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Sonntag, 24. November 2013

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Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 22 Themen
Nov 25th 2013, 07:15, by Nahsaka Lasbhan


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 07:00AM  

    kalifat - Social Mention
    Saat sebuah bangsa percaya diri dan tidak malu2 mengakui kesalahan masa lalu, bangsa macam itu tidak akan menutup2i dan tidak menganggap apapun terlalu sakral (untuk dibongkar). Negara2 macam itu akan mendorong siswa2 mrk utk mengekspresikan pendapat mereka dan mengrtiik 'prinsip2′ sejarah. TAPI, sejarah di negara2 Muslim dan Arab terbungkus dalam sajadah, terkunci dalam peti mati dan terkubur dalam ratusan kilo tanah. Barangsiapa mencoba memikirkan 'prinsip2′ ini juga akan terkutuk. Sejarawan Youssef Ziedan, director Pusat Manuskrip Perpustakaan Alexandria dikritik pedas krn ingin melakukan pendekatan saintifik saat menganalisa kembali sejarah Mesir. Dalam bukunya, "The Mazes of Illusion" ('Lingkaran2 Ilusi'), Ziedan menunjuk kpd berbagai kebohongan sejarah. Salah satunya adalah cerita terkenal bgm Mesir melindungi dunia dari invasi Mongol dan menghentikan tentara2 yg menginvasi Asia Minor, Baghdad & Damascus. Ada juga yg mengumbar2 prestasi ilmuwan2 Muslim sambil mencoba meyakinkan bhw kami hrs 'menghidupkan kembali kalifat agar mampu bersaing dgn Barat yang tidak bermoral.' Cerita2 ini diajarkan kpd kami saat di bangku sekolah, tapi yg kami tidak tahu adalah bhw tentara penginvasi, kira2 120.000 tentara, ditarik kembali ke tanah2 Mongol mrk krn hrs berperang dgn suku2 lawan. Ini berarti bahwa jumlah Mongol yg ditinggalkan utk menghadapi tentara Mesir tidak lebih dari 18.000 (dan bukan 120.000). Salah satu prinsip yg kami harus ingat sejak kecil adalah 'kecantikan, kekuatan dan hebatnya kalifat Islam.' Memang pengaruhnya tidak bisa kita pungkiri. TAPI mengapa kita harus merujuk kpd prestasi Muslim jaman baheula utk meyakinkan kami bhw kami harus menghidupkan kembali kalifat agar bisa bersaing dgn Barat yg tidak bermoral? Malah, teori bhw kalifat adalah satu2nya sponsor sains dan seni budaya adalah rapuh dan palsu karena kebanyakan saintis Muslim dituduh fitnah, dipenjara atau dibunuh setelah dikutuk oleh berbagai macam fatwa. Bahkan para cendekiawan agama-pun tidak diberikan ampun oleh kalifat. Mereka bahkan tidak mengampuni sesama. Detil2 ini dilewati begitu saja oleh mereka yang ingin merestorasi kalifat. Ini adalah tindakan penipuan murni. Ingatan selektif kaum Islamis selalu membingungkan saya. Mrk mencampuri agama dan politik tapi tidak mengacuhkan kesengsaraan yg dihasilkannya. Memang banyak cerita dari warisan Islami yang bisa kami banggakan. TAPI banyak juga yg tidak boleh kami acuhkan yg menunjukkan bgm kalifat menyelongsor dari esensi agama dan bgm mereka yg melukai prinsip2 agama adalah mrk yg menganggap diri paling kaffah. Sejarah tidak sakral. Kami berada dalam sebuah koma nasional krn kami tidak mampu menganalisa dan mengritik sejarah. Dan alhasilnya kami tidak bisa belajar darinya. Oleh karena itu kami selalu akan mengulangi kesalahan2 dulu sambil tentunya terheran2 mengapa kami begitu terbelakang. Saya tahu saya akan dikritik kaerna kata2 saya menyerang 'prinsip2.' Tapi saya mengerti karena mrk menganggap berpikir adalah sebuah dosa. Mrk hanya ingin cerita sederhana dgn happy ending. _____________________________ Bassem Youssef adalah doktor Mesir, satiris dan pembawa acara El Bernameg ("The Program"), program berita satiris oleh stasiun TV privat. Dia dianggap sejajar dgn komedian AS, Jon Stewart, dari program satir The Daily Show, yg memang menginspirasi Youssef utk memulai karirnya. Walau kontroversial, Youssef tenar dan acara tvnya sukses berat. Video2nya di Youtube paling populer di Mesir.
    Nov 25th 2013, 05:43
    Wenn das Khalifat insh'allah entsteht, mache ich bei goodbye Deutschland mit :D (A.S)
    Nov 24th 2013, 19:37
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 07:00AM  

    abu z project - Social Mention
    Urgently required for UAE, Abu Dhabi Offshore Construction Supervisor Experience in Oil and Gas Company in building Oil Rigs Visas available in Karachi, Pakistan Experience : 5 years minimum Education : BE ( Civil or Mechanical ) or DAE Civil or Mechanical with more than 5 years of experience Preferable Experience in ADMAOPCO/or ZADCO/or ADGAS, which are oil companies in Abu Dhabi. Handsome Salary and Remuneration Package Company will provide bonus at the completion of each project based on performance in addition to the accommodation, transportation, and health insurance Email your resumes , scanned documents and scanned passport at Interviews will be held in Karachi All Candidates in Karachi or from outside Karachi must write their Skype Id in resume Kashmir Traders International Employment Consultants 20 Z , Block 7/8, KMCHS, Karachi
    Nov 25th 2013, 06:33
    محور البيئة: الفريق الأول: Textile wastewater treatment by Magnetic Fe2O3 nanoparticles -------------- شجع الأفكار المميزة بالضغط على (لايك) ، يحصل الفريق على درجات في هذه المرحلة وفقاً لعدد مرات (لايك) التي يجمعها
    Nov 22nd 2013, 22:22
    Textile wastewater is one of the biggest problem in water treatment methods and our project aims to find new way to treat this type of water by magnetic nano...
    Etihad Airways EY-056 Brussels-Abu Dhabi (3) Feb.19,2013
    Mar 17th 2013, 10:03
    Etihad Airways EY056 BRU-AUH Brussels-Abu Dhabi Feb.18,2013.Part 3: Descent-Final Approach-landing-taxi-Arrival.Etihad Airways Airbus A330-200. EBBR(BRU)-OMA...
    The Great Umayyed Mosque of Damascus, Syria
    Jun 24th 2012, 23:58
    The Umayyad Mosque, also known as the Great Mosque of Damascus (Arabic transliteration: Ğām' Banī 'Umayya al-Kabīr) or formerly the Basilica of Saint John the Baptist (Greek transliteration: Vasilikí tou Agíou Ioánni tou Vaptistí), located within the circuit walls of the old city of Damascus, is one of the largest and oldest mosques in the world. It is considered the fourth-holiest place in Islam. After the Arab conquest of Damascus in 634, the mosque was incorporated into the Christian Basilica dedicated to John the Baptist (Yahya). The mosque holds a shrine which today may still contain the head of John the Baptist, honored as a prophet by both Christians and Muslims alike, and is believed to be the place where Isa (Jesus) will return at the End of Days. The tomb of Saladin stands in a small garden adjoining the north wall of the mosque. Pre-Islamic period Damascus was the capital of the Aramaean state Aram-Damascus during the Iron Age. The Arameans of western Syria followed the cult of Hadad-Ramman, the god of thunderstorms and rain, and erected a temple dedicated to him at the site of the present-day Umayyad Mosque. It is not known exactly how the temple looked, but it is believed to have followed the traditional Semitic-Canaanite architectural form, resembling the Temple of Jerusalem. The site likely consisted of a walled courtyard, a small chamber for worship, and a tower-like structure typically symbolizing the "high place" of storm gods, in this case Hadad. One stone remains from the Aramaean temple, dated to the rule of King Hazael, has survived and is currently on display in the National Museum of Damascus. The Temple of Hadad-Ramman continued to serve a central role in the city and when the Romans conquered Damascus in 64 CE they assimilated Hadad with their own god of thunder, Jupiter. Thus, they engaged in a project to reconfigure and expand the temple under the direction of Damascus-born architect Apollodorus who created and executed its design. The symmetry and dimensions of the new Greco-Roman temple impressed the local population. With the exception of the much increased scale of the building, most of its original Semitic design was preserved; the walled courtyard was largely left intact. In the center of the courtyard stood the cella, an image of the god which followers would honor. There was one tower at each of courtyard's four corners. The towers were used for rituals in line with ancient Semitic religious traditions where sacrifices were made on high places. The shrine of John the Baptist (or Yahya) inside the mosque's prayer hall The sheer size of the compound suggested the religious hierarchy of the temple, sponsored by the Romans, was a major influence in the city's affairs. The Roman temple which later became the center of the Imperial cult of Jupiter was intended to serve as a response to the Hebrew temple in Jerusalem. Instead of being dedicated to one god, the Roman temple combined all of the gods affiliated with heaven that were worshiped in the region such as Hadad, Ba'al-Shamin and Dushara into the "supreme-heavenly-astral Zeus (interpretatio graeca). The Temple of Jupiter would attain further additions during the early period of Roman rule of the city, mostly initiated by high priests who collected contributions from the wealthy citizens of Damascus. The eastern gateway of the courtyard was expanded during the reign of Septimius Severus (145-211 CE). By the 4th century CE, the temple was especially renowned for its size and beauty. It was separated from the city by two sets of walls. The first, wider wall spanned a wide area that included a market and the second wall surrounded the actual sanctuary of Jupiter. It was the largest temple in Roman Syria. Towards the end of the 4th-century, in 391, the Temple of Jupiter was converted into the Cathedral of Saint John by the Christian emperor Theodosius I. During its transformation into a Christian cathedral it was not immediately dedicated to John the Baptist, but later in the 6th century it came to be associated with him. Legend had it that Saint John's head was buried there.[11] It served as the seat of the Bishop of Damascus who ranked second to the Patriarchate of Antioch. Arab Caliphate era and construction of the mosque Damascus was besieged and captured by Muslim Arab forces led by Khalid ibn al-Walid in 634. Decades later, the Islamic Caliphate came under the rule of the Umayyad dynasty which chose Damascus to be the administrative capital of the Muslim world. The sixth Umayyad caliph, al-Walid I, then commissioned the construction of a mosque on the site of the Byzantine cathedral in 706. Prior to this, the cathedral was still in use by the local Christians, but a prayer room (musalla) for Muslims had been constructed on the southeastern part of the building. Al-Walid, who personally supervised the project, had most of the cathedral including the musalla demolished. The construction of the mosque completely altered the layout of the building. The new house of worship was meant to serve as a large congregational mosque for the citizens of Damascus and as a tribute to the city. In response to Christian protest at the move, al-Walid ordered all the other confiscated churches in the city to be returned to the Christians as compensation. The mosque was completed in 715 by the caliph, Sulayman ibn Abd al-Malik, shortly after the death of al-Walid that same year. According to 10th-century Persian historian Ibn al-Faqih, somewhere between 600,000 and 1,000,000 dinars were spent on the project. Coptic craftsmen as well as Persian, Indian, Greek and Moroccan laborers provided the bulk of the work force which consisted of 12,000 people. Ibn al-Faqih also relays the story that during the construction of the mosque, workers found a cave-chapel which had a box containing the head of St. John the Baptist, or Yaḥyā ibn Zakarīyā in Islam. Upon learning of that and examining it, al-Walid I ordered the head buried under a specific pillar in the mosque that was later inlaid with marble. The Dome of the Clock was built in 780 Following the uprising that ended Umayyad rule in 750, the Abbasid dynasty came to power and moved the capital of the Caliphate to Baghdad. Apart from the attention given for strategic and commercial purposes, the Abbasids had no interest in Damascus. Thus, the Umayyad Mosque reportedly suffered under their rule, with little recorded building activity between the 8th and 10th centuries. However, the Abbasids did consider the mosque to be a major symbol of Islam's triumph and thus, it was spared the systematic eradication of the Umayyad legacy in the city. The Abbasid governor of Damascus, al-Fadl ibn Salih ibn Ali, built the Dome of the Clock in the eastern section of the mosque in 780. Nine years later, he initiated the construction of the Dome of the Treasury with the purpose of housing the mosque's funds.[19] The 9th-century Arab geographer, al-Muqaddasi, credited the Abbasids for building the northern minaret (Madhanat al-'Arous; "Minaret of the Bride") of the mosque in 831 during the reign of the caliph al-Ma'mun. He was accompanied by al-Ma'mun's removal and replacement of Umayyad inscriptions in the mosque. The Dome of the Treasury was built in 789 By the early 10th-century, a monumental clock had been installed by the entrance in the western part of the southern wall of the mosque (Bāb al-Ziyāda.) This clock seems to have stopped functioning by the middle of the 12th century. Abbasid rule over Syria began crumbling during the mid-10th-century and, for the decades that followed, it subsequently came under the control of autonomous kingdoms who were only nominally under Abbasid authority. The Fatimids of Egypt, who adhered to Shia Islam, conquered Damascus in 970, but few recorded improvements of the mosque were undertaken by the new rulers. The Umayyad Mosque's prestige allowed the residents of Damascus to establish the city as a center for Sunni intellectualism, enabling them to maintain relative independence from Fatimid religious authority. In 1069, large sections of the mosque, particularly the northern wall, were destroyed in a fire as a result of an uprising by the city's residents against the Fatimid's Berber army who were garrisoned there. Seljuk and Ayyubid era The Sunni Muslim Seljuk Turks gained control of the city in 1078 and restored the nominal rule of the Abbasid Caliphate. The Seljuk king Tutush initiated the repair of damage caused by the 1069 fire. In 1082, his vizier, Abu Nasr Ahmad ibn Fadl had the central dome restored in a more spectacular form, the two piers supporting it were reinforced and the original Umayyad mosaics of the northern inner facade were renewed. The northern riwaq ("portico") was rebuilt in 1089. The Seljuk prince of Damascus, Toghtekin, repaired the northern wall in 1110 and two inscribed panels located above its doorways were dedicated to him. In 1113, the Seljuk Atabeg of Mosul, Sharaf al-Din Mawdud, was assassinated in the Umayyad Mosque. As the conflict between Damascus and the Crusaders intensified in the mid-1100s, the mosque was used as a principle rallying point calling on Muslims to defend the city and return Jerusalem to Muslim hands. Prominent imams, including Ibn 'Asakir, preached jihad ("holy struggle") and when the Crusaders advanced towards Damascus in 1148, the city's residents heeded their calls; the Crusader army withdrew as a result of their resistance. In Damascus there is a mosque that has no equal in the world, not one with such fine proportion, nor one so solidly constructed, nor one vaulted so securely, nor one more marvellously laid out, nor one so admirably decorated in gold mosaics and diverse designs, with enamelled tiles and polished marbles. During the reign of Nur ad-Din Zangi which began in 1154, a second monumental clock, the Jayrun Water Clock was built on his personal orders. It was constructed outside the eastern entrance to the mosque (Bāb Jayrūn) by architect Muḥammad al-Sāʿātī and was rebuilt by al-Sāʿātī following a fire in 1167 and was eventually repaired by his son, Riḍwān, in the early 13th-century. It may have survived into the 14th century. Arab geographer, al-Idrisi, visited the mosque in 1154. Damascus witnessed the establishment of several religious institutions under the Ayyubids, but the Umayyad Mosque retained his place as the center of religious life in the city. Muslim traveller Ibn Jubayr described the mosque as containing many different zawaya for religious and Quranic studies. In 1173, the northern wall of the mosque was damaged again by fire and was rebuilt by the Ayyubid sultan, Saladin (reign 1174-1193), along with the Minaret of the Bride, which had been destroyed in the 1069 fire. During the internal feuds between later Ayyubid princes, the city was dealt a great deal of damage, and the mosque's eastern minaret–known as the "Minaret of Jesus"–was destroyed at the hands of as-Salih Ayyub while besieging as-Salih Ismail in 1245. The minaret was later rebuilt with little decoration.[34] Saladin, along with many of his successors, were buried around the Umayyad Mosque. Mamluk rule The Minaret of Qaitbay was constructed in 1488 on the orders of Mamluk sultan Qaitbay The Mongols under the leadership of Kitbuqa, in alliance with Crusader forces, captured Damascus from the Ayyubids in 1260. Bohemond VI of Antioch, a leading general in the invasion, ordered Catholic Mass to be performed in the Umayyad Mosque.[36] The Mamluks led by Qutuz and Baibars soon wrested control of the city the same year. In 1270, Baibars, by now the Mamluk sultan, ordered extensive restorations in the mosque, particularly its marble, mosaics and gildings. According to Baibars' biographer, Ibn Shaddad, the restorations cost the sultan a sum of 20,000 dinars. Among the largest mosaic fragments restored was a 34.5 by 7.3 metres (113 by 24 ft) segment in the western portico called the "Barada panel".[37] The mosaics that decorated the mosque were a specific target of the restoration project and the art form became a major influence in Mamluk architecture in Syria and Egypt. In 1285, the Muslim scholar Ibn Taymiyya started teaching Qur'an exegesis in the mosque and when the Il-Khan Mongols under Ghazan invaded the city in 1300, Ibn Taymiyya preached jihad, urging the citizens of Damascus to resist their occupation. The Mamluks under Qalawun drove out the Mongols later that year. When Qalawun's forces entered the city, the Mongols attempted to store several catapults in the Umayyad Mosque because the Mamluks had started fires around the citadel to prevent Mongol access to it. The attempt failed as the Mamluks proceeded to burn the catapults before they were placed in the mosque. The Mamluk governor of Damascus, Tankiz, carried out restoration work in the mosque in 1326-28. He reassembled the mosaics on the qibla wall and replaced all the marble tiles in the prayer hall. Mamluk sultan al-Nasir Muhammad also undertook major restoration work for the mosque in 1328. He demolished and completely rebuilt the unstable qibla wall and moved the Bab al-Ziyadah gate to the east. Much of the that work was damaged during a fire that burned the mosque in 1339. Islamic art expert, Finbarr B. Flood, describes the Bahri Mamluks' attitude towards the mosque as an "obsessive interest" and their efforts at maintaining, repairing and restoring the mosque were unparalleled by any other period of Muslim rule. Arab astronomer Ibn al-Shatir worked as the chief muwaqqit ("religious timekeeper") and the chief muezzin at the Umayyad Mosque from 1332 until his death in 1376. He erected a large sundial on the mosque's northern minaret in 1371. The Minaret of Jesus was burnt down in a fire in 1392. The Mongols under Timurlane sacked Damascus in 1400. Timurlane ordered the burning of the city on


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 06:59AM  

    Abu Adam - Social Mention
    HADEET OF THE DAY : Prophets Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Messenger (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallim) said, "The first group of people who will enter Paradise, will be glittering like the full moon and those who will follow them, will glitter like the most brilliant star in the sky. They will not urinate, relieve nature, spit, or have any nasal secretions. Their combs will be of gold, and their sweat will smell like musk. The aloes-wood will be used in their centers. Their wives will be houris. All of them will look alike and will resemble their father Adam (in statute), sixty cubits tall." Reference : Sahih al-Bukhari 3327 In-book reference : Book 60, Hadith 2
    Nov 25th 2013, 06:46
    Nov 25th 2013, 06:37
    Question: [1] What is the ruling on rebelling against authority? [2] What is the Islamic verdict on Imam Hussain's rebellion against Yazid? Was this permissible according to the Shariah? [3] Also, what view should Muslims hold of Yazid? I notice Shia often curse him. Is this allowed?   Answer:   [1] The Ruling on Rebelling Against a Caliph   Throughout history, the Shia have rebelled against the Caliphs and leaders of the Ummah, and they have committed acts of grand treason and treachoury. The list of Shia(rafidah) mutinies is very long:     1. The assassination of Caliph Umar bin Khattab was carried out by Abu-Luluah, who is considered a hero by the Shia and they honor him with the title of "Baba Shujjah-e-deen", which can be translated as "Honored Defender of Religion." Today, millions of Shia visit his grave in Iran, and pass out sweets on the anniversary of the assassination of the second Caliph of Islam. 2. The Shia't Ali of Egypt were fermenting a rebellion. When Caliph Uthman bin Affan attempted to quell the mutiny, the Egyptian Shia surrounded the Caliph's house and killed him. 3. This led to the election of their Imam, Ali ibn Abi Talib. However, the Shia't Ali mutinied against him as well, in the Battle of Siffin. A group of the Shia, called the Kharajites, reneged on their pledge of loyalty to Ali, and eventually they killed him. 4. The Shia of Kufa would betray and mutiny against both Hasan and Hussain, eventually leading Hussain to his death. And Hussain's grandson, Zayd, would also be betrayed by the disloyal Shia and was killed due to this treachoury. 5. The very first time the Muslims had to pay the Jizya tax to the Kufaar was when the Muslims faced betrayal by the Shia in the East, so that they were forced to pay protection money to the Byzantine Empire. Had the Shia not betrayed the Muslims, the Muslim armies would have crushed the Byzantines under foot, but instead they were forced to pay a disgraceful protection tax to the Kufaar. 6. In the 7th Hijri century, the Tatars corresponded with the Caliph's minister, Al-Alkami (who was Shia). Al-Alkami conspired with the Tatars, and organized a plot, whereby Al-Alkami would deliver the Caliph in the arms of the Tatars. The Shia did this in hopes of overthrowing the Caliph and replacing him with a Shia. Al-Alkami convinced the Caliph that the Tatars were willing to sign a peace treaty. So the Caliph, his ministers, and his scholars all went to meet with the Tatars, who were waiting anxiously for them. Upon their arrival, the entire party of Muslims including the Caliph were killed by the Tatars. 7. In the 8th Hijri century, we see that the Fatimids (who were Shia) supported the Crusaders against Salahuddin Ayyoubi and the Muslims. The great Salahuddin had to first replace the treachorous Fatimids before he could free the Holy Land. 8. Tipu Sultan, one of the greatest Muslim leaders in Indian history, was betrayed by the Shia. The First Duke of Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, dispatched a Shia from Moradabad to Iran in order to create a Shia opposition group to Tipu Sultan. 9. The Mongol hordes were called in by the Shia, who hoped to replace the Muslim leaders with their own Shia. Instead, the Mongol brutes massacred the Muslim masses and pillaged Islamic lands. 10. The "Hassassins" were Shia. They were trained killers hired to murder Caliphs and leaders; they invented the modern day concept of professional assassin, and the English word "assassin" derives from the word "Hassassin." 11. The Shia Safavids implemented a policy of genocide against the majority Sunni population. They then betrayed the Ottoman Caliph by supporting and backing the Western forces, allying themselves against the Muslims. 12. And there are many more examples. Therefore, we see that with regards to the Shia, they have been a rebellious lot since the beginning of their existence, and many of their rebellions were supported by the infidels. On the other hand, the Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama'ah rejects treason and treachoury. The general principle is that it is Haram to rebel against the Caliph unless he commits open Kufr (disbelief). The Ahlus Sunnah considers loyalty to the Islamic state to be a critical element of a Muslim. This is to prevent Fitnah that comes from rebellion and upheaval.       It should be known that Islam calls for justice and abhors oppression and injustice, particularly if done against the people for whom one is responsible. Therefore, the ruler is enjoined to fulfill his duties and establish justice among people. The first among the seven categories to whom Allah will give shade on the Day of Judgment, where will be no shade but His, is a just ruler. On the contrary, a Muslim ruler who fails to fulfill his obligations and even oppresses Muslims is doomed to an awful destiny in the Hereafter. However, in removing the oppression and evil of an unjust ruler, Muslims should be keen not to give way to greater evil and corruption. Therefore, the issue of overthrowing an oppressive ruler should be decided after a thorough study and calculations of the advantages and disadvantages in order not to lead to a greater evil, which should be avoided according to Shari`ah. Elaborating on this issue, we'd like to cite for you the Fatwa issued by Dr. Ahmad Sa`eed Hawwa, professor of Islamic Jurisprudence at Jordan University, who states the following: "The issue of rebelling against an oppressive ruler is to be decided after an accurate study of Shari`ah priorities. Muslim scholars in the past stated that this can be allowed if there is preponderance of probability that the oppressive ruler can be overthrown without inflicting greater harm. This is based on a well-established rule in Islam: "Fending off smaller harm must not result in creating a greater harm." Likewise there is a rule: "Resort should be to the lesser of the two evils." Only if these conditions are met and these rules and cautions are taken into consideration, then it is obligatory to embark upon overthrowing an oppressive ruler or agent; otherwise Muslims should bear patiently, doing their best to lessen the effects of his oppression and evil." Dr. Mahmoud `Akkam, professor of Shari`ah at Syria University, also states the following: "A Muslim is allowed to rebel against an oppressive ruler in only one case, that is when they notice apparent, explicit disbelief in him. This is because a disbeliever cannot be given the oath of allegiance as a leader for Muslims, and this is an agreed upon Islamic principle that no Muslim scholar has disputed. Almighty Allah says: "Let not the believers take disbelievers for their friends in preference to believers. Whoso doeth that hath no connection with Allah…" (Al `Imran: 28) He also says: "…and Allah will not give the disbelievers any way (of success) against the believers." (An-Nisa': 141) Al-Bukhari and Muslim reported on the authority of `Ubadah ibn As-Samit who said: "The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) called us and we took the oath of allegiance to him. Among the injunctions he made binding upon us was: Listening and obedience (to the ruler) in our pleasure and displeasure, in our adversity and prosperity, even when somebody is given preference over us, avoiding to dispute the delegation of powers to a man duly invested with them (Obedience shall be accorded to him in all circumstances) except when you have clear signs of his disbelief in (or disobedience to) Allah (that could be used as a conscientious justification for non-compliance with his orders), and telling the truth in whatever position we be without fearing in the matter of Allah the reproach of the reproacher."     However, if the ruler remains a Muslim (and he did not show or display any act of disbelief) but he is oppressive and transgresses against people's rights, then Muslim scholars have two opinions in this regard:     1. That it is permissible to rebel against him; 2. It is not permissible to rebel against him and Muslims should bear the oppression patiently. And this is the opinion of the majority of Muslims in general. Each of these two groups has provided proofs in support of its viewpoint. However, the proponents of the second opinion gave weight to their opinion by considering the objectives of Shari`ah and by applying the juristic maxim that resort should be to the lesser of the two evils. This is because bearing the injustice of the ruler patiently will protect against the greater evil resulting from rebelling against him represented in mass bloodshed, loss of wealth, and different violations, not to mention giving the enemies of Islam an opportunity to attain their goals in Muslim lands. However, it is permissible for Ahl al-Hall wal-`Aqd (a group of honest, wise, experienced and righteous people who possess the right to elect or remove a ruler) to overthrow the oppressive ruler and choose another one if they are almost sure that this will not lead to extended or greater evil. Moreover, obeying a ruler in any matter that is explicitly forbidden by Islam is not allowed, but rulers must be obeyed in anything beyond forbidden matters. Also, Muslims should enjoin what is good and forbid what is evil in a very wise way that leads to the removal of evil, not its increase, and they should be patient and steadfast in fulfilling this duty (enjoining the good and forbidding the evil), and this of course requires sacrifice and perseverance. Almighty Allah says: "…and enjoin kindness and forbid iniquity, and persevere whatever may befall thee. Lo! that is of the steadfast heart of things." (Luqman: 17)" End quote. Shaykh Uthman Dan Fodio declared in "Wathiqa ila Jami' Ahl's-Sudan": "…appointing an Ameer Al-Mumineen (commander of the faithful) is obligatory by consensus; that obedience to him and his representatives (nuwwaab) is obligatory by consensus; [however]…fighting the apostate ruler who has left the religion of Islam for the religion of disbelief is obligatory by consensus; that taking the government from him is obligatory by consenus; that fighting the apostate ruler who has not left the religion of Islam because he ourtwardly claims Islam, but he mixes the acts of Islam with the acts of disbelief (like most of the rulers of Hausaland) is obligatory by consensus; that taking the government from him is obligatory by consensus." The position of the Ahlus Sunnah is stated beautifully in the following Hadith: Sayyiduna Abd Allah (Allah be pleased with him) narrates that the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) said: "A Muslim must listen to and obey (the order of his ruler) in things that he likes or dislikes, as long as he is not ordered to commit a sin. If he is ordered to disobey Allah, then there is no listening and no obedience. (Sahih al-Bukhari, no. 6725 & Sahih Muslim, no. 1839). To conclude, the general principle is that a Muslim must obey the Caliph and be loyal to him, barring the following exceptions:     1) There is no obedience to the Caliph if he commands towards sin. 2) If the Caliph commits open Kufr, then it is obligatory to overthrow him. 3) If the Caliph does not commit open Kufr but he is oppressive and transgresses against people's rights, then the general principle is that the Muslim should give him Naseeha (sincere advice) and counsel to turn away from oppression and transgression. 4) If this fails, then rebellion against the Caliph is forbidden if the rebellion has a high chance of failure and will therefore result in greater Fitnah (tribulation). 5) However, it is permissible for Ahl al-Hall wal-`Aqd (a group of honest, wise, experienced and righteous people who possess the right to elect or remove a ruler) to overthrow the oppressive ruler and choose another one if they are almost sure that this will not lead to extended or greater evil. We read the fatwa by Shaykh Bin Baz: Question: There are people who think that because some of the rulers commit acts of kufr and sin, we are obliged to rebel against them and attempt to change things even if that results in harming the Muslims in that country, at a time when there are many problems in the Muslim world. What is your opinion? Answer: Praise be to Allaah. The basic comprehensive principle of sharee'ah is that it is not permitted to remove an evil by means of a greater evil; evil must be warded off by that which will remove it or reduce it. Warding off evil by means of a greater evil is not permitted according to the scholarly consensus (ijmaa') of the Muslims. If this group which wants to get rid of this ruler who is openly committing kufr is able to do so, and can bring in a good and righteous leader without that leading to greater trouble for the Muslims or a greater evil than the evil of this ruler, then that is OK. But if rebellion would result in greater trouble and lead to chaos, oppression and the assassination of people who do not deserve to be assassinated, and other forms of major evil, then that is not permitted. Rather it is essential to be patient and to hear and obey in matters of good, and to offer sincere advice to the authorities, and to pray that they may be guided to good, and to strive to reduce evil and increase good. This is the correct way which should be followed, because that is in the general interests of the Muslims, and because it will reduce evil and increase good, and because this will keep the peace and protect the Muslims from a greater evil.   Shaykh Abdul Aziz Ibn Baaz [2] Sayyiduna Hussain's rising up against Yazid   Shaykh Muhammad ibn Adam al-Kawthari says:     As far as the actions of Sayyiduna Imam Husain (Allah be pleased with him) and his uprising against Yazid is concerned, firstly, it should be understood that according to the majority of scholars, the status of a heir to the throne (wali al-ahd) is only one of recommendation that requires approval from the nations prominent and influential figures after the demise of the Khalifa. Qadhi Abu Ya'la al-Farra al-Hanbali states in his Ahkam al-Sultaniyya: "It is permissible for a Khalifah to appoint a successor without the approval of those in power, as Abu Bakr appointed Umar (Allah be pleased with them both) as his successor without the backing and presence of the prominent figures of the community. The logical reason behind this is that appointing someone a successor to the throne is not appointing his a Khalifa, or else, there will be two Khalifas, thus there is no need for the influential people to be present. Yes, after the demise of the Khalifah, their presence and approval is necessary". He further states: "Khilafah (leadership) is not established merely with the appointment of the Khalifa, rather (after his demise) it requires the approval of the Muslim Ummah" (al-Ahkam al-Sultaniyya, p. 9). In view of the above, the majority of the Umma's scholars are of the view that if a Khalifah or ruler appoints his


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    khilafah - Social Mention
    GRUP PEMBELA TAUHID WAL JIHAD 3. " TAKFIR PELAKU SYIRIK AKBAR, SALAFY MAZ'UM "( ULAMA SUU' ) TAKFIR PELAKU SYIRK AKBAR. Ikhwani Fillah… Materi Yang Akan Kita Bahas Pada Kesempatan Ini Adalah Tentang Takfir Man Fa'alasysyirka ( Pengkafiran Pelaku Syirik ). Ketahuilah Wahai Saudaraku, Saat Hancurnya Tatanan Tauhid di Saudi Arabia Dan Bercokolnya Para Thaghut Di Sana, Maka Masalah - Masalah Tauhid Ikut Tersisihkan Bersama Para 'Ulamanya. Para Thaghut Membatasi Gerak Lisan Para Ulama. Kitab - Kitab Rujukan Dalam Hal Ini Sangatlah Asing Dan Yang Banyak Beredar Adalah Kitab - Kitab Yang Samar, Bersifat Mujmal Dan Banyak Menguntungkan Para Thaghut. Perhatikanlah, Tulisan Dan Jawaban Para 'Ulama Resmi Pemerintah Saudi Tentang Hal Ini Tidaklah Memuaskan Hati Para Pencari Kebenaran Dan Tidaklah Mampu Menghilangkan Dahaga Jiwa Yang Mencari Tathbiq Hukum Terhadap Waqi' ( Realita ), Namun Alhamdulillah Kebenaran Tidak Akan Hilang Apapun Upaya Thaghut Untuk Menutupinya. PADA MASA SEKARANG MASALAH TAKFIR SEOLAH - OLAH MENJADI TABU UNTUK DIBAHAS. Pada Masa Sekarang, Masalah Takfir Seolah - Olah Menjadi Tabu Untuk Dibahas Sebagaimana Halnya Masalah Hakimiyyah. Bila Ada Orang Yang Berani Mengangkat Kepalanya Dalam Hal Ini, Maka Serta Merta Tuduhan Khawarij Dan Takfiriy Menghujaninya. Jadi Tidaklah Aneh Bila Banyak Orang Yang 'Phobi' Takfir. Akan Tetapi Muslim Muwahhid Yang Lebih Mengutamakan Ridla Allah Atas Yang Lainnya, Maka Tidak Akan Peduli Terhadap Tuduhan - Tuduhan Murahan Yang Dialamatkan Kepadanya, Karena Ridla Allah Adalah Tujuan Utama. Berkaitan Dengan Itu, Maka Marilah Kita Membahasnya Dengan Merujuk Pada Al Kitab, As Sunnah Dan Ijma Serta Pernyataan Para 'Ulama. Ikhwani… -Semoga Allah Melimpahkan Rahmat-Nya Kepada Antum- Ketahuilah Bahwa Pelaku Syirik Akbar Sudah Allah Kafirkan Dalam Banyak Ayat Al-Qur'an, Di Antaranya Yaitu, : " Ingatlah, Hanya Kepunyaan Allah-lah Agama Yang Bersih ( Dari Syirik ). Dan Orang - Orang Yang Mengambil Pelindung Selain Allah ( Berkata ), : " Kami Tidak Menyembah Mereka Melainkan Supaya Mereka Mendekatkan Kami Kepada Allah Dengan Sedekat - Dekatnya ". Sesungguhnya Allah Akan Memutuskan Di Antara Mereka Tentang Apa Yang Mereka Berselisih Padanya. Sesungguhnya Allah Tidak Menunjuki Orang - Orang Yang Pendusta Dan Sangat Ingkar ( Kafir )." ( QS. Az-Zumar : 3 ) Dalam Ayat Ini Allah Telah Memvonis Kafir Para Pelaku Syirik. Dia Juga Berfirman, : " Dan Barangsiapa Mengibadahi Tuhan Yang Lain Di Samping Allah, Padahal Tidak Ada Suatu Dalilpun Baginya Tentang Itu, Maka Sesungguhnya Perhitungannya Di Sisi Tuhannya. Sesungguhnya Orang - Orang Yang Kafir Itu Tiada Beruntung." ( QS. Al- Mu'minuun : 117 ), " Dan Janganlah Kamu Menyembah Apa - Apa Yang Tidak Memberi Manfaat Dan Tidak ( Pula ) Memberi Mudharat Kepadamu Selain Allah ; Sebab Jika Kamu Berbuat ( Yang Demikian ), Itu, Maka Sesungguhnya Kalau Begitu Kamu Termasuk Orang - Orang Yang Zhalim". ( QS. Yunus : 106 ). Yang Dimaksud Orang - Orang Zhalim Di Sini Adalah Orang - Orang Musyrik, Sebagaimana Firman-Nya, : " Dan ( Ingatlah ) Ketika Luqman Berkata Kepada Anaknya, Di Waktu Ia Memberi Pelajaran Kepadanya, : " Hai Anakku, Janganlah Kamu Mempersekutukan Allah, Sesungguhnya Mempersekutukan ( Allah ) Adalah Benar - Benar Kezhaliman Yang Besar ". ( QS.Luqman : 13 ) Yang Dimaksud Orang - Orang Zhalim Di Sini Adalah Orang - Orang Kafir Sebagaimana Dalam Ayat, : " Hai Orang - Orang Yang Beriman, Belanjakanlah ( Di Jalan Allah ) Sebagian Dari Rezki Yang Telah Kami Berikan Kepadamu Sebelum Datang Hari Yang Pada Hari Itu Tidak Ada Lagi Jual Beli Dan Tidak Ada Lagi Syafa'at. Dan Orang - Orang Kafir Itulah Orang - Orang Yang Zhalim. " ( QS. Al- Baqarah : 254 ) Bila Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala Telah Memvonis Kafir Para Pelaku Syirik, Maka Wajiblah Atas Kita Membenarkan Vonis Allah Itu Dalam Bentuk Kita Mengkafirkan Pelaku Syirik Itu. Masih Banyak Ayat Al-Qur'an Yang Memvonis Kafir Para Pelaku Syirik Akbar. Allah Juga Memerintahkan Kita Untuk Memvonis Kafir Para Pelaku Syirik, Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala Berfirman, : " Dan Apabila Manusia Itu Ditimpa Kemudharatan, Dia Memohon ( Pertolongan ) Kepada Tuhannya Dengan Kembali Kepada- Nya; Kemudian Apabila Tuhan Memberikan Nikmat-Nya Kepadanya Lupalah Dia Akan Kemudharatan Yang Pernah Dia Berdo'a ( Kepada Allah ) Untuk ( Menghilangkannya ) Sebelum Itu, Dan Dia Mengada - Adakan Sekutu - Sekutu Bagi Allah Untuk Menyesatkan ( Manusia ) Dari Jalan-Nya. Katakanlah,: " Bersenang-Senanglah Dengan Kekafiranmu Itu Sementara Waktu; Sesungguhnya Kamu Termasuk Penghuni Neraka ". ( QS. Az-Zumar : 8 ), " Orang - Orang Kafir Itu Telah Menjadikan Sekutu-Sekutu Bagi Allah Supaya Mereka Menyesatkan ( Manusia ) Dari Jalan-Nya. Katakanlah, : " Bersenang - Senanglah Kamu, Karena Sesungguhnya Tempat Kembalimu Ialah Neraka ". ( QS. Ibrahim : 30 ) Allah Juga Memerintahkan Kita Untuk Mengikuti Jejak Ibrahim Dan Rasul - Rasul Serta Para Pengikutnya Saat Mereka Mengatakan Kepada Kaumnya, : " Sesungguhnya Telah Ada Suri Tauladan Yang Baik Bagimu Pada Ibrahim Dan Orang - Orang Yang Bersama Dengan Dia; Ketika Mereka Berkata Kepada Kaum Mereka, : " Sesungguhnya Kami Berlepas Diri Dari Kalian Dan Dari Apa Yang Kalian Ibadati Selain Allah, Kami Ingkari ( Kekafiran ) Kalian Dan Telah Nyata Antara Kami Dan Kalian Permusuhan Dan Kebencian Buat Selama - Lamanya Sampai Kalian Beriman Kepada Allah Saja…." ( QS. Al- Mumtahanah : 4 ) Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala Juga Berfirman, : " Katakanlah, : " Hai Orang - Orang Kafir. Aku Tidak Akan Menyembah Apa Yang Kamu Sembah ". ( QS. Al-Kaafiruun: 1-2 ) Para Imam Da'wah Tauhid Nejd Berkata, : " Sesungguhnya Al-Qur'an Telah Mengkafirkan Para Pelaku Syirik Dan Memerintahkan Untuk Mengkafirkan Mereka Dan Memusuhi Mereka" ( Ad Durar As Saniyyah 9/292 ) Syaikh 'Abdurrahman Ibnu Hasan Ibnu Muhammad Ibnu Abdil Wahhab Rahimahullah Berkata, : " Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala Telah Mencap Kafir Para Pelaku Syirik Dalam Ayat Yang Sangat Banyak, Maka ( Kita ) Harus Mengkafirkan Mereka Juga. ( Syarh Ashli Dienil Islam ) Adapun Sabda Rasulullah Shalallahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam Di Antaranya, Artinya, : " Siapa Yang Mengucapkan Laa Ilaaha Illallaah Dan Dia Kafir Terhadap Segala Sesuatu Yang Diibadati Selain Allah, Maka Haramlah Darah Dan Hartanya, Sedangkan Perhitungannya Atas Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala " ( Hadits Riwayat. Muslim Dari Abu Hurairah ). Rasulullah Shalallahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam Mengutus Seorang Shahabat Untuk Membunuh Seorang Laki - Laki Yang Menikahi Bekas Ibu Tirinya. Ini Adalah Pengkafiran Dari Beliau, Sedangkan Menikahi Ibu Tiri Statusnya Jauh Di Bawah Syirik Akbar, Meskipun Keduanya Adalah Bentuk Kekafiran. Rasulullah Shalallahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam Pernah Hendak Menyerang Banu Al-Mushthaliq, Saat Ada Kabar Bahwa Mereka Menolak Membayar Zakat, Tapi Ternyata Kabar Tersebut Adalah Bohong. Adapun Ijma Sangat Banyak, Diantaranya : · Ijma Para Shahabat Pada Zaman Khalifah Abu Bakar Ash Shiddiq Radliyallahu 'Anhu Atas Pengkafiran Musailamah Al-Kadzdzab Dan Para Pengikutnya. Syaikh Muhammad Rahimahullah Berkata, : " Dan Di Antara Orang - Orang Yang Murtad Ada Yang Tetap Di Atas Dua Kalimat Syahadat, Namun Dia Mengakui Kenabian Musailamah Dengan Dugaan Darinya Bahwa Beliau ( Shalallahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam ) Menyertai Dia Dalam Kenabian, Karena Dia Mengangkat Saksi - Saksi Palsu Yang Menyaksikan Kenabiannya, Kemudian Dia Dibenarkan Banyak Orang. Meskipun Demikian Para 'Ulama Ijma Bahwa Mereka Itu Adalah Orang - Orang Murtad Meskipun Mereka Jahil Akan Hal Itu. Dan Siapa Yang Meragukan Kemurtadan Mereka, Maka Dia Kafir Seperti Mereka." ( Syarh Sittati Mawadli Minas Sirah Dalam Majmu'atu At-Tauhid ) · Ijma Para Shahabat Pada Zaman Abu Bakar Radliyallahu 'Anhu Atas Pengkafiran Orang - Orang Yang Menolak Membayar Zakat. ( Mufiid Al Mustafiid Fii Kufri Taarikit Tauhid ) · Ijma Para Shahabat Pada Zaman Utsman Ibnu 'Affan Radliyallahu 'Anhu Atas Pengkafiran Jama'ah Mesjid Di Kufah, Saat Salah Seorang Di Antara Mereka Melontarkan Ungkapan Pembenaran Akan Kenabian Musailamah, Sedangkan Yang Lain Diam, Tidak Mengingkari. ( Mufiid Al Mustafiid ) · Ijma Para Shahabat Pada Zaman Ali Radliyallahu 'Anhu Atas Pengkafiran Ghulatur Rafidlah Yang Mengkultuskan Ali Radliyallahu 'Anhu, Padahal Mereka Itu Adalah Orang - Orang Yang Rajin Beribadah Dan Merupakan Murid - Murid Para Shahabat Rasul. Hukuman Bagi Mereka Adalah Dibakar Hidup - Hidup Oleh Ali Radliyallahu 'Anhu Di Bab( Pintu ) Kandah Dalam Parit. ( Ad Durar As Saniyyah Juz Murtad ) · Ijma Para Tabi'in Atas Pengkafiran Al Ja'd Ibnu Dirham, Padahal Dia Adalah Seorang Ahli Ilmu, Ahli Ibadah Dan Zuhud. ( Ad Durar Juz Murtad ) · Ijma Para Ulama Atas Pengkafiran Bani 'Ubaid ( Para Penguasa Mesir Pada Masa Dinasti Fathimiyyah ) Padahal Mereka Itu Mengaku Sebagai Penguasa Khilafah Islamiyyah. Syaikh Muhammad Ibnu Abdil Wahhab Rahimahullah Berkata, : " Akan Tetapi Di Antara Kejadian Terakhir Adalah Kisah Banu 'Ubaid Dan Jajarannya Yaitu Para Penguasa Mesir. Sesungguhnya Mereka Mengaku Sebagai Bagian Dari Keturunan Ahlul Bait. Mereka Selalu Shalat Berjama'ah Dan Shalat Jum'at. Mereka Telah Mengangkat Para Qadli Dan Mufti. Para 'Ulama Telah Ijma Bahwa Mereka Itu Kafir, Murtad Lagi Mesti Diperangi, Negeri Mereka Adalah Negeri Kafir Harbiy. Wajib Memerangi Mereka Meskipun Mereka ( Rakyatnya ) Dipaksa Lagi Benci Kepada Para Penguasa Itu." ( Tarikh Nejd, Risalah Kepada Ahmad Ibnu Abdil Karim Dan Ada Pula Dalam Kasyfusy Syubuhat ) · Ijma 'Ulama Atas Kafirnya Fakhruddien Ar Razi, Karena Mengarang Kitab As-Sirrul Maknun Fi 'Ibadatin Nujum, Meskipun Bisa Jadi Ia Taubat Lagi Setelahnya. Ini Dikatakan Oleh Syaikhul Islam Ibnu Taimiyyah Rahimahullah ( Mufiid Al Mustafiid, Al Kalimat An Nafi'ah Fil Mukaffirat Al Waqi'ah ) · Ijma Semua 'Ulama Madzhab Dalam Kitab - Kitab Mereka, Di mana Mereka Semua Menetapkan Bab Khusus Tentang Riddah Dan Mereka Memulainya Dengan Syirik Akbar. Ijma - Ijma Ini Adalah Dalil Yang Menunjukkan Bahwa Takfir Itu Bukan Fitnah, Akan Tetapi Dien…,Wahai Maz'uum…,Apalagi Dalam Masalah Syirik Akbar. Al Imam Al Barbahari Rahimahullah Berkata, : " Dan Seorang pun Dari Kalangan Ahlul Kiblat Tidak Boleh Dikeluarkan Dari Islam, Sehingga Ia Menolak Satu Ayat Dari Kitab Allah Atau Sesuatu Dari Atsar - Atsar Rasulullah Shalallahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam Atau Dia Shalat Kepada Selain Allah, Atau Dia Menyembelih Untuk Selain Allah ( Tumbal ). Dan Siapa Melakukan Sesuatu Dari Hal - Hal Itu, Maka WAJIB Atas Engkau Mengeluarkan Dia Dari Islam". ( Syarhus Sunnah No.49 ) Mengkafirkan Pelaku Syirik Itu Wajib Atas Engkau Wahai Maz'uum…, Bukan Fitnah…!!! Ini Adalah 'Aqidah Ahlus Sunnah Bukan Khawarij. Syaikh Muhammad Ibnu Abdil Wahhab Rahimahullah Berkata Saat Menyebutkan Hal - Hal Yang Membatalkan Keislaman, : " Orang Yang Tidak Mengkafirkan Pelaku Syirik Atau Ragu Akan Kekafiran Mereka Atau Membenarkan Ajaran Mereka " Wahai Maz'uum, Siapakah Yang Dalam Posisi Bahaya, Kami Yang Mengkafirkan Pelaku Syirik Atau Kalian Yang Tidak Mengkafirkannya…??? Apakah Pembatal Islam Yang Satu Ini Khusus Bagi Ulama Yang Tidak Mengkafirkan Pelaku Syirik Atau Bagi Semua Orang Yang Tidak Mengkafirkan…??? Ingatlah Kisah Mush'ab Ibnu Az-Zubair, Gubernur Kufah Telah Diperintahkan Untuk Membunuh Seorang Wanita ( Puteri Seorang Shahabat ), Karena Menolak Mengkafirkan Suaminya Yang Mengaku Sebagai Nabi Yaitu Al Mukhtar Ats Tsaqafi, Dia ( Mush'ab ) Diperintahkan Oleh Khalifah 'Abdullah Ibnu Az-Zubair Radliyallahu 'Anhu.( Ad Durar Juz Al Murtad, Lihat Juga Al Idlah Wat Tabyiin, Syaikh Ahmad Hamud Al Khalidiy ) Syaikh Muhammad Rahimahullah Berkata Dalam Tata Cara Kufur Terhadap Thaghut, : " Engkau Meyakini Bathilnya Ibadah Kepada Selain Allah, Engkau Meninggalkannya, Engkau Membencinya, Engkau Mengkafirkan Para Pelakunya, Serta Engkau Memusuhi Mereka ". ( Risalah Fie Ma'na Thaghut ) Mengkafirkan Pelaku Syirik Adalah Termasuk Makna Kufur Terhadap Thaghut, Sedangkan Kufur Kepada Thaghut Adalah Separuh Kandungan Laa Ilaaha Illallaah. Apa Komentarmu, Wahai Maz'uum…??? Apakah Kufur Kepada Thaghut Itu Adalah Kewajiban Atas 'Ulama Saja ? Kalau Demikian, Tauhid Itu Berarti Hanya Wajib Atas 'Ulama Saja Dan Tidak Atas Yang Lainnya….??? Beliau Mengatakan Lagi, : "Pokok Dienul Islam Dan Kaidahnya Ada Dua : Pertama : - Perintah Ibadah Kepada Allah Saja Tidak Ada Sekutu Bagi-Nya - Penekanan Yang Sangat Akan Hak Itu - Melakukan Loyalitas Di Dalamnya - Dan Mengkafirkan Orang Yang Meninggalkannya Ke Dua : - Menghati - Hatikan Dari Syirik Dalam Ibadah Kepada Allah - Bersikap Keras Dalam Hal Itu - Melakukan Permusuhan Di Dalamnya - Dan Mengkafirkan Orang Yang Melakukannya". ( Al Jami' Al Faried ) Lihat Maz'uum…!!! Mengkafirkan Pelaku Syirik Adalah Pokok Dasar Dien Al Islam Ini. Apakah Ini Wajib Atas 'Ulama Saja…??? Mana Dalil Dari Al Kitab Atau As-Sunnah Atau Ijma Yang Membenarkan Klaim Kalian…??? Datangkanlah Dalil Bila Kalian Memang Benar…!!! Takfir Pelaku Syirik Adalah Dien, Oleh Sebab Itu Syaikh Hamd Ibnu 'Atiq Rahimahullah Mengatakan Kepada 'Abdullah Ibnu Husain Al Makhdlub Setelah Beliau Menuturkan Pokok Dien Al Islam Di Atas, : " Ini Baru Izhharuddien Wahai Abdullah Ibnu Husain….." !!! ( Ad Durar 12 ) Demikianlah Menurut Ulama Dakwah Tauhid Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah, Tetapi Menurut Salafiy Maz'uum Hal Ini ( Takfir Pelaku Syirik Akbar, ed. ) Adalah Fitnah Yang Perlu Ditahdzir. Syaikh 'Abdurrahman Ibnu Hasan Rahimahullah Berkata Saat Menjelaskan Pokok Dienul Islam Di Atas, : " Oleh Sebab Itu Orang Tidak Menjadi Muwahhid Kecuali Dengan Cara Menafikan Syirik, Baro Darinya, Serta Mengkafirkan Orang Yang Melakukannya" ( Syarh Ashli Dienil Islam ) Bahkan Syaikh Muhammad Ibnu Abdil Wahhab Rahimahullah Menuturkan Di Antara 9 Macam Orang Yang Tidak Bertauhid, : " Dan Di Antara Mereka Ada Orang Yang Memusuhi Para Pelaku Syirik, Namun Tidak Mengkafirkan Mereka". ( Ashlu Dienil Islam ) Subhaanallah… Padahal Di Antara Maz'uumin Ada Orang Yang Tidak Memusuhi Pelaku Syirik Apalagi Mengkafirkannya, Namun Yang Mereka Musuhi Adalah Para Muwahhidin. Makna " Dia Kafir Terhadap Segala Sesuatu Yang Diibadati Selain Allah " Adalah Sebagaimana Yang Dikatakan Para Imam Da'wah Tauhid Nejd, : " Mengkafirkan Para Pelaku Syirik Dan Baro Dari Mereka Serta Dari Apa Yang Mereka Ibadati Bersama Allah " ( Ad Durar 9/292 ) Mengkafirkan Para Pelaku Syirik Adalah Bagian Dari Makna Kafir Kepada Thaghut. Maka Bagaimana Halnya Sehingga Sebagian Orang - Orang Salafiy Maz'uum Berani Mengatakan Itu Adalah Fitnah Khawarij Seraya Mereka Mengingkari Kepada Muwahhid Yang Melaksanakan Kewajiban Kufur Kepada Thaghut. Kufur Kepada Thaghut Adalah Kewajiban Setiap Muwahhid Bukan Kewajiban 'Ulama Saja. Apakah Kewajiban Kufur Terhadap Thaghut Adalah Atas 'Ulama Saja, Wahai Maz'uum…? Jawablah Dengan Dalil, Jangan Dengan Dalih. Ingatlah, Bahwa Perkataan Seorang Tabi'in Bukanlah Hujjah Yang Bisa Menghadang Nash, Apalagi Perkataan 'Ulama Sekarang… Dan Apalagi Perkataan 'Ulama Pemerintah…!!! Rasulullah Shalallahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam Bersabda, : " Siapa Yang Mengganti Diennya, Maka Bunuhlah Dia". ( Hadits Riwayat. Al- Bukhari dan Muslim ) Macam Penggantian Dien Yang Paling Dasyat Adalah Syirik Akbar. Pelakunya Divonis Bunuh, Sedangkan Vonis Itu Tidak Jatuh, Kecuali Setelah Takfir. Para Imam Da'wah Tauhid Najdiyyah Menyatakan Bahwa Mengkafirkan Para Pelaku Syirik Itu Adalah Termasuk Pondasi Dien Ini, Yang Pasti Diketahui Oleh Orang Yang Memiliki Bagian Dalam Islam Ini.( Fatawa Al Aimmah An Najdiyyah jilid 3 ) Bahkan Syaikh 'Abdul Lathif Ibnu 'Abdirrahman Ibnu Hasan Rahimahullah Berkata, : " Dan Sebagian 'Ulama Memandang Bahwa Ini ( Takfir Para Pelaku Syirik ) Dan Jihad Di Atasnya Adalah Rukun ( Pilar ) Yang Mana Islam Tidak Bisa Tegak Tanpanya". ( Mishbah Adh Dhalam:


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 06:56AM  

    mujahid - Social Mention
    SUNNI-MUJAHID thammil tharkangalum, mughamugamngalum thudangitt kaaalam yetreyo aayi... Thammil aadarsha binnabiprayamundengilm idvare kolabadagam nadannadaayi arilla... Pakshe Sunni yenn avagashapedunna SKSSF sunnath jamahatthinde deera yodammare polum kola cheyyan lajja illathe nadakkunnu... Vahhabigalk ulla buddipolum e SKSSF n illathapoyallo.........?? Sunni yenn avagasapedaan yend arhathaya e kouminullad...??
    Nov 25th 2013, 06:52
    TAUBAT,,,KIAMAT SUDAH DEKAT!!! ✔ Harga barang membumbung tinggi ✔ Para wanita telanjang diri ✔ Masjid-masjid menjadi sepi ✔ Hukum-hukum Allah dikebiri ✔ Para maling dihormati ✔ Para mujahid dicaci ✔ Zina banyak diminati ✔ Para istri melangkahi hak suami ✔ Negeri muslimin banyak dicuri ✔ Hak kaum fakir tak terpenuhi ✔ Tak tersisa lagi tanda kiamat yang belum terjadi ✔ Kecuali sangat sedikit sekali Taubat...taubat ... ya Ikhwan Ya ikhwati...! YA ALLAH..... Ampuni lah dosaku.... 'Aamiin
    Nov 25th 2013, 06:51
    Remarks of the spokesman of Islamic Emirate dispelling the concerns of some of Afghanistan's neighboring states Sunday, 24 November 2013 Recently some of Afghanistan's neighboring states, namely #India, #China and #Russia, have expressed concern that if #American forces exit #Afghanistan then #Afghanistan will be faced with strife and could become a threat to the stability of the region. We consider these concerns to be the product of the propaganda dissemination by Western Intelligence-controlled media outlets, and encourage our neighboring states to take an impartial stance and look at this issue from the prism of the prevalent realities. The Islamic Emirate, as a responsible entity, assures its neighbors that Afghanistan will not cause any harm to its neighboring fellow states. The Islamic Emirate strives to achieve peace both in our country and in the wider region. However, the continued presence of American forces in Afghanistan is the prime reason for the instability of our country and meddling in the wider region. Our neighboring states must understand the threats that are posed to our region as a result of continued U.S.-Nato military presence in Afghanistan. This military presence provides a pretext for further instability in the region, continues to arouse the sensitivities of the common people of this region, and for the Afghan people especially, this military presence is absolutely unacceptable. We are unequivocally opposed to any American military presence in Afghanistan and we will continue our armed struggle until Afghanistan regains its full sovereignty and all foreign military forces leave our country. Afghanistan's neighboring states bear a responsibility to take into account the legitimate aspirations of the people of this region and take steps to become aware of the realities of this war rather than simply rely on the information fed by western intelligence-controlled media outlets with the purpose of prolonging the instability of Afghanistan. Our neighboring countries should study the characteristics of the Afghan people and take steps towards building such a relationship with our nation that will prove fruitful to all parties and fulfill the legitimate aspirations of all people. — Zabiullah Mujahid (The Spokesperson of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan)
    Nov 25th 2013, 06:51
    Hmm,, baru nyadar, kalo masa berlaku KTP sudah jatuh tempo.... huufff,, masih ada waktu 10 hari,, sebagai warga indonesia yang taat,, harus punya KTP,,, ---- giman cha Ratna Ricardo.. yang lagi galau,, karena mau di deportasi,, ke Brazil............. :P :-P ---- be carefull,, ada imigran--- :D :-D
    Nov 25th 2013, 06:49
    Cerminan argumentasi mutakhir pembodohan reinkarnasi saurus,lupakanlah ruh para mujahid ketika Yasser Arafat adlh syahid&syekh Ahmad Yasin menjadi teroris mngkn itu yg membuat butiran peluru ditubuh Hasan Albana terlupakan,
    Nov 25th 2013, 06:49
    Kise apna kahe sab paraye hain :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( Hum apno se is qadar chot khaye hai :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( Dosti to kar lete hai sabi wada kar ke Nibhane wale kaha mil paye hai :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
    Nov 25th 2013, 06:46
    The making of a mujahid.
    Nov 25th 2013, 06:44
    As long as Bashar al-Assad is carrying on with his crimes, Syria will remain a magnet for a new gene
    (Repos) Siapa saya berbicara ttg dakwah? Mm, tp ini ada tulisan menarik untk para AD "Seperti Itulah Dakwah.. (Alm Ust Rahmat Abdullah) Memang seperti itu dakwah. Dakwah adalah cinta. Dan cinta akan meminta semuanya dari dirimu. Sampai pikiranmu. Sampai perhatianmu. Berjalan, duduk, dan tidurmu. Bahkan di tengah lelapmu, isi mimpimu pun tentang dakwah. Tentang umat yg kau cintai. Lagi-lagi memang seperti itu. Dakwah. Menyedot saripati energimu. Sampai tulang belulangmu. Sampai daging terakhir yg menempel di tubuh rentamu. Tubuh yg luluh lantak diseret-seret... Tubuh yang hancur lebur dipaksa berlari. Seperti itu pula kejadiannya pada rambut Rasulullah. Beliau memang akan tua juga. Tapi kepalanya beruban karena beban berat dari ayat yg diturunkan Allah. Sebagaimana tubuh mulia Umar bin Abdul Aziz. Dia memimpin hanya sebentar. Tapi kaum muslimin sudah dibuat bingung. Tidak ada lagi orang miskin yg bisa diberi sedekah. Tubuh mulia itu terkoyak-koyak. Sulit membayangkan sekeras apa sang Khalifah bekerja. Tubuh yang segar bugar itu sampai rontok. Hanya dalam 2 tahun ia sakit parah kemudian meninggal. Toh memang itu yang diharapkannya; mati sebagai jiwa yang tenang. Dan di etalase akhirat kelak, mungkin tubuh Umar bin Khathab juga terlihat tercabik-cabik. Kepalanya sampai botak. Umar yang perkasa pun akhirnya membawa tongkat ke mana-mana. Kurang heroik? Akhirnya diperjelas dengan salah satu luka paling legendaris sepanjang sejarah; luka ditikamnya seorang Khalifah yang sholih, yang sedang bermesra-mesraan dengan Tuhannya saat sholat. Dakwah bukannya tidak melelahkan. Bukannya tidak membosankan. Dakwah bukannya tidak menyakitkan. Bahkan juga para pejuang risalah bukannya sepi dari godaan kefuturan. Tidak… Justru kelelahan. Justru rasa sakit itu selalu bersama mereka sepanjang hidupnya. Setiap hari. Satu kisah heroik, akan segera mereka sambung lagi dengan amalan yang jauh lebih "tragis". Justru karena rasa sakit itu selalu mereka rasakan, selalu menemani… justru karena rasa sakit itu selalu mengintai ke mana pun mereka pergi… akhirnya menjadi adaptasi. Kalau iman dan godaan rasa lelah selalu bertempur, pada akhirnya salah satunya harus mengalah. Dan rasa lelah itu sendiri yang akhirnya lelah untuk mencekik iman. Lalu terus berkobar dalam dada. Karena itu kamu tahu. Pejuang yg heboh ria memamer-mamerkan amalnya adalah anak kemarin sore. Yg takjub pada rasa sakit dan pengorbanannya juga begitu. Karena mereka jarang disakiti di jalan Allah. Karena tidak setiap saat mereka memproduksi karya-karya besar. Maka sekalinya hal itu mereka kerjakan, sekalinya hal itu mereka rasakan, mereka merasa menjadi orang besar. Dan mereka justru jadi lelucon dan target doa para mujahid sejati, "ya Allah, berilah dia petunjuk… sungguh Engkau Maha Pengasih lagi maha Penyayang… " Maka satu lagi seorang pejuang tubuhnya luluh lantak. Jasadnya dikoyak beban dakwah. Tapi iman di hatinya memancarkan cinta… Mengajak kita untuk terus berlari… Semoga Allah senantiasa menetapkan kita utk selalu berada di dalam jalan dakwah. Aamiin."
    Nov 25th 2013, 06:43
    Sesungguhnya Allah suka kepada hamba yang berkarya dan terampil (professional atau ahli). Barangsiapa bersusah-payah mencari nafkah untuk keluarganya maka dia serupa dengan seorang mujahid di jalan Allah Azza wajalla.
    Nov 25th 2013, 06:38
    Mujahid tp playboy...ckckck
    Nov 25th 2013, 06:36
    Nov 25th 2013, 06:36
    PANDUAN ONANI ATAU MASTURBASI Daftar Isi: a. Devinisi Onani b. Hukum Onani dalam Pandangan Islam c. Batasan Dosa Besar dan Dosa Kecil d. Tentang Zina Tangan atau Mata e. Solusi Bagi Orang yang Sudah Terbiasa Onani a. Devinisi Onani Onani dalam bahasa Arabnya disebut dengan Istimna' yang secara etimologi berarti berusaha mengeluarkan mani. Sedangkan secara terminologi onani adalah mengeluarkan mani dengan selain berhubungan suami istri, baik yang diharamkan, seperti mengeluarkan mani dengan tangannya sendiri, atau yang diperbolehkan seperti mengeluarkan mani dengan tangan istrinya. (Al-Mausu'ah al-Fiqhiyah al-Kuwaitiyah juz 3 halaman 97 dan Nihayat al-Muhtaj juz 3 halaman 169). Pada asalnya istimna' (onani/masturbasi) adalah mengeluarkan mani bukan melalui persetubuhan, baik dengan telapak tangan atau dengan cara yang lainnya. (Mu'jam Lughat al-Fuqaha juz 1 halaman 65). Adapun mengeluarkan air mani dengan alat (sarana) tertentu selain tangan pada asalnya tidaklah berbeda dengan istmina', dikarenakan subsatansi perbuatan itu adalah sama, yaitu sama-sama mengeluarkan mani untuk mendapatkan satu kenikmatan apakah dikarenakan kondisi terpaksa atau tidak, sehingga hukumnya bisa disamakan dengan hukum onani yang menggunakan tangan. Prinsipnya onani adalah sebuah tindakan yang berfungsi sebagai cara merangsang alat kelamin dengan tangan atau benda lainnya untuk mendapat suatu taraf orgasme. Pada umumnya masturbasi menyangkut rangsangan dan pemuasan diri sendiri, walaupun demikian masturbasi lumrah dilakukan oleh dua orang dalam kapasitas hubungan heteroseksual atau homoseksual. Kinsey dalam penelitiannya seperti dikutip dari buku "Woman's Body", mengatakan bahwa minimal 1 dari 6 wanita pernah melakukan masturbasi paling sedikit satu kali sepanjang perjalanan hidupnya. Dan kebanyakan dari para wanita menganggap masturbasi adalah cara yang paling cepat dan langsung untuk mendatangkan kenikmatan orgasme. Onani biasanya identik dengan perbuatan yang dilakukan oleh seorang pemuda, sedangkan kalau pelakunya seorang cewek biasanya disebut masturbasi. b. Hukum Onani dalam Pandangan Islam Sayyid Sabiq menyebutkan bahwa telah terjadi perbedaan pendapat di kalangan para ulama dalam permasalahan onani: 1. Para ulama madzhab Maliki, Syafi'i dan Zaidiyah berpendapat bahwa onani adalah haram. Dengan landasan bahwa Allah Swt. telah memerintahkan untuk menjaga kemaluan dalam segala kondisi kecuali terhadap istri dan budak perempuannya. Apabila seseorang tidak melakukannya terhadap kedua orang itu kemudian melakukan onani maka ia termasuk ke dalam golongan orang-orang yang melampaui batas dari apa yang telah dihalalkan Allah bagi mereka dan beralih kepada apa-apa yang diharamkanNya atas mereka. Firman Allah Swt.: "Dan orang-orang yang menjaga kemaluannya, kecuali terhadap istri-istri mereka atau budak yang mereka miliki. Maka sesungguhnya mereka dalam hal ini tiada terceIa. Barangsiapa mencari yang di balik itu maka mereka itulah orang-orang yang melampaui batas." (QS. al-Mukminun ayat 5-7). 2. Para ulama madzhab Hanafi berpendapat bahwa onani hanya diharamkan dalam keadaan-keadaan tertentu dan wajib pada keadaan yang lainnya. Mereka mengatakan bahwa onani menjadi wajib apabila ia takut jatuh kepada perzinahan jika tidak melakukannya. Hal ini didasarkan pada kaidah mengambil kemudharatan yang lebih ringan. Namun mereka mengharamkan apabila hanya sebatas untuk bersenang-senang dan membangkitkan syahwatnya. Mereka juga mengatakan bahwa onani tidak masalah jika orang itu sudah dikuasai oleh syahwatnya sementara ia tidak memiliki istri atau budak perempuan demi menenangkan syahwatnya. 3. Para ulama madzhab Hambali berpendapat bahwa onani itu diharamkan kecuali apabila dilakukan karena takut dirinya jatuh kedalam perzinahan atau mengancam kesehatannya sementara ia tidak memiliki istri atau budak serta tidak memiliki kemampuan untuk menikah, jadi onani tidaklah masalah. 4. Ibnu Hazm berpendapat bahwa onani itu makruh dan tidak ada dosa di dalamnya, karena seseorang yang menyentuh kemaluannya dengan tangan kirinya adalah boleh menurut ijma' seluruh Ulama, sehingga onani itu bukanlah suatu


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 06:56AM  

    Ahlulsunnah vs Shias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Ahlulsunnah vs Shias Facebook-Pinnwand
    As salamu alaykum my respected brothers and sisters, i am going to post about th...
    Nov 25th 2013, 06:51
    As salamu alaykum my respected brothers and sisters, i am going to post about the issue of the land of fadak.
    But before i post anything about it i want to know from you that what you know about this issue.? Please must write. JazakAllahu khayr
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 06:54AM  

    sharia - Social Mention
    Good old fashion Sharia Law
    Nov 25th 2013, 06:53
    Full story here! Dubai is being promoted as a luxury high-class paradise in the ...
    @ChangeInLibya: Ansar Al-Sharia HQ - Game over #Benghazi
    Nov 25th 2013, 06:52
    Jeddah U.S. consulate attacker sentenced to death, others jailed
    Nov 25th 2013, 06:52
    RIYADH (Reuters) - A Saudi court has sentenced one man to death and another 19 to jail terms ranging from 18 months to 25 years for taking part in storming the U.S. consulate in Jeddah in 2004, killing nine, one of a series of al Qaeda attacks last decade.        
    The Chief Justice of India Supreme Court Tilak Marg, New Delhi 110001 Your Lordship, Sub: Prayer for stopping the Subversion of our Constitution Hindu Voice is a registered Monthly magazine, published in English and Hindi, since April 2002, espousing the cause of Hindutva. We have subscribers all over the world, to whom copies are sent every month by post. I am concerned at the blatant subversion/violation of our constitution, by our Central and State Governments. Hence I am writing to you, requesting for remedial measures. Enclosed is a copy of a letter dated 31st October 2013, from the CPIO and the Under Secretary to the Govt. of India, New Delhi, addressed to a reader of Hindu Voice, Shri Anil Shantaram Gudekar, giving information under the RTI Act, 2005, on Articles 29, 30, and 350 A&B. (to read this letter, please visit my Facebook page - Deivamuthu Nadar / Hindu Voice) Article 29 of our Constitution titled 'Protection of interests of minorities' says: "Any section of the citizens residing in the territory of India or any part thereof having a distinct language, script or culture of its own shall have the right to conserve the same". The Article does not talk about 'Muslims' or 'Christians' or religion, but only about 'language, script or culture'. So, the question of 'religious minority' does not arise at all. I am a Tamilian (from Tuticorin) and am settled in Mumbai since January 1970. Article 29 gives me the right to conserve my 'language, script or culture'. Looking at the diversity of our nation (with different castes, languages, scripts, life styles, etc), the framers of our Constitution have prudently inserted Article 29, with a view to strengthening national integration. However, this Article 29 meant for protecting the 'language, script or culture' has been distorted to give it a religious (read communal) colour. The Article is twisted to mean only Muslims and Christians, against the intention of our Constitution framers. The term 'language, script or culture' is given a go by and the term 'religious minorities' has taken its place. Further this right to conserve the 'language, script or culture' is denied to those who have settled in J&K, Nagaland, Mizoram, etc. from other parts of our country, by the majority community there. On the contrary, the majority in these states are still treated as a minority. This is a subversion of our Constitution by the continuous governments at the Centre and in the States. Further, the Govt. of India has enacted a law - National Commission for Minorities Act, 1992, without defining the word 'minority'. However, under this act, the Govt. has declared five religious communities - Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Bhuddists and Parsis - as minorities. Article 15 (1) of our constitution says: "The State shall not discriminate against any citizen on grounds only of religion, race, caste, sex, place of birth or any of them". When the constitution prohibits any discrimination of the citizens on the basis of religion, how can a law be enacted discriminating people on the basis of religion? Hence, the National Commission for Minorities Act, 1992 is unconstitutional. First, the Govt. of India has snatched away the rights available to me as a linguistic minority in Maharashtra and has wrongly conferred it on religious minorities, i.e. Muslims and Christians, violating Article 29 of our Constitution. Second, by enacting a law - National Commission for Minorities Act, 1992 - the Govt. of India has violated Article 15 (1) of the Constitution. I therefore pray to your Lordship: (1) To declare that the National Commission for Minorities Act, 1992 is ultra vires Article 15 (1) of our Constitution. (2) To declare unconstitutional the pronouncement of our Prime Minister that 'Minorities, particularly Muslims, must have the first claim on our resources' made on 9th Dec. 2006 at the National Development Council Meeting in New Delhi. (3) To ban all reservations by the Central and State Governments, made on the basis of religion, violating Article 15 of our Constitution. (4) To order all state governments to wind up their Minority Affairs Ministry, or instruct them that the MAM should protect and conserve the 'distinct language, script or culture' of people of other states settled in their states, and no religious tone should be attached to MAM. (5) To order all political parties that any reference to religious minorities amounts to dividing the citizen on the basis of religion and is a violation of our Constitution and hence it should be stopped forthwith. (6) To declare that all the schemes, special privileges and monetary benefits given to anyone on the basis of religion and all pronouncements made favouring religious minorities, either by the Central or State Governments, are null and void. (7) To ban the establishment of "Special Courts" for speedy trial of Muslims, and also to ban all Sharia courts. (8) To order the abolition of Minority Commissions established by all state governments on religious basis. (9) To ban the establishment of 'Minority Cells' based on religions, by all political parties. (10) To ban the appointment of any Committee, present or in future, to recommend welfare schemes for the benefit of any section of the citizens on the basis of religion. Your Lordship will understand that ours is a secular nation, and anything done on the basis of religion is against the canon of secularism enshrined in our constitution. But the Govt. of India is tomtoming about secularism and at the same time is providing special privileges to a section of the people purely on the basis of religion. This is just oxymoron, apart from being unconstitutional. Also, discrimination on the basis of religion is against the canons of Justice, Equality and Fraternity as enshrined in the Preamble to our Constitution. I hope your Lordship will take this letter as a PIL, hear my appeal favourably and grant my prayers. Yours truly (P. Deivamuthu) Editor, Printer & Publisher Hindu Voice Goregaon West, Mumbai 400062 Tel: 022-28764460, 28764418, 09324728153
    Nov 25th 2013, 06:50
    Y que de aquellos lugares donde solo habiendo un sitio halal, el propietario tiene y mantiene el sitio o lugar, junto a las viandas en deplorable estado de limpieza y salubridad? A caso la limpieza no es parte de la sharia y del mantenimiento del estatus del halal en la alimentacion? Acaso el estado en el que los animales viven (hacinamiento, estress, etc) es halal? Las condiciones del ejercicio de la alimentacion halal, en la vida actual, no son las mismas que hace 14 años, y en muchos casos, hay cierto interes en el "aspecto formal" y se obvia otros aspectos, que forman parte del halal. Limpieza, trato al animal, etc.. Allah sabe mas, todas las alabanzas sean para el.
    Nov 25th 2013, 06:50
    "Regardless of what he, the tribal council and the Afghan Parliament decide, President Obama still has to make a case for the deal to the American people." Absolutely! After all, we didn't invade Afghanistan to fight the Taliban. We invaded because they wouldn't give us Bin Laden. Until then, they invoked Sharia law, blew up ancient Buddhist statues, outlawed teaching women, flying kits, playing music, etc., etc. So, why are still there and staying for another 10 years? Let's hear the case, Mr. President.
    Nov 25th 2013, 06:48
    President Obama has yet to make the case for an extended commitment by American troops.
    Headlines from the year 2030 ?? Ozone created by electric cars now killing millions in the seventh-largest country in the world, Little India , formerly known as Australia ........ Tasmania executes last remaining Greenie ... White minorities still trying to have English recognised as Australia's third language ... Children from 2-parent heterosexual families bullied in schools for being 'different' -- Tolerance urged. ... Gay marriages now overtake heterosexual marriages as preferred 'lifestyle' choice ... Kookaburra and platypus plague threatens Australian crops and livestock ... Melbourne schoolgirl expelled for not wearing burqa -- being Christian is no excuse, says school: Sharia law must be enforced ... Japan announces it will no longer consume whale meat as whales are now extinct and the scientific research fleet is unemployed; Australian tells Japan cane toads taste like whale meat ... Australia now has 10 universities of political correctness. Professor Goldman of ANU says there is still a long way to go in the fight to stop people saying what they think ... Australian deficit $10 trillion and rising; Govt declares return to surplus in 100 years -- 300 years ahead of schedule. PM Mohammed Yousuf claims increased growth through more immigration is the secret to success ... Wall Street banks merge to form new super bank, Goldman Rothschild Ebeneezer Epstein Drescher (GREED): Huge bonuses paid to executives to celebrate launch ... Baby conceived naturally! Scientists stumped. ... Iran still quarantined; physicists estimate it will take 10 years for radioactivity to decrease to safe level ... France pleads for global help after being taken over by Islamic countries -- no nation steps forward. Serves them right. ... Castro dies aged 104; Cuban cigars can now be imported to US legally, but President Chelsea Clinton has banned smoking ... Jose Manuel Rodrigez Bush says he will run for second term as US president in 2032. ... Australia Post raises price of stamps to $18 and cuts deliveries to Wednesdays only. ... Global cooling blamed for citrus crop failure for third consecutive year in VicIndia and New South Iraq. ... Senate still blocks drilling in Canberra as petrol hits 5000 rupees a litre and petrol stations are open only on Tuesdays and Fridays ... Supreme Court rules punishing criminals violates their civil rights: victims to share responsibility for crime .. New law requires that all nail clippers, screwdrivers, fly swatters and rolled-up newspapers be registered by January 2035 as lethal weapons ... Australian Tax Office cuts tax rate to 75 per cent -- lowest in decades
    Nov 25th 2013, 06:47
    Want to stop Islam in it's tracks in America?? Explain to the Wives that they are "entitled" to 50% of their Husbands net worth+(alimony and child support)> Screw Sharia Law, teach the bastards about American Divorce Courts!!
    Nov 25th 2013, 06:47
    Libye - La guerre est déclarée à Benghazi entre Ansar Al-Sharia et l'armée régulière. Les combats font rage depuis quelques heures. Info via Twitter (encore rien vu dans la presse habituelle)
    Nov 25th 2013, 06:47
    MEDIA RLEASE (24 November 2013, Melbourne) "According to a recent Morgan poll conducted on behalf of Q Society of Australia Inc., the majority of Australians are clearly concerned about Islam and 70% believe Australia is not a better place because of Islam. The survey, completed in late October, found a majority (53 per cent) of Australians want full face coverings banned from public spaces and 50.2 per cent want Islamic sharia law banned all together. Australians over 65 are most concerned with 59 per cent in this age group stating that a growing Islamic population and Islamic immigration would be bad for Australia. Mature Australians and Liberal/National voters have a significantly negative view of Islam. Notably only 15 per cent of Australians think Islam and terrorism are not related. Multicultural advocates seeking to cancel Christmas, Easter or ANZAC Day celebrations in their quest to not offend other cultures should take note that 96.5 per cent of the population disagree. The omnibus poll conducted by Roy Morgan Research Ltd has an error margin of 4 per cent. Q Society spokesman Mr Andrew Horwood said the poll results validate the need for new strategies and policies. While followers of most religions seem to get along well, Australian politicians must acknowledge Islam is not just another religion and the growing concern is not a fringe issue. Q Society offers a proposed Charter of Muslim Understanding, written by former Muslim scholar and sharia expert Sam Solomon as a starting point for developing strategies and policies. The president of Q Society, Mrs Debbie Robinson, invites political leaders to address the problem with an open mind and consult with non-Muslim experts on Islam and secular ex-Muslims for guidance. Mrs Robinson points out that it is dishonest and counterproductive to discredit concerned Australians as 'racists' or 'islamophobic'. Australians are not alone as millions of Europeans are faced with similar problems. Muslim mass immigration and multiculturalism began in Europe two decades before the Whitlam government started the multicultural experiment in Australia. Polls in the Netherlands indicate the openly Islam-critical PVV will be the strongest party in the next elections to the parliament in Den Hague with PVV's parliamentary leader Geert Wilders MP most likely the next Prime Minister. Mr Wilders visited Australia in February 2013 following an invitation from Q Society. He spoke in Melbourne and Sydney at sold-out events." [Contact for this release: Mr Andrew Horwood, VP Community Relations and Media Email - Phone 0435 153 142 Further references: Download full survey: Dutch aggregated poll results: Q Society website: Q Society of Australia Inc is a national civil rights organisations run by volunteers since 2010. Members are concerned about the socio-political problems associated with the rise of Islam and sharia law in Australia; as well as religiously-motivated human rights abuses against religious minorities in many OIC-member countries. The society seeks to critically inform and lobby for an open discussion about the impact of political Islam in Australia. Members promote an integrated multiethnic society and oppose attempts to silence debate under the pretence of multicultural tolerance and political correctness.]
    Nov 25th 2013, 06:43
    UEA: First State of the Global Islamic Economy Report


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 06:54AM  

    The Return Of Khilafah (Caliphate) - The Golden Age Of Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    The Return Of Khilafah (Caliphate) - The Golden Age Of Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    Remarks of the spokesman of Islamic Emirate dispelling the concerns of some of A...
    Nov 25th 2013, 06:51
    Remarks of the spokesman of Islamic Emirate dispelling the concerns of some of Afghanistan's neighboring states

    Sunday, 24 November 2013

    Recently some of Afghanistan's neighboring states, namely #India, #China and #Russia, have expressed concern that if #American forces exit #Afghanistan then #Afghanistan will be faced with strife and could become a threat to the stability of the region.

    We consider these concerns to be the product of the propaganda dissemination by Western Intelligence-controlled media outlets, and encourage our neighboring states to take an impartial stance and look at this issue from the prism of the prevalent realities. The Islamic Emirate, as a responsible entity, assures its neighbors that Afghanistan will not cause any harm to its neighboring fellow states. The Islamic Emirate strives to achieve peace both in our country and in the wider region. However, the continued presence of American forces in Afghanistan is the prime reason for the instability of our country and meddling in the wider region. Our neighboring states must understand the threats that are posed to our region as a result of continued U.S.-Nato military presence in Afghanistan. This military presence provides a pretext for further instability in the region, continues to arouse the sensitivities of the common people of this region, and for the Afghan people especially, this military presence is absolutely unacceptable.

    We are unequivocally opposed to any American military presence in Afghanistan and we will continue our armed struggle until Afghanistan regains its full sovereignty and all foreign military forces leave our country. Afghanistan's neighboring states bear a responsibility to take into account the legitimate aspirations of the people of this region and take steps to become aware of the realities of this war rather than simply rely on the information fed by western intelligence-controlled media outlets with the purpose of prolonging the instability of Afghanistan. Our neighboring countries should study the characteristics of the Afghan people and take steps towards building such a relationship with our nation that will prove fruitful to all parties and fulfill the legitimate aspirations of all people.

    — Zabiullah Mujahid (The Spokesperson of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan)
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 06:54AM  

    media crash news - Social Mention
    2NE1 2012.jpg 2NE1 performing at Clarke Quay, Singapore in November 2012 From left to right: CL, Dara, Minzy, Park Bom Background information Origin Seoul, South Korea Genres K-pop, hip hop, R&B, electronic, dance, urban, electropop Years active 2009–present Labels YG Entertainment (South Korea) Avex Group (Japan) Music Group (USA) Associated acts Teddy, Big Bang, YG Family,, PSY, Se7en Website Official Korean website Official Japanese website Members CL Bom Dara Minzy Korean name Hangul 투애니원 Revised Romanization Tuaeniwon McCune–Reischauer T'uaeniwŏn This article contains Korean text. Without proper rendering support, you may see question marks, boxes, or other symbols instead of Hangul and hanja. This article contains Chinese text. Without proper rendering support, you may see question marks, boxes, or other symbols instead of Chinese characters. 2NE1 (Korean: 투애니원; pronounced to anyone or twenty one) is a four-member South Korean girl group formed by YG Entertainment in 2009. The name combines the phrases "21st century" and "new evolution.[1] The band consists of CL, Minzy, Dara, and Bom. First appearing in "Lollipop", a commercial campaign with Big Bang for LG Electronics, 2NE1's debut single "Fire" was released on May 6, 2009. Since then, the group has released two extended plays, 2NE1 and 2NE1 2nd Mini Album, and one studio album, To Anyone. Their first EP, 2NE1 spawned the number-one single "I Don't Care", which won them the "Song of the Year" award at the 2009 Mnet Asian Music Awards. Their follow-up singles, such as "Go Away", "Lonely" and "I Am the Best" were similarly successful, with "I Am the Best" winning 2NE1 their second "Song of the Year" award in 2011. 2NE1 officially debuted in Japan in September 2011 with a mini album titled NOLZA, which contained re-made versions of the Korean songs featured on the group's 2nd Mini Album. Since then, the group has released one studio album, Collection, and two physical singles in Japan. 2NE1 are set to debut in the United States in 2013, with work on the group's debut English studio album beginning in 2010 with producer In 2012, The New York Times named 2NE1's performance at the Prudential Center in New Jersey as one of the "Best Concerts of 2012".[2] As of 2013, the band has 400 million video views on YouTube as well as 27 million digital singles sold.[3][4] Contents [hide] 1 History 1.1 Pre-debut 1.2 2009: Debut and first Korean EP 1.3 2010: To Anyone 1.4 2011: Second Korean EP and Japanese debut 1.5 2012: Collection, I Love You & New Evolution 1.6 2013: English releases, Solo projects, 2NE1LOVES and comeback 2 Members 3 Artistry and influences 3.1 Musical styles 3.2 Image 3.3 Styles and themes 4 Discography 4.1 Korean discography 4.2 Japanese discography 5 Tours 5.1 Headlining 5.2 Other concerts 6 Filmography 7 Awards and recognition 8 References 9 External links History Pre-debut 2NE1 was first mentioned by South Korean press in late 2004 before YG Entertainment announced in early 2009 that the group would consist of four members and debut sometime in May of that year.[5] The company stated that the group had trained for 4 years, and that their debut album would contain songs produced by 1TYM's leader Teddy Park.[5][6][7] The group's name was initially announced as "21"; however, due to the discovery of a singer with the same name, the group was quickly renamed "2NE1".[8] 2009: Debut and first Korean EP In collaboration with Big Bang, 2NE1's first CF song "Lollipop", was digitally released on March 27, 2009.[5] The song was created for LG to promote their Cyon phone. The music video was released on March 28, 2009.[9] Although it was not a promoted single because it was an advertisement (there were problems with network chart eligibility[10]), "Lollipop" went to number one on various online charts[10] and topped the online chart of music television network Mnet for four weeks in a row.[11] On April 30, YG Entertainment's CEO Yang Hyun Suk revealed that 2NE1's debut song would contain elements of hip-hop and reggae, and that it would be digitally released on May 6, 2009.[12] Titled "Fire", the song was written and produced by 1TYM's Teddy Park.[13] Teasers of the song were released on their official website at the beginning of May, with a 20-second clip released on May 1.[14] "Fire" was released as planned on May 6, with two versions of the music video — a "space" version and a "street" version — released on the same day.[15] Within the first 24 hours of release, the videos each received over one million views.[16] The group held their first performance of "Fire" on May 17, 2009, on SBS's Inkigayo,[17] marking the start of the group's activities. A reality show, 2NE1TV, was also launched in May 2009 to assist in the group's debut promotions. Both the song and the group became popular online: "Fire" topped Mnet's online chart and 2NE1 became a popular search term.[18] The group was awarded three Cyworld Digital Music Awards; "Lollipop" and "Fire" both won "Song of the Month" award and the group won "Rookie of the Month" for May 2009[19] 2NE1 received their first Mutizen award after their fourth stage performance in SBS's Inkigayo (Popular Song) on June 14, 2009. They received their second Mutizen award on the same show on June 21, 2009. Two days afterwards, 2NE1 signed a deal with Fila to become the models for the company's new commercial campaign.[20] "I Don't Care" was released as the group's second single on July 1, 2009 along with the group's first mini-album.[21] Promotions for their new release officially commenced in early July.[22] Yang Hyun Suk stated that the song would demonstrate a softer, more feminine image of the group than illustrated by "Fire".[21] A reggae version of "I Don't Care" was debuted with a performance on SBS's Inkigayo in September 2009, signaling the end of promotions for the song.[23] Due to the remix's popularity, it was released to digital outlets on September 3, 2009, and became their next digital single.[23] In August, after finishing "I Don't Care" promotions, 2NE1 took a temporary hiatus with each member releasing their own solo singles. Sandara Park was the first to release her own digital single, titled "Kiss", in September 2009. The song featured fellow member CL as a rapper and was used in a commercial for CF Beer. Park Bom's single "You and I" was released next in October 2009; it proved to be the most successful of the group's solo singles, peaking at the top of the GaOn chart. CL collaborated with Minzy in the following month for their single "Please Don't Go". Along with three other groups representing Korea, 2NE1 performed in the 6th Asia Song Festival in September 2009, where they received the 2009's "Asian Newcomer's Award."[24] 2NE1 received many year-end awards, including Best Rookie Award and Song of the Year Award. Their hit single "I Don't Care" was named 2009's Best Selling Song on music sites Mnet, Bugs, Monkey3, and Cyworld and second in MelOn. Their debut EP also reached a milestone of 100,000 in sales by the end of the 2009 year. 2010: To Anyone On February 9, 2010, without previous announcement, "Follow Me" (Korean: "날 따라해봐요", "Nal ddara haebwayo") was released to digital outlets and used as the promotional song for Samsung's Corby Folder.[25] Over the summer of 2010, 2NE1 traveled to Los Angeles and London in order to record English songs for an American debut album with The Black Eyed Peas's member and music producer The group recorded a total of 10 songs in their initial sesions.[26] The group's first full length album, To Anyone, was released on September 9, 2010 and proved to be a huge success.[27] Upon release of the album, it achieved an all-kill as all six new songs in the album stayed in the Top 10 on various music charts for one week. The album also charted at No.1 on the iTunes Hip-hop chart, No. 7 on Billboard World Albums Chart, No.1 on HMV Japan, aside from topping various charts in Korea. Prior to the release of the album, it had already received 120,000 pre-orders. The album eventually sold 150,000 copies by the end of the year. The album contains 12 tracks, including three title tracks, "Clap Your Hands" (Korean: "박수 쳐"), "Go Away" and "Can't Nobody", which were promoted simultaneously. 2NE1 won first place on Mnet's M! Countdown for "Clap Your Hands" on the day of their comeback, followed by a K-Chart win the next day on KBS Music Bank for "Go Away", and a Mutizen a week after for their SBS Inkigayo performance of "Can't Nobody". Overall, 2NE1 won first place eleven times on various music shows throughout the promotional period for To Anyone.[28] To promote the album, the group made its first entertainment show appearance as a group on KBS variety-talk show Win Win[29] while also airing the second season of 2NE1TV. On October 21, Yang Hyun Suk announced that 2NE1 would be releasing a follow-up single on October 31, later revealed to be "It Hurts (Slow)" (Korean: "아파").[30][31] It was first performed on SBS's Inkigayo. The music video was directed by Kim Hye Jung, who also directed G-Dragon's "Butterfly." The music video was released on November 1 and utilized a Halloween theme.[32] In addition, on October 28, it was revealed that 2NE1 would release Japanese material under the Avex Group, and that To Anyone would be re-released in Japan on December 8, 2010. However, the release was later delayed to early 2011.[33] Other non-Korean promotions took place in Thailand, where To Anyone was released on October 28, 2010.[34] On November 26, 2NE1 released the single "Don't Stop the Music" as a "special gift for Thai fans" and as the promotional accompaniment to the group's Yamaha Fiore endorsement.[35] At the end of 2010, 2NE1 took home the "Artist of the Year" award and the "Album of the Year" award at the 2010 Mnet Asian Music Awards, thus making them the only artist to win all 3 grand awards at the said award ceremony. 2011: Second Korean EP and Japanese debut 2NE1 in 2011 On January 19, 2011, "Can't Nobody (English Version)" was released on the Japanese digital retailer Recochoku as a ringtone and ringback tone.[36] On February 2, the "Can't Nobody (English Version)" music video was made available for download through iTunes Japan. On February 22, Avex announced that 2NE1 would release their Japanese debut single "Go Away", previously used as a Korean promotional single, as a ringtone on March 9, 2011.[37] It was later announced to be the theme song of Japanese television program Mezamashi TV.[38] On March 16, the group released 2NE1, their first extended play, in Japan, with no promotions because of the Tōhoku Earthquake and tsunami.[39] It debuted at #24 on the Oricon charts, selling 3,860 copies in its first week of release.[40] 2NE1 initially planned to make their official Japanese debut live on Music Station, but instead postponed their debut to the fall of 2011 due to the earthquake.[41] 2NE1 participated in the Naver "Pray for Japan" campaign alongside many other Korean celebrities, helping to raise funds for earthquake victims.[42] On April 18, 2NE1 announced their plans for a Korean comeback, pushing the release of their second mini-album, 2NE1 2nd Mini Album, forward from the fall to "May or June".[39] Park Bom's second solo single, "Don't Cry", was unveiled on April 21, 2011. The song climbed to the top of the charts and achieved an "All-Kill" on Korea's real-time music charts (Bugs, Melon, Soribada, Monkey3, Dosirak,) within 24 hours of its release. Later on, the song went on to achieve an perfect all-kill. After Park Bom concluded her solo promotions by singing an acoustic version of "Don't Cry" on YG on Air, the group officially confirmed that a new single titled "Lonely" would be released on May 12, 2011. A behind-the-scenes video of "Lonely" was shown on the second episode of YG on Air, with the full music video being released on May 11, 2011 on 2NE1's official YouTube account. The song enjoyed similar success to "Don't Cry", ranking #1 on live, daily, and weekly music charts. The music video also garnered over 4 million views over the course of four days and ranked #1 on Korean video portals like Gom TV. Later on, the song achieved a perfect all-kill. On June 24, 2NE1 released a single produced by Teddy Park at midnight, titled "I Am The Best". Within 24 hours of release, "I Am the Best" topped all the major Korean charts, except for Monkey3 where the song was ranked second. As the day progressed, the song ultimately became first and was certified as another "perfect all-kill" for the group. On July 21, 2NE1 released an animated music video directed by Mari Kim for their next single, "Hate You", which proved to be another success for the group, peaking at #3 on the Gaon Chart. On July 28, along with the release of the full mini-album, the single "Ugly" and its music video were released, and again 2NE1 topped all major Korean charts with the single. The album itself was also a major success, topping the Gaon Chart and selling over 85,000 copies by year's end and over 100,000 copies by September 2012. 2NE1 became the first K-pop artist in history to release and reach five straight "all-kill" singles. Promotions for 2NE1's second Korean mini-album officially concluded in late August. Following the end of promotions, 2NE1 held their first sold-out solo concert at the Olympic Hall in the Chamsil Olympic Park on August 26, 27 and 28 in Seoul, South Korea. 2NE1 at the 2011 YouTube Awards Ceremony After concluding Korean promotions for their second mini-album, 2NE1 made their official debut in Japan in September 2011. They kicked off their official debut by releasing their mini-album, 'NOLZA', which was promoted by the release of various singles throughout the summer of 2011 – including Japanese versions of "I Am the Best", "Hate You", and "Lonely". On the day of its release, 2NE1 scored high points on various music charts, and landed in second place on the Japanese iTunes chart and fourth place on the Oricon charts. They began their Japanese debut tour "'2NE1 First Japan Tour – NOLZA" on September 19 and 20th at the Yokohama Arena, attracting a combined total of 10,000 fans. Altogether, 2NE1 held six concerts during their '2NE1 First Japan Tour – NOLZA' at three locations, including Yokohama Arena (9/19 – 9/20), Kobe World Commemoration Hall (9/24 – 9/25), and Chiba's Makuhari Messe Hall. The concerts attracted an impressive figure of 70,000 fans and marked a strong debut in Japan. 2NE1 released their first official Japanese single, a Japanese version of "Go Away", on November 18, 2011 in three versions, following their September 2011 Japanese mini-album promotions.[43] The music video for the Japanese version of "Go Away" showcased the JS Collage Wings x 2NE1 sneakers designed by American designer Jeremy Scott, who has been a contributing factor in their style and global attention.[44] In October 2011, MTV Iggy, an international branch of MTV that promotes new international music, held a global competition with 10 bands from all around the world who competed in a voting competition for the "Best New Band".[45] With their song "I Am the Best",[46] 2NE1 were crowned winners of this title on November 10, 2011, making this their first US Award. 2NE1 performed at Times Square in December 2011 to accept the honor. At the end of 2011, 2NE1 were nominated for the Japan Record Award for Best New Artist, but lost to the Japanese girl group Fairies.[47][48] 2012: Collection, I Love You & New Evolution On March 28, 2012, 2NE1 released their first full-length Japanese album titled Collection along with their second Japanese single "Scream". The album includes Japanese remakes of their Korean songs such as "Love Is Ouch", "Fire", and "I Don't Care", and a cover of Madonna's 1984 hit song "Like A Virgin".


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 06:41AM  

    Lern den Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    Lern den Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    Ibn 'Umar, Allahs Wohlgefallen auf beiden, berichtete: "Der Prophet, Allahs Sege...
    Nov 25th 2013, 05:58
    Ibn 'Umar, Allahs Wohlgefallen auf beiden, berichtete: "Der Prophet, Allahs Segen und Friede auf ihm, verbot, dass jemand Datteln paarweise verzehrt. Wenn er jedoch von seinen Gefährten die Erlaubnis dafür eingeholt hat, (so kann er dies tun). " (Vgl. Hadith Nr. 2490 und die Anmerkung dazu)
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 06:41AM  

    Lern den Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    Lern den Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    Die Dschinn wurden 2000 Jahre vor dem Menschen erschaffen
    "(30) Und (erinnere d...
    Nov 25th 2013, 06:09
    Die Dschinn wurden 2000 Jahre vor dem Menschen erschaffen

    "(30) Und (erinnere daran), als dein HERR zu den Engeln sagte: „Gewiß, ICH setze auf der Erde einen Khalifa ein." Sie sagten: „Setzt DU etwa darauf ein, wer darauf Verderben anrichtet und Blut vergießt, während wir Dich mit Deinem Lob rühmen und uns für Dich rein halten?" ER sagte: „Gewiß, ICH weiß, was ihr nicht wißt."" [Quran, 2:30]

    Abdullah Ibn Umar berichtet, dass der Grund warum die Engel befürchteten, dass der Mensch auf Erden Verderben anrichten und Blut vergießen wird, der ist, weil die Dschinn, die 2000 Jahre vor dem Menschen erschaffen wurden, auf der Erde Krieg geführt und Blut vergossen haben. Deshalb schickte ALLAH eine Armee von Engeln, die diese Dschinn in die Tiefe des Meeres vertrieben hatte (Ibn Kathir)
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Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 17 Themen
Nov 25th 2013, 07:00, by Nahsaka Lasbhan


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 06:37AM  

    Scheiß auf NY~ I love Istanbul *___*s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Scheiß auf NY~ I love Istanbul *___*s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Bismillâhirrahmânirrahîm <3 ~ & Der Tag Kann Beginnen <3
    Ich Wünsche Jedem Vie...
    Nov 25th 2013, 05:54
    Bismillâhirrahmânirrahîm ♥ ~ & Der Tag Kann Beginnen ♥

    Ich Wünsche Jedem Viel Glück für Heute & Das Jeder einen schönen & Erfolgreichen Tag hat :) ♥

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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 06:34AM  

    Türken auf der ganzen Welt *-*s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Türken auf der ganzen Welt *-*s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Bismillâhirrahmânirrahîm <3 ~ & Der Tag Kann Beginnen <3
    Ich Wünsche Jedem Vie...
    Nov 25th 2013, 05:53
    Bismillâhirrahmânirrahîm ♥ ~ & Der Tag Kann Beginnen ♥

    Ich Wünsche Jedem Viel Glück für Heute & Das Jeder einen schönen & Erfolgreichen Tag hat :) ♥

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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 06:30AM  

    Wake Up Ya Ahlul Sunnahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Wake Up Ya Ahlul Sunnahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Here you have it brothers and sisters, my prediction from the start of the Syria...
    Nov 25th 2013, 06:10
    Here you have it brothers and sisters, my prediction from the start of the Syrian genocide over 2 and a half years ago:
    "We need to set about the critical task of proving to the world what Iran has said many times -- that its program is in fact peaceful," U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said early Sunday in Geneva.
    Kerry said the initial agreement creates "time and space" to allow Iran to demonstrate its peaceful intentions. But he also said that the agreement "will make our partners in the region safer."
    This my friends is the beginning of the "Malhama" the Great War and it's starting in Syria.
    Let's start from the start the basic "Axis of evil" which include Iran who are now "good", North Korea who are now "good" only Syria remains who will also be "good" once a "West Friendly" government will be installed..... Mark my words, in Syria no puppet government will be installed now I swear by it, the legitimate Islamic resistance will install and implement Sharia by the will of God.
    North Korea developed nuclear weapons and remain untouched by the world and Iran has developed nuclear technology too, being part of the axis of evil why haven't they been touched? Why haven't they been attacked like Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and so forth? Two reasons why firstly they are not Ahle Sunnah so the majority of them are not Muslim and secondly it was all a show to try and scare us all that these big bad evil people are trying to get nuclear technology and will wipe whole countries of the map for example North Korea will wipe South Korea and Iran will wipe "Israel" of the map, pretty scary thought hey? The "axis of evil" having nuclear weapons?
    Now the fear factor has been put onto us by the leaders of America and other western countries, the media creates a Frenzy about these "evil tyrannical regimes" and basically scares the living day lights out of us, again it's part of the bigger plan.
    North Korea and Iran are now moderates they want to work with the west, so fantastic news we don't have many enemies left and we don't have to worry about them as we've planned this perfectly 100 years in advance with the zionists, the west say what could possibly go wrong?
    Syria or the correct term Shaam could and will go wrong!
    Let me give you some Hadiths to show you the importance of Shaam, there are many but I'll give you a few.
    1) From Zayd ibn thabit Al-ansari (radiya allahu anhu) said I heard the Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم say: "O tooba (a tree in paradise/glad tidings) for the Shaam!, O tooba (a tree in paradise/glad tidings) for the Shaam!, O tooba (a tree in paradise/glad tidings) for the Shaam!"
    They said: "O Messanger of Allah! How did they get this?" He replied "The angels of Allah have rested their wings upon the Shaam"
    2) From Abdullah Ibn Omar (radiya allahu anhuma) he said: The messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم said, I saw a pillar of the book was taken from underneath my pillow and I looked and it was an extending light directed toward Al-shaam. Verily al-iman (the faith), at the time of fitan (turmoil) is in Al-shaam.
    3) From Mu'awiya ibn Qura (raised to the Prophet) (radiya allahu anhu): The Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم said: "If the people of Al-shaam are corrupted then there is no good in you. There will always be a group of my Ummah that will be victorious, and they will not be harmed by those who seek to humiliate them until the hour comes.
    4) From Abdulla Ibn Hawala, the Messanger صلى الله عليه وسلم said: "You will be split up into groups of armies. An army will be in Al-shaam, an army in Iraq, and an army in Yemen."
    Abdullah said: I stood up and said…"choose for me oh Messenger of Allah."
    The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said: "Upon you is Al-shaam; and whoever cannot, let him go to Yemen, and let him drink from its water, for Allah has assured (secured) for me Al-shaam and its people.
    Rabi'a said: I heard Aba Idris narrating this hadith and he would say: "who ever Allah has given assurance then there is no fear over him."
    A very quick and basic summary of the above 4 Hadiths:
    1) The Angels of Allah spread their wings over Shaam.
    2) At the time of turmoil faith is in Shaam.
    3) A corrupt Shaam is a corrupt Ummah.
    4) Shaam is an obligation upon us.
    So above are a few examples of the importance of Shaam so why are we as "Muslims" firstly and then the west as "Humans" neglecting Shaam and letting the over 2 and a half year genocide continue?
    Here in the west we have organisations and groups that look after the welfare of animals but what about the basic human rights of the Syrian people, who's looking after them?
    People may continue to scratch their heads and ponder the fact as to why nobody is intervening in Sham? It doesn't fit into the agenda of the Zionist controlled world remember I mentioned this is "The Malhama" or "Great War".
    Bashar the brutal dictator has nearly all the worlds governments giving him the green light to continue this genocide against the people of Shaam via knives slaughtering children like in Banyas, via guns all over the country via banned under the Geneva convention cluster bombs via banned under the Geneva convention TNT barrels via Scud missiles and via Chemical weapons! WHAT via chemical weapons? That's crossing the "Red Line" isn't it? Red line? The red line was crossed with the first spilling of blood in Shaam my dear brothers and sisters.
    Iran has sent in its "elite revolutionary guards", Iraq has sent it's militias, Lebanon has sent it's "Hezbollah militia", Russia has sent it's "special forces", North Korea has sent it's "Pilots" and Shia from all over the world are coming to Shaam to help Bashar and his cronies in this ongoing genocide whilst the world watches silently.....
    The implementation of a "No Fly Zone" would end this genocide within 72 hours but the Zionist controlled west won't implement that like they did in Iraq and Libya, why? Because they want their enemies The Muslims to suffer and be eradicated without having to dirty their own hands, clever really.
    But wait..... The west were going to intervene earlier this year weren't they? Of course they were NOT! It was a drama to show the world, I mean when have the Americans and the British ever waited for their governments and their public to give the green light to attack? They attacked Saddam and Iraq because he "may have" chemical weapons but Bashar is using them and they are not attacking, seems fishy to me? Maybe I should stop thinking and put CNN on, that way I will know what to think!
    Despite the sophisticated and destructive weapons the Dictator and his allies are using in Shaam whether it's their tanks, surface to surface missiles, cluster bombs, scud missiles, war jet missiles or chemical weapons they are Alhamdolilah losing the battle.
    The west will intervene mark my words but the west will wait until many hundreds of thousands of more Muslims are slaughtered and injured and the Muslims are close to taking Damascus the west will be there in a flash, why then you ask?
    Simple "Israel"!
    Israel's friendly neighbour Bashar who works as Israel's border guard for them who gave the Golan heights to them and has never attacked Israel or fought for the Golan heights to be returned will be thrown out of power and in sha Allah be replaced by true and sincere Muslims implementing Sharia who will then go and reclaim Al Aqsa in Palestine which is the ultimate goal and it's been mentioned in many a Hadith.
    Once Bashar and his allies are defeated and the legitimate Islamic resistance take over Damascus the west will attack, once they attack then that will begin the next phase of massacres and genocide in Shaam, be under no illusion the suffering of the people of Shaam has only just begun.
    May Allah swt protect and preserve them all.
    Ultimately like Allah swt says in the Noble Quran:
    48:1 Surely We have granted thee a clear victory,
    Victory is with the believers but there is going to be a lot more death and destruction then there is at the moment before victory is attained, again Allah swt says in the Noble Quran:
    "...Bear with patience whatever befalls you...." (Qur'an 31:17) and "Be not sad, surely Allah is with us." (Qur'an 9:40)
    "And grieve not over them, and be not distressed because of what they plot." (Qur'an 16:127)
    The purification process has begun, the best of the best are being called to Shaam, are you in that bracket of best of the best?
    We are living in exceptional times, times that were prophesied over 1400 years ago by Our beloved prophet Muhammad s.a.w and we have to take advantage of it.
    Wallahi we are privileged, we're living in times of so much reward. Imagine this, there is a "Pie" Infront of you, the "Pie" is the reward that's on offer in Sham, grab your slice of the "pie" Wallahi we need to grab the reward with both hands, it's an opportunity none of us can afford to miss out on.
    The least we can do for our family in Shaam is make people aware of what's going on, make sincere dua for them and donate with our wealth as the situation there at the moment is dire and will only get worse before it gets better.
    Any goodness in here is from Allah the most Gracious the most Merciful and any mistakes are from me.
    Dedicated to all the innocents killed and being held in detention by the oppressors in the world especially Abu Ghareb, Bagram and Guantanamo Bay.
    Dedicated to The Jeaan and bakkour family.
    Dedicated to Rayyan Amjad.
    Dedicated to Hamza Al Khateeb.
    Dedicated to Yaman.
    Dedicated to Sister Aafia Sidduiqi.
    Dedicated to Shaker Aamer.
    Dedicated to the people of Shaam.
    Dedicated to the Ummah.
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 06:27AM  

    Islam - Die wahre Religions Facebook-Pinnwand
    Islam - Die wahre Religions Facebook-Pinnwand
    Heute wachte ich auf,
    Ich bin gesund,
    Ich lebe ,
    für alles ❤️❤️...
    Nov 25th 2013, 06:00
    Heute wachte ich auf,
    Ich bin gesund,
    Ich lebe ,
    für alles ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 06:21AM  

    Muslim Defence League (MDL) - West Yorkshires Facebook-Pinnwand
    Muslim Defence League (MDL) - West Yorkshires Facebook-Pinnwand
    The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said, "Anger is a burning coal. It burns in the heart."...
    Nov 25th 2013, 06:09
    ‫The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said, "Anger is a burning coal. It burns in the heart." (al-Tirmidhi and al-Bayhaqi)

    الله أكبر

    Fajr Insha'Allah
    AssalamuAlaikum :)‬
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Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 19 Themen
Nov 25th 2013, 06:44, by Nahsaka Lasbhan


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 06:20AM  

    La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand
    La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand
    Salamu alaikum
    Imam Malik (möge Allah barmherzig mit ihm sein) sagte: „Die Sunn...
    Nov 25th 2013, 05:29
    Salamu alaikum

    Imam Malik (möge Allah barmherzig mit ihm sein) sagte: „Die Sunna ist wie das Schiff von Nuh: wer auch immer es betritt, wird gerettet sein und wer zurückbleibt, wird ertrinken."

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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 06:20AM  

    La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand
    La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand
    Salamu alaikum
    Imam Malik (möge Allah barmherzig mit ihm sein) sagte: „Die Sunn...
    Nov 25th 2013, 05:29
    Salamu alaikum

    Imam Malik (möge Allah barmherzig mit ihm sein) sagte: „Die Sunna ist wie das Schiff von Nuh: wer auch immer es betritt, wird gerettet sein und wer zurückbleibt, wird ertrinken."

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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 06:08AM  

    khalifa - Social Mention
    I don't love em.. I don't chase em.. I duck em.. - Wiz Khalifa
    Nov 25th 2013, 06:08
    they call me Sam khalifa but I tink am much more like a god. hacking tinz.!!!!!!
    Nov 25th 2013, 06:08
    Guruji Sri Sri Poonamji is currently visiting UAE she was taken on a tour of local attractions like the dubai water fountain and the burj khalifa invited by her devotees based in Abu Dhabi
    Nov 25th 2013, 06:07
    Mind full of Kendrick Lamar, Wiz khalifa and Kid Cudi.... #condemned
    Nov 25th 2013, 06:07
    TOP 50 INTERNACIONAL 22 NOVEMRO 2013 50 Little Mix - Change Your Life 49 Avril Lavigne – 17 (Retorno) 48 Ariana Grande - Pink Champagne 47 Lil Twist ft Justin Bieber & Miley Cyrus - Twerk 46 Basshunter - Calling Time 45 Krewella - Live For The Night 44 Pegboard Nerds feat. Krewella - This Is Not The End 43 First State feat. Fenja - Battle Of Hearts 42 David Puentez feat. Shena - The One 41 Victoria Justice – Gold 40 Fifth Harmony - Que Bailes Conmigo Hoy 39 Get Far - If I Ever 38 Eminem ft. Buckshot - Don't Front 37 Avicii - Wake Me Up (Retorno) 36 Paramore – Daydreaming 35 Cher Lloyd ft T.I. - I Wish 34 Britney Spears – Perfume 33 Britney Spears – Passengers 32 Avicii - You Make Me 31 Havana Brown - Ba Bing 30 Havana Brown – Warrior 29 Taylor Swift - Sweeter Than Fiction 28 ft Miley Cyrus, Wiz Khalifa & French Montana - Feeling Myself 27 Carolina Marquez & Flo Rida & Dale Saunders - Sing La La La 26 FloRida & Pitbull - Cant Believe It 25 Havana Brown - Bad Bad Girls 24 Avril Lavigne - Rock N Roll ( Pop Dance) 23 Miley Cyrus - On My Own 22 Flo Rida - How I Feel 21 Avril Lavigne ft Chad Kroeger - Let Me Go 20 Selena Gomez - Slow Down 19 Demi Lovato - Made in the USA 18 Fifth Harmony - Better Together 17 Avril Lavigne - Hush Hush 16 Avril Lavigne - Falling Fast 15 Dj Bobo & Mike Candys - Take Control 14 Fifth Harmony - Que el Corazón No Hable por Mi 13 DJ Bobo & Inna – Everybody 12 Honorebel Feat. Pitbull - Seize The Night 11 Pitbull ft Ke$ha – Timber 10 Miley Cyrus - SMS (feat. Britney Spears) 09 Demi Lovato - Let It Go 08 Miley Cyrus - 4X4 (feat. Nelly) 07 Eminem Ft. Rihanna – Monster 06 Jessica Mauboy - Pop A Bottle 05 Demi Lovato - Something That We're Not (Estréia) 04 Selena Gomez - Save The Day 03 Demi Lovato - Neon Lights (Estréia) 02 Demi Lovato - Really Don't Care (LIVE in london) 01 Avril Lavigne ft Marilyn Manson - Bad Girl ( 4 semana)
    Nov 25th 2013, 06:07
    VOICI LS (7) GAS LS (7) FANTASTIQUE.!!!!!!.#shedy #khalifa aliace #monsieu diallo
    Nov 25th 2013, 06:06
    Otp w/ Janiya Young n Pinkey Khalifa lames
    Nov 25th 2013, 06:06
    Amazing Facts about Dubai#1: Skyscrapers - The incredible skyline that Dubai has today began first in 1979 when the Dubai World Trade Centre was finished and remained to be the only skyscraper until 1991. At present, there are approximately 450 skyscrapers in Dubai alone. The tallest skyscraper in Dubai and the rest of the world is the Burj Khalifa at a total height of 828 metres (2716.5 feet).
    Nov 25th 2013, 06:05
    Alia Khalifa Al Nabooda Sarah Khalifa Al Nabooda Maryam Khalifa Al Naboodah Maisoon Almur
    Nov 25th 2013, 06:05
    She's Only 9 Years Old - What a Voice!
    Bout me.88 Wiz khalifa Pa desaburrirme y tengo chingos de frio :*
    Nov 25th 2013, 06:04
    Saudi Arabia's industry exceeds expectations at USD27.56 b
    Nov 25th 2013, 06:04
    Saudi Arabia's industry exceeds expectations at USD27.56 b
    wiz khalifa..
    Nov 25th 2013, 06:03
    Meme Wiz Khalifa connait
    Nov 25th 2013, 06:03
    Here is the song list for: "Bangerz of ARTPOP" 1. Aura [Explicit]----------------------------------------------Lady Gaga 2. Venus [Explicit]---------------------------------------------Lady Gaga 3. G.U.Y. [Explicit]---------------------------------------------Lady Gaga 4. Sexxx Dreams [Explicit]-----------------------------------Lady Gaga 5. Jewels N' Drugs [Explicit]--------Lady Gaga,T.I.,Too $hort,Twista 6. MANiCURE--------------------------------------------------Lady Gaga 7.Do What You Want [Explicit]----------------------Lady Gaga,R. Kelly 8. ARTPOP-----------------------------------------------------Lady Gaga 9. Swine [Explicit]---------------------------------------------Lady Gaga 10. Donatella [Explicit]----------------------------------------Lady Gaga 11. Fashion!---------------------------------------------------Lady Gaga 12. Mary Jane Holland [Explicit]-----------------------------Lady Gaga 13. Dope [Explicit]--------------------------------------------Lady Gaga 14. Gypsy------------------------------------------------------Lady Gaga 15. Applause--------------------------------------------------Lady Gaga 16. The Lady is a Tramp---------------------Tony Bennett, Lady Gaga 17. Adore You------------------------------------------------Miley Cyrus 18. We Can't Stop-------------------------------------------Miley Cyrus 19. SMS (Bangerz) [Explicit]--------------Miley Cyrus, Britney Spears 20. 4x4 [Explicit]--------------------------------------Miley Cyrus, Nelly 21. My Darlin'---------------------------------------Miley Cyrus, Future 22. Wrecking Ball--------------------------------------------Miley Cyrus 23. Love Money Party [Explicit]-----------------Miley Cyrus, Big Sean 24. #GETITRIGHT [Explicit]---------------------------------Miley Cyrus 25. Drive------------------------------------------------------Miley Cyrus 26. FU [Explicit]--------------------------Miley Cyrus, French Montana 27. Do My Thang [Explicit]----------------------------------Miley Cyrus 28. Maybe You're Right--------------------------------------Miley Cyrus 29. Someone Else-------------------------------------------Miley Cyrus 30. Rooting For My Baby------------------------------------Miley Cyrus 31. On My Own----------------------------------------------Miley Cyrus 32. Hands in the Air------------------------------Miley Cyrus, Ludacris 33. Real and True---------------------Future, Miley Cyrus, Mr Hudson 34. 23-------------Mike Will Made It, Miley Cyrus, Wiz Khalifa, Juicy J 35. Decisions [Explicit]----------------------------Borgore, Miley Cyrus 36. Fall, Miley Cyrus
    Nov 25th 2013, 06:03
    Ron Khalifa
    Nov 25th 2013, 06:03
    Asap Ferg Work Instrumental via YouTube Capture
    Islamic banking assets to reach USD515 b by 2014 in GCC
    Nov 25th 2013, 06:03
    Islamic banking assets to reach USD515 b by 2014 in GCC
    Au nom d'Allah, l'Infiniment Miséricordieux, le Très miséricordieux Lettre à César, roi de Rome L'imam Al-Boukhâry rapporte dans un long hadith, la teneur de la lettre que le Prophète سلى الله عليه و سلم avait adressée à Héraclius 1er, empereur d'Orient (610-641), pour l'inviter à embrasser l'Islam. La lettre est la suivante : « Au nom de Dieu, L'infiniment Miséricordieux, le très Miséricordieux. Lettre de Muhammad, le serviteur et le Messager de Dieu à Héraclius, empereur de Rome. Que la paix soit sur ceux qui suivent la voie droite. Accepte de te soumettre. Embrasse l'Islam et Dieu te récompensera deux fois. Si tu te détournes et refuses, tu porteras les péchés des Romains. « Dis : Ô gens du Livre ! Convenons les uns des autres de ce point commun entre nous, à savoir de n'adorer que Dieu seul, sans lui adjoindre d'associé, de ne pas nous prendre les uns les autres pour divinités en dehors de Dieu. » S'ils se détournent, dites-leur : « Soyez témoins, qu'à Dieu seul, nous nous soumettons ». » (La famille d'Imrâne, v.64). Le Prophète سلى الله عليه و سلم fit porter cette lettre par Dihya ibn Khalîfa Al-Kalby à qui il donna l'ordre de la remettre au roi de Bosrâ qui lui-même se chargea de la transmettre à l'empereur d'Orient. Dans les propos rapportés par Boukhâry, Ibn Abbas dit avoir été informé par Aboû Soufyân ibn Harb du dialogue qui s'est tenu entre lui et l'empereur Héraclius 1er, lorsque ce dernier apprit la nouvelle de la lettre. Aboû Soufyân présent chez l'empereur, alors qu'il n'avait pas encore embrassé l'Islam et dirigeait encore l'inimitié contre le Prophète, témoigne en répondant aux questions de l'empereur, curieux de savoir qui est ce Muhammad qui se prétend être envoyé de Dieu : Héraclius 1er : « Lequel d'entre vous est généalogiquement plus proche de cet homme qui prétend être un prophète ? » Aboû Soufyân : « C'est moi. » Héraclius 1er : « Rapprochez-le de moi ! Rapprochez ses compagnons et mettez-les derrière lui ». Ensuite il dit au traducteur : « Dis-leur que je veux interroger leur compagnon au sujet de ce prétendu prophète ; si cet homme venait à mentir, alors ses compagnons devraient m'informer de ce mensonge. » « Par Dieu ! N'eût été la honte de me voir attribuer un mensonge, j'aurais menti devant les questions de l'empereur » affirma par la suite Aboû Soufyân. La première question fut la suivante : Héraclius 1er : Quelle appréciation faites-vous de sa généalogie ? Aboû Soufyân : « Son lignage est noble. » Héraclius 1er : « Quelqu'un parmi vous a-t-il jamais, tenu de tels propos ( le fait de se prétendre prophète) ? » Abou Soufyan : « Non. » Héraclius 1er : « Le soupçonniez-vous de mensonge avant qu'il ne tienne un tel discours ? » Abou Soufyan : « Non. » Héraclius 1er : « Y a-t-il des rois dans sa descendance ? » Aboû Soufyân : « Non. » Héraclius 1er : « Ceux qui le suivent sont-ils les nobles ou le bas peuple ? » Aboû Soufyân : « Plutôt le bas peuple. » Héraclius 1er : « Ces gens augmentent-ils en nombre ou régressent-ils ? » Aboû Soufyân : « Ils augmentent plutôt. » Héraclius 1er : « Y en a-t-il qui apostasient par aversion après avoir embrassés sa religion ? » Aboû Soufyân : « Non. » Héraclius 1er : « Lui arrive-t-il de trahir ? » Aboû Soufyân : « Non. Toutefois, nous avons conclu une trêve avec lui et nous ne connaissons pas ses intentions. » Héraclius 1er : « C'est la seule réponse où je peux trouver à redire. Mais avez-vous été en guerre avec lui ? » Aboû Soufyân : « Oui. » Héraclius 1er : « Quel a été l'aboutissement de ces combats livrés ? » Aboû Soufyân : « Tantôt nous triomphions et tantôt il triomphait. » Héraclius 1er : « Que vous ordonne-t-il de faire ? » Aboû Soufyân : « Il nous ordonne de n'adorer que Dieu seul sans rien lui associer, de délaisser le culte de nos ancêtres, de faire la prière, de verser l'aumône, d'être sincères, d'être chastes et de garder le lien avec la famille. » Héraclius 1er: (au traducteur) ! « Dis-lui que je l'ai interrogé au sujet de son lignage et il a répondu qu'il est noble. Il en est de même du lignage des messagers au sein de leur peuple. Je lui ai demandé si quelqu'un avant lui, avait eu la même prétention et il m'a répondu que « non ». Car, si quelqu'un avant lui, avait eu la même prétention, j'aurais pu croire qu'il ne veuille que renouveler ce qu'un autre a déjà accompli. Je lui ai demandé s'il y avait des rois dans sa descendance et il m'a répondu que « non ». Je me suis dit : S'il y avait un roi dans sa descendance, je pourrais penser qu'il cherche à reconquérir le trône de son père. Je lui ai demandé s'ils le traitaient de menteur avant qu'il n'ait eu à se présenter comme prophète et il m'a répondu que « non ». Or j'ai compris par là, que s'il n'était pas homme à mentir à l'égard de ses semblables, il ne pouvait, à plus forte raison mentir à l'égard de Dieu. Je lui ai demandé si ce sont les nobles qui le suivent ou le bas peuple et il répondit « le bas peuple », or ce sont ceux-là même qui suivent toujours les messagers. Je lui ai demandé si ceux qui le suivent augmentent en nombre ou régressent, et il m'a répondu qu'ils progressent, or c'est bien cela le propre de la foi qui est de croître jusqu'à atteindre la complétude. Je lui ai demandé s'il y en a qui apostasient par aversion parmi ses disciples et il m'a répondu que « non », or c'est bien ainsi qu'il en est de la foi, lorsque sa douce saveur rencontre les cœurs. Je lui ai demandé s'il trahissait, il m'a répondu que « non », or tel est le comportement des messagers, ils ne trahissent jamais. Je lui ai demandé s'ils se sont combattus, et il m'a répondu que « oui » et que les combats entre vous avaient eu des alternatives, tantôt à son avantage et tantôt au leur. Il en est ainsi des prophètes, ils subissent des épreuves, mais la réussite et le succès final leur reviennent. Je lui ai demandé ce qu'il leur ordonne et il m'a répondu « qu'il leur ordonne d'adorer Dieu sans rien lui associer, de s'abstenir d'adorer les idoles, de prier, de cultiver la sincérité et la chasteté. » Précise-lui que si tout ce que tu as dit est vrai, il sera maître de l'endroit sur lequel, présentement, foulent mes pieds[1]. Je savais qu'un prophète allait paraître, mais je n'imaginais pas qu'il viendrait de vous. Quant à moi, s'il m'était possible de l'approcher, je ferais tout pour le rencontrer et si j'étais auprès de lui, je laverais moi-même ses pieds ». Sur ces mots, il se fit apporter la lettre du Messager d'Allah (Paix et Bénédictions d'Allah sur lui) et la lut. Toutefois, dès qu'il eut fini les voix s'élevèrent et le bavardage alla en bon train. Ensuite, il donna aux Kouraichites l'ordre de se retirer. A sa sortie Abou Soufyan dit à ses compagnons : « L'affaire d'Ibn Abi Kabcha (nom que les associateurs avaient donné au prophète (Paix et Bénédictions d'Allah sur lui) poussés en cela par une volonté d'ignorer sa généalogie) devient étonnante. Même le roi des Romains a peur de lui ». A cet égard il dit plus tard après sa conversion : « Je ne cessai d'être certain que le Messager d'Allah (Paix et Bénédictions d'Allah sur lui) finirait par triompher, jusqu'au jour où Allah me fit entrer dans l'Islam ». Voilà le témoignage apporté par Abi Soufyan au sujet de l'effet de cette lettre sur César. Celui-ci offrit à Dihya ibn Khalifa Al-Kalbi, le porteur de la lettre, de l'argent et des vêtements. Texte tiré du livre « Al-Raheeq Al-Makhtoum», Le Nectar Cacheté du cheikh Al-Moubarakfoury


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 06:07AM  

    kufar - Social Mention
    @MR LALKAR DEOBAND : YOUR POST :- " Lalkar E Deoband :JO RAZAKHANI CHUPATEY HE WOH HUM DIKHATEY HEIN تمام اہل حق سنی دوستوں سے میرا اک چھوٹا سا سوال.......؟ .. .. کسی کو جواب معلوم ھو تو جواب ضرور دے .. مجھے تقریبا 4 سال ھو گۓ فیس بک استعمال کرتے میں نے جب بھی کوئ پوسٹ شعیہ کے خلاف لگائ تو یہ بریلوی جو اپنے آپ کو سنی کہتے ہیں یہ علما حق کو برا بھلا کہنا شروع کر دیتے اور شعیہ کا دفاع کرتے ہیں آخر کیوں.....؟ آپ میں سے کوئ جانتا ہے تو جواب لازمی دے ..... منجانب:¤: للکار دیوبند " ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARAZ e AKHIR : LALKAR UMMAT MOHAMED RASULLALAH ALYESLAM:- 1.maine aaj tak rade qadiyani per bat ki deo bandi ne kabhi humari taraf dari nahin ki . 2.maine ajj tak thanwi , gangohi,nanatowi,ambuthi ka kufar dikhaya , deo bandi unki tarf dari main agaya. 3.EID MIALD HUM ALLAH KE RASOOL ALYESLAM KA MANYA APLOG HUM SE DALIL MANGNA START KARIDYA . 4.SUNNI APNE APKO KAHLATE HO IMAM AHLESUNAT KI BAT KI TO BURA MAN GAYE 5.SLATO SLAM ALLAH PAK KA HUKAM HAI HUMNE KHARE HOKER PARH DIYA TO BURA MAN GAYE. 6.AULIA KIRAM KI MOHABAT ISLAM KI TALIMAT SE HAI AAJ TAK DEO BANDI NE GAUSE AZAM OUR KHAWAZ GHARIB NAWAZ KI AJMAT PER POST NAHIN DALA. 7.APNE 4 SAL LAGAYI ULMA AHLESUNAT NE KITNO SAL LAGA DIYE LEKIN DEO BAND TAUBA OUR RUSU NA KARSKA .. AB KIYA BATAYEN AISE LOG SHIYAT PER BOLE TO AJEB LAGTA HAI , WAHI LOG RASOOL PAK ALYSELAM KI GUSTKHI KI BAT PER KHAMOSH HOJATE HAIN TO HUMNE DECIDE KIYA SHIYAT KE KHIALF AKELA AHLESUNAT WAL JAMAT HI LAREGI , JAISE HUMLOGNE KHARJE , RAFAZION , MUTAZALA , WAHBAIYA , GAYR MUQALID KA RAD KIYA , NATURI , GANDHIWADI , MAUDUDI , WAISE SHIYAT PER JAISE 1000 SALON SE LAR RAHE HAIN A BHI AKELE LARENEGE , APKE SATH AJAYENGE AGER APNE AKABIR KA KUFR MANLEN OUR UNSE BEZARI PESH KAREDEN OUR APKHUD TAUBA OUR RUZU KAREN BUS PHIR DEKHNE HUM APKE SATH HAI... MANJANIB: FAREQ AHLESUNAT , KHADIM ALAHAZRAT ,
    Nov 25th 2013, 05:26
    Pemerintah Operasikan 12 Bandara Baru Tahun Ini TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Menteri Perhubungan, Evert Erenst Mangindaan, menyatakan ada 12 bandara baru yang dibangun dan siap dioperasikan tahun ini. Hal itu ia sampaikan dalam rapat kerja di Komisi V Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR), Selasa, 19 Maret 2013. Keduabelas bandara itu adalah Bandara Kuala Namu (Sumatera Utara), Bandara Muara Bungo (Jambi), Bandara Pekon Serai (Lampung Barat), Bandara Bone (Sulawesi Selatan), dan Bandara Bawean (Jawa Timur). Juga, Bandara Sumarorong (Mamasa), Bandara Kufar (Seram Timur), Bandara Tual Baru (Maluku), Bandara Saumlaki Baru (Maluku), Bandara Waisai (Raja Ampat), Bandara Kamanap Baru (Serui), serta Bandara Waghete Baru. Selain itu, Mangindaan melanjutkan, pemerintah akan mengoperasikan 9 bandara di Indonesia Timur dan 3 bandara di Indonesia Barat pada 2014 dan 2015. Pembangunan serta pengembangan beberapa bandara nasional itu untuk mendukung program Masterplan Percepatan dan Perluasan Pembangunan Ekonomi Indonesia (MP3EI). Pembangunan Bandara Kuala Namu di Medan ditargetkan selesai tahun ini. Adapun pembangunan Bandara Termindung (Samarinda Baru) ditargetkan selesai pada 2015. Sedangkan pembangunan Bandara Kertajati (Majalengka) rencananya dimulai tahun ini. Pada tahun ini, pemerintah menyelesaikan feasibility study untuk pembangunan Bandara Karawang. Pada tahun ini juga, pemerintah mentargetkan penyelesaian pembangunan Jakarta Automated Air Traffic Systems (JAATS). Mangindaan menyebut, pengembangan bandara dilakukan pada Bandara Soekarno-Hatta (Tangerang), Bandara Ngurah Rai (Bali), Bandara Juanda (Surabaya), Bandara Ahmad Yani (Semarang), dan Bandara Labuan Bajo. Masih menurut Mangindaan, saat ini terdapat beberapa bandara yang digunakan bersama oleh sipil dan militer. Pengoperasian bersama bandara itu mengacu pada Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 2009 tentang penerbangan serta kesepakatan bersama TNI Angkatan Udara, Direktur Jenderal Perhubungan Udara, PT Angkasa Pura I, PT Angkasa Pura II tentang pengaturan penggunaan bersama bandara dan pangkalan udara tanggal 31 Januari 2011. Untuk bandara yang digunakan bersama dengan TNI Angkatan Laut dan TNI Angkatan Darat, sedang dilakukan pembahasan antar instansi. "Ini untuk menentukan bentuk kerjasama yang dapat diterima bagi semua pihak," ucap Mangindaan. MARIA YUNIAR
    Nov 25th 2013, 05:16
    plzz pura padhe or khud faisla kare. HAQEEQAT-E-WAHABI/DEOBANDI: , sab se pehle main aap tamam doston koKuch basic and Important Baaten Bata dun.... Ab zara Ahraam Ahraam aur samajh samajh k aage ki Baaten Parhiye GA.. Doston tamaam Buraiyon main sab se bari burai , tamaam Musibaton main sab se Bari Musibat , Aur Tamaam Fitno main sab se Bara Fitnah"WAHABIYO N NADIYON"ka hai... IS ki KHABAR Hamare Pyare NABI (Sallalaho Aleh E Wassallam) ne Pehle hi De di thi, aur Musalamanon ko is se AAGAH b kya tha... (MAshkaat JILD 2, BAAB (ZIKR-E-YAMAN-0 - SHAAM) main BUKHARI k Hawale se Riwayat hai k, HAZRAT ABDULLAH IBN-E-UMAR (Razi ALLAH ANHO) farmate hain k ek Din HAZRAT MUHAMMAD (ALEH SALAAM) bargah -e-ILAHI main haath uthae dua farma rahe the k.. "Ae ALLAH hamare liye SHAAM main barkat de, Ae ALLAH hum ko hamare YAMAN main BARKAT de" Jo jo log wahaan mojood the,un main seBa'az ne Arz kiya k, "YA RASOOL ALLAH (Sallaho Alehe Wassallam) dua farmaen k Nijd main Barkat de" par AAP (ALEH SALAAM) ne wohi pehli waali Dua farmai, magar"NIJD"ka naam na liya.. Unhon ne phir tawajjah dilai k, "Huzoor (ALEH SALAAM) yeh b Dua farma den k NIJD main Barkat ho", par Huzoor (ALEH SALAAM) ne wohi pehli waali dua ki , aur 3 dafa SHAAM aur YAMAN k liye maangi, par NIJD ka naam na liya, bal k AAKHIR main Farmaya.. "MAIN us Azli Mehroom KHITTAY ko duakis tarah farmaon, wahaan to ZALZALAY aur FITNE honge, AUR WAHAAN SHETAANI GEROH PEDA HOGA" Is FARMAN k mutaabik 12th CENTURY main NIJD se, MUHAMMAD IBN-E-ABDULWAHAAB peda huwa, Us ne kya kiya?? AHL-E-HARMEN 0 DEEGAR MUSALMAAONON par zulm kiye, in k kuch ZULM, ALLAMA SHAAMI ne apni KITAAB RADAL MUKHTAAR, JILD 3, BAAB UL BALAGAAT k shoru main kuch is tarah bayan farmaya hai, "Jesa k HAMARE ZAMAANE main ABDULWAHAAB k maanne waalon ka Waaqiya huwa k yeh log NIJD se nikle, aur MAKKAH O MADINA SHAREEF , par unhon ne GALBA kar liya, apne aap ko HAMBLI MAZHAB ki tarf se mansoob karte thay, lekin in ka AQEEDA yeh tha, k sirf hum hi musalmaan hain, jo Hamare AQEEDAY k Khilaaf hai, woh MUSHRIK hai, is liye inhon ne AHL-E-SUNNAT WALJAMA'AT ka QATAL jaez samjha, aur un k ULAMA ko QATAL kiya, yahaan tak k ALLAH ne WAHABIYON ki shoqat tori, aur un k sheheron ko veeraan kar diya, aur ISLAMI LASHKARON KO IN PAR FATAH DI , yeh WAQIYA 1233 Hijri main huwa.. Yeh chand Hawalay haazir hain, in ko parh kar Aap khud hi faisla karlen, k kya in Kufriya Aqaid pe Amal karne waale Afrad Musalmaan kehlanek Haqdaar hain?? Agar yeh Kufriya Aqaid rakhne waale KAAFIR hain , to in ko Musalmaan samajh kar Namaz main Imaam Banana kiya KUFAR NAHIN??? WAHABI AQAID: AQEEDA # 1 :"Huzoor (Aleh Salaam) ka Mazaar Gira dene k Laayak hai , Agar is k Gira dene par Qaadir hogaya to Gira dunga"... said by"Bani WAHABI Mazhab, Muhammad Bin Abdul Wahab Najdi"( kitaab : Auzah Al Braheen) AQEEDA # 2 :"Meri Laathi, Muhammad (Aleh Salaam) se behtar hai, Q k, is se Saanp maarne ka Kaam liya ja sakta hai,Aur Muhammad mar gae, unhen koi Nafa Baaqi na raha"... (Nauzubillah).. . said by"Bani WAHABI Mazhab, Muhammad Bin Abdul Wahab Najdi"( kitaab : Auzah Al Braheen, Page : 10) AQEEDA # 3: Muhammad Bin Abdul Wahab Najdi ka Aqeedah tha k Jumla Aehle Aalam O Tamaam Musalmanaan ,Diyar-E-Mushrik O Kaafir hain, aur un se Qatal O Qataal karna , un k Amwaal ko un se Cheen lena Halaal aur Jaez balke Waajib hai.. (Maakhooz Hussain Ahmed Madni, ( Ash Sahab us Saqib , Page : 43) Kutub khana , Aezaziya Deoband) Angrez se"WAHABI"naam k Bajae AHL-E- HADEES ki Manzoori: Akaabir-E-WAHAB IYAH se Unhi Muhammad Hussain Batyaalwi ne Angrezon se in ki Khush'aamad kar k in se Aelaan O Wafaadaari kibina par Wahabiya ka naam"WAHABI"k Bajae AHL-E-HADEES manzoor karwaya.. Wahabiya k Mujaddid Nawaab SIDDIQUE Hasan khan Bhopaali likhte hain: Chunaa chay yeh Daawa Irsaal Rusal Molvi Hussain Batyaalwi ko Sir Henry O Boowens leftinent Governor Bahaadur Mumaalik-E- Punj aab k Ijlaas main Pesh kiya gaya tha , AQEEDA # 7: Ger Muqallidon k Imaam Nawaaab Siddique Hasan Khaan Bhopaali ne bhi yahi likha.. (Ba Hawaala: Badr ul Al- ehla'ah, Page#16) AQEEDA # 8: Molvi Noor Ul Hasan bhopaali Likhtehain: "Pas Kuttay Khinzeer, Sharaab O Khoonbehnay waala aur Murdah jaanwar k Naa'Paak hone ka Daawa durust nahin".. (Urf Ul Jaadi, Page#10) AQEEDA # 9: Kaafir ka Zibeh halaal hai: (Ba Hawala: Hadiyat Ul Mehdi, Jild#3, Page#78) AQEEDA # 10: Kuttay ka Bol aur Goh paak hai: (Ba Hawala: Nazlul Abraar, Ger MuqallidWaheed Uz Zamaan, Jild#1, Page#50) AQEEDA # 11: Sahaba main Faasik bhi the: (Nazlul Abraar, Jild#3,Page#94) AQEEDA # 12: Hazrat Ameer-E-Maawiya (Razi ALLAH Anhu) se aesi baaten aur aese kaam huwe, jin se in ki adaalat main khalal aagaya: (Ba Hawala: Hadiyatul Mehdi, Jild#5, Page#27) AQEEDA # 13: Aurton ka jama ho kar ALLAH ALLAH karna BIDDAT hai: (Fatawaa-E-Sita ariya, Jild#1, Page#66) AQEEDA # 14: Ger Muqqallidon k ImaamIbn- E- Temimiya likhte hain: "HUZOOR (ALEH SALAAM) ka Insaani Shakal main madad karna, Shetaan ka madad karna hai".. (Kitaab Ul Wasela, Page#41, Maktab Us SalafiyaLahore) AQEEDA # 15: Ger Muqqallidon k ImaamIbn- E- Temimiya likhte hain: "HUZOOR (Aleh Salaam) ki Qabar Anwaar se jo Aawaazen aain woh Shetaan ki Chaalen thin".. (Kitaab Ul Wasela, Page#51, Maktab Us SalafiyaLahore) AQEEDA # 16: Qaazi Shokaani likhte hain: "Sab Dariyaa'ee (Samandari) Jaanwar Halaal hain, yahaan tak k kutta, Khizeeraur Saanp bhi halaal hain".. (Neel Ul Adtaar, Jild#1, Page#67, Matboo'a lahore) AQEEDA # 18: Sanaulla amritsari ahlehadis likhta hai k sood lena haram hai dena haram nahi hai [ropadi mazalim 33] AQEEDA # 19: Nawab siddiq hasan khan bhopaliahlehadi s ne likha Aurt azaan de sakti hai (BADRU AHILLA#39) batawo wahabio ye kis hadis se sabit haidalil do? AQEEDA # 20: Sanaullah amritsari likhta hai Allah tala jhoot bolne per qadir hai (Allah ka jhoot bolna) aine iman hai.. (AKHBAR AHLEHADIS 27agust 1915) AQEEDA # 21: AHLEHADIS K NAZDIK SHARAB PAK HAI Nawab wahiduzzam ahlehadis likhte hain sharab najis[na pak] nahi hai haram hai jo isko napak kehta hai us ko napaki ki dalil pesh karni chahiye (NAZLUL ABRAR VOL 3 Peg 88 kitabul ashraba) AQEEDA # 22: Rais ahmad ahlehadis ne likha bahut se sahaba o tabain bahut si aayatki khabar rakhne aur tilawat karne k bawajod bhi mukhtalif wajo se un k khilaf amal paira the (TANVIRUL AAFAQ Peg 47) AQEEDA # 23: MASAIL E AHLEHADIS Namazi ne padte howe patthar utha kar parindeya Aadmi ko de mara tu namaz nahi toti HIDAYATUL MEHDI VOL1 PEG 112) AQEEDA # 24: Maulwi abdulgaffar salafiahlehadis likhte hain ghoRAY (HORSE) ka gosht halal hai [SAHIFA AHLEHADIS PEG 22 Ziqaida 1385 hijri] AQEEDA # 25: Ahlehadis firqe ki kitab fiqa mohammadiya k peg number 123jild 5 me likha hai Halal hai khana gorkhar [jangli gadhe]ka AQEEDA # 26: MASAIL E AHLEHADIS sharab pine wale ka jhota har hal me pak hai chahe sharab peete hi fauran jhota kare HIDAYATUL MEHDI vol 1 pg 31 AQEEDA # 27: Sidiq hasan khan ahlehadis likhta hai ibne qaiyum madade qazi shaukani madade kehna jaiz hai HIDAYATU HUDA Pe23Vo1,ALFATAH UL TAIYAB AQEEDA # 28: Wahiduz zama ahlehadis ne likha shadi khatne aur isi qism k khushi ki taqribat megeena gana bajana aur mazamir me koi harj nahi (NAZLULABRAR) AQEEDA # 29: MASAIL E AHLEHADIS kisi ne namazi se pocha kitni rakaten howi us ne hath k ishare se bata diya tu namaz nahi toti (HIDAYATUL MEHDI V1) AQEEDA # 30: MASAIL_E_AHLE HADIS namaz padte howe ek hath se pani manga ya pani kharid liya tu namaz baatil na hogi (HIDAYATUL MEHDI VOLUM 1) AQEEDA # 31: MASAIL_E_AHLE HADIS Namaz padte howe ek hath se ugal daan utha kar thuk liya tu namaz faasidnahi howi (HIDAYATUL MEHDI VOL 1) AQEEDA # 32: MASAIL_E_AHLE HADIS murdar janwar aur khinzir k baal,haddiyan,p atthe,khur,aur singh paak hai (HIDAYATUL MEHDI, wahiduz zama) . DEOBAND KE AQAID: . . AQEEDA # 1 :"Gaib ki baaton ka jesa Ilm Huzoor (Aleh Salaam) ko hai, aesa Ilm Zed O Umar , bachon aur Paglon ko, balkay tamaam jaanwaron ko haasil hai, Rasool Ki Takhsees nahin"Hawalay k liye dekhiye kitaab ( Hifzul Eemaan , Page: 8 , Musannif: Molvi Ashraf Ali Thanvi , Shae Karda: Kutub Khana Ashrafiya Company Deoband aur Kutub Khana Aezaziya Deoband ) AQEEDA # 2 :"Huzoor (Aleh Salaam) ko Aakhri Nabi samajhna Awaam ka khayal hai, Ahl E Ilm ka nahin"( Tehzeer Un Naas , Page: 3 , Musannif: Molvi Muhammad Qasim Sahab Nanatwi, Shae Karda: Kutub Khana Aezaziya Deoband ) AQEEDA # 3 :"Huzoor (Aleh Salaam) k baad koi Nabi peda hojae to phir b Khatmiyat E Muhammadi main kuch faraq na aaega"( Tehzeer Un Naas , Page: 25 ) Note : Yahi Aqeedah Qadiyaniyon ka b hai AQEEDA # 4 :"Shetaan O Malakul Moat ko tamaam Roe Zameen ka Ilm hai, aur Huzoor (Aleh Salaam) k Ilm se Ziyada hai"( Buraheen E Qaatey , Page: 55 , Musannif: Molvi Khaleel Ahmed Ambethvi , Shae Karda: Kutub Khana Imdadiya Deoband ) AQEEDA # 5 :"Namaz main Huzoor (AlehSalaam) ka khayal Ghaday aur Bail k khayal main Doobne se bura hai"( Sirat E Mustaqeem , Page: 97 , Musannif: Molvi Ismail Dehelvi , Shae KArda: Kutub Khana Ashrafiya, Raashid CompanyDeoband ) AQEEDA # 6 :"Har makhlooq bara ho ya chota, ALLAH ki shaan main Chamaar seb Ziyada Zaleelhai"( Taqweet Ul Eemaan , Page: 13 , Mussannif: Molvi Ismail Dehelvi , Shae Karda: Kutub Khana Ashrafiya, Raashid Company Deoband ) Note: Har Makhlooq main Huzoor (Aleh Salaam) ,aue Deegar Ambiya b aate hain.. AQEEDA # 7 :"Huzoor (Aleh Salaam) ki Taazeembaray bhai ki si Kijiye"( Taqweet Ul Eemaan , Page: 52 ) Note : Kiya Huzoor (Aleh Salaam) ki izzat bas baray bhai jitni karni chahiye?? yeh sawaal khud se puchen k hum apnebaray bhai ki kitni izzat karte hain , Aur kiya Huzoor (Aleh Salaam) dono jahanon ki remat ka bas yahi darja hai?? AQEEDA # 8 :"Huzoor (Aleh Salaam) ka Yom E Meelaad manana Kanhaeiyya (Cow) k janam din manane ki tarah hai" ( Buraheen E Qatay , Page: 152 ) AQEEDA # 9:"KHUDA TA'ALA JHOOT Bolsakta hai" (Mas'ala Imkaan Kazab), Buraheen E Qatay, Musannif Molvi Khaleel Ahmed Sahab Anbethwi. AQEEDA # 10:"KHUDA TA'ALA ko Jagah aur Zamana aur Murkab hone, aur Mahiyat se PAK maanna BIDDAT hai . (Eezaa Ul HAQ, Musannif Molvi Ismail Dehelvi Sahab) . AQEEDA # 11:"KHUDA TA'ALA ko Bandon k Kaamon ki Pehle se KHABAR nahin hoti , Jab Banday achay ya Buray kaam karlete hain , tab us ko maaloom hota hai". ( Balagtal Heraan, PAGE#57, Musannif MOLVI HUSSAIN ALI SAHAB, SHAGIRD-E-RAHEE D AHMED SAHAB). AQEEDA # 12:"Aamaal main Bazahir Ummati, NABI se k Baraabar hojaate hain, Balkay Barh bhi jaate hain". (tehzeer Un Naas, Matboo'a Dar Ul Asha'at, Karachi, Musannif MOLVI MUHAMMAD QASIM SAHAB, Baani-E-DEOBAND MADARSA) AQEEDA # 13:"HUZOOR (ALEH SALAAM)ka Misal- O-NAZEER mumkin hai". (Yakroozi Musannif Molvi Ismail Sahab Dehelvi, Matboo'a Farooqi, PAFE#144) AQEEDA # 14:"HUZOOR (ALEH SALAAM)ko bhai kehna Jaez hai q k AAP bhi Insaan hain". (Buraaheeen-E-Q ATAY, Musannif MOLVI KHALEEL AHMED SAHAB O Taqweet Ul Eemaan Musannif MOLVI ISMAIL SAHAB DEHLVI) AQEEDA # 15:"HUZOOR (ALEH SALAAM)ko Urdu bolna Madarsa-E-DEOBA ND se Aaya" (Buraaheen-E-QA TAY, Matboo'a Daul Asha'at Karachi, Molvi KHALEEL AHMED) AQEEDA # 16:"Main ne HUZOOR (ALEH SALAAM) ko Khuwaab main dekha k Mujhey AAP Pul-E- Siraat par le gae , aur Kuch Aage ja kar dekha k HUZOOR (ALEH SALAAM) Giray ja Rahe hain , to Mene HUZOOR (ALEH SALAAM) ko GIRNE se roka" (Balagtal Heraan, Mubbashiraat Musannif MOLVI


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 06:06AM  

    islam fatwa - Social Mention
    Mengapa Perlu Sangka Buruk ?OlehZaharuddin Abd Rahmanwww.zaharuddin.netHidup kita tidak lekang dari disangka buruk dan menyangka buruk. Jika diri terlibat, kunci menanganinya adalah beristighfar dan taubat. Nabi s.a.w bersabda :-كُلُّ بن آدَمَ خَطَّاءٌ وَخَيْرُ الْخَطَّائِينَ التَّوَّابُونَErtinya : "Setiap anak Adam itu ada kesilapan ( dosa) dan orang berdosa yang terbaik adalah mereka yang bertaubat" (Riwayat At-Tirmidzi, no 2499, 4/659)Sangka buruk ini sering berkait rapat dengan rasa hasad, dengki atau cemburu. Ia amat-amat sukar dibuang namun wajiblah ia dimasukkan dalam senarai utama yang perlu kita usaha hindarinya sedaya upaya. Saya sendiri tidak bebas darinya. Namun atas dasar nasihat menasihati saya tuliskan artikel ini agar kita sama-sama mampu berusaha menjauhinya agar kehidupan kita akan lebih diredhai oleh Allah.Ia bertepatan dengan apa yang disebut di dalam sebuah hadisثلاث لازمات لأمتي : الطيرة ، والحسد ، وسوء الظن " . فقال رجل : ما يذهبهن يا رسول الله ! ممن هو فيه ؟ قال : " إذا حسدت فاستغفر الله ، وإذا ظننت فلا تحقق ، وإذا تطيرت فامضهErtinya : Tiga perkara lazim yang sukar dibuang oleh umatku : mengganggap sial, hasad dengki dan bersangka buruk" lalu seorang lelaki bertanya : "apakah yang boleh menghilangkannya wahai Rasulullah ?"Jawab Nabi : Jika kamu datang perasaan hasad dengki beristighfar lah kamu kepada Allah, apabila kamu bersangka buruk, janganlah kamu membenarkan sangkaan itu, dan apabila kamu menganggap sial belaku, abaikan dan jangan endahkannya" ( At-Tabrani, no 3227, 3/228 ; Al-Haithami : Dhoif kerana perawi bernama Ismail Bin Qais)Terdapat sebuah lagi hadis yang mempunyai erti yang sama dengannya iaitu :-ثلاثة لا يسلم منهن أحد : الطيرة ، والظن ، والحسد ، فإذا تطيرت فلا ترجع ، وإذا حسدت فلا تبغ ، وإذا ظننت فلا تحققErtinya : Tiga perkara yang tidak seorang Muslim pun dapat melepaskan diri darinya; sial menyial, sangka buruk, hasad dengki; maka apabila kamu berasa ada sial, jangan kamu pulang dan mengendahkannya, bila kamu hasad, jangan melampau (hingga bertindak) , dan bila kamu bersangka jangan kamu membenarkannya" ( Musannaf Abd Razzak : Ibn Hajar : hadis mursal, Albani : Dhoif)Al-Qaradawi menerangkan maksud jangan kamu membenarkan sangkaan buruk itu adalah dengan tidak berubahnya sikap dan pandangan kamu terhadap orang yang disangka buruk itu. Jika itu tidak dikawal, bermakna kamu sudah membenarkannyaSANGKA BURUK YANG HARUSTidak dinafikan ada beberapa jenis sangka buruk yang diperlukan demi keselamatan diri. Ia juga dinamakan berhati-hati atau 'hazar'. Mudahnya, seperti pemandu kereta dikehendaki 'bersangka buruk' apabila melihat sebuah bas dan teksi di depan mereka akan bersangka buruk ada kemungkinan kenderaan itu berhenti mengejut kerana ingin mengambil penumpang atau menurunkan penumpang. Ia jelas sangka buruk yang tidak berdosa.Demikian juga dalam proses majikan ingin mengambil kakitangan baru. Biasanya pihak majikan akan membuat survey rambang dengan menghubungi beberapa orang yang yang mengenali calon, bagi mendapatkan pandangan mereka berkenaan kemampuan dan lain-lain informasi berguna berkaitan calon. Saya masih ingat, saya pernah menerima Curriculum Vitae (CV) sewaktu bertugas di institusi kewangan dahulu, CV calon ini cukup menarik sekali.Namun mengikut prosedur, sebelum pihak kami memanggil interview, saya perlu menghubungi seseorang yang diyakini mengenali si calon untuk mendapatkan komen beliau, akhirnya kami tidak jadi memanggilnya interview kerana rupanya calon tersebut mempunyai masalah mental. Kami daptkan komen beberapa orang lagi demi memastikan info yang diberi benar serta tidak berniat jahat. Namun info yang sam a diperolehi.SANGKA BURUK YANG HARAMSangka buruk jenis haram dan berdosa ini biasanya didasari oleh perasaan cemburu, hasad, dengki dan berniat ingin menjatuhkan individu yang dijadikan sasarannya.Sangka buruk jenis ini juga hakikatnya lahir dari jiwa dan minda seseorang yang kotor. Ia adalah refleski dirinya yang kerap bergelumang dengan kejahatan dan dosa. Atau dari jiwa yang tiada ikhlas dalam membuat sesuatu perkara. Justeru, dalam mindanya kerap tergambar mustahil ada seseorang boleh berbuat atau bercakap baik kecuali mesti ada helah, agenda kepentingan diri dan muslihat di sebalik. Ia berfikiran demikian kerana demikianlah dirinya. Ia melihat orang lain sepertinya.JENIS PERTAMA : KERANA ALIRAN POLITIKSangka buruk jenis pertama ini didasari oleh permusuhan politik kepartian. Sangka buruk ini juga sangat popular di masa ini terutamanya di zaman isu politik sentiasa hangat.Memang benar, setiap orang politik kerap mempunyai agenda disebalik segala tindakannya, biasanya adalah untuk kepentingan masa depan politiknya. Namun tidak wajar dinafikan ada antara mereka yang benar-benar berniat membantu dalam sesuatu tindakannya.Hasilnya, apabila ada saja seorang ahli politik PAS melakukan satu tindakan yang patut dipuji pada zahirnya, akan wujud sebahagian kumpulan dalam UMNO yang mentakwil apa yang tersirat dan tujuan sebenar dari setiap tindakan baik yang dibuat, sehinggalah ia AKAN dilihat jahat dan tidak layak mendapat pujian, penghargaan dan terima kasih.Demikian juga sebaliknya, apa sahaja tindakan politik yang baik dibuat oleh pemimpin UMNO, akan sentiasa dilihat jahat oleh sebahagian pihak pembangkang. Saya tidak kata semua, namun saya kata ada sebahagian mereka.Sebagai contoh apabila kerajaan Pak Lah mengumumkan pembayaran Ex-Gratia kepada bekas-bekas hakim yang terlibat dalam kes 20 tahun lepas, maka ada yang tetap tidak mahu menghargai tindakan itu lantas berkata :-"Mengapa baru sekarang? Nampak sangat ia dibuat dengan agenda tertentu"Individu dalam kategori ini biasanya akan merasakan diri mereka bijak, sukar diperdaya serta mampu melihat dari dimensi yang luar biasa (kononnya).Namun jika ada pimpinan mereka atau rakan mereka yang melakukan kesilapan yang terang-terang tersalah dan tidak boleh ditakwil lagi, mereka akan bersangka baik pula demi membela segala tindakan tersebut atas dasar maslahat katanya. Bagus, ia memang satu sifat yang baik, tetapi boleh menjadi buruk jika tidak betul cara kendaliannya.Keadaan ini amat membimbangkan kerana ia seolah-olah menjadikan sangka buruk sebagai satu keperluan politik. Tatkala itu, dosa menjadi mainan diri. Sangka baik pula adakalanya digunakan bukan pada tempat yang sepatutnya sehingga menjadikan diri taksub kepada team mereka.JENIS KEDUA : KERANA ALIRAN PEMIKIRAN DAN ANUTANKali ini ia didasari oleh aliran pemikiran pula. Manusia tidak boleh lari dari perbezaan aliran pemikiran. Tidak perlulah dikesali hal ini kerana ia satu hal yang normal. Namun yang dikesali adalah permusuhan dahsyat antara satu kumpulan dengan yang lain.Sebagai contohnya aliran Salafi, Wahabi, Khalafi, Pondok, Sufi, Syiah Malaysia, Hizb Tahrir, Ahbash, Liberal, Hadari dan lain-lain. Masing-masing kelihatan suka kalau pihak yang lain dibenci sehabis mungkin, malah mungkin wujud mereka yang akan sujud syukur jika pimpinan kumpulan sebelah sana meninggal dunia.Tatkala itu sangka buruk sentiasa menjadi idaman dan ruh perjuangan masing-masing. Jika ada sahaja tindakan yang baik dilakukan oleh pimpinan atau ahli aliran yang bertentangan dengan mereka. Akan ditakwilkan sejahatnya.Sebagai contoh yang saya kira paling nyata adalah apa yang berlaku kepada Mufti Perlis. Tiba-tiba Mufti Perlis semakin berterus terang mengkritik beberapa dasar kerajaan yang kurang tepat sebagai contohnya ISA. Akhirnya, pelbagai sangka buruk timbul antaranya,Kononnya ia bersifat demikian hanya selepas pilihanraya 8 Mac, iaitu setelah dilihat kerajaan lemah dan pakatan rakyat kuat, lalu barulah dia bersuara untuk 'membodek' kerajaan pakatan rakyat untuk melantiknya pula.Kononnya beliau berani kerana ingin memenangi hati pemimpin pakatan rakyat kerana tempoh sebagai mufti di Perlis sudah di penghujung."Mengapa sekarang baru nak kritik, mengapa tidak dari dulu lagi, nampak sangat ada udang di sebalik batu.?!!" Tempelak mereka.Dan macam-macam lagi.Saya kerap dengar komen "mengapa baru sekarang!!?" sebagai hujjah untuk membidas segala kebaikan orang lain. Wajarkah komen sebegini?Saya dan rakan-rakan pembaca juga tentu ada penglaman masing-masing dalam hal ini.Bila saya sebut masalah hukum di dalam ASB, syubhat dan keraguan aqad dalam MLM, pelaburan haram cepat kaya.. muncul orang marah lalu berkata:-"Mengapa baru sekarang ustaz sibuk-sibuk, mengapa tak beritahu awal-awal dulu, ni kami dah join lama dan untung ribu-ribu baru nak sibuk kata haram, jangan dengki la ustaz. Mesti sebab ustaz ni ada join skim lain dan sekarang dah rugi kot" Katanya.Saya menjadi pelik pula. Apa yang perlu dipertikaikan dengan sekarang atau dulu, bukankah kekuatan, hidayah, ilmu dan kemampuan itu baru tiba kini dan bukan dahulu. Justeru apa yang perlu dipertikaikan.?Bersyukur sahajalah jika ia membawa kebaikan. Sama juga dengan keadaan kesihatan, dulu sihat, sekarang sakit, dulu kanak-kanak sekarang dewasa dan lain-lain. Jadi apakah wajar kita beteriak memarahi virus yang menghinggapi kita lalu berkata"hei virus, mengapa sekarang mahu kacau, mengapa tidak dulu!!. Lucu juga memikirkannya.Jawapan mengapa sekarang itu mudah saja, mungkin dahulu belum cukup kajian dan ilmu, sekarang sudah..kerana itu baru bersuara sekarang.Mungkin dahulu ada gangguan, sekarang sudah berjaya diketepikan lalu kerana itu baru bersuara sekarang.Dulu, mungkin belum terperasan kesilapan itu, sekarang baru sedar, kerana itu baru tegur.Justeru, mengapa masih ada juga ingin sangka buruk dalam hal seperti ini?.JENIS KETIGA : PERTIKAI KEBAIKAN & KEIKHLASAN ORANG LAINJenis yang ketiga adalah hasil dari kesemua jenis di atas. Akibat sudah mendarah dagingnya perangai dan tabiat itu menyebabkan kehidupan seharian akan dipenuhi dengan sangka buruk dosa ini. Saya masih ingat di waktu heboh isu pelaburan internet skim cepat kaya dahulu (Ketika itu, Majlis Fatwa Kebangsaan masih belum memfatwakan haramnya skim ini). Ada individu menghantar link satu forum kepada saya, forum itu membicarakan artikel saya yang menyebut hukum skim haram.Tiba-tiba mucul seorang former yang berkata :"puas aku fikir dan cari di web zaharuddin ini, apakah niat sebenar si zaharuddin ini sibuk-sibuk menulis isu ini dan menyusahkan kitorang, apa yang dia hendak sebenarnya?""akhirnya aku jumpa, rupanya dia nak jual vcd dia!!, hem tak respeklah aku ust nak jual barang dia ni"Begitulah lebih kurang ayatnya, demikian dahsyatnya manusia di zaman ini. Otak dan mindanya sentiasa memikirkan kejahatan dan muslihat di sebalik segala jenis kebaikan, baginya mustahil ada orang sanggup bersusah payah tanpa ganjaran dan agenda DUNIA. Ini bolehlah saya kelaskan sebagai kumpulan orang sangka buruk jenis ketiga yang wujud di dalam masyarakat kita.Sebagai contoh lain.Ada yang menghantar sms, email atau melalui system sms 33221 (sistem ini telah ditutup sementara waktu) bertanya sambil bersangka buruk berkenaan orang di sekitarnya:-a- "Ustaz ada dengar tak slot Dr ..xxxxx pengasas ayam organik di radio ikim. Cara cakapnya macam dia sorang yang halal, dan semua yang tanda halal JAKIM tidak boleh pakai. Apa pandangan ustaz tentang dakwaan Dr ini dan perjuangannya memartabatkan makanan yang betul-betul halal kononnya tu?.. boleh caya ke. Nampak macam nak perkayakan diri sendiri jer"b- "PPIM ni sebenarnya ustaz bukan nak perjuang isu kepenggunaan Islam, mereka nak jual nama persatuan mereka, lepas ni senang nak dapat budjet"c- "Ustaz ni dah buat tebiat apa? Dalam banyak-banyak urusan umat yang begitu kritikal, sempat pula dia menulis buku cinta(n)!", simpul seorang pemerhati jarak jauh. (petikan dari web "eleh ustaz-ustaz TV ni, hanya layak mendapat gelaran 'pelawak' dari penceramah, asyik buat lawak aja. Depa ni sebenarnya sedang jual agamanya untuk popular di televisyen"e- "Saya benci dengan ustaz yang tak jelas parti apa ni, bagi saya mereka ni munafiq dan hanya pentingkan perut mereka saja, kerana itu tidak berani berterus terang"f- "Kecewa dengan ustaz. Mengapa ustaz tak aktif lagi dalam perjuangan jemaah Islam, ustaz dah futur dan tergelincir dari perjuangan dakwah ke?" Tanya seorang bersangka buruk kepada saya melalui ruang komentar.g- Seorang isteri dinasihatkan oleh seorang penulis artikel bahawa : "jika suami anda tiba-tiba baik, spoting, romantik, ketahuilah sebenarnya ia ada benda jahat yang sedang disorokkan"Banyak lagi contoh-contoh yang tidak larat saya kumpulkan, ia cuma beberapa contoh betapa budaya sangka buruk berbaur dengki dan hasad begitu meriah dalam masyarakat kita hari ini. Tidak bolehkah kita bersangka baik terlebih dahulu. Semua punyai peranannya, samada seseorang itu ikhlas atau tidak, itu bukan urusan kita untuk bersangka buruuk mereka tidak ikhlas atau punyai agenda lain.Malah jika mereka memang punyai agenda tetapi agenda yang halal, maka TIADA salahnya. Selagi mana zahir tindakan mereka tadi adalah baik SERTA menghasilkan kesan yang baik kepada masyarakat umum. Kita wajar bersangka baik dan menyokongnya tanpa perlu menghentam sambil menambah dosa dan menyubur kebencian di hati. Allah swt mengingatkan :-يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا اجْتَنِبُوا كَثِيرًا مِّنَ الظَّنِّ إِنَّ بَعْضَ الظَّنِّ إِثْمٌErtinya : Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Jauhilah kebanyakan dari sangkaan (supaya kamu tidak tergelincir ke dalam sangkaan yang dilarang) kerana sesungguhnya sebahagian dari sangkaan itu adalah dosa..." [Surah al-Hujurat, ayat 12]Imam Fakhruddin Ar-Razi menghuraikan :الظن ينبغي بعد اجتهاد تام ووثوق بالغErtinya : "Sangkaan ini mestilah disokong oleh ijtihad ( usaha bersungguh memastikan kebenarannya, dan penyelidikan yang dalam" ( Tafsir Ar-Razi, 28/115 )Justeru, dalam hal mencari keikhlasan seseorang dalam sesuatu teguran dan usaha baikknya, Islam tidak menyuruh kita menyelidik hati seseorang. Hanya hal berkaitan zahir seperti jenayah, kesalahan fizikal dan yang sepertinya sahaja memerlukan penyelidikan yang disebutkan oleh imam Ar-Razi tadi.Namun begitu, kepada para pendakwah, teruskan usaha anda dengan cara anda yang tersendiri.Jangan dipedulikan hasad dan sangka buruk manusia lain yang berhati busuk. Malah Nabi s.a.w sendiri juga pernah terkena sangka buruk seorang lelaki sebagaimana dicatatkan dalam hadis sohih berikut :-قال فَقَامَ رَجُلٌ غَائِرُ الْعَيْنَيْنِ مُشْرِفُ الْوَجْنَتَيْنِ نَاشِزُ الْجَبْهَةِ كَثُّ اللِّحْيَةِ مَحْلُوقُ الرَّأْسِ مُشَمَّرُ الْإِزَارِ فقال يا رَسُولَ اللَّهِ اتَّقِ اللَّهَ قال وَيْلَكَ أو لست أَحَقَّ أَهْلِ الأرض أَنْ يَتَّقِيَ اللَّهَ قال ثُمَّ وَلَّى الرَّجُلُ قال خَالِدُ بن الْوَلِيدِ يا رَسُولَ اللَّهِ ألا أَضْرِبُ عُنُقَهُ قال لَا لَعَلَّهُ أَنْ يَكُونَ يُصَلِّي فقال خَالِدٌ وَكَمْ من مُصَلٍّ يقول بِلِسَانِهِ ما ليس في قَلْبِهِ قال رسول اللَّهِ إني لم أُومَرْ أَنْ أَنْقُبَ قُلُوبِ الناس ولا أَشُقَّ بُطُونَهُمْErtinya : Berdiri seorang lelaki yang matanya ke dalam, lebat janggutnya, kepalanya tercukur lalu berkata :"Wahai Rasulullah bersikap takutlah kepada Allah" ( Sebagai tanda tidak puas hati terhadap pembahagian yang dilakukan oleh Nabi),Baginda menjawab : "Bukankah aku sepatutnya ( sebagai Rasulullah ) orang yang paling takut kepada Allah."Lelaki itu terus beredar dan Khalid Ibn Walid berkata"Adakah perlu aku


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 06:05AM  

    Dawah Vidéos Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    Dawah Vidéos Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    Nov 25th 2013, 05:20
    Demande en mariage

    Au nom d'Allah, le Tout Miséricordieux, le Très Miséricordieux.

    D&#039;après Abou Houreira (qu&#039;Allah l&#039;agrée), le Prophète (que la prière d&#039;Allah et son salut soient sur lui) a dit:
    « Si se présente à vous celui dont vous êtes satisfait de sa religion et de son comportement alors mariez-le. Si vous ne le faites pas cela va entraîner le désordre sur la terre et une grande perversion ».

    (Rapporté par Tirmidhi et authentifié par Cheikh Albani dans Ghayatoul Maram n°219)
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 06:04AM  

    bushido - Social Mention
    I knew most of these. The yoga one makes me smile. I am surprised that bushido isn't mentioned but it I guess it isn't' mysticism'. It was invented about 100 years ago to manipulate japanese citizens to go along with imperialism and war. The real samurai were serious backstabbing and brutal bastards much like the knights of europe.
    Nov 25th 2013, 05:18
    Some 'ancient' practices are about as authentic as the ill-fated Chinese tattoo on your arm that the lady swore meant 'pure warrior.'
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Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 24 Themen
Nov 25th 2013, 06:39, by Nahsaka Lasbhan


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 06:04AM  

    nasheed - Social Mention
    Har Baat ka Koi Jawab Nahi Hota… Har Ishq ka Naam Kharab Nahi Hotaaa.. Yuh to Joom Lete Hai Nashe me Pine Wale Magar Har Nashe ka Naam Sharab Nahi Hota…
    Nov 25th 2013, 06:01
    Off square one: Deepening democracy in South Asia
    Nov 25th 2013, 06:00
    The region is able and readier to boot out governments
    . Yaro0o0 Mujjhy Muaaaf Kar0 Me Nashee h0o0o :'( :v :p #r0xkSxtar 8)
    Nov 25th 2013, 05:55
    Ishq K Nashe Ma Dhobe To Ye Jana Hum Ne K Dard Ma Tanhai Nhi Hoti, Tanhai Ma Dard Hota Hai........
    Nov 25th 2013, 05:51
    Mashoor Hona Par Magroor Na Hona Kamyabi Ke Nashe Main Choor Na Hona Mil Jaye Sari Saynat Aapko Magar Iske Liye Apnon Se Kabhi Door Mat Hona…..
    Nov 25th 2013, 05:47
    Kuch Muhabat Ka Nasha Tha Pehle Hm Ko Faraz Dil Jo Tota To Nashe Se Muhabat Ho Gai..
    Nov 25th 2013, 05:46
    Ishq mein deewangi jab hadh se badh jaaye Tabhi woh asli ishq kehlaaye
    Nov 25th 2013, 05:45
    Nov 25th 2013, 05:42
    Har Baat ka Jawab Nahi Hota "Har ISHQ ka naam kharab nahi hota" "Yu to jhum lete hai NASHE me pine wale " "Magar har NASHE ka naam SHARAB nahi hota"
    Nov 25th 2013, 05:38
    100 SHAYARI .....enjoy (1) Mohabbat mujhe thi usi se..Sanam. Yadaon me uski yeh Dil tadpta raha .. Maut bhi meri Chahat ko rok na saki.. Kabr me bhi yeh Dil Dhadkta raha. (2) Tumhari is ada ka kya jawab du, apne dost ko kya uphar du, koi achcha sa phool hota to mali se mangvata, jo khud gulab hai usko kya gulab du… (3) Aapki Muskurahat ne hame behosh kar diya, Aapki Muskurahat ne hame behosh kar diya, Hum Hosh me aane hi waale the, ki Aapne fir se muskura diya. (4) Bina dard ke ansu bahaye nahi jate, Bina pyar ke rishte nibhaye nahi jate, E dost 1 baat yaad rakhna bina DIL diye DIL paye bhi nahi jate. (5) Mast Nazron se dekh lenaa tha Agar tamanna thi aazmane ki, Hum to behosh youn hi ho jaate Kya zaroorat thi muskurane ki. (6) Badi Muddat se chaha hai tujhe, bade Duaon se paya hai tujhe, tujhe bhulane ki socho bhi to kaise, Kismat ki Lakiron se churaya hai tujhe! (7) ek nazar teri kaher dhati hai, ek teri chal lehrati hai, dua dete hain hum jab tu aati jati hai, girten hain log aur tu hasti jati hai… (8) Zindagi ek phool hai aur mohabbat us ka shehed Pyar Ek Dariya Hai, Aur Mehboob uski sarhad. (9) Dil Ko Manana Gar Hota Aasaan, Na Karta Kisi Ko Yun Ye Pareshaan, Tanha Na Rahta Bhari Mehfil Me, Na Hoti Woh Halat Jo Ho Na Sake Bayaan. (10) Tapish Suraj Ki Hoti Hai, Jalna Zameen Ko Parta Hai Qusur Aankhon Ka Hota Hai, Tarapna Dil Ko Parta Hai. (11) Koi aankhon aankhon se baat kar leta hai, Koi aankhon aankhon mein mulakat kar leta hai, Mushkil hota hai jawab dena, Jab koi khamosh rehkar bhi sawal kar leta hai (12) Kismet se apni sabko shikayat kyu hai, Jo nahi mil sakta usi se mohabbat kyu hai, Kitne khade hai raho pe, Phir bhi dil ko usi ki chahat kyu hai. (13) Chand ki raton mein sara jahan sota hai, Lekin kisi ki yadoon mein koi badnaseeb rota hai, Khuda kisi ko mohabbat pe fida na kare, Agar kare to kisi ko juda na kare (14) Khudaa jab husn deta hai nazaakat aaa hi jati hai, Kadam chun chun kar rakhti ho….. Phir bhi kamar balkha hi jaati hai….. (15) Yun durr rehkar duriyon ko badaya nahi karte, Apne deewano ko sataya nahi karte, Har waqt bas jise tumhara khyal ho, Usey apni awaaz ke liye tadpaya nahi karte (16) Jamane se nahi to tanhai se darta hu, Pyar se nahi to ruswai se darta hu, Milne ki umang bahot hoti hai dil me, Lekin milne ke baad teri judai se darta hu (17) Ham tere dil mein rahenge ek yaad bankar, Tere lab pa khilenge muskaan bankar, Kabhi hamein apne se juda na samajhna, Hum tere saath challenge aasmaan bankar (18) Kuch nasha to aapki baat ka hai Kuch nasha to dheemi barsaat ka hai Hame aap yuhi sharabi na kahiye, Yeh dil par asar to aapse mulaqat ka hai (19) Dil se tumhe kaise mita de, Hum tumhe kaise bhoola de. Ji to chahata hai duniya chor de, Ya phir judai dene wale in duniya walo ko phod de. (20) Yeh mat pucho tum bin hum kya kya khote rahe, Tumhari yaadon mein hum roz kitne rote rahe, Na din gujre hai na raatein, Bas kuch bechain se hum hote rahe! (21) Tumhari lovely aankho ne, Hame aise attract kiya, Ke sabko neglect karke, Tumhe hi select kiya. (22) Na khuda dil banata na kisise pyar hota, Na kisiki yaad ati na kisika intazar hota. Dil diya hai ise sambhal ke rakhna, Shishe se bana hai pathar se dur rakhna! (23) Agar hum na hote to ghazal kaun kehta, Aap ke chehre ko kamal ko kehta, Yeh to karishma hai mohabbat ka, Varna pathro ko tajmahal kaun kehta (24) Chaho to dil se hamko mitta dena Chaho to humko bhula dena Par Yeh wada karo ki aaye jo kabhi yaad hamari To rona nahi Bus muskura dena… (25) Tarasti nazaron ki pyas ho tum, Tadapte dil ki aas ho tum, Bujti zindagi ki sas ho tum, Phir kaise na kahu?.. kuch khas ho tum. (26) Aankhon Me Armaan Diya Karte Hai, Hum Sabki Neend Chura Liya Karte Hai, Ab Se Jab Jab Aapki Palkay Jhapkeygi….. samaj Lena Tab Tab Hum Aapko Yaad kiya karte Hai…..! (27) Sabne kaha ishq dard hai, Humne kaha ye dard Kabul hai, Sabne kaha is dard ke saath ji nahi paoge, Humne kaha is dard ke saath marna Kabul hai (28) Kaash tum mujhe ek khat likh dete, mujhme kya kya thi kami yeh to bata dete, tadapte dil se mere tumne nafrat kyu ki, nafrat ki hi mujhe koi vajah to bata dete. (29) Raat hogi to chand duhai dega, Khawabon mein aapko woh chehra dikhai dega, Ye mohabbat hai zara sochke karna, Ek aansoo bhi gira to sunai dega. (30) Ishq wale ankho ki baat samajh lete hai, Sapno me mil jaye to mulakat samajh lete hai, rota to aasma bhi hai Pyaar k liye, par log use barsat samajh lete hai. (31) Chehre pe haseen chaa jati hai Aankhon main suroor aaa jata hai Jab tum mujhe apna kahte ho Apne pe ghuroor aa jata hai (32) Khoob aati hai jab Yaad teri bahot sataati hai, Dhoop main,chaanw main, ghataao.n mai.n, Teri soorat ubhar K aati hai (33) Taare aasman me hi chamkte hai, Badal itne dur hai, phir bhi baraste hai, Hum bhi kitne ajib hai,Tum Dil me rehte ho, aur hum tumse milne ko taraste hai (34) Aasman se uncha koi nahi, Sagar se gahra koi nahi, Yun to mujhko sabhi Pyare hai, par aapse Pyara koi nahi (35) Aaj us khuda ki shararat samajh me aai, is dharti par aapki maujudgi samajh aai, Aapko is dharti par bhejna us khuda ka bahana tha, Kyo ki hamare lie aapko aana hi tha. (36) Kismat me jiski aap, use jindgi se kya chaahiye, Dhadkan me jinki aap, use dunia se kya chaahiye, Hum to jite hai aap k liye, warna in saanson se kya chaahiye. (37) Kash Dil ki awaz me itna asar ho jay, Hum apko yaad karen aur apko khabar ho jay, Aaj kuda se itni hi dua hai, aap jo bhi chaho vo haqiqat ho jay. (38) Kushbu tere Pyar ki mujhe Mahka jati hai, teri har baat mujhe bahka jati hai, Saansen to bahut der leti hai aane jane me, Har saans k pahle mujhe teri yaad aati hai. (39) Paani ko patthar na maro use bhi koi pita hai, Jina hai to muskurakar jiyo, tumhe dekhkar koi aur bhi jita hai. (40) Kisi k Dhadkte Dil k pichhe koi baat hote hai, Kisi k udas Dil k piche koi yaad hoti hai, Aap ko pata ho ya na ho, aap k khushi k liye kahin roz fariyad hoti hai. (41) jaan hai hume jaan se pyari, Jaan k liye chhod du dunia sari Jaan k liye chhod du rasme sari, ab tumse kya chupana, tum hi to ho jaan hamari. (42) Tu kya jane kya hai tanhai, is tute hue Dil se puch kya hai judai, Bewfai ka ilzam na de zalim, is waqt se puch kis waqt teri yaad nahi aai. (43) Yuhin hi sapno se Dil ko lagaya karo, Kisi k khwaabon me aya jaya karo, Jab bhi Dil kahe ki koi tumhe bhi manaye, Bas hame yaad kar k ruth jaya karo. (44) Maine khuda se ek dua mangi, dua me apni maut mangi, khuda ne kaha maut to tujhe de dun, par uska kya jisne har dua me teri jindgi mangi. (45) Karte nahi izhar phir kyun karte ho tum pyar? nazron se bate bahut hui ab lab se karo ikrar… (46) Suna hai waqt ke saath halat badal jate hain Insan badal jate hain, jazbat badal jate hain Par tum na badloge, ye aitbar karta hoon Main tumse pyaar karta hoon Main tumse pyaar karta hoon (47) Jaam pe jaam peene se kya fayeda, Raat guzri to utar jayegi, Kisi ki aankhon se peeyo khuda ki kasam, Umr saari nashe mein guzar jayegi. (48) Woh Zindagi hi kya jisme Mohabbat nahi, Woh Mohabbat hi kya jisme Yaadein nahi, Woh Yaadein kya jisme Tum nahi, Aur woh Tum hi kya jiske saath Hum nahi. (49) Humne socha tha ki shayad, hum hi chahte hai tumko, par tumhe chahne wala to kafila nikla, Dil ne kaha shikayat kar khuda se, par khuda bhi tera chahne wala nikla. (50) Jab jab aapse milne ki umeed nazar aayi… mere paav mein zanjir nazar aayi.. gir pade aansu aankh se… aur har ek aansu mein aapki taswir nazar aayi. (51) Dil ke rishtey bhi ajeeb hote hai.. duur reh kar bhi kareeb hote hai… jo log aapko roz dekhte hai.. woh log kitne khushnaseeb hote hai.. (52) Chehre pe haseen chha jati hai, Aankhon main suroor aaa jata hai, Jab tum mujhe apna kahte ho, Apne pe ghuroor aa jata hai. (53) Zindagi jaise ek saza si ho gaye hai, gam ke sagar me is kadar kho gayi hai, tum aajao wapis yeh gujarish hai meri…. shayaad mujhe tumari aadat si hogayi hai. (54) Pani ka ek katra aankh se gira abhi abhi.. kya tum ne mujko yaad kiya abhi abhi.. tujh se mile zamana hua magar… yun laga koi mujse mil k gaya abhi abhi.. (55) Sham dhali, raat aayi Dil dhadka – Fir Tumhari yaad aayi, Aankho ne mehsus kiya us hawa ko – jo tumhe chukar hamare pass aayi. (56) Yaad mein teri aanhe bharta hai koi, har saans k saath tujhe yaad karta hai koi
    Nov 25th 2013, 05:36
    Na Jane Wo Neend K Nashe me Itna Kaise Doob Jati Hai . . . . Hum To Karwat Bhi Badalte Hai To uski yaad tadpa jaati h.... !!
    Nov 25th 2013, 05:33
    Nhoo Manchess Ashe Mucho* K No Vehia Ha Mhiss Primahs Ndha K Ver Conh Eyhas Camhviaron Muxoo :-/ ¿?....
    Nov 25th 2013, 05:30
    AAjao Dosto KAhin nashe men men akela na reh jaun
    Nov 25th 2013, 05:27
    :( :( :( ahhhh akhe chera...... :\ :( :(
    Nov 25th 2013, 05:24
    Nov 25th 2013, 05:23
    mashala da nazara nashe
    Nov 25th 2013, 05:22
    I long and pray for the day when America's Christian church services are as energetic, excellently executed, non-restrictive, out-the-box, innovative, culturally diverse, spirit-filled and multi-racially accepting and welcoming as a Jay Z or Michael Jackson concert. Yes, like that. Good night.
    Nov 25th 2013, 05:20
    Duriyaa aasani se mitati hai "Sharab" Majburiyon ko nashe mein nachati hai "Sharab" Aansuyon ko mila de tu apne har ek jaam mein Fir dekh kaise yaadon ko aur kareeb lati hai "Sharab" Thak chuke hai jo is duniya ke sitamo se Unhe do pal ki rahat dilati hai "Sharab" Pankh laga kar aasmaan mein ud jate hai jo panchi Do ghoot mein umhe baho mein la sakti hai "Sharab" Jiss ka hath sari duniya chod deti hai Unke hathon mein akshar paayie jati hai "Sharab" Kabhi bhi apne gamon ko bhulana ho to kah dena Kitne bhi bade gum mein kisiko bhi hasati hai "Sharab"
    Nov 25th 2013, 05:19
    Nasha Hota Agar Sharab Me To nachTy Bottaal :p #AwaRa
    Nov 25th 2013, 05:17
    Nashe mei chur...
    Nov 25th 2013, 05:15
    Har Baat ka Koi Jawab Nahi Hota… Har Ishq ka Naam Kharab Nahi Hotaaa.. Yuh to Joom Lete Hai Nashe me Pine Wale Magar Har Nashe ka Naam Sharab Nahi Hota.
    Nov 25th 2013, 05:14
    anechiwu nashe tesfawu Le adame Kedan mehirt betsedade gezi ke genate!!!!!
    Nov 25th 2013, 05:13
    Usko aapne husn par ghuroor hai, Humko aapne ishq par ghuroor hai... Woh bhi nashe mein choor hai, Aur hum bhi piye hue...!!! {ANJAAN}
    Nov 25th 2013, 05:12
    Humne mohabbat ke nashe mein aakar unhe khuda keh diya.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hosh to tab aaya jab unhone kaha- khuda kisi ek ka nhi hota. :o :o :o :p :p :p ##$îd.(r
    Nov 25th 2013, 05:12
    Humne mohabbat ke nashe mein aakar unhe khud keh diya.. . . . . . . . . . . . Hosh to tab aaya jab unhone kaha- khuda kisi ek ka nhi hota. :o :o :o :p :p :p ##$îd.(r
    Nov 25th 2013, 05:10
    وااایییی..! والا تا اونجا که من یادمه...10 ساله همه دارن میگن بابا اصلا انرژی هسته ای نمی خوایم...جمع کنن تا شرایط بهتر شه... الان اینا رفتن یه حرکتی زدن بعدِ این همه سال...همه دارن میگن دیگه الان؟چرا قبل تحریما نکردن این کارو؟!یکی دیگه میگه ترکمانچای عه!این همه امتیاز!!دادن یه نصفه گرفتن و بحث داغی راجب شرایط و درصد و این چیزای محدودیت فعالیت هسته ای میگه! حالا آیا این توافق این همه نکته منفی ضد هسته ای! که داشته..نکته مثبت غیر هسته ای ای! هم داشته؟گویا نه! اونی که میگه امیرکبیر مصدق ظریف هم در این بین کاراکتر جالبی عه باز...
    Nov 25th 2013, 05:10
    MDP Final Parade #GoVote
    Nov 15th 2013, 18:09
    #votunverikan #KKBK
    MDP Final Parade #GoVote


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 06:01AM  

    Al-Ansar.des Facebook-Pinnwand
    Al-Ansar.des Facebook-Pinnwand
    Sinn des Spendens
    Dinge wie Vermögen, Zeit, Talente, Wissen und Leben, die dem...
    Nov 25th 2013, 05:41
    Sinn des Spendens

    Dinge wie Vermögen, Zeit, Talente, Wissen und Leben, die dem Muslim von Allah in Seiner Güte gegeben wurden, soll er der Schöpfung um Allahs Willen wieder zur Verfügung stellen. Und er tut dies nur, um damit Allahs Gunst und Zufriedenheit zu erreichen:

    „Wahrlich, die spendenden Männer und die spendenden Frauen und jene, die Allah ein gutes Darlehen geben – es wird ihnen um ein Vielfaches gemehrt, und für sie gibt es edelmütige Belohnung"(57:18)
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 05:57AM  

    al-ansar - Social Mention
    ShamiWitness: #Breaking Clashes break out in Benghazi between Western trained "national army" & Ansar al Sharia LY.casualties from army side . #Libya"
    Nov 25th 2013, 05:56
    Kelompok2 Islamis Syria Bergabung: 7 pasukan Islamis bubar dan bentuk aliansi memerangi pasukan Assad Tujuh kelompok Islamis penting bubar dan membentuk satu kelompok, yi 'Front Islam,' dan berjanji utk membangun negara Islam dalam sebuah Syria pasca-Assad. Merger ini dianggap sbg yg terbesar. Faksi2 tsb adalah pasukan2 terbesar di Aleppo, termasuk Liwa al-Tawhid, Ahrar al-Sham(Salafi) ,Soqour al-Sham (bermarkas di Idlib), Brigade al-Haq (dr Hom), Ansar al-Sham & Tentara Islam (Damaskus). Front Islam Kurdi juga bergabung dgn kelompok ini. Jubir Front Islam yg baru ini mengatakan akan bekerja sama dgn the Free Syrian Army (FSA). FSA, yg dibentuk dgn dukungan BARAT dan Arab adalah tangan militer Koalisi Nasional Syria (SNC), blok oposisi utama negeri tsb. Para Islamis menganggap SNC sbg kaki tangan Barat, mengimplementasikan agenda Barat. Merger ini datang setelah tewasnya pemimpin militer Liwa al-Tawhid, Abdel Qader Saleh, yg dipercaya sbg arsitek merger tsb. Tantangan utama kelompok ini adalah kurangnya uang dan senjata
    Nov 25th 2013, 05:51
    Seven major Islamist rebel groups battling President Bashar al-Assad's regime in Syria have announced a merger to form an "Islamic Front" and pledged to buil...
    Nov 25th 2013, 05:36
    Actual Play- November 29, 2013 Liking Period- November 19- 28.
    like my frnd page
    Nov 25th 2013, 05:27
    Profession: Air hostess, Now actor... :)
    RULING ON HIJAB FOR MUSLIM WOMEN List of Contents 1. What is Hijab ? 2. Why we need to do hijab ? 3. Does Hijab is limited only for woman ? 4. Is it an oppression for woman in Islam ? 5. Right way of following hijab . 6. Rewards of doing hijab . ======================================= 1. What is Hijab ? The term hijab in Arabic literally means "a screen or curtain" and is used in the Qur'an to refer to a partition. Another meaning is a veil that covers the head and chest, which is particularly worn by a Muslim female beyond the age of puberty in the presence of adult males. It can further refer to any head, face or body covering worn by Muslim women that conforms to a certain standard ofmodesty. It not only refers to the physical body covering, but also embodies a metaphysical dimension, where al-hijab refers to "the veil which separates man or the world from God".Hijab can also be used to refer to the seclusion of women from men in the public sphere. Most often, it is worn by Muslim women as a symbol of modesty, privacy and morality. Modesty in the Qur'an concerns both men's and women's gaze, gait, garments, and genitalia." Although the Qur'an stresses modesty, it does not specifically require women to keep their heads or faces covered. In fact, the Qur'an never explicitly uses the term hijab in reference to body veiling in any context, instead utilizing the words ‹See Tfd› khimār ( ﺧﻤﺎﺭ- conceal or to cover ) and jilbāb ( ﺟﻠﺒﺎﺏ), not hijab. Hijab or Hejab refers to The Rules of covering up. It never references the specific item or items of clothing used to cover up. ﻭَ ﻟْﻴَﻀْﺮِﺑْﻦَ ﺑِﺨُﻤُﺮِﻫِﻦَّ ﻋَﻠﻰَ ﺟُﻴُﻮْﺑِﻬِﻦَّ ... (and they should place their khumur over their bosoms...") Khumur ﺧُﻤُﺮٌ is plural of khimarﺧِﻤَﺎﺭٌ, the veil covering the head. See any Arabic dictionary like Lisanu 'l-'Arab, Majma'u 'l-Bahrayn or al- Munjid. Al-Munjid, which is the most popular dictionary in the Arab world, defines al- khimar as "something with which a woman conceals her head— ﻣﺎ ﺗﻐﻄﻰ ﺑﻪ ﺍﻟﻤﺮﺃﺓ ﺭﺃﺳﻬﺎ ." ======================================== 2. Why we need to do Hijab ? Before anyone can have a true and complete understanding of hijab and its real meaning, one needs to take a step back and start at the beginning. Allah says in the Quran, which Muslims believe is the word of God, what means: [Not for (idle) sport did We create the heavens and the earth and all that is between!] (Al- Anbiyaa' 21:16) In this verse Allah makes clear that everything He created has a purpose. Every star in the sky, every fish in the ocean, and every leaf on a tree was made for a specific reason. So too was the human being created for a specific purpose. And Allah explains this purpose clearly in the Quran. He says what means: [And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me.] (Adh-Dhariyat 51:56) It is important to note even the construction of this statement. Allah did not just say that He created jinn and mankind to worship Him. He began with a negation. He said: "I did not create the jinn and mankind." By saying it in this way, Allah begins by clearing the board from any other purpose before He states what our one and only purpose is: to worship Him and Him alone. Now, it is in that context that one should begin to understand hijab. Hijab should properly be seen as simply another show of devotion to our Creator. Just as we pray and fast because He commanded us to do so, we should view hijab in the very same light. Just as praying and fasting sincerely for Allah's pleasure brings us closer to Him, so too does wearing hijab — if done with the same sincerity. By obeying Allah's commandments, hijab is just another way to worship our Lord. And in so doing, it brings us closer to realizing our purpose of creation. That purpose can be reflected even in the clothes that we choose to wear. If when we choose our dress, our intention is to please Allah, that action in itself is an act of worship. In the very choice of one piece of clothing over another, is an act of worship. =============================================== 3. Does Hijab is limited only for woman ? Islam has strongly emphasized the concept of decency and modesty in the interaction between members of the opposite sex. Dress code is part of that overall teaching. There are two verses in the Qur'an in which Almighty Allah talks about the issue of decency and hijab as defined earlier. In Chapter 24 known as an-Nūr (the Light), in verse 30, Allah commands Prophet Muhammad as follows: ﻗُﻞْ ﻟِﻠْﻤُﺆْﻣِﻨِﻴْﻦَ ﻳَﻐُﻀُّﻮْﺍ ﻣِﻦْ ﺃَﺑْﺼَﺎﺭِﻫِﻢْ ﻭَ ﻳَﺤْﻔَﻈُﻮْﺍ ﻓُﺮُﻭْﺟَﻬُﻢْ, ﺫَﻟِﻚَ ﺃَﺯْﻛَﻰ ﻟَﻬُﻢْ . "Say to the believing men that: they should cast down their glances and guard their private parts (by being chaste). This is better for them." This is a command to Muslim men that they should not lustfully look at women (other than their own wives); and in order to prevent any possibility of temptation, they are required to cast their glances downwards.This is known as "hijab of the eyes". Then in the next verse, Allah commands the Prophet to address the women : ﻗُﻞْ ﻟِﻠْﻤُﺆْﻣِﻨَﺎﺕِ ﻳَﻐْﻀُﻀْﻦَ ﻣِﻦْ ﺃَﺑْﺼَﺎﺭِﻫِﻦَّ ﻭَ ﻳَﺤْﻔَﻈْﻦَ ﻓُﺮُﻭْﺟَﻬُﻦَّ... "Say to the believing women that: they should cast down their glances and guard their private parts (by being chaste)…" This is a similar command as given to the men in the previous verse regarding " hijab of the eyes". After "hijab of the eyes" came the order describing the dress code for women: ﻭَ ﻻَ ﻳُﺒْﺪِﻳْﻦَ ﺯِﻳْﻨَﺘَﻬُﻦَّ ﺇِﻻَّ ﻣَﺎ ﻇَﻬَﺮَ ﻣِﻨْﻬَﺎ ﻭَ ﻟْﻴَﻀْﺮِﺑْﻦَ ﺑِﺨُﻤُﺮِﻫِﻦَّ ﻋَﻠﻰَ ﺟُﻴُﻮْﺑِﻬِﻦَّ ... "...and not display their beauty except what is apparent, and they should place their khumur over their bosoms..." There are two issues about this sentence. First is that women should not display her beauty infront of everyone except which is displayed by it self hands ,feets etc. Second thing is that they(the believing women) should place khumur over their blossoms . As we already know the meaning of khumur plural ..khimar singular .(So the word khimar, by definition, means a piece of cloth that covers the head. ) According to the commentators of the Qur'an, the women of Medina in the pre-Islamic era used to put their khumur over the head with the two ends tucked behind and tied at the back of the neck, in the process exposing their ears and neck. By saying that, "place the khumur over the bosoms," Almighty Allah ordered the women to let the two ends of their headgear extend onto their bosoms so that they conceal their ears, the neck, and the upper part of the bosom also. This is confirmed by the way the Muslim women of the Prophet's era understood this commandment of Almighty Allah. The Sunni sources quote Ummu 'l-mu'minin 'A'isha, the Prophet's wife, as follows: "I have not seen women better than those of al-Ansar (the inhabitants of Medina): when this verse was revealed, all of them got hold of their aprons, tore them apart, and used them to cover their heads..." The meaning of khimar and the context in which the verse was revealed clearly talks about concealing the head and then using the loose ends of the scarf to conceal the neck and the bosom. It is absurd to believe that the Qur'an would use the word khimar (which, by definition, means a cloth that covers the head) only to conceal the bosom with the exclusion of the head! It would be like saying to put on your shirt only around the belly or the waist without covering the chest! Thus types of hijab has be described above one is the hijab of eye and hijab regarding dress code (hijab of dressing .) ============================================= 4. Is it an oppression for woman in Islam ? Alhamdulillah it has been made clear from verses of Quran ruling of hijab is ordered first for man followed by woman .Hijab for woman is the same and a bit extended too.In the sense that as man ,woman should also lower her gaze and apart from that she showed cover her modesty in order to avoid attraction towards other gender woman's physical appearance is different from man. In following the command of ALLAH woman will be safe and feels protected too. Attractive Hijab & Shariyah : Lets come to the ruling of hijab , now a days a kind of modernized way of hijab is being practiced . In this verse of the Quran, Allah does not just talk about the dress of modesty, but also the demeanor of modesty. In fact, both internal and external modesty is so important that the Prophet (peace be upon him) connected it with faith itself. Unfortunately, we live in a society that teaches the exact opposite. In our society today, modesty is viewed as a sign of weakness and insecurity, when in fact modesty is a sign of dignity and self-respect. True modesty means not only being modest in front of people, but also in front of Allah. ============================================== 5. Right way of following hijab . In Chapter 33 known as al-Ahzab, verse 59, Allah gives the following command to Prophet Muhammad: ﻳَﺎ ﺃَﻳُّﻬَﺎ ﺍﻟﻨَّﺒِﻲُّ, ﻗُﻞْ ﻷَﺯْﻭَﺍﺟِﻚَ ﻭَ ﺑَﻨَﺎﺗِﻚَ ﻭَ ﻧِﺴﺂﺀِ ﺍﻟْﻤُﺆْﻣِﻨِﻴْﻦَ: ﻳُﺪْﻧِﻴْﻦَ ﻋَﻠَﻴْﻬِﻦَّ ﻣِﻦْ ﺟَﻼَﺑِﻴْﺒِﻬِﻦَّ ... "O Prophet! Say toyour wives, your daughters, and the women of the believers that: they should let down upon themselves their jalabib. " What is the meaning of "jalabib"? Jalabibﺟَﻼَﺑِﻴْﺐٌ is the plural of jilbabﺟِﻠْﺒَﺎﺏٌ , which means a loose outer garment. See any Arabic dictionary like Lisanu 'l-'Arab, Majma'u 'l- Bahrayn or al-Munjid . Al-Munjid, for instance, defines jilbab as "the shirt or a wide dress— ﺍﻟﻘﻤﻴﺺ ﺃﻭ ﺍﻟﺜﻮﺏ ﺍﻟﻮﺍﺳﻊ ." While al-Turayhi, in Majma'u 'l-Bahrayn , defines it as "a wide dress, wider than the scarf and shorter than a robe, that a woman puts upon her head and lets it down on her bosom..." This means that the Islamic dress code for women does not only consist of a scarf that covers the head, the neck and the bosom; it also includes the overall dress that should be long and loose. So, for instance, the combination of a tight, short sweater with tight-fitting jeans with a scarf over the head does not fulfill the requirements of the Islamic dress code. Finally the verse goes on to give the list of the mahram – male family members in whose presence the hijab is not required, such as the husband, the father, the father-in-law, the son (s), and others. Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 4 Surah Nisaa verses 22-23: And do not marry at all those women whom your father had married, though what has happened in the past is excepted. This is an indecent and abominable thing and an evil practice. Forbidden to you are your mothers, daughters, sisters, paternal aunts, maternal aunts, brother's daughters, sister's daughters, your foster mothers who have given suckle to you, your foster sisters who have taken suckle with you, the mothers of your wives, the daughters of your wives whom you have brought up, the daughters of your wives with whom you have conjugal relations, and it is not sinful for you to marry their daughters (after having divorced them). Also forbidden to you are the wives of your sons who are from your loins, and it is unlawful for you to keep two real sisters as wives at one and the same time, though what has happened in the past is excepted, for Allah is indeed Forgiving, Merciful. List of Mehram of the woman: Father (includes grand father, great grand father, great great grand father, etc.) Sons (includes sons's and daughter's sons, grand sons, and so on) Brother ( includes brother's sons, his sons, and so on) Sister's sons (includes sister's son's sons, his sons, and so on) Paternal and Maternal uncles Son in law Father in law step father step sons (includes his sons, grand sons, etc.) . All the men who have shared the suckle of the woman she suckled with. List of Mehram of the man: Mother (includes grand mother, and so on) Daugther (includes son's and daughter's grand daughters, and so on) Brother's daughters (includes their daughters, grand daughters, and so on) Sister (includes their daughters, grand daughters, and so on) Paternal and Maternal aunties Daughter in law Mother in law Step mother Step daughter (includes her daughters, and so on) . All the women who have shared the suckle of the woman she suckled with. Saying of Bibi Fathma (R.A): It is best for women not to see men and not to let men see them. Some facts about hijab : For both man and woman Especially for women: =============================== 6. Rewards of doing hijab . Abu Dawood Book 14, Hadith # 2482 Narrated Thabit ibn Qays (Radhiallaahu Ánhu) : A woman called Umm Khallad came to the Prophet (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) while she was veiled. She was searching for her son who had been killed (in the battle) Some of the Companions of the Prophet (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) said to her: You have come here asking for your son while veiling your face? She said: If I am afflicted with the loss of


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 05:54AM  

    dawa - Social Mention
    Dawa Dolma
    Nov 25th 2013, 05:54
    Dil jabse tut gaya kaise kahe kaise jite hai Dil jabse tut gaya kaise kahe kaise jite hai Kabhee jyada kabhee kam pite hain Dil jabse tut gaya kaise kahe kaise jite hai Kabhee jyada kabhee kam pite hain Jam kaa hai sahara warna kya hai hamara Yeh dawa jo naa pite ham bhala kaise jite Dekhe mudke jahan hai waha bebasee Bekhudee ban gayee abb meree jindagee Sath teraa chhut gaya kaise kahe kaise jite hai Kabhee jyada kabhee kam pite hain Teraa wada tha jhutha pyar kaa rishta tuta Tune parda hataya asli chehra dikhaya Bewafa bekhabar sangdil beraham Sochte hai tujhe kya kahe ham sanam Kisko pata kisko khabar jakhmon ko ham kaise seete hai Kabhee jyada kabhee kam pite hain Dil jabse tut gaya kaise kahe kaise jite hai Kabhee jyada kabhee kam pite hain
    Nov 25th 2013, 05:52
    Hum Haseen Hone Ka Dawa Tu Nahi Karte..!! Magar Haan Jise Aankh Bhar Kar Dekh Lein Uljhan Me Dal Dete Hain..!!
    Nov 25th 2013, 05:51
    ~*~ "Islam Mareez"~ "HUSSAIN(S) Tabeeb"~*~ Doston 1400 saal Pehle Ka Kissa HAi K Deen e Islam Beemar Tha Yun To Lakhon Tabibon Ne Dekha Magar Wo Haqeqi Shifa Ka Talabgar Tha Jism e Islam Se Jaan Jane Ko Thi Aesi Mohalak Waba Mai Giraftar Tha Dhunta Tha Koi Khass Dar UL Shifa Is Musalsal Beemari Se Bezaar Tha Dar e Ahmed PAr Jibreel Laye Usay Or Kaha K Agar Yahan Se Dawa Mil Gae Phr Kahin Or Janay ki Hajat Nahi Samjh Le Tujh Ko Shifa Mil Gae Ahmed E Mustafa Deen E Islam Ko Har Musibat Mai Jena Sikhatay Rahay Jis Kadar Marz Chimtay Huwe Thay Usay Sub Ko Ahisatagi Se Hata Tay Rahay Or JItni Bhi Bimaariyaan Thin Naye'n Us K Daman Ko Sub Se Bachatay Rahay Elm o Hilm O Abad Ki Dawa Kooot K Arq e Hub e Ali Se Pilatay Rahay Jo Dawain Muhammad Ne Tajweez Kee Un se Islam Behtar To Hone Laga Jesi Sehat Muhammad Ko Matloob Thi Ab Tak Deen e Islam Wesa Na Tha Ab Muhammad Ne Socha Bunyad e Nuqsa Khameera Na Ho Bal K Tablets Ho Yun To Tashkhees Meri Sahi Hai Magr Ab Momin Mera Specialist Ho GArdish e Khon E Islam Honi Hai Chek Ye Zaroori Hai Koi Pathalolist Ho Jism islam K Karay Jo Xray Aesa Ek Ba Tajarba Redelist Ho Soch Kar Muhammad Ne Mangi Ye Duwa Ae Khuda Mera Nasir Wali Bhej De Isay Injictionon Ki Zarorat Hai Ab Ek Sarjen Ba Shakal e Ali Bhej De 13 Rajab Kibriyaee Clinic Mai Serjan Ali Peer Laya Gaya Aanay Wala Jo Sarjen Tha atay He Dewar Ko Cheer K Dar Banaya Gaya Kafi Arsay Se Bimaar Islam Ko Dast e Ahmed Pe Serjan Dikhaya Gaya Nikla Sarjan Baray Kam Ka Dosto'n Uski Emdaad Se Huq Sunaya Gaya Serjery Aesi Sarjan Ki Kam Aagae Log Islam Ka Zkr Karne Lagay Or Jitnay Bhi Dushman Muhmmad k Thay Us k La Saif Teeko'n Se Marnay Lagay Dawat e Zul Asheera Se Makka Tak Us Ne Islam Se Dosti Khoob Ki Chorta Reh Gaya Apne Dushman Magar Dushman e Deen Se Dushmani Khoob Ki Huq o Batil Ki Har Azm Gah Mai Gaya Khoob Larta Raha Serjery Khoob Ki Deen e Islam Parwaan Charhta Raha Mashal e Deen Mai Roshnai Khoob Ki Phir 18 Ziwalhaaj Ki Seepaher ko Deen Ka Jashn e Sehat Manaya Gaya Medical Colleg e Deen e Islam Ka Ab Principel Ali Ko Banaya Gaya.... Or Muhammad Raees e Mattab Chal Basa Ya Achanak Kazza Ki Hawa Chal Pari Kuch Dino'n Baad Khair Un Nissa Chal Basi Yaani Jag Se Mudasem Adab Chal Basa Phr 31 Baras Baad Kufa Ki Masjid Mai Sher e Khuda Zeenasab Chal Basa Srf 10 saal Guzray Hasan Chal Basay Seest o Zulmat Ki Aesi Hawain Chali Gard Parti Rahi Huq Ki Tehreer Pe Larkharata Sambhalta Machalta Huwa Aagaya Deen Dehleez e Shabir Par Islam Kehta Hai..... Mere Mohsin Ne Aankhain Jun He Bandh Ki Us k Qoul o Amal Ko Bhulaya Gaya 3 Din Baad Duniya Ko Fursat Mili Tab Nabi Ka Janaza Uthataya Gaya Mai Tarapnay Laga Jab Muhammad Ki Beti k Pakeeza Darr Ko Jalaya Gaya Mera Dil Bhuj Gaya Jab Ali Jese Rahber Pe Taigh e Simatm ko Chalaya gaya Jo Meri Fikr Se Be Khaber Loog Thay Wo Mere Zaabto'n Ko Badalnay Lagay Mujhe Qeh Aagae Us Ghari Khoon Ki Jab Janazon Pe Bhi Teer Chalnay Lagay Hussain Farmatay Hain Markaz e Yaas Hai,Mout k Pass Hai Ab Tere Jism Ko Airtegha Chahye Is Shehar Ki Hawa Zehar Aalood Hai Tujh Ko Jangal Ki Aab o Hawa Chahye Tu Jafa Kar Logo'n Ka Maqtool Hai Tujhe Paigham e Hub o Wafa Chahye Yahan Rehna Tera Kuch Munasib Nahi Teri Sehat Ko Karb o Bala Chahye Thak Gaya Hai Musalsal Safar Kar k Tu Tere Edraak Ko Manzilain Chahye Nouch Daala Hai Ummat Ne Tera Badan Ab Tujhe Khoon Ki Botelain Chahye 28 Rajab Ko Hussain Ne Kaha Yaad Hoga Tumhain Ek Taaj E Shafa Dikhaya Gaya Buzm e Anwar Mai Ambiyah Dar Gay, Auseeya Hatt Gay, Itna Dukh Tha Sharayeet K Ambaar Mai Seena Akbar Ka Bazoo Alamdar K Apna Sir Likh Diya Maine Iqrar Mai Jahan Be Sakhta Roka Tha Main Qalam Wahan Likha Tha Zainab Hai Bazar Mai Hussain Kehta Hain Tu Ne Us Shart Pe Dastakhat Kar Diye Ab Sharayeet Ki Keemat Ada Kijiye Deen Zakhmo'n Se Nidhaal Hai Ab Usay Mera Sir Or Apni Ridah Dijiye..... Ali ki Beti Kehti Hai. NaSir e Ambiyah Mat Pareshan Ho Kashti e Huq Kinaray Lagaungi Mai Teri Manzil To Karbal Ka Maidan Hai Le K Piyasi Sipah Sham Ko Jaungi Mai Jitnay Phatar Lagainge Mere Jism Pe Deen Ko Utnay Nusqay Bataungi Mai Chahye Rangeen Ho Jay Mera Badan Phr Bhi Nasal e Imamat Bachaungi Mai Behan Ho Ba Rassand Bhai Ho Be Kafan Tab Muhammad Ka Paigham Bachaye Ga Sir Barr'haina Teri Lash Pe Bhi Agar Mai Na Ro'un, Tab Bhi Islam Bach Jay Ga Le K Jangal Mai Hazaroon Mai Ibn e Ali Haspatal e Shareeyat Bana Nay Lagay Jan e Kitni Ajab Tarz e Tameer Hai Ek Sehra Mai Jannat Sajanay Lagay Kiya Bana Nay Laga Fatima Ka Pisar Ambiyah Ho k Betaab Aanay Lagay 7wa Din Muharram Ka Tha Doston Deen e Huq Ko Bula Kar Batanay Lagay Jese Ghut Ghut K Ab Tak Guzaray Hain Din Is Tarhan Or Qarb Se Jiya Nahi 3 Din Baad Hai Oppreation Tera 3 Din Tu Ne Kuch Khana Pina Nahi Jis Qadar Zakhm Thay Deen e Islam Pe Us Qadar Ibn e Farwa k Tukray Huwe Kabhi Asghar Ki Maa Ka Kaleja Hilla Or Kabhi Kalb e Lailla K Tukray Huwe Deen To Bach Gaya Tukray Hone Se Or Aaj Zainab K Bhaiya K Tukray Huwe Ghum e Saadat k Khoon Ne Sawara Isay Ghurbato'n Mai Sahar Kar k Chalnay Laga Taik Abbas K Bazoo'on Ki Mili Deen Seedhi Qamar Kar k Chalnay Laga Dhal Gaya Waqt Zainab ka jb Dasht Mai Deen ka Waqt Bola Mai Ab Theek Hun Katt Gaye Lakht Jangal Mai Shabbir K Thaam k Lakht Bola Mai Ab Theek Hun Oppreation Subah Se Huwa Tha Shuru Asar k Waqt Bola Mai Ab Theek Hun Lag Chuki Jb 72 Isay Botelain Chum k Dasht Bola Mai Ab Theek Hun Or Sham e Ghreban Ye Shabbir Na Kaha Zainab Se Islam k Naam Pe Behan Zainab Zarra Apni Chadar To Do Pattiyan Bandh loon Jism e Islam Pe Deen ki Sehat o Aabroo k Liye Shah e Qonain Ne Sir Diya Ghar Diya Chahtay Thay Us Akbar Ka Ho Tazkira Is Liye Rait Pe Apna Akbar Diya Kbi Aun o Muhammad Ki Delifrya Kiya Or Kaee Martaba Khoon e Asghar Diya Kbi Zainab o Kulsoom Ki De Di Ridah Or Kbi Apni Kubrah Ka Zaiwar Diya Pass Daro'n Ki Tum Ko Talab Ho Agar KIbriyah Se Koi Misl e Hurr Mang Lo Ab Bhi Emdaad Ki Hai Zarurat Agar Jao Meri Sakina k Durr Mang Lo.................!
    Nov 25th 2013, 05:51
    Jangan Lupa.... UNDANGAN TO ALL CB Bikers 7th Anniversary KCBK (Komunitas CB Kebumen) Waktu, 7 Desember 2013-11-2013 Lokasi, Bumi Perkemahan Widoro, Karangsambung, Kebumen Acara : - Ulang Tahun KCBK (Komunitas CB Kebumen) -Hiburan Dangdut Live - Kontes Motor Honda CB - Bakti Sosial Info Lapak : Heru 081542903582 Info Acara : Sudar 081915008000 Elifas 085747198783 FUUL DOOR PRICE & DOOR PRICE UTAMA 1 UNIT HONDA CB AJA NGANTI KELALEN, BALUNGAN TUWA AMBEKANE DAWA
    Nov 25th 2013, 05:51
    Yaro ki mehfil aisi jamai jati h, kholne se phle bottle hilayi jati h, phr awaz lgayi jati h, aa jao tute dil walo yaha dard-e-dil ki dawa pilayi jati h.
    Nov 25th 2013, 05:51
    Kisi ne kaha safed rang(white colour) main wafa hoti hai,agar safed rang main wafa hoti to namak zakhmon ki dawa hoti
    Nov 25th 2013, 05:50
    rambut dawa ra cukur cukur due rabi di rebut batur
    Nov 25th 2013, 05:49
    Hoti Hai Lakh Ghumo Ki Dawa Neend B MaGar.!! Hote Hain Aise Ghum Bhi Jo Sone Nahi Dete...!!
    Nov 25th 2013, 05:49
    Darzi Se Chudai Hi mera nam preeti hai main 28 sal ki sadi suda aurat hoon. Main pahalay bhi kai kahaniyan likh chuki hoon aur aap sab nay isay pasand kiya hai,main fir say ek nai khanu kay sath aai hoon ummid kerti hoon ki isay bhi aaap pasand karaingay, Baat meri sadi kay 1 sal kay bad ki hai,mere pati say main poori tarah khus nahi thi, q ki meri jarurat jayada kit hi aur unka power kam tha,wo mere sath 2 bar say jayada sex nahi kertay thay aur mujhay jayada ki jarurat thi,main aur mere pati main akser isi bat ko lay ker kaha suni ho jaya kerti thi, fir main soonchi ki is say accha hai ki koi aur intazam kiya jaaye, mujhay jada din intazar nahi kerna pada,mere aas pados main kai log thay jo mere upper fida thay per mujhay chunna tha ki ki kaun mere sex ki bhuukh ko mita sakta hai,main soonch rahi thi ki kisay try karoon. Mere gher say thodi dur pre ek tailor hai jo ki blouse petikote waigareh silai kerta hai, meredimag main wo hi aaya q ki wo sabhi kay gher ja ker blouse waighere pahonchata tha to koi sak ki bat nahi thi kisi kay liye . Uska nam tha anis umer koi 24/25 sal,muslim tha per tha bahut hi handsom aur tagda,uski nazer bhi mere chuchioon per rahati thi kai bar measurement kay samay unsay meri chuchion ko thoda sa dabaya bhi tha per main kuch nahi bolti thi.main soonchi ki usi ko try kerti hoon dekhti hoon ki kitna hai dum usmain,main uskay dukan per gai aur boli ki anis gher aana mujhay ghagra choli silwani hai,wo bola theek hai bhabhi ji sam ko aajaoonga, main boli nahi sam ko nahi dopher main aana aur catlog lay aana mere bhai ki sadi main pahanna hai ghaghra choli to ek accha sa silwana hai Anis bola theek hai main aajaoonga aur kapda to aap ko dena padayga q ki mere dukan per accha kapda nahi hai,main boli theek hai kisi din sath main ja ker kharid loongi.tum dopher ko aa jana. Main fir baher thoda bahut shopping ker kay gher karib 12 bajay pahunch gai aur intazar kernay lagi ki anish kab aayega karib 1.30 ko wo aaya. Anis- bhabhi wo dukan band kernay main thoda der ho gaya isliye aanay main bhi der hogaya hai catlog llya hoon dekhiye Preeti-ander to aao darwajay say hi dikha ker chalay jaogay kaya? Anis-nahi main to aisay hi bol raha tha,chaliye ander chaliye. Hum dono ander aaye aur main darwaja band ker di fir drawing room main aaye aur main usay baithnay kay liye boli.wo sofay per baith gaya us samay wo lungi aur kurtay main tha aur main sari main thi. Main uskay bagal main baith gai aur wo mujhay catlog dikha raha tha Anis- ye wali dekhiye acchi hai pichay main ribbon ka lash hai aur samnay gala bhi accha hai Preeti-haan per mujhay jaisa cahiye waisa nahi dikh raha hai lagta hai choli kisi aur design main say banwaoon aur ghaghra kisi aur design ki aur dono ek jaisa dikhna chahiye. Anis- theek hai tab aap ye wala dekho ismain ki choli banwa lo aur ghaghra aur odhni dusrae main ka main set ker doonga accha say. Preeti-theek hai sam ko main kapda lay aaongi tum maap lay lo Anis apna note book pen aur measuring tape nikala. Preeti- fitting acchi honi chahiye nahi to paisay nahi doongi Anis- nahi nahi main bahut acchi tarah say silai karoonga aap ko bilkul chinta kernay ki jarurat nahi hai. Aur main uskay samnay aa gai air wo map laynay laga pahalay galay ka fir wo mere bahn ka map liya fir mere chati per aaya to bola Anis-sadi hataiye tab to map loonga main sari ko chati per say hata di aur wo mere chati kay bagal say hath dal ker tape ghumaker dusray hath main paker raha tha aur uska chera mere chuchioon kay bich tha main janti thi ki wo mere chuchioon ko bahut dekhta hai main thodi si aagy aai to uska chehera mere chuchoon main dab gaya aur wo fir pichay hata aur tape ko mere chati kay bicho bich laga ker dikhanay laga Anis- itna tight theek rahayga kaya? Preeti-nahi thoda aur tight karo q ki choli lashwali hai to ander bra nahi hoga na Anis-haan wo to hai per aisay kaisay pata chalayga aap to abhi bra pahanay hui hain Preeti ruko utar ker aati hoon Main bed room main gai aur saray kapday utar ker front opening nity pahan li jo ki meri kamer tak aati thi aur usmain sirf ek lashing tha jo ki mere chuchioon kay thodi nichay bandhti thi main usay pahan ker aurribbon ko thoda dheela bsndh ker aai Anis mujhay dekhta rah gaya uskay muh say lar tapknay laga Preeti-ismain map theek rahayga na? Anis-haan! Theek ….. hai ye (haklatay huye bola) Main fir say map laynay boli aur wo fir say mera map laynay laga Anis jara hath upper kijiye main hath upper ki wo fir say meri chuchioon ko touch ker nay laga meri dono chuchiyan adhay say jayada baher dikh rahi thi anis usi per nazer tikaye tha aur meri chati per tape laga ker tight kiya aur bola ki ab theek hai na tight Preeti — humsay mat pooch tum khud dekho Anis- theek hai aur fir thoda sa tight kiya tape ko aur bola ab theek rahayga Fir bola gala kitna deep rahayega? Preeti- dekho kaisa accha lagyega Anish mere kandhay per tape rakha aur usay meri chuchioon kay half tak laya aur touch kerkay bola yahn tak theek rahayga aur apnay hath kay pichay say meri chuchi ko daba diya aur waisay hi tape pakray raha main usay kuch nahi boli fir wo dheray say bola ager aur tight karonga to chati dab jayegi ya fir ager aap ko chati upper utha ker rakhna hai tonichay cup size ko thoda sa tight kerna hoga Preeti-haan waisay hi banana Anis theek hai fir aur wo mere left chuchi ko hatoon main paker ker uoer uthaya aur bola aisay accha lagayga aur waisay hi dekhnay laga main bhi apni chuchi kay upper hath lagai aur usay uoer uthai aur dabai boli aisay theek hai wo bhi apnay hath say meri chuchi ko dabaya aur bola theek hai fir mere dusray chuchi ko pakerra main apna hath uskay hatah per rakh ker apni chuchi utha ker daba di wo map lena bhul gaya aur meri chuchi ko paker ker dheeray dheeray dabanay laga mujhay maja aany laga . aur mere say nazar bacha ker dusray hath say apnay lund ko adjust kernay laga Phir bola bhabhi ji choli main nipple kay liye jagah banaoon ya round rahanay doonga Main boli kain sa accha lagayega Anis mere hisab say aajkal to nipple wala hi chalta hai aur aap per bahut accha lagayega q ki aapka nipple kafi accha hai aisa lagta hai Preeeti –dekhlo jaisa accha ho bana dena . Fir anis mere nity kay samnay wala lash khola aur main apni chuchi ko baher nikal ker dikhai aur wo dekhta rhgaya wo apna hath badha ker meri nipple ko chuki main pakerliye aur dherey say masal diya Preeti-essssss dheray Anis- wah aab ki chati to bahut sunder hai Preeti- accha!kaisay jara bataoo? Wo mre chuchion ko dono hathoon main paker ker dheray dheray dabanay laga aur bola ki shape bahut accha hai aur thos bhi hai bura mat manna bhabhi isay dekh ker mera man kharab ho raha hai Preeti-tumhara hath lagnay say merabhi man kharab ho raha haiaur main apna hath bada ker uskay lungi kay upper say lund paker li Anis- bhabhi ye kaya ker rahi ho main bardast nahi ker pa raha hoon/ Preeti isay utar do Aur main uskay lungi ko dhela ker kay khol di Uskay underwear main lska lund khada tha main usay sahalanay lagi wo meri chuchiin ko masal raha tha mujhsay bardast nahi ho raha tha fir wo pichay hata aur apna underwear khol diya WOW! Uska lund wastav main bada aur mota tha lund kay aagay topi per chamdi nai thi gahare bhuray rang ki topi thi uskay lund ki tani hui nasay


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 05:53AM  

    ummah - Social Mention
    Nationalism is something that destroyed the Ummah and the Muslims from all over the world. It is something that the West invented to divide the Muslims. The Muslims fell for it and was poisoned by Nationalism for a century. So why do you respect that flag and love this country so much when it divided us? Where is the flag of tawheed? It is narrated by Abu Dawud that the Messenger of Allah (saws) said, "He is not one of us who calls for 'asabiyyah, (nationalism) or who fights for 'asabiyyah or who dies for 'asabiyyah." And in another hadith, the Messenger of Allah (saws) referring to nationalism, racism, and patriotism said "Leave it, it is rotten". [Muslim and Bukhari] Nationalism is a concept alien to Islam because it calls for unity based on family and tribalistic ties, whereas Islam binds people together on the Aqeedah and Emaan. That is, belief in Allah (swt) and His Messenger (saws). Therefore grouping together on tribalistic lines is clearly forbidden. The Light Revelations Pt. 8 (Destruction Of The Ottoman Caliphate) HD The Light Revelations Is The 3rd & Final Season Of The Light Series. It Aims To Document & Educate About The Islamic Awakening, The Imminent Return To Khilaf...
    Nov 25th 2013, 05:53
    You know the Ummah is sick when a huge number of Muslims can't even resist celebrating birthdays I am heartbroken, every time I see Muslim families organizing or participating in such petty, meaningless, paganistic celebrations. The prophet clearly stated that it is forbidden to blindly imitate non-Muslims. The prophet (Peace and Blessings be upon him) said, "You will surely follow the ways, steps, or traditions of those who came before you, span by span and yard by yard (very closely) even if they entered into a lizard's hole you will enter it." The companions asked, "O prophet, you mean the Jews and Christians?" He replied, "Who else!?" - Reported by Imaam Bukhaari - In another hadith, he clearly prohibited imitation stating, "If one imitates another nation or people, he will be from them." - Imaam Abu-Daawud - Whether you are from those who try to justify it by saying 'Its innocent/harmless fun', 'Its nothing to do with religion', and so on and so forth the excuses are numerous. Or you could be from the many who just think 'Extremism!' I sincerely advise you to educate yourself before you decide to be a follower of the pagans. If you have children, you are teaching your children to celebrate birthdays and they will teach their children and so on. Put a stop to this ignorance today, May Allah have Mercy on you. How is it you have a foot in Islam and a foot in Paganism?! Check your faith or increase yourself in knowledge. Fear Allah and do not fool yourself. Do the research if you are not convinced. May Allah guide us all. Kindly share, may Allah reward you
    Nov 25th 2013, 05:52
    You know the Ummah is sick when a huge number of Muslims can't even resist celebrating birthdays I am heartbroken, every time I see Muslim families organizing or participating in such petty, meaningless, paganistic celebrations. The prophet clearly stated that it is forbidden to blindly imitate non-Muslims. The prophet (Peace and Blessings be upon him) said, "You will surely follow the ways, steps, or traditions of those who came before you, span by span and yard by yard (very closely) even if they entered into a lizard's hole you will enter it." The companions asked, "O prophet, you mean the Jews and Christians?" He replied, "Who else!?" - Reported by Imaam Bukhaari - In another hadith, he clearly prohibited imitation stating, "If one imitates another nation or people, he will be from them." - Imaam Abu-Daawud - Whether you are from those who try to justify it by saying 'Its innocent/harmless fun', 'Its nothing to do with religion', and so on and so forth the excuses are numerous. Or you could be from the many who just think 'Extremism!' I sincerely advise you to educate yourself before you decide to be a follower of the pagans. If you have children, you are teaching your children to celebrate birthdays and they will teach their children and so on. Put a stop to this ignorance today, May Allah have Mercy on you. How is it you have a foot in Islam and a foot in Paganism?! Check your faith or increase yourself in knowledge. Fear Allah and do not fool yourself. Do the research if you are not convinced. May Allah guide us all. Kindly share, may Allah reward you
    Nov 25th 2013, 05:52
    Peringatan HUT PGRI ke 68 tahun di Madrasah MI, MTs dan MA Bina Ummah DR.H.Àdamri Al-Husainy kota batam
    Nov 25th 2013, 05:51
    The best of mankind (sallallahu alahi wasallam) never neglected making dua for his Ummah, yet this Ummah neglect the very teachings of the best of Mankind.
    Nov 25th 2013, 05:50
    Ya Allah! Please Forgive our sins. Please accept our Fasting, Supplications and Worships. Grant us our requests, fulfill our needs and give whatever is good for us. Give us good in this world and good in the Hereafter. Protect us from all punishments and the Hell fire. Grant us a place in Jannat ul Firdaus. Ya Allah! Please give us peace, blessings, success, happiness and comfort of this world and in the Hereafter. Ya Allah! When You take us away from this world, take us in the state of Imaan. Enter us into Jannah with out any account. Accept all our Dua'as and keep us steadfast on the Deen. May we make the most of this Ramadan. May we find Lailatul Qadar and Worship You in the best way possible. Ya Allah! Let us see our Beloved Prophet SalAllahu Alyehe Wasallam in our dreams. May we have his intercession and companionship in the Hereafter In sha Allah. Let us love him and follow him in the best way possible. Ya Allah! I take refuge in You from anxiety and sorrow, weakness and laziness, miserliness and cowardice, helplessness and afflictions of life and death, the burden of debts and from being overpowered by men. Ya Allah! Please Forgive our parents, Bless them and accept their Supplications. Ya Allah ! Please give our parents peace, blessings, comfort, joy, steadfastness, unity, happiness, patience, a long life, good health and keep them under the shade of Your Mercy & Protection. Remove all their worries, anxieties, sorrows, sickness and sins. Ya Allah! Please help the Ummah. Whoever is suffering hardships, oppression, unjustice and cruelty please be our Guardian. Give us patience and victory over the zaalimoon. Ya Allah accept us in the way of Islam and grant us Shahadah. Ya Allah! Our sins are so many, but Your Mercy is limitless. We acknowledge to Your favours and blessings upon us. We confess to our sins known and unknown, and we repent to You. There is no one who can forgive sins but You My Lord. Please forgive us. You are the Greatest Forgiver. You love to forgive. Please forgive us, our parents, our family and the whole Muslim Ummah past and present. Glory be to Allah! All Praise to Allah! Allah is The Greatest! ---------- No one worthy of Worship but Allah --------------- SALALLAHU ALYEHE WASALLAM ● SALALLAHU ALYEHE WASALLAM --------------- -- SALALLAHU ALYEHE WASALLAM --------------- --- Ameen Suma Ameen Ya Rabb ul Aalameen
    Nov 25th 2013, 05:49
    The Prophet of Rahmah, the Intercessor of Ummah, the Owner of Jannah صلی اللہ علیہ والہ وسلم has said, "Whoever persists in asking for forgiveness, Allah will grant him relief from every worry, and a way out from every hardship, and will grant him provision from (sources) he could never imagine." (Sunan Ibne Majah, Volume 4, Page 257, Hadith 3819)
    Nov 25th 2013, 05:49
    Be real muslim, Be real Ummah of prophet Muhammad ( sallallahualaihi wasallam ) :) (y)
    Nov 25th 2013, 05:49
    Anasema Allaah (Subhaanahu wa Ta'ala): ((وَإِذَا رَأَيْتَ الَّذِينَ يَخُوضُونَ فِي آيَاتِنَا فَأَعْرِضْ عَنْهُمْ حَتَّى يَخُوضُواْ فِي حَدِيثٍ غَيْرِهِ وَإِمَّا يُنسِيَنَّكَ الشَّيْطَانُ فَلاَ تَقْعُدْ بَعْدَ الذِّكْرَى مَعَ الْقَوْمِ الظَّالِمِينَ)) ((Na unapowaona wanaoziingilia Aayah zetu, basi jitenge nao mpaka waingilie mazungumzo mengine. Na kama Shaytwaan akikusahaulisha, basi baada ya kutanabahi usikae pamoja na watu madhaalimu)) [Al-An'aam: 68] Hiyo ni moja ya njia ya kujiokoa na maovu haya ya Ghiybah, nayo ni kujiepusha na wanaopendelea kuzungumza yasiyo na maana na yanayomkosesha mtu radhi za Allaah (Subhaanahu wa Ta'ala). Njia nyingine nyingi tunazitaja chini ya Makala hii na inayofuatia. Njia Za Kujiokoa Na Kuwaokoa Wenzako Na Ghiybah: 1. Kuwa na Taqwa na umkhofu Mola Wako na kusoma Aayah na Hadiyth zenye maonyo na adhabu za Ghiybah. 2. Fikiria khasara utakayopata kumalizikiwa amali zako njema zote na kujazwa madhambi badala yake kama inavyosema Hadiyth ifuatayo: عن أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال)) أتدرون ما المفلس قالوا المفلس فينا يا رسول الله من لا درهم له ولا متاع قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم المفلس من أمتي من يأتي يوم القيامة بصلاته وصيامه وزكاته ويأتي قد شتم هذا وقذف هذا وأكل مال هذا وسفك دم هذا وضرب هذا فيقعد فيقتص هذا من حسناته وهذا من حسناته فإن فنيت حسناته قبل أن يقتص ما عليه من الخطايا أخذ من خطاياهم فطرح عليه ثم طرح في النار)) ا لترمذي Imetoka kwa Abu Hurayrah (Radhiya Allaahu 'anhu) kwamba Mtume (Swalla Allaahu 'alayhi wa aalihi wa sallam) amesema: ((Mnamjua nani aliyefilisika?)) Wakasema (Maswahaba): Aliyefilisika ni yule miongoni mwetu asiyekuwa na Dirham au mali. Mtume (Swalla Allaahu 'alayhi wa aalihi wa sallam) akasema: ((Aliyefilisika katika Ummah wangu ni yule atakayekuja siku ya Qiyaamah na Swalah zake, Swawm zake na Zakaah zake, lakini atakuja akiwa amemtukana huyu, amemtuhumu huyu, amekula mali ya huyu, amemwaga damu ya huyu na amempiga huyu, yatachukuliwa mema yake na kulipwa wale aliowadhulumu. Yatakapomalizika mema yake kabla ya kufidia madhambi aliyowakosea wenzake, zitachukuliwa dhambi za wale aliowakosea kisha atajaziwa yeye na mwishowe atakuwa ni wa kutupwa motoni)) [At-Tirmidhiy] 3. Fikiria aibu zako au aibu za ndugu, jamaa zako na uwaze kama utapenda aibu hizo zenu zidhihirike kwa wengine. 4. Mshukuru Allaah (Subhaanahu wa Ta'ala) kwa kukuepusha na aibu kama za wenzako na muombe Asikupe mtihani wa aibu kama hizo au nyinginezo. 5. Jiepushe na watu waovu na vikao viovu na andamana na watu wema ambao watakuwa na mazungumzo ya kukupa faida badala ya kukuangamiza. 6. Atakapokupigia simu mwenzio kutaka kusengenya, aidha muelezee wazi kuwa hutaki tena kusikia umbeya kwani unamkhofu Allaah (Subhaanahu wa Ta'ala), na umnasihi naye pia aache maouvu hayo kwa kumkumbusha adhabu zake. Anapokuanzia mfano, "Je umesikia habari ya fulani?" Mjibu: "Sijasikia na wala sitaki kusikia, tafadhali tuzungumze mengine". 7. Ikiwa huwezi kumuambia wazi wazi ingawa ni bora zaidi kufanya hivyo, basi kila anapotaka kumsengenya mtu, mfano anapokupigia simu jifanye una kazi na huna muda. Fanya hivyo siku ya kwanza, ya pili, ya tatu, endelea hatimaye atafahamu kuwa kumbe hutaki Ghiybah. Au anapokuanzia, babaisha kwa kumpa mazuri uliyojifunza ya dini, au maudhui yoyote nyingine ya kheri. 8. Jipe adhabu mwenyewe kila unapomsengenya mtu kama walivyokuwa wakifanya Salafus-Swaalih (wema waliotangulia); -Funga Swawm ya siku moja kila unapomsengenya mtu, hatimaye utashindwa kukaa na njaa kila siku. -Toa kiasi fulani cha pesa kila unapomsengenya mtu iwe ni sadaka, utakapojiona unafilikisha utaacha kusengenya. 9. Hifadhi ulimi wako usizungumze ila mema tu, jifunze pole pole hata kwa kujikumbusha, mfano uweke kitu mdomoni kama kijiwe au chembe ngumu isiyotafunika ili ibakie kukukumbusha kuzuia ulimi kusema yasiyo na maana. 10. Jiepushe na moto pindi utakapolinda heshima ya mwenzio, kumbuka Hadiyth ifuatayo: عن أبي الدرداء رضي الله عنه عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال: ((من رد عرض أخيه رد الله عليه وجهه من النار يوم القيامة)) رواه الترمذي وحسنه Abu Ad-Dardaa (Radhiya Allaahu 'anhu) amesema: (Mtume (Swalla Allaahu 'alayhi wa aalihi wa sallam) amesema: ((Atakayetetea heshima ya nduguye (Muislamu), Allaah Atamuepusha uso wake na moto)) [At-Tirmidhiy na amesema Hadiyth hii ni Hasan] 11. Utakaposikia uzushi au mtu atakapomsengenya mwenziwe mbele yako sema kama Anavyotufunza Allaah (Subhaanahu wa Ta'ala) katika kisa cha 'ifk'- uzushi wa kusingiziwa Mama wa Waumimi Bibi 'Aaishah (Radhiya Allaahu 'anha): Kwanza: Jifikirie nafsi yako kama wewe pia unaweza kufanya maovu hayo yanayozungumzwa? Kwa hiyo dhana nzuri iwe pia kwa Waumini wenzako. ((لَوْلَا إِذْ سَمِعْتُمُوهُ ظَنَّ الْمُؤْمِنُونَ وَالْمُؤْمِنَاتُ بِأَنفُسِهِمْ خَيْرًا وَقَالُوا هَذَا إِفْكٌ مُّبِينٌ)) ((Kwa nini mliposikia khabari hii, wanaume Waumini na wanawake Waumini hawakuwadhania wenzao mema, na kusema: Huu ni uzushi dhaahiri?)) [An-Nuur: 12] Pili: Kanusha kabisa uliyoyasikia nachukulia hayo kuwa ni uzushi na Mtukuze Allaah (Subhaanahu wa Ta'ala): ((وَلَوْلَا إِذْ سَمِعْتُمُوهُ قُلْتُم مَّا يَكُونُ لَنَا أَن نَّتَكَلَّمَ بِهَذَا سُبْحَانَكَ هَذَا بُهْتَانٌ عَظِيمٌ)) ((Na kwa nini mlipoyasikia msiseme: Haitufalii kuzungumza haya. Subhaanak Umetakasika! Huu ni uzushi mkubwa!)) [An-Nuur: 16] ‹ Madhara Ya Ghiybah (Kusengenya) 06-Sababu Za Kutendeka Uovu Wa Ghiybah up Madhara Ya Ghiybah (Kusengenya) 08-Kafara (Fidia) Ya Ghiybah › .» ChapishaLogin or register to post commentsKutuma Kwa Email asalam alaikum hakika Submitted by salum hamed abdallah on Mon, 02/18/2013 - 11:47. asalam alaikum hakika namshuru muumba ardhi na mbingu bila ya nguzo ni dalili tosha kwa wanaadamu kuamini kuwa
    Nov 25th 2013, 05:49
    Please take part in this & forward it to all Muslims and let everyone take part in the Dua. Ya Allah don't take my soul away until you are happy with me: Ya Allah give me a death of a shaheed. Ya Allah grant me death while I'm in sajdah. Ya Allah let the last words of my life be the Shahadah. Ya Allah If I die in my sleep let My heart beat the Zikr of Allah. Oh Allah, the guider of the lost soul forgive the entire Muslim Ummah! Ya Allah Forgive my Parents, my Family, my Muslim Friends. Ameen Thumma Ameen. Send this Dua to all Muslims, without failing to say Ameen. The fire in Jahanam will not touch the person who recites "Allahumma Ajirni Minan Naar" 7x after fajr & maghrib. If u choose to forwafrd this message, it will be a Sadqatul-Jaariya 4 u and m
    Nov 25th 2013,


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 05:45AM  

    PierreVogel.des Facebook-Pinnwand
    PierreVogel.des Facebook-Pinnwand
    Abdullah ibn Mubarak sagte:
    Oh Mensch! Bereite dich auf das Jenseits vor; geho...
    Nov 25th 2013, 04:48
    Abdullah ibn Mubarak sagte:

    Oh Mensch! Bereite dich auf das Jenseits vor; gehorche Allah swt. im Ausmass deiner Abhängigkeit von Ihm und erzürne Ihn im Ausmass deiner Ausdauer in der Hölle.
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 05:39AM  

    Die wahre Religions Facebook-Pinnwand
    Die wahre Religions Facebook-Pinnwand
    Asalamu alaikum wr wb Liebe Geschwister ,es freut mich euch mitzuteilen, das es...
    Nov 25th 2013, 05:24
    Asalamu alaikum wr wb Liebe Geschwister ,es freut mich euch mitzuteilen, das es ab Mittwoch den 27.11.2013 jeden Mittwoch wider einen Vortrag von Ibrahim Abou Nagie hier in Euskirchen geben wird.

    Das Thema diesmal lautet: Die Vorzüglichkeit der Liebe für Allah
    Start ist 18 Uhr
    Die Adresse lautet: Rathausstrasse 3 in 53879 Euskirchen

    Natürlich ist der Vortrag für Männer und Frauen.Jeder ist recht herzlich Willkommen Muslime und Nicht Muslime.Wenn Fragen sind bin ich unter 0177 2192712 zu erreichen.

    Bitte Teilt diese Nachricht damit viele Menschen von dieser Nachricht profitieren.
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 05:34AM  

    Milli - Görüs | Islamisten und slamismus? Informationen und News ...
    Milli - Görüs | Islamisten und slamismus? Informationen und News ...
    Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 11 Themen
    Nov 25th 2013, 05:33
    Übersicht über die heutigen Themen Gruppe: Salafisten & Salafismus in Facebook ; Islam Koran Moschee: Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 23 Themen [4 Aktualisierungen] Salafisten & Salafismus in Facebook ; Islam Koran Moschee: Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 19 Themen [2 Aktualisierungen] Salafisten & Salafismus in Facebook ; Islam Koran Moschee: Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 25 Themen [8 Aktualisierungen] Salafisten & Salafismus in Facebook ; Islam Koran Moschee: Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 24 Themen [3 Aktualisierungen] Salafisten & Salafismus in Facebook ; Islam Koran Moschee: Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 22 Themen [2 Aktualisierungen] Salafisten & Salafismus in Facebook ; Islam Koran Moschee: Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 20 Themen [1 Aktualisierung] Ansar Fanpages Facebook-Pinnwand: Vielen Dank für die 222 Likes!Unterstützt Ansar weiterhin :)https://www.faceb... [1 Aktualisierung] IGMG Bielefeld Hicret Gencliks Facebook-Pinnwand: Hicret Camii Külliyesine Yardımlarınızı bekliyoruz ... [1 Aktualisierung] Ansar Fanpages Facebook-Pinnwand: Seid Dankbar dafür was ihr habt! [1 Aktualisierung] TV5 Habers Facebook-Pinnwand: Dershane tartışması sadece bir başlangıç. Mustafa Kurdaş [1 Aktualisierung] IGMG Students Facebook-Pinnwand: BIF Students'in "Ruh, Nefs ve Akıl" seminerinden Haute Ecole Provinciale du Hain... [1 Aktualisierung] Salafisten & Salafismus in Facebook ; Islam Koran Moschee: Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 23 Themen Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 03:26AM

    Salafisten & Salafismus in Facebook ; Islam Koran Moschee

    Hier werden Nachrichten über den radikalen Salafismus veröffentlicht. Was sind Salafisten? (Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr) Diese Seite richtet sich nicht gegen Muslime und den Islam.Diese Seite soll über den Salafismus/Islamismus/Terrorismus informieren. Es ist wichtig über Fanatiker aufzuklären, um den Frieden und die Freiheit zu sichern. Wir wollen in Europa mit allen Menschen friedlich zusammen leben, egal welche Herkunft, Nationalität und Religion.

    Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 23 Themen
    Nov 25th 2013, 01:46

    Übersicht über die heutigen Themen Gruppe: Your 2 hourly digest for - Social Mention [1 Aktualisierung] Your 2 hourly digest for al-ansar - Social Mention [1 Aktualisierung] Islam Der Wahre Weg zum Paradies Facebook-Pinnwand: Ibn Al-Qayyim rahimahullah sagte:"Derjenige ist ein Mann, der den Tod seines H... [1 Aktualisierung] Hoor al Ayns Facebook-Pinnwand: " oh wäre ich bloß den Weg des Gesandten gegangen " [1 Aktualisierung] Hoor al Ayns Facebook-Pinnwand: As Salam Aleykum Admina Nummer 4 wird gesucht zur Unterstützung unseres Teams i... [1 Aktualisierung] Islam ist die Lösungs Facebook-Pinnwand: [1 Aktualisierung] Islam ist die Lösungs Facebook-Pinnwand: [3 Aktualisierungen] Your 2 hourly digest for ummah - Social Mention [1 Aktualisierung] Your 2 hourly digest for dawa - Social Mention [1 Aktualisierung] Schiiten und Sunniten - Gemeinsam gegen den Hass Facebook-Pinnwand: Allāh sagt dazu im Qurʾān:„Und Ich habe die Jinn und die Menschen zu nichts an... [1 Aktualisierung] Wir Türken sind überall ツs Facebook-Pinnwand: Deutscher Vater vs. Türkischer Vater HAHAHA :DMarkiert Freunde die es unbeding... [1 Aktualisierung] Wir Türken sind überall ツs Facebook-Pinnwand: Patrick kann keiner TOPPENNNN HAHHA :D#Makaveli [1 Aktualisierung] Gegen den Militärputsch in Ägyptens Facebook-Pinnwand: Studenten/innen der Al-Azhar Universität gegen den Militärputsch heute, 24.11.20... [1 Aktualisierung] Muslimball Z Facebook-Pinnwand: [1 Aktualisierung] I Love Afghans Facebook-Pinnwand: Beitrag eines Users:Hallo meine frage lautet würdet ihr hier in Deutschland in... [1 Aktualisierung] I Love Afghans Facebook-Pinnwand: Beitrag eines Users! Hallo liebe Landsleute mein Hobby ist es zu singen ich sin... [1 Aktualisierung] Salafi Dawah - authentisches Wissens Facebook-Pinnwand: Schöne Geschichte - Ma Sha Allah! [1 Aktualisierung] Lern den Islams Facebook-Pinnwand: Die letzten 12 likes in sha ALLAH bis 6000 [1 Aktualisierung] DAWA-NEWS - Islam News - islamische Nachrichten: Kölner Frauenärztin mit Hidschab – Dr. Samar Hababa [1 Aktualisierung] Your 2 hourly digest for DAWA-NEWS - Islam News - islamische Nachrichten [1 Aktualisierung] Muslim 4 Lifes Facebook-Pinnwand: [1 Aktualisierung] Muslim 4 Lifes Facebook-Pinnwand: Nimm dir die Minute und teile es mit deinen Freunden [1 Aktualisierung] El - Hamdulillahs Facebook-Pinnwand: ich wollte schon immer in ein Taxi steigen & sagen folgen-sie dem Wagen .! 󾍇󾌱E... [1 Aktualisierung] Your 2 hourly digest for - Social Mention Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 09:57PM - Social Mention

    Sheikh Abu Jamal über die Situation in Burma []
    Nov 24th 2013, 18:23 h...

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    Your 2 hourly digest for al-ansar - Social Mention Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 09:56PM

    al-ansar - Social Mention

    Dato' Ustaz Shamsuri - [1/2]Tafsir Al-Hijr.
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:55

    Juventus superó 2-0 al Livorno con goles de Llorente y Tevez [VIDEO]
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:50

    El "equipo italiano": se coloca como líder momentáneo de la "Serie A": a la espera de lo que mañana haga la Roma ante el Cagliari Fuente: El comercio

    Ansars from Al-Huda Youth put their baking skills to a test as they made hundreds of delicious sweets for Ansar Night! May Allah (swt) reward you for your efforts!
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:46

    Our baking skills were put to the test, but thank you to all the volunteers that showed up and helped out. Without your hard work, sweat, tears, and mess, we couldn't have made the Ansar Day Bake a success. Special thanks to MK Gifts & Favours for all the support and help! It was a long night at Al Huda Muslim Society, but it is definitely worth the cause. InshAllah the baked goodies will put a smile on the less fortunate faces, and will make a difference.

    The Story of Muhammad (PBUH, Part-4:5) Holy Prophet travels to Madina (Hijra) "Narrated 'Urwa Ibn Az-Zubair: "Allah's Messenger met Az Zubair in a caravan of Muslim merchants who were returning from Sham. Az -Zubair provided Allah's Messenger and Abu Bakr with white clothes to wear. When the Muslims of Medina heard the new of the departure of Allah's Messenger from Mecca (towards Medina), they started going to the Harra every morning,. They would wait for him till the heat of the noon forced them to return. One day, after waiting for a long while, they returned home, and when they went into their houses, a Jew climbed up to the roof of one of the forts of his people to look for something, and he saw Allah's Messenger and his companions, dressed in white clothes, emerging out of the desert mirage. "The Jew could not help shouting at the top of his voice: 'O you Arabs! Here is your great man whom you have been waiting for!' So all the Muslims rushed to their arms and received Allah's Messenger on the summit of Harra. The Prophet turned with them to the right and alighted at the quarters of Bani Amr Ibn Auf, and this was on Monday in the month of Rabi ul Awal. Abu Bakr stood up, receiving the people, while Allah's Messenger sat down and kept silent. Some of the Ansar who came and had not seen Allah's Messenger before began greeting Abu Bakr, but when the sunshine fell on Allah's Messenger and Abu Bakr came forward and shaded him with his sheet, only then the people came to know Allah's Messenger. Allah's Messenger stayed with Bani Amr Ibn Auf for ten nights and established the mosque (Mosque of Quba) which was founded on piety. Allah's Messenger prayed in it and then mounted his she-camel and proceeded on, accompanied by the people till his she-camel knelt down at the place of the Mosque of Allah's Messenger at Medina. Some Muslims used to pray there in those days, and that place was a yard for drying dates belonging to Suhail and Sahl, the orphan boys who were under the guardianship of Asad In Zurara. When his she-camel knelt down, Allah's Messenger said: 'This place, Allah willing, will be our abiding place.' Allah's Messenger then called the two boys and told them to suggest a price for that yard so that he might take it as a mosque. The two boys said: 'No, but we will give it as a gift, O Allah's Messenger!' Allah's Messenger then built a mosque there. The Prophet himself started carrying unburned bricks for its building and while doing so, he was saying: 'This load is better than the load of Khaibar, for it is more pious in the Sight of Allah and purer and better rewardable.' He was also saying: 'O Allah! The actual reward is the reward in the Hereafter, so bestow Your Mercy on the Ansar and the Emigrants.' Thus the Prophet recited (by way of proverb) the poem of some Muslim poet whose name is unknown to me." (Ibn Shibab said, 'In the hadiths, it does not occur that Allah's Messenger recited a complete poetic verse other than this one.') (Sahih Al-Bukhari) Hijra - Islamic Calendar marks this date Thus was accomplished the hijrah, or the flight of Muhammad as called in European annals, from which the Islamic calendar dates. Yathrib renamed Al-Madina, Al-Munawara - "The Illuminated City" When the Prophet Muhammad and his companions settled at Yathrib, this city changed its name, and henceforth was called, Al-Medina, Al-Munawara, the Illuminated City, or more shortly, Medina, the City. It is situated about eleven-day's journey to the north of Mecca. At that time it was ruled by two Kahtanite tribes, Aws and Khazraj. These two tribes, however, were constantly quarreling among themselves. It was only about that time when the Prophet announced his mission at Mecca that these tribes, after long years of continuous warfare, entered on a period of comparative peace. When the Prophet settled at Medina, the tribes of Aws and Khazraj forgot entirely their old feuds and were united together in the bond of Islam. Their old divisions were soon effaced and the Ansar", the Helpers of the Prophet, became the common designation of all Medinites who had helped the Prophet in his cause. Those who emigrated with him from Mecca received the title of "Muhajereen" or the Emigrants. The Prophet, in order to unite both classes in closer bonds, established between them a brotherhood, which linked them together as children of the same parents, with the Prophet as their guardian. Allah's Apostle Settles in Madina The first step the Prophet took, after his settlement at Medina, was to built a mosque for the worship of Allah according to principles of Islam. Also, houses for the accommodation of the emigrants were soon erected. Muhammad's Charter - Jews and Muslims unite to defend against enemies Medina and its suburb were at this time inhabited by three distinct parties, the Emigrants, the Helpers, and the Jews. In order to weld them together into an orderly federation, the Prophet granted a charter to the people, clearly defining their rights and obligations. This charter represented the framework of the first commonwealth organized by the Prophet. It started thus: 'In the name of he Most Merciful and Compassionate Lord, this charter is given by Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah to all believers, whether of Quraish or Medina, and all individuals of whatever origin who have made common cause with them, who shall all constitute one nation." The following are some extracts from the charter: The state of peace and war shall be common to all Muslims; no one among them shall have the right of concluding peace with, or declaring war against, the enemies of his co-religionists. The Jews who attach themselves to our commonwealth shall be protected from all insults and vexations; they shall have an equal right with our people to our assistance and good offices. The Jews of the various branches and all others doiciled in Medina shall form with the Muslims one composite nation; they shall practice their religion as freely as the Muslims. The allies of the Jews shall enjoy the same security and freedom. The guilty shall be pursued and punished. The Jews shall join the Muslims in defending Medina all enemies. The interior of Medina shall be a sacred place for all who accept this charter. All true Muslims shall hold in abhorrence every man guilty of crime, injustice or disorder; no one shall uphold the culpable, though he be his nearest kin. After dealing with the interior management of the State, the charter concluded as follows: "All future disputes arising among those who accept this charter shall be referred, under Allah to the Prophet." Thus this charter put an end to the state of anarchy that prevailed among the Arabs. It constituted the Prophet Muhammad as chief magistrate of the nation. Charter faces Mutiny (Inside enemies) - The Hypocrites and unsatisfied Jews The party of the Ansars, or Helpers, included some lukewarm converts who retained an ill-concealed predilection for idolatry. These were headed by Abdullah Ibn Ubai, a man with some claims to distinction. They ostensibly joined Islam, but in secret were disaffected. They often were a source of considerable danger to the newborn commonwealth and required unceasing watchfulness on the part of the Prophet. Towards them he always showed the greatest patience and forbearance, hoping in the end to win them over to the faith, which expectations were fully justified by the result. While the death of Abdullah Ibn Ubai, his party which were known as the party of the "Munafiqeen" (the Hypocrites)


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Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 18 Themen
Nov 25th 2013, 06:25, by Nahsaka Lasbhan


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 05:24AM  

    Bushido for Presidents Facebook-Pinnwand
    Bushido for Presidents Facebook-Pinnwand
    Retweeted Bushido (@Bushido78):
    Bushido provoziert mal wieder: Sängerkrieg relo...
    Nov 25th 2013, 05:22
    Retweeted Bushido (@Bushido78):

    Bushido provoziert mal wieder: Sängerkrieg reloaded - Welt - Tagesspiegel Mobil -
    Sängerkrieg reloaded
    Kaum hat das Strafgericht sein Verfahren eingestellt, legt Bushido ein neues Video vor, in dem er den Tod eines Kontrahenten inszeniert - und landet damit einen Riesenhit im Internet. Konsequenzen muss er aber wahrscheinlich nicht fürchten.
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 05:24AM  

    Bushido for Presidents Facebook-Pinnwand
    Bushido for Presidents Facebook-Pinnwand
    Retweeted Bushido (@Bushido78):
    So meine Freunde, ich hoffe ihr hattet ein unte...
    Nov 25th 2013, 05:22
    Retweeted Bushido (@Bushido78):

    So meine Freunde, ich hoffe ihr hattet ein unterhaltsames Wochenende. Danke für die 3500000 Klicks. Bald geht's weiter... #sonnyblack
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 05:11AM  

    Islamdawa für Schwesterns Facebook-Pinnwand
    Islamdawa für Schwesterns Facebook-Pinnwand
    A1 subhan Allah was für ein schönes bittgebet: Rabbighfir li wa li waalidayya"...
    Nov 25th 2013, 04:47
    A1 subhan Allah was für ein schönes bittgebet: Rabbighfir li wa li waalidayya" (Mein Herr, vergib mir und meinen Eltern)
    „wa liman dachala baytiy mu´minan" (und jedem, der mein Haus gläubig betritt)
    „wa lil-mu´miniyna wal-mu´minaat" (und den gläubigen Männern und Frauen)
    „wa laa tazid adhaalimiyna lilla tabaaran."
    (und mehre die Unrechtbegehenden nicht außer an Vernichtung.) Surah Nuh, Ayah 8
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 05:11AM  

    Islamdawa für Schwesterns Facebook-Pinnwand
    Islamdawa für Schwesterns Facebook-Pinnwand
    A1 subhan Allah was für ein schönes bittgebet: Rabbighfir li wa li waalidayya"...
    Nov 25th 2013, 04:47
    A1 subhan Allah was für ein schönes bittgebet: Rabbighfir li wa li waalidayya" (Mein Herr, vergib mir und meinen Eltern)
    „wa liman dachala baytiy mu´minan" (und jedem, der mein Haus gläubig betritt)
    „wa lil-mu´miniyna wal-mu´minaat" (und den gläubigen Männern und Frauen)
    „wa laa tazid adhaalimiyna lilla tabaaran."
    (und mehre die Unrechtbegehenden nicht außer an Vernichtung.) Surah Nuh, Ayah 8
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 05:11AM  

    Islamdawa für Schwesterns Facebook-Pinnwand
    Islamdawa für Schwesterns Facebook-Pinnwand
    A1 sura 2 ayah 25
    Und verkünde denen, die glauben und rechtschaffene Werke tun,...
    Nov 25th 2013, 05:01
    A1 sura 2 ayah 25

    Und verkünde denen, die glauben und rechtschaffene Werke tun, (die frohe Botschaft,) daß ihnen Gärten zuteil werden, durcheilt von Bächen. Jedesmal, wenn sie mit einer Frucht daraus versorgt werden, sagen sie: "Das ist ja das, womit wir zuvor versorgt wurden"; doch es ist ihnen eine ihr ähnliche gegeben worden. Und darin haben sie vollkommen gereinigte Gattinnen. Und ewig werden sie darin bleiben.
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 05:11AM  

    Islamdawa für Schwesterns Facebook-Pinnwand
    Islamdawa für Schwesterns Facebook-Pinnwand
    A1 sura 2 ayah 25
    Und verkünde denen, die glauben und rechtschaffene Werke tun,...
    Nov 25th 2013, 05:01
    A1 sura 2 ayah 25

    Und verkünde denen, die glauben und rechtschaffene Werke tun, (die frohe Botschaft,) daß ihnen Gärten zuteil werden, durcheilt von Bächen. Jedesmal, wenn sie mit einer Frucht daraus versorgt werden, sagen sie: "Das ist ja das, womit wir zuvor versorgt wurden"; doch es ist ihnen eine ihr ähnliche gegeben worden. Und darin haben sie vollkommen gereinigte Gattinnen. Und ewig werden sie darin bleiben.
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 05:11AM  

    Islamdawa für Schwesterns Facebook-Pinnwand
    Islamdawa für Schwesterns Facebook-Pinnwand
    Sura 2 al baqra vers 27
    die Allahs Bund nach seiner Abmachung brechen und trenne...
    Nov 25th 2013, 05:02
    Sura 2 al baqra vers 27
    die Allahs Bund nach seiner Abmachung brechen und trennen, was Allah befohlen hat, daß es verbunden werden soll, und auf der Erde Unheil stiften - das sind die Verlierer.
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 05:11AM  

    Islamdawa für Schwesterns Facebook-Pinnwand
    Islamdawa für Schwesterns Facebook-Pinnwand
    Sura 2 al baqra vers 27
    die Allahs Bund nach seiner Abmachung brechen und trenne...
    Nov 25th 2013, 05:02
    Sura 2 al baqra vers 27
    die Allahs Bund nach seiner Abmachung brechen und trennen, was Allah befohlen hat, daß es verbunden werden soll, und auf der Erde Unheil stiften - das sind die Verlierer.
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 05:03AM  

    bushido - Social Mention
    Amir Bushido Shazmin Nordin Muhammed Shazman Abe Markk Mohd Arif Mohd Azhar Dieylla Shazzlieyn amacam bro?? Amacam dila?? Mau lawan ini girl2 kaa??
    Nov 25th 2013, 04:53
    hari² minggu macam ni, seronok jugak dapat gi gym kan, buat badan bagi SADO sikit, tapi video ni, buat kami rasa pathetic coz dia boleh buat bende² yang abg sado² kt luar sane tu x leh buat, klo dia laki xpe, masalahnya dia perempuan, men this girl is killing my nerve men . . . This girl is real SADO {lebih banyak lagi video langsi di Vyrec}
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 bushido - Social Mention: Chung Jung One Premium Soy Sauce - 6 Months Naturally Brewed (28.4oz) (840ml) (Pack of 4), W2L09FR7T, O5T07. Recent actual deals: And that /II0XWR5/: Premium red chili paste, gochujang with 100% korean ingredients by chung-jung-one (2.2 lb); Natural premium sea salt for kimchi brining: the jewel of sinan island (5.5 lb) by chung-jung-one; Chung jung one sunchang gochujang -red pepper paste (1.1lb) (500g) (pack of 4); Premium anchovy fish sauce (2.2 lb) by chung-jung-one; Chung jung one hong cho: drink mix concentrate with vinegar (30.4oz) (900ml) pomegranate (pack of 2); Chung jung one premium soy sauce - 6 months naturally brewed (28.4oz) (840ml) (pack of 4); William simpson h.r.h. the prince of wales beating the jungle with sir jung bahadoor in the nepal terai - 21" x 28" premium canvas print; Se chung organic loose leaf oolong tea, 100g bag; Fr immer jung (premium karaoke version) (originally performed by bushido feat. karel gott); Chung jung one hong cho: drink mix concentrate with vinegar (30.4oz) (900ml) blueberry (pack of 2); Premium red chili paste, gochujang with 100% korean ingredients by chung-jung-one (1.1 lb). Tags: bargain, blog, ERHRE3QVK, how much is, P409L, product, gift ideas, last minute deals, OXS8KT2, discount, FD2UU091O, cyber monday, stores, tv deals.
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 05:03AM  

    bushido - Social Mention
    Chung Jung One Premium Soy Sauce - 6 Months Naturally Brewed (28.4oz) (840ml) (Pack of 4), W2L09FR7T, O5T07. Recent actual deals: And that /II0XWR5/: Premium red chili paste, gochujang with 100% korean ingredients by chung-jung-one (2.2 lb); Natural premium sea salt for kimchi brining: the jewel of sinan island (5.5 lb) by chung-jung-one; Chung jung one sunchang gochujang -red pepper paste (1.1lb) (500g) (pack of 4); Premium anchovy fish sauce (2.2 lb) by chung-jung-one; Chung jung one hong cho: drink mix concentrate with vinegar (30.4oz) (900ml) pomegranate (pack of 2); Chung jung one premium soy sauce - 6 months naturally brewed (28.4oz) (840ml) (pack of 4); William simpson h.r.h. the prince of wales beating the jungle with sir jung bahadoor in the nepal terai - 21" x 28" premium canvas print; Se chung organic loose leaf oolong tea, 100g bag; Fr immer jung (premium karaoke version) (originally performed by bushido feat. karel gott); Chung jung one hong cho: drink mix concentrate with vinegar (30.4oz) (900ml) blueberry (pack of 2); Premium red chili paste, gochujang with 100% korean ingredients by chung-jung-one (1.1 lb). Tags: bargain, blog, ERHRE3QVK, how much is, P409L, product, gift ideas, last minute deals, OXS8KT2, discount, FD2UU091O, cyber monday, stores, tv deals.
    Nov 25th 2013, 04:35
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 bushido - Social Mention: Scramble Be Water Rashguard. CSHZ84S - K6KD. relevant items, see on this page: Related items /D804V/: Scramble ranked rash guard; Scramble shadow rashguard; Dakine women's heart rashguard tank top; Scramble be water rashguard; Shark week season 6 [hd]; I play. baby-girls infant short sleeve tie rashguard shirt; Scramble squares: freshwater fish; Scramble be water rashguard; Scramble be water rashguard; I play. baby-girls infant short sleeve tie rashguard shirt; Motorola on-site rdu2080d 8-channel uhf water-resistant two-way business radio; Scramble bushido athletics rashguard; Scramble the wave jiu jitsu gi. Tags: holiday, blog, gift ideas, Z5AU, reviews, last minute deals, 7751293825210, top, cyber monday, SWG49, special, hot.
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 05:03AM  

    bushido - Social Mention
    Scramble Be Water Rashguard. CSHZ84S - K6KD. relevant items, see on this page: Related items /D804V/: Scramble ranked rash guard; Scramble shadow rashguard; Dakine women's heart rashguard tank top; Scramble be water rashguard; Shark week season 6 [hd]; I play. baby-girls infant short sleeve tie rashguard shirt; Scramble squares: freshwater fish; Scramble be water rashguard; Scramble be water rashguard; I play. baby-girls infant short sleeve tie rashguard shirt; Motorola on-site rdu2080d 8-channel uhf water-resistant two-way business radio; Scramble bushido athletics rashguard; Scramble the wave jiu jitsu gi. Tags: holiday, blog, gift ideas, Z5AU, reviews, last minute deals, 7751293825210, top, cyber monday, SWG49, special, hot.
    Nov 25th 2013, 04:26
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Nov 25th 2013, 06:10, by Nahsaka Lasbhan


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 04:55AM  

    The Return Of Khilafah (Caliphate) - The Golden Age Of Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    The Return Of Khilafah (Caliphate) - The Golden Age Of Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    Badakhshan Province of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
    Badakhshan was the...
    Nov 25th 2013, 04:05
    Badakhshan Province of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan

    Badakhshan was the only province that the Taliban did not get to conquer during their rule from 1996 to 2001.

    The Afghan Northern Alliance controlled this province, Northern Alliance was supported, armed, and funded by Iran, India, Russia, Tajikistan and The United States of America. And their Ideology was Islamic Democracy like we have in Pakistan and Iran.
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 04:55AM  

    The Return Of Khilafah (Caliphate) - The Golden Age Of Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    The Return Of Khilafah (Caliphate) - The Golden Age Of Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    A group of women were at a seminar on how to live in a loving relationship with...
    Nov 25th 2013, 04:39
    A group of women were at a seminar on how to live in a loving relationship with ones husband.

    The women were asked, "How many of you love your husband?"

    All the women raised their hands.

    Then they were asked, "When was the last time you told your husband you loved him?"

    Some women answered today, a few yesterday, and some couldn't remember.

    The women were then told to take out their cell phones and text their husband: "I love you, sweetheart."

    The women were then told to exchange phones with another women, and to read aloud the text message they received, in response.

    Here are some of the replies:

    1. Who the hell is this?

    2. Eh, mother of my children, are you sick or what?

    3. Yeh, and I love you too. What's up with you??

    4. What now? Did you crash the car again?

    5. I don't understand what you mean?

    6. What the hell did you do now?

    7. ?!?

    8. Don't beat about the bush, just tell me how much you need?

    9. Am I dreaming?

    10. If you don't tell me who this message is actually for, someone will die.

    11. I thought we agreed you wouldn't drink during the day.

    12. Your mother is coming to stay with us, isn't she??
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 04:39AM  

    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Saudi ex-official: Gov't should cut off Ethiopians' ears as a lesson

    Nov 25th 2013, 04:18
    Saudi ex-official: Gov't should cut off Ethiopians' ears as a lesson

    [Increase] [Normal] [Decrease]
    Ethiopians gather as they wait to be repatriated in Manfouha, southern Riyadh, Saudi Arabia on November 13, 2013.
    Ethiopians gather as they wait to be repatriated in Manfouha, southern Riyadh, Saudi Arabia on November 13, 2013.
    A former member of Saudi Consultative Assembly has said that Riyadh government should cut off ears of some Ethiopian workers as a lesson for others to learn.

    Speaking at a TV program on Saudi 4shbab satellite TV, Abdulwahab Al-Majthal said, " during the past 25 years we have been having problems with Ethiopian workers in south of Saudi Arabia and we have always seen them using knife and cleavers in their crimes, until, prince Mohammad Bin Nayef, the interior minister, and some other princes stepped forward and cleared the country in just 15 days".

    "Are Ethiopian workers really miserable? Are those who commit crimes such as smuggling arms and drugs, killing and fornication are miserable?" he said.

    He then went on to say that, "I recommend the Saudi authorities to cut off Ethiopian workers ears before expelling them, as the UAE did, to teach others a lesson to learn".

    Ethipian workers have held several demonstrations against violation of their rights by Saudi government.

    On November 12, the Saudi police killed three Ethiopian migrant workers in the impoverished neighborhood of Manfuhah in the capital, Riyadh, where thousands of African workers, mostly Ethiopians, were waiting for buses to take them to deportation centers.

    Saudi authorities launched a visa crackdown on undocumented foreign workers in November. Since that time, several foreign workers have been killed by the Saudi police and many others imprisoned.

    Foreign workers, especially Ethiopians, are facing beatings, torture, rape, abuse and death in Saudi Arabia.

    They cannot change jobs or leave Saudi Arabia without the permission of their sponsors, who are often Saudi companies or individuals who provide workers to businesses for profit.

    Most of the sponsors take away the passports of the workers for the duration of their contract.

    Human rights groups have criticized Saudi Arabia over the condition of migrant workers in the kingdom and called on Riyadh to abolish the sponsorship system for migrant workers.
    Saudi ex-official: Gov't should cut off Ethiopians' ears as a lesson
    A former member of Saudi Consultative Assembly has said that Riyadh government should cut off ears of some Ethiopian workers as a lesson for others to learn.
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 04:39AM  

    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Israeli Soldiers Attack Journalists in the WB City of Billin
    Israeli occupation...
    Nov 25th 2013, 04:13
    Israeli Soldiers Attack Journalists in the WB City of Billin

    Israeli occupation soldiers attacked journalists of a Palestinian TV channel in the West Bank village of Billin, Press TV reported.IOF

    The soldiers fired tear gas and rubber bullets directly at the van of the Maan television network's crew.

    Billin is a village near the city of Ramallah that has been encircled by illegal Israeli settlements.

    Palestinian activist Osama Baker told Press TV on Saturday that the Zionist forces continue to attack and target journalists in the West Bank.

    Fares Srafendi, another journalist, told Press TV, "The goal of Israeli army is to attack national and international journalists in an attempt to prevent them from reporting real situation and documenting Israeli crimes against Palestinians people."

    He also called on all local journalists to "unite and gain international support" to put pressure on the Israeli regime to stop attacks on journalists and allow them to freely move in the West Bank and al-Quds (Jerusalem).

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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 04:39AM  

    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Hardline Israeli settlers attack al-Aqsa mosque
    Extremist Israeli settlers...
    Nov 25th 2013, 04:20
    Hardline Israeli settlers attack al-Aqsa mosque
    Extremist Israeli settlers led by a hardline Rabbi have attacked the al-Aqsa Mosque in East al-Quds (Jerusalem) through Bab el-Magharbeh.

    Reports say the settlers were led by the extremist Rabbi Yehuda Glick who heads the so-called Temple Mount Heritage Foundation.

    The Sunday incident comes after a similar event on October 15, when a number of Israeli settlers stormed the mosque under army protection.

    Meanwhile, a report published by the al-Aqsa Foundation in October, said the Israeli regime is planning to build a synagogue in al-Aqsa Mosque compound as part of its efforts to further Judaize the occupied Palestinian territories.

    According to the report, which was based on the information leaked from the Israeli Knesset, the plan would divide the compound, taking one-fifth for the Jews in order for them to perform their religious rituals there.

    On October 19, Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh condemned Israel's efforts to judaize al-Quds and the al-Aqsa Mosque.

    Haniyeh also slammed Israel's expansionist policies and the regime's crimes against the Palestinian nation, saying the liberation of Palestine is a national duty.

    He called on all Palestinians to act against the expansionist measures of the Tel Aviv regime across the occupied territories, particularly in al-Quds.

    Over the past decades, Israel has tried to change demographic makeup of al-Quds by constructing illegal settlements, destroying historical sites, and expelling the local Palestinian population.

    Over half a million Israelis live in over 120 settlements built since the 1967 Israeli occupation of the West Bank and East al-Quds. The international community considers the settlements illegal.


    Hardline Israeli settlers attack al-Aqsa mosque
    Extremist Israeli settlers led by a hardline Rabbi have attacked the al-Aqsa Mosque in East al-Quds (Jerusalem) through Bab el-Magharbeh.
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 03:55AM  

    Abu Abdullah - Social Mention
    Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Book 33: Retiring to a Mosque for Remembrance of Allah (I'tikaf) Volume 3, Book 33, Number 256: Narrated Abu Said: We practiced Itikaf with Allah's Apostle in the middle ten days (of Ramadan). In the morning of the twentieth (of Ramadan) we shifted our baggage, but Allah's Apostle came to us and said, 'Whoever was m Itikaf should return to his place of Itikaf, for I saw (i.e. was informed about the date of) this Night (of Qadr) and saw myself prostrating in mud and water.' When I returned to my place the sky was overcast with clouds and it rained. By Him Who sent Muhammad with the Truth, the sky was covered with clouds from the end of that day, and the mosque which was roofed with leaf-stalks of date palm trees (leaked with rain) and I saw the trace of mud and water over the nose of the Prophet and its tip. Volume 3, Book 33, Number 257: Narrated 'Amra bint 'Abdur-Rahman from 'Aisha: Allah's Apostle used to practice Itikaf every year in the month of Ramadan. And after offering the morning prayer, he used to enter the place of his Itikaf. 'Aisha asked his permission to let her practice Itikaf and he allowed her, and so she pitched a tent in the mosque. When Hafsa heard of that, she also pitched a tent (for herself), and when Zainab heard of that, she too pitched another tent. When, in the morning, Allah's Apostle had finished the morning prayer, he saw four tents and asked, 'What is this?' He was informed about it. He then said, 'What made them do this? Is it righteousness? Remove the tents, for I do not want to see them.' So, the tents were removed. The Prophet did not perform Itikaf that year in the month of Ramadan, but did it in the last ten days of Shawwal. Volume 3, Book 33, Number 258: Narrated Abdullah bin Umar: 'Umar bin Al-Khattab said, 'O Allah's Apostle! I vowed in the Pre-lslamic period to perform Itikaf in Al-Masjid-al-Haram for one night.' The Prophet said, 'Fulfill your vow.' So, he performed Itikaf for one night. Volume 3, Book 33, Number 259: Narrated Ibn 'Umar: that 'Umar had vowed in the Pre-lslamic period to perform Itikaf in Al-Masjid-al-Haram. (A sub-narrator thinks that 'Umar vowed to perform Itikaf for one night.) Allah's Apostle said to 'Umar, 'Fulfill your vow.' Volume 3, Book 33, Number 260: Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet used to perform Itikaf every year in the month of Ramadan for ten days, and when it was the year of his death, he stayed in Itikaf for twenty days. Volume 3, Book 33, Number 261: Narrated 'Amra bint 'AbdurRahman from 'Aisha: Allah's Apostle mentioned that he would practice Itikaf in the last ten days of Ramadan. 'Aisha asked his permission to perform Itikaf and he permitted her. Hafsa asked 'Aisha to take his permission for Volume 3, Book 33, Number 262: Narrated 'Urwa: Aisha during her menses used to comb and oil the hair of the Prophet while he used to be in Itikaf in the mosque. He would stretch out his head towards her while she was in her chamber.
    Nov 25th 2013, 03:54
    Narrated Abu Huraira: One day while the Prophet () was sitting in the company of some people, (The angel) Gabriel came and asked, "What is faith?" Allah's Messenger () replied, 'Faith is to believe in Allah, His angels, (the) meeting with Him, His Apostles, and to believe in Resurrection." Then he further asked, "What is Islam?" Allah's Messenger () replied, "To worship Allah Alone and none else, to offer prayers perfectly to pay the compulsory charity (Zakat) and to observe fasts during the month of Ramadan." Then he further asked, "What is Ihsan (perfection)?" Allah's Messenger () replied, "To worship Allah as if you see Him, and if you cannot achieve this state of devotion then you must consider that He is looking at you." Then he further asked, "When will the Hour be established?" Allah's Messenger () replied, "The answerer has no better knowledge than the questioner. But I will inform you about its portents. 1. When a slave (lady) gives birth to her master. 2. When the shepherds of black camels start boasting and competing with others in the construction of higher buildings. And the Hour is one of five things which nobody knows except Allah. The Prophet () then recited: "Verily, with Allah (Alone) is the knowledge of the Hour--." (31. 34) Then that man (Gabriel) left and the Prophet () asked his companions to call him back, but they could not see him. Then the Prophet () said, "That was Gabriel who came to teach the people their religion." Abu 'Abdullah said: He (the Prophet) considered all that as a part of faith. حَدَّثَنَا مُسَدَّدٌ، قَالَ حَدَّثَنَا إِسْمَاعِيلُ بْنُ إِبْرَاهِيمَ، أَخْبَرَنَا أَبُو حَيَّانَ التَّيْمِيُّ، عَنْ أَبِي زُرْعَةَ، عَنْ أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ، قَالَ كَانَ النَّبِيُّ صلى الله عليه وسلم بَارِزًا يَوْمًا لِلنَّاسِ، فَأَتَاهُ جِبْرِيلُ فَقَالَ مَا الإِيمَانُ قَالَ " الإِيمَانُ أَنْ تُؤْمِنَ بِاللَّهِ وَمَلاَئِكَتِهِ وَبِلِقَائِهِ وَرُسُلِهِ، وَتُؤْمِنَ بِالْبَعْثِ ". قَالَ مَا الإِسْلاَمُ قَالَ " الإِسْلاَمُ أَنْ تَعْبُدَ اللَّهَ وَلاَ تُشْرِكَ بِهِ، وَتُقِيمَ الصَّلاَةَ، وَتُؤَدِّيَ الزَّكَاةَ الْمَفْرُوضَةَ، وَتَصُومَ رَمَضَانَ ". قَالَ مَا الإِحْسَانُ قَالَ " أَنْ تَعْبُدَ اللَّهَ كَأَنَّكَ تَرَاهُ، فَإِنْ لَمْ تَكُنْ تَرَاهُ فَإِنَّهُ يَرَاكَ ". قَالَ مَتَى السَّاعَةُ قَالَ " مَا الْمَسْئُولُ عَنْهَا بِأَعْلَمَ مِنَ السَّائِلِ، وَسَأُخْبِرُكَ عَنْ أَشْرَاطِهَا إِذَا وَلَدَتِ الأَمَةُ رَبَّهَا، وَإِذَا تَطَاوَلَ رُعَاةُ الإِبِلِ الْبُهْمُ فِي الْبُنْيَانِ، فِي خَمْسٍ لاَ يَعْلَمُهُنَّ إِلاَّ اللَّهُ ". ثُمَّ تَلاَ النَّبِيُّ صلى الله عليه وسلم {إِنَّ اللَّهَ عِنْدَهُ عِلْمُ السَّاعَةِ} الآيَةَ. ثُمَّ أَدْبَرَ فَقَالَ " رُدُّوهُ ". فَلَمْ يَرَوْا شَيْئًا. فَقَالَ " هَذَا جِبْرِيلُ جَاءَ يُعَلِّمُ النَّاسَ دِينَهُمْ ". قَالَ أَبُو عَبْدِ اللَّهِ جَعَلَ ذَلِكَ كُلَّهُ مِنَ الإِيمَانِ.
    Nov 25th 2013, 03:53
    Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Book 33: Retiring to a Mosque for Remembrance of Allah (I'tikaf) Volume 3, Book 33, Number 242: Narrated Abdullah bin Umar: Allah's Apostle used to practise Itikaf in the last ten days of the month of Ramadan. Volume 3, Book 33, Number 243: Narrated 'Aisha: (the wife of the Prophet) The Prophet used to practice Itikaf in the last ten days of Ramadan till he died and then his wives used to practice Itikaf after him. Volume 3, Book 33, Number 244: Narrated Abu Said Al-Khudri: Allah's Apostle used to practice Itikaf in the middle ten days of Ramadan and once he stayed in Itikaf till the night of the twenty-first and it was the night in the morning of which he used to come out of his Itikaf. The Prophet said, 'Whoever was in Itikaf with me should stay in Itikaf for the last ten days, for I was informed (of the date) of the Night (of Qadr) but I have been caused to forget it. (In the dream) I saw myself prostrating in mud and water in the morning of that night. So, look for it in the last ten nights and in the odd ones of them.' It rained that night and the roof of the mosque dribbled as it was made of leaf stalks of date-palms. I saw with my own eyes the mark of mud and water on the forehead of the Prophet (i.e. in the morning of the twenty-first). Volume 3, Book 33, Number 245: Narrated 'Aisha: The Prophet used to (put) bend his head (out) to me while he was in Itikaf in the mosque during my monthly periods and I would comb and oil his hair. Volume 3, Book 33, Number 246: Narrated 'Aisha: (the wife of the Prophet) Allah's Apostle used to let his head in (the house) while he was in the mosque and I would comb and oil his hair. When in Itikaf he used not to enter the house except for a need. Volume 3, Book 33, Number 247: Narrated 'Aisha: The Prophet used to embrace me during my menses. He also used to put his head out of the mosque while he was in Itikaf, and I would wash it during my menses. Volume 3, Book 33, Number 248: Narrated Ibn 'Umar: Umar asked the Prophet 'I vowed in the Pre-lslamic period of ignorance to stay in Itikaf for one night in Al-Masjid al-Haram.' The Prophet said to him, 'Fulfill your vow.' Volume 3, Book 33, Number 249: Narrated 'Amra: Aisha said, 'the Prophet used to practice Itikaf in the last ten days of Ramadan and I used to pitch a tent for him, and after offering the morning prayer, he used to enter the tent.' Hafsa asked the permission of 'Aisha to pitch a tent for her and she allowed her and she pitched her tent. When Zainab bint Jahsh saw it, she pitched another tent. In the morning the Prophet noticed the tents. He said, 'What is this?' He was told of the whole situation. Then the Prophet said, 'Do you think that they intended to do righteousness by doing this?' He therefore abandoned the Itikaf in that month and practiced Itikaf for ten days in the month of Shawwal.' Volume 3, Book 33, Number 250: Narrated 'Aisha: The Prophet intended to practice Itikaf and when he reached the place where he intended to perform Itikaf, he saw some tents, the tents of 'Aisha, Hafsa and Zainab. So, he said, 'Do you consider that they intended to do righteousness by doing this?' And then he went away and did not perform Itikaf (in Ramadan) but performed it in the month of Shawwal for ten days.
    Nov 25th 2013, 03:52
    Sekte perusak makam kaum muslim Pada kenyataannya mereka meneladani dan mengikuti Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab yang mengikuti pola pemahaman Ibnu Taimiyyah yakni memahami Al Qur'an dan As Sunnah bersandarkan mutholaah (menelaah kitab) secara otodidak (shahafi) dengan akal pikiran sendiri dan pemahamannya selalu berpegang pada nash secara dzahir atau pemahamannya selalu dengan makna dzahir atau makna dari apa yang tertulis (makna tersurat) dan kurang memperhatikan ilmu untuk memahami Al Qur'an dan As Sunnah seperti ilmu tata bahasa Arab atau ilmu alat seperti nahwu, sharaf, balaghah (ma'ani, bayan dan badi'). Contohnya dalam ilmu balaghah (sastra Arab) dikenal adanya makna majaz (makna kiasan) atau makna di balik yang tertulis (makna tersirat). Kalau tidak menguasai ilmu untuk memahami Al Qur'an dan As Sunnah maka akan sesat dan menyesatkan. Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab adalah pengikut yang tidak pernah bertemu muka yakni mengikuti pola pemahaman Ibnu Taimiyyah bersandarkan mutholaah (menelaah kitab) secara otodidak (shahafi) dengan akal pikirannya sendiri karena masa kehidupannya terpaut 350 tahun lebih. Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab maupun Ibnu Taimiyyah tidak dikenal berkompetensi sebagai Imam Mujtahid Mutlak sehingga mereka tidak patut ditaklidi oleh kaum muslim dan pada kenyataannya tidak ada satupun mazhab yang dinisbatkan dengan nama mereka. Dalam tulisan pada bahwa Prof. Dr Yunahar Ilyas, Lc, MA menyampaikan slogan "Muhammadiyah bukan Dahlaniyah" artinya Muhammadiyah hanyalah sebuah organisasi kemasyarakatan atau jama'ah minal muslimin bukan sebuah sekte atau firqoh yang mengikuti pemahaman KH Ahmad Dahlan karena KH Ahmad Dahlan sebagaimana mayoritas kaum muslim (as-sawadul a'zham ) pada masa sekarang mengikuti Rasulullah shallallahu alaihi wasallam dengan mengikuti Imam Mazhab yang empat. Jadi ketika sebuah jama'ah minal muslimin atau sebuah kelompok kaum muslim atau sebuah ormas menetapkan untuk mengikuti pemahaman seseorang atau pemahaman sebuah majlis dari kelompok tersebut terhadap Al Qur'an dan As Sunnah dan tidak berkompetensi sebagai Imam Mujtahid Mutlak atau ahli istidlal maka berubahlah menjadi sebuah sekte atau firqah. Sekte atau firqah Wahabi adalah sekelompok kaum muslim yang mengikuti pemahaman ulama Najed yakni Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab sebagaimana sebagaimana informasi dari situs resmi mereka seperti pada di mana terlihat jelas kebanggaan mereka sebagai ulama Najed. Berikut kutipannya, "In the 18th century, a religious scholar of the central Najd, Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab, joined forces with Muhammad bin Saud, the ruler of the town of Diriyah, to bring the Najd and the rest of Arabia back to the original and undefiled form of Islam". Ulama Najed mengingatkan kita kepada penduduk Najed yang mempunyai keunikan tersendiri karena mereka disebutkan dalam beberapa hadits untuk kita ambil hikmah atau pelajaran sebagaimana yang telah disampaikan dalam tulisan pada Pada awalnya sanad guru (sanad ilmu) Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab terjaga dengan bertalaqqi (mengaji) pada ulama yang mengikuti Imam Mazhab yang empat namun pada akhirnya Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab mengikuti pola pemahaman Ibnu Taimiyyah yakni memahami Al Qur'an dan As Sunnah bersandarkan mutholaah (menelaah kitab) secara otodidak (shahafi) dengan akal pikirannya sendiri sebagaimana informasi dari kalangan mereka sendiri yang menyebut Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab sebagai imam seperti pada ***** awal kutipan ***** Lengkaplah sudah ilmu yang diperlukan oleh seorang yangpintar yang kemudian dikembangkan sendiri melalui metode otodidak (belajar sendiri) sebagaimana lazimnya para ulama besar Islam mengembangkan ilmu-ilmunya. Di mana bimbingan guru hanyalah sebagai modal dasar yang selanjutnya untuk dapat dikembangkan dan digali sendiri oleh yang bersangkutan ***** akhir kutipan ***** Begitupula dari biografi Ibnu Taimiyyah pun kita mengetahui bahwa beliau termasuk orang-orang yang memahami Al Qur'an dan as Sunnah bersandarkan mutholaah (menelaah kitab) secara otodidak (shahafi) dengan akal pikiran sendiri seperti contoh informasi dari ***** awal kutipan ****** Ibn Taimiyyah juga seorang otodidak yang serius. Bahkan keluasan wawasan dan ketajaman analisisnya lebih terbentuk oleh berbagai literatur yang dia baca dan dia teliti sendiri. ***** akhir kutipan ****** Rasulullah shallallahu alaihi wasallam bersabda,"Barangsiapa menguraikan Al Qur'an dengan akal pikirannya sendiri dan merasa benar, maka sesungguhnya dia telah berbuat kesalahan". (HR. Ahmad) Apakah orang yang otodidak dari kitab-kitab hadits layak disebut ahli hadits ? Syaikh Nashir al-Asad menjawab pertanyaan ini: "Orang yang hanya mengambil ilmu melalui kitab saja tanpa memperlihatkannya kepada ulama dan tanpa berjumpa dalam majlis-majlis ulama, maka ia telah mengarah pada distorsi. Para ulama tidak menganggapnya sebagai ilmu, mereka menyebutnya shahafi atau otodidak, bukan orang alim… Para ulama menilai orang semacam ini sebagai orang yang dlaif (lemah). Ia disebut shahafi yang diambil dari kalimat tashhif, yang artinya adalah seseorang mempelajari ilmu dari kitab tetapi ia tidak mendengar langsung dari


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 04:33AM  

    Islam für Kinder
    Frage der Woche
    Nov 25th 2013, 04:00

    Was war die erste grosse Aufgabe der Muhadschirin in Medina?
    a) ein Haus für den Propheten bauen
    b) eine Moschee bauen
    c) eine Feier veranstalten, damit sich die al Ansar und Muhadschirin kennenlernen können
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 04:27AM  

    Ideal Muslims Facebook-Pinnwand
    Ideal Muslims Facebook-Pinnwand
    "Keep relations with those who cut you off, do good to people even if they harm...
    Nov 25th 2013, 03:35
    "Keep relations with those who cut you off, do good to people even if they harm you and speak the truth even if it is against yourself."
    -Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him)
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 04:20AM  

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    Four Simple Steps to Improving Our Character ~ Mufti Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf
    Nov 25th 2013, 02:21
    Four Simple Steps to Improving Our Character ~ Mufti Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf
    Title: Four Simple Steps to Improving Our Character In this lecture Shaykh Abdur Rahman provides some simple steps one can take to help better ones character...
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 04:07AM  

    khalifa - Social Mention
    ♫ I'm listening to Paperbond by Wiz Khalifa in
    Nov 25th 2013, 04:06
    Free Music Download Pro: Free Legal Music Downloads for iOS
    Man i aint took these headphones out since i got back from da store, dat old wiz khalifa savage i missed listin to good music!
    Nov 25th 2013, 04:06
    Nov 25th 2013, 04:03
    For the 5thEdition Special honors toSheikha Ftaima Bint Moubarak &  NawalEl Moutawakel and Thomas Bach in recognition of their services and tireless efforts towards sport and its development   The Board ofTrustees of the Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Creative Sports Award in its 5thEdition , announced the winners' names of the 16 categories of the largest awardin terms of value and categories, the first of its kind ever devoted tocreativity in action sports. H.H. Sheikha Fatima Bent Mubarak , the Chairperson ofthe General Women's Union ,Supreme Chairperson of the Family DevelopmentFoundation, Chairperson of the Supreme Councilfor Motherhood has been selected as the "Local Sports Figure" of the Year inthe United Arab Emirates, in recognition of her major role in developing sportsacross the country by supporting and sponsoring sports events that enhanced theUAE prestige on the sport's world map. Also Sheikh Salman Bin Ibrahim Al Khalifa  has been selected as the "Arab Sports Figure;"Mr. Thomas Bach, the IOC President has beenselected as the "International Sports Figure"; and Mrs. Nawal El Moutawakel  has won the award of "Arab Sports Figurecontributed to the enrichment of women Sports " as an appreciation to hercontributions in encouraging women's sports movement.    The Board of Trustees nominated thosecandidates in recognition of their role in leading and developing the sportsmovement and for their outstanding achievements.   This announcement came during a pressconference held this morning, Sunday , 24th November, 2013, in thepresence of His Excellency Mattar Al Tayer, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Mr.MustaphaLarafaoui, Member of the Board of Trustees and President of the Jury,Dr. Ahmad Al Sharif, Secretary General of the Award, and Mr. Nasser Aman AlRahma, the Award Director, and a crowd of sports leaders in the United ArabEmirates and representatives of the local and Arab media.   His Excellency Mattar Al Tayer said: "After an exciting journey, here wereach the pre-final stage of Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Creative SportsAward in its 5th  edition; wewill announce today the local, Arab and international Foundation winners of the2013 awards." Al Tayer added "The award was createdbased on His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, UAE Vice President,Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, principal that aim to honor talentedathletes, and it was named after H.H. name"  AlTayer noted that the award is sponsored by His Highness Sheikh Hamdan BinMohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai and Chairman of DubaiSports Council, and it's been supported by H.H. Sheikh Ahmed Bin Mohammed BinRashid Al Maktoum, Chairman of the National Olympic Committee, and the Chairmanof the Award . Al Tayer commented "The athletes andsports media are excited to know the winners that we are announcing today.Those winners have earned their recognition by exerting restless efforts andcreativity throughout the past twelve months; they will receive the Order ofMerit  on 6th, January, 2014 theday that became a milestone of innovation for athletes in the United ArabEmirates, the Arab nation, and the world. " He added "The award's 5thEdition  was marked with theparticipation of 226 files for athletes, teams and foundations, indicatingincrement in quality and quantity of participants. The participation of InternationalSports Federations has exceeded 93% mark despite the fact that the award is stillonly in its 2nd year on the International Level. This confirms thatthe award has become a locomotive for sports excellence and creativity, notonly locally and regionally, but globally as well." The Chairman of the Board of Trustees concludedhis speech by saying: "On my behalf, and on behalf of my fellow members ofthe Board of Trustees, I would like to extend our gratitude to His HighnessSheikh Hamdan Bin Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai andChairman of Dubai Sports Council, and to His Highness Sheikh Ahmed Bin MohammedBin Rashid Al Maktoum, Chairman of the National Olympic Committee,  and the Chairman of the Award, for theirsupervision and generous support to sport and athletes in general and particularlyto the Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Creative Sports Award, I would like alsoto thank the media  representatives andreporters for supporting the award and being our essential partners indeveloping the sports sector." The total number of nominees reached(226) files, 66 local files, 136 Arab files, in addition to (23) International SportsFederations. Local level At the United Arab Emirates level, Sultan Ali Mohammed Al Taher , haswon the "Best Referee Award" after participating in the direction of manyinternational tournaments of the game, and the "Victory Team 3 " for men haswon the Team Creativity Award after winning the  World Cup for powerboat racing first class 12times, including 6 times in a row. Arab Level Mouataz Essa M. Barsham (Qatar ), has wonthe" Arab Athlete Award" after winning the Silver medal, 2nd placein the competition of the high jump (2.38 m) at the World Championship ofAthletics held in Moscow 2013, while the Football Team of Al Ahly Club (Egypt),has won the "Arab Team Award", and the "Sports Institute, the Pierre deCoubertin"  (Tunisia) has won theCreative Arab Foundation Award.       International Level The Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) haswon the "International Organization – International Category Award" inrecognition of their efforts in the joint campaign which aims to highlight thework of the federation in the world "For the Game. For the World"   Appreciation  categories The athletes and sports organizations winnersof the 10 awards granted during the 5th edition were announced, andthe selection was as follows: The award for Emirati athlete whoachieved International successes was given to Khalifa Sultan Jaber Al Metawi  in recognition of his achievement in winning theWorld Desert Rally Championship 2012/First Category TI, and Mr. Karar MohammadJawad( Iraq), who achieved tremendous success in sports field, was awarded  Arab Emerging Athlete. The title of the same category at the UAElevel is competed by 6 emerging athletes in implementation of the directives ofH.H Sheikh Hamdan Bin Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai ,Chairman of Dubai Sports Council, Patron of the award to support and honor thedistinguished juniors. The emerging athletes' names have beensubmitted for public vote in collaboration with Dubai Sports Channel to selectthe best three of them. The athletes are: Abdullah Ghanem Al Merri, the numberone in the endurance races internal rankings of 2013; Saif Mohammed Al MaasamAl Falasi, the world, Europe and UAE Jet Ski champion of 2012; Khalifa MohammedMurad, world champion in Jujitsu for juniors in 2012 and 2013; Khalifa Ali AlJahouri, the winner of the youth and emerging endurance races championship goldmedal in France in 2013; Fahd Abbas Abdul Razzaq, gold medalist at Asia'ssingle tennis for juniors in Qatar 2012; and Aisha Sarhan Al Maaini, theschools Olympiad champion of Chess in Bulgaria, Asia and the Arab Championship andthe best emerging player in the schools Olympiad in Russia. Ameen Al Shantoof haswon an appreciation award for the category of "athlete who achievedsuccess in sports despite major humanitarian challenges," while the UnitedNations, Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the OlympicSolidarity Commission have won the award of "InternationalSports Foundation achieved success based on values", and the Golf In Dubai haswon the award of "Sports Foundation with successful creative initiativecontributed to the enrichment of the sports movement".   The winners' awarding ceremony isscheduled to be held on January 6th, 2014 at the Dubai World TradeCentre -Sheikh Rashid Ballroom, at which the winners of all competitiveness andappreciation award categories will be honored and handed their medals ofexcellence.
    Wiz Khalifa and Amber Rose in: 'DayToday' Season 3 episode 7
    Nov 25th 2013, 04:03
    Khalifa @ me..abu dhabi u.a.e
    Nov 25th 2013, 04:03
    Wiz Khalifa - No Sleep
    Nov 25th 2013, 04:02
    96.7 KLite Olongapo The WEEKEND COUNTDOWN NOV 23, 2013 (Saturday) 25. Ain't It Fun - Paramore 24. Heartbreaker - Justin Bieber 23. Holy Grail - Jay Z ft. Justin Timberlake 22. Applause - Lady Gaga 21. Galaxy Supernova - Girls Generation 20. Mahal na Mahal - Sam Concepcion 19. Roar - Katy Perry 18. Work Bi*ch - Britney Spears 17. Let Me Go - Avril Lavigne & Chad Kroeger 16. 23 - Mike Will Made it, Miley Cyrus, Wiz Khalifa and Juicy J 15. Growl - EXO 14. Summertime Sadness - Lana Del Rey 13. Counting Stars - One Republic 12. Go All Night - Radio Drive By 11. Baby I - Ariana Grande 10. Story of My Life - One Direction 9. Time Machine - Six Part Invention 8. Demons - Imagine Dragons Rock N Roll - Avril Lavigne 7. Stay The Night - Zedd ft. Hayley Williams of Paramore 6. Marry Me - Jason De Rulo 5. Venus - Lady Gaga 4. Wrecking Ball - Miley Cyrus 3. The Fox (What Does the Fox Say) - Ylvis 2. Heartbreak Girl - 5 Seconds of Summer 1. Royals - Lorde === NOV 16, 2013 25. Snow White - Labyrinth Ear 24. Brave - Sara Bareilles 23. Growl - EXO 22. Ikot Ikot - Sarah Geronimo 21. Roar - Katy Perry 20. Counting Stars - One Republic 19. 23 - Mike Will Made it, Miley Cyrus, Wiz Khalifa and Juicy J 18. Ylvis - The Fox 17. Go All Night - Radio Drive By 16. Story of My Life - One Direction 15. Ain't It Fun - Paramore 14. Holy Grail - Jay Z ft. Justin Timberlake 13. Time Machine - Six Part Invention 12. Summertime Sadness - Lana Del Rey 11. Marry Me - Jason De Rulo 10. Venus - Lady Gaga 9. Work Bi*ch - Britney Spears 8. Rock N Roll - Avril Lavigne 7. Applause - Lady Gaga 6. Baby I - Ariana Grande 5. Stay The Night - Zedd ft. Hayley Williams of Paramore 4. Heartbreak Girl - 5 Seconds of Summer 3. Demons - Imagine Dragons 2. Royals - Lorde 1. Wrecking Ball - Miley Cyrus
    Nov 25th 2013, 04:02
    Forbes magazine choose Vladimir Putin the most influential person in the world in 2013. Forbes American magazine has chosen the Russian President Vladimir Putin issued a list of influential people in the world's most powerful. The Russian "news agency" Itar-Tass said that Vladimir Putin issued Category annual conducted by Forbes magazine and broadcasted on wednesday, and the superiority of Vladimir Putin on Barack Obama President of the United States, who came in second place after he was topping the list last year, followed by the Chinese leader Shi Jin Ping. In the same context agency reported to Russian Novosti reports Category makers pointed out that Vladimir Putin deserved this status thanks to his foreign policy in the spare Syria a U.S. military strike against the backdrop of the use of chemical weapons in the civil war raging in Syria. It is noteworthy that the list also included some Arabic names such as Saudi King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz, who came in eighth place, and Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the ruler of the United Arab Emirates, which came in the thirty-fourth place. It is well known that the «Forbes» list for most powerful personalities in the world is a diverse annual list includes kings and princes and presidents and rulers of state and heads of major international companies and businessmen and heads of civil society organizations who are heavily universal and are able to influence on the course of world events.
    Nov 25th 2013, 04:02
    #tcot #pjnet #nra #2a #guns I stumbled across this over at Guns, Cars & Weapons and now I want a new PlayStation. Yes, gaming is one of my guilty pleasures, sadly one I haven't had much time for lately. :( - DoubleTap Preorder your 2014 Gun Girls Charity Calendar - Find it here: Check out our brand new American tradition T-Shirt! Find it here: If you want a good conspiracy/thriller read, check out: A Frail New World - Digital Conspiracy at follow us on twitter here @colddeadhands1
    Nov 25th 2013, 04:02
    Shaikha Lubna receives environment prize
    Nov 25th 2013, 04:01
    The accolade is testimony to the vital role the UAE plays in leading international diplomacy towards a sustainable and clean world.
    Khalifa Affnan sudah tiba semenanjung belum bha?
    Nov 25th 2013, 04:00
    Clifton Burton check this out .i went ham to this tonight.just looked up khalifa trap.listen to "whole "song! And if you get a chance post up a video of you gloving to it .I would like to see it
    Nov 25th 2013, 04:00
    Your #1 source for all trap and bass music. ︻╦╤─ Subscribe ─╤╦︻ ►Youtube: ︻╦╤─ Artist Information ─╤╦︻ JSTJR ►Facebook : h...
    Wiz Khalifa - Black and Yellow [Grand Theft Auto Style] [HQ Movie]
    Nov 25th 2013, 03:59
    This is my fanmade video of the song Black & Yellow, no copyright infringement indended. © 2010 WMG "Rolling Papers" @
    Bout me by Wiz Khalifa Sounds good nice beat to it.
    Nov 25th 2013, 03:58
    Np #: Whiz Khalifa - Cameras .. . .morning friends, i love u still, have a lekka one
    Nov 25th 2013, 03:57
    Nov 25th 2013, 03:57
    - para as meninas ::::::: ♥ - para os parças ::::::: um abraço
    Add Pedro Martines Si Quieres Liike Y Si Quieres Seguidores Metete Ahy --->
    Nov 25th 2013, 03:56
    CONGRATS TO Y'ALL ROUGHRIDERS THE CANADIAN GREY CUP CHAMPION Lynne Smith Lauria Mannoe Iam Jay Isaac Nani Eve Jonson Khalifa Forty-Two Chuang Kuenywar Mckensze Jaszme Andrew Ben Bangura Andy Kulichi Channy Arnold Tylo Cee Cesca Manalo Kate Ce Viola Maliya Valeriia Osypenko Varnetta Alicia Valentine Dekontee Bestman Kalu BT Emmanuel John Tamairra


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 04:05AM  

    kufar - Social Mention
    Nov 25th 2013, 03:53
    Best .of .best ghazal Hijar Ki Pehli Shaam K Saaye DoOR Ufaq Tak Chhaaye Thay Hijr Ki Pehli Shaam Ke Saaye Door Ufaq Tak Chhaaye Thay Ham Jab Os Ke Seher Se Niklay Sab Raastay Saath Laye Thay Jaanay Wo Kia Soch Raha Tha Apne Dil Mein Saari Raat Pyaar Ki Baatain Kartay Kartay Os Ke Nain Bhar Aaye Thay Mere Andar Chali Thi Aandhi Theek Osi Din Pat Jharr Ki Jis Din Apne Jorray Mein Os Ne Kuch Phool Sajaaye Thay Os Ne Kitnay Pyaar Se Apna Kufar Dia Nazraanay Mein Ham Apne Emaan Ka Sodaa Jis Se Karnay Aaye Thay Kaisay Jati Mere Badan Se Beetay Lamhon Ki Khushbuu Khwaabon Ki Is Basti Mein Kuch Phool Mere Hamsaaye Thay Kaisa Pyaara Manzar Tha Jab Dekh Ke Apne Saathi Ko Pairr Pe Bethi Ek Chirrya Ne Apne Per Phailaaye Thay Rukhsat Ke Din Bheegi Aankhon Os Ka Wo Kehna Haye "Qateel" Tum Ko Lout Hee Jana Tha Tou Is Nagri Mein Kiun Aaye Thay...* Gud morning
    Nov 25th 2013, 03:36
    mudah-mudahan ini di butuhkan oleh antm? RISALAH BAI'AT Inilah yang dapat saya sampaikan untuk mengantarkan pembahasan masalah Baiat. Untuk lebih mengetahui pembahasan masalah Baiat ini, saya persilahkan pembaca sekalian untuk menyimaknya dengan seksama. Semoga Allah memudahkan kita untuk mengkaji dan menelaahnya bersama, Allahumma laa sahla illa maa ja'altahu sahlan wa Anta taj'alu huzna idza syi'ta sahlan. Amiin. II. Definisi Secara Bahasa Baiat secara bahasa memiliki beberapa makna, yang sebenarnya dari masing-masing makna tersebut salaing berkaitan. Diantara makna baiat adalah sebagai berikut; الْبَيْعَةُ : هِىَ الْمُعاَقَدَةُ وَ الْمُعَاهَدَةُ 1. Bai'ah : perjanjian / sumpah setia.[2] الْبَيْعَةُ : الصَّفَقَةُ عَلَى اِيْجَابِ الْبَيْعِ وَ عَلَى الْمُبَايَعَةِ وَ الطَّاعَةِ 2. Bai'ah:berjabat tangan atas disepakatinya perjanjian jual beli, atau atas pembaiatan dan ketaatan[3]. 3. Baiat adalah ibarat dua orang yang melakukan jual-beli dan masing-masing menyerahkan miliknya dengan ikhlas atas kemauannya sendiri."[4] 4. Baaya'a as-sulthan (penguasa melakukan baiat), jika baiat yang diberikan kepadanya menjamin kesetiaan rakyat kepadanya. Demikian Imam ar-Raghib al-Ashbahani berkata.[5] Imam Ibnu Hajar al-Asqalani menjelaskan, "Orang yang membaiat penguasa telah memberikan kesetiannya dan mengambil pemberian dari orang yang dibaiatnya. Hal ini adalah seperti orang yang menjual barang daganggannya lalu dia menerima pembayarannya. Ketika orang Arab melakukan jual-beli, biasanya mereka saling berjabat tangan demikian pula ketika mereka saling berjanji dengan sumpah. Mereka menamakan perjanjian dengan pemimpin dan jabat tang pada waktu itu dengan baiat.[6] Secara Syar'i Adapaun secara istilah baiat juga memiliki beberapa yang juga antara makna satu dengan lainnya salaing berdekatan, diantara makna tersebut adalah; 1. Imam ath-Thabari dan Ibnu Katsir berkata, "Baiat artinya adalah al-Mitsaq (perjanjian)."[7] 2. Imam Ibnu Hazm berkata, "Baiat adalah transaksi (akad), kepemimpinan (imamah), dan kesetiaan."[8] 3. Imam Ibnu Khladun berkata, "Ketahuilah, bahwa baiat adalah perjanjian atas ketaatan, seolah seorang penjual yang berjanji dan menjamin aman urusan kepemimpinannya. Dipandang dia mampu mengatasi urusan pribadinya dan urusan kaum muslimin. Jika mereka membaiat seorang amir dan mengikat perjanjian kepadanya, menjadikan tangan mereka kepada tangannya sebagai penguat. Hal ini sebagaimana seorang penjual dan pembeli. Baiat berasal dari masdar "baa'a", ia terjadi dengan berjabatan tangan dan inilah maksud dari hadits dalam baiat Nabi malam 'aqabah di bawah pohon."[9] 4. Imam Ibnu Hajar al-Asqalani berkata, "Pada dasarnya baiatnya seorang imam, yaitu kaum membaiatnya untuk beramal dengan yang haq, menegakkan hudud, beramar ma'ruf dan nahyi mungkar."[10] Dari beberapa pemaparan mengenai pengertian baiat secara istilah, pengertian baiat menurut istilah yang kami pilih adalah perjanjian untuk setia dalam kebaikan. Definisi ini adalah lebih umum dan dibandingkan dengan arti baiat sebagai akad kepemimpinan saja. Demikian pernyataan Dr. Yahya Isma'il.[11] III. Pembagian Baiat a. Baiat Kubra[12] Baiat kubra adalah baiat Imam Jama'atul Muslimin (khalifah Islam). Dalam baiat ini terbagi menjadi dua : 1. Bai'at Ahlul Hilli wal 'Aqdi (para ulama', pemimpin dan pembesar kaum).[13] Seperti bai'at yang terjadi pada Hari Tsaqifah terhadap Abu Bakar D oleh pembesar-pembesar Anshar dan Muhajirin setelah wafatnya Rasulullah j.[14] Tempat baiat yang pertama adalah di atas mimbar. Imam al-Bukhari meriwayatkan dari Anas bin Malik, bahwa dia mendengar khutbah Umar D terakhir di atas mimbar. Demikian pula yang terjadi sehari setelah meninggalnya Rasulullah j, setelah mengucapkan syhadat, Umar D berkata (sementara Abu bakar tidak berbicara), "Sungguh, saya menginginkan Rasulullah j tetap hidup, sehingga beliau di belakang kami (yaitu Nabi wafat paling akhir). Namun, sungguh Muhammad telah meninggal dan sesungguhnya Allah telah menjadikan cahaya (al-Qur'an) di hadapanmu semua, yang dengannya kamu mendapatkan petunjuk Allah." Jika ahlul halli wal aqdi berhimpun untuk memilih seorang pengemban imamah (penguasa), mereka akan memperhatikan segala persyaratan yang berkaitan dengannya. Mereka akan membaiat orang yang terbaik, paling memenuhi syarat, paling ditaati dan mereka tidak menolak membaiatnya.[15] Imam Ibnu Taimiyah berkata, "Kepemimpinan (imamah) adalah kerajaan dan kekuasaan (mulk, sulthan). Penguasa tidak menjadi seorang penguasa dengan persetujuan satu, dua atau empat orang kecuali jika persetujuan mereka memperoleh persetujuan yang lain untuk menjadikannya sebagai seorang penguasa. seperti halnya Umar D ketika dia menerima wasiat dari Abu Bakar D untuk menjadi khalifah, hal itu hanya terwujud ketika orang-orang membaiatnyadan mematuhinya. Seandainya meraka tidak melakukan amanat Abu Bakar D dan tidak membaiat Umar, niscaya dia tidak menjadi seorang khalifah."[16] Pernyataan syaikhul Islam tersebut mampu menghilangkan kebimbangan di kalangan ulama mengenai masalah baiat ahlul halli wal aqdi. Sehubungan dengan itu, sebagian ulama berpendirian bahwa pengukuhan imamah adalah dengan baiat dua orang ahlul halli wal aqdi, dengan alasan bahwa jumlah tersebut adalah jumlah minimal untuk melakukan baiat. Kelompok yang lain menentukan jumlah yang sama dengan saksi menurut ketentuan syara' yaitu empat orang. Alasan mereka bahwa imamah adalah urusan yang terbesar dan terberat sehingga tidak ada jumlah yang layak selain daripada jumlah yang terbanyak.beberapa ulama ushul menentukan jumlah empat puluh untuk untuk pelaksanaan baiat tersebut karena jumlah tersebut adalah jumlah untuk shanya shalat Jumat menurut madzhab Syafi'i. Dalam hal ini, mereka menyamakan orang yang akan memilih imam kaum muslim dengan orang yang mengikuti imam Jumat.[17] Dalam kaitan ini, imam al-Juwaini mengemukankan satu pendaat yang jauh dari semua itu dan disetujui oleh Abu Bakar al-Baqillani dan Abu al-Hasan. Menurut dia, imamah iu sah dengan baiat salah seorang dari ahlul halli wal aqdi. Dr. Yahya Ismail berkata, "Menurut kami pendapat seperti ini bisa diterima jika ia diartikan sebagai baiat salah seorang ahlul halli wal aqdi dan diamnya yang lain atas baiat tersebut."[18] Menurut Abu Hamid al-Ghazali, syarat-syarat yang harus dipenuhi sebelum pengukuhan baiat adalah tegaknya kekuasaan, tergeraknya hati umat untuk mengikutinya, dan satunya perbuatan dengan isi hati dalam berbaiat. Seandainya yang membaiat Abu Bakar D hanya Umar D sementara umat Islam secara keseluruhan tidak mau melakukannya, atau mereka terpecah belah dan tidak bisa dibedakan mana kelompok mayoritas dan mana kelompok minoritas, niscaya tidak ada pengukuhan imamah."[19] 2. Bai'at Ummat Seperti baiat kaum Muslimin terhadap Abu Bakar D di masjid Nabawi setelah baiat Ahlul Halli wal 'Aqdi diatas.[20] Imam Ahmad ditanya tentang makna hadits "Barangsiapa mati, sedang dia tidak memiliki imam, maka matinya dalam keadaan jahiliyyah." Beliau bertanya, "Tahukah kamu, siapakah imam itu,?" Yaitu imam yang telah disepakati oleh kaum muslimin. Mereka semua menyatakan, "Ini imam," Inilah maknanya."[21] Syarat Sah Baiat Kubra[22] Para ulama menyebutkan beberapa syarat yang wajib ditempuh agar ikatan baiat menjadi sah, diantara syarat-syarat tersebut adalah sebagai berikut; 1. Terkumpulnya syarat-syarat imamah bagi orang yang dibaiat, jika tidak ada salah satu darinya maka dia tidak berhak untuk dibaiat. 2. Orang yang membaiat adalah ahlul halli wal aqdi. 3. Orang yang dibait memenuhi tuntutan dari baiat. 4. Orang yang dibaiat tidak boleh dari satu. 5. Isi baiat itu sesuai dengan kitabullah dan sunnah Rasul-Nya, baik perkataan maupun perbuatan. 6. Orang yang diabaita sempurna kemerdekaannya. 7. Persaksian pembaiatan, tetapi jumhur tidak mewajibkan persaksian. Karena mewajibkan hal itu harus berdasarkan dalil syar'i, sementara persaksian adalah tidak berdasar dalil syar'i. Baiat Yang Lebih Dari Satu Apakah pelaksanaan baiat boleh lebih dari satu orang.? Umat Islam adalah umat yang satu yang mengemban risalah dan tugas. Mereka tidak akan mampu mengemban risalah tersebut secara sempurna kecuali jika mereka berada di bawah naungan satu sistem pemerintahan dan tuntunan syariat yang satu. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala berfirman: (( إِنَّ هَذِهِ أُمَّتُكُمْ أُمَّةً وَاحِدَةً وَأَنَا رَبُّكُمْ فَاعْبُدُونِ )) Artinya, "Sesungguhnya (agama tauhid) ini adalah agama kamu semua; agama yang satu dan Aku adalah Rabbmu, maka sembahlah Aku." (QS. Al-Anbiya' (21): 92) (( وَإِنَّ هَذِهِ أُمَّتُكُمْ أُمَّةً وَاحِدَةً وَأَنَا رَبُّكُمْ فَاتَّقُونَ )) Artinya, "Sesungguhnya (agama tauhid) ini, adalah agama kamu semua, agama yang satu dan Aku adalah Rabbmu, maka bertaqwalah kepada-Ku." (QS. Al-Mukminun (23): 52) Jika kondisi yang sempurna ini terwujud, niscaya mereka akan memiliki kekuatan yang besar. Mereka akan mampu mengalahkan setiap orang yang hendak memecah belah persatuan mereka. Rasulullah j bersabda, "Siapapun yang datang kepadamu dengan maksud akan mematahkan tongkat persatuanmu dan akan memacah belah kesatuamu, sedangkan kamu semua sudah sepakat dan bersatu memilih seorang pemimpin, maka bunuhlah orang tersebut."[23] Juga sabdanya, "Bila dibaiat dua orang khlaifah, maka bunuhlah yang terakhir dari keduanya."[24] Ketika umat Islam terpecah belah dan tenggelam dalam fitnah yang membinasakan, maka itu merupakan akibat dari sikap menganggap gampang masalah baiat dengan memberikannya kepada setiap orang yang menginginkannya. Demikianlah, jelas bahwa ketika banyak pihak yang menuntut baiat maka pada saat itu umat Islam tidak diwajibkan melakukannya.[25] Sebab tujuan utama imamah adalahmempersatukan pendapat jamaah mengenai berbagai masalah yang diperselisihkan. Demikianlah seharusnya keadaan umat Islam. Setiap baiat kedua adalah baiat yang tidak sah sehingga tidak dibenarkan kesetiaan terhadapnya.[26] Agar baiat tersebut sesuai dengan kriteria ad-din, maka ia harus mencakup tiga hal; 1. Setiap warga negara Islam berhak menetap di setiap wilayah kekuasaan Islam yang lain dan tidak menganggapnya sebagai negeri asing. 2. Semua negara Islam adalah satu negeri (tempat tinggal) dengan satu syarat. 3. Setiap penguasa beserta rakyat yang membaiatnya harus bertindak sebagai pelaksanaan din Islam di setiap penjuru dunia, bukan hanya sebatas wilayahnya. Setiap negara Islam berkewajiban melaksanakan hukum-hukumnya dan mencegah kemungkaran.[27] Hal. 187. Pembatalan Baiat dan Hukumnya Aqalla (pembatalan) adalah sesuatu yang kurang, sedikit, dibebaskan, dibawa atau diangkat. Menurut al-Farra', arti istilah ini kurang berinisiatif/bersemangat untuk bangkit karena sakit atau miskin." Menurut Ibnui Arabi, "Hal yang jika sudah di atas/akan berkurang atatu jika sudah tinggi akan menusut."[28] Pengertian pembatalan menurut bahasa berkisar antara "naik, meningkat, atau bangkit." Sedangkan pengertian an-naktsu (pelanggaran) adalah melanggar janji atau perjanjian."[29] Ibnu Manzhur berkata, "kata mencopotnya sama artiya dengan mancabutnya, hanya saja dalam istilah pemecatan terkadang makna "penangguhan atau proses secara perlahan."[30] Abu Hurairah ra berkata, "Ada tiga orang yang pada hari Kiamat kelak tidak akan diajak berbicara oleh Allah, tidak disucikan dan bagi mereka adzab yang pedih. Yaitu; orang yang tidak mau memberi minum orang yang dalam perjalanan (musafir), padahal dia kelebihan air, orang yang membaiat seorangpemimpin karena pertimbangan duniawi semata (hanya dilaksanakan jika menguntungkan dirinya), orang yang berjual-beli suatu barangsesudah Ashar, lalu dia bersumpah demi Allah, sungguh barang ini telah ditawar sekian dan sekian. Kemudian dibenarkan oleh pembeli, maka dia (pembeli) mengambilnya sedangkan dia (yang bersumpah) tidak ditawar senilai itu pada barangnya."[31] Dari Amir bin Rabiah, bahwa Rasulullah Shallalahu 'alaihi wasallam bersabda, "Barangsiapa yang melanggar janji setia (baiat) maka pada hari kiamat dia akan didatangkan tanpa argumentasi atau alasan. Dan barangsiapa yang meninggal tanpa baiat maka matimya dalam keadaan jahiliyah."[32] Apakah pembatalan baiat (al-iqalah) diperbolehkan atau dilarang.? Apakah diperbolehkan menuntut pembatalan atas baiat umum dan baiat khusus.? Seandanya tuntutan pembartalan itu benar-benar diajukan apakah diterima.?[33] Jabir bin Abdullah D berkata, "Pada suatu ketika seorang lelaki Badui menemui Nabi. Dia menyatakan memeluk Islam dan berbaiat untuk berhijrah. Setelah pembaiatan tersebut, dia terus menerus menemui Nabi dan berkata, "Batalkan janji saya, wahai Rasulullah j " Nabi menolak. Dia datang lagi dan berkata, "Batalkan janji saya, wahai Rasulullah j " Nabi tetap menolak, kemudia Badui tersebut melarikan diri. Lalu Nabi berdiri dan bersabda, "Sesungguhnya kota Madinah itu tidak lain seperti alat peniup api yang menjungkirkan kotorannya (karatnya besi) dan memelihara kebaikan."[34] Ziyad bin Hairts berkata, "Pada suatu pagi aku menemui Rasulullah j kemudian aku berkata kepadanya: Wahai Rasulullah batalkan janjimu. Sesungguhnya saya tidak menginginkan janjin itu. Kemudian Nabi bersabda, "Mengapa engkau menolak ?, Saya katakan: Sesungguhnya saya mendengar engkau bersabda bahwa siapa saja yang memminta sedekah (mengemis) kepada orang kaya, kepalanya akanpening dan perutnya akan sakit. Sedangkan saya wahai Rasulullah j , telah mengemis kepada engakau, padahal saya berkecukupan. Kemudian Nabi bersabda, "Itulah yang baik. Jika engkau menginnginkannya, engkau ambil dan jika engkautidak menginginkannya, engkau tinggalkan." Saya berkata bahwa saya meninggalkannya."[35] Manfaat dari baiat umum 1. Diperolehnya imamah Jika dilakukan baiat yang menghasilkan kekuasaan, maka jadilah seseorang sebagai pemimpin. Dalam hal ini, syaikhul Islam Ibnu Taimiyah berkata, "Seandainya ditakdirkan bahwa yang membaiat Abu Bakar D hanya Umar D dansekelompok sahabat sedangkan sahabat yang lain tidak melakukannya, Abu Bakar D tidak akan menjadi seorang pemimpin. Abu Bakar D menjadi pemimpin karena baiat jumhur umat Islam. Meskipun Sa'ad bin Ubadah menolak membaiatnya, tetapiu dia tidak melecehkan maksud kepemimpinannya. Seandainya ada salah seseorang menolak untuk berbaiat maka dia tidak merusak baiat tersebut. Adapun wasiat Abu Bakar D kepada Umar D untuk menduduki khilafah sepeninggalnya terwujud dengan pembaiatan seluruh umat Islam terhadap Umar D setelah Abu Bakar D wafat. Seandainya mereka tidak melaksanakan wasiat Abu Bakar D dan tidak bersedia membaiat Umar D , niscaya


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Nov 25th 2013, 06:00, by Nahsaka Lasbhan


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 04:02AM  

    dawa news - Social Mention
    [[179379108907488]] Tamaam Musalmano Ko Ittalaa Di Jaati Hai Ke Computer, Laptop, Wagairah Ki Mash'hoor-O-Ma'aroof Company í ½í³µ APPLE Ne Android Market Me Malaa'oonKhabees Mirza Gulam Ahmad Qadiyani Ke Tarjuma Wala Quran Shareef Upload Kar Diya Hai Jis Mein Is Malaa'oon Ko NABI Mana Gaya Hai Hamari Tamam Bhai-Behano Se PurZor.Guzarish(Appeal) Hai Ki TWITTER Ke Jariye Poori Duniya Mein Ye Maaloomat (News) Failaa De. Aur Jaha Tak Mumkin Ho Sake Is Company Ka Boycott Ka Ailaan Karen NOTE: - Mirza Gulam Ahmad Qadiyani Wo Khabees Hai Jis Ne NABI Hone Ka Dawa Kiya Tha Aur Tamaam NABIYON Ka Inkaar Aur Unki Shaan Me GUSTAKHI Ki Thi.. (MaazALLAH) Ye msg jaldi jaldi send karna hai. ye msg wo send karega jo NABI PAK S.A.W.W se pyar karta hoga agar ye sms wapis aap tak ajae to samjho k pori Qoum ek hogae Why r U waitng share this [[179379108907488]] #sahib_imran [[179379108907488]]
    Nov 25th 2013, 03:19
    Nov 25th 2013, 03:03
    With a barrage of accusations and scorn heaped on the 'imperialist America' and its 'agents' ruling Pakistan, leaders of three right-wing parties and a banned charity organisation vowed at a rally here on Sunday to continue their 'peaceful protest' against US drone attacks amid deafening chants by their cadres promising their support to the military and government if they shot down the unmanned ...
    [Good news! Save the date] Due to overwhelming response for IDT1 last weekend, We will be conducting another IDT1 in 2 weeks time. The details of the event as follows: Date: 14-15 December 2013 Location: IDT Centre, Wangsa Maju. The poster will be up soon. The seat is limited for 40 pax only, please register early! :)
    Nov 25th 2013, 01:24
    Studies suggest that unmade beds are healthier for us than neat and made beds - Bed bugs have a harder time surviving in messy beds.
    Nov 25th 2013, 00:00
    GWAMNATIN KASAR ANGOLA TA HARAMTA ADDININ MUSULUNCI Kusan yanzu za'a iya cewa kasar Angola ita ce kasa ta farko a duniya da ta fito a hukumance ta soke Addinin Musulunci a kasar, ta kuma bayar da umarnin rurrusa dukkan wasu Masallatai da suke a kasar. A cewar Ministan Al'adu da yawan bude Ido na kasar Rosa Cruz e Silva, Ma'aikatar Shar'ah da 'yancin walwala ta kasar bata bayar da izni ko damar aiwatar da Addinin Musulunci ba a kasar, a dan haka suka haramta Musulunci baki daya a kasar, Silva ta kara da cewa kasar Angola bata maraba da Musulmi ko daga ina yake a duniya. Haka kuma, Silva ta kara bayanin cewar Haramcin ya zo ne a daidai lokacin da gwamnatin kasar ke kokarin dakile dukkan wani abu da ya yi kama da nuna kishin Addini daga cikin addinan da hukuma ta amince da su aiwatar da ibadarsu. Dan haka dukkan wasu Masallatai zasu cigaba da kasancewa a rufe kafin rurrusa su. A nasa bangaren shima, shugaban kasar ta ANGOLA José Eduardo dos Santos ya ce wannan shi ne ya kawo karshen Musulmi da Addinin Musulunci a kasar ta Angola. Haka shima Gwamnan Babban birnin kasar Luanda Mista Bento Bento yace babu wata rana da gwamnatin zata Halatta Addinin Musulunci a kasar. A cewar wasu bayanai na hukumar leken asirin kasar Amurka CIA kasar Angola na da adadin yawan Musulmi kimanin kashi 15 cikin dari ne. Jaridar Gwamnatin kasar Jornal de Angola ita ce ta ruwaito wannan labari. Idan sunyi haka ne dan su samu Aminci da yarda a Turai da Amerika, basu san cewa akwai Masallaci a cikin fadar gwamnatin AMerika ba ne? Ba su san cewa akwai daruruwan Masallatai a kasashen Turai bane? Hakika ALLAH sai ya cika hasken Addininsa ko da kafurai da Mushurukai sunki. Manyan Kafurai irinsu Utba Ibn Rabi'ah da Abu Lahab da Shaiba Ibn Rabi'ah babu abinda ba su yi ba, su da addinin aka saukar da shi akan idonsu. Hakan nan Allah ya darkakesu, haka kuma zai darkake na kasar ANgola. ALLAHUMMA ALAIKA BIHIM. Musulmin Kasar Allah ka kai musu dauki. Yasir Ramadan Gwale 24-11-2013
    Nov 24th 2013, 18:06
    Any one Online... ??? Hit LIKE , lets chit chat all night and make new friends (y)
    Nov 24th 2013, 18:00
    Islamist organisation JI chief, allies assail P'tan govt's ...
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    Asia News Network - Found 41 minutes agoArif Alvi, Jamiat Ulema-i-Pakistan (JUP) president Sahibzada Abul Khair Zubair and Amir Hamza, a central leader of the banned Jamaatud Dawa. JI chief, allies assail govt's pro-US policy - DAWN Group Explore All DAWN Group
    Egypt's Lonely Shiites Struggle for Rights, No Matter the Regime in Charge;_ylt=AwrTWf26y5JSMQ0AKRX_wgt.
    Nov 19th 2013, 19:38
    "We were persecuted under [former President Hosni] Mubarak and under [former President Mohammed] Morsi it reached the stage of killing our leaders," said Hashimi, a member of Egypt's small Shiite Muslim minority. So when Morsi, a former Muslim Brotherhood official, was ousted from the presidency in a popularly-supported July coup, Hashimi saw an opportunity. Public sentiment has turned harshly ...
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 04:01AM  

    bushido - Social Mention
    One must train hard in martial arts to build the mind and the body and this can be very hazardous if your not careful. The ultimate aim of any martial arts is to not die. If you get hurt badly enough in training or competition you lose a medal or a trophy. In Bushido if you get hurt even just enough to slow you down, then that could also be the end for you and or others injured or not. The best fighters are not necessarily those who abuse their body but rather those who learn to preserve their energy more wisely because hell is not just some were to arrive at but something we may even need to carry around on the way there and home again if at all.
    Nov 25th 2013, 03:13
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 04:01AM  

    bushido - Social Mention
    Bushido Man (2013)
    Nov 25th 2013, 00:26
    Synopsis / Plot Summary Toramaru, lord of integrated martial arts Mugen-ga-ryu, ends his training journey and visits his master, Gensai. "You have to duel with every martial arts master [&#8230;]
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 bushido - Social Mention: Codigo Samurai 1) Os quatro G's Giri significa 'obrigação, dever, justiça' um forte laço que une as pessoas. Gisei exprime 'sacrifício' e representa a dedicação ao trabalho, mesmo afastando-se da família, temporariamente. Gaman quer dizer 'tolerância, perseverança, resistência', é agüentar o que às vezes pode parecer insuportável. Gambaru exprime 'esforço, persistência', a capacidade de se envolver de forma profunda e determinada, manter-se firme e forte. 2) O Ken (visão) e o Kan (conhecimento) Através da visão do futuro, clara e significativa, a pessoa pode vislumbrar melhor suas possibilidades, que, junto com o conhecimento do contexto e dos detalhes, ajudam a tomar as decisões mais sábias. 3) Melhoria contínua (kaizen) O samurai está sempre treinando e buscando a perfeição para ser um guerreiro melhor hoje do que foi ontem. 4) Desprendimento (Mu) O desapego tem fortes raízes na cultura Zen budista que influenciou o Bushido. Os interesses do grupo devem prevalecer, não do indivíduo. 5) Caráter Outro princípio filosófico que o Bushido importou do Zen foi a idéia de que o trabalho deve ser visto como uma forma de engrandecer o caráter. 6) Atitude mental (Mushin) O código dos samurais diz: 'É difícil derrotar os inimigos; é fácil derrotar a si mesmo'. Todo o treinamento se concentrava no autoconhecimento que gerava autoconfiança e a decorrente segurança nas decisões em momentos de crise e dificuldade. 7) Confiança (Amae) Por natureza, o samurai acredita, em primeira instância, que as pessoas, de uma forma geral, são boas e honestas. O pressuposto básico que permeia todo início de relacionamento é a confiança. Compartilhar refeições, trocar presentes, participar de fases da vida são formas de construir o 'amae'. 8) Habilidades escondidas (Ude) Ao contrário da cultura ocidental, na oriental é comum manter-se escondido mostrando um perfil modesto, restrito, contido e reservado, sem vangloriar-se ou exibir-se gratuitamente, deixando para revelar suas mais importantes forças no momento apropriado e de forma estratégica. 9) Intuição (Haragei) Entre os samurais, esta característica é fundamental aos seus instintos. Haragei significa 'pensar com o estômago' e era um dos traços que famosos empresários japoneses como Konosuke Matsushita, Soichiro Honda ou Akio Morita compartilhavam. A observância a detalhes, a visão holística, o conhecimento tácito e a disciplina constante na educação fazem parte deste treinamento. 10) Harmonia (Enman) Das artes marciais à cerimônia do chá, da culinária às manifestações artísticas, tudo o que permeia a cultura japonesa contém elementos que se traduzem em equilíbrio, harmonia. Nos negócios, a paciência é uma virtude que se traduz em longas rodadas de negociação e a busca da compreensão da posição do outro ajuda a encontrar soluções.
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 04:01AM  

    bushido - Social Mention
    Codigo Samurai 1) Os quatro G's Giri significa 'obrigação, dever, justiça' um forte laço que une as pessoas. Gisei exprime 'sacrifício' e representa a dedicação ao trabalho, mesmo afastando-se da família, temporariamente. Gaman quer dizer 'tolerância, perseverança, resistência', é agüentar o que às vezes pode parecer insuportável. Gambaru exprime 'esforço, persistência', a capacidade de se envolver de forma profunda e determinada, manter-se firme e forte. 2) O Ken (visão) e o Kan (conhecimento) Através da visão do futuro, clara e significativa, a pessoa pode vislumbrar melhor suas possibilidades, que, junto com o conhecimento do contexto e dos detalhes, ajudam a tomar as decisões mais sábias. 3) Melhoria contínua (kaizen) O samurai está sempre treinando e buscando a perfeição para ser um guerreiro melhor hoje do que foi ontem. 4) Desprendimento (Mu) O desapego tem fortes raízes na cultura Zen budista que influenciou o Bushido. Os interesses do grupo devem prevalecer, não do indivíduo. 5) Caráter Outro princípio filosófico que o Bushido importou do Zen foi a idéia de que o trabalho deve ser visto como uma forma de engrandecer o caráter. 6) Atitude mental (Mushin) O código dos samurais diz: 'É difícil derrotar os inimigos; é fácil derrotar a si mesmo'. Todo o treinamento se concentrava no autoconhecimento que gerava autoconfiança e a decorrente segurança nas decisões em momentos de crise e dificuldade. 7) Confiança (Amae) Por natureza, o samurai acredita, em primeira instância, que as pessoas, de uma forma geral, são boas e honestas. O pressuposto básico que permeia todo início de relacionamento é a confiança. Compartilhar refeições, trocar presentes, participar de fases da vida são formas de construir o 'amae'. 8) Habilidades escondidas (Ude) Ao contrário da cultura ocidental, na oriental é comum manter-se escondido mostrando um perfil modesto, restrito, contido e reservado, sem vangloriar-se ou exibir-se gratuitamente, deixando para revelar suas mais importantes forças no momento apropriado e de forma estratégica. 9) Intuição (Haragei) Entre os samurais, esta característica é fundamental aos seus instintos. Haragei significa 'pensar com o estômago' e era um dos traços que famosos empresários japoneses como Konosuke Matsushita, Soichiro Honda ou Akio Morita compartilhavam. A observância a detalhes, a visão holística, o conhecimento tácito e a disciplina constante na educação fazem parte deste treinamento. 10) Harmonia (Enman) Das artes marciais à cerimônia do chá, da culinária às manifestações artísticas, tudo o que permeia a cultura japonesa contém elementos que se traduzem em equilíbrio, harmonia. Nos negócios, a paciência é uma virtude que se traduz em longas rodadas de negociação e a busca da compreensão da posição do outro ajuda a encontrar soluções.
    Nov 25th 2013, 03:07
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 04:01AM  

    bushido - Social Mention
    We didn't have the best day today on the mat at the competition. But I was proud of my team and left feeling very positive about the experience. We supported each other as a team and showed a lot of heart on the mat I am so proud of Kristin Forster and Spencer Day for representing our school. You both gave it all you had and will be back and stronger next time. Thank you everyone that came down and supported the team Tony, Joshua Smith, Derrick, Lonnie Tanenberg, Michele DeLuca Ashleys. Shout outs to Yuji Uchida, Dojo Bushido Dave Camarillo and El Guapo himself, Antonio Fernando Castillo! Great to see you guys. We will learn from our mistakes and be back stronger in 2014! Osss!
    Nov 25th 2013, 03:32
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 03:59AM  

    Kuffr - Social Mention
    circulates d knowledge of ISLAM ::: Ek Aurat ki tail (oil) ki shishi zameen par giri aur zameen ne sara tail pee liya hai, Aap wapis karwa dein, Aap (R.A) ne 1 khat likha aur aurat ko usi jaga rakhny ko kaha, Aurat ne khat rakha to tail ka chashma ubal para Aurat ne shishi bhar li, Aurat ne khat khola to us me likha tha k"Ay zameen tail wapis kar de warna main teri jaga pe kisi Be- Namazi ko dafan kar dunga". Be-Namazi k azab se dar kar zameen ne tail wapis kar diya, to unka kya hoga jo jaan boojh kar namazein qaza karte hain? Kya pata aap ka ye msg kisi ko NAMAZI bana day. A silent msg 4 all muslims... "Astaghfirullah a rabbi minkulli zamibiu wa atoobu ilaihi". Aaj kisi ko ye sms zaroor krna apko andaza b nhi hoga k apki wajah se kitne log Allah se tauba kar lenge ✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅ Auraton ko azaab 11 Gunah Gaar Auretein RAB k Azaab sy Nahi Bach Saktien. 1.Be Parda. 2.Taiz Zuban Wali. 3.har waqt mout mangny wali. 4.deen ka mazaq urany wali. 5.chughal khor. 6.ehsan jatany wali. 7.shohar ki nafarman. 8.gheebat karnay wali. 9.baal khol kar chalny wali. 10.bila zarorat ghar sy nikalny wali. 11. Had se zayada bolne wali. Sab larkiyon ko send karo aur larkon ko bhi ta ke wo apni maa behan,beti,aur bivi ko bacha saken Malik-e- kainat k azab sy.....* NABI (S.A.W)Ne Farmaya: Jab Tum Kuch Bhul JaoTo Mujh Pe Darood behjo. INSHA ALLAH Yaad Aa JaeGa.Ye Bahut Kimti Hadees Hai Sab Ko Batao apne dil me mat rakhna. Ek tohfa aap k liye 1. Sur-E-Fatiha: ALLAH K Aazab Se Bachata Hai 2. Sur-E-Yaasin: Qayamat K Din Pyas Se 3. Sur-E-Waqia: Fikar, Faaqa Se 4. Sur-E-Mulak: Azab-E-Qabar Se 5. Sur-E-Kausar; Dushmano Ki Dushmani Se 6. Sur-E-Kaafirun: Maut K Waqt Kuffr Se 7. Sur-E-Ikhlaas: Munafiqat Se 8. Sur-E-Falak: Haadso Se 9. Sur-E-Naas: Waswaso Se, Bachata Hai. Ye Bahot Qimti TOHFA Hai Dusro Ko B Ye TOHFA Dijye Q Ki ALLAH TOHFA Dene Walo Ko PASAND Farmata Hai. Qabristaan Ke Baahar Likha Tha: . "Manzil To Teri Yahi Thi, Bas Zindgi Guzar Gayi Aate Aate, Kya Mila Tujhe Is Duniya Se, Apno Ne Hi Dafna Diya Tujhe Jaate Jaate." . "Aaj Amal hai, Hisaab nahi. Kal Hisaab hoga, Amal nahi..!" . .."THINK ABOUT IT".. DON'T FORGET TO SHARE
    Nov 25th 2013, 00:42
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 03:59AM  

    al-ansar - Social Mention
    Nov 25th 2013, 03:55
    Ali's allegiance to the first three caliphs in Sunni and Shia books As-Salam-0-Alaykum! Many People had posed me a Question that who was the Most deserving Person for the Khalifat???. The answer is simple the most deserving person for the Khalifat was the Person Whom imam Ali rz. made khalifa (shias claim to follow imam Ali but they r the biggest enemy of Ahlul-Bayt as they criticise the Imams of hz. Ali rz.) lets check out whom did Ali Allegianced. Ali's allegiance to the first three caliphs is mentioned in many books of Sunnis and Shias. Some of the books in which this allegiance is mentioned are mentioned below. Sunni Books It is mentioned in the book 'al aitqad' by Imam Baihaqi Abu Sa'eed al Khudri may Allah be pleased with him said: When the Prophet's PBUH soul passed away and when the people gathered at the place of Sa'ad bin Ubadah and amongst them were Abu bakr and Umar, a Khatib from the Ansar(Supporters) spoke: "You know that the Prophet of Allah PBUH was from the Mouhajirun(immigrants) and his Caliph must also be from the Mouhajirun, we were the Ansar of the Prophet PBUH and we will be the Ansar of his Caliph just as we were his Ansar". then Umar bin al Khattab stood up and said "This Man from amongst the Ansar speaks truth and if it were anything other than this then we would not give you a baya'ah(Pledge of allegiance)" then he grabbed the hand of Abu bakr and said: "this is your Close companion so give him Baya'ah" then Umar and the Mouhajirun and the Ansar all gave him Baya'ah. Abu bakr stood on the Mimbar and he looked at the faces of all the people there but he never saw al Zubair so he called for him and and he came so he told him: "O son of the Prophet's PBUH aunt and his disciple would you want to split the cause of the Muslims?" Zubair said: "Not at all O Caliph of the Prophet of Allah" then he stood and gave him Baya'ah, Then he looked at the faces of the people but did not spot Ali so he called for Ali bin abi Talib and he came to him so he said: "O cousin of the prophet of Allah and the husband of his daughter would you want to split the cause of the Muslims?" So Ali replied: "Not at all O Caliph of the Prophet of Allah" then he stood and gave him Baya'ah. al Aitqad p. 177-178 Tarikh Ibn Asakir, Vol. 30, p. 277 Mustadrak al Hakim, Vol. 10, p. 249 Sirah al halabiya, Vol. 3, p. 485-486 Kinzul Ummal, Vol. 5, p. 613 Sunan al Kubra, Vol. 8, p. 143 ------------ It has been narrated from Qais ibn Qatadah that he said : Ali said to me that Prophet (s) was ill in his last days and he would say that Abu Bakr should lead the prayer for people. So when he died then I thought that prayer is the sign of Islam. So we selected the person for our worldly affairs when the Prophet (s) had selected for our religious affairs. So we rendered allegiance to him. Istiab Vol. 2, p. 242 ------------- It has been narrated from Abdur Rahman ibn abi Bakrah that he said : Ali visited me (during illness), and said : The Prophet (s) died and the people rendered allegiance to Abu Bakr and we agreed with it. Then Abu Bakr died and Umar became Caliph, I also rendered allegiance to him and was agreed with it. When Umar died, he had formed a council. The people rendered allegiance to Uthman, I also rendered allegiance to him and was agreed with it. Fadhail Abi Bakr. ,p 5 ------- It has been narrated from Qais that Ali said : By the one who opened the grain and created the plant from it, if the Prophet (s) had promised me (about caliphate) then I would have stood firmly on it and I would not have let Abu Bakr climb a single step on the pulpit of the Prophet (s). Kinzul ummal Vol. 3, p. 141 --------- It has been narrated from Yassar that he said : When the last time of Abubakr arrived, he appeared from the window and addressing the people, said : I have made a promise, do you agree with it? The people said : O caliph of the Messenger of Allah, we agree with it. Ali said : We will not agree with anyone except Umar. Usudul Ghaba Vol. 4, p. 70 ------- It has been narrated from Salma that he said : The first one to render allegiance to Uthman was Abdur Rahman ibn Awf and after him, Ali ibn abi talib. Tabaqat ibn Saad Vol. 3, p. 42 ------- Umar ibn Umairah, the slave of Umar ibn Khattab, narrated from his father and he from his grandfather that I saw that the first one to render allegiance to Uthman was Ali amongst the people, then the people followed him and rendered allegiance (to Uthman). Bukhari Vol. 1, p. 525 *********** Shia Books It is mentioned in the Shia book 'al Kafi' Zurarah narrated from Imam Baqir that he said : Ali had hidden his 'amr' and rendered allegiance with disliking when he didn't find supporters. Furu Kafi Vol. 3, p. 139 --------- When the letter reached Usama, he returned with his supporters to Medinah, and when he saw that the people have united on AbuBakr, he went to Ali and asked : What is it? He replied :This is what you are observing. Usama asked : Have you also rendered allegiance to him? Ali said : Yes O Usamah! Ihtijaj al-tibrisi p. 50 --------- Shustri says: Ali and the complete bani hashim rendered allegiance to Abu Bakr with dislike, and laid their hands on his hand. Majalis al Momineen, tadhkira Khalid ibn saeed Ali said : I rendered allegiance to Abu Bakr just like you people rendered allegiance to him, and disliked to break the power of Muslims and disunite their jamaat, then when AbuBakr appointed Umar as Caliph after him, and you knew that I had more right after the Messenger of Allah (s), I still rendered allegiance to Umar as you rendered allegiance to him, till when he was killed and made me the member of six member council, I joined them and disliked to disunite the jamaat of the Muslims and break their power. Then you rendered allegiance to Uthman, I also rendered allegiance to him. Amali by Tusi Vol. 2, p. 121 --------- -m.sK
    Nov 25th 2013, 03:54
    Nov 25th 2013, 03:52
    Ali's allegiance to the first three caliphs in Sunni and Shia books As-Salam-0-Alaykum! Many People had posed me a Question that who was the Most deserving Person for the Khalifat???. The answer is simple the most deserving person for the Khalifat was the Person Whom imam Ali rz. made khalifa (shias claim to follow imam Ali but they r the biggest enemy of Ahlul-Bayt as they criticise the Imams of hz. Ali rz.) lets check out whom did Ali Allegianced. Ali's allegiance to the first three caliphs is mentioned in many books of Sunnis and Shias. Some of the books in which this allegiance is mentioned are mentioned below. Sunni Books It is mentioned in the book 'al aitqad' by Imam Baihaqi Abu Sa'eed al Khudri may Allah be pleased with him said: When the Prophet's PBUH soul passed away and when the people gathered at the place of Sa'ad bin Ubadah and amongst them were Abu bakr and Umar, a Khatib from the Ansar(Supporters) spoke: "You know that the Prophet of Allah PBUH was from the Mouhajirun(immigrants) and his Caliph must also be from the Mouhajirun, we were the Ansar of the Prophet PBUH and we will be the Ansar of his Caliph just as we were his Ansar". then Umar bin al Khattab stood up and said "This Man from amongst the Ansar speaks truth and if it were anything other than this then we would not give you a baya'ah(Pledge of allegiance)" then he grabbed the hand of Abu bakr and said: "this is your Close companion so give him Baya'ah" then Umar and the Mouhajirun and the Ansar all gave him Baya'ah. Abu bakr stood on the Mimbar and he looked at the faces of all the people there but he never saw al Zubair so he called for him and and he came so he told him: "O son of the Prophet's PBUH aunt and his disciple would you want to split the cause of the Muslims?" Zubair said: "Not at all O Caliph of the Prophet of Allah" then he stood and gave him Baya'ah, Then he looked at the faces of the people but did not spot Ali so he called for Ali bin abi Talib and he came to him so he said: "O cousin of the prophet of Allah and the husband of his daughter would you want to split the cause of the Muslims?" So Ali replied: "Not at all O Caliph of the Prophet of Allah" then he stood and gave him Baya'ah. al Aitqad p. 177-178 Tarikh Ibn Asakir, Vol. 30, p. 277 Mustadrak al Hakim, Vol. 10, p. 249 Sirah al halabiya, Vol. 3, p. 485-486 Kinzul Ummal, Vol. 5, p. 613 Sunan al Kubra, Vol. 8, p. 143 ------------ It has been narrated from Qais ibn Qatadah that he said : Ali said to me that Prophet (s) was ill in his last days and he would say that Abu Bakr should lead the prayer for people. So when he died then I thought that prayer is the sign of Islam. So we selected the person for our worldly affairs when the Prophet (s) had selected for our religious affairs. So we rendered allegiance to him. Istiab Vol. 2, p. 242 ------------- It has been narrated from Abdur Rahman ibn abi Bakrah that he said : Ali visited me (during illness), and said : The Prophet (s) died and the people rendered allegiance to Abu Bakr and we agreed with it. Then Abu Bakr died and Umar became Caliph, I also rendered allegiance to him and was agreed with it. When Umar died, he had formed a council. The people rendered allegiance to Uthman, I also rendered allegiance to him and was agreed with it. Fadhail Abi Bakr. ,p 5 ------- It has been narrated from Qais that Ali said : By the one who opened the grain and created the plant from it, if the Prophet (s) had promised me (about caliphate) then I would have stood firmly on it and I would not have let Abu Bakr climb a single step on the pulpit of the Prophet (s). Kinzul ummal Vol. 3, p. 141 --------- It has been narrated from Yassar that he said : When the last time of Abubakr arrived, he appeared from the window and addressing the people, said : I have made a promise, do you agree with it? The people said : O caliph of the Messenger of Allah, we agree with it. Ali said : We will not agree with anyone except Umar. Usudul Ghaba Vol. 4, p. 70 ------- It has been narrated from Salma that he said : The first one to render allegiance to Uthman was Abdur Rahman ibn Awf and after him, Ali ibn abi talib. Tabaqat ibn Saad Vol. 3, p. 42 ------- Umar ibn Umairah, the slave of Umar ibn Khattab, narrated from his father and he from his grandfather that I saw that the first one to render allegiance to Uthman was Ali amongst the people, then the people followed him and rendered allegiance (to Uthman). Bukhari Vol. 1, p. 525 *********** Shia Books It is mentioned in the Shia book 'al Kafi' Zurarah narrated from Imam Baqir that he said : Ali had hidden his 'amr' and rendered allegiance with disliking when he didn't find supporters. Furu Kafi Vol. 3, p. 139 --------- When the letter reached Usama, he returned with his supporters to Medinah, and when he saw that the people have united on AbuBakr, he went to Ali and asked : What is it? He replied :This is what you are observing. Usama asked : Have you also rendered allegiance to him? Ali said : Yes O Usamah! Ihtijaj al-tibrisi p. 50 --------- Shustri says: Ali and the complete bani hashim rendered allegiance to Abu Bakr with dislike, and laid their hands on his hand. Majalis al Momineen, tadhkira Khalid ibn saeed Ali said : I rendered allegiance to Abu Bakr just like you people rendered allegiance to him, and disliked to break the power of Muslims and disunite their jamaat, then when AbuBakr appointed Umar as Caliph after him, and you knew that I had more right after the Messenger of Allah (s), I still rendered allegiance to Umar as you rendered allegiance to him, till when he was killed and made me the member of six member council, I joined them and disliked to disunite the jamaat of the Muslims and break their power. Then you rendered allegiance to Uthman, I also rendered allegiance to him. Amali by Tusi Vol. 2, p. 121 --------- -m.sK
    Atong tolong jgn jd onar.bekawan aku tak kisah,tp jgn sampai org bagitau yg ko mcm mcm.pntang lawa..semua nak rembat tak kira ank dara atau bini org.ini last worning sebelum bangku al ansar hinggap d kepala.puiii..sial..baik jaga bini sendiri
    Nov 25th 2013, 03:43
    Hebatnya tetamu. Sungguh hebat orang yang bergelar tetamu ini. Sehinggakan Allah memuliakan mereka setinggi itu. Sehinggakan Allah dengan tegas membuat pertimbangan yang begitu besar agar memuliakan tetamu dan meletakkan nilainya sama dengan Beriman Kepada Allah dan Hari Kemudian (kiamat). Dengan erti kata lain, seseorang itu belum boleh disebut beriman selama mana ia tidak memuliakan tetamunya. Ini adalah kerana tetamu yang datang menziarahi sudah semestinya mempunyai tujuan dan maksud yang tertentu. Perintah memuliakan tetamu ini disebut secara am. Ianya tidak disebut tetamu muslim, tetamu kaya, tetamu berpangkat dan sebagainya. Ini bermakna tugas kita memuliakan tetamu tanpa mengira tetamu itu miskin atau kaya, hodoh atau cantik, pangkat rendah atau berpangkat tinggi, bukan Muslim atau Muslim. Semua yang bertandang wajiblah dimuliakan. Ada beberapa kisah dan hadith berkenaan perkara ini: Kisah 1 Pernah diriwayatkan bahawa Nabi Allah Sulaiman A.S pernah ditegur oleh Allah SWT kerana melayan tetamu dengan tidak sepenuh hati. Pada suatu hari Nabi Sulaiman AS telah dikunjungi oleh seorang tetamu. Dia adalah seorang yang kafir. Baginda pada waktu itu berfikir bahawa tidak perlu tetamu itu dimuliakan dan dihargai sepertimana tetamu dari kalangan pengikutnya kerana dia adalah seorang yang kafir. Lantas baginda hanya menghidangkan tetamunya dengan minuman dan bercakap dengan seadanya. Sekembalinya tetamu itu, baginda telah didatangi malaikat Jibril A.S menyampaikan teguran Allah: "Wahai Nabi Allah, Allah menegurmu, mengapa engkau melayan tetamu seperti itu ? Jawab nabi Sulaiman:"Bukankah dia (tetamu itu) dari golongan kafir?" Jibril bertanya:"Siapakah yang menciptakan langit dan bumi ini?" "Allah!" Jawab Nabi Sulaiman penuh yakin. Jibril : "Siapakah yang menciptakan malaikat, jin dan manusia?" Nabi Sulaiman : "Allah!" Jibril :"Siapakah yang menciptakan tumbuh-tumbuhan dan haiwan-haiwan?" Nabi Sulaiman :"Allah!" Jibril :"Siapakah yang menciptakan orang kafir itu?" Nabi Sulaiman :"Allah!" Jibril : "Lalu, berhakkah engkau berlaku tidak adil terhadap ciptaan Allah? Sementara Allah adalah zat Yang Maha Adil?" Nabi Sulaiman A.S terdiam dan terus bersujud". Nabi Sulaiman : "Ya, Allah! Ampunilah hamba-Mu yang telah berbuat zalim ini." Kemudian malaikat Jibril menyampaikan wahyu Allah:"Wahai nabi Allah, pergilah dan pohonlah kemaafan kepada orang itu. Ampunan Allah tergantung daripada kemaafannya.". Dengan segera Nabi Sulaiman mencari tetamunya tadi. Setelah bertanya ke sana ke mari dan mencari-cari, ternyata, tetamunya itu sudah jauh berjalan meninggalkan kota. Nabi Sulaiman A.S dengan pantas mengejar tetamunya itu. Setelah bertemu, dan dengan nafas yang masih termengah-mengah, baginda berkata: "Saudara, tunggu…!" Tetamu tadi menoleh dan melihat keadaan Nabi Sulaiman dengan kehairanan lalu bertanya: "Kenapa?" "Saudara… sudikah kamu memaafkan tingkah laku saya tadi, ketika mana kamu menjadi tetamu di


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 03:59AM  

    Abu Bilal - Social Mention
    Satu kata cinta Bilal: "Ahad! " Dua kata cinta Sang Nabi: " Selimuti aku…! " Tiga kata cinta Ummu Sulaim : "Islammu, itulah maharku! " Empat kata cinta Abu Bakr : " Ya Rasulullah, saya percaya…!" Lima kata cinta 'Umar : "Ya Rasulullah, izinkan kupenggal lehernya! "
    Nov 25th 2013, 03:52
    1. Orang yang pertama menulis Bismillah : Nabi Sulaiman AS. 2..Orang yang pertama minum air zamzam : Nabi Ismail AS. 3..Orang yang pertama berkhatan : Nabi Ibrahim AS. 4.Orang yang pertama diberikan pakaian pada hari qiamat : Nabi Ibrahim AS. 5…Orang yang pertama dipanggil oleh Allah pada hari qiamat : Nabi Adam AS. 6….Orang yang pertama mengerjakan saie antara Safa dan Marwah : Sayyidatina Hajar (Ibu Nabi Ismail AS) 7. Orang yang pertama dibangkitkan pada hari qiamat : Nabi Muhammad SAW 8. ..Orang yang pertama menjadi khalifah Islam : Abu Bakar AsSiddiq RA 9. Orang yang pertama menggunakan tarikh hijrah: Umar bin Al-Khattab RA 10. Orang yang pertama meletakkah jawatan khalifah dalam Islam: Al-Hasan bin Ali RA 11. ..Orang yang pertama menyusukan Nabi SAW: Thuwaibah RA 12. Orang yang pertama syahid dalam Islam dari kalangan lelaki : Al-Harith bin Abi Halah RA 13. ..Orang yang pertama syahid dalam Islam dari kalangan wanita: Sumayyah binti Khabbat RA 14… Orang yang pertama menulis hadis di dalam kitab / lembaran : Abdullah bin Amru bin Al-Ash RA 15. Orang yang pertama memanah dalam perjuangan fisabilillah : Saad bin Abi Waqqas RA 16. …Orang yang pertama menjadi muazzin dan melaungkan azan: Bilal bin Rabah RA 17. Orang yang pertama bersembahyang dengan Rasulullah SAW : Ali bin Abi Tholib RA 18…. Orang yang pertama membuat minbar masjid Nabi SAW: Tamim Ad-dary RA 19. Orang yang pertama menghunuskan pedang dalam perjuangan fisabilillah : Az-Zubair bin Al- Awwam RA 20…. Orang yang pertama menulis sirah Nabi SAW: Ibban bin Othman bin Affan RA 21. Orang yang pertama beriman dengan Nabi SAW : Khadijah binti Khuwailid RA 22… Orang yang pertama mengasaskan usul fiqh : Imam Syafie RH 23. Orang yang pertama membina penjara dalam Islam: Ali bin Abi Tholib RA 24. ….Orang yang pertama menjadi raja dalam Islam : Muawayah bin Abi Sufyan RA 25… Orang yang pertama membuat perpustakaan awam : Harun Ar-Rasyid RH 26.Orang yang pertama mengadakan baitul mal : Umar Al-Khattab RA 27… Orang yang pertama menghafal Al-Quran selepas Rasulullah SAW: Ali bn Abi Tholib RA 28.Orang yang pertama membina menara di Masjidil Haram Mekah : Khalifah Abu Ja'far Al-Mansur RH 29…Orang yang pertama digelar Al-Muqry : Mus'ab bin Umair RA 30. … Orang yang pertama masuk Syurga : Nabi Muhamamad SAW
    Nov 25th 2013, 03:35
    tolong jgn like kongsilah kepada sahabat2.... Berfikir Sesaat Lebih Baik Beribadah Setahun dan Tujuh Puluh Tahun. Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh بِسْمِ ٱللَّهِ ٱلرَّحْمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيم Segala puji bagi Allah, Tuhan sekelian alam. Selawat serta salam buat junjungan mulia Nabi Muhammad SAW keluarga serta para sahabat dan pengikut yang istiqamah menuruti baginda hingga ke hari kiamat. Sahabat yang dirahmati Allah, Suatu hari seorang sahabat Nabi SAW, Miqdad Ibnu Al-Aswad berjumpa dengan Abu Hurairah r. a, lalu beliau mengkhabarkan kepada Miqdad: " Aku mendengar Rasulullah memberitahu kepadaku, sesiapa yang berfikir satu saat maka itu terlebih baik daripada beribadat setahun" Miqdad berlalu dan berjumpa pula dengan Ibnu Abbas, lalu dikhabarkan kepada Miqdad " Aku mendengar bahawa Rasulullah SAW memberitahu kepadaku, barang siapa yang berfikir satu saat maka ia terlebih baik daripada beribadat tujuh puluh tahun." Miqdad keliru dengan perkhabaran dua sahabat tadi, kerana apa yang disampaikan oleh kedua-duanya berbeza. Lantas beliau mengadukan hal ini kepada baginda Nabi SAW. Baginda mengarahkan supaya memanggil Abu Hurairah dan Ibnu Abbas berjumpa dengannya, baginda bertanya kepada Abu Hurairah: " Bagaimana cara engkau berfikir?" Jawab Abu Hurairah: " Aku memikirkan tentang tujuh petala langit dan bumi (mendatangkan rasa keagungan kepada Allah dalam diri)". Maka jawab baginda: " Benar, engkau mendapat berfikir sesaat lebih baik daripada beribadat setahun." Sabdanya lagi, " Telah turun al-Quran kepadaku, rugilah bagi mereka yang membaca al-Quran tapi tidak memikirkannya." Lalu baginda bertanya pula kepadan Ibnu Abbas tentng apa yang difikirkannya. Jawab Ibnu Abbas: " Aku memikirkan tentang kematian dan huru-haranya saat itu." Lalu baginda menjawab: "Benar, berfikir begitu maka engkau mendapat kelebihan sesaat berfikir maka terlebih baik daripada beribadat 7o tahun." Berdasarkan sirah dan hadis-hadis di atas dapatlah di simpulkan bahawa memikirkan sesat adalah mempunyai dua kebaikan iaitu : Pertama : Memikirkan penciptaan tujuh petala langit dan bumi oleh Allah SWT akan mendapat kebaikan (pahala) seolah-olah beribadah selama setahun. Kedua : Memikirkan tentang kematain dan seksa kubur dan kehidupan di alam barzakh akan mendapat kebaikan (pahala) seolah-olah beribadah selama 70 tahun. Huraiannya : Pertama : Memikirkan sesaat penciptaan tujuh petala langit dan bumi oleh Allah SWT akan mendapat kebaikan (pahala) seolah-olah beribadah selama setahun. Firman Allah SWT maksudnya : 'Sesungguhnya dalam penciptaan langit dan bumi dan silih bergantinya malam dan siang ada tanda-tanda bagi orang yang berakal. Yaitu orang-orang yang mengingat Allah dalam keadaan berdiri atau duduk atau berbaring dan mereka memikirkan tentang penciptaan langit dan bumi seraya berkata: Ya Tuhan kami, tiadalah Engkau menciptakan ini dengan sia-sia. Maha Suci Engkau, maka peliharalah kami dari seksa neraka'.'' (Ali 'Imran: 190-191). Suatu malam Rasulullah SAW meminta izin kepada isterinya, Aisyah, untuk solat malam. Dalam solatnya, baginda menangis. Air matanya mengalir deras. Baginda terus beribadah hingga sahabat Bilal mengumandangkan azan Subuh. Baginda masih menangis saat Bilal datang menemuinya. ''Mengapa tuan menangis?'' tanya Bilal. ''Bukankah Allah telah mengampuni dosa-dosa tuan baik yang lalu maupun yang akan datang?'' Nabi SAW menjawab, ''Bagaimana aku tidak menangis, telah diturunkan kepadaku malam tadi ayat ini, 'Sesungguhnya dalam penciptaan langit dan bumi dan silih bergantinya malam dan siang ada tanda-tanda bagi orang yang berakal. Yaitu orang-orang yang mengingat Allah dalam keadaan berdiri atau duduk atau berbaring dan mereka memikirkan tentang penciptaan langit dan bumi seraya berkata: Ya Tuhan kami, tiadalah Engkau menciptakan ini dengan sia-sia. Maha Suci Engkau, maka peliharalah kami dari siksa neraka'.'' (Ali 'Imran: 190-191). Selanjutnya Rasullullah bersabda : "Alangkah rugi dan celakanya orang-orang yang membaca ini dan tidak memikir dan merenungkan kandungan artinya" Alam semesta, menunjuk kepada dua ayat di atas, adalah ayat, iaitu tanda kekuasaan Allah SWT. Sebagai ayat, alam semesta ini harus dibaca dan dipelajari hingga menimbulkan iman dan kekaguman (khasy-yah) yang makin besar kepada al-Khaliq. Nabi pernah memberikan arahan agar manusia tidak memikirkan Zat Allah, tetapi cukup merenungkan alam ciptaan-Nya. Kata baginda, ''Fikirkanlah ciptaan Allah, dan jangan memikirkan Zat Allah.'' Jadi, ayat-ayat Allah itu ada dua maksud. Pertama, ayat-ayat berupa Kitab Suci (qauliyah). Kedua, ayat-ayat berupa alam semesta sebagai ciptaan Allah (kauniyah). Menurut ahli falsafah muslim, Ibn Rusyd, alam semesta justru merupakan ayat-ayat Allah yang pertama. Dikatakan demikian, kerana sebelum Allah SWT menurunkan Kitab Taurat, Injil, dan al-Quran, Allah telah menciptakan alam semesta ini. Kerana alam adalah ayat, maka sebagaimana sepotong firman adalah ayat, maka sejengkal alam juga ayat. Sebagai ayat, alam ini selalu bergerak memenuhi tujuan penciptaan. Kerana itu, penelitian terhadap alam diduga kuat dapat mengantar manusia menemukan dan meyakini wujud Allah dan kuasa-Nya. Sebagai ayat, alam ini juga mengandung hukum-hukum Allah yang dalam istilah al-Quran dinamakan takdir dan sunatullah. Kedua : Memikirkan tentang kematian dan seksa kubur dan kehidupan di alam barzakh akan mendapat kebaikan (pahala) seolah-olah beribadah selama 70 tahun. Sesiapa pun tidak dapat menduga bilakah saat kematian mereka akan tiba. Sebab itu ramai yang masih leka dan tiada persediaan 'menanti' saat kematian mereka. Allah berfirman yang bermaksud: "Setiap yang hidup akan merasai mati, dan Kami menguji kamu dengan kesusahan dan kesenangan sebagai cubaan; dan kepada Kamilah kamu akan kembali." (Surah al-Anbiyak ayat 35) Memikirkan kematian adalah satu cara untuk membersihkan hati yang berkarat yang cinta kepada dunia. Daripada Ibnu Umar r.a berkat, Rasulullah SAW bersabda maksudnya : "Sesungguhnya hati manusia akan berkarat seperti besi yang dikaratkan oleh air. Apakah cara untuk menjadikan hati bersinar semula. Katanya dengan banyak mengingati mati dan membaca Al-Quran." (Hadis Riwayat Baihaqi) Saidina Uthman bin Affan pernah mengiringi jenazah ke kubur. Tiba-tiba apabila sampai ke kubur, dia pengsan dan diusung balik ke rumah pula. Lalu, sahabatnya bertanya apakah yang menyebabkan beliau pengsan. Jawab Uthman, aku teringat yang Rasulullah SAW pernah bersabda "Sesungguhnya kubur itu adalah penginapan yang pertama antara penginapan akhirat, sekiranya seseorang itu terlepas dari seksaannya maka apa yang akan datang kemudiannya adalah lebih mudah lagi. Seandainya seseorang itu tidak terlepas daripada seksaannya, maka yang akan mendatang adalah lebih sukar". Terdapat lagi satu hadis riwayat Tirmizi yang berbunyi, Rasulullah ada bersabda maksudnya : "Kubur itu sama ada satu taman daripada taman-taman syurga atau satu lubang daripada lubang-lubang neraka. (Hadis Riwayat Tirmizi)." Sahabat yang dikasihi, Oleh itu marilah kita sama-sama sentiasa memikirkan kekuasaan Allah SWT menciptakan tujuh petala langit dan bumi tanda hamba yang bersyukur dan reda dengan ketentuan takdir Ilahi. Begitu juga kita perlu sentiasa memikirkan bahawa seksa kubur itu benar dan sentiasa membuat persiapan-persiapan dimuka bumi ini supaya terselamat daripada seksaan di alam barzakh. Terdapat tujuh persiapannya adalah 1. setiap hari bertaubat dan beristighfar, 2. Betulkan solat dan cuba mendapat khusyuk 3. selesaikan semua hutang-piutang 4. Banyakan bersedekah jariah 5. menyampaikan ilmu yang bermanfaat 6.mendidik anak-anak supaya mereka menjadi anak-anak yang soleh dan anak-anak yang soleh ini akan mendoakannya pula 7. meminta maaf orang yang kita telah melakukan kesalahan atau kita mengumpat dan memfitnah .
    Nov 25th 2013, 03:30
    Date and Speaker Confirmation Announcement: We would like to cordially invite all Brothers, Sisters and Kids to bbq on 8th of Dec at 12 noon in Tatterson Park( The park where Eid Salah was held and that which is close to Jumu'a salah area; for map click here - ) In sha Allah, we intend to host the bbq with many sports, social activities and prizes for all ages, so please arrive on time. We are expecting a guest speaker(Sh. Abu Bilal @ 2pm) to our bbq as well. We hope this activity will be a bonding exercise for all brothers and sisters, in sha Allah. Please, invite your friends and families for this family activity. Jazakallahu khairan.
    Nov 25th 2013, 03:24
    Kisah Bilal : Aku tidak Akan Mengumandangkan Azan Lagi (Yang ngaku Umat Nabi Muhammad jangan lupa jempolnya ya sob) Pada waktu dhuha di hari Senin 12 Rabi'ul Awal 11 H (hari wafatnya Rasulullah shalallahu alaihi wasallam) masuklah putri beliau Fathimah radhiyallahu anha ke dalam kamar Rasulullah shalallahu alaihi wasallam, lalu dia menangis saat masuk kamar Rasulullah Shalallahu 'Alaihi Wassalam. Dia menangis karena biasanya setiap kali dia masuk menemui Rasullullah Shalallahu 'Alaihi Wassalam, beliau berdiri dan menciumnya di antara kedua matanya, akan tetapi sekarang beliau tidak mampu berdiri untuknya. Maka Rasulullah Shalallahu 'Alaihi Wassalam bersabda kepadanya: "Mendekatlah kemari wahai Fathimah." Beliaupun membisikkan sesuatu di telinganya, maka dia pun menangis. Kemudian beliau bersabda lagi untuk kedua kalinya:" Mendekatlah kemari wahai Fathimah." Beliaupun membisikkan sesuatu sekali lagi, maka diapun tertawa. Maka setelah kematian Rasulullah Shalallahu 'Alaihi Wassalam, mereka bertanya kepada Fathimah : "Apa yg telah dibisikkan oleh Rasulullah Shalallahu 'Alaihi Wassalam kepadamu sehingga engkau menangis, dan apa pula yang beliau bisikkan hingga engkau tertawa?" Fathimah berkata: "Pertama kalinya beliau berkata kepadaku: "Wahai Fathimah, aku akan meninggal malam ini." Maka akupun menangis. Maka saat beliau mendapati tangisanku beliau kembali berkata kepadaku:" Engkau wahai Fathimah, adalah keluargaku yg pertama kali akan bertemu denganku." Maka akupun tertawa. Rasulullah Shalallahu 'Alaihi Wassalam memanggil Hasan dan Husain, beliau mencium keduanya dan berwasiat kebaikan kepada keduanya. Lalu Nabi Shalallahu 'Alaihi Wassalam memanggil semua istrinya, menasehati dan mengingatkan mereka. Beliau berwasiat kepada seluruh manusia yang hadir agar menjaga shalat. Beliau mengulang-ulang wasiat itu. Lalu rasa sakitpun terasa semakin berat, maka beliau bersabda:" Keluarkanlah siapa saja dari rumahku." Beliau bersabda:" Mendekatlah kepadaku wahai 'Aisyah!" Beliaupun tidur di dada istri beliau 'Aisyah radhiyallahu anha. 'Aisyah berkata:" Beliau mengangkat tangan beliau seraya bersabda:" Bahkan Ar- Rafiqul A'la bahkan Ar-Rafiqul A'la." Maka diketahuilah bahwa disela-sela ucapan beliau, beliau disuruh memilih diantara kehidupan dunia atau Ar-Rafiqul A'la. Masuklah malaikat Jibril alaihis salam menemui Nabi Shalallahu 'Alaihi Wassalam seraya berkata:" Malaikat maut ada di pintu, meminta izin untuk menemuimu, dan dia tidak pernah meminta izin kepada seorangpun sebelummu." Maka beliau berkata kepadanya:" Izinkan untuknya wahai Jibril." Masuklah malaikat Maut seraya berkata:" Assalamu'alaika wahai Rasulullah. Allah telah mengutusku untuk memberikan pilihan kepadamu antara tetap tinggal di dunia atau bertemu dengan Allah di Akhirat." Maka Nabi Shalallahu 'Alaihi Wassalam bersabda:" Bahkan aku memilih Ar-Rafiqul A'la (Teman yang tertinggi), bahkan aku memilih Ar-Rafiqul A'la, bersama-sama dengan orang-orang yang dianugerahi nikmat oleh Allah yaitu :para nabi, para shiddiqiin, orang- orang yg mati syahid dan orang-orang saleh. Dan mereka itulah rafiq (teman) yang sebaik-baiknya." 'Aisyah menuturkan bahwa sebelum Rasulullah Shalallahu 'Alaihi Wassalam wafat, ketika beliau bersandar pada dadanya, dan dia mendengarkan beliau secara seksama, beliau berdo'a: "Ya Allah, ampunilah aku, rahmatilah aku dan susulkan aku pada ar-rafiq al-a'la. Ya Allah (aku minta) ar-rafiq al- a'la, Ya Allah (aku minta) ar- rafiq al-a'la." Berdirilah malaikat Maut disisi kepala Nabi Shalallahu 'Alaihi Wassalam- sebagaimana dia berdiri di sisi kepala salah seorang diantara kita- dan berkata:" Wahai roh yang bagus, roh Muhammad ibn Abdillah, keluarlah menuju keridhaan Allah, dan menuju Rabb yang ridha dan tidak murka." Sayyidah 'Aisyah berkata:"Maka jatuhlah tangan Nabi Shalallahu 'Alaihi Wassalam, dan kepala beliau menjadi berat di atas dadaku, dan sungguh aku telah tahu bahwa beliau telah wafat." Dia berkata:"Aku tidak tahu apa yang harus aku lakukan, tidak ada yang kuperbuat selain keluar dari kamarku menuju masjid, yang disana ada para sahabat, dan kukatakan:" Rasulullah telah wafat, Rasulullah telah wafat, Rasulullah telah wafat." Maka mengalirlah tangisan di


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 03:55AM  

    Ahlulsunnah vs Shias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Ahlulsunnah vs Shias Facebook-Pinnwand
    || Ali's allegiance to the first three caliphs in Sunni and Shia books ||
    Nov 25th 2013, 03:54
    || Ali's allegiance to the first three caliphs in Sunni and Shia books ||


    Many People had posed me a Question that who was the Most deserving Person for the Khalifat???.
    The answer is simple the most deserving person for the Khalifat was the Person Whom imam Ali rz. made khalifa (shias claim to follow imam Ali but they r the biggest enemy of Ahlul-Bayt as they criticise the Imams of hz. Ali rz.) lets check out whom did Ali Allegianced.

    Ali's allegiance to the first three caliphs is mentioned in many books of Sunnis and Shias. Some of the books in which this allegiance is mentioned are mentioned below.

    || Sunni Books ||
    It is mentioned in the book 'al aitqad' by Imam Baihaqi

    Abu Sa'eed al Khudri may Allah be pleased with him said: When the Prophet's PBUH soul passed away and when the people gathered at the place of Sa'ad bin Ubadah and amongst them were Abu bakr and Umar, a Khatib from the Ansar(Supporters) spoke: "You know that the Prophet of Allah PBUH was from the Mouhajirun(immigrants) and his Caliph must also be from the Mouhajirun, we were the Ansar of the Prophet PBUH and we will be the Ansar of his Caliph just as we were his Ansar". then Umar bin al Khattab stood up and said "This Man from amongst the Ansar speaks truth and if it were anything other than this then we would not give you a baya'ah(Pledge of allegiance)" then he grabbed the hand of Abu bakr and said: "this is your Close companion so give him Baya'ah" then Umar and the Mouhajirun and the Ansar all gave him Baya'ah. Abu bakr stood on the Mimbar and he looked at the faces of all the people there but he never saw al Zubair so he called for him and and he came so he told him: "O son of the Prophet's PBUH aunt and his disciple would you want to split the cause of the Muslims?" Zubair said: "Not at all O Caliph of the Prophet of Allah" then he stood and gave him Baya'ah, Then he looked at the faces of the people but did not spot Ali so he called for Ali bin abi Talib and he came to him so he said: "O cousin of the prophet of Allah and the husband of his daughter would you want to split the cause of the Muslims?" So Ali replied: "Not at all O Caliph of the Prophet of Allah" then he stood and gave him Baya'ah.

    al Aitqad p. 177-178
    Tarikh Ibn Asakir, Vol. 30, p. 277
    Mustadrak al Hakim, Vol. 10, p. 249
    Sirah al halabiya, Vol. 3, p. 485-486
    Kinzul Ummal, Vol. 5, p. 613
    Sunan al Kubra, Vol. 8, p. 143

    It has been narrated from Qais ibn Qatadah that he said : Ali said to me that Prophet (s) was ill in his last days and he would say that Abu Bakr should lead the prayer for people. So when he died then I thought that prayer is the sign of Islam. So we selected the person for our worldly affairs when the Prophet (s) had selected for our religious affairs. So we rendered allegiance to him.

    Istiab Vol. 2, p. 242

    It has been narrated from Abdur Rahman ibn abi Bakrah that he said : Ali visited me (during illness), and said : The Prophet (s) died and the people rendered allegiance to Abu Bakr and we agreed with it. Then Abu Bakr died and Umar became Caliph, I also rendered allegiance to him and was agreed with it. When Umar died, he had formed a council. The people rendered allegiance to Uthman, I also rendered allegiance to him and was agreed with it.

    Fadhail Abi Bakr. ,p 5

    It has been narrated from Qais that Ali said : By the one who opened the grain and created the plant from it, if the Prophet (s) had promised me (about caliphate) then I would have stood firmly on it and I would not have let Abu Bakr climb a single step on the pulpit of the Prophet (s).

    Kinzul ummal Vol. 3, p. 141


    It has been narrated from Yassar that he said : When the last time of Abubakr arrived, he appeared from the window and addressing the people, said : I have made a promise, do you agree with it? The people said : O caliph of the Messenger of Allah, we agree with it. Ali said : We will not agree with anyone except Umar.

    Usudul Ghaba Vol. 4, p. 70

    It has been narrated from Salma that he said : The first one to render allegiance to Uthman was Abdur Rahman ibn Awf and after him, Ali ibn abi talib.

    Tabaqat ibn Saad Vol. 3, p. 42
    Umar ibn Umairah, the slave of Umar ibn Khattab, narrated from his father and he from his grandfather that I saw that the first one to render allegiance to Uthman was Ali amongst the people, then the people followed him and rendered allegiance (to Uthman).

    Bukhari Vol. 1, p. 525

    || Shia Books ||

    It is mentioned in the Shia book 'al Kafi'

    Zurarah narrated from Imam Baqir that he said : Ali had hidden his 'amr' and rendered allegiance with disliking when he didn't find supporters.

    Furu Kafi Vol. 3, p. 139

    When the letter reached Usama, he returned with his supporters to Medinah, and when he saw that the people have united on AbuBakr, he went to Ali and asked : What is it? He replied :This is what you are observing. Usama asked : Have you also rendered allegiance to him? Ali said : Yes O Usamah!

    Ihtijaj al-tibrisi p. 50

    Shustri says:

    Ali and the complete bani hashim rendered allegiance to Abu Bakr with dislike, and laid their hands on his hand.

    Majalis al Momineen, tadhkira Khalid ibn saeed

    Ali said : I rendered allegiance to Abu Bakr just like you people rendered allegiance to him, and disliked to break the power of Muslims and disunite their jamaat, then when AbuBakr appointed Umar as Caliph after him, and you knew that I had more right after the Messenger of Allah (s), I still rendered allegiance to Umar as you rendered allegiance to him, till when he was killed and made me the member of six member council, I joined them and disliked to disunite the jamaat of the Muslims and break their power. Then you rendered allegiance to Uthman, I also rendered allegiance to him.

    Amali by Tusi Vol. 2, p. 121
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 03:55AM  

    quran verteilung - Social Mention
    Quran Projekt Trailer pierre vogel ramadan 2013 2012
    Oct 19th 2012, 13:49
    Das Projekt "Lies!": Vorsicht liebe Freunde! Der hier verteilte Koran ist gefährlich! Er beinhaltet salafistische Inhalte, Fussnoten und Kommentare! Der Koran beinhaltet falsche Interpretationen...
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Nov 25th 2013, 05:44, by Nahsaka Lasbhan


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 03:54AM  

    dawa - Social Mention
    As salam walekum khubsoorat hain woh lub jo pyari batein kartey hain khubsoorat hai woh muskurahat jo doosron ke chehron per bhi muskan saja de khubsoorat hai woh dil jo kisi ke dard ko samjhey jo kisi ke dard mein tadpey khubsoorat hain woh jazbat jo kisi ka ehsaas karein khubsoorat hai woh ehsaas jo kisi ke dard ke me dawa baney khubsoorat hain woh batein jo kisi ka dil na dukhaein khubsoorat hain woh ankhein jin mein pakezgi ho sharm o haya ho khubsoorat hain woh ansoo jo kisi ke dard ko mehsoos kerke beh jae khubsoorat hain woh Hath jo kisi ko mushkil waqat mein tham lein khubsoorat hain woh kadam jo kisi ki madad ke liye aagey badhein khubsoorat hai woh soch jo kisi ke liye acha sochey khubsoorat hai woh insan jis ko KHUDA ne ye khubsoorati ada ki Allah sab ko hidyat de Aameen
    Nov 25th 2013, 03:53
    As salam walekum khubsoorat hain woh lub jo pyari batein kartey hain khubsoorat hai woh muskurahat jo doosron ke chehron per bhi muskan saja de khubsoorat hai woh dil jo kisi ke dard ko samjhey jo kisi ke dard mein tadpey khubsoorat hain woh jazbat jo kisi ka ehsaas karein khubsoorat hai woh ehsaas jo kisi ke dard ke me dawa baney khubsoorat hain woh batein jo kisi ka dil na dukhaein khubsoorat hain woh ankhein jin mein pakezgi ho sharm o haya ho khubsoorat hain woh ansoo jo kisi ke dard ko mehsoos kerke beh jae khubsoorat hain woh Hath jo kisi ko mushkil waqat mein tham lein khubsoorat hain woh kadam jo kisi ki madad ke liye aagey badhein khubsoorat hai woh soch jo kisi ke liye acha sochey khubsoorat hai woh insan jis ko KHUDA ne ye khubsoorati ada ki Allah sab ko hidyat de Aameen
    Nov 25th 2013, 03:52
    Gunah Karke Saza Se Darte Hai; Zehar Pee Ke Dawa Se Darte Hai; Dushmano Ke Sitam Ka Khauff Nahi; Hum Toh Doston Ki Wafa Se Darte
    Nov 25th 2013, 03:51
    kakange lg gawe umah kesirian kuh umahe senajang apik, dawa maning, aja kalah sukses lah aku juga...
    Nov 25th 2013, 03:50
    ...Hakuna kabisa dawa ya m akosa yakututakasa ila DAMU YAKE YESU....Tenzi za rohoni. Asubuhi njema wapendwa
    Nov 25th 2013, 03:50
    Autyzm jest uleczalny! Poznaj zaskakującą historię wyleczonego dziecka Posted by Jarek Kefir w dniu 24 Listopad 2013 Autyzm jest możliwy do wyleczenia! Przekonaj się, jak to zrobić Na tę tajemniczą chorobę zapada coraz więcej dzieci na całym świecie, także w Polsce. Statystyki ukazujące tempo wzrostu zachorowań są tak niepokojące, że aż nieprzyzwoicie je przytaczać. Czy jest sposób aby to jakoś zahamować? Spotkałyśmy się w lipcu, w upalny dzień, pod parasolkami miejscowej kawiarni. Wypatrując towarzyszki rozmowy chyba podświadomie szukałam wśród przechodniów trochę znerwicowanej kobiety w biurowym uniformie, która na twarzy będzie miała wypisane cierpienie i głęboką frustrację. Z ulgą trafiłam na uśmiechniętą, wyluzowaną kobietę wiekiem, a dziewczynę usposobieniem. -Jeśli zdecydujesz się wysłuchać mnie do końca, pewnie pomyślisz, że jestem z innej planety – mówiła, mieszając kawę i uśmiechając pod nosem. -Ale historia, którą chcę ci opowiedzieć, jest prawdziwa i zmieniła nasze życie o 180 stopni. Milczałam, czekając na podręcznikowy wstęp, rozwinięcie akcji i kulminację, po której być może eksploduje mi mózg tymczasem Renata zaczęła nieco chaotycznie opowiadać o białym cukrze, ludzkich jelitach i budowie naszego układu nerwowego. Dopiero po paru chwilach z opowieści tej zaczął wyłaniać się spójny obraz. Renata i Jacek byli normalnym małżeństwem Polaków, których pogoń za chlebem i perspektywami doprowadziła za Ocean, do jak niektórym by się wydawało Eldorado, a tak naprawdę na zatłoczony i nigdy nie śpiący Manhattan. Praca terapeutów, kolejne fakultety, własne ambicje – wiadomo, myśl o dziecku ciągle schodziła gdzieś na dalszy plan. Abigail urodziła się, kiedy oboje zbliżali się do czterdziestki. Radosne zdjęcia Renaty w ciąży i późniejsze, z uśmiechniętym niemowlakiem ozdabiały ściany każdego pokoju w mieszkaniu. Do czasu aż Abigail skończyła roczek. DIAGNOZA JAK WYROK -To nie stało się z dnia na dzień – opowiadała Renata. -Nadchodziło powoli, niezauważalnie i podstępnie. Zaczęło się od problemów ze snem – mała budziła się codziennie dokładnie o 4:00 w nocy i płacząc wniebogłosy nie mogła się uspokoić aż do rana. Potem przestała jeść łyżeczką, choć wcześniej dawała sobie z tym świetnie radę. Zamiast uśmiechu na jej twarzy było widać ciągłe cierpienie i jakąś dziwną nieobecność. Zamiast chodzić kręciła się w kółko… Ktoś podmienił nasze dziecko, a my nie mieliśmy pojęcia, jak i dlaczego się to stało. Kiedy do Abigail przyszli terapeuci z Wczesnej Interwencji diagnoza padła niemal natychmiastowo: całościowe zaburzenia rozwojowe w stopniu głębokim – autyzm. Wypowiedzenie na głos najgorszych obaw przyniosło ze sobą początkowe załamanie, totalną niemoc i poczucie braku pomocy, której można byłoby się kurczowo złapać. -Musicie przygotować się na długą i nierówną drogę, z której nie wyjdziecie jako zwycięzcy – tak nam mówiono – wspominała Renata. -Wasze dziecko nie będzie mówić, ani się nie usamodzielni. Być może w pewnym wieku trzeba będzie umieścić je w specjalistycznym zakładzie. Mimo tych czarnych jak myśli samobójcy wizji, rodzice Abigail nie poddali się, a ich działania powoli zaczęły odnosić jakiś skutek. Krok po kroku trafiali na tropy w tej pokręconej i zdawałoby się nierozwiązywalnej łamigłówce. Krążyli od lekarza do lekarza, zapisując w komórkach kolejne kontakty do amerykańskich terapeutów, psychologów i DAN! Doktorów (DAN! to skrót od hasła Defeat Autism Now! – czyli Pokonaj Autyzm Teraz!). Na polecenie tych ostatnich zaczęli modyfikować dietę Abigail – odstawili mleko i produkty zawierające gluten bądź kazeinę – substancje, których dzieci z autyzmem w większości nie tolerują. Abigail nieznacznie się po tym po prawiło. Wpływanie na autyzm za pomocą żywienia? Już to dało im do myślenia. PRZEZ ŻOŁĄDEK DO…. MÓZGU -Wiesz, wszystko rozchodzi się o to, że społeczeństwo ciągle traktuje autyzm jak chorobę psychiczną. Tymczasem, i mówię to z pełnym przekonaniem, ta choroba zaczyna się w układzie metabolicznym. Nie tutaj, tylko tu. -Przenosi palec wskazujący z głowy na brzuch. -Wszystkie objawy neurologiczne mają swoje źródło w źle funkcjonującym systemie trawiennym i stanie zapalnym całego organizmu. Tak było z naszą Abby.. Po kilkunastu miesiącach bardziej lub mniej trafnych poszukiwań, Jacek i Renata trafili na środowisko ludzi, którzy leczyli choroby ze spektrum autyzmu między innymi za pomocą zmiany sposobu żywienia. Podstawą do zrozumienia tej metody było przekonanie się, że wszystko co dzieje się w naszym układzie pokarmowym w ostatecznym rozrachunku ma też niemały wpływ na nasz układ nerwowy, a zatem i działanie mózgu. Mówiąc krótko, jelita to nasz "drugi mózg". -Czy wiesz co cukier, taki zwykły biały cukier i ten cukier, którego nie widzimy, a mamy go we wszystkim, co kupujemy w sklepach robi z naszymi organizmami? -zapytała Renata. Zaczęłam mruczeć pod nosem, że wiem, że cholerstwo, że takie tam – bo przecież sama od dawna nie jem. Ale z drugiej strony chciałam powiedzieć – Daj spokój, autyzm to nie cukrzyca. Co ma wspólnego z trawieniem? A jednak. To co spożywamy ma duży wpływ na nasze myślenie i zachowanie. Wystarczy pomyśleć o wpływie alkoholu na postępowanie człowieka. Okazuje się, i potwierdzają to lekarze, że dzieci z problemami jelitowymi po zjedzeniu produktów zawierających cukier lub skrobię czują się jak dorośli po spożyciu dużej ilości alkoholu. Ich zmysły stają się przytępione, a zachowanie nieracjonalne, nadpobudliwe lub bardzo zamknięte. Do kawy zamówiłam lody, jednak wraz z kolejnymi minutami rozmowy coraz mniej miałam ochotę na ten słodki deser. Różne czynniki wpłynęły na to, że organizm Abby już w pierwszym roku życia nie posiadał odpowiedniej odporności, jelitowej flory bakteryjnej, która chroniłaby go przed działaniem szkodliwych czynników – bakterii, wirusów, grzybów, substancji chemicznych znajdujących się różnych produktach. Jej układ trawienny powoli się rozpadał, organizm zagrzybiał kandydozą, jelita dziurawiły. Kiedy w końcu podjęto leczenie, okazało się, że córka nie jest w stanie strawić już niemal niczego. W rodzinie Abigail rozpoczęła się walka o postawienie jej układu trawiennego do pionu. Pod kontrolą lekarza odstawiono z diety wszystkie rodzaje zbóż i ich wytwory: mąki, kasze, ciasta, chleb. Wszystko co zawierało skrobię było dla Abigail zbyt ciężkostrawne i doprowadzało jej gojące się jelita do punktu wyjścia. Cała rodzina zrezygnowała z cukru w jakiejkolwiek postaci, który jest doskonałą pożywką dla ludzkich grzybów i pasożytów. Wszystko musiało być naturalne, bez konserwantów, przygotowywane sposobem naszych dziadków. Stała się rzecz niezwykła. Już po niedługim czasie po wprowadzeniu diety stan Abigail zaczął się zauważalnie poprawiać. Organizm wyraźnie się odtruwał. Widać to było w wynikach badań i zachowaniu małej. Przestała kręcić się w kółko, a zaczęła patrzeć rodzicom w oczy. Uczyła się zwracać uwagę na otaczający ją świat i po jakimś czasie zaczęła mówić. -Oczywiście że nie było tak cukierkowo, jak można wywnioskować z tej skrótowej opowieści. Nasza droga była długa i żmudna, nieraz staraliśmy się jak mogliśmy, a efektów prawie nie było widać. Potem okazywało się, że Abigail jadła coś, co wywoływało jej złą reakcję, a my o tym nie wiedzieliśmy. -Dodawała moja rozmówczyni i tłumaczyła dalej – Oczywiście sama dieta nie wystarcza – do tego konieczny jest cały szereg terapii wspomagających, spotkania z logopedą, psychologiem, pedagogiem, terapeutą integracji sensorycznej, terapeutą treningów słuchowych i z wieloma innymi, ale dieta w domu Radomskich jest wciąż podstawą. Wyszłyśmy z ogródka kawiarni, zostały po nas roztopione nietknięte lody. AUTYZM JEST ODWRACALNY W domu zanurkowałam w odmętach Internetu, szukając śladów potwierdzenia słów Renaty. Na polskim stronach nie za wiele. Natomiast amerykańskie, ho ho, aż pękały od ilości informacji. Okazało się, że w Stanach istnieje już wiele organizacji, które zgadzają się z postawą Radomskich, wśród nich jest między innymi duża formacja Generation Rescue. W Internecie znaleźć można wiele filmów nagrywanych przez rodziców, którzy zmieniając dietę doprowadzali do znacznej poprawy stanu zdrowia swoich dzieci chorujących na ASD (tzn. zaburzenia ze spektrum autyzmu) lub ADHD. Niektórzy nawet kusili się w komentarzach o określenie tych chorób słowem reversible – odwracalny. -My nie chcemy mówić o wyzdrowieniu – przed nami jeszcze długa podróż. Jednak jesteśmy pewni, że idziemy właściwą drogą – mówią Radomscy. Blisko dwa lata temu, kiedy Abigail miała trzy i pół roku i już dość długą terapię dietą na koncie, Renata i Jacek postanowili wrócić do kraju. -W Polsce założyliśmy Fundację – Autyzm Bez Łez. Kolejnym krokiem jest dla nas wydanie książki, w której opiszemy to wszystko. Takich publikacji w języku angielskim jest już mnóstwo. U nas ciągle nic. Zawsze wzbudzał u mnie poczucie zadziwienia fakt, jak wielu rodziców w zetknięciu z nieszczęściem dziecka znajduje w sobie siły, by poruszać niebo i ziemię nawet już nie dla samych siebie, ale dla osób, które znalazły się w podobnej sytuacji. Skąd oni biorą tą siłę? Sadzą ją w ogródku? -Nie możemy o tym nie mówić – tak mało ludzi tutaj wie o tej metodzie, a nie wiedzieć dlaczego wielu z tych, którzy już wiedzą, wolą trzymać ją dla siebie. Dla większości pierwsze zetkniecie z informacją o tym, że autyzm bierze się między innymi z podziurawionych jelit jest za trudne, by ją przyjąć. Ale mamy już duże grono rodziców, którzy przyznają nam rację – mówią, że to się sprawdza. Mimo ciągłego działania rodzinie Radomskich nie jest w Polsce łatwo. Większą część wspólnego życia spędzili na obczyźnie. I chociaż przyznają, że i tam nie było jak w bajce, zetknięcie z polską rzeczywistością po blisko dwudziestu latach bywało bolesne. Do niedawna oboje bezrobotni, bo zawodowe certyfikaty zdobyte przez nich w Stanach tutaj musiały być najpierw zatwierdzone, często powtarzali, że nie wiedzą, czy uda im się w Polsce utrzymać "na powierzchni". -Więc dlaczego wróciliście? -Może to brzmieć paradoksalnie, ale za jedzeniem. Już nie za chlebem, jak przysłowiowo można było nazwać nasz wyjazd do Ameryki, ale za możliwością podawania Abigail zdrowej, ekologicznej żywności produkowanej na wsi, naturalnym sposobem. Wróciliśmy za prawdziwym kozim mlekiem, mięsem ze zwierząt, które wiedzą jak smakuje trawa i jak wygląda niebo, za warzywami, które nie były pryskane całą tablicą Mendelejewa. W Stanach zdobyć takie produkty jest dużo trudniej niż u nas. Był też drugi bardzo ważny powód do powrotu. Chcieliśmy, żeby nasza córka mogła pójść do normalnego przedszkola, ze zdrowymi dziećmi. W Stanach nie byłoby to możliwe. Inna sprawa, że bardzo boimy się momentu, kiedy Abby rozpocznie edukację szkolną. Dzieci z chorobami ze spektrum autyzmu nie dość, że nie mają lekko z własnymi problemami, to jeszcze otoczenie najczęściej im ich przypadłości w bolesny sposób wytyka. Mówi się o tolerancji, jednak kiedy przychodzi do przyjęcia do normalnej szkoły dziecka nawet z wysokofunkcjonującym autyzmem, wszyscy nagle rozkładają ręce. PIĘCIOLETNI STRAŻAK Jaka Abigail jest teraz? Na to pytanie odpowiedź poznałam już niedługo po pierwszym spotkaniu z Renatą, kiedy przyjechałam do Krakowa, by poznać całą trójkę (i psa). Abigail była cztero i pół rocznym wesołym, ciekawskim dzieciakiem, które ciągle pokazywało na mój kolczyk w nosie, pytając co to, po co i dlaczego akurat tam. Patrzyłam na to, jak o 5:00 rano jej tata wyciska dla całej rodziny sok z marchewki i zielonej sałaty, jak przygotowuje dla małej przecierowe zupy warzywne na ekologicznym rosole cielęcym, jak wita swoją małą księżniczkę, kiedy zaspana wychodzi z pokoju i mówi, że śniły jej się motylki. Patrzyłam na to, jak Abby bawi się z psem Betsy, słuchałam jak opowiada mi na zmianę po polsku i angielsku, co robiła wczoraj u babci. Przyglądałam się jak wyciąga książeczkę ze Strażakiem Samem, mówiąc, że jak będzie już duża, czyli kiedy skończy pięć lat, sama zostanie takim strażakiem. Przepraszam, gdzie jest to dziecko z głębokim autyzmem? Jasne, po uważniejszej obserwacji widać, że w porównaniu z większością rówieśników Abigail nie radzi sobie jeszcze ze wszystkim. Ale to nie jest dziecko z nagrań, które pokazywała mi później Renata – widziałam na nich dwuletnie wiecznie zapłakane lub nieobecne dziecko, kręcące się w kółko aż do utraty równowagi i upadku. Dziecko, którego zabawą było gryzienie wszystkich rzeczy, jakie wpadły mu w ręce. Dziecko, które nigdy nie wypowiedziało ani jednego słowa. Ta transformacja w wielkim stopniu możliwa była dzięki całkowitej zmianie sposobu


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 03:52AM  

    ummah - Social Mention
    Chynk jaga mata jaga hati,, baegh2 di ummah,, akku SAYANG kamu,,
    Nov 25th 2013, 03:52
    dakwahku dunia ku .. jatuh haty ku dengan program pencetus ummah. . . selamat t.ari
    Nov 25th 2013, 03:51
    Yes its halal to have fun and be happy and it's also a blessing of Allah s.w.t... But how can you be happy when the Ummah is crying for help...
    Nov 25th 2013, 03:50
    ★ Ya ALLAH, give me death while I am in Sajdah. ★ Ya ALLAH, let the last words of my life be the Shahadah. ★ Ya ALLAH, If I die in my sleep let my heart beat the dhikr of Allah ★ Ya ALLAH, the guider of the lost soul forgive the entire Ummah. ★ Ya ALLAH, forgive My Parents, My Family, and My Brothers & Sisters In Islam. ★ Ya ALLAH, guide entire humanity to the righteous path
    Nov 25th 2013, 03:50
    MUSLIM UMMAH IMMEDIATELY NEEDS AN ISLAMIC SHIRK / DUALLITY / non-muslim FREE RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATION TO LOOK AFTER THE RELIGIOUS ACTIVITIES AND SECURITY OF THE MUSLIM WORLD . Muslim community was developed under the direct leadership of prophet Muhammad sallalahu Alaihi wa sallam and the prohet sallalahu Alaihi wa sallam was under the command of the seen and unseen universe creator Allah Subhanahu Wa Taala. Divine guidance Al-Quran for the welfare of the whole human being of the world was sent to him sallalahu Alaihi wa sallam through respected Angel Gebrael ALAIHI WA SALLAM as a blessings for the human being . By the grace of Allah subhanahu wa Taala Prophet Muhammad sallallahu Alaihi wa sallam established a peaceful Islami Administration at Madina Manwara after working on spreading , propagating the religious activities in 23 years as an appointed last and Final greatest Messenger of all the Messengers sent before by Allah subhanahu Wa Ta aala . It is stated in the Divine guidance Al-Quran that Previous Prophets (peace be upon them) were sent locally and for a particular area but Muhammad sallalahu Alaihi wa sallam was sent for the whole world as a last and final prophet sallallahu Alaihi wa sallam till the ends of earth and after him process of sending prophets to the earth to guide the human being towards Allah subhana hu wa Taala was closed because the lessons with proper guidance sent in the undistorted Divine book Al-quran along with practical guidance shown by the prophet sallalahu Alaihi wa sallam which is now recorded as as Al-Hadeth, was sufficient to guide the human being living on earth till the end of this temporary world. And his sallallahu Alaihi wa sallam trained followers would be quite able to continue the follow up of the divine activities received from Allah subhanahu wa Taala and they were also able to guide the the human being till the ends of the earth. Hence no further prophets are not required to send for the guidance of the human being . Process of sending Messenger and prophets were permanently closed as Islam was declared as a religion by the creator of the seen and unseen Allah Subhanahu wa Taala as a full code of Human worldly life. Muslim Ummaha is a Religious leader dependent Nation. Present muslim world is divided in religious matter. Original Reference established system and its set up of our prophet sallalahu alaihi wa sallam under the direction of Allah subhanahu wa Taala is no more being followed by the present divided muslim world. So it is essential to find out the original setup of Deen which was established by our prophet sallallahu Alaihi wa sallam for the reference of the present Muslim ummah. We the muslim ummah must sit together to find out one and only one reference forgetting noises added or subtracted in our Deen on the bases of Al-Quran and Al-Hadeth. But it is a matter of great regret that there is no world muslim Religious organization nor a world Religious Leader to look after the Religious activities of the Muslim world. Islam demands Religious organization and a Religious Leader but no muslim country is coming forward to constitute a muslim religious organization and a Muslim Leader, inviting the Head of the muslim countries of the world . There is a muslim organization OIC but they are not coming to nominate a muslim religious Leader to look after the religious matter of the muslim world. That Islam is a complete code of life. It has worship sector, Education and cultural sector, social and economic sector, Judiciary Law and order sectors ,Political and State administrative sectors etc . Muslim world is busy with some of the worship sectors such as Salah, Hazz Fasting but these are also not found compulsory in the muslim country. Religious education i.e study of Al-Quran and Al-Hadith, Arabic language learning are not found compulsory along with the existing man made subjects for the muslim students specially in the muslim states. As a result Muslim students are found well educated in man made worldly subjects and quite ignorant in Deene subjects. In the cultural sectors anti Islamic cinema industry are being developed day by day and as a result muslims are forgetting their own religious culture . In Law and order sectors Anti Islamic man made law is used in the court . In economic sectors interest based economy is being followed . We the muslim community was warned not to follow some of the Rules and regulations of the Deen and to leave some. Islam is a complete code of human life it requires education but it is observed in the muslim countries that islamic education along with worldly man made education is not introduced in the muslim countries . So it is the time to think deeply to save the muslim world, establishing a Religious organization inviting the OIC member countries to look after the religious activity and the security of the muslim countries . A complete SHIRK /DUALITY free deen along with Deene environment in the muslim country to be established in the muslim world and to satisfy Allah subhanahu wa Taala otherwise existence of the muslim world will be in danger as we already observed in Iraq, Afgnistan, Syria and drawn attack in Pakistan and Yamen. All my Muslim friends are requested to post my deene story to the Leaders of the muslim countries through face book, print Medea and electronoic media so that Deene intellectuals to come forward to save the muslim world from the anti islamic activities and culture and also engage themselves to root out SHIRK / DUALITY from the muslim's worldly life and to establish a Muslim religious organization . I believe we the spreader of this post may have reward at the time of Final Judgment-Day. Allahu Akbar
    Nov 25th 2013, 03:50
    MUSLIM UMMAH IMMEDIATELY NEEDS AN ISLAMIC SHIRK / DUALLITY / non-muslim FREE RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATION TO LOOK AFTER THE RELIGIOUS ACTIVITIES AND SECURITY OF THE MUSLIM WORLD . Muslim community was developed under the direct leadership of prophet Muhammad sallalahu Alaihi wa sallam and the prohet sallalahu Alaihi wa sallam was under the command of the seen and unseen universe creator Allah Subhanahu Wa Taala. Divine guidance Al-Quran for the welfare of the whole human being of the world was sent to him sallalahu Alaihi wa sallam through respected Angel Gebrael ALAIHI WA SALLAM as a blessings for the human being . By the grace of Allah subhanahu wa Taala Prophet Muhammad sallallahu Alaihi wa sallam established a peaceful Islami Administration at Madina Manwara after working on spreading , propagating the religious activities in 23 years as an appointed last and Final greatest Messenger of all the Messengers sent before by Allah subhanahu Wa Ta aala . It is stated in the Divine guidance Al-Quran that Previous Prophets (peace be upon them) were sent locally and for a particular area but Muhammad sallalahu Alaihi wa sallam was sent for the whole world as a last and final prophet sallallahu Alaihi wa sallam till the ends of earth and after him process of sending prophets to the earth to guide the human being towards Allah subhana hu wa Taala was closed because the lessons with proper guidance sent in the undistorted Divine book Al-quran along with practical guidance shown by the prophet sallalahu Alaihi wa sallam which is now recorded as as Al-Hadeth, was sufficient to guide the human being living on earth till the end of this temporary world. And his sallallahu Alaihi wa sallam trained followers would be quite able to continue the follow up of the divine activities received from Allah subhanahu wa Taala and they were also able to guide the the human being till the ends of the earth. Hence no further prophets are not required to send for the guidance of the human being . Process of sending Messenger and prophets were permanently closed as Islam was declared as a religion by the creator of the seen and unseen Allah Subhanahu wa Taala as a full code of Human worldly life. Muslim Ummaha is a Religious leader dependent Nation. Present muslim world is divided in religious matter. Original Reference established system and its set up of our prophet sallalahu alaihi wa sallam under the direction of Allah subhanahu wa Taala is no more being followed by the present divided muslim world. So it is essential to find out the original setup of Deen which was established by our prophet sallallahu Alaihi wa sallam for the reference of the present Muslim ummah. We the muslim ummah must sit together to find out one and only one reference forgetting noises added or subtracted in our Deen on the bases of Al-Quran and Al-Hadeth. But it is a matter of great regret that there is no world muslim Religious organization nor a world Religious Leader to look after the Religious activities of the Muslim world. Islam demands Religious organization and a Religious Leader but no muslim country is coming forward to constitute a muslim religious organization and a Muslim Leader, inviting the Head of the muslim countries of the world . There is a muslim organization OIC but they are not coming to nominate a muslim religious Leader to look after the religious matter of the muslim world. That Islam is a complete code of life. It has worship sector, Education and cultural sector, social and economic sector, Judiciary Law and order sectors ,Political and State administrative sectors etc . Muslim world is busy with some of the worship sectors such as Salah, Hazz Fasting but these are also not found compulsory in the muslim country. Religious education i.e study of Al-Quran and Al-Hadith, Arabic language learning are not found compulsory along with the existing man made subjects for the muslim students specially in the muslim states. As a result Muslim students are found well educated in man made worldly subjects and quite ignorant in Deene subjects. In the cultural sectors anti Islamic cinema industry are being developed day by day and as a result muslims are forgetting their own religious culture . In Law and order sectors Anti Islamic man made law is used in the court . In economic sectors interest based economy is being followed . We the muslim community was warned not to follow some of the Rules and regulations of the Deen and to leave some. Islam is a complete code of human life it requires education but it is observed in the muslim countries that islamic education along with worldly man made education is not introduced in the muslim countries . So it is the time to think deeply to save the muslim world, establishing a Religious organization inviting the OIC member countries to look after the religious activity and the security of the muslim countries . A complete SHIRK /DUALITY free deen along with Deene environment in the muslim country to be established in the muslim world and to satisfy Allah subhanahu wa Taala otherwise existence of the muslim world will be in danger as we already observed in Iraq, Afgnistan, Syria and drawn attack in Pakistan and Yamen. All my Muslim friends are requested to post my deene story to the Leaders of the muslim countries through face book, print Medea and electronoic media so that Deene intellectuals to come forward to save the muslim world from the anti islamic activities and culture and also engage themselves to root out SHIRK / DUALITY from the muslim's worldly life and to establish a Muslim religious organization . I believe we the spreader of this post may have reward at the time of Final Judgment-Day. Allahu Akbar
    Nov 25th 2013, 03:49
    Cuti Jumaat Sabtu di Johor... Saya bukan jahil sgt soal agama dan saya juga bukan tak bersetuju perkara ini dilaksanakan. Tapi apa yang saya persoalkan adalah kenapa perkara ini hanya diwajibkan kepada agensi kerajaan sahaja..kenapa tidak diwajibkan kepada semua termasuk syarikat swasta...perkara ini dilaksanakan atas dasar memperkasa ummah dan memuliakan hari Jumaat Penghulu segala hari...tapi bilangan agensi kerajaan di Johor hanya sedikit berbanding syarikat2 swasta. Bagi keluarga yg mana kedua ibu bapa bekerja di sektor yg berbeza dan cuti yg berbeza..adakah ini sesuatu yg memberi manfaat kepada mereka? Di mana rasional nya perubahan cuti ini sekiranya aspek kekeluargaan tidak diambil perhatian yg sewajarnya. Bagi anak2 yg bersekolah pula mmg tidak dinafikan terdapat kelebihan untuk bersolat jumaat..tetapi bg ibu bapa yg bekerja swasta dan cuti pada sabtu ahad..adakah mereka mampu untuk membawa anak2 untuk solat jumaat bersama2? bagaimana pula waktu cuti yang diperuntukan untuk bersama keluarga yang menjadi lebih singkat berbanding sebelum ini? Tidak dinafikan terlalu bnyk amalan2 sunat yg boleh dilakukan pada hari Jumaat..tetapi harus diingat bekerja adalah sesuatu yg wajib dilaksanakan..adakah tiada keberkatan bekerja pada hari Jumaat? Sekiranya hendak dilaksanakan maka laksanakan secara menyeluruh dan bkn sebahagian sahaja. Kenapa perlu diberikan pilihan kepada sektor swasta sedangkan kita tahu keberkatan hari jumaat itu seharusnya dinikmati oleh seluruh umat islam terutama di Johor..nah ini lah masanya kita buktikan yg kita ini negeri Islam..bkn sekadar sedap dimulut tetapi kosong pengisianya... Sekadar berkongsi pendapat..
    Nov 25th 2013, 03:47
    Dought & clear, - The view of Ahl al-Sunnah towards the Sahaabah and the leadership of Abu Bakr al-Siddeeq. - what evidence do you have that tells you Imama Ali(A.S.) isnt suppose to be the leader after th Prophet muhammed(A.S). Praise be to Allaah. One of the basic principles of Ahl al-Sunnah wa'l-Jamaa'ah is that they have nothing against the Companions of the Messenger of Allaah(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and they do not say anything against them. Their hearts are free of any hatred, resentment and rancour (towards them) and they do not say anything (about them) that is not appropriate or befitting, because Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): "And those who came after them say: 'Our Lord! Forgive us and our brethren who have preceded us in Faith, and put not in our hearts any hatred against those who have believed. Our Lord! You are indeed full of kindness, Most Merciful'"[al-Hashr :10] And they obey the Prophet(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) who said: "Do not revile my companions, for by the One in Whose hand is my soul, if one of you were to spend in charity gold equal to the size of Mount Uhud, he would not achieve the status of one of them, or even come halfway." (narrated by al-Bukhaari, 3637; Muslim, 2541). One of the basic principles of Ahl


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 02:51AM  

    Islamisten | Islamismus | in Deutschland und Europa
    Islamisten und Islamismus in Deutschland und Europa. Salafisten und Salafismus. Was sind Salafisten? Was ist Salafismus? Was ist Islamismus? Was sind Islamisten?
    Your 8 hourly digest for Salafismus in Facebook ; Salafisten Islam Koran Moschee
    Nov 25th 2013, 01:54
    Salafismus in Facebook ; Salafisten Islam Koran Moschee Hier werden Nachrichten über den radikalen Salafismus veröffentlicht. Was sind Salafisten? (Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr) Diese Seite richtet sich nicht gegen Muslime und den Islam.Diese Seite soll über den Salafismus/Islamismus/Terrorismus informieren. Es ist wichtig über Fanatiker aufzuklären, um den Frieden und die Freiheit zu sichern. Wir wollen in Europa mit allen Menschen friedlich zusammen leben, egal welche Herkunft, Nationalität und Religion. What drives your body?
    Explore your exercise, sleep and food data to discover your body on projectaddapp From our sponsors Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 24 Themen Nov 25th 2013, 01:53, by Nahsaka Lasbhan Übersicht über die heutigen Themen Gruppe: bushido - Social Mention: BUSHIDO IST DER BESTE *-* DOGRU. DIYENLER ??? BAHAR [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: Überall nur Bushido :-D [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: Seit ihr alle eig doof erinnert ihr euch noch daran das Bushido und.sido sich auch immer öffentlich gedisst haben?! Früher? Das ist reines marketing die bleiben immer im.Gespräch wenn.der eine.wieder den.anderen.gedisst hat und genau das gleiche läuft jetzt zwischen (kay) gay one und (bushido )muschido! Die gut ihre musik und kriegen.immer mehr fans und ihr checkt das alles nicht und steigert euch voll rein wie damals hahahahhshahaha so lächerlich die beiden sind sowieso ne schande sowas dürfte man nicht als rapper betitteln sorry Was ist das bushido: airmax Nikotin haar wax bl bla bla Und kay One: ich breche die Herzen.aller mädchen haha shit das ist kein hip hop das ist Dreck! [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: Kay one ist so ein verdammter Hurensohn [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention:,23477934,25118224.html [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: Bushido - Leben und Tod des Kenneth Glöckler (Komplett Unzensiert +Lyrics) [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: Ein Spielchen, das mir mal wieder gefällt ^^ also wer auch will einfach liken :D 18 also ... Beziehungsstatus: Damals: hatte ne 4 Monate lange Beziehung ^^ Heute: single,aber das passt so ^^ Berufswunsch: Damals : modedesignerin Heute: lerne Frisörin,was mir sehr gut gefällt Beruf: Damals: Schülerin-modeschule Heute: Frisörin Musik: Damals: puhh eig alles bis auf Volksmusik und bushido ^^ Heute: metal,punk-rock,emo Musik ^^und gothic Wohnsituation: Damals:daheim Heute: daheim(Lehrling kann man sich keine eigen e Wohnung leisten) [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: Wenn eure Eltern pennen müsst ihr immer gaaaaanz leise sein. Aber wenn wir pennen juckt das keinen da machen alle Party. [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: King Bushido! [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: Bushido und Kay One haben gar kein streit alles Image und am Ende finden die wieder zusammen genau wie Sido und Bushido damit jeder die Alben am Ende wieder kauft im Endeffekt ist das alles Show ;-) [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: #lebenundtoddeskennethglöggler# Super song beste bushido [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: Kay One und Bushido sind ja schlimmer als Mädchen. [2 Aktualisierungen] bushido - Social Mention: Ich hab glaub noch nie innerhalb von 48 Stunden einen Namen öfter gehört als "Bushido" - Kopf gegen Thaiboxen! [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: Haha der Hund heist eiskalt bushido xD [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: xDDDDDDDD Gay One die Thainutte tut vor der Kamera voll cool mit seiner eiskalten Art und schreibt auf seine facebook page , dass ihm der Bushido Diss-Track nichts ausmacht, und innerlich ist er so zerfressen und psychisch am Ende, das Gewissen beladen mit Schuldgefühlen wie offensichtlich das telefonatgespräch am 23.11 Telefonat mit einem angeblichen freund zeigt. Das wars wohl mit der Musikkarriere für diesen Huenbock. Rip du Bastard und lass dich nie wieder in Köln und Wuppertal blicken. [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: Bushido ist der beste [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: Bushido hahaahah xD tod gediss aber von feinsten gay one der hundesohn hahahah King bushido ^^ [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: Wegen diesem Bushido Kay one Beef sieht man mal wieder wie viele mitläufer es gibt ;) [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: OMG ich seh's kommen, neuer Trend: Bushido line: "[..] wenn ich Kay boxe, bin ich dann ein Thaiboxer?" nachmachen... [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: Seit 2 tagen macht Das gucken von NEUIGKEITEN in Facebook kein Spass mehr ;) und das alles wegen Kay One Und Bushido ... [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: Meine Pinnwand ist voll mit bushido und Gay One haha bei wem noch !???? [1 Aktualisierung] Uploads by habibifloDE: Abu Bilal - Unsere Kinder sind eine Amanah [Verantwortung] [1 Aktualisierung] MardelliDawas Facebook-Pinnwand: Durch eine neue Facebook Funktion / Einstellung kann es passieren, das ihr nicht... [1 Aktualisierung] Your 2 hourly digest for Kuffr - Social Mention [1 Aktualisierung] bushido - Social Mention: BUSHIDO IST DER BESTE *-* DOGRU. DIYENLER ??? BAHAR Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 09:58PM

    bushido - Social Mention

    Nov 24th 2013, 21:47

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    bushido - Social Mention: Überall nur Bushido :-D Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 09:58PM

    bushido - Social Mention

    Überall nur Bushido :-D
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:52

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    bushido - Social Mention: Seit ihr alle eig doof erinnert ihr euch noch daran das Bushido und.sido sich auch immer öffentlich gedisst haben?! Früher? Das ist reines marketing die bleiben immer im.Gespräch wenn.der eine.wieder den.anderen.gedisst hat und genau das gleiche läuft jetzt zwischen (kay) gay one und (bushido )muschido! Die gut ihre musik und kriegen.immer mehr fans und ihr checkt das alles nicht und steigert euch voll rein wie damals hahahahhshahaha so lächerlich die beiden sind sowieso ne schande sowas dürfte man nicht als rapper betitteln sorry Was ist das bushido: airmax Nikotin haar wax bl bla bla Und kay One: ich breche die Herzen.aller mädchen haha shit das ist kein hip hop das ist Dreck! Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 09:58PM

    bushido - Social Mention

    Seit ihr alle eig doof erinnert ihr euch noch daran das Bushido und.sido sich auch immer öffentlich gedisst haben?! Früher? Das ist reines marketing die bleiben immer im.Gespräch wenn.der eine.wieder den.anderen.gedisst hat und genau das gleiche läuft jetzt zwischen (kay) gay one und (bushido )muschido! Die gut ihre musik und kriegen.immer mehr fans und ihr checkt das alles nicht und steigert euch voll rein wie damals hahahahhshahaha so lächerlich die beiden sind sowieso ne schande sowas dürfte man nicht als rapper betitteln sorry Was ist das bushido: airmax Nikotin haar wax bl bla bla Und kay One: ich breche die Herzen.aller mädchen haha shit das ist kein hip hop das ist Dreck!
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:49

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    bushido - Social Mention: Kay one ist so ein verdammter Hurensohn Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 09:58PM

    bushido - Social Mention

    Kay one ist so ein verdammter Hurensohn
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:55

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    bushido - Social Mention:,23477934,25118224.html Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 09:58PM

    bushido - Social Mention,23477934,25118224.html
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:47

    22.11.2013 Krasses Video Im neuen Diss-Track: Bushido richtet „Kay One" hinKay One (rechts) und Bushido bei einer glamourösen Gala im Jahr 2010. Foto: dpaZiemlich beste Freunde - das war einmal ... Die beiden Berliner Rapper Bushido (35) und Kay One sind mittlerweile erbitterte Feinde. Öffentliche D...

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    bushido - Social Mention: Bushido - Leben und Tod des Kenneth Glöckler (Komplett Unzensiert +Lyrics) Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 09:58PM

    bushido - Social Mention

    Bushido - Leben und Tod des Kenneth Glöckler (Komplett Unzensiert +Lyrics)
    Nov 23rd 2013, 03:49

    ORIGINAL VIDEO + Lyrics "!!!

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    bushido - Social Mention: Ein Spielchen, das mir mal wieder gefällt ^^ also wer auch will einfach liken :D 18 also ... Beziehungsstatus: Damals: hatte ne 4 Monate lange Beziehung ^^ Heute: single,aber das passt so ^^ Berufswunsch: Damals : modedesignerin Heute: lerne Frisörin,was mir sehr gut gefällt Beruf: Damals: Schülerin-modeschule Heute: Frisörin Musik: Damals: puhh eig alles bis auf Volksmusik und bushido ^^ Heute: metal,punk-rock,emo Musik ^^und gothic Wohnsituation: Damals:daheim Heute: daheim(Lehrling kann man sich keine eigen e Wohnung leisten) Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 09:58PM

    bushido - Social Mention

    Ein Spielchen, das mir mal wieder gefällt ^^ also wer auch will einfach liken :D 18 also ... Beziehungsstatus: Damals: hatte ne 4 Monate lange Beziehung ^^ Heute: single,aber das passt so ^^ Berufswunsch: Damals : modedesignerin Heute: lerne Frisörin,was mir sehr gut gefällt Beruf: Damals: Schülerin-modeschule Heute: Frisörin Musik: Damals: puhh eig alles bis auf Volksmusik und bushido ^^ Heute: metal,punk-rock,emo Musik ^^und gothic Wohnsituation: Damals:daheim Heute: daheim(Lehrling kann man sich keine eigen e Wohnung leisten)
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:48

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    bushido - Social Mention: Wenn eure Eltern pennen müsst ihr immer gaaaaanz leise sein. Aber wenn wir pennen juckt das keinen da machen alle Party. Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 09:58PM

    bushido - Social Mention

    Wenn eure Eltern pennen müsst ihr immer gaaaaanz leise sein. Aber wenn wir pennen juckt das keinen da machen alle Party.
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:44

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    bushido - Social Mention: King Bushido! Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 09:58PM

    bushido - Social Mention

    King Bushido!
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:54

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    bushido - Social Mention: Bushido und Kay One haben gar kein streit alles Image und am Ende finden die wieder zusammen genau wie Sido und Bushido damit jeder die Alben am Ende wieder kauft im Endeffekt ist das alles Show ;-) Blogtrottr <> Nov 24 09:58PM

    bushido - Social Mention

    Bushido und Kay One haben gar kein streit alles Image und am Ende finden die wieder zusammen genau wie Sido und Bushido damit jeder die Alben am Ende wieder kauft im Endeffekt


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 03:15AM  

    Im Auftrag des Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    Im Auftrag des Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    Ein wichtiger Vers über den Begriff "El-Wela Wel-Bera":
    "Und am Tag, da sich de...
    Nov 25th 2013, 02:35
    Ein wichtiger Vers über den Begriff "El-Wela Wel-Bera":

    "Und am Tag, da sich der Himmel, Wolken hervorbringend, aufspaltet und die Engel eindrucksvoll herabgesandt werden, an jenem Tag gehört die Herrschaft, die wahre (Herrschaft) dem Allerbarmer, und es wird für die Ungläubigen ein schwerer Tag sein.
    Und an dem Tag wird der Ungerechte sich in die Hände beißen und sagen: „O hätte ich doch mit dem Gesandten einen Weg eingeschlagen!
    (Sure Furkan 25-28)
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 03:09AM  

    tauhid - Social Mention
    copas Dunia adalah negeri ujian. Allah Azza wa Jalla menghendaki keadaan manusia berbeda-beda sebagai ujian. Ada orang Mukmin dan kafir, orang sehat dan sakit, orang kaya dan miskin, dan seterusnya. Makna semua ini, bahwa seseorang itu diuji dengan orang yang tidak seperti dia. Seorang yang kaya contohnya, dia diuji dengan keberadaan orang miskin. Sepantasnya orang kaya tersebut membantunya dan tidak menghinanya. Sebaliknya si miskin juga diuji dengan keberadaan si kaya. Sepantasnya dia tidak hasad terhadap si kaya dan tidak mengambil hartanya dengan tanpa hak. Dan masing-masing berkewajiban meniti jalan kebenaran. Maka jika kita diuji oleh Allah Azza wa Jalla dengan kemiskinan dan kesulitan hidup, hendaklah kita menyikapinya dengan cara-cara yang telah ditunjukkan oleh Allah Azza wa Jalla dan Rasul-Nya. Di antara kiat-kiat menghadapi keadaan sulit tersebut adalah: *WAJIB BERHUSNUZHAN KEPADA ALLAH 'AZZA WA JALLA Yang pertama dan utama hendaklah setiap hamba berhusnu-zhan (berprasangka baik) kepada Allah 'Azza wa Jalla atas musibah dan kesusahan yang menimpanya. Karena sesungguhnya keimanan dan tauhid seseorang tidak akan sempurna kecuali dengan husnu-zhan kepada Allah 'Azza wa Jalla . Syaikh Muhammad bin Shâlih al-'Utsaimîn rahimahullah berkata: "Engkau wajib husnu-zhan kepada Allah 'Azza wa Jalla terhadap perbuatan-Nya di alam ini. Engkau wajib mengetahui bahwa apa yang Allah 'Azza wa Jalla lakukan itu merupakan hikmah yang sempurna, terkadang akal manusia memahaminya atau terkadang tidak. Dengan inilah keagungan Allah 'Azza wa Jalla dan hikmah-Nya di dalam takdir-Nya diketahui. Maka janganlah engkau menyangka bahwa jika Allah 'Azza wa Jalla melakukan sesuatu di alam ini, adalah karena kehendak-Nya yang buruk. Termasuk kejadian-kejadian dan musibah-musibah yang ada, Allah 'Azza wa Jalla tidak mengadakannya karena kehendak buruk yang berkaitan dengan perbuatan-Nya. Adapun yang berkaitan dengan makhluk, bahwa Allah 'Azza wa Jalla menetapkan apa yang Dia kehendaki, itu terkadang menyusahkannya, maka ini seperti firman Allah 'Azza wa Jalla : قُلْ مَنْ ذَا الَّذِي يَعْصِمُكُمْ مِنَ اللَّهِ إِنْ أَرَادَ بِكُمْ سُوءًا أَوْ أَرَادَ بِكُمْ رَحْمَةً Katakanlah: "Siapakah yang dapat melindungi kamu dari (takdir) Allah, jika Dia menghendaki bencana atasmu atau menghendaki rahmat untuk dirimu?" [al-Ahzâb/33:17] [Al-Qaulul Mufîd 'ala Kitab At-Tauhîd] .
    Nov 25th 2013, 03:06
    ** DIA SANG AYAH ** Memang ayah tak mengandungmu tapi darahnya mengalir di darahmu darinya kau warisi kedermawanan dan kerendahan hatinya.. Memang ayah tak melahirkanmu tapi suaranyalah yang pertama mengantarkanmu pada Tauhid ketika lahir.. Memang ayah tak menyusuimu tapi dari keringatnyalah tiap suapan yang menjadi air susumu...
    Nov 25th 2013, 03:06
    Tegaklah Kalimat TAUHID,dan dirikan SHALAT,.sebagai modal akhirat kelak,..
    Nov 25th 2013, 03:04
    TAUHID itu mutlak dijaga dg dzikir dan amalan nyata mengggunakan smua yg ada tuk sebarkan faham tauhid dari keris laptop mobil dan obat dan segalanya,,bukannya malah menggunakan smua yg ada untuk merusak akidah umat dg faham mujasimah/wahabiisme yang gemar mengkafirkan umat dg dalih ayat dan hadis,,,namun juga jgn berfaham tahayul dan faham sekte lainnya,,,
    Nov 25th 2013, 03:04
    Pernikahan Kalau ada kesucian yang hampir menyamai Tauhid, Itulah Pernikahan. Kalau ada kedalaman di mana cinta hanya pintu masuknya, itulah Pernikahan Kalau ada keluasan yang seluruh jagat raya tak sanggup menggapainya, itulah Pernikahan. Kalau ada ketinggian dimana Langit ketujuh bisa dilampauinya, itulah Pernikahan. @kenduricinta
    Nov 25th 2013, 03:04
    Waktu'a Of line, Dan pulker.... السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ . Assalamualaikum warohmatullahi wabarokatuh. HAL-HAL YANG MEMBATALKAN ISLAM Di dalam agama Islam ada hal-hal yang dapat membatalkan keislaman seseorang apabila ia mengerjakannya. Hal-hal tersebut adalah : 1.Berdo'a dan meminta kepada selain Allah, seperti kepada para Nabi dan wali-wali yang sudah wafat, atau kepada makhluk hidup yang ghaib. Firman Allah : ] ولا تدع من دون الله ما لا ينفعك ولا يضرك فإن فعلت فإنك إذا من الظالمين [ "Dan janganlah kamu berdo'a kepada selain Allah, yang tidak memberi manfaat dan tidak pula memberi madharat kepadamu, sebab jika kamu berbuat (yang demikian) itu, maka sesungguhnya kamu kalau begitu termasuk orang-orang zalim (musyrik)." (Yunus : 106). Dan sabda Nabi Shallallahu'alaihi wasallam : من مات وهو يدعو لله ندا دخل النار. رواه البخاري. "Baragsiapa mati dalam keadaan menyembah sekutu, selain Allah, niscaya masuk neraka." (riwayati Bukhari). 2.Merasa kesal hatinya dengan tauhid kepada Allah dan enggan berdo'a. serta meminta pertolongan kepada para rasul atau wali-wali yang sudah wafat, atau kepada makhluk hidup yang ghaib. Firman Allah : ]وَإِذَا ذُكِرَ اللَّهُ وَحْدَهُ اشْمَأَزَّتْ قُلُوبُ الَّذِينَ لَا يُؤْمِنُونَ بِالْآخِرَةِ وَإِذَا ذُكِرَ الَّذِينَ مِن دُونِهِ إِذَا هُمْ يَسْتَبْشِرُونَ[ (45) سورة الزمر "Dan apabila hanya nama Allah saja yang disebut, kesallah hati orang-orang yang tidak beriman kepada kehidupan akhirat, dan apabila nama sembahan-sembahan selain Allah yang disebut, tiba-tiba mereka bergirang hati." (Az-Zumar : 45). Ayat ini juga berlaku terhadap mereka yang memusuhi orang yang hanya meminta tolong kepada Allah saja, yang mereka sebut "WAHABI", jika mereka tahu bahwa WAHABI itu mengajak kepada tauhid. 3.Menyembelih binatang untuk/karena seorang Rasul atau wali. Berdasarkan firman Allah : ] فصل لربك وانحر [ "Maka dirikanlah shalat karena Tuhanmu dan sembelihlah (binatang)." (Al-Kautsar : 2). 4.Bernadzar untuk makhluk sebagai pendekatan dan penghambaan kepadanya. Padahal semestinya hanya untuk Allah saja. Firman Allah : ] رب إني نذرت لك ما في بطني محررا فتقبل مني إنك أنت السميع العليم [ "Ya Tuhanku, sesungguhnya aku menadzarkan kepada Engkau anak yang dalam kandunganku menjadi hamba yang shalih dan berkhidmat. Karena itu terimalah (nadzar) itu dariku. Sesungguhnya Engkaulah Yang Maha Mendengar lagi Maha Mengetahui." (Al-Imran : 35). 5.Melakukan thawaf di sekeliling kuburan dengan niat ibadah. Karena thawaf hanya dilakukan di sekeliling Ka'bah, berdasarkan firman Allah : ]وَلْيَطَّوَّفُوا بِالْبَيْتِ الْعَتِيقِ[(29) سورة الحـج "…dan hendaklah mereka berthawaf di sekeliling Baitul 'atiq (Ka'bah)." (Al-Hajj : 29). 6.Tawakkal dan berserah diri kepada selain Allah, firmanNya : ] فعليه توكلوا إن كنتم مسلمين [ "… maka bertawakkallah kepadaNya saja jika kamu benar-benar orang yang berserah diri." (Yunus : 84). 7.Ruku' atau sujud dengan niat mengagungkan raja atau para pemimpin, baik yang masih hidup maupun yang sudah mati, kecuali yang melakukan hal itu bodoh (tidak tahu). Karena ruku' dan sujud adalah ibadah untuk Allah saja. 8.Mengingkari salah satu rukun Islam, seperti : shalat, zakat, puasa dan haji. Atau mengingkari salah satu rukun iman, yaitu : iman kepada Allah, Malaikat, Kitab-kitab, para Rasul, hari Ahir dan iman kepada takdir yang baik dan yang buruk. Atau mengingkari hal-hal yang sudah jelas dalam agama. 9.Membenci Islam atau sebagian dari ajaran Islam yang sudah merupakan ijma' para ulama, baik yang menyangkut masalah ibadah, mu'amalah, ekonomi atau akhlak. Firman Alah : ] ذلك بأنهم كرهوا ما أنـزل الله فأحبط أعمالهم [ "Yang demikian itu sebenarnya mereka benci kepada apa yang diturunkan Allah (Al-Qur'an), lalu Allah menghapuskan pahala amal mereka." (Muhamad : 9). 10.Berolok-olok dengan ayat Al-Qur'an, hadits shahih atau salah satu hukum Islam yang telah disepakati. Firman Allah : ] قل أبالله وءاياته ورسوله كنتم تستهزؤون. لا تعتذروا قد كفرتم بعد إيمانكم [ "Katakanlah : apakah dengan Allah, ayat-ayatNya dan RasulNya? Kamu selalu berolok-olok. Tidak usah kamu minta maaf, karena kamu telah kafir sesudah beriman …" (At-Taubah : 65-66). 11.Mengingkari Al-Qur'an, meskipun sedikit saja, atau hadits shahih. Ini dapat menyebabkan riddah (keluar) dari Islam apabila dilakukan dengan sadar dan sengaja. 12.Mencela Allah, mengutuki Islam, menghina Nabi Shallallahu'alaihi wasallam atau memperolok keadaan beliau, atau mengkritik ajaran yang dibawanya. Itu semuanya menyebabkan kafir. 13.Mengingkari salah satu asma', sifat atau af'al (perbuatan) Allah yang telah ditetapkan dalam Al-Qur'an dan Sunnah yang shahih, apabila dilakukan bukan karena tidak tahu atau karena takwil. 14.Tidak mengimani seluruh rasul yang di utus oleh Allah untuk menyampaikan petunjuk kepada manusia, atau mengurangi jumlah mereka. Firman Allah : ] لاَ نُفَرِّقُ بَيْنَ أَحَدٍ مِّن رُّسُلِهِ[ (285) سورة البقرةَ "…Kami tidak membeda-bedakan antara seorangpun (dengan yang lain) dari Rasul-RasulNya…" (Al-Baqarah : 285). 15.Memutuskan perkara dengan selain hukum Allah, dengan meyakini bahwa hukum Islam tidak sesuai untuk diterapkan, atau membolehkan berhukum dengan selain hukum Islam. Firman Allah : ] ومن لم يحكم بما أنـزل الله فأولئك هم الكافرون [ "…Barangsiapa yang tidak memutuskan perkara menurut apa yang diturunkan Allah, maka mereka itu adalah orang-orang yang kafir." (Al-Maidah ; 44). 16.Menjadikan selain Islam sebagai hakim (pemutus perkara), tidak rela atau menolak hukum Islam, atau merasa keberatan dengan hukum Islam. Firman Allah : ] فلا وربك لا يؤمنون حتى يحكموك فيما شجر بينهم ثم لا يجدون في أنفسهم حرجا مما قضيت ويسلموا تسليما [ "Maka demi Tuhanmu, mereka pada hakikatnya tidak beriman sehingga menjadikan kamu hakim terhadap perkara yang mereka perselisihkan, kemudian mereka tidak merasa keberatan terhadap putusan yang kamu berikan dan mereka menerima dengan sepenuh hati." (An-Nisaa' : 65). 17.Memberikan hak membuat undang-undang dan hukum kepada selain Allah, seperti sistim kedikatatoran atau sistim yang lain dimana mereka membolehkan untuk menentukan hukum yang bertentangan dengan hukum Allah. Firman Allah : ] أم لهم شركاء شرعوا لهم من الدين ما لم يأذن به الله [ "Apakah mereka mempunyai sembahan-sembahan selain Allah yang mensyariatkan agama yang tidak diizinkah Allah untuk mereka…" (As-Syu'ara : 21). 18.Mengharamkah sesuatu yang dihalalkan Allah atau menghalalkan sesuatu yang diharamkanNya. Seperti menghalalkan zina atau riba bukan karena ta'wil. Firman Allah : ] وأحل الله البيع وحرم الربا [ "…Allah menghalalkan jual beli dan mengharamkan riba…" (Al-Baqarah : 275). 19.Percaya terhadap ajaran-ajaran yang merusak Islam, seperti komunisme, atheisme, freemasonry yahudi, sosialisme, marxisme, sekularisme, nasionalisme yang lebih mengutamakan orang arab non Muslim daripada orang non arab yang muslim. Firman Allah : ] ومن يبتغ غير الإسلام دينا فلن يقبل منه وهو في الآخرة من الخاسرين [ "Barangsiapa mencari agama selain Islam maka tidak akan diterima sama sekali agamanya itu dan dia di akhirat termasuk orang yang rugi." (Ali-Imran : 85). 20.Merubah agama dan pindah dari Islam ke agama lain. Firman Allah : ] ومن يرتدد منكم عن دينه فيمت وهو كافر فأولئك حبطت أعمالهم في الدينا والآخرة [ "Barangsiapa yang murtad di antara kamu dari agamanya dan mati dalam keadaan kafir, mereka itulah yang sia-sia amalnya di dunia dan akhirat…" (Al-Baqarah : 217). Sabda Nabi Shallallahu'alaihi wasallam : "Barangsiapa yang merubah agamanya maka ia harus dibunuh." (Riwayat Bukhari). 21.Membantu orang yahudi, nasrani atau komunis serta bahu-membahu dengan mereka dalam melawan orang Islam. Firman Allah: ] يا أيها الذين آمنوا لا تتخذوا اليهود والنصارى أولياء بعضهم أولياء بعض ومن يتولهم منكم فإنه منهم [ "Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, janganlah kamu mengambil orang yahudi dan nasrani menjadi walimu. Mereka itu satu sama lain saling menjadi wali. Barangsiapa di antara kamu mengambil mereka menjadi walinya, maka sesungguhnya orang ittu termasuk golongan mereka." (Al-Maidah : 51). 22.Tidak mau mengkafirkan orang komunis yang tidak percaya kepada Tuhan, atau orang yahudi dan nasrani yang tidak percaya kepada Nabi Muhammad . Padahal Allah sendiri telah mengkafirkan mereka. FirmanNya : ] إن الذين كفروا من أهل الكتاب والمشركين في نار جهنم خالدين فيها أولئك هم شر البرية [ "Sesungguhnya orang-orang kafir dari ahli Kitab dan orang musyrik akan masuk neraka Jahannam; mereka kekal di dalamnya. Meraka itu adalah seburuk-buruk makhluk." (Al-Bayyinah : 6). 23.Pendapat sekelompok orang sufi tentang wihdatul-wujud (union mistik), yaitu bahwa apa yang ada di bumi ini adalah Allah. Sampai ada pemimpin mereka yang mengatakan: Anjing dan babi itu tiada lain Kecuali tuhan kita Dan Allah itu tiada lain Kecuali pendeta dalam gereja. Dan pemimpin mereka, (Al-Hallaj, mengatakan : "Aku adalah Allah dan Allah adalah aku". Maka para ulama memutuskan hukuman mati terhadap dirinya. 24.Berpendapat bahwa agama terpisah dari negara dan bahwa Islam tidak mempunyai teori politik, sebab pendapat ini adalah pendustaan terhadap Al-Qur'an, hadits dan sirah (sejarah kehidupan) Nabi. 25.Berpendapat, sebagaimana yang dianut oleh sekelompok orang sufi, bahwa Allah menyerahkan kunci-kunci semua urusan kepada tokoh-tokoh wali. Ini merupakan syirik dalam af'al (perbuatan) Allah, bertentangan dengan firmannya : ] له مقاليد السماوات والأرض [ "Allah yang memiliki kunci-kunci (perbendaharaan) langit dan bumi …" (Az-Zumar : 63). Hal-hal yang membatalkan ke-Islaman ini serupa dengan hal-hal yang membatalkan wudhu'. Apabila seorang muslim melakukan salah satu hal tersebut, maka hendaklah ia memperbaharui keislamannya, meninggalkan hal yang membatalkannya dan bertaubat kepada Allah sebelum mati. Bila tidak demikian, maka akan sia-sia dan terhapuslah amalnya serta akan kekal di dalam neraka jahannam. Firman Allah " ] لئن أشركت ليحبطن عملك ولتكونن من الخاسرين [ "Jika kamu mempersekutukan (Allah); niscaya akan hapuslah amalmu dan tentulah kamu termasuk orang-orang yang merugi." (Az-Zumar : 65). Rasululloh Shallallahu'alaihi wasallam pun telah mengajarkan kepada kita agar brdo'a : اللهم إنا نعوذ بك من أن نشرك بك شيئا نعلمه، ونستغفرك لما لا نعلمه. رواه الإمام أحمد. "Ya Allah, kami memohon kepadaMu perlindungan dari perbuatan syirik apapun yang kami ketahui. Dan kami memohon kepada-Mu ampunan atas perbuatan (dosa) yang tidak kami ketaui." (Riwayat Imam Ahmad, dengan sanad hasan).
    Nov 25th 2013, 03:01


 bushido - Social Mention: Era Tokugawa (1603-1868) Miyamoto Musashi – também conhecido como "Santo da Espada" (1584-1645) é um dos heróis nacionais do Japão. Vivendo num período histórico de transição, em que os tradicionais métodos dos samurais eram aos poucos substituídos por armas de fogo (ainda primitivas), ele simbolizou o auge do bushido (caminho do guerreiro), no qual um homem com uma espada na mão representava o máximo da realização individual. Vários espadachins percorriam o país, alguns simplesmente procurando um adversário famoso como forma de promoção, outros realmente buscando aperfeiçoar sua técnica. Musashi – uma versão real do Kenshin do Samurai X – era um destes aventureiros. Como narra na introdução de O Livro dos Cinco Anéis, nunca foi derrotado em combate, apesar de ter enfrentado mais de 60 oponentes, algumas vezes mais de um simultaneamente. Musashi nasceu na aldeia de Miyamoto, província de Mimasaka, e se chamava "Shinmen Musashi No Kami Fujiwara No Genshin". De seu pai, Shinmen Munisai, um "goushi" (pequeno fidalgo rural, algo entre um camponês e um samurai), teve as primeiras lições com a espada. Aos treze anos, travou seu primeiro duelo, vencendo o então famoso espadachim Arima Kihei (que era uma lenda na região…até o Musashi fazê-lo comer a saborosa terra do campo). Mas sua maior proeza talvez seja a de ter criado um estilo de luta com duas espadas, chamado Niten Ichi Ryu, onde seus discípulos e praticantes têm acesso aos katas e estratégias que o tornou imbatível pelos 60 duelos. Vale lembrar que, apesar do estilo Niten Ichi Ryu ser conhecido pela luta com duas espadas, contém técnicas com a espada maior (tachi seiho), espada menor (kodachi seiho) e o bastão longo , o bojutsu. A fama de Musashi se espalhou tão rapidamente que não tinha lugar no Japão que o garotinho conseguia descansar sem ser desafiado. E foram muitas tentativas de derrotá-lo… e até de matá-lo… sem sucesso porque enquanto ele tivesse seus dois braços e suas duas pernas, dificilmente alguém conseguiria. Entre os maiores duelos podemos citar aqueles que são considerados "lendários" entre os feito dos Samurais: Em 1604, aos 21 anos, Musashi Sensei ressurge em Kyoto e sua fama se espalha pelo Japão ao vencer três duelos contra a importante família Yoshioka que, décadas antes, tinha sido instrutora de Kenjutsu do antigo shogun Ashikaga. Foram três duelos. Nos dois primeiros enfrentou os chamados "irmãos kenpo", Seijuro e Denchijiro. Após vencê-los, os partidários dos Yoshioka já não viam mais Musashi Sensei como um oponente, mas como uma ameaça. Queriam vingança, e para isto armaram um terceiro embate contra Matashichiro, filho de Seijuro, um garoto de 13 anos. Matashichiro contaria com a ajuda dos demais alunos da escola. Relatos falam do embate de Musashi Sensei contra 60 oponentes armados com espadas, lanças, arco e flecha e até mosquetes. Musashi Sensei abateu Matashichiro e todos os alunos da academia Yoshioka que se colocaram em seu caminho. Este foi o fim da, uma vez orgulhosa, academia Yoshioka e o início da lenda de Miyamoto Musashi. ***** Em 1604, aos 21 anos, Musashi Sensei ressurge em Kyoto após o seu sumiço depois do termino da Batalha de Sekigahara e sua fama se espalha pelo Japão ao vencer três duelos contra a importante família Yoshioka que, décadas antes, tinha sido instrutora de Kenjutsu do antigo shogun Ashikaga. Foram três duelos. Nos dois primeiros enfrentou os chamados "irmãos kenpo", Seijuro e Denchijiro. Após vencê-los, os partidários dos Yoshioka já não viam mais Musashi Sensei como um oponente, mas como uma ameaça. Queriam vingança, e para isto armaram um terceiro embate contra Matashichiro, filho de Seijuro, um garoto de 13 anos. Matashichiro contaria com a ajuda dos demais alunos da escola. Relatos falam do embate de Musashi Sensei contra 60 oponentes armados com espadas, lanças, arco e flecha e até mosquetes. ***** Monges guerreiros do templo Hozoin, famosos por seu estilo de Sojutsu (ou Yarijutsu – técnica de luta com lança); ***** Muso Gonnosuke, fundador do estilo de Jojutsu (técnica com bastão) Shindo Muso Ryu, também praticado no Instituto Niten. Gonnosuke criou o Jojutsu depois de perder o primeiro embate contra Musashi Sensei, como uma possível forma de vencê-lo. Existe um relato sobre uma possível segunda luta entre os dois, onde Gonnosuke teria empatado com Musashi Sensei, sem nenhum dos dois se declarando vencedor; ***** Shishido Baiken, um especialista na kusarigama, a foice com corrente. É uma arma exótica e de uso difícil, que também é praticada em alguns dos estilos ensinados no Instituto Niten. ***** O mais famoso e importante duelo de Musashi Sensei aconteceu em 1612, quando enfrentou Sasaki Kojiro, fundador do estilo Ganryu e conhecido como um dos mais habilidosos samurais de todos os tempos. Diferentemente de Musashi Sensei, que vinha desenvolvendo seu próprio estilo a partir de suas experiências de combate, Kojiro vinha de uma notória e famosa linhagem. Estudou a espada com um famoso mestre da época, Toda Seigen, do Chujo Ryu e com Kanemaki Jisai, seu discípulo. Jisai foi o mestre do famoso Itto Itosai, fundador do Itto Ryu, um dos estilos mais importantes da época. Na época do duelo, Kojiro era instrutor de Hosokawa Tadaoki, um importante senhor feudal. Musashi Sensei conseguiu permissão para duelar com Kojiro através de Nagaoka Sado, um antigo amigo de sua família que era conselheiro do senhor Hosokawa. O duelo aconteceu na ilha de Funajima. A estratégia de Musashi Sensei para esse duelo foi deixar o oponente esperando. Duas horas depois do combinado para o duelo, ele partiu em um bote. Musashi Sensei sabia que Kojiro utilizava uma espada extralonga gigantesca e fazia uso da distância que conseguia impor com essa arma. Para anular essa vantagem, Musashi Sensei fez uma longa espada de madeira à caminho do duelo com Kojiro utilizando um remo quebrado. O embate foi rápido porém intenso. Ambos atacaram simultaneamente. O golpe de Musashi Sensei sobre o crânio de Kojiro com a pesada espada-remo foi certeiro. Conta-se que o golpe de Kojiro chegou a cortar o lenço que Musashi Sensei usava amarrado na cabeça e fez um corte superficial em sua testa. Mesmo após cair, Kojiro tentou ainda um segundo golpe, visando as pernas de Musashi Sensei, que saltou para evitar o golpe e acertou Kojiro com força nas costelas, matando então seu oponente. Assim, segundo relatos, se deu o possível duelo mais célebre entre samurais. Nesta época, Musashi Sensei estava se aproximando da idade de 30 anos. O duelo contra Kojiro teve um grande efeito sobre Musashi Sensei. Conforme contou em sua obra, o Livro dos Cinco Anéis (Gorin No Sho), refletiu sobre as vitórias que alcançara até então, mas não conseguiu descobrir por que vencera tantos duelos. Teria sido sua aptidão física? Ou a falta de preparo de seus adversários? Ou talvez a vontade divina? Musashi Sensei conta no Livro dos Cinco Anéis que aos 50 anos finalmente alcançou a compreensão total da estratégia. O nível de comprensão alcançado no Caminho foi tão profundo que, conforme suas palavras, foi capaz de perceber o Caminho em tudo. Podemos constatar isto vendo as obras de arte que deixou. Algumas de suas obras de pintura, escultura e caligrafia chegaram até nossos dias. Ao alcançar a perfeição técnica na espada, alcançou também a perfeição nesses Caminhos. No final de sua vida Musashi Sensei se isolou na caverna de Reigando, onde se dedicou à meditação e à prática ininterrupta de seu estilo. Lá escreveu O livro Dos Cinco Anéis, deixando os ensinamentos de seu estilo ao discípulo Terao Magonojo. Musashi Sensei faleceu no dia 19 dia de maio de 1645. A seu pedido foi enterrado com a armadura completa na vila de Yuji, próximo à montanha de Iwato. Conta-se que durante seu funeral um forte trovão se fez ouvir dos céus, como se estes dessem as boas-vindas ao poderoso guerreiro.
    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 03:00AM  

    bushido - Social Mention
    Era Tokugawa (1603-1868) Miyamoto Musashi – também conhecido como "Santo da Espada" (1584-1645) é um dos heróis nacionais do Japão. Vivendo num período histórico de transição, em que os tradicionais métodos dos samurais eram aos poucos substituídos por armas de fogo (ainda primitivas), ele simbolizou o auge do bushido (caminho do guerreiro), no qual um homem com uma espada na mão representava o máximo da realização individual. Vários espadachins percorriam o país, alguns simplesmente procurando um adversário famoso como forma de promoção, outros realmente buscando aperfeiçoar sua técnica. Musashi – uma versão real do Kenshin do Samurai X – era um destes aventureiros. Como narra na introdução de O Livro dos Cinco Anéis, nunca foi derrotado em combate, apesar de ter enfrentado mais de 60 oponentes, algumas vezes mais de um simultaneamente. Musashi nasceu na aldeia de Miyamoto, província de Mimasaka, e se chamava "Shinmen Musashi No Kami Fujiwara No Genshin". De seu pai, Shinmen Munisai, um "goushi" (pequeno fidalgo rural, algo entre um camponês e um samurai), teve as primeiras lições com a espada. Aos treze anos, travou seu primeiro duelo, vencendo o então famoso espadachim Arima Kihei (que era uma lenda na região…até o Musashi fazê-lo comer a saborosa terra do campo). Mas sua maior proeza talvez seja a de ter criado um estilo de luta com duas espadas, chamado Niten Ichi Ryu, onde seus discípulos e praticantes têm acesso aos katas e estratégias que o tornou imbatível pelos 60 duelos. Vale lembrar que, apesar do estilo Niten Ichi Ryu ser conhecido pela luta com duas espadas, contém técnicas com a espada maior (tachi seiho), espada menor (kodachi seiho) e o bastão longo , o bojutsu. A fama de Musashi se espalhou tão rapidamente que não tinha lugar no Japão que o garotinho conseguia descansar sem ser desafiado. E foram muitas tentativas de derrotá-lo… e até de matá-lo… sem sucesso porque enquanto ele tivesse seus dois braços e suas duas pernas, dificilmente alguém conseguiria. Entre os maiores duelos podemos citar aqueles que são considerados "lendários" entre os feito dos Samurais: Em 1604, aos 21 anos, Musashi Sensei ressurge em Kyoto e sua fama se espalha pelo Japão ao vencer três duelos contra a importante família Yoshioka que, décadas antes, tinha sido instrutora de Kenjutsu do antigo shogun Ashikaga. Foram três duelos. Nos dois primeiros enfrentou os chamados "irmãos kenpo", Seijuro e Denchijiro. Após vencê-los, os partidários dos Yoshioka já não viam mais Musashi Sensei como um oponente, mas como uma ameaça. Queriam vingança, e para isto armaram um terceiro embate contra Matashichiro, filho de Seijuro, um garoto de 13 anos. Matashichiro contaria com a ajuda dos demais alunos da escola. Relatos falam do embate de Musashi Sensei contra 60 oponentes armados com espadas, lanças, arco e flecha e até mosquetes. Musashi Sensei abateu Matashichiro e todos os alunos da academia Yoshioka que se colocaram em seu caminho. Este foi o fim da, uma vez orgulhosa, academia Yoshioka e o início da lenda de Miyamoto Musashi. ***** Em 1604, aos 21 anos, Musashi Sensei ressurge em Kyoto após o seu sumiço depois do termino da Batalha de Sekigahara e sua fama se espalha pelo Japão ao vencer três duelos contra a importante família Yoshioka que, décadas antes, tinha sido instrutora de Kenjutsu do antigo shogun Ashikaga. Foram três duelos. Nos dois primeiros enfrentou os chamados "irmãos kenpo", Seijuro e Denchijiro. Após vencê-los, os partidários dos Yoshioka já não viam mais Musashi Sensei como um oponente, mas como uma ameaça. Queriam vingança, e para isto armaram um terceiro embate contra Matashichiro, filho de Seijuro, um garoto de 13 anos. Matashichiro contaria com a ajuda dos demais alunos da escola. Relatos falam do embate de Musashi Sensei contra 60 oponentes armados com espadas, lanças, arco e flecha e até mosquetes. ***** Monges guerreiros do templo Hozoin, famosos por seu estilo de Sojutsu (ou Yarijutsu – técnica de luta com lança); ***** Muso Gonnosuke, fundador do estilo de Jojutsu (técnica com bastão) Shindo Muso Ryu, também praticado no Instituto Niten. Gonnosuke criou o Jojutsu depois de perder o primeiro embate contra Musashi Sensei, como uma possível forma de vencê-lo. Existe um relato sobre uma possível segunda luta entre os dois, onde Gonnosuke teria empatado com Musashi Sensei, sem nenhum dos dois se declarando vencedor; ***** Shishido Baiken, um especialista na kusarigama, a foice com corrente. É uma arma exótica e de uso difícil, que também é praticada em alguns dos estilos ensinados no Instituto Niten. ***** O mais famoso e importante duelo de Musashi Sensei aconteceu em 1612, quando enfrentou Sasaki Kojiro, fundador do estilo Ganryu e conhecido como um dos mais habilidosos samurais de todos os tempos. Diferentemente de Musashi Sensei, que vinha desenvolvendo seu próprio estilo a partir de suas experiências de combate, Kojiro vinha de uma notória e famosa linhagem. Estudou a espada com um famoso mestre da época, Toda Seigen, do Chujo Ryu e com Kanemaki Jisai, seu discípulo. Jisai foi o mestre do famoso Itto Itosai, fundador do Itto Ryu, um dos estilos mais importantes da época. Na época do duelo, Kojiro era instrutor de Hosokawa Tadaoki, um importante senhor feudal. Musashi Sensei conseguiu permissão para duelar com Kojiro através de Nagaoka Sado, um antigo amigo de sua família que era conselheiro do senhor Hosokawa. O duelo aconteceu na ilha de Funajima. A estratégia de Musashi Sensei para esse duelo foi deixar o oponente esperando. Duas horas depois do combinado para o duelo, ele partiu em um bote. Musashi Sensei sabia que Kojiro utilizava uma espada extralonga gigantesca e fazia uso da distância que conseguia impor com essa arma. Para anular essa vantagem, Musashi Sensei fez uma longa espada de madeira à caminho do duelo com Kojiro utilizando um remo quebrado. O embate foi rápido porém intenso. Ambos atacaram simultaneamente. O golpe de Musashi Sensei sobre o crânio de Kojiro com a pesada espada-remo foi certeiro. Conta-se que o golpe de Kojiro chegou a cortar o lenço que Musashi Sensei usava amarrado na cabeça e fez um corte superficial em sua testa. Mesmo após cair, Kojiro tentou ainda um segundo golpe, visando as pernas de Musashi Sensei, que saltou para evitar o golpe e acertou Kojiro com força nas costelas, matando então seu oponente. Assim, segundo relatos, se deu o possível duelo mais célebre entre samurais. Nesta época, Musashi Sensei estava se aproximando da idade de 30 anos. O duelo contra Kojiro teve um grande efeito sobre Musashi Sensei. Conforme contou em sua obra, o Livro dos Cinco Anéis (Gorin No Sho), refletiu sobre as vitórias que alcançara até então, mas não conseguiu descobrir por que vencera tantos duelos. Teria sido sua aptidão física? Ou a falta de preparo de seus adversários? Ou talvez a vontade divina? Musashi Sensei conta no Livro dos Cinco Anéis que aos 50 anos finalmente alcançou a compreensão total da estratégia. O nível de comprensão alcançado no Caminho foi tão profundo que, conforme suas palavras, foi capaz de perceber o Caminho em tudo. Podemos constatar isto vendo as obras de arte que deixou. Algumas de suas obras de pintura, escultura e caligrafia chegaram até nossos dias. Ao alcançar a perfeição técnica na espada, alcançou também a perfeição nesses Caminhos. No final de sua vida Musashi Sensei se isolou na caverna de Reigando, onde se dedicou à meditação e à prática ininterrupta de seu estilo. Lá escreveu O livro Dos Cinco Anéis, deixando os ensinamentos de seu estilo ao discípulo Terao Magonojo. Musashi Sensei faleceu no dia 19 dia de maio de 1645. A seu pedido foi enterrado com a armadura completa na vila de Yuji, próximo à montanha de Iwato. Conta-se que durante seu funeral um forte trovão se fez ouvir dos céus, como se estes dessem as boas-vindas ao poderoso guerreiro.
    Nov 25th 2013, 02:33
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 03:00AM  

    bushido - Social Mention
    hummer hun hostile hereford heretofor, killer Kunte Kinte kaiser caliber coexisted two 9mm, melee-meter rounds, kurtz(9x17mm), and parabellum(9x19mm). Bushido butt bore Browning, is rectum dick Deming daunting, rejoicing round releasing, a 9 melee-meter para-butt-belch 'em round that will macho mope measure be, 9x113mm. Peace be with us, overt overcompensation actions.
    Nov 25th 2013, 02:39
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 03:00AM  

    bushido - Social Mention
    Had a great time training today. 9 strong. Have gained three new people since moving to Bushido MMA. We worked Transition Drill 1 along with use range and grappling range Isolations for moves 1-3. Then we did some Royal Guard work by applying portions of sets 3-5 to 3 different opponents. Finished off with some 4 on 1 multiple opponent freeflow. Everyone did great!
    Nov 25th 2013, 02:34
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Nov 25th 2013, 05:28, by Nahsaka Lasbhan


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 03:00AM  

    bushido - Social Mention
    hummer hun hostile hereford heretofor, killer Kunte Kinte kaiser caliber coexisted two 9mm, melee-meter rounds, kurtz(9x17mm), and parabellum(9x19mm). Bushido butt bore Browning, is rectum dick Deming daunting, rejoicing round releasing, a 9 melee-meter para-butt-belch 'em round that will macho mope measure be, 9x113mm. Peace be with us, overt overcompensation actions.
    Nov 25th 2013, 02:38
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 03:00AM  

    bushido - Social Mention
    hummer hun hostile hereford heretofor, killer Kunte Kinte kaiser caliber coexisted two 9mm, melee-meter rounds, kurtz(9x17mm), and parabellum(9x19mm). Bushido butt bore Browning, is rectum dick Deming daunting, rejoicing round releasing, a 9 melee-meter para-butt-belch 'em round that will macho mope measure be, 9x113mm. Peace be with us, overt overcompensation actions.
    Nov 25th 2013, 02:39
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 03:00AM  

    abu z project - Social Mention
    Uncertainties over ASUU strike A crucial meeting of the National Executive Council, NEC, of The Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) ended in Kano yesterday, with members across the country eagerly awaiting directive on the next line of action. But while the waiting continues, ASUU members at the University of Lagos are calling for the continuation of the strike with a view to sorting out the issues at stake once and for all. The lecturers have been sending text messages to their colleagues that there cannot be a better time than now to resolve the dispute with the Federal Government. One of the text messages reads: "Dear Comrades: This is to inform you that...Continue reading here>>
    Nov 24th 2013, 07:00
    Urgently required for UAE ( Abu Dhabi ) Visas available in Karachi Abu Dhabi Gasco needs urgently Construction Supervisor Offshore based Visas available in Karachi, Pakistan Experience : 5 years minimum Education : BE ( Civil or Mechanical ) or DAE Civil or Mechanical with more than 5 years of experience Preferable Experience in ADMAOPCO/or ZADCO/or ADGAS, which are oil companies in Abu Dhabi. Handsome Salary and Remuneration Package Company will provide bonus at the completion of each project based on performance in addition to the accommodation, transportation, and health insurance Email your resumes , scanned documents and scanned passport at Interviews will be held in Karachi All Candidates in Karachi or from outside Karachi must write their Skype Id in resume Kashmir Traders International Employment Consultants 20 Z , Block 7/8, KMCHS, Karachi
    Nov 23rd 2013, 09:40
    Freakz - Cum se da dropcar [abuz teleport]
    Jul 17th 2011, 11:16
    Se pare ca prietenul nostru nu sa potolit.
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 02:59AM  

    Abu Adam - Social Mention
    * Jilbab langsung JL109 * >>> Jilbab langsung model terbaru,bahan spandek dhella yang lembut dan nyaman di pakai,dilengkapi hiasan kancing di bagian dada. * Tersedia :* - Size ALL SIZE: Abu-abu,Coklat,Coklat Muda,Dongker,Hijau Botol,Kuning Kunyit,Marun,Peach,Peach Tua,Ungu Terong (LD:0,P:64) === HARGA 80.000 === SMS Adam Affa Collection 085647037393 WHATSAPP 08884116426 YM PIN BB 76276F79
    Nov 25th 2013, 02:56
    "YANG BAIK .......... PANJANG UMUR DAN BAIK AMALANNYA" Rasulullah SAW bersabda: "Sebaik-baiknya manusia adalah orang yang diberi panjang umur dan baik amalannya, dan sejelek-jeleknya manusia adalah orang yang diberi panjang umur dan jelek amalannya." (HR. Ahmad) Sebuah hadits diriwayatkan oleh Abu Barzah, Rasulullah SAW bersabda: "Tidak akan bergeser kedua kaki anak Adam pada hari kiamat sebelum ditanya tentang 4 perkara : Tentang umurnya untuk apa ia habiskan, masa mudanya untuk apa ia gunakan, hartanya dari mana diperoleh dan kemana dibelanjakan, dan ilmunya, apa yang diamalkannya." (HR. Tirmidzi)
    Nov 25th 2013, 02:51
    Bismillah Hira'maan Nira'heem: Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Messenger (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallim) said, "The first group of people who will enter Paradise, will be glittering like the full moon and those who will follow them, will glitter like the most brilliant star in the sky. They will not urinate, relieve nature, spit, or have any nasal secretions. Their combs will be of gold, and their sweat will smell like musk. The aloes-wood will be used in their centers. Their wives will be houris. All of them will look alike and will resemble their father Adam (in statute), sixty cubits tall." Reference : Sahih al-Bukhari 3327 In-book reference : Book 60, Hadith 2
    Nov 25th 2013, 02:51
    KAABA aisi Jagah hai JisKe upar se aaj tak Koi Parinda Nahi Guzra, 󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴 Duniya Ki Kisi bhi Airline Ka Jahaz aaj tak uske upar se Nahi Guzra, 󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴 Qudrati Taur Par UsKi Direction aisi hai K Chand or Suraj bhi uske upar khade nahi ho Sakte, 󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴 Quran aur Science Ne Prove Kia K Puri Duniya Ka Center wo Jagah Hai jaha Khana-e-Kaba Taamir Hai. 󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴 SUBHANALLAH Agar Dil Ijazat De To Apne Dosto Ko Bhi is Khubsurat Info Se Agah Kare ? Pura padna.... Kabhi b Aap ko aisi information nahi mili ho gi, k kaun se Nabi kahan pe dafan hain! 1: Adam(A.S) Sri Lanka 2: Nooh(A.S) Jordan 3: Hood(A.S) Yamen 4: Sauleh(A.S) Lebanon 5: Looth(A.S) Iraq 6: Ibrahim(A.S) Israel 7: Isaq(A.S) Palestin 8: Yaqub(A.S) Palestin 9: Yusuf(A.S) Palestin 10: Ayub(A.S) Amman 11: Shoaib(A.S) Syria 12: Ismail (A.S) Or 13: Nabi-e-PAK (S.A.W) "Saudi Arabia" mein_ aye Allah is sms ko aage bhejne wale ki hr mushkilat dur kr De, Ameen!! AAP S.A.W.W K piyare bete ki wafat per AAP S.A.W.W bohat ghamgeen thay, BIBI AYESHA R.A ne AAP S.A.W.W se arz kiya k ALLAH Pak ne hr Nabi ko ye darja atta kiya hai k woh apni zindagi me koi 1,dua mang sakte hain,jo foran qabool ki jayegi, to AAP apne bete ki dobara zindagi ki dua q nahi mang lete, ALLAH Pak qabool karne wala hai, AAP S.A.W.W ne farmaya k woh dua maine aakhrat me apni "UMMAT" keliye sanbhal rakhi hai, "SUBHANALLAH" ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ "Aey merey parwardigar" apney Mehboob Salallahoalaihe wasallam k sadqey main poori duniya main jitne musalman beemar hain ya preshan hain Tu unko apne karam se maaf farma or un ki beemari or preshaniyon ko door farma,, Ameen..... Aye"mere parwardigar"apne pyare Mehboob k sadqe main jsne mujhe ye dua bheji hai us k tamam gunahon ko maaf farma or hr kaam mai kamiyabi ata farma or us k naseeb khol de.."Ameen" apne liye zaroor dua krwaye najane ks ki zuban se apki taqdeer sanwar jaye. Puri kainat me nahi koi aisa: Na koi Nabi Mohammed Jaisa, Na koi Kalam Quran Jaisa, Na koi Mazhab Islam Jaisa, Na koi tohfa Namaz jaisa, Na koi Saccha Abu Bakar Jaisa, Na koi Aadil Umer Jaisa, Na koi Sakhi Usman Gani Jaisa, Na koi Bahadur Ali Jaisa, Na koi shahid Imam Hussain Jaisa, Na koi Imam Abu Hanifa Jaisa, Na koi kalimmulla Musa jaisa, Na koi sabrwala Ayyub jaisa, Na koi khubsurat Yusuf jaisa, Na koi aabid Yunus jaisa, Na koi awaz Daud jaisa, Na koi Wali Gouse-e-Azam Jaisa, Na koi Jagha Madina Jaisa, Na koi mahina ramzan jaisa, Na koi din juma jaisa Na Gora rang Husn ki Alamat hai, na Kala rang Badsurti ki Nishani, Kafan Safeid hokar bhi Khouf ki Alamat hai, Aur Kaaba Kaley Gilaf me bhi Ankhon ki THANDAK hai. .Har **Namaz**Ke Baad Pehla Kalma Padho Aur Yeh Dua Mango Ke YA ALLAH Yeh Kalma Tere Paas Meri Amanat Hai Aur Marne Se 2 Minute Pehle Yeh Mujhe Lauta Dena. Be shaq ALLAH Kabhi Amanat May Khayant Nahi Karta Aur Ye Msg Bhi Apke Paas Ek Amanat Hai.. 4ward karo taki marte waqt sabi ko pehla kalma naseeb ho. Pls is msg. par Ghour karna. 󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴 1. Wazoo kar k soney waley ki rooh "BAITULLAH" ka tawaf karti hai.. 󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳 2. Farishtey sari raat nekiyan likhtey hain.. 󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳 3. Jab karwat Badalta hai tou Frishtey Bakhshish k liye Dua kartey rehtey hain.. 󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳󾭴󾭳
    Nov 25th 2013, 02:48
    10 tips For a happy married life based on Quran & Hadith Ibn Abbas (Radhiyallahu Anhu) narrates that Rasulullah (Sallalahu Alaihi Wasallam) has said, "We have not seen anything that creates love between two individuals such as nikah." (Ibn Majah) There are many ways of increasing love between the couple. Consider the following ten points to maintain a happy marriage and control the instinct of dispute. 1. Fear Allah: It was the noble practice of Nabi (Sallalahu Alaihi Wasallam) to make the spouses aware of the fear of Allah before performing a nikah by reciting the verses (Al-Nisa 14, Al-Ahzab 69, Aali-Imraan 101) from the Qur'an. All the verses are common in the message of taqwa (fear of Allah). The spouses will be first committed to Allah before being committed to their partner. There can be no doubt in the success of a marriage governed by the fear of Allah. 2. Never be angry at the same time: Anger is the root cause for all marital disputes. One Sahaabi came to Rasulullah (Sallalahu Alaihi Wasallam) and sought some advice. Rasulullah (Sallalahu Alaihi Wasallam) replied, "Control your anger." The same advice was rendered three times. (Mishkat Pg. 433; H.M. Saeed) 3. If one has to win an argument, let it be the other: Nabi (Sallalahu Alaihi Wasallam) said, "Whoever discards an argument despite being correct shall earn a palace in the center of Jannah. (Mishkat Pg. 412) 4. Never shout at each other unless the house is on fire: Luqman (AS) while offering advice to his son said, "And lower your voice for verily the most disliked voice is that of a donkey." (Surah Luqman 19) 5. If you have to criticize, do it lovingly: Rasulullah (Sallalahu Alaihi Wasallam) said, "A Mu'min is a mirror for a Mu'min." (Abu Dawood Vol 2, Pg 325 Imdadiya) Advice with dignity and silently. 6. Never bring up mistakes of the past: Nabi (Sallalahu Alaihi Wasallam) said, "Whoever conceals the faults of others, Allah shall conceal his faults on the day of Qiyamah." (Mishkat Pg. 429) 7. Neglect the whole world rather than your marriage partner: Nabi (Sallalahu Alaihi Wasallam) confirmed the advice of Salman (Radhiyallahu Anhu) to Abu Darda (Radhiyallahu Anhu) for neglecting his wife. "Verily there is a right of your wife over you." (Nasai 2391) 8. Never sleep with an argument unsettled: Hadhrat Abu Bakr (Radhiyallahu Anhu) resolved his dispute with his wife over feeding the guest before going to bed. (Bukhari 602) 9. At least, once every day, express your gratitude to your partner: Nabi (Sallalahu Alaihi Wasallam) said, "Whoever does not show gratitude to the people has not shown gratitude to Allah." (Abu Dawud, Pg 662; Karachi) 10. When you have done something wrong, be ready to admit it and ask for forgiveness: Nabi (Sallalahu Alaihi Wasallam) said, "All the sons of Adam commit error, and the best of those who err are those who seek forgiveness." (Tirmidhi 2499)
    Nov 25th 2013, 02:48
    TATA CARA RUQYAH YANG BENAR. Ruqyah bukan pengobatan alternatif. Justru seharusnya menjadi pilihan pertama pengobatan tatkala seorang muslim tertimpa penyakit. Sebagai sarana penyembuhan, ruqyah tidak boleh diremehkan keberadaannya. Syaikhul Islam Ibnu Taimiyah rahimahullah mengatakan: "Sesungguhnya meruqyah termasuk amalan yang utama. Meruqyah termasuk kebiasaan para nabi dan orang-orang shalih. Para nabi dan orang shalih senantiasa menangkis setan-setan dari anak Adam dengan apa yang diperintahkan Allah dan RasulNya". [1] Karena demikian pentingnya penyembuhan dengan ruqyah ini, maka setiap kaum Muslimin semestinya mengetahui tata cara yang benar, agar saat melakukan ruqyah tidak menyimpang dari kaidah syar'i. Tata cara meruqyah adalah sebagai berikut: 1. Keyakinan bahwa kesembuhan datang hanya dari Allah. 2. Ruqyah harus dengan Al Qur'an, hadits atau dengan nama dan sifat Allah, dengan bahasa Arab atau bahasa yang dapat dipahami. 3. Mengikhlaskan niat dan menghadapkan diri kepada Allah saat membaca dan berdoa. 4. Membaca Surat Al Fatihah dan meniup anggota tubuh yang sakit. Demikian juga membaca surat Al Falaq, An Naas, Al Ikhlash, Al Kafirun. Dan seluruh Al Qur'an, pada dasarnya dapat digunakan untuk meruqyah. Akan tetapi ayat-ayat yang disebutkan dalil-dalilnya, tentu akan lebih berpengaruh. 5. Menghayati makna yang terkandung dalam bacaan Al Qur'an dan doa yang sedang dibaca. 6. Orang yang meruqyah hendaknya memperdengarkan bacaan ruqyahnya, baik yang berupa ayat Al Qur'an maupun doa-doa dari Nabi Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam. Supaya penderita belajar dan merasa nyaman bahwa ruqyah yang dibacakan sesuai dengan syariat. 7. Meniup pada tubuh orang yang sakit di tengah-tengah pembacaan ruqyah. Masalah ini, menurut Syaikh Al Utsaimin mengandung kelonggaran. Caranya, dengan tiupan yang lembut tanpa keluar air ludah. 'Aisyah pernah ditanya tentang tiupan Nabi Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam dalam meruqyah. Ia menjawab: "Seperti tiupan orang yang makan kismis, tidak ada air ludahnya (yang keluar)". (HR Muslim, kitab As Salam, 14/182). Atau tiupan tersebut disertai keluarnya sedikit air ludah sebagaimana dijelaskan dalam hadits 'Alaqah bin Shahhar As Salithi, tatkala ia meruqyah seseorang yang gila, ia mengatakan: "Maka aku membacakan Al Fatihah padanya selama tiga hari, pagi dan sore. Setiap kali aku menyelesaikannya, aku kumpulkan air liurku dan aku ludahkan. Dia seolah- olah lepas dari sebuah ikatan". [HR Abu Dawud, 4/3901 dan Al Fathu Ar Rabbani, 17/184]. 8. Jika meniupkan ke dalam media yang berisi air atau lainnya, tidak masalah. Untuk media yang paling baik ditiup adalah minyak zaitun. Disebutkan dalam hadits Malik bin Rabi'ah, bahwa Rasulullah Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam bersabda: ﺍْﻮُﻠُﻛ َﺖْﻳَﺰﻟﺍ َﻭ ﺍﻮُﻨِﻫَّﺩﺍ ِﻪِﺑ ُﻪَﻧﺈَﻓ ْﻦِﻣ ٍﺓَﺮَﺠَﺷ ﺔَﻛَﺭﺎَﺒُﻣ "Makanlah minyak zaitun , dan olesi tubuh dengannya. Sebab ia berasal dari tumbuhan yang penuh berkah". [2] 9. Mengusap orang yang sakit dengan tangan kanan. Ini berdasarkan hadits 'Aisyah, ia berkata: "Rasulullah, tatkala dihadapkan pada seseorang yang mengeluh kesakitan, Beliau mengusapnya dengan tangan kanan…". [HR Muslim, Syarah An Nawawi (14/180]. Imam An Nawawi berkata: "Dalam hadits ini terdapat anjuran untuk mengusap orang yang sakit dengan tangan kanan dan mendoakannya. Banyak riwayat yang shahih tentang itu yang telah aku himpun dalam kitab Al Adzkar". Dan menurut Syaikh Al 'Utsaimin berkata, tindakan yang dilakukan sebagian orang saat meruqyah dengan memegangi telapak tangan orang yang sakit atau anggota tubuh tertentu untuk dibacakan kepadanya, (maka) tidak ada dasarnya sama sekali. 10. Bagi orang yang meruqyah diri sendiri, letakkan tangan di tempat yang dikeluhkan seraya mengatakan ِﻢْﺴِﺑ ﻪﻠﻟﺍ (Bismillah, 3 kali). ُﺫﻮُﻋﺃ ﻪﻠﻟﺎِﺑ َﻭ ِﻪِﺗَﺭْﺪُﻗ ْﻦِﻣ ﺎَﻣ ﺮَﺷ ُﺪِﺟﺃ ُﺭِﺫﺎَﺣﺃ َﻭ "Aku berlindung kepada Allah dan kekuasaanNya dari setiap kejelekan yang aku jumpai dan aku takuti".[3] Dalam riwayat lain disebutkan "Dalam setiap usapan". Doa tersebut diulangi sampai tujuh kali. Atau membaca : ِﻢْﺴِﺑ ُﺫﻮُﻋﺃ ﻪﻠﻟﺍ ِﺓَِّﺰﻌِﺑ ﻪﻠﻟﺍ َﻭ ِﻪِﺗَﺭْﺪُﻗ ْﻦِﻣ ﺎَﻣ ﺮَﺷ ُﺪِﺟﺃ ْﻲِﻌْﺟَﻭ ْﻦِﻣ ﺍَﺬَﻫ "Aku berlindung kepada keperkasaan Allah dan kekuasaanNya dari setiap kejelekan yang aku jumpai dari rasa sakitku ini".[4] Apabila rasa sakit terdapat di seluruh tubuh, caranya dengan meniup dua telapak tangan dan mengusapkan ke wajah si sakit dengan keduanya.[5] 11. Bila penyakit terdapat di salah satu bagian tubuh, kepala, kaki atau tangan misalnya, maka dibacakan pada tempat tersebut. Disebutkan dalam hadits Muhammad bin Hathib Al Jumahi dari ibunya, Ummu Jamil binti Al Jalal, ia berkata: Aku datang bersamamu dari Habasyah. Tatkala engkau telah sampai di Madinah semalam atau dua malam, aku hendak memasak untukmu, tetapi kayu bakar habis. Aku pun keluar untuk mencarinya. Kemudian bejana tersentuh tanganku dan berguling menimpa lenganmu. Maka aku membawamu ke hadapan Nabi. Aku berkata: "Kupertaruhkan engkau dengan ayah dan ibuku, wahai Rasulullah, ini Muhammad bin Hathib". Beliau meludah di mulutmu dan mengusap kepalamu serta mendoakanmu. Beliau Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam masih meludahi kedua tanganmu seraya membaca doa: ْﺐِﻫْﺫَﺃ َﺱْﺄَﺒْﻟﺍ َّﺏَﺭ ِﺱﺎَّﻨﻟﺍ ِﻒْﺷﺍَﻭ َﺖْﻧَﺃ ﻲِﻓﺎَّﺸﻟﺍ ﺎَﻟ ﺎَّﻟِﺇ َﺀﺎَﻔِﺷ َﻙُﺅﺎَﻔِﺷ ًﺀﺎَﻔِﺷ ُﺭِﺩﺎَﻐُﻳ ﺎَﻟ ﺎًﻤَﻘَﺳ "Hilangkan penyakit ini wahai Penguasa manusia. Sembuhkanlah, Engkau Maha Penyembuh. Tidak ada kesembuhan kecuali penyembuhanMu, obat yang tidak meninggalkan penyakit"[6]. Dia (Ummu Jamil) berkata: "Tidaklah aku berdiri bersamamu dari sisi Beliau Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam, kecuali tanganmu telah sembuh". 12. Apabila penyakit berada di sekujur badan, atau lokasinya tidak jelas, seperti gila, dada sempit atau keluhan pada mata, maka cara mengobatinya dengan membacakan ruqyah di hadapan penderita. Dalam sebuah riwayat disebutkan bahwa Nabi Shallallahu 'laihi wa sallam meruqyah orang yang mengeluhkan rasa sakit. Disebutkan dalam riwayat Ibnu Majah, dari Ubay bin K'ab , ia berkata: "Dia bergegas untuk membawanya dan mendudukkannya di hadapan Beliau Shallallahu 'alaihi wa salla,m . Maka aku mendengar Beliau membentenginya (ta'widz) dengan surat Al Fatihah".[7] Apakah ruqyah hanya berlaku untuk penyakit-penyakit yang disebutkan dalam nash atau penyakit secara umum? Dalam hadits-hadits yang membicarakan terapi ruqyah, penyakit yang disinggung adalah pengaruh mata yang jahat ('ain), penyebaran bisa racun (humah) dan penyakit namlah (humah). Berkaitan dengan masalah ini, Imam An Nawawi berkata dalam Syarah Shahih Muslim: "Maksudnya, ruqyah bukan berarti hanya dibolehkan pada tiga penyakit tersebut. Namun maksudnya bahwa Beliau ditanya tentang tiga hal itu, dan Beliau membolehkannya. Andai ditanya tentang yang lain, maka akan mengizinkannya pula. Sebab Beliau sudah memberi


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 02:59AM  

    I.S.L.A.M = I Sincerely Love Allah & Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand
    I.S.L.A.M = I Sincerely Love Allah & Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand
    Semua pernah dengar perkataan RAM.. Betul? Semua orang pula mesti nak RAM yang b...
    Nov 25th 2013, 02:05
    Semua pernah dengar perkataan RAM.. Betul? Semua orang pula mesti nak RAM yang besar sama ada pada laptop atau smart phone...

    Tapi... Tahu x kenapa penting RAM besar ni?
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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 02:56AM  

    khilafah - Social Mention
    please share this on the walls of Muslims who oppose Jihad in the path of Allah and those Muslims who call the Khilafah a "pipe dream". You know who they are
    Nov 25th 2013, 02:55
    LUANDA – According to several Angolain newspapers, Angola has become the first country in the world to ban Islam and Muslims, taking first measures by destroying mosques in the country."The proces...
    daulah khilafah islam itu harus diperjuangkan sluruh umat islam.
    Nov 25th 2013, 02:54
    Tipu daya syiah dalam memurtadkan kaum muslimin Akhir-akhir ini ramai lagi dibicarakan tentang Syi'ah di negeri ini. Hal ini tidak lain karena lembaga yang diklaim milik Syi'ah yang selama ini "sukses" menyembunyikan jatidiri mereka mulai terbongkar melalui pengakuannya secara tersirat. Namanya bangkai, sepandai-pandai orang menyembunyikannya, pasti lama-lama bau busuknya akan tercium juga. Namun, ada sebagian kaum muslimin yang beranggapan hal ini bukanlah suatu masalah yang perlu diributkan dan dibesar-besarkan. Tak perlu masalah Sunni-Syi'ah dibawa-bawa ke negeri ini, karena bagaimanapun juga keberadaan kelompok Syi'ah di negeri ini tidak akan membahayakan bagi masyarakat Sunni, bahkan akan menjadikan rahmat bagi umat Islam ini. Dan bagaimanapun juga, bagi mereka Syi'ah adalah saudaranya semuslim. Anggapan-anggapan seperti ini biasanya muncul dari seseorang yang tidak mengetahui hakekat Syi'ah, baik mengenai bentuk kesesatan ajaran yang ada di dalamnya ataupun tipudaya (strategi) mereka dalam memurtadkan kaum muslimin Ahlus Sunnah. Sehingga, diantara merekapun ada yang bisa enjoy hidup seatap dengan penganut Syi'ah. Ada yang bisa hidup rukun di tempat kerjanya. Ada pula yang saling bergantian menghadiri kajian ta'lim, dan lain sebagainya. Sehingga diantara kaum musliminpun ada yang menyempatkan dirinya untuk mengikuti beberapa pengajian atau majelis ta'lim yang diadakan oleh kalangan Syi'ah, dengan alasan bahwa pengajian yang dihadirinya disampaikan dengan halus, lemah-lembut, mengajarkan kecintaan kepada keluarga Nabi, tidak pernah mengajarkan kebencian kepada para shahabat, mengajarkan kecintaan dan persaudaraan kepada sesama muslim, baik Ahlus Sunnah maupun Syi'ah dan lain sebagainya. Pada akhirnya, tak berselang lama merekapun akan bersikap antipati kepada orang-orang yang berusaha membongkar kesesatan Syi'ah dan menganggapnya sebagai biang pemecah belah umat, penentang Allah yang menginginkan umat ini bersatu, bahkan tak segan-segan mereka akan menjulukinya "wahhabi". Itulah salah satu bentuk tipudaya Syi'ah dalam memurtadkan kaum muslimin. Namun, untuk lebih jelasnya, saya akan menguraikan beberapa tipudaya Syi'ah yang tidak banyak diketahui oleh kaum muslimin, dengan maksud agar nantinya umat Islam di negeri ini pada khususnya tidak terjebak ke dalam tipudaya mereka yang disusun secara halus, rapi dan pasti. Mengingat bahwa perkembangan Syi'ah di negeri ini semakin menggurita, atau sebagaimana dikatakan ust. Farid Ahmad Oqbah, "Sangat mengkhawatirkan." Namun, ini hanyalah sebuah pengamatan pribadi. Artinya, ini hanyalah beberapa tipudaya (strategi) Syi'ah dalam memurtadkan kaum muslimin ini yang saya ketahui. Dan kemungkinan masih banyak tipudaya mereka yang saya pribadi tidak mengilmuinya. Semoga bermanfaat, semoga Allah ta'ala melindungi dan menjauhkan kita dari tipudaya setan berwujud manusia yang berusaha menghancurkan Islam dan kaum muslimin. 1. Slogan Perdamaian dan Persatuan. Ini adalah slogan jadul, alias jaman dulu. Maksudnya slogan tersebut mereka gembar-gemborkan semenjak berkuasanya Khumaini di Iran setelah lengsernya presiden Reza Pahlevi. Akan tetapi, ternyata slogan dusta itu hingga kini masih menjadi senjata yang ampuh untuk meluluhkan hati dan membinasakan aqidah kaum muslimin di negeri ini. Buktinya, sebagian kaum muslimin pun banyak yang tertipu dengan slogan ini, sehingga tak sedikit dari mereka yang mengharapkan bersatunya Ahlus Sunnah dengan Syi'ah. Padahal bisakah Ahlus Sunnah dan Syi'ah bersatu sementara pokok-pokok ajaran keduanya sangat bertentangan jauh sejauh antara ufuk barat dengan timur? Pertanyaan yang tak butuh jawaban, artinya sangat mustahil antara keduanya itu untuk disatukan sampai kapanpun. Lalu, apa maksud mereka menggembar-gemborkan slogan tersebut? Banyak yang tidak mengetahui maksud tersembunyi dari slogan perdamaian dan persatuan yang digembar-gemborkan Syi'ah tersebut. Perlu diketahui, bahwa slogan tersebut hanya mereka gembar-gemborkan ketika mereka dalam kondisi minoritas sebagaimana di negeri ini. Mereka mengharapkan perdamaian agar mereka bisa leluasa menyebarkan ajaran-ajaran sesat mereka di tengah-tengah masyarakat Ahlus Sunnah tanpa adanya intimadasi dari masyarakat Ahlus Sunnah itu sendiri. Adapun maksud dari persatuan dan penyatuan di sini tidak lain adalah peleburan aqidah Ahlus Sunnah ke Syi'ah. Sebagai bukti nyata adalah kebanyakan pemeluk Syi'ah fanatik saat ini adalah mereka yang dahulunya kaum muslimin yang mendukung upaya bersatunya Ahlus Sunnah dan Syi'ah. Sehingga aqidah Ahlus Sunnah yang mereka bawa sejak lahirpun akhirnya hancur tak berbekas. Harus diketahui pula, bahwa slogan perdamaian dan persatuan ini tidak akan berlaku lagi bagi mereka ketika jumlah mereka mayoritas, sebagaimana kita lihat di Iran dan Irak. Namun, di negeri tersebut slogan itu berubah menjadi pengusiran dan pembantaian. Kaum muslimin di negeri ini harus melihat realita yang sesungguhnya yang terjadi di Iran, Iraq dan sekitarnya yang banyak didiami oleh pemeluk Syi'ah. Diantara bukti nyata yang tidak diketahui oleh kaum muslimin adalah: a. Tidak adanya upaya pendekatan Sunni-Syi'ah di Iran yang merupakan negara Syi'ah yang memiliki kekuasaan. b. Ahlus Sunnah tidak diijinkan mendirikan masjid Ahlus Sunnah di ibukota Teheran, bahkan di negeri tersebut masjid-masjid Ahlus Sunnah banyak yang dihancurkan karena dianggap sebagai masjid dhiror. Namun, sebaliknya mereka membiarkan sinagog-sinagog Yahudi bertebaran di mana-mana. c. Ahlus Sunnah di Iran tidak diberi kebebasan untuk melakukan aktivitas agamanya yang bertentangan dengan Syi'ah. d. Ahlus Sunnah tidak memperoleh hak politik yang sama dibandingkan dengan kaum Yahudi. Lihatlah undang-undang di Iran yang secara tegas menyebutkan tentang posisi kaum Yahudi di Iran di Parlemen. Dan kaum Ahlus Sunnah tidak memiliki posisi meskipun mereka adalah kaum muslimin. e. Kalangan Syi'ah mensyaratkan bahwa yang menjadi imam adalah seorang muslim yang bermazhab Ja'fari dan syarat ini tidak boleh diubah dalam undang-undang. f. Masyarakat Ahlus Sunnah banyak yang mendiami pinggiran-pinggiran negeri akibat banyaknya penindasan, pengusiran dan pembantaian terhadap mereka. Mereka tidak bisa leluasa menjalankan ibadahnya. Dan suatu saat, ketika mereka bisa menguasai negeri ini pun (wal iyaadzubillaah), mereka akan menerapkan hal yang sama. 2. Ajakan untuk mencintai "Ahlul Bait" Nabi. Ajakan mencintai Ahlul Bait Nabi merupakan ajakan yang mulia, bahkan mencintai Ahlul Bait Nabi sendiri merupakan kewajiban bagi setiap muslim. Namun bagi kalangan Syi'ah, ajakan mencintai Ahlul Bait ini ternyata ada misi tersendiri bagi mereka, yaitu sebagai bentuk tipudaya kepada kaum muslimin untuk "membuktikan" (baca: menipu) bahwa merekalah pecinta "Ahlul Bait" sejati. Walhasil, tidak sedikit dari kaum musliminpun tertipu dengan tipudaya mereka itu. Sehingga sering terdengar di telinga kita seorang muslim mengatakan, "Kenapa anda memusuhi para pecinta Ahlul Bait?" Namun perlu kita cermati, bahwa Ahlul Bait yang dimaksud oleh kalangan Syi'ah bukanlah Ahlul Bait yang sebagaimana dipahami oleh kalangan Ahlus Sunnah, yang meliputi seluruh keluarga Nabi termasuk isteri-isteri beliau yang suci. Akan tetapi, kalangan Syi'ah berkeyakinan bahwa yang termasuk Ahlul Bait Nabi hanya sebatas 'Ali, Fathimah, Hasan, Husein dan imam-imam dari keturunan Husein, tanpa memasukkan isteri-isteri Nabi, karena kebencian mereka kepada isteri-isteri Nabi khususnya 'Aisyah (puteri Abu Bakar) dan Hafshah (puteri 'Umar). Lalu, ajakan untuk mencintai "Ahlul Bait" (dalam tanda kutip) itu berubah menjadi ajakan untuk mengagung-agungkan dan kemudian menjadikan mereka sebagai sekutu Allah ta'ala yang memiliki kekuasaan. Wal iyaadzubillah. 3. Mengubah nama "Syi'ah" menjadi "Madzhab Ahlul Bait". Ternyata bukan hanya LDII yang gonta-ganti merk, Syi'ahpun ternyata meniru langkah LDII. Kalau LDII jelmaan dari Lemkari (atau nama-nama lainnya), maka Syi'ah di negeri ini pun menjelma menjadi "Madzhab Ahlul Bait". Kalau LDII (dahulu) bergonta-ganti nama berupaya untuk melancarkan taqiyyah (pengelabuan) di tengah-tengah umat Islam[1], maka Syi'ahpun memiliki tujuan tidak jauh berbeda dengan LDII. Sebenarnya, madzhab Ahlul Bait adalah nama samaran dari sekian banyak aliran-aliran Syi'ah. Dimana setiap aliran Syi'ah mengklaim alirannya sebagai Madzhab Ahlul Bait. Sebagai contoh, aliran Syi'ah Zaidiyah mengaku sebagai Madzhab Ahlul Bait. Begitu pula aliran Syi'ah Isma'iliyah, mereka juga mengaku sebagai Madzhab Ahlul Bait. Begitupula dengan aliran Syi'ah Imamiyah Itsna 'Asyariyah (Ja'fariyah) yang berkembang pesat di negeri ini pun juga mengaku sebagai Madzhab Ahlul Bait. Adapun penyebab mereka berani menyebut alirannya sebagai Madzhab Ahlul Bait, dikarenakan saat ini kaum muslimin di seluruh dunia pada umumnya, dan di negeri ini pada khususnya sudah banyak mengetahui bahwa aliran Syi'ah adalah aliran sesat dan menyesatkan dan ajarannya sangat menyimpang dari ajaran Rasulullah Shalallahu alaihi wassalam dan ajaran Ahlul Bait. Karena itu, dalam upayanya menipu dan menyesatkan kaum muslimin dan supaya terlihat menarik dalam pandangan kaum muslimin, mereka mengganti nama alirannya dengan Madzhab Ahlul Bait. Dan ternyata usaha mereka tersebut berhasil, sehingga ada dari umat Islam ini yang tertipu dan akhirnya terjerumus masuk Syi'ah. Perlu diketahui, bahwa yang namanya Madzhab Ahlul Bait itu tidak ada, yang ada adalah Madzhabnya Ahlul Bait, atau akidah-nya Ahlul Bait. Yaitu akidah yang sekarang dikenal dengan nama aqidah Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama'ah. Suatu aqidah yang dipegang oleh Rasulullah Shalallahu alaihi wassalam, Ahlul Bait dan para sahabatnya yang diridhai oleh Allah ta'ala.[2] 4. Tidak pernah menyebutkan keutamaan para shahabat Rasul. Ajaran Syi'ah didirikan di atas kebencian kepada para shahabat. Ini adalah kaidah yang baku yang tidak akan berubah hingga hari Kiamat walaupun kalangan Syi'ah berusaha menutup-nutupinya. Hal ini sesuai dengan riwayat yang terdapat dalam kitab mereka "Al-Kafi" dan yang lainnya, yang diantaranya menyebutkan bahwa sepeninggal Rasulullah Shalallahu alaihi wassalam, para shahabat murtad kecuali hanya beberapa, diantaranya al-Miqdad, Abu Dzar dan Salman al-Farisi.[3] Dari kaedah baku tersebut, kita akan mudah mengesan salah satu trick Syi'ah untuk memurtadkan kaum muslimin, iaitu mereka tidak pernah menyebutkan keutamaan dan jasa para shahabat Rasululullah Shalallahu alaihi wassalam di pengajian-pengajian atau majelis ta'lim yang diikuti oleh kalangan umum, apalagi untuk "kalangan khusus". Trick ini bertujuan untuk menghilangkan ingatan dari setiap kepala kaum muslimin akan keutamaan-keutamaan para shahabat yang telah berjuang menegakkan dien Islam ini. Kemudian secara bertahap merekapun akan melupakan keutamaan-keutamaan dan jasa para shahabat Rasul, dan akhirnya melupakannya secara total. Sehingga jika ada seorang shahabat Rasul yang dikritik atau dimaki, merekapun akan bersikap biasa saja, bahkan tak segan-segan membela pemakinya. 5. Mengkritik beberapa tindakan para shahabat Rasul. Setelah kalangan Syi'ah berhasil mengiring kaum muslimin untuk melupakan keutamaan-keutamaan dan jasa para shahabat Rasulullah Shalallahu alaihi wassalam terhadap dien Islam ini, maka tahap selanjutnya adalah mengkoreksi (baca: mengkritik) beberapa tindakan para shahabat yang dianggapnya sebagai sebuah penyimpangan fatal. Hal ini bertujuan untuk menghilangkan paham yang melekat pada diri kaum muslimin selama ini bahwa para shahabat Rasul adalah generasi yang 'adil, generasi yang mulia, dan dimuliakan oleh Allah ta'ala. Sebut saja, misalnya shahabat Muawiyah radhiyallaahu 'anh. Beliau adalah seorang shahabat Nabi yang selalu menancap di hati dan pikiran kalangan Syi'ah. Hal ini dikarenakan ada satu "do'a" khusus yang diucapkan oleh kalangan Syi'ah kepadanya setiap pagi dan sore yaitu melaknat Mu'awiyah. Bagi mereka, melaknat Mu'awiyah ada pahala tersendiri. Bagi kalangan Syi'ah, Mu'awiyah menjadi simbol kesesatan, kekafiran, dan kemunafikan. Hal ini dikarenakan beliau memerangi 'Ali dan merampas khilafah dari 'Ali. Padahal semasa hidupnya 'Ali, Muawiyah tidak pernah menjadi khalifah. Berbeda dengan sikap kalangan Syi'ah yang mengaku-ngaku mencintai imam 'Ali, ternyata imam 'Ali malah menyikapi peperangan antara dirinya dengan Mu'awiyah dengan sangat bijak. Hal ini sebagaimana disebutkan dalam literatur Syi'ah sendiri, Biharul Anwar; Dari Ibnu Tharif dan Ibnu Alwan, dari Ja'far, dari ayahnya, bahwa 'Ali mengatakan kepada pasukannya, "Tidaklah kami memerangi mereka karena mereka kafir, juga bukan karena mereka menganggap kami kafir, tetapi karena kami merasa yang benar, dan mereka pun juga demikian."[4] Kebencian dan kedengkian Syi'ah terhadap shahabat Nabi yang satu ini akan selalu abadi hingga hari Kiamat. Apalagi ditambah dengan tuduhan mereka terhadap putera Mu'awiyah, Zayid yang dianggapnya sebagai pembantai Husein dan keluarganya di Padang Karbala.[5] Berawal dari sinilah kalangan Syi'ah berusaha mengkritik beberapa "kesalahan-kesalahan" (anggapan mereka) aqidah Ahlus Sunnah yang berpihak kepada Mu'awiyah dan tidak melaknatnya. Mereka mengatakan, "Sesuatu yang bertentangan (tidak masuk akal), bagaimana mereka (Ahlus Sunnah) mencintai Ahlul Bait, sementara mereka mencintai pembencinya (Muawiyah)." Ini adalah salah satu bentuk syubhat yang mereka hembuskan di kalangan Ahlus Sunnah agar mereka ragu terhadap aqidahnya. Walhasil, sebagian dari Ahlus Sunnah yang tidak mengerti dan memahami perkara ini yang sebenarnya pun terjebak dalam syubhat mereka. Setelah kritikan terhadap shahabat yang satu ini berhasil, merekapun kemudian melancarkan kritikan kepada shahabat Rasul yang lain, terutama didahului dengan shahabat Rasul yang paling mereka benci, yaitu 'Umar bin al-Khaththab sang penakhluk kerajaan Persi, Abu Hurairah (yang mereka katakan pendusta hadits), 'Abu Bakar ash-Shiddiq, 'Ustman bin Affan dan kemudian shahabat-shahabat yang lain. Setelah mereka kritik, kemudian mereka tak malu-malu untuk mencaci-makinya, melaknatnya, bahkan tak segan-segan mengkafirkannya. Dari sinilah dengan mudah tujuan mereka sebenarnya akan diketahui, yaitu ingin menghancurkan Islam dari pondasinya. Karena tidaklah Islam ini sampai kepada kita hari ini, kecuali awalnya lewat perantara para shahabat Rasul yang mulia. 6. Banyak mengkaji al-Qur'an dan sedikit mengkaji hadits, bahkan meninggalkannya. Ajaran Islam tidak hanya bersumber dari al-Qur'an saja, akan tetapi juga bersumber dari Sunnah Rasulullah Shalallahu alaihi wassalam. As-Sunnah adalah penjelas dari al-Qur'an itu sendiri, sehingga al-Qur'an tidak akan sempurna jika tidak dilengkapi dengan as-Sunnah. Berapa banyak orang berpegang kepada al-Qur'an saja pada akhirnya dirinya terjerembab ke dalam jurang kesesatan yang sangat dalam. Pada akhirnya, dirinya tidak mengetahui mana ajaran Nabi dan mana ajaran Syaithani. Sehingga, ajaran Nabipun mereka jadikan olok-olokan dan penghidup ajaran Nabi mereka jadikan sasaran kebencian. Adalah Syi'ah salah satu kelompok yang berusaha menjauhkan kaum muslimin dari


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 02:56AM  

    allahuakbar - Social Mention
    Allahuakbar....kami di sini masih tidur kejar dunia
    Nov 25th 2013, 02:56
    Nov 25th 2013, 02:55
    SubhanALLAH !!! Awesome Video...... Must Watch n Share #RasheedHyderabadi
    Buku Mudahnya Menjemput Rezeki oleh Fathuri Salehuddin. 2,3 cara untuk menjemput rezeki Antara isi kandungan dlm buku ini adalah menjemput rezeki. - rezeki adalah hal ghaib. Kita tidak pernah tahu bila datangnya. Rezeki itu macam-macam 󾆟󾬐bukan sekadar harta sahaja. - menjemput rezeki lebih mudah berbanding mencari rezeki - mencari bermakna kita tidak tahu tmptnya. jadi banyak kali lah kita akan mencuba dan terus mencuba mencari sesuatu rezeki itu - menjemput rezeki lebih mudah sbb kita dah tahu rezeki itu hanya daripada Allah. Satu-satunya Pemberi Rezeki hanyalah Allah. Jadi kita hanya perlu buat apa sahaja yang Allah suruh. Kita berusaha dekatkan diri kpd Allah sehingga Allah redha dan kasih kpd kita. Zikir - Antara cara untuk menjemput rezeki adalah dengan cara berzikir dan berdoa (2 cara yg dipilih untuk dikongsikan di sini) - zikir sebenarnya cara yg paling senang, ringan dan mudah. Zikir ni bila-bila masa pun boleh zikir. Kita nak zikir kuat, atau perlahan ataupun sekadar baca dlm hati pun boleh. - zikir paling senang kita amalkan iaitu 10 kali bacaan Subhanallah, Alhamdulillah, Allahuakbar setiap kali selepas solat pun dah banyak pahala yang tercatat. Pahala tercatat ; maknanya kita dh buat sesuatu kebaikan. Dengan itu kita sebenarnya sudah menjemput rezeki tanpa kita sedari. Doa - satu lagi caranya ialah doa. Doa juga kita boleh lakukan bila-bila masa. Tapi bila kita berdoa ketika waktu mustajab lagi besar peluang untuk Allah mengabulkan doa kita - antara waktu mustajab doa: setiap lepas solat fardhu, waktu hujan turun, waktu bersujud, di antara azan dan iqamat, ketika bgn tidur. - apabila kita berdoa, kadang-kadang tanpa disedari airmata menitis. Itu merupakan salah satu tanda doa kita dimakbulkan. - jadi apabila lidah sudah terdorong untuk berdoa, maka maknanya sudah ada tanda-tanda Allah mahu memberi kita sesuatu. Jadi jangan lepaskan peluang itu. Teruskan berdoa dan terus berdoa - Tapi adakalanya juga kita dah sungguh-sungguh berdoa tapi masih belum Allah makbulkan.Allah lebih Mengetahui bila masa yang paling tepat untuk makbulkan doa kita. Boleh jadi Allah tangguhkan doa kita sebab kita belum bersedia jika diberi akan mendatangkan kemudaratan kepada kita atau adakah mungkin kita benar-benar ikhlas ketika berdoa?
    Nov 25th 2013, 02:55
    >Ek Aadmi Buzurg Se: ALLAH Ne Sab Ko Daulat Di Mujhe Kuch Bhi Nahi Diya. . >Buzurg: Mai Tujhe 1 Lakh Dinaar Deta Hun Tu Apna 1 Haath Kaat Kar Mujhe De. . >Aadmi: Nahi De Sakta. . >Buzurg : 10 Lakh Dinaar Deta Hu Mujhe 1 Taang Kaat Kar De. . >Aadmi: Nahi De Sakta. . >Buzurg: Jitna Maangega Us Se Zyaada Dunga Mujhe Apni Aankhen De de. . >Aadmi: Aap Mujhe Saare Jahaan Ki Daulat De do, Mai Phir Bhi Nahi De Sakta. . >Buzurg: ALLAH TAALA NE TUJHE ITNI QEEMTI CHEEZON SE NAWAAZA HAI, AUR TU KEHTA HAI KE ALLAH NE MUJHE KUCHH NAHI DIYA." . "..HAR HAAL ME ALLAH KA SHUKR ADA KARO.." . "ALHAMDULILLAH" 🐋 Allah Ki Qudrat -🐋 Allah wo hai jo Whale Machli 🐋ko bhi rozana samandar mein 33 Ton (Yaani 36,960 Kg) gosht khilata hai. Subhan Allah, to phir hum sirf 2 roti 󾥹k liye itna pareshan kyun hote hain. To sirf Allah se maango jo deta hai khushi se aur kehta nahi kisi se. Jo Rab se nahi maangta wo sabse maangta Hai. Aye Allah ye bat aage pohonchane wale ko kabhi kisi ka mohtaj na karna (Aameen).. Jab neki ki jaaye to right farishta likhta hai;or jb burayi ki jaaye to left farishta likhta hai; kya aap ko aisa "amal" malum hai jiske karne se dono farishte harkat me aa jaate hai. Wo "amal"hai darood-e-shareef ka kasrat se padna.right farishta 10 nekiyan likhta hai; aur left farishta 10 gunah mitatha hai; aur allah 10 darjaat buland karta hai. Subhanallah! Aap is msg ko apne liye sadqa-e-jaria banaye aur dusron tak pahonchaye.. 1)Subhanallah 2)Alhamdulilah 3)AllahuAkbar Pehle send kardo, Kyunki jabtak koi yeh MSG Padta Rahega, Jannat me Aap ke Naam ka Ped Lagta rahega, Dont stop.
    Nov 25th 2013, 02:55
    allahuakbar maha besar memujamu bgitu indah sellalu kau brikan smua kbesaran tuhan
    Nov 25th 2013, 02:55
    BILA KITA POST → 'Allahuakbar' → Subbahanallah' → 'Astaghfirullah ' Automatik Ada Orang Baca , Senangkan Dapat Pahala .. ;-)
    Nov 25th 2013, 02:55
    Subahanallah . Allahuakbar .
    Nov 25th 2013, 02:54
    Anak dara yang dah bangun tunjuk muka cute tu cikit ;)
    Nov 25th 2013, 02:54
    Allahuakbar allahuakbar allahuakbar,,,la,,,,illahaillallah huwallahu akbar allahuakbar walillahilham,,,,,
    Nov 25th 2013, 02:53
    BILA KITA POST → 'Allahuakbar' → Subbahanallah' → 'Astaghfirullah ' Automatik Ada Orang Baca , Senangkan Dapat Pahala .. ;) Cengginie tuk korang ' (y) '
    Nov 25th 2013, 02:53
    Nov 25th 2013, 02:50
    Bringing a child into this world 15 weeks early can be terrifying. What will happen to this fragile little person? Thanks to one dad with a video came...
    ada 1 rahasia dri ALLAH yg pastix DIA tdk akan perna memberitahu kepada umatx yaitu " AJAL KITA / KEMATIAN " Jdi sebelum terlambat marilah kita semua umatNYA beramai~ramai mendekatkan diri kita kepadaNYA serta memohon ampun atas semua dosa2 kita....Allahuakbar
    Nov 25th 2013, 02:49
    subahanllah allahuakbar..
    Nov 25th 2013, 02:49
    Pernahkah kita menanyakan harga Oksigen di penyalurnya ? Jika belum tahu, +/- Rp 25 ribu / Kg Pernahkah kita menanyakan harga Nitrogen di penyalurnya ? Jika belum tahu, +/- Rp 9950 / Kg ... Tahukah kita .... Dalam sehari manusia menghirup setara 2880 kg Oksigen dan setara 11.376 kg Nitrogen Jika harus dihargai dgn Rupiah, maka biaya Oksigen dan Nitrogen yg kita hirup akan mencapai setara dengan Rp.170 Jutaan / hari / manusia Jika kita hitung kebutuhan sehari Rp.170 jt, maka sebulan kira-kira Rp.5,1 Milyar per Orangnya... Orang yang paling KAYA sekalipun di dunia ini tidak akan sanggup melunasi biaya bernafas selama hidupnya ...... Tapi Tuhan memberikan kepada kita secara GRATIS ! Masihkah kita belum mau BERSYUKUR?!! ...................... "fa bi ayyi aalaa-i rabbikuma tukadz-dzibaan" "Maka ..... nikmat Tuhanmu yang mana (lagi)kah yang (akan) kamu dustakan?" Subhanallah Silakan klik SUKA & SHARE jika anda bangga sebagai muslim _______________ PERNIKAHAN MUDA : Baca yuk Selengkapnya di page ini --> Strawberry Insya Allah bermanfaat
    Sobhanallah allahuakbar
    Nov 25th 2013, 02:48
    ~Penguat Memori~ Dulu saya selalu pening sebab memori saya lemah dan tak boleh fikir banyak nanti kepala saya sakit yang amat sangat sebab saya ni ade migraine... Jadi saya pun utarakan masalah ni kepada syaikh saya untuk meminta "ubat" daripadanya.... Beliau ajarkan saya sesuatu yang sangat bermakna yang mengubah diri saya lepas tu. Amalan yang beliau ajarkan kepada saya ialah: 1) Jangan bermaksiat walau sekecil maksiat sebab itu raja segala kekuatan akal dan memori,lagi banyak tinggal maksiat,lagi kuat otak kita. 2) Banyakkan makan kismis,badam,kurma dan jangan makan kepala ikan,kepala udang,organ dalaman,jajan,coklat,keropok dan semua jenis makanan yang ada MSG dan bahan kimia yang banyat,minuman berkabonat dan semua yang tak berkhasiat. 3) Amalkan adab-adab sunnah pada setiap masa samada tidur,makan,minum,masuk tandas,dalam tandas,belajar dan sebagainya. 4) Yang terpenting,amalkan sunnah selepas salam ketika solat iaitu letakkan tapak tangan kanan di dahi sejurus selepas salam dan baca Allahuakbar sekali,kemudian baca astagfirullahal'azim sebanyak 3X tetapi pada kali yang ketiga,kuatkan sedikit dan lanjutkan sedikit bacaannya. Kemudian baca doa: " bismillahillazi laailahailla huwarrahmanir rahim, Allahumma Azhib 'Annil Hamma wal Huzna.." , kemudian selawat 3X dan baca "Ya Qowiyyu " 10X dengan niat dan doa dalam hati supaya Allah kuatkan akal kita... Alhamdulillah sejak amal benda ni bermula beberapa tahun lalu hingga sekarang, Allah telah berikan kecerdasan fikir dan memori yang kuat dan juga sembuhkan migraine tu... Jadi sangat lah berbesar hati untuk saya kongsikan bersama dengan korang amalan ni...yang penting,mesti istiqamah..yakin sungguh-sungguh bahawa Allah Maha berkuasa untuk buat apa sahaja sebab Allah lambat kabulkan doa orang yang dalam hatinya ada kebesaran makhluk (apa-apa selain Allah),tetapi orang yang dalam hatinya cuma ada Allah,Allah akan kabulkan doanya sebelum dia angkat tangan untuk berdoa dengan izinNya... Nota: Mengikut syeikh saya, amalan ini merupakan amalan warisan yang diajarkan kepadanya oleh Qutbul Aqtab Maulana Muhammad Zakariyya Al-Khandahlawi Rahimahullah,seorang wali qutub yang sangat hebat hubungannya dengan Allah dan Rasul... Dari Ibnu Batoota Owsem
    Nov 25th 2013, 02:46
    ternyata saya masih banyak kekurangan,,, allahuakbar.
    Nov 25th 2013, 02:46
    Nov 25th 2013, 02:44
    Nov 25th 2013, 02:44
    Allahuakbar. . .
    Nov 25th 2013, 02:44
    xde nak update apa2...cuma nak gitau cara solat sunat dhuha... Solat Dhuha merupakan amalan sunat yang di galakkan kita amalkan nya. Ia dikatakan sebagai "pembuka rezeki" sebagaimana yang di nyatakan dalam hadis Rasulullah tercinta kita SAW. Solat ini boleh dilakukan 2, 4, 6, hingga 12 rakaat. Cara Ringkas Solat @ Sembahyang Sinat Dhuha : Rakaat : 2,4,6 hingga 12 Waktu : 10 pagi atau antara 7am - 1pm sebelum waktu Zohor. "Solat Dhuha ini afdalnya ketika matahari telah meninggi dan kian panas sinarnya. "Imam Nawawi menghuraikan masa tersebut sebagai masa berlalunya seperempat tempoh siang hari iaitu pukul 10 pagi hingga 1 petang (Kitab Al-Majmu;' karangan Imam Nawawi). 1. Rakaat Pertama "Allahuakbar"& Niat dalam hati : "Sahaja aku sembahyang sunat Dhuha 2 rakaat kerana Allah Ta'ala" Baca Alfatihah hingga akhir Baca Surah, pendek pun takpa. (paling elok surah As-Syams ) 2. Rakaat Kedua Baca Alfatihah hingga akhir Baca Surah, pendek pun takpa. (paling afdhal surah Addhuha) Tahiyyat akhir & Beri Salam.. 3. Doa Mohon Allah murahkan rezeki kita..berkati kerja kita. Doa apa sahaja..mengadulah pada Allah.. Paling mantap guna Doa ini khas untuk waktu Dhuha : Maksudnya: Ya Allah, sesungguhnya waktu Dhuha itu waktu DhuhaMu, kecantikannya adalah kecantikanMu, keindahan itu keindahanMu, kekuatan itu kekuatanMu, kekuasaan itu kekuasaanMu dan perlindungan itu perlindunganMu. Ya ALLAH, jika rezekiku masih di langit, turunkanlah,dan jika di dalam bumi, keluarkanlah, jika sukar, permudahkanlah, jika haram, sucikanlah dan jika jauh, dekatkanlah. Berkat waktu dhuha, kecantikan. keindahan, kekuatan, kekuasaanMu, Limpahkanlah kepadaku segala yang Engkau telah limpahkan kepada hamba-hambaMu yang soleh. copy n paste~~~
    Nov 25th 2013, 02:42
    ㅤ ㅤ ❤ㅤ❤ ❤ ㅤ ♥ Subhanallah ♥ ♥ Alhamdulillah ♥ ♥ Lailahaillallah ♥ ㅤ ♥ Allahuakbar ♥ ㅤ ㅤ ❤ ㅤ❤ ❤
    Nov 25th 2013, 02:41
    Namun untuk apa kuharapkan dirimu batinku semakin tersiksa..!!! Walau begitu dalam rasa cinta dihati lebih baik sendiri..!!! #Allahuakbar
    Nov 25th 2013, 02:40
    Allahuakbar... Engkau maha pemurah ya robb.
    Nov 25th 2013, 02:40
    CARA ALLAH BAGI REZEKI Ketika Nabi Muhammad SAW mengundang para sahabat untuk menghadiri walimatul ursy ( Pesta Pernikahan ) yang diadakan beliau dengan seorang wanita yang menjadi istrinya. Para sahabat hadir dan begitu mereka menyaksikan tentang rupa makanan yang dijamukan oleh Rasulullah SAW, mereka tak tahan untuk tidak memperbincangkannya. " Darimana Rasulullah SAW akan mampu memenuhi kebutuhan hidup dari para istri-istrinya ? coba lihat, jamuan walimahnya saja cuma seperti itu ?" Rasulullah SAW diam saja. Beliau bukan tidak tahu apa yang diperbincangkan oleh para sahabat saat itu. Usai menunaikan sholat, Rasulullah SAW menceritakan suatu kisah kepada para sahabat yang hadir. " Aku ingin menceritakan suatu kisah perihal rezeki kepada kalian. Kisah ini diceritakan oleh malaikat Jibril kepadaku. Bolehkah aku meneruskan kisah ini kepada kalian ?" Rasulullah SAW kemudian memulai kisahnya. " Suatu ketika Nabi sulaiman a.s melakukan sholat ditepi pantai. Usai sholat, beliau melihat ada seekor semut sedang berjalan di atas air sambil membawa daun hijau. Beliau yang mengerti bahasa binatang mendengar si semut memanggil-manggil si katak. Tak berapa lama kemudian, lalu seekor katak muncul. Ada apa gerangan dengan si katak itu sehingga si semut terus-menerus memanggilnya tadi ? Nabi Sulaiman menyaksikan bahwa begitu si katak muncul, katak itu langsung saja menggendong sang semut masuk ke dalam air menuju dasar laut. Ada apa di dasar laut ? Semut itu menceritakan kepada Nabi Sulaiman a.s bahwa di sana ada berdiam seekor ulat yang terbelenggu di dasar laut. Sang ulat menggantungkan rezekinya kepada si semut. " Sehari dua kali aku diantar oleh malaikat ke dasar laut untuk memberi makanan kepada ulat itu ". Demikian si semut memberikan penjelasannya kepada Nabi Sulaiman a.s. " Siapakah malaikat itu, hai semut ?" tanya Nabi Sulaiman kepada si semut dengan penuh selidik. " dia adalah si katak sendiri. Malaikat menjelmakan dirinya menjadi katak yang kemudian mengantarkan aku menuju dasar laut ". Setiap selesai menerima kiriman daun hijau dan melahapnya, si ulat tak lupa memanjatkan rasa syukur kepada Allah SWT, " Maha Besar Allah yang mentakdirkan aku hidup di dasar laut ". Dalam mengakhiri ceritanya itu, Rasulullah SAW memberi pandangannya. " Jika ulat saja yang hidupnya di dasar laut, Allah SWT masih tetap memberinya makanan, maka apakah Allah SWT tega menelantarkan umat Muhammad soal rezeki dan rahmatnya ?" Sahabat, marilah kita lihat hewan yang sangat lemah, yaitu cacing. Kalau kita perhatikan, binatang ini seolah-olah tidak mempunyai sarana yang layak untuk survive atau bertahan hidup. Ia tidak mempunyai kaki, tangan, tanduk atau


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 02:56AM  

    sharia - Social Mention
    Consequences of rape in sharia law?
    Nov 25th 2013, 02:56

    Nov 25th 2013, 02:54
    A new sharia-compliant uniform could open doors for Muslim women looking to begin a career in law enforcement in Edmonton. At an Edmonton Police Commission meeting, it was revealed that EPS is work...
    GOOD!!! Sharia is antithetical to the constitution, human rights and civil rights. It should be outlawed and grounds for deportation.
    Nov 25th 2013, 02:52
    North Carolina has become the seventh state to prohibit state judges to consider Islamic law in family cases, joining what critics say is a national anti-Muslim campaign.
    Woo chile..Ionno how these women's can walk round wit they heads unkept like dat..i felt real discombobulated but now I'm back like I never left!.. S/O to my lil mama Mel for gettin me together for the low last minute n S/O to my girl Sharia with Hair Dolls for this Peruvian Deep wave hunny for the low..40% off..can't pass that up! i feel whole again..i cant be messin wit my hair or nails. follow her on Instagram hair _ dolls _ stl gitcho sum of this #plug
    Nov 25th 2013, 02:47
    James Hovda shared a link. 2 hours ago My 2 Sense: FULL SPEED AHEAD! I wasn't going to say much on this, but I can't stand remaining quiet much longer, because O'idiot (I can't even say his name any longer) and John Kerry have both pissed me off to no end. Yesterday's "Great Compromise" with the US and Iran has got to be the biggest joke, besides ObamaCare, ever pulled on the United States of America. Anyone with any common sense would know this was a political stunt to throw Obozo into the spotlight once again, and retract the negativity of recent scandals by the media. Does this remind you of when we got Osama bin Laden? I don't need to listen to the talking heads to know that O'idiot will be praised for his great leadership and foreign policy reforms in political correctness by the Left. I also don't need to hear what Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel will say, as the gap between our two nations just doubled in size. Some may think that this was a great step forward in disarming the intents of Iran in building a nuke, a victory to the beginning of bringing peace to the Mideast, and the stand-down of a threat that could lead to a third world war. If you believe that, then you don't know O'bungalo, you don't know Iran, and you don't know the elites of the New World Order. Decades of past President's and Sec of State's work was flushed down the toilet yesterday. Years of faithful ties with a dear allie in the Mideast was cast into the wind. Now we no longer have a friend in this region, unless you want to take Iran into your arms and apologize for all the harm we have burdened them with since the Shaw left in the 1970's. You know that's what O'barf-face is doing right now. And why would he be doing this? What does O'douchebag have to gain in all this? Let me put it this way, this "peace" treaty with Iran is about as sovereign as the treaties with the Indians and Gen George Armstrong Custer at Little Big Horn. Do you think for one minute that Iran, a fearless foe of America, a hater of everything we are and what we stand for, will all of a sudden "negotiate" peace and conform to our demands? They have spent decades trying to destroy us. They have sent their armies into both Iraq and Afghanistan to murder our soldiers once Saddam was removed from power. Their goals have always been to caliphate the Mideast to build an empire to which they can set out to rule the world under Sharia, and kill off every infidel walking on the planet's surface... and that includes us Americans on our homeland. Iran has been behind many bombings throughout the world against the West, as I'm sure played a huge role in 9-11. They are the head of the snake for Islamic fundamentalist extremism, and their leaders have not been coy about saying to the world their intents, along with their hatred of America. President Bush had a plan to destroy them, but the powers that be decided two fronts were enough, and rallied the people and anti-war machine to end the war, and bring our boys home. We left Iraq to be taken over by Iran, Afghanistan will fall to them, the same once we vacate. Iran has been proven to be behind the Muslim Brotherhood association that has lead to the downfalls of Libya, Egypt, and the rest of the Muslim countries in that region, now joined in unionship with Iran's radical ideology. And who stood by to let it all happen, and assisted in the dethroning of leaders who had spent decades in keeping Sharia out? As I said, I cannot say his name any longer. There is no doubt in my mind that O'hitler is one of them... a Muzzie in Christian robes. He was told by William Ayers, the communist mentor who got Barry into politics, to convert to something other than Islam because of America's feeling of Islamics after 9-11. Barry Sorento grew up in the Islamic faith, educated in a Madras in Indonesia, where he changed his name by taking that of his father, and mentored by an Islamic communist, Frank Marshall Davis, in socialism and hatred for Americans, especially if they were white and rich. If this didn't rub off onto Obozo's ideology, then he would be the first to change that of what he was taught in earlier life. If Obummer was such a passionate Christian, why doesn't he go to church? Why does he quote the "Holy Koran" (as he calls it) with such heart filled meaning, yet mocks the Bible? Why did he pilgrimage to the sacred shrine while over in Mecca?... an honor and privilege of every Muslim to attempt once in their life, and as President, he can just go about anywhere he wants. Why does he surround himself with Muslims, and places them within his administration? Why does he always praise the Islamic faith, and has members of the Muslim Brotherhood sit in upon classified meetings with access to highly classified material? Any other President would be called a traitor and tried for treason. Not the "Teflon President"! And, let's not forget about Benghazi. The Prez has given the means, now, for Iran to move ahead and build their nukes, even though the treaty is supposed to deter their expansion of nuclear production and capabilities. All this treaty has done was to pacify everyone and calm the fears to give Iran the mode to work behind the curtain without discovery. I'm sure Israel will have a close eye watching, and will not hesitate to take any facility out that may be a threat. We have lifted our sanctions, which never work when not enforced, because Dear Leader wouldn't enforce them, as he lifted many sanctions already because of "humanitarian" needs, without consulting Congress nor getting their approval... impeachable offenses, again. We will see what becomes of this, but my hunches goes with that of the generals and senators who have dire fears that this may become America's biggest mistake, as they don't trust Iran... and, who blames them, seeing their history has little to be calmed by. Regardless, the damage has been done, and there is nothing now to stop Iran from pursuing their nuclear ambitions to build the bomb. I'm sure they are dancing in the streets over there, as the leaders are calling the silos saying, "Full speed ahead!" Thank you for your support. God, watch over our cities. Help Americans to see the truth, and steer from progressive deception. Written By: Jim Hovda
    Nov 25th 2013, 02:46
    Israel's premier says the deal does little to reduce Iran's ambitions and will make the world more dangerous.
    We can thank obamaphiles who are forcing American's to accept this Raghead pedophile shit. Now we have our own sick pedophiles using this as an excuse for their twisted behavior. Sharia Law is NOT the LAW of America. And it should not be. Take your sorry ass back to where you came from!!!
    Nov 25th 2013, 02:45
    Many people in the West, especially in the U.S., have been clamoring about the dangers…
    ALERT: DHS Joins Muslim Brotherhood- Sharia Law in the USA
    Nov 25th 2013, 02:44
    Obama & The Rise of Islam in America 2013. Muslim Brotherhood infiltrate the white house
    We should all be aware of this brief, but somewhat thorough, overview of sharia law:
    Nov 25th 2013, 02:43
    Here you have it brothers and sisters, my prediction from the start of the Syrian genocide over 2 and a half years ago: SKY NEWS HEADLINES "We need to set about the critical task of proving to the world what Iran has said many times -- that its program is in fact peaceful," U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said early Sunday in Geneva. Kerry said the initial agreement creates "time and space" to allow Iran to demonstrate its peaceful intentions. But he also said that the agreement "will make our partners in the region safer." This my friends is the beginning of the "Malhama" the Great War and it's starting in Syria. Let's start from the start the basic "Axis of evil" which include Iran who are now "good", North Korea who are now "good" only Syria remains who will also be "good" once a "West Friendly" government will be installed..... Mark my words, in Syria no puppet government will be installed now I swear by it, the legitimate Islamic resistance will install and implement Sharia by the will of God. North Korea developed nuclear weapons and remain untouched by the world and Iran has developed nuclear technology too, being part of the axis of evil why haven't they been touched? Why haven't they been attacked like Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and so forth? Two reasons why firstly they are not Ahle Sunnah so the majority of them are not Muslim and secondly it was all a show to try and scare us all that these big bad evil people are trying to get nuclear technology and will wipe whole countries of the map for example North Korea will wipe South Korea and Iran will wipe "Israel" of the map, pretty scary thought hey? The "axis of evil" having nuclear weapons? Now the fear factor has been put onto us by the leaders of America and other western countries, the media creates a Frenzy about these "evil tyrannical regimes" and basically scares the living day lights out of us, again it's part of the bigger plan. North Korea and Iran are now moderates they want to work with the west, so fantastic news we don't have many enemies left and we don't have to worry about them as we've planned this perfectly 100 years in advance with the zionists, the west say what could possibly go wrong? Syria or the correct term Shaam could and will go wrong! Let me give you some Hadiths to show you the importance of Shaam, there are many but I'll give you a few. 1) From Zayd ibn thabit Al-ansari (radiya allahu anhu) said I heard the Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم say: "O tooba (a tree in paradise/glad tidings) for the Shaam!, O tooba (a tree in paradise/glad tidings) for the Shaam!, O tooba (a tree in paradise/glad tidings) for the Shaam!" They said: "O Messanger of Allah! How did they get this?" He replied "The angels of Allah have rested their wings upon the Shaam" 2) From Abdullah Ibn Omar (radiya allahu anhuma) he said: The messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم said, I saw a pillar of the book was taken from underneath my pillow and I looked and it was an extending light directed toward Al-shaam. Verily al-iman (the faith), at the time of fitan (turmoil) is in Al-shaam. 3) From Mu'awiya ibn Qura (raised to the Prophet) (radiya allahu anhu): The Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم said: "If the people of Al-shaam are corrupted then there is no good in you. There will always be a group of my Ummah that will be victorious, and they will not be harmed by those who seek to humiliate them until the hour comes. 4) From Abdulla Ibn Hawala, the Messanger صلى الله عليه وسلم said: "You will be split up into groups of armies. An army will be in Al-shaam, an army in Iraq, and an army in Yemen." Abdullah said: I stood up and said…"choose for me oh Messenger of Allah." The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said: "Upon you is Al-shaam; and whoever cannot, let him go to Yemen, and let him drink from its water, for Allah has assured (secured) for me Al-shaam and its people. Rabi'a said: I heard Aba Idris narrating this hadith and he would say: "who ever Allah has given assurance then there is no fear over him." A very quick and basic summary of the above 4 Hadiths: 1) The Angels of Allah spread their wings over Shaam. 2) At the time of turmoil faith is in Shaam. 3) A corrupt Shaam is a corrupt Ummah. 4) Shaam is an obligation upon us. So above are a few examples of the importance of Shaam so why are we as "Muslims" firstly and then the west as "Humans" neglecting Shaam and letting the over 2 and a half year genocide continue? Here in the west we have organisations and groups that look after the welfare of animals but what about the basic human rights of the Syrian people, who's looking after them? People may continue to scratch their heads and ponder the fact as to why nobody is intervening in Sham? It doesn't fit into the agenda of the Zionist controlled world remember I mentioned this is "The Malhama" or "Great War". Bashar the brutal dictator has nearly all the worlds governments giving him the green light to continue this genocide against the people of Shaam via knives slaughtering children like in Banyas, via guns all over the country via banned under the Geneva convention cluster bombs via banned under the Geneva convention TNT barrels via Scud missiles and via Chemical weapons! WHAT via chemical weapons? That's crossing the "Red Line" isn't it? Red line? The red line was crossed with the first spilling of blood in Shaam my dear brothers and sisters. Iran has sent in its "elite revolutionary guards", Iraq has sent it's militias, Lebanon has sent it's "Hezbollah militia", Russia has sent it's "special forces", North Korea has sent it's "Pilots" and Shia from all over the world are coming to Shaam to help Bashar and his cronies in this ongoing genocide whilst the world watches silently..... The implementation of a "No Fly Zone" would end this genocide within 72 hours but the Zionist controlled west won't implement that like they did in Iraq and Libya, why? Because they want their enemies The Muslims to suffer and be eradicated without having to dirty their own hands, clever really. But wait..... The west were going to intervene earlier this year weren't they? Of course they were NOT! It was a drama to show the world, I mean when have the Americans and the British ever waited for their governments and their public to give the green light to attack? They attacked Saddam and Iraq because he "may have" chemical weapons but Bashar is using them and they are not attacking, seems fishy to me? Maybe I should stop thinking and put CNN on, that way I will know what to think! Despite the sophisticated and destructive weapons the Dictator and his allies are using in Shaam whether it's their tanks, surface to surface


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 02:54AM  

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    Nov 25th 2013, 02:54
    Week in Gaming: Xbox One patches, PS4 crashes - video games, hooray! It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of disappointing launch titles, update patches, Mountain Dew and Doritos. Yay for videogames! It was also round two of the next-gen battle as the Xbox One entered the ring this week, but if you thought that all those months of Xbox-battering would have dampened enthusiasm you couldn't have been more wrong. The console shifted a million units in first 24 hours, according to Microsoft, and EB Games said that the Xbox One was set to sell out within days. It wasn't all smooth sailing, of course. Downloading the day-one patch proved a hassle for some people while a number of buyers have reported faulty drives, although Microsoft says the problem isn't widespread. Still, we thoroughly enjoyed this video of one broken Xbox One refusing to play a Rage Against The Machine CD. Maybe they should have held out a few months? Mario on yer mobile? Meanwhile, over at Nintendo HQ, big changes might be afoot. Nando Monterazo, who claims to be a software engineer at Nintendo of America (and who has now deleted his Twitter account) might have released several significant cats from several significant bags this week as he announced that Nintendo is working on an Android tablet with an education focus. Nintendo has been reluctant to move into mobile, so even an education-themed tablet would be a pretty big deal. And who knows? This could be the start of a much bigger transition for Mario and his pals. Meanwhile in PS4 news... It sounds like Sony is going to offer a new PS4 and PS Vita bundle in time for Christmas. With a push to bring its main console and handheld together, a bundle makes a lot of sense - though at an eye-watering cost, no doubt. [CVG] Meanwhile, those of you already enjoying the Vita should go and pick up Media Molecule's Tearaway, which was released this week. Won't take our word for it? How about CVG's? "A gorgeous, inventive adventure, Tearaway isn't just Vita's best new game, it's one of the most original things you'll play all year." Cor. This week, TechRadar's been playing...Super Mario 3D WorldThe Wii U has turned into the hipster's choice amid the next-gen madness. We don't care - Super Mario 3D World might be the best game we'll play this year. Stuff your Forza. Battlefield blow out Finally, Dice has promised that it's fixed the Battlefield 4 crashing problems PS4 that gamers have been having, and will release a patch next week. It's also announced that it plans to hold a double XP week as compensation. And on top of that, all players will receive a special weapon upgrade on multiplayer - a M1911 pistol scope currently kept exclusively for Dice developers - so you know Dice is really sorry. Next Friday Australia will finally get its hands on the PS4 and we can officially mark the start of the next-gen race. While we go to prepare for that, here are some more links from our Future pals. CVG The next gen is here! But does Xbox have in store? Find out in our Xbox One launch unit review And what's Sony offering up? Find out in our PlayStation 4 launch unit review Don't get excited, Sony fans – turns out the rumours of Activision selling Sony the Crash Bandicoot license to Sony were wrong EA has apologised for NBA Live 2014, promising big improvements on the way Games Radar Not sure which shooter to pick up this holiday? We break it down for you in our Call of Duty: Ghosts vs Battlefield 4 article Get our final verdict on Microsoft's next-gen console in our Xbox One review You'll need games for that new Xbox One console, won't you? Here's a round up of the Best Xbox One games PC Gamer Doom will never be the same again, with John Carmack officially resigning from iD software to focus on his job at Oculus Rift Winter is coming for Telltale, apparently, with rumours of a new Game of Thrones game in the works
    Nov 25th 2013, 02:12
    Never Again through the Serpents Eyes Consider the following situation. A young pioneering mother living in a primitive cabin in the early west with her husband and three children. The youngsters are aged six, four and two respectively, and another is on the way. The children are all asleep in the same small room. Eternal enmity. One morning to the mother's horror, she finds a rattlesnake with a newly-delivered brood under one of the beds of the children. There is not the slightest doubt in the mother's mind as to what she must do. She immediately gets her children out of the area, contemplates getting the biggest club in the woodpile by the fireplace, and clubbing to death the rattlesnake and her infant brood. Irreconcilable conflict. Now obviously there is a sharp conflict of interest here. Obviously the two conflicting parties, namely, the mother and her family on the one side, and the rattlesnake on the other side, have immediate, direly opposing points of view. The two viewpoints are forever irreconcilable. They are extremely hostile and laden with emotion. They are, in fact, a matter of life and death. The two parties cannot survive in the same bedroom, and in fact, from the mother's point of view, the rattlesnake is, per se, an evil threat to herself and her family, no matter where it exists. There can be no negotiation, no compromise, no reconciliation, only survival of one or the other. Snake's viewpoint. But before we go further into the mother's point of view, let us look at it from the rattlesnake's point of view. Let us for a moment look at it through the snake's eyes. In fact, let us present it from the typical bleeding-heart liberal's point of view and embellish it with some of the tear-jerking, sympathy-evoking cliches that these same bleeding-hearts have become so expert at in tugging at your heartstrings. Liberal Humanitarian version. Here is the poor rattlesnake in danger of her life. She, too, is one of God's creatures, with a right to life, liberty and happiness. She, too, is entitled to survival and the right to raise her family in peace, comfort and security. Furthermore, she is a mother. She is a good mother trying to protect her young offspring. She found a nice warm place under the bed and considered it her home. And why not? It seemed more warm and sheltered from the elements than the more hostile, cold exterior. The fact that someone else had built the house was of no particular interest to her. This was her nest! This was her home! This was where her children were born! After all, the snake could reason that she and her ancestors roamed that prairie land long before these White intruders came along and started plowing up their land, uprooting their nests, and in general, killing and decimating their kind. These White settlers were their most bitter detested enemies! Kill them! Strike out at this White mother! Strike her with poisonous fangs and inject the deadly venom into her bloodstream as quickly as possible! Rid the earth of her, her children and her kind! These would be the thoughts that would be flitting through the rattlesnake's mind if it could express itself. Since it can't express itself in words, a bleeding-heart liberal opinion molder would gladly do it for her and spread her point of view throughout the news media of the world, especially if thereby he could discredit, weaken and undermine the position of the White Race. The Mother's viewpoint. So much for the snake's point of view. At this point, we were looking at it purely as seen through the serpent's eyes. Looking at it from the mother's point of view, the snake represented an immediate danger to her, her children and her husband. It was a dangerous reptile, equipped with poisonous fangs, a species of varmint that was of no earthly use to her or anybody else. It was ugly, reprehensible, instinctively fear-inspiring, and a terrible danger to her family. Almost instinctively, she clubbed the rattlesnake and her brood to death as quickly as possible and threw the remains out of her house. Instinctively she did that which Nature tells each species to do — protect your own kind and destroy that which is a threat to you, your family and your own kind. In the case of the pioneering mother "her kind" was the White Race. It did not even include the whole "human race". It did not even include the hostile savage redskins who roamed the land, and who too, were a threat to her family and her White Racial Comrades. Eternal Conflict of the Species. This, in clear outline, presents the conflict that each species of Nature is confronted with today and has been from time immemorial. It will be so eternally in the future. The mealy-mouthed liberals and the bleeding-hearts would have us believe that things are different now and that we all have a larger, overall common interest that we share. We must learn to live and let live, they tell us. They even go further and say that we must help preserve every species, no matter how harmful to us or how useless. This applies not only to the world of animals, birds, fishes and insects, but also the preservation and proliferation of the inferior species of that great catch-all: the "human" race. This includes cannibals, Australian bushmen, remnant savages that live in the trees in the Philippine Islands, or head-hunting cannibals in New Guinea, or in the jungles of the Amazon. No matter how backward, stupid or useless such tribes are, it is the "Christian duty" of the White Race to protect, to feed, to nurture them, and if necessary, to keep them breeding, even baby-sit for them as we do now for many of the American Indians who would soon die out if left to fend for themselves in competition with the White Man's civilization. Suicidal Christian Philosophy. The Jews and Christians even go further. They not only tell us we should "live and let live" but they tell us we should love our enemies and do good to them that spitefully use us. Since Christianity basically is indulging in a world of fantasy and make-believe, such philosophy is, of course, one of suicide and stupidity. To voluntarily collaborate in the suicide of your own Race, is going far beyond the idea of "live and let live"! No concern for the White Race. Throughout this whole idiotic bleeding-heart philosophy, there strangely seems to be one vital piece missing. Curiously, whereas these do-gooders' hearts bleed profusely for the alligators, the rattlesnakes, the Indians and the niggers, there never seems to be the slightest concern for the survival of Nature's most wonderful species of all — the White Race. Whereas reams of propaganda have been written about how important it is to preserve the last 50 whooping cranes, no bleeding-heart do-gooder has ever publicized that the great White Race itself is a declining and shrinking species, that it is truly an endangered species on its way to extinction. Liberal Philosophy Suicidal. This is singularly peculiar and strange, since a large portion of these liberals, bleeding-hearts and do-gooders who are doing all the shouting, are themselves members of the White Race. How does it happen that the White Race, whose intelligence in the matter of science, civilization and culture is so far ahead of any of the colored mud races, that it is completely unaware and unconcerned about its own survival, yet will make such a big to-do about the survival and welfare of not only the scum of the earth, but even the welfare of its out and out enemies? Must get our thinking straight. In order to answer this strange dilemma, we must first of all get our thinking straight. There are a number of factors that have brought the White Race to the verge of suicide and self-destruction and not the least of which is the confused philosophy which is debilitating the White Man's brain. Somebody has been tampering with the White Man's thinking process. Whoever that somebody is, they are not interested in the White Man's welfare, but rather his destruction. White Race our only concern. So let us analyze the situation as to how we got so confused as to aid our enemies and totally lack concern for our own survival. When I say "our" survival, I am talking about the White Race, since I am not a bird, or an alligator, or a nigger, or an Indian. I am a member of the White Race and as such I am first and foremost concerned about the welfare of the White Race, [and] its survival, expansion and advancement. Survival necessarily at expense of other creatures. Now let us state clearly one overriding fact of life: the interest and welfare of one species of life on the face of this earth can be, and usually is, in dire conflict with that of another. There is no such thing as "a common good" for every creature on the face of this earth. When a coyote brings home a rabbit to his family, it makes a good meal for the coyote family, but it spells death and tragedy for the rabbit family. When a pride of lions in the African Veldt manages to pull down a zebra, it temporarily spells food and plenty for the lion pride, but it is death and destruction for the zebra. When a horde of locusts invades a farmer's field of corn, it spells destruction for the corn, disaster for the farmer, but food and good nourishment to the locusts. The interest of the locusts, and the farmer are not the same. They are diametrically opposed. Survival of its own kind. And so it is throughout Nature. One creature's death is the other creature's tasty dinner. Coyotes are not interested in the welfare of rabbits, and suffer no pangs of conscience in bringing them home for dinner. Nor should they. Nature tells them that this is what they should do to survive. On the other hand, rabbits are not the least interested in the welfare of the coyotes and it is a matter of life and death to prevent getting caught by a coyote and becoming a coyote's dinner. The obvious conflict of interest extends to practically all other species and even between the sub-species. Nature tells each species to look after its own kind. Eternal Struggle is the Price of Survival. Those who are too weak or too sluggish to competently wage that struggle, fall by the wayside and are eliminated in the grim battle for survival. This dictum applies to whole species as well as individuals. Darwin summed it up with the phrase "survival of the fittest". Nature's Laws Immutable. This implacable Law of Nature also applies to the species as well as the individual. Not only is Nature continually upgrading each species by culling out the weak, the sluggish, the misfits, the deformed, but over a longer span of time, Nature culls out whole species that could not meet its test in the competition for survival. The dodo is no longer with us. Neither are many huge species of the dinosaur family who fifty million years ago dominated the landscape in massive numbers. Certain species of the dinosaur family, such as iguanas, however, which have adapted to changed circumstances, environment and competition, still survive to


    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 02:53AM  

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    نصيحة الداعية لسامعي الغناء روعة
    Nov 16th 2013, 08:10

    نصيحة الداعية لسامعي الغناء روعة

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    Nov 16th 2013, 10:47

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    Wat betekent Selefiyah? - Shaykh 'Abdoellah Ibn Mnee'
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:56

    Wat betekent Selefiyah? - Shaykh 'Abdoellah Ibn Mnee'

    Shaykh 'Abdoellah Ibn Mnee' geeft een korte uitleg met betrekking manhadj selefiyyah.

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    Nov 24th 2013, 22:47

    Die Vorzüge des Quran von Bruder Abu Uqbah
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    Salah Is Everything! ᴴᴰ | Inspiring Reminder
    Nov 24th 2013, 21:06

    Salah Is Everything! ᴴᴰ | Inspiring Reminder

    Salah is everything, an inspiring reminder from our brother Omar Esa that talks about the importance of Salah and also a little about brother Omar Esa's pers...
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    Believers Aspire For The Highest ᴴᴰ ┇ Powerful Speech ┇ by Sheikh Zahir Mahmood
    Nov 24th 2013, 17:43

    Believers Aspire For The Highest ᴴᴰ ┇ Powerful Speech ┇ by Sheikh Zahir Mahmood

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    Nov 24th 2013, 19:04

    Surah Qaf 16-35

    Surah Qaf 16-35.

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    Blogtrottr <> Nov 25 02:53AM  

    dschihad - Social Mention
    Nov 24th 2013, 23:56
    An amazing cover of a Hank Williams song recorded at The Sun's bizz sessions. Please rate and enjoy :)
    Israel hält Einigung im Atomstreit mit Iran für einen historischen Fehler.... Oh... Wie schwer fällt es mir, nichts dazu zu sagen....... Meine Zunge blutet schon...
    Nov 24th 2013, 16:19
    SYRIENS GOTTESKRIEGER "Tausende ausländische Dschihadisten haben sich im vergangenen Jahr dem Krieg gegen Assad angeschlossen. Ihr Ziel einer weltumspannenden Umma muslimischer Gläubiger hat wenig mit dem Streben syrischer Aufständischer der ersten Stunde wie Salih zu tun: hier der Kampf gegen die ganze Generationen erdrückende Diktatur, dort eine weitere Station im Heiligen Krieg gegen die Ungläubigen. Eines eint deshalb die syrischen Islamisten und die von der Realität in den belagerten Städten oft abgeschnittenen Exiloppositionellen: ihre Verachtung der ausländischen Gotteskrieger. Zwischen allen Fronten finden sich Einheiten wie die Tawhid-Brigaden wieder. Längst ist es in Aleppo, Deir al Zur und Raqqa zu bewaffneten Zusammenstößen zwischen Einheiten der von Al Qaida geführten islamistischen Internationalen und lokalen islamistischen Einheiten gekommen. Der Krieg im Krieg könnte sich ausweiten, sollten die westlichen Staaten weiter zögern, der FSA-Führung um Idriss Waffen zu verwehren, fürchtet Mouaffaq Nyrabia von der Nationalen Koalition. Eine Unterstützung moderater islamistischer Milizen wie Salihs Tawhid-Brigaden scheint deshalb unumgänglich. Ansonsten könnten die syrischen Al-Qaida-Ableger als Sieger aus dem Kleinkrieg um die befreiten Gebiete hervorgehen. Schon im November 2012 hatte sich Salihs Einheit von der vom Westen als legitime Vertretung des syrischen Volkes anerkannten Nationalen Koalition distanziert und gemeinsam mit anderen islamistischen Milizen den Aufbau eines islamischen Staates in der Provinz Aleppo zum Ziel erklärt. Doch FSA-Generalstabschef Idriss bekniete Salih, dem Obersten Militärrat in Istanbul die Treue zu halten – allem Missmut über ausbleibende Waffenlieferungen und mangelnde Koordination der Exilopposition zum Trotz." KA
    Nov 22nd 2013, 16:52
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