet.
    Poashtu nga Ebu Hurejra transmetohet se Pejgamberi alejhi selam ka thënë: "Kush deklaron: La ihale il-lall-llahu vahdehu la sherike leh lehul mulku ve lehul hamdu ve huve ala kul-li shejin kadir (S'ka të adhuruar përveç Allahut, Një dhe i pashoq, Atij i takon sundimi dhe Lavdërimi, Ai është i Plotfuqishëm mbi çdo send) njëqind herë brenda një dite, do të ketë shpërblim sikur t'i ketë liruar dhjetë robër, do t'i shënohen njëqind vepra të mira, ndërsa do t'i shlyhen njëqind vepra të këqija dhe do të jetë i mbrojtur nga shejtani deri në mbrëmje. Askujt nuk do t'i jepet shpërblim më i mirë për diçka, pos njeriut i cili bën më shumë se ai.

    Të kujtuarit e shpeshtë të Allahut është garanca më e mirë që njeriu do të kursehet nga hiprokizia, ngase hipokritët e kujtojnë rrallë Allahun, siç thotë Allahu në Kuran: "…ndërsa Allahun gati nuk e përmendin fare." (En-Nisa: 142)
    Një njeri i tha të Dërguarit të Allahut: "O i Dërguar i Allahut, të shumta janë ibadetet islame, cili është gjithëpërfshirës? Ai u përgjigj: "Gjuha jote të jetë pandërprerë e lagur nga të përmendurit e Allahut". (Transmetojnë Ahmedi, Tirmidhiu, Ibn Maxhe)

    Dhikri është shprehje e adhurimit me zemër dhe gjuhë dhe nuk ka kufizim kohor, por neve na është urdhëruar ta përmendim Allahun, të Adhuruarin dhe të Dashurin, në çdo situatë: në këmbë, ulur dhe shtrirë.
    Dhikri mund të bëhet me zemër, gjuhë dhe zemër e gjuhë njëhohësisht. Të kujtuarit më i mirë i Allahut është ai në të cilin marrin pjesë bashkërisht zemra dhe gjuha.

    Dhikret e zgjedhura

    Këto janë dhikret në rrethana të caktuara dhe janë të ndara në ndërrimin e ditës dhe natës. Ata të cilët përpiqen që t'i bëjnë vazhdimisht kanë gjasa të hyjnë në fjalët e Allahut të Madhërishëm: "…shumëpërmendësit e Allahut e shumëpërmendëset e Allahut, Allahu për ta ka përgatitur falje (mëkatesh) dhe shpërblim të madh". (El-Ahzab: 35).
    Ibn Abasi thotë me fjalën "shumëpërmendësit e Allahut" mendohet në dhikrin pas namazit, dhikrin në mëngjes dhe në mbrëmje, në shtrat, pas zgjimit nga gjumi dhe gjatë daljes dhe hyrjes në shtëpi".

    Muxhahidi thotë: "(Njeriu) Nuk do të jetë prej atyre të cilët e përmendin shumë Allahun përderisa nuk e përmend Allahun në këmbë, ulur dhe shtrirë".
    Shejhu dhe imami Ebu Umer ibnus-Salahu, Allahu e mëshiroftë, kur është pyetur për sasinë e dhikrit me të cilën njeriu hyn në kategorinë e atyre të cilët e përmendin shumë Allahun, ka thënë: "Nëse në kontinuitet i bën dhikret të cilat transmetohen dhe të cilat janë të vërtetuara, edhe atë në mëngjes e mbrëmje, në kohë dhe raste të ndryshme, në netët dhe ditët e Bajramit, etj., njeriu i tillë hyn në mesin e atyre që e përmendin shumë Allahun e Madhërishëm".
    Ne nuk do t'i përmendim të gjitha dhikret, por këto mund t'i gjeni në librin "Mburoja e muslimanit" nga Seid El-Kahtani dhe në librin "Fjala e bukur" nga Ibn Tejmije.
    Ju preferojmë që të gjithë t'i keni në shtëpitë tuaja.

    Përgatiti: Blerta Shaqiri
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 09:38PM  

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    Nov 24th 2013, 21:21
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    Coca Cola është pije më e konsumuar në mbarë botën. Por sa jemi të informuar për Coca Cola'n ? Për përbërjen dhe sekretet e tij. Kjo video do të shpjegojë sh...
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    Wir Lieben Allahs Facebook-Pinnwand
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    buna bakin...cok güzel!! :-)
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:35
    buna bakin...cok güzel!! :-)
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    Nimm dir die Minute und teile es mit deinen Freunden
    Nov 24th 2013, 20:51
    Nimm dir die Minute und teile es mit deinen Freunden
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    Nimm dir die Minute und teile es mit deinen Freunden
    Nov 24th 2013, 20:51
    Nimm dir die Minute und teile es mit deinen Freunden
    Du bist nicht Allein............ VIDEO TEILEN !
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    Interessantes Interview
    Nov 24th 2013, 20:49
    Interessantes Interview
    Interessantes Interview VIDEO TEILEN
    Interview - ist die Integration der Muslime in Deutschland gelungen ? ┌─────────────┐ │ ••► Bilal Lewis ◄•• └─────────────┘
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    Interessantes Interview
    Nov 24th 2013, 20:49
    Interessantes Interview
    Interessantes Interview VIDEO TEILEN
    Interview - ist die Integration der Muslime in Deutschland gelungen ? ┌─────────────┐ │ ••► Bilal Lewis ◄•• └─────────────┘
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    Legst du dich mit Türken an , Simdiden Allah rahmet eylesin.s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Legst du dich mit Türken an , Simdiden Allah rahmet eylesin.s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Alle so :* *-*󾬏󾬏
    Und wir so
    <) )/ all the single ladies
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    Nov 24th 2013, 20:36
    Alle so :* *-*󾬏󾬏
    Und wir so

    <) )/ all the single ladies
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    Bazı Kişilerin, Annesinin ve Babasının yanına gidip,
    "Yaptığınızı beğendiniz mi...
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:20
    Bazı Kişilerin, Annesinin ve Babasının yanına gidip,
    "Yaptığınızı beğendiniz mi ?!"
    Diyesim var.

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