
Hier werden Nachrichten über den Salafismus veröffentlicht.
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Wir wollen in Europa mit allen Menschen friedlich zusammen leben,
egal welche Herkunft, Nationalität und Religion.

::: DOKUS :::
(Achtung: Youtube ist überschwemmt mit Videos, die salafistischen/islamistischen Einfluss besitzen.
Deshalb: Schaut euch die Accounts genau an!)

[DOKU] Wie Salafisten zum Terror verleiten - 2013

Pulverfass Deutschland - Doku über Probleme zwischen Salafisten und Rechtsradikalen

Salafisten, ein finsterer Verein (heute-show)

Deutsche Salafisten drangsalieren weltliche Hilfsorganisationen in Syrien | REPORT MAINZ


Best of 2013 Peter Scholl Latour EZP Salafisten wird durch Saudisches Geld verbreitet!!!

Frauen im Islam

Gülen Bewegung
Gefahr für Deutschland - Gülen Bewegung versucht die Unterwanderung

Islamisten oder Demokraten - Die Islamische Milli Görüs

Die türkischen Graue Wölfe (Rechtsextremismus/Islamismus)

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Donnerstag, 19. Dezember 2013

Your 2 hourly digest for Salafisten & Salafismus in Facebook ; Islam Koran Moschee

Salafisten & Salafismus in Facebook ; Islam Koran Moschee
Hier werden Nachrichten über den radikalen Salafismus veröffentlicht. Was sind Salafisten? (Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr) Diese Seite richtet sich nicht gegen Muslime und den Islam.Diese Seite soll über den Salafismus/Islamismus/Terrorismus informieren. Es ist wichtig über Fanatiker aufzuklären, um den Frieden und die Freiheit zu sichern. Wir wollen in Europa mit allen Menschen friedlich zusammen leben, egal welche Herkunft, Nationalität und Religion. 
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Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 22 Themen
Dec 20th 2013, 03:50, by Nahsaka Lasbhan


    Blogtrottr <> Dec 20 03:42AM  

    Wake Up and Liberate Your Minds Facebook-Pinnwand
    Wake Up and Liberate Your Minds Facebook-Pinnwand
    People say, "Why are you treating the occupiers so brutally; shouldn't you give...
    Dec 20th 2013, 02:54
    People say, "Why are you treating the occupiers so brutally; shouldn't you give them da'wah?" No, he came to our land and so we will treat them brutally. You can only give da'wah to him in his land. If they come with an army, you meet him with equal strength. If there is defensive Jihad in a land, it is more pleasing in the sight of Allah to do Jihad than to do Da'wah.

    As Ibn Taymiyyah said, "Protecting the capital takes precedence over protecting the profit". The capital is the Muslims, and the profit that you can make on that is da'wah. So protecting the capital is much more important than protecting the profit.
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 20 03:42AM  

    Wake Up and Liberate Your Minds Facebook-Pinnwand
    Wake Up and Liberate Your Minds Facebook-Pinnwand
    "Jihad must be part of your life"
    If a Muslim wants to convey the message of Al...
    Dec 20th 2013, 02:54
    "Jihad must be part of your life"

    If a Muslim wants to convey the message of Allah, he needs to practice Jihad. This was the understanding of the Sahaba.

    In offensive Jihad, you do da'wah; this is the purpose. You are expanding Khilafah. In defensive Jihad (Jihad ad Daf'), there is no
    da'wah since you are repelling the enemies from the land.

    Any Muslim who believes in Islam and wants to propagate Islam must believe that Jihad is appropriate in every time and age. It is not that Muslims wants to create chaos all over the world, as if they are trigger happy. No, instead Jihad is appropriate in every age and time when the conditions and prerequisites exist. Every Muslim must have Imaan that Jihad will continue until the Day of Judgment.
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 20 03:24AM  

    dawah news - Social Mention
    Dec 20th 2013, 03:14
    Dec 19th 2013, 12:55
    Fisabilillah In sha Allah - Please Like And Share This Post and Project For Helping The Global Dawah Effort For The Pleasure Of Allah Almighty. The Sublime. Eternal Peace Be Upon You All!! Great News Family!! Iera Have Donated Us 700+ Dawah Gift Boxes Please Visit Our About Page We Are In The Process Of Raising £1000 For Iera. Today I am making an Emergency - Qur'an Funding Appeal - We Have Got 700+ Iera Dawah Gift Boxes Coming Next Week In sha Allah. Iera have given all the leaflets and booklets to go inside their gift boxes. We Now Have To Raise £525 plus £50 Delivery For Buying The Qur'ans To Put Inside The Gift Boxes. These Packs Are Given Away Free To Not Yet Muslims For Them To Be Able To Get A Better Understanding Of The Final Messenger And The Final Message From The Creator Of The Universe And The Lord Of Gabriel. You Can Order One Free In The UK by messaging our facebook pages. Iera Policy Important Notice: Strictly for Close ''Not Yet Muslim'' Friends or Family. Please Help Us By Donating To This Noble Project @ Jazak Allah Khaira Your Brother Kashif. / & Wife's
    Dec 13th 2013, 16:19
    Share the Good!
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 20 03:19AM  

    Abu Waleeds Facebook-Pinnwand
    Abu Waleeds Facebook-Pinnwand
    Dec 20th 2013, 02:29
    A dummies guide to see how Saudi does not judge by the Shariah
    Do the Rulers today judge by the shariah? Member of the united nations since 24-10-1945  Saudi Arabia became a member of the UN on 24 November 1945. 1945 was a conference call
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 20 03:19AM  

    Abu Waleeds Facebook-Pinnwand
    Abu Waleeds Facebook-Pinnwand
    Dec 20th 2013, 02:28
    Madkhalism - A Mental illness
    The Problem with this specific 'Fake Salafis' group, contrary to all those who righteously follow Al-salaf, is not only the wrong  application of an Islamic Principle; it is rather the wrong interpret
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 20 03:19AM  

    Abu Waleeds Facebook-Pinnwand
    Abu Waleeds Facebook-Pinnwand
    Dec 20th 2013, 02:28
    A Sisters Experience with the Mad -Madkhalis
    A must read for all sisters! Written by Umm Hawa, from birmingham. Online source The second thing the admin of this page has asked is for me to shed light on the nikah issue I very briefly touche
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Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 24 Themen
Dec 20th 2013, 03:14, by Nahsaka Lasbhan


    Blogtrottr <> Dec 20 03:09AM  

    Fethullah Guelen - Social Mention
    Mesopotamische EntwicklungsGesellschaft - Mezopotamian Development Society (Registered) THE MOST REQUESTED DAILY & ONLY INDEPENDENT NEWSSERVICE ON KURDISTAN FOR THE HIGHLY INVOLVED PEOPLE MESOP English & German Version - (FOUNDED 1988) / PO Box 5135 - D 61440 OBERURSEL – Germany VISIT & SUBSCRIBE (or unsubscribe) "MESOP NEWSLETTER" ON OUR WEBSITE : Editors Facebook: Hour by hour new News from all parts of Kurdistan - German follows English MESOP MOTTO : „NEVER MAKE A CONCESSION FROM THE TRUTH" MESOP OPINION : Is there a different legal system for the Kurds? By ORHAN KEMAL CENGİZ 17-12-2013 - Mustafa Balbay, an elected deputy for the main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP), was released from prison pending his appeal after the Constitutional Court decided that his continued detention violates the Constitution and his rights under the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). – Read more: INSIDE REPORT : GUELEN CONTRA ERDOGAN – THE FIGHT TO DEATH HAS STARTED The AKP has largely kept quiet. However, the party's Vice Chairman Salih Kapusuz, implicitly targeted the Gulen Movement on Wednesday when he said, "We haven't subjugated to military custody, bureaucratic custody, external forces and gangs and we will not." Turkey: Corruption Crisis — Political Fight to the Death for Erdogan Government? Political tensions have risen sharply in Turkey since Tuesday when police detained at least 52 people, including businessmen and sons of ministers, in a major investigation of corruption. Read Full Story : NORTH KURDISTAN (TURKEY) GUELEN'S RETALIATION AS THE WOLF IN SHEEP CLOTHING (MESOP) Turkish Islamic scholar Gülen rejects any link to graft probe 19 December 2013 /TODAY'S ZAMAN, İSTANBUL - Turkish Islamic scholar Fethullah Gülen has rejected any link to an ongoing corruption probe in which 52 people, including well-known businessmen, the sons of three ministers, and a number of advisors, have been detained as part of a major investigation into alleged bribery linked to public tenders. – Read more: Turkish journalists caught in cross fire of AKP-Gulen conflict / By Amberin Zaman Al Monitor – 19-12-2013 - It's every investigative reporter's dream come true: A corruption scandal involving the sons of key cabinet ministers, the gold-smuggling Iranian husband of a Turkish pop diva and cowboy contractors bribing and bulldozing their way to incalculable wealth. But don't expect much honest reporting on what is poised to be the greatest challenge yet to Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan after a decade of uninterrupted rule. You may not get it. – Read more: Corrupt-son ministers should resign: Demirtas 20-12-2013 – KURDPRESS / MESOP - The co- Leader of Pro- Kurdish Peace and Democracy Party (BDP), Selahattin Demirtas, demanded the resignation of Turkey ministers whose sons have been arrested on corruption charges in recent days, CNNTurk said. – Read more: WEST KURDISTAN (SYRIA) New York Times : SYRIA : Saudi Arabia Will Go It Alone By MOHAMMED BIN NAWAF BIN ABDULAZIZ AL SAUD - December 17, 2013 - London — Saudi Arabia has been friends with our Western partners for decades; for some, like the United Kingdom where I serve as ambassador, for almost a century. These are strategic alliances that benefit us both. Recently, these relationships have been tested — principally because of differences over Iran and Syria. – Read more: Al Nusra : "VICTORY SOON" 20-12-2013 – MESOP - The leader of al Qaeda linked Jabhat al-Nusra, Abu Mohammed al-Joulani, spoke to Al Jazeera in his first televised interview, saying that the Syrian conflict is nearing an end and that his fighters will "achieve victory soon." He additionally ruled out peace talks with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Syrian Kurds are demanding their own delegation, separate from the government and opposition, to a peace conference planned for January 22 in Switzerland. Syria Kurds Aim for Unified Front Ahead of Peace Talks / Bahajat Bashir Arbil (AFP) 19-12-2013 - The two main Syrian Kurdish groups held talks in Iraq on Tuesday, aiming to establish a unified front ahead of a peace conference in Switzerland next month, an official said. – Read more: FOREIGN JIHADISTS IN SYRIA: TRACKING RECRUITMENT NETWORKS PolicyWatch 2186 - December 19, 2013 - By Aaron Y. Zelin Monitoring jihadist social-media networks reveals where fighters are coming from, where in Syria they are fighting, and how best to stem their continued recruitment in countries such as Saudi Arabia, Libya, and Tunisia. – Read more: Assyrian Politician Arrested by Assad Regime / Most likely because ADO part of Syrian coalition? Aymenn J Al-Tamimi @ajaltamimi #Syria: head of political office of Assyrian Democratic Organization arrested by regime forces in Qamishli: … --- 9:06 PM - 19 Dec 2013 TODAY'S MESOP QUOTATION : SO WHY GENEVA II ? Regarding Geneva, the regime's approach to the war suggests that it will not negotiate seriously with the rebels ANALYSIS OF NEAR EAST POLICY FROM THE SCHOLARS & ASSOCIATES OF THE WASHINGTON INSTITUTE THE SYRIAN REGIME'S MILITARY SOLUTION TO THE WAR / PolicyWatch 2185 - December 18, 2013 - By Jeffrey White Victory is not assured for the regime, but trends are moving in its favor. - It has become commonplace to say that "there is no military solution" to the conflict in Syria. – Read all: SALIH MUSLIM IN MOSCOW : A CASE STUDY OF SO CALLED "REVOLUTIONARY NEUTRALITY" Syria Kurds back no side in Syria The Leader of Syria pro- Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD), Salih Muslim, stated his party does not back the government of President Bashar al- Assad nor the opposition side, Hawar news reported. – Read more: 'From hell to jail': Rojava refugees / Kawrgosk Camp By Kamal Chomani: Kurdistan Tribune – 19-12-2013 – A bitterly cold winter menaces some 235,000 Rojava Kurds (Syrian refugees) who sought safety and security in the Kurdistan Region (KR) as violence tore Syria apart. – Read more OBAMA WANT'S TO TALK WITH ISLAMISTS – BUT REFUSED TO SIT & LISTEN Syria Islamists spurn U.S. offer for talks – FULL STORY 19, 2013 – Daily Star Lebanon – BEIRUT - "The Islamic Front has refused to sit down with us, without giving any reason," U.S. Syria envoy Robert Ford told Al-Arabiya television, speaking in Arabic, one day after Secretary of State John Kerry said such talks might take place. - "We are ready to sit with them because …….Read Full Story Night Raids on Kurdistan Mosques to Catch Islamist Recruits for Syria SULAIMANI, Kurdistan Region – 20-12-2013 – RUDAW - Security forces in the Kurdistan Region conducted night raids on several mosques in Sulaimani, confiscating computers and identity papers, in an apparent pre-emptive move against increasing recruitment of Kurdish youth by Islamist groups in Syria. – Read more: THE GERMAN KURDISH CHAPTER FETULLAH GUELEN REVANCHIERT SICH / DOW JONES & WALL STREET MAGAZINE Razzia sorgt für Schockwelle an türkischer Börse 19-12-2013 – MESOP - Die Aktion der Polizei sendete Schockwellen durch das politische Establishment der Türkei und liess die Börse in Istanbul um 2 Prozent einbrechen. -
    Dec 19th 2013, 21:00
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 20 03:03AM  

    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    American senators introduce new Iran sanctions bill

    A number of American senat...
    Dec 20th 2013, 02:25
    American senators introduce new Iran sanctions bill

    A number of American senators have introduced new legislation to impose further sanctions against Iran in order to disrupt the Geneva nuclear agreement.

    In a blatant move to oppose President Barack Obama's request for not imposing fresh sanctions, 13 Democrats and 13 Republicans sponsored the new Senate bill on Thursday.

    Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Sen. Robert Menendez and Sen. Mark Kirk wrote the bill, which proposes boycotting Iranian oil exports within a year and the blacklisting of Iran's mining, engineering and construction industries.

    "A credible threat of future sanctions will require Iran to cooperate and act in good faith at the negotiating table," Sen. Menendez was quoted as saying by the Associated Press.

    Republican Senator Kirk also claimed that the draft law is "an insurance policy to defend against Iranian deception."

    Under the Senate bill, more sanctions will be imposed if Iran breaches the terms of the Geneva deal and it calls for "diplomatic, military and economic support" to Israel in case Tel Aviv decides to launch an attack against Iran's nuclear energy program.

    The new legislation will put the Obama administration in peril because under the November 24 nuclear deal no new economic sanctions should be imposed for the duration of the six-month interim accord.

    Last week, US Secretary of State John Kerry told senators that passing new sanctions legislation now would violate the interim deal with Iran.

    Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif had warned that the agreement will be "dead" if the United States imposes additional sanctions.

    "The entire deal is dead. We do not like to negotiate under duress. And if Congress adopts sanctions, it shows lack of seriousness and lack of a desire to achieve a resolution on the part of the United States," Zarif said.

    Meanwhile, the US announced new sanctions against a number of companies and individuals last week for "providing support for" Iran's nuclear program.

    Iran called December sanctions counterproductive, saying they might undermine the agreement. Tehran said they "violated the spirit of the Geneva deal."
    US senators introduce Iran sanctions bill
    A bipartisan group of US senators have introduced new Iran sanctions legislation.
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 20 03:03AM  

    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand
    3 bomb attacks kill over 35 Shia pilgrims in Iraq

    Three bomb attacks have kill...
    Dec 20th 2013, 02:27
    3 bomb attacks kill over 35 Shia pilgrims in Iraq

    Three bomb attacks have killed more than 35 Shia pilgrims and injured scores of others in areas south of the Iraqi capital Baghdad.

    In the deadliest attack on Thursday, a bomber killed over 20 people and injured 40 others in Dura region.

    At least eight people lost their lives and 32 others sustained injuries as another bomber blew up his explosives in Yusifiyah.

    A third bomber killed at least eight and injured 18 others in Latifiyah.

    Hundreds of thousands of people make pilgrimages to the holy city of Karbala in Iraq during the 40 days after the annual commemoration of the martyrdom of Imam Hussein (PBUH), the grandson of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

    No group has claimed responsibility for the deadly attacks on Shia Muslim pilgrims, but systematic bombings are a favorite tactic of al-Qaeda-linked groups that according to Iraqi officials seek to destabilize the country.

    On December 1, Iraq's ministries of health and defense said that 948 people, including 852 civilians, 53 police officers and 43 soldiers, were killed in violent attacks across the country in November.

    The figures make November one of the deadliest months in 2013, with civilians accounting for about 90 percent of the fatalities.

    The United Nations says at least 8,000 people have lost their lives in Iraq so far this year.
    Three bomb attacks kill 35 in Iraq
    Three bomb attacks kill over 35 Shia pilgrims and injure scores of others near the Iraqi capital Baghdad.
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 20 02:59AM  

    Wake Up Ya Ahlul Sunnahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Wake Up Ya Ahlul Sunnahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    I dont think i know of a cult after the filthy raafidah shia to cause more harm...
    Dec 20th 2013, 02:24
    I dont think i know of a cult after the filthy raafidah shia to cause more harm for the muslims like the madkhali/talafi cult those who claim that the only legitimate jihad is in Dammaj with the houthis without having any concern for the muslims elsewhere in the world and for there going into the extreme when it comes to defending and loving the apostate regimes/rulers
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 20 02:52AM  

    Wir Lieben Allahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Wir Lieben Allahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Dec 20th 2013, 02:31
    Islam bedeutet: Allah ähnelt nicht seine Geschöpfe! weil er nur allein seine wahre existenz kennt, und im Koran gibt es mehrdeutige verse die man nicht wortwörtlich verstehen muss ( Hand - Thron - Ort ) dIE WAHHABITEN glauben aber dass sie die wahre existenz Allahs kennen und nehmen solche verse wortwörtlich! woher wissen sie das wenn sie Allah nicht gesehen haben! Nur er ALLEIN weisst es! Wacht auf muslime! oder wollt ihr in der Hölle brennen!?
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 19 05:00PM  

    ‎ثورة شباب تحرير سوريا‎s Facebook-Pinnwand
    ‎ثورة شباب تحرير سوريا‎s Facebook-Pinnwand
    كل عملاء الغرب في المنطقة يلتزمون الهدوء إزاء ما يجري في الشام و يبدوا عليهم الت...
    Dec 19th 2013, 16:48
    ‫كل عملاء الغرب في المنطقة يلتزمون الهدوء إزاء ما يجري في الشام و يبدوا عليهم التوتر مع انهم يشاركون جميعا في قمع ثورة الشام و ذلك خوفا من انفجار قوة مركزية تحمل طاقة فكرية إشعاعية تصل آثارها جميع الدول العميلة حولها ، لتدمر هذه الإشعاعات عروش الأنظمة المحيطة لتنطلق الى غيرها !!! ( و الله غالب على أمره و لكن أكثر الناس لا يعلمون

    ‬ثورة شباب تحرير سوريا‫
    الواثق بنصر الله‬
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 19 05:00PM  

    ‎ثورة شباب تحرير سوريا‎s Facebook-Pinnwand
    ‎ثورة شباب تحرير سوريا‎s Facebook-Pinnwand
    الإسرائيليون يتزلجون على مرتفعات #الجولان والأسد يقصف شعبه
    ثورة شباب تحرير س...
    Dec 19th 2013, 16:50
    ‫الإسرائيليون يتزلجون على مرتفعات #الجولان والأسد يقصف شعبه

    ‬ثورة شباب تحرير سوريا‫
    الواثق بنصر الله‬
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 19 05:00PM  

    ‎ثورة شباب تحرير سوريا‎s Facebook-Pinnwand
    ‎ثورة شباب تحرير سوريا‎s Facebook-Pinnwand
    مميز جداً: الإصدار المرئي الرائع من أجمل اللقطات في معركة فك الحصار عن #الغوطة ا...
    Dec 19th 2013, 16:56
    ‫مميز جداً: الإصدار المرئي الرائع من أجمل اللقطات في معركة فك الحصار عن #الغوطة الشرقية (معركة الله أعلى وأجل)

    ثورة شباب تحرير سوريا‫
    الواثق بنصر الله‬
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 19 05:00PM  

    ‎ثورة شباب تحرير سوريا‎s Facebook-Pinnwand
    ‎ثورة شباب تحرير سوريا‎s Facebook-Pinnwand
    كُل من يسعى إلى حكمٍ في الشام , نقول له ..
    الأرض في المراحل القادمة ..
    فقط ل...
    Dec 19th 2013, 16:45
    ‫كُل من يسعى إلى حكمٍ في الشام , نقول له ..
    الأرض في المراحل القادمة ..
    فقط للمجاهدين المخلصين "بأنواع الجهاد" ..
    فإن لم تكن من أهل الجهاد
    و حُبّ العمل لوجه الله و الإستشهاد ,
    فلا تحلمنّ بـ حكمٍ في الشّام !
    و أهل الشام كما حكى لنا التاريخ القديم ..
    لا يروق لهم إلا العدُول !
    و يبغضون الإعوجاج و التطرف و الغُلوّ !
    فإن لم تكن عدْلاً مستقيم المنهج على هدي
    خير الأنام محمّد صلوات الله عليه و أزكى السلام ,
    فـ مصيركَ من بعد ذلك التمحيص أن تلفظكَ الشّام !
    و ليعلم العالم .. أن مصير الدّنيا آخر الزمان كما
    حدّثتنا أحاديثه صلوات الله عليه .. إلى الشام !
    فما ضرّها كلّ من تآمر عليها اليوم أو عنها تخاذل ..
    إنما سيكون الخسران و الندم لأهل التآمر و الخذلان ..
    فلترجعنّ معقلاً لأهل الإيمان , و ليكوننّ
    لها شأنها العظيم قريبًا ! و الله أعلم .
    ابو مصعب‬
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 19 05:00PM  

    ‎ثورة شباب تحرير سوريا‎s Facebook-Pinnwand
    ‎ثورة شباب تحرير سوريا‎s Facebook-Pinnwand
    #ديرالزور : انفجار...
    Dec 19th 2013, 16:53

    #ديرالزور : انفجار ضخم جداً يستهدف مبنى أمن الدولة و نفوق العشرات من عناصر الأمن و الشبيحة ... الله أكبر ولله الحمد

    الواثق بنصر الله‬
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 19 05:00PM  

    ‎ثورة شباب تحرير سوريا‎s Facebook-Pinnwand
    ‎ثورة شباب تحرير سوريا‎s Facebook-Pinnwand
    الخبر :: اتفاق اسرائيلي تركي بعودة تسيير رحلات الطيران
    اهلا اردوغان .............
    Dec 19th 2013, 16:51
    ‫الخبر :: اتفاق اسرائيلي تركي بعودة تسيير رحلات الطيران

    اهلا اردوغان .................. تدرج الى الهاوية طبعا اصحاب فكرة التدرج سيبررون ويبررون حتى لو ان اردوغان حالف الشيطان , رغم علمنا ان الشيطان يتعلم من هؤلاء حملة فكرة تضييع الاسلام بطرح الاسلام المهجن

    الواثق بنصر الله‬
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 19 05:00PM  

    ‎ثورة شباب تحرير سوريا‎s Facebook-Pinnwand
    ‎ثورة شباب تحرير سوريا‎s Facebook-Pinnwand
    دمشق ترد على موسكو: لا أحد يمكنه منع الأسد من الترشح
    عن ماذا يتحدث هؤلاء سنبقى...
    Dec 19th 2013, 16:58
    ‫دمشق ترد على موسكو: لا أحد يمكنه منع الأسد من الترشح

    عن ماذا يتحدث هؤلاء سنبقى هنا و يفنى الاسد قريبا بأذن الله

    الواثق بنصر الله‬
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 19 05:00PM  

    ‎ثورة شباب تحرير سوريا‎s Facebook-Pinnwand
    ‎ثورة شباب تحرير سوريا‎s Facebook-Pinnwand
    #حمص #الوعر المحاصرة
    استهداف الحي من قبل شبيحة الاسد بقذائف الدبابات والمدفعية و...
    Dec 19th 2013, 16:59
    ‫#حمص #الوعر المحاصرة
    استهداف الحي من قبل شبيحة الاسد بقذائف الدبابات والمدفعية والهاون واصوات أنفجارات قوية تهز الحـــي
    اللهم سلم

    الواثق بنصر الله‬
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 19 04:59PM  

    Islam Die Wahre Religions Facebook-Pinnwand
    Islam Die Wahre Religions Facebook-Pinnwand
    →Überheblichkeit gegenüber Menschen:
    Diese Art der Überheblichkeit ist die Mens...
    Dec 19th 2013, 16:34
    →Überheblichkeit gegenüber Menschen:

    Diese Art der Überheblichkeit ist die Menschen zu verachten und auf sie herabzusehen. Diese Haltung entsteht, wenn eine Person sich selbst bewundert, viel von sich hält und denkt, dass sie besser als andere sei. Dies veranlasst sie, kibr gegenüber der Schöpfung zu haben, sie zu verachten, sie zu verspotten und sie sowohl durch Worte als auch durch Taten zu erniedrigen.

    Der Gesandte Allahs (sallAllahu 'alayhi wa salam) sagte:
    „Es ist genug Übel für eine Person, seinen Bruder im Islam zu verachten."
    [Berichtet von Muslim (2564)]

    Das ist der Grund, warum der Mann fragte:
    „Und was ist mit dem Mann, der gerne schöne Kleidung und schöne Schuhe trägt?"
    Denn er fürchtete, dass dies der kibr war, der unter die Drohung der Strafe fallen würde.

    So erklärte ihm der Prophet (sallAllahu 'alayhi wa salam), dass dies nicht von kibr ist; da diese Person sich nach der Wahrheit richtet und sich den Menschen gegenüber bescheiden zeigt und dass dies von der Schönheit ist, die Allah liebt, denn Allah der Erhabene ist gewiss schön in Seinem Dhaat (Wesen), Sifaat (Eigenschaften) und Af'aal (Taten), und Er liebt sowohl die innere als auch die äußere Schönheit.

    In Bezug auf die äußere Schönheit:
    Es beinhaltet die Reinlichkeit des Körpers, der Kleidung und des Ortes.

    In Bezug auf die innere Schönheit:
    Es beinhaltet die Verschönerung des Charakters.

    Das ist der Grund, warum der Prophet (sallAllahu 'alayhi wa salam) als Bittgebet zu sagen pflegte:

    „Oh Allah!
    Leite mich dazu, schönes Benehmen und Eigenschaften zu haben, niemand kann mich dazu leiten, sie zu verschönern, außer Du.
    Und halte mich von den üblen Taten und Eigenschaften fern, niemand kann mich von ihnen fernhalten, außer Du."

    [Berichtet von Ein-Nasa'i (861).

    Er wurde von Al-Albani in seinem Sifatus-Salah
    (S. 93) für Sahih erklärt]

    [Entnommen aus Bahjatul-Quluubul-Abraar (S. 156-158) von Schaikh 'Abdur-Rahmaan Ibn Naasir As-Sa'dee]
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 19 04:14PM  

    Understand IslaMs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Understand IslaMs Facebook-Pinnwand
    5. There is only one Surah in the Quran that does not have Bismillah wriiten at...
    Dec 19th 2013, 15:23
    5. There is only one Surah in the Quran that does not have Bismillah wriiten at the beginning of it. Which Surah is it?
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